Chapter 10: Celestia's Gift

Story by Softpony on SoFurry

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#10 of Teaching Blueblood

Celestia rewards Blueblood for his good behavior. Cashmere helps a little.

Blueblood spent most of the next morning in the library. He struggled at first to find what he was looking for, and then struggled even more to make sense of it. The article that Celestia wanted him to read was on "advanced mystical metadynamics", whatever that meant. He was sure that some of those words had been made up on the spot by an author that didn't want to admit how little he or she knew about the subject.

It wasn't long before he realized that he was in over his head. His own studies in magic were put to shame, and he found himself struggling to understand even the basic concepts of the paper. This wasn't even Twilight Sparkle's work: it was a _review_of her work, supposedly simplifying the concepts to something most ponies would be able to understand.

"This is what madness feels like," Blueblood thought as he flipped through several pages of scientific gibberish. "Nothing makes sense, but everyone else apparently understands what is going on."

Metadynamics was the abstract concept to end all abstract concepts. As near as he could tell, it dealt with predicting the flow of hypothetical magic through a hypothetical medium, and ending in a hypothetical result. There were so many caveats and addendums involved that more than half of every page was devoted to explaining what the previous page had stated.

"This is hopeless," Blueblood said sadly as he shoved the book away. Slipstream, who until now had been reading quietly at the other end of the table, looked up from his novel. "It would take years to understand any of this, and I'm meeting Celestia in three hours. How can she expect me to get anything out of this?"

"You're probably looking at it wrong," Slipstream said. "I might be able to help with the stuff directly related to flight. Let's have another look."

Slipstream was surprisingly knowledgeable in certain fields. They talked for hours, going over concepts that were obvious even to a young pegasus but completely foreign to a unicorn like Blueblood. Years of military training had given the guard a detailed knowledge of exactly what a pegasus was capable of, and he explained all of it as many times as was necessary.

"Why is he helping me like this?" Blueblood wondered as Slipstream laid out a diagram of air flows in front of him. "It's a lot more than the job demands, isn't it?"

"Here," said the pegasus as he extended a wing. "See? Magic accelerates the air to help us generate lift."

When Slipstream wasn't paying attention, Blueblood reached up to experimentally touch the appendage. He ran his hooves through the feathers, sensing the magic imbedded in them. "I think I get it," he said. "It's just a small repulsion spell, but it's woven into every feather. That many spells put together really add up." He glanced over as Slipstream, who was starting to blush. "What's the matter?"

"It's a cultural thing," Slipstream said. "It's...uh, your mate is the only one that's supposed to do that."

Blueblood's eyes widened. "This is a sexual thing? Oh, dear Celestia, I've accidentally molested my guard!" I-I didn't mean, uh... I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's alright," Slipstream said dismissively, even though his wings were beginning to quiver. "No offense, but it's pretty clear you haven't paid much attention to other cultures." He grinned at Blueblood, and the former prince felt his heart flutter. "You... you can let go now." The unicorn quickly let the wing go, and he folded it back against his side.

In the end, Blueblood was never able to understand everything that Slipstream shared with him, but it didn't matter. He had learned a little, at least, and had actually started to enjoy their discussion. He was genuinely sad when he noticed that they were running out of time.

"I should go, he said with a sigh. "Maybe Celestia will understand if I can show that I learned at least a little bit, even if it wasn't what she wanted."

Slipstream chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. "You still don't get it, do you?" he asked. "You learned exactly what she intended. We just spent almost three hours covering flight and pegasus magic, but there are at least four other subjects here. Twilight wrote about all of them. What does that tell you?"

"That she's smart," Blueblood said dryly. "So what?"

"Exactly." Blueblood stared as his friend incredulously. "Work with me here," Slipstream said. "You probably thought that Celestia took Twilight as her student just because she had powerful magic. I think it's clear she was looking for more than just brute strength."

Blueblood picked up the article he had intended to read and looked over it again. "You're right," he said thoughtfully. He turned the book over, wondering who had spent so much time studying Celestia's number one student. "Every one of these entries represents years of hard work. Twilight was Celestia's student for a long time, but I never realized she was this dedicated. I always assumed she could coast on her magic alone."

"Maybe that's what Celestia wants you to understand," Slipstream suggested. "You made an assumption about somepony before you knew her. You can't make friends if you keep doing that, right?"

Blueblood nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I think you might be right." He finally found the article's author, and groaned in frustration. "Really?" he asked. "Really!? Celestia's lover has a better understanding of magic than me?"

Slipstream began to giggle, and once he started it was impossible to stop. "It isn't that funny!" Blueblood snapped. He tried to frown, but a stubborn smile spoiled the look. "I need to get going. Thanks for your help."

Slipstream shut his book and hopped out of his chair. "My pleasure," he said, and silently followed Blueblood to the throne room. "I think I've made a friend," the former prince thought. He felt a grudging sort of happiness as he looked back at Slipstream. "A very helpful, nonjudgmental friend." Before he could stop himself, he looked over Slipstream's athletic build and ruggedly handsome face. "An attractive friend."

He certainly wasn't going to take that train of thought any further. Blueblood and Slipstream made it to the throne room in short order, and the former prince paused before entering. He could hear several voices speaking, and knew that he would be walking into an important meeting. Was this really the time for Celestia's consort to burst in?

"They can't see me as I really am," Blueblood reminded himself. He squared his shoulders, put on a determined look, and strolled calmly into the room. He was greeted with a familiar sight: Celestia sat on her throne while a trio of diplomats bickered amongst themselves at the bottom of the steps leading up to her. They were gryphons, but Blueblood's lip did not curl in disgust at the sight of them. Perhaps that meant that he was making progress.

It would be more accurate to say that his lip didn't curl just because of their species. It still curled, but only because he recognized these gryphons from countless other visits. He had never liked the way that they looked down on everypony.

It was obvious that they thought ponies to be the inferior species. It could be seen in the way they carried themselves and in the nasty words they muttered about his aunt's subjects. "Do I act like that?" Blueblood wondered as he watched one of the ambassadors send a servant scurrying away with tears in her eyes. "I bet I do. I bet there are a lot of gryphons that see me just like I see these idiots."

The revelation was tremendously obvious in retrospect, but it still hurt.

Celestia motioned for him to join her, and he obediently climbed the stairs. When he reached the top, the world around him seemed to shimmer. Suddenly Celestia was no longer sitting upright and paying attention. She was now reclined across her throne, staring at the ceiling and bored out of her mind.

Blueblood had learned all about this illusion several years ago. It was one of his aunt's favorites, and he had to admit that it was quite ingenious. She could relax in any way that she chose, even walk over to the nearby window, and nopony would ever notice. "These three again?" the former prince asked.

"Their king demands my hoof in marriage," Celestia muttered, so quietly that the gryphons wouldn't hear her. "Again. He thinks he was created by the Mother Goddess herself as a gift to females everywhere. This is normally the part where I would explain what made me come to that conclusion, but in this case I don't need to. Those were his exact words."

"Worthless little runt," Blueblood commented. "He's the latest in a long line of impotent narcissists. He thinks that allying himself with you will let him cling to power. You should just stall for as long as possible to avoid offending him. I give it eight months before he's deposed, and another six before the next leader tries for democracy. That one won't be as much of an annoyance for you."

Celestia's mouth quirked into an amused smile. She knew that her nephew had his shortcomings, but he had a true knack for international politics. "You're as perceptive as ever. You'd go far in their court."

Blueblood put a hoof to his chest. "You wound me," he said, and they both giggled. "What did you want to see me about?"

Celestia rolled over on her throne and stretched her shoulders, keeping her hind legs spread curiously wide. Blueblood gaped when he saw her stallionhood, and noticed that the foalmakers below it were glowing faintly. They almost hummed with magic.

"How long has she had that?" Blueblood wondered. "Has she been walking around with it all day?" "As I told you last night," she said, "I will be using you more often. It should help speed up your recovery. After these three leave, if they leave at all, I'll have the room cleared so that we will have some privacy."

"Lovely," Blueblood thought as he returned his attention to the diplomats. "Chin up, Blueblood. You wanted to be big again. At least she isn't making you do it right in front of anypony."

A strange thought occurred to him, and he glanced over at his aunt. She had returned to sitting upright for the moment, though she was now staring out the window. "We do have some privacy up here, and I'll be servicing her anyway in a few minutes," he thought. "What was it that she told me on my first day? 'Why shouldn't I have fun in the process'? Two can play at that game, Auntie."

It wasn't difficult to sneak around Celestia's throne while she was distracted. Blueblood knelt in front of her, but looked back at the ambassadors once to make sure that none of them had noticed. He could still play off his position if he had to. He watched each of them carefully, but none of them even glanced at him.

Before Celestia could notice him, he leaned in and gently nibbled the inside of her thigh. Her reaction would bring him smiles for years to come. He had to pull back as she jumped nearly a foot off her throne and squealed in shock.

"Is something wrong, your highness?" the head gryphon asked.

Celestia glared down at Blueblood, who had to stuff most of his hoof into his mouth to keep from laughing. She tried to push him away, but using any real force would have made enough noise to alert them to the illusion. "N-Nothing at all," she said after it became clear that he wasn't going to take the hint. "Please, continue."

Blueblood very gently suckled at her sensitive orbs, making sure to attend to each of them, and then nuzzled beneath them to tease the area around her sex. She squirmed in her seat, but he wouldn't let her back away. He nuzzled her lower lips and parted them carefully with his tongue, noticing as he did that she was already very wet. "So, Celestia might secretly be an exhibitionist," he thought. "I suppose that explains a lot."

"You naughty thing," Celestia whispered as the gryphons continued their incessant jabbering. Blueblood ignored her and focused on coaxing out another squeal. He knew that it was probably hopeless, given how resilient she was. She could probably hold off an orgasm for days if she had to. He hadn't seen her do it, but he wouldn't have put it past her.

Whether or not he could get the better of her again, there was something undeniably exciting about what they were doing. He had taken control for the first time in days, and loved every second of it. It was extremely liberating, and the thrill of it began to arouse him as well. He reached back and slid one hoof into his panties to rub himself.

"Absolutely," Celestia said after a particularly long string of words that Blueblood hadn't paid attention to. He didn't know when the bickering had shifted into an actual conversation, but he intended to capitalize on it. While his aunt spoke, he lightly ran his tongue over her clitoris.

"This is the greatest idea I've ever had," Blueblood thought gleefully as he heard Celestia choke on her words. Trooper that she was, she soldiered on and managed to give a very convincing speech about intercultural relations and the sanctity of marriage. After her initial moment of weakness, her voice had returned in all its splendor. Her consort tried everything he could think of to make her mess up again, but all his efforts were for nothing.

"We'll take our leave," the head ambassador said. "Our king is being extremely generous with his offer. Any female, even a goddess, would be honored to surrender herself to him. It is, after all, your duty. We expect that you will do the wise thing and accept."

"I shall consider it," Celestia said. "I will see you all tomorrow. Good day, sirs." The gryphons quietly filed out of the room, shoving a royal advisor out of the way as they went. "As if any mare would look twice at that hopeless little misogynist without a blade at her neck," Celestia grumbled.

The green pegasus straightened her dress and snorted in irritation after they were gone. She then took one look at Celestia and stepped into the throne room, shutting the door behind her. "Well, I certainly hope you're enjoying yourself," the mare said in a very seductive voice.

Blueblood gasped and tried to move away, only to have Celestia's hooves force him to continue his work. "Oh, no you don't!" the princess said as she ground his face into her pussy. "You started something, and you're going to finish it."

"Cashmere is a royal advisor!" Blueblood thought. His lips and tongue moved on autopilot, lapping and kissing at Celestia's marehood in the way he'd been trained. "I'd cry favoritism, but let's be honest, she's probably more qualified than anypony else."

"He had a very productive visit to the library," Cashmere said. Her disguise melted away as she strolled up to Celestia and kissed her. An elegant choker, red with black lace surrounding it, hung around her neck. It looked like a more refined version of Blueblood's collar, complete with a silver and gold pendant of Celestia's cutie mark. "Slipstream was extremely helpful."

Celestia chuckled and ran her hoof through Blueblood's mane. He felt oddly like an obedient pet being praised for learning a new trick. "I'm so proud," she said. "However, you were very disobedient just now. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Blueblood lifted his head out of her lap. "I'm sorry," he said, and kissed her shaft to prove it. "I promise not to disobey you again."

"See that you don't," Celestia said as she pushed him down again. "I suppose I will forgive you, as long as you've learned your lesson. Now, in light of what Cashmere tells me, I think you deserve a reward."

Magic sparkled around him, and Blueblood moaned as his undersized stallionhood began to tingle. "This is going to be a good one," Celestia grunted. She pushed him away briefly so that her blunt tip could prod at his lips. He gladly let it in, relaxing his throat and taking nearly half of it. "Such a good servant," Celestia moaned as she began to push him down.

Cashmere knelt beside them and gently stroked Blueblood's mane. If she was jealous, she certainly didn't show it. She cooed praise and encouragement, her breath tickling his ear. One of her hooves rested on the back of his head, helping Celestia push him down a bit lower each time.

Nopony felt like drawing things out. Celestia roughly bucked into his mouth, cramming more and more of her cock down his throat with every thrust. To his astonishment, his training helped him take it with only a little difficulty. With a bit more practice, he had no doubt that his nose would be rubbing against her belly in no time. "I'm almost there," she groaned. "This time, all that magic is going to the same place. I've been building it up all day, so it's probably going to cause some serious changes."

She pushed him down and thrust into his throat one last time, pushing deeper than ever before. Her legs locked around his head, her soft thighs squeezed him pleasantly as she began to tremble. "T-Take as much as you can," she gasped, and captured Cashmere in a deep kiss to muffle her scream.

Blueblood felt Celestia's flare bulge outward in his throat. Her seed shot into him in huge, powerful gushes that threatened to overfill his stomach. His belly swelled noticeably as it tried to contain the flood, and soon she was forced to pull out. Her spunk filled his throat and mouth on the way out, and he struggled to swallow it before he choked. By the time she was finished, she had produced nearly a gallon of thick, potent cum.

The tingling in his stallionhood intensified, and he felt his cock beginning to grow. The orgasm that followed was mind-blowing, to say the least. Blueblood wasn't sure how long it took, but it felt like all day. He soaked his panties, his enlarged balls churning out more cum than he thought possible. With each spurt, he grew just a little bigger. By the time he was done his stallionhood was hanging out of his panties and dribbling onto the floor. "It's back!" he thought happily. "Oh, goddesses! I never thought I'd be so happy to be average!"

"Or...maybe not so average," Blueblood thought as he let Celestia pull out of his mouth. He sized up his flaccid endowment, trying to get an idea of how big it had been while erect. It had to have been a trick of perspective. Maybe it looked bigger because the rest of him was smaller? Whether or not his shaft had grown, he was certain that his balls had never been quite that big.

"That was lovely," Celestia cooed. Cashmere kissed her neck, and she moaned lustfully. "Y-You'd better stop that, dear. You're going to get me in the mood again. Blueblood, you may go if you wish. I'll have your wardrobe replaced with one that fits your"

"Alright, Auntie." Blueblood stood up and wiped his mouth. His belly sloshed beneath him as he stood, her gift already beginning to digest. The weight of it made standing a challenge. "Thank you."

Celestia smiled and ran her hoof through his long mane again. "Be good," she said. As he trotted away, Blueblood heard Cashmere whispering into Celestia's ear. "Y-You want to do what!?" the princess asked. "Are you sure? Well, I-I suppose...I mean, if that's what you want..."

Just before the illusion hid them from view, Blueblood looked back at his aunt and saw Cashmere's head between her legs.

Today's picture comes from Zev, and was colored by QCryzzy. It doesn't quite fit the story, but...hey, dat royal posterior, am I right? "You can look, but you can't touch" has to be the most cruel thing she could say when presenting like that.

I'm excited for the next chapter, as it's going to get adorable up in here. It's got a certain pony that everypony is gay for in it. Well, except for me. I've established that I'd only go gay for Mac. Might go bi for a certain cowpony, though...