The Great Mountain

Story by Galactor123 on SoFurry

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((Another Eat/Grow/Fuck/Destroy story from me, this one a remake of an ooold story I did for my friend Silverclaw, also known as Talos on FurryMUCK.

As always, enjoy, and comment... it still makes my day.

Note: this also was originally posted on Furaffinity. It can be found here:

It was a calm, and especially cool morning in Genoa, the wet breeze wafting off of the midday tide. The sun shone brightly, the blue skies only interrupted by an occasional floating cloud. Fisherman and shippers were chatting idly in the city square as that cool wet breeze carried the scent of dead fish and sweaty dockworkers throughout the town. The casual day left most people standing idly by, not caring about the work they had set out for themselves for the rest of the day... most just take the moment to relax, and to enjoy the cool day.

Out on the sea, one fisherman in particular casts a line into the calm blue ocean, watching carefully as the net plops gently into the water next to his fishing vessel, a rather small caravel. Another fisherman, idly standing by the wheel, watched the throng of people pour into the docks off in the distance for the midday rush.

He paused a moment from his quiet contemplation to go and check the net to make sure it hadn't floated off, snapped, or failed to go under deep enough. What he saw however, made him step back in astonishment. Underneath the boat, a large shape, almost pitch black in coloration appeared to be rising in the water...

"Petri! Come look!" Petri, the first fisherman, came quickly over to where his cohort was standing, looking into the water, expecting to see the net floating off and another days work wasted. Instead, he saw what his cohort had saw, a large, black figure, seeming to be sitting not but a few feet under the water.

"Do you see it Petri? It looks like a whale... but this close to shore?"

Petri carefully looks into the depths of the ocean, contemplating silently what it could be. Not at any point during his time as a fisherman had he seen something this big, this... strange. It almost seemed to be a black island, rising up to greet the morn...

It was about that time that the dark figure turned red, a black iris staring up at the ship.

"Turn the ship! Turn the shi-!"

Petri's words were abruptly cut off as the large object lifted out of the water, it's muzzle cracking the ship in half, splaying its boards and its crew all over the ocean, turning a once proud sailing vessel into driftwood in a matter of seconds...


Talos arose from the water like a monolith, drops of water falling from his form like dew from the morning grass. He blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to all of the new sights around him. He was wet... but cold. The sun beamed down, but it wasn't nearly as harsh as he remembered it. The world around him had definitely changed. He had expected some change, one doesn't hibernate for a billion or so years and expect to wake up to greet the day the same way as he fell asleep.

However, as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight, and the salty cold liquid underneath him, he couldn't help but blink once more as he saw precisely how much it had changed.

Instead of the black, desolate landscape he had thought of as so homey with, it's almost constant volcanic eruptions providing him with plenty of hot lava baths, he saw a sprawling blue mess. Cold, disgusting water replacing his warm and comfortable lava, too cold to even consider drinking, let alone bathing in as he was now.

However, it was the ground in front of him that he found the most interesting. Aside from a few more smaller pools of what he was sure would be the same disgustingly cold water, It was green, covered in a staggering amount of plant life, all very small. And on this plant covered wilderness was a number of small hives, pitifully small bugs crawling around and about them, going about their daily business, looking like a swarm of ants to the dragon. But... this was it? This was all the planet that he had thought had so much potential had created? Bugs? Talos growls frustratedly. No. This couldn't possibly be it. This had to be the bottom feeders, the smallest member of this planet's complex ecosystem. Somewhere on this planet, there had to be a number of animals his size, and he was going to find them.

Talos arose in the water, his form coming into view for the terrified Genoans going about their daily routine on the docks. His well muscled neck casting a long shadow over them, the people who had, moments ago, been shopping for their evening meals, could now do nothing but stare as the large dragon casually walked out of the Mediterranean as if he were a sea monster walking out of Hell itself. His form continued to rise, his large forearms coming into view at the same time as his barrel chest and long tail, flicking idly behind him, and just as idly stirring up whirlpools large enough to suck down any other boat unlucky enough to be in the same area... and still he rose, however the people on the dock only saw a moment more, before a massive paw came crashing down upon them...

Talos couldn't help but smirk as his large paws fell idly on one of the many complex systems of hives these little bugs had made, their hives splintering underneath him, their extremely weak foundations of what looked to him like decayed plant matter being utterly useless against the incredible bulk of the dragon. Indeed, his footfalls were heavy enough to cause more of that sickeningly cold water to rush into the crater it left behind, flooding the former hive, rendering it completely useless, and drowning any of the throng that had managed to live through the initial impact. He could care less however. He had, after all, been on a number of different planets, and he had seen creatures big and small. It was inevitable that bugs would get stuck under paw, it wasn't as if they were that important... this was his thought, at least, until he looked out at the surrounding country side.

As he looked across the surrounding countryside, Talos couldn't help but let out a surprised grunt. For as far as he could see in any direction, these hives continued on. They seemed to congregate in parts, creating large batches of their weak structures in close patches, where in others they seemed to be cultivating the natural plant life in large fields, leading the hives to be sparsely populated and far apart. It was an incredible set up, he had to admit... but it left Talos with a bad taste in his mouth. It meant, among other things, that these bugs were the best this planet had come with, something that began to slowly infuriate Talos. His planet, the one he had hibernated on, had been populated by a species smaller than his claw...

Talos continued walking inland, a snarl on his face as his footfalls wer getting more personal. Groupings of the tiny insects found themselves menaced by a toe that appeared to blot out the sun before being turned into a red paste with a loud crack as the rest of Talos's paw idly fell down on top of them. Other times, he would lift up his paw, holding it over a small group of furs, until they ran into another small group, before letting his paw fall idly onto the larger group, killing them instantly.

However the ease of it all merely caused Talos to become more infuriated. These little bugs weren't even putting up a fight, he thought, They didn't bite, they didn't sting or fly or anything; They were sacks of meat, something that wouldn't last more then an evolutionary eye blink on any other planet. Talos growled, flexing his powerful muscles in his forearm, before smashing it down into the city of Genoa below him in anger, turning the once thriving merchant port into a large paw shaped lake in the blink of an eye. Houses, businesses, families, lives... all that had been wiped clean in an ungodly loud crack, like an error in God's thesis paper of life. Talos twisted his paw, cracks forming in the fragile planet's crust, from the epicenter all the way up to Vichy county as Talos weight tested even the planets strength, causing earthquakes to shatter even more lifes for many miles around. Even from this, however, Talos wasn't satisfied.

However, his indignant anger quickly was interrupted as his stomach grumbled underneath him. Talos growled frustratedly, looking about. There isn't a thing around me to eat on this damnable planet... after a minute however, he looks down, lifting up his paw, seeing the innumerable red splotches plastered across his paw... and sighs. Except for these bugs.

He resigned himself to it... after all, it was the reason for all of his awakenings from planet to planet. He would awake, find food, and then move on to the next planet. He was the universe's way of culling out the delicious little morsels that were becoming too comfortable in their world... and, unfortunately for Talos, these bugs fit the bill quite nicely. He moved on from his first batch of handiwork, his large paws crashing down onto the French countryside, ripping up some of the finest vineyards in Europe, turning them into nothing more than the patches of dirt and grass that they truly were. Talos's stomach was getting insistent, and yet he still couldn't find a large enough grouping of the little bugs... until he hit the jackpot.

Talos grinned, looking down at his feet, a 'large' city in between his paws, the same one that he had seen in the distance. To his delight, it was as deeply populated as he expected, the little bugs populating it running around like idiots, running in and out of houses, some simply trying their hardest to get away from him, running into forests. He could barely hear a collective noise as he came closer, a constant irritating squeaking. Talos shook his head, trying to get it out of his head, before realizing it was coming from the bugs down below. Talos growled frustratedly, not only are they pointless, small, and stupid, there also irritating. Pfeh, this whole place deserves what I'm going to give it. At that, Talos leaned down his muzzle smashing into the earth like a meteorite as his long wet tongue lapped across Parisian streets. Pleasant villas and back alleys suddenly are replaced by Talos's singular, red muscle. Anything that comes in contact with it almost immediately sticks to it as it uproots people, houses, and businesses alike. After a long lap, he thrust his head back, hearing for one last moment the irritating squeak that those bugs made, before they met the utter silence of his maw... but they were a paltry snack, and there still was many more bugs to eat before he had to leave this world...


Paris was in chaos. In the distance they could see the large behemoth coming forth out of the water. Most were calling it a demon, others calling it the beginning of the apocalypse, that this was the one that everything from the Bible, to Nostradamus, had predicted.

However, It wasn't until the destruction of Genoa, that they realized how right they were. The shock waves from that massive footfall hit all the way up in Paris, knocking out windows and knocking over people, even blowing away some of the shanty houses on the outskirts of town. As he casually waltzed towards Paris, nose sniffing anxiously, the people in Paris had mixed reactions. Some ran blindly, leaving hearth and home, and sometimes family and friends, to run into the countryside, their survival instinct kicking in. Others wept, succumbing to depression as they began to realize what awaited them. Others merely watched, a mixture of horror and disbelieve plastered on their face. Regardless of their reactions, they all stuck to Talos's tongue as it swept across the street.

Petri's former wife and widow, Delore was visiting Paris with family that day when she too had the bad fortune of running into the black demon as well. She was but inches away from the large red muscle as it tore through the Parisian streets, her parents home, and her parents themselves being wiped up into Talos's maw like grains of wheat. Insignificant, merely food. She could do nothing but watch, her body too confused to do anything but, as Talos kneeled down again, his maw hitting, more gently than before, right behind her, sending her reeling and rolling across the road until she fell into the pit left behind by his massive tongue falling on top of another Parisian. At first she seemed to be alive, and Delore attempted to hide with her, apologizing for the awkward entrance in the politest French she could muster... but as she grabbed her she realized she was talking to nothing more than a human torso. It was at that point that the once quiet streets once again erupted in a chorus of screams. She could hear the beasts tongue scrapping across the ground, the chorus getting muffled at first, before being overpowered by a low rumbling noise, almost one of satisfaction, from the beast itself. She looked up to see where it had emanated from, and was horrified by what she saw.

There, engorging in front of Delore's eyes, was the beasts unmentionables. They were absolutely massive. She could almost swear she heard them gurgling as they expanded. She could merely watch as the beast, ravaging her parents home, and the city that she had grown up in, seemed to be taking great pleasure from his act...


Talos had to admit he was enjoying himself. He had forgotten how good food was during his hibernation, and couldn't help but get excited as he gorged. Buildings, roads, people, and in some cases the ground itself, all going into his meal as he began to eat as much as he pleased, his large tongue lapping up against the ground over and over again. He growled, as he felt himself getting more and more excited, his large shaft finally awakening, plumping out from underneath his scales from its own long nap. It knew what was coming, and Talos only began to eat more in anticipation. Trees became a target, then furs once again... it was only when, looking around, he could see nothing more then a dirt brown desolate waste that he finally stopped, grinning at his handiwork. In but one short day, not even a full one, he had destroyed two of these bugs hives, and, at the rate he ate, would be destroying much more very soon.

Talos let out a gutteral grunt as it started. He could feel his muscles tingling as his engorged stomach began to gently recede into itself, returning back to the toned belly that he had before his massive feast. The tingling started in his paws, and working it's way up to his head and tail, before working it's away across his torso, and his loins. He rumbled as he began to grow rapidly, the sheer amount of food he had taken in fueling it. His paws began to sink into the ground even heavier, his muscles doubling on themselves, but appearing no larger, as he was growing along with them. While standing at nearly one thousand feet to begin with, the titan of a dragon was still close to doubling his size in the first couple of minutes. Two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, the titan kept climbing. The brown wasteland that he had caused before looking more and more like a brown speck in a giant field of green. Looking behind him, he could see mountain peaks, once high above him, become more and more inline with his eyes... and still he grew.

However, not only did he grow in size, his lust followed suite. His once only moderately aroused shaft was now full out, throbbing mightily. It's massive girth and size being a testament not only to how potent this titan is, but how long in between ruts he had been as well. The lust was almost unbearable... but Talos had an idea. He smiled evilly, looking down at the planet that he was slowly outgrowing. Mmmm, well, perhaps this dissapointing planet will have one last use... Talos moved forward, his footpaws now crashing into the earth with a nation-sized gate. The cracks he had been so proud of from his first stomp on this planet was nothing in comparison to his simply walking gait now. His one step alone turned the Northern France into an expanding ocean, as his paw sank deeper and deeper into the crust of the Earth as he continued to grow.

However, before Talos could begin, he felt the growth slowly wear itself down, before stopping entirely. He was a behemoth, a god of immense size, visible from space... but he didn't want to be a god, he wanted to fuck this planet from the outside in... and for that, he leaned down, his long muscular tongue licking across what was Ireland moments ago. A long singular screech the last noise that a single nation would utter as, again, cracks formed in his wake, flooding the now barren brown plains... but he was indifferent to it all now. He wanted to grow, was fixated on this singular objective. He grunted as it began once again, and before it could even kick in, he moved his monolithic shaft into position, and speared the planet.

Talos hmmms lustily as his shaft comes in contact with that warm, heavenly lava that he came to love this place for. So that is where it went... hidden under this grotesque shell of tranquility... His newfound lust, coupled with his growth and disdain for the planet he awoke on, drove his thrusting on. He could feel the layers of the planet, warming as they went down, crumbling under his massive thrusts. His paws now the size of large oceans, grasping ahold of the planet with a vengeance. Each thrust into the Earth sending the entire celestial body into motion. Tectonic plates shift, oceans, rivers, any body of water wash over the land, volcanoes and lava once again cover the Earth, giving Talos one last glimpse at the Earth he had learned to love, before he thrust, grunting, and releasing his seed into space in large, magnificent arcs, ripping the planet asunder underneath him...


The great mountain, large in circumference,

After peace, war, famine, flooding,

The impact will spread far, drowning great countries

Even antiquities and their mighty foundations.

Nostradamus, Century 1, Quatrain 69

First Priority

((A new story! \*gasp\* This one I made for Brick James, a very interesting character on FurryMUCK, and is also the first one to star in a supporting role, my character on FurryMUCK, Denora! This one strays ever so slightly from my normal fare....

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The Wonder Drug

Disclaimer/Intro: I did this for a person I met on Second Life for commission. It's another macro/mega story that I tried to add a bit of a plot too. However, I don't think I looked this thing over as much as I should. I looked it over, he did,...

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Zerathain: The Beginning

Editors Note: This is my first non-macro piece. Still a lot of sex (duh) but no macroness in this one. So for people who were sick of my big things, should hurray. For those who want more bigness, I'll go back to it eventually, just wanted to add a...

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