Rudolph's eight horny nights Chapter 1

Story by bhall700 on SoFurry

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Under no circumstances should you perform what you are about to read in this story. The characters in this story are immortal and can't die.

Rudolph's eight crazy nights chapter 1

"*Giggle* Stoppit Dasher" said Rudolph joyfully as he was led through the halls of the mansion on a leash.

"Shaddup bitch! I won you for the night and you're going to do exactly as I say or so help me I'll bring out the whip!"

"Ohhhh noosss, not the whip anything but that" Rudolph lisped happily. Rudolph was a young buck who only days ago had made the historic flight that saved Christmas. In gratitude Santa blessed Rudolph with the gift of the anthro and the young Buck was thoroughly enjoying exploring his new trim body. Rudolph stood six feet tall, was sexily thin with small well toned muscles, his rack was small and smooth, and his fur was a light chocolate turning to a tan cream around his chest, stomach and groin, while his back still carried the white spots typical of fawns. But what made Rudolph most attractive to the other reindeer was his particular fetish for rough sex, leather and his eagerness to try new things. Rudolph made a very willing slave and tonight was Rudolph's eighteenth birthday and the other anthro deer wanted to make this a night that he would remember for the rest of time.

Each of the eight older reindeer specialized in a certain aspect of sex, and all of them wanted a night with Rudolph. The eight reindeer had taken to arguing amongst themselves over who would have the first go at the virgin deer, until finally Santa, who was tired of their constant bickering, proposed that they decide through a friendly card game of Texas hold em.

The eight not so tiny reindeer gathered together around a round poker table with Rudolph bound and gagged in the middle to decide who would have the first night with the barely legal buck. There was Dasher who was a master at breath play, there was Dancer a master at erotic dances and sexual positions, there was Vixen who despite the name was actually a buck; Vixen specialized in oral sex, there was Cupid who specialized in role play, Comet specialized in anal sex and was famous for his patented pile driver maneuver, Donder was a master at the romantic art of lovemaking and Blitzen who was a master at the sexual art of bondage.

Soon the game was under way and Rudolph squirmed and moaned with happiness as he thought about the things that each reindeer would do to him over the following eight nights. The game took hours but to poor Rudolph every second felt like an eternity as his erect cock dribbled huge droplets of pre unto the green table. The smell of the young buck's arousal brought the other deer to arousal as well, many of them reaching a hoofed paw down to stroke their raging hard on's , each thankful that they were not wearing clothing for the room soon grew hot from the heat emanating off the nine horny deer. Rudolph wished that he understood how the game worked for he was sure that if he did then he might have some inkling as to who was winning, but the only buck that he could see while tied down to the table was Cupid, and his face betrayed no emotion. Though Rudolph could have sworn that he had winked at the bounded buck. Rudolph tried to picture himself through Cupid's eyes; a young bound buck tied, gagged and helpless in the middle of the table; the winnings for tonight. This thought alone made Rudolph's cock jump up and shoot three small drops of pre cum into the air that landed in Rudolph open eager young mouth. At this point all of the other deer lost it and jumped up onto the table bent on using Rudolph' s body to finish themselves off. Rudolph cried out with glee.

With a crack of thunder Santa stormed into the room bellowing orders. The Reindeer who were just about to grab Rudolph got off of the table and continued playing while Santa fumed and began scolding each of the eight older reindeer; "Have you no shame, you have to wait until midnight before he turns eighteen then you can have him, but until then he is off limits!" Rudolph zoned out in an attempt to spare himself from the ache in his groin, remembering how he had first found out he was gay and his first attempts to lose his virginity. He would have lost it years ago if it wasn't for that damned chastity spell that Santa put on all the deer that would only be broken the moment that the deer turned eighteen. But here in this room spells had no effect and the knowledge that he had come so close to losing his virginity only to have that chance taken away was madding.

Suddenly a bell chimed in the distance announcing that midnight had finally come. Rudolph's cry of exultation mingled with the cries of the other young buck's and doe's across the North Pole as the chimes that signaled their eighteenth birthdays lifted the spells of chastity that were laid upon them when they were born. Soon all the young buck's and doe's would gather together outside in an immense orgy, all of them eager to lose their virginity. As luck would have it, the card game ended with Dasher declared the winner. The other reindeer left in disgust, each of them having had special plans for the young buck the revolved around this particular night. But they would be back tomorrow night to compete with each other for the second night with the eager young buck; and it will continue until each of the eight reindeer has hard a turn with young Rudolph.

Santa untied and ungagged Rudolph before putting a green and red bell studded collar and leash on the young buck and giving him to Dasher. As Dasher with triumph on his face began to lead Rudolph away Santa stopped him briefly enough to tie a bow of mistletoe on Rudolph's tail. "You will be the one to take his virginity, so make sure that you treasure it while it lasts, and only untie the mistletoe when you intend to unwrap his gift to you" Santa said with a wink.

"I promise!" Dasher said. Rudolph giggled happily and wiggled his tail around to test the weight of the mistletoe before allowing Dasher to lead him down the hall.

Cries of pleasure from all the good little birthday buck's and doe's could be heard from outside as Dasher led Rudolph to his personal rooms. Dasher's personal rooms were lightly furnished except for his bedroom which at all sorts of gear from his sexual art of breath play. Rudolph looked at all the nooses, latex muzzles and plastic bags that adorned the ceiling and walls and felt a shiver of anticipation go up his spine. Rudolph, like all of the Reindeer living in the North Pole was immortal and did not need to fear death but Rudolph was still a little afraid. But he was far more sexually aroused than he was afraid.

Dasher removed the collar and told Rudolph to sit on the wooden chair in the center of the room. Rudolph eagerly obeyed and was rewarded when Dasher tied his feet to the chairs legs and his hands to the back of the chair. It was only then that Rudolph noticed that the chair was bolted to the floor. "*giggle* What are you going to do to me?" Rudolph asked in a seductive voice.

Dasher just smiled and walked over to the wall and retrieved three things: a plastic bag, box and a black rubber collar. Dasher walked in front of Rudolph "Are you ready?" Dasher asked with a soft firm voice.

Rudolph let out a girlish giggle "yes" he said quietly.

Dasher reached into the box and pulled out several corks which he impaled on the sharp points of Rudolph's antlers. Rudolph gave him a questioning look.

"There to keep your antlers from puncturing the bag" Dasher stated

"Oh, okay" said Rudolph.

Dasher then got down on his knees and brushed his muzzle against Rudolph's throbbing buckhood, letting his tongue slide out to give a slow long lick across the sensitive organ before puckering his lips and slowly lowering his head allowing Rudolph's penis to penetrate into his mouth where his tongue licked and massaged the underside of Rudolph's grateful member.

Rudolph gasped and arched his back as this new a pleasurable feeling flowed across his young virgin body. He was moments away from blowing his load and releasing hours of bent of sexual energy when suddenly the attention to his member stopped. Rudolph gave Dasher a pleading look.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities later in the night, but right now I want to show you why they call me the breath taker". Dasher leaned down and picked up the plastic bag and the rubber collar. "Are you sure that you are ready for this?" Dasher asked his eyes alight with lust.

"Does is hurt?" asked Rudolph slightly scared.

"No, not at all" Dasher replied

"Okay then I'm ready" Rudolph said happily, his short deer tail wagging from side to side causing the mistletoe to dance about as if it shared his excitement.

Dasher smiled then began to slowly place the bag over Rudolph's head. Dasher looked through the clear plastic and noted with some amusement that the young buck was smiling. "Take a deeeep breath fawn boi it's going to be a while before I let you breathe again." Rudolph did as he was told and took a deep breath. "That is if I let you breathe again".

"What!?!" Rudolph exclaimed. Foolishly expelling most of his air just as Dasher finished putting on the plastic bag and slipped the rubber collar over Rudolph's head and fastening it around the base of the bag, cutting off Rudolph's air supply.

Of course Dasher would let Rudolph breathe again, but since all of the North Pole deer were immortal he wasn't going to be in any hurry to let the young reindeer breathe. But when frightened enough even the deer will forget that they are immortal and will put up a nice struggle. This was something that Dasher enjoyed, as he watched the young buck struggle against his bonds and try to hold on to the little amount of air that his lungs had. It didn't take long for Rudolph the quickly exhale in a last ditch attempt to dislodge the bag. But the bag didn't budge and his effort was in vain. Rudolph quickly inhaled but all that he got was plastic. Rudolph bit down on the bag trying to tear a hole in it, but his efforts were futile and the young buck resigned himself to his fate. He sat there, the plastic coating the inside of his mouth while the rest of the bag stuck to his fur and quickly began to fog up. Tears beginning to form in his eyes as he mouthed the words "".

"I'm sorry little fawn, but air is for adults" Dasher said happily as he masturbated himself to the suffocating bucks struggles.

Rudolph gave Dasher a final pleading look, but when Rudolph's plea was ignored Rudolph accepted his fate and laid back and enjoyed the airlessness. Pre cum shooting from his dick as a strange pleasure began to take hold of his body.

Dasher watched as a smile crossed Rudolph's face and the young buck's balls drew up close to his body. A moment later Rudolph blew his load and slumped down in the chair unconscious, sweating and his chest heaving. Dasher watched as the young bucks chest heaved a few more times before going still. Dasher then walked up to Rudolph and reached a finger down to feel his pulse. Dasher felt Rudolph's heart beat erratically before it went still. Dasher then backed up and with a few more strokes, blew his load all over Rudolph's bagged face, chest stomach and groin before the flow ended. Rudolph was fine; being immortal he and all of the other deer's could experience things like this without truly dying. All that Dasher had to do was remove the plastic bag from his head and Rudolph would instantly revive. But Dasher let Rudolph be while he got a snack, got cleaned up and prepared everything for a second round with Rudolph.

Dasher returned three hours later, and, taking a moment to admire the bagged buck, removed the bag from Rudolph's head. Rudolph gasped and coughed as air flooded his lungs. He looked up at Dasher between coughing fits and tried to say something. "What is it?" Dasher asked.

"That...*cough*...was incredible! My only regret is that I forgot that I wasn't in real danger. Sorry about that." Said Rudolph.

"Ohh, no, it's okay. In fact it's hotter when one thinks that they are in danger. It adds to the intimacy." Said Dasher.

"So, are you up for round two?" Dasher asked"

"Hell, yeah!" happily exclaimed Rudolph.

"Glad to hear it" Dasher said.

And with that he fastened the latex muzzle to Rudolph's face and the suffocation began once more.


Donder looked up at the mansion deep in thought, his eyes focused on Dasher's windows, occasionally seeing a figure silhouetted against the lights within. "What's wrong Donder? You're not sore about losing are you?"

Donder turned his head to find the source of interruption. "Comet, I might have known it was you. So, how many bucks did you pile drive already?

"Forty two" Comet said simply.

"Forty two!?! That's impossible, no one has that much stamina! Donder exclaimed.

Comet tilted his head towards the immense orgy going on in the streets outside of the mansion. Sure enough there were forty two bucks lying in the streets moaning in pleasure bearing the distinctive symptoms of being pile drived by Comet; their assess in the air and their sphincters wide open leaking huge amounts of cum.

"I'm just warming up for my night with Rudolph, I'm going to fuck him so hard he'll scream for more and call me master! So what are you going to do with Rudolph when you get him?" Comet exclaimed with excitement.

"You'll just have to wait and see" Donder said angrily.

"Hey, don't bite my head off!" Comet said and began to walk away towards the orgy in the streets, a small crowd of bucks and doe's breaking off from the orgy to gather around Comet hoping to experience his famous pile driver maneuver. Donder watched as Comet dismissed the disappointed doe's and moved in on the horny young bucks. Donder looked back up at Dasher's window.

"Out of all of the deer here at the North Pole Rudolph was the only one to have earned the right to become an anthro, all of the other eight had been chosen by fate. But perhaps that nose of his should have been a tip off that he was destined for great things. If I had known about that nose of his I would have gotten with him before he became an anthro. But alas, the one whose heart I wish for is in the arms of that brute Dasher. You'll be mine soon my love, and then we shall be together forever." And with that Donder wandered towards the reindeer stables with the intent of meeting Rudolph's parents.


Rudolph's feet kicked at the empty air beneath him as Dasher pawed off below. Rudolph enjoyed the sensation of the noose around his neck and the unique pleasure that asphyxiation brought. His balls pulled up against his body as he spewed his cum all over Dasher below who also came with a loud yell. Dasher watched in contentment as the younger buck blacked out and asphyxiated in the noose's powerful embrace. The gentle swaying of Rudolph's body lulling Dasher into sleep. When he woke up his clock read five thirty. Dasher got up and cut Rudolph down allowing the buck to breathe and recover his strength before pulling him unto the bed and slowly untying the mistletoe around his tail, savoring the moment as Rudolph's time as a virgin slowly ticked away. Dasher reached towards the counter, took out a condom, and stretched it over Rudolph's head. With the condom secure Dasher prepared to shove his erect deer meat into Rudolph's virgin tail hole. As his tip touched Rudolph's waiting sphincter the condom over Rudolph's head inflated like a balloon as the buck exhaled all his air in his excitement.

Dasher slowly removed the condom and kissed Rudolph passionately. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean you can only be a virgin once in your life." And with that Rudolph threw his entire body upon Dasher's cock Rudolph cried out in pleasure as his but cherry was popped.

"Oh, Rudolph, I love you!"

"And I love you Dasher!"

Dasher slowly pulled his hot deer meat out before pushing it back in; fully enjoying the feel of Rudolph's virgin ass. Rudolph grunted as he clenched his ass muscles around Dasher's hot deer cock, enjoying how it felt to be penetrated by the long thick member and never wanting this feeling to end. Every time Dasher pushed in Rudolph would push back impaling himself further on Dasher's member. It was even better than Rudolph had hoped it would be, as Dasher's balls slapped against Rudolph' again and again and again.

"Oh, Rudolph! This feels so good!"

"Fuck me Dasher! Please I really need it! *bleat!!!!*

Rudolph came hard unto the bed sheets his ass clenching hard on Dasher prick like a clamp. Dasher grunted and thrust forward with all his might bugling as he came into Rudolph's bowls. The two collapsed onto the bed exhausted and spent, both of them falling asleep in each other's arms within seconds.

Tomorrow night Rudolph will be won by another one of the eight Reindeer for a night, but until then Rudolph was content to sleep in Dasher's arms until the next card game would determine his fate.

Kaa on the Hunt

And now for the annoying warning message. The characters that lie within this story are not mine and are copyright of Disney and Kipling. This story is for adult entertainment purposes only. If you aren't 18 then this is illegal for you to even look...

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The Harem part 2

My life is a little hectic right now, so my writing style suffered a little bit in this story, but my writing will be much better in part 3 so please bear with me. Also if there is anything that you want to see these characters do please leave me...

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The Harem part 1

And now for the annoying warning message. The characters that lie within this story are not mine and are copyright of Disney. This story is for adult entertainment purposes only. If you aren't 18 then this is illegal for you to even look at, if not...

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