Kurt's Klub

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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One of two stories written in the hour's stream that Zsisron bought for today. The other will be uploaded momentarily.

Art by FA: bgn

Kurt's Klub By Draconicon

The locker room for the Grand Gator Gym was a small one, but that was all the better for Kurt. His nose picked up the smells of the various males that used it over the week, and he could almost taste the testosterone in the room. It sent a little chill down his spine, and he grinned to himself as he stripped out of his shorts, throwing them to the tiled floor below.

Though the lights in the room were bright, the mini-windows that normally let in outside light were dark. The hour was late, and the gym was near closing. It was a bit of a pity for him - considering all the good looking males that used the gym - but it wasn't a bad thing. It meant he could relax a little bit more, and that was all he needed to enjoy himself.

Kurt looked at one of the mirrors along the wall. Some of the fatties disliked the mirrors, considering their body image problems, but he loved them. He took great delight in posing in front of them in his jockstrap, flexing his arms and stretching the corded muscles along his limbs and chest, and tonight was no exception. Ripping his shirt off, the gator put one foot on the bench between the rows of lockers and threw his arms over his head, squeezing them together until his biceps popped out in stark relief.

"Man, I'm just getting better and better."

He turned ninety degrees to the left, and then to the right. His scales were wet from the solid workout, but that just made his muscles stand out all the better. A wide grin spread across his face as he held one arm up and the other down, watching his pecs dance from the motions.

Perhaps he was a little narcissistic, but it also got another reaction. The gator hadn't been posing long before he felt another reaction stirring, a bulge forming in his jock. Looking down, he smirked as he watched the front of it rising up, stretching the cloth as it lifted higher. He grabbed it, cupping his cock through the cotton and chuckled as he fondled himself.

It didn't take much encouragement for his cock to reach full mast. Kurt tugged the front of his jock down, running a finger along his cock before lifting it to his face. A single sniff sent a buzz through his head, and he leaned his snout back before it could get too strong.

"Whew, talk about a workout," he said as he tugged it down. "Bet one of those pervs from last week would have loved having this in their face, though."

The gym was usually a pretty good place, but every now and then they gained some new members that were less...focused. It was accepted that the guys with the best bodies would be getting a lot of attention from 'admirers', and most of them enjoyed that. But when they started stealing underthings from the musclemen, well, that was crossing a line, and Kurt had helped the gym staff deal with that.

Still, he wouldn't have minded having one of those sluts around now. Shove that jockstrap in their face, and he'd have a nice little fuck-toy to work with. Considering how hard he was, he would have liked that right now.

He turned his head as he heard a small click. The gym had been quiet so far, and he had thought that the place was abandoned. The gator walked out of his aisle, looking down the hallway towards the mini-saunas that the manager had put in last year.

Stepping out of one of them was a big lion. His mane and some of his chest hair were a bright red, and most of his body was covered in sweat and steam. He was naked as the day he was born, too, giving Kurt a perfect look at that dick of his. It had to be a good six inches long as it swayed between his legs, and the gator licked his lips at the sight of the dangling foreskin over the tip.

It got even better when the feline turned around. The tufted tail lifted up as he bent over, and he stared at the hard, golden ass cheeks facing him. They were so well muscled that they pulled apart naturally, and the pucker between looked almost untouched. Kurt hissed at the sight, his cock throbbing.

"Oh, you big pussy. You're mine."


The lion turned, and Kurt leaned against the lockers, holding his jockstrap behind his back. The lion blinked at him before looking down. Rather than blushing or looking bothered by the gator's erection, he chuckled.

"Little too much exercise, eh?"

"Something like that."

The lion's scottish accent was surprisingly deep, though clearer than some Scots he'd heard. As the feline turned around, Kurt walked towards him.

"So, what's your name?"

"Kenneth. You talk to everyone with your dong out?"

"It's the locker rooms, nothing you haven't seen."

"Eh, true, true."

Kenneth bent over again, and the lion's ass was so tempting that Kurt couldn't resist giving himself a stroke as he got closer. By now, his cock was so hard that the gator knew that it wasn't going down without a bit of help. And with the sexy guy so close, well, he didn't think he needed to look any further for help.

Just as the lion stood up, Kurt brought his arm around, holding the crotch of his jockstrap right against the feline's nose. A dog would have gone down instantly, but the lion surprised him as he squirmed. Grunting, he swung his other arm around the struggling predator, holding him still. His hand gripped the lion's muzzle, holding it closed and forcing him to breathe through his nose.

It didn't take long for the musky smell to penetrate the lion's mind. Slowly the feline's struggles got weaker, the arms flailing less and the legs barely stomping. Within a minute, Kurt was more holding his prey up rather than keeping him from getting away.

"That's it. Just keep breathing it in, big guy."


"Couldn't catch that, what?"


"Eh, can't be that important. Keep breathing."

The lion didn't have much choice, and the more he breathed from the gator's jockstrap, the more he relaxed. Kurt wasn't surprised; the scent was damn potent, and he knew how quickly it could knock someone out. One time he threw a jock he'd worn for a day and a half at a doberman, and the dog passed out instantly. The guy'd been the laughingstock of the gym for a week afterwards, though that was mostly because his cock went up as fast as he'd gone down.

Kenneth wasn't doing any better. A quick peek over his shoulder showed his cock rising up, and Kurt licked his lips at the sight. The lion wasn't much of a grower, but considering how damn big he was already, he had a lot to work with. The foreskin at the tip pulled back slightly as it lifted up, but the head remained almost fully covered, and the lion had a nice musk of his own. Kurt got a couple of sniffs of it before he pulled back, and he felt his cock throbbing from the simple scent.

Still, even though he was waiting for the lion to go down didn't mean that he couldn't enjoy himself. He grabbed the big guy's hips with one hand, pulling him back and sliding his cock between those fuzzy ass cheeks. They were warm and wet, just slick enough for him to grind back and forth. He grinned as he slid his cock up and down, only just resisting the temptation to give the lion a spank.

"Heh, you're a fucking musk lover, ain't you?"


"Yeah, don't bother. I can tell. You've got a hard-on bigger than half the guys in the gym just from smelling my jock. Bet you 'borrow' some of the other guys and sniff 'em, don't ya?"

The lion didn't answer, but his cock throbbed enough for Kurt to guess. Chuckling, he pressed his cock down a bit further, nudging it against the scot's ass. It twitched against him, just as tight as it looked, and he smirked.

"Musk slut, and ain't even had a real cock yet, huh? Why you holding back, Ken? Mind if I call you Ken?"


"Didn't think so. Bet you think about it all the time, though. Tell me, you think about all those cocks in the jocks and boxers you spend all night huffing?"


"Oh come on, we're both alone here." Kurt reached around, grabbing the lion's cock. "Feel that, big guy? You're fucking hard. I'm really fucking hard. We're both guys here, be honest with me."


He chuckled again. Not only admitting it, but sure as hell getting harder from it. What a fucking slut, he thought to himself. Stroking the lion's erection a few more times, pulling the foreskin down and then back up, Kurt resisted the urge to take the lion any further.

Of course, when he pulled his hand back, Kenneth bucked forward a few times, hoping for more. It was almost ridiculous looking, and would have been if it wasn't so sexy when the lion pushed back. He was so eager that he almost impaled himself on gator dick. As much fun as that would have been, it would have ended the game damn quick, so Kurt leaned his hips back.

By now the lion was barely standing, his tail limp at his side and his face almost blissed out. His mouth hung open and his eyes were glazed over. All in all, he looked just like the last guy that got a good whiff of the gator's jock.

Kurt chuckled, looking the lion over again. He could be a pretty good candidate for the Klub, a group of guys that Kurt gathered during his time at the gym. Most of 'em were pretty muscular, but the lion put most of them to shame. Plus there was just something about that red mane and the accent he had that made him all the better as a prize.

"Hey, musk lover."


"You love my jock, right?"


"Why don't you turn around and get it from the source?"


"Oh don't be like that." Kurt wiped the jockstrap over the lion's face, dragging it over his nose and over his lips. New shudders went through his whole body, and the lion's cock bounced eagerly. "You know you want it. Just get down on your knees and take it."

Moving almost like a zombie, the lion slipped down to his knees. Sitting on his ankles, he looked up in the air as the gator walked around him, staring blankly past the jockstrap hanging over his muzzle. Every breath the feline took sent another twitch through his cock, and a slow flow of pre slid past his foreskin, drizzling down his shaft and running over his balls.

It was delicious. Kurt licked his lips as he pulled the jockstrap back from the new Klubber's mouth, tapping his cock against his face in its place.

"Go on, get what you want."

Either the lion really was a natural musk lover, or something about the stench had changed his mind. Either way, he leaned forward and swallowed the gator's cock with a deep moan. Bobbing along the tip with seemingly practiced ease, the feline pushed himself deeper and deeper. His eyes got more glazed by the second, and the more unfocused they got, the more eager Kenneth got.

Kurt loved it, leaning back against the wall as his cock was devoured. He leaned his head back, putting his hands behind his head as a rough tongue licked over his cock head and a tight throat swallowed his pre.

"Mmm, gonna keep you, Scotty."


"Whatever. Keep sucking."

The lion didn't need to be told twice, it seemed, sucking like a pro as he went up and down the gator's cock. His mouth was hot and his tongue was quick, and soon Kurt felt his climax rising. He grabbed the lion by the mane, shoving him down to the base of his cock with a growl.

"Welcome to the Klub."

He clenched his jaw as he came, his balls emptying themselves down the lion's throat. He pulled back slowly, letting each shot paint a bit more of the lion's throat, then his mouth, before letting the last shot erupt over that golden face. White lines dripped down his cheeks and into his mane, and Kurt smirked as it kept dripping down to the Scotsman's chest.

Using the jockstrap to wipe it up, he threw the wet piece of clothing back onto Kenneth's nose. The lion moaned to himself as Kurt walked back to his locker.

"Heh, glad you like the musk, pussy. You'll get a lot of it this week."

After getting dressed, the gator walked out of the locker room, leaving the lion to wake up in his own sweet time. Going commando felt pretty damn good after getting sucked off, he thought. He'd have to do it a bit more often.

"Better remember to get a new jockstrap, too," he said as he left the gym.

The End