The Wonder Drug

Story by Galactor123 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer/Intro: I did this for a person I met on Second Life for commission. It's another macro/mega story that I tried to add a bit of a plot too.

However, I don't think I looked this thing over as much as I should. I looked it over, he did, and one other person did, but there may still be some weird spots. If you find them, tell me, I will be much ablidged.

Anyway, enjoy.

The Wonder Drug

Aline quickly snapped out of a dream. At least, she thought it was nothing but a dream, but she could recall it with such clarity. She had been beset by two shadowy figures, who had spoken to her. The room had been dark, except for two brightly light areas, one to her left, and one to her right. As she had sat there marveling at them, two voices spoke to her.

"On the left," One said, "you have eternal power, at the cost of your social super-ego. You will become powerful, but bestial."

"On the right," The other said, "You have the exit. Your bonds to society will stay with you, for better or worse..."

She had awoken before she had time to choose, but the memory of it was vivid. She was used to having such lucid dreams, as Aline worked with Gregor Riffle Inc, a pharmaceutical company. She was in contact with a lot of potentially mind altering chemicals all day long, and the mere proximity to some of them seemed to have screwed her up. Least, thats what she kept telling herself as she gracefully hopped off the bus and looked up at the huge facility she called work.

It was a genuine monster of a facility. The average height of it was about a hundred and fifty feet tall, and the area spanned at least the size of five city blocks. It was so gargantuan, one had to merely wonder why they built it so imposingly, especially for a company that was supposed to help people.

Aline walked into the small door, and looked into the familiar greeting room that dwarfed her easily. Aline was small, even as compared to most unicorns. She was about 5' 5'', and averaging at about one hundred to one hundred thirty pounds. She was attractive, and had known about it since her earlier years. She had gotten around a lot in high school, playing the stereotypical cheerleader act to get through with stunning grades. Even now she smiled as she reminded herself her high position was due more to her under desk duties then the ones above them. Even still she wasn't a slacker, she told herself. She had done her job well enough to be promoted to secretary to one of the richest and most prominent CEO's of the entire company. She was rich, she was powerful, she was gorgeous, and she had life made. But still, in the back of her head, she worried, for some reason, about her dream.

This wasn't the first time she'd had it. In fact, she distinctively remembered having the same dream over and over for about a week. Dark figures. Shadowy choices with even shadier consequences, and every time she awoke she happened to be at the door to work. She wondered what it meant again and again, but again and again she forgot before she reached her desk.

Today was no different. She reached her desk on the third floor of the left wing. The room was as gargantuan as the rest of the facility, with larger then life decor.

She sighed as she looked at the large pile of work in front of her. It was like she had not been at her desk for the last week...

She turned on the radio idly as she pondered what to do with the massive stack of work in front of her, only to hear that a city had been hit by what seemed to be a massive set of earthquakes. Scientists had been baffled by the circumstances, as the areas didn't lie anywhere near a recognized fault line. The radio went on to remark that many citizens were dead, and the few that had lived through the experience recalled seeing a massive beast. The radio went on to say that many were being taken into psychiatric hospitals for care.

For some reason this caused a pique of interest in Aline, and brought back the memory of her dream. But as soon as it had come, it was gone in a flash, and Aline shook it off as another side effect of the chemicals.

As soon as she thought that to herself, a man in a black suit, her boss she soon recognized, appeared at the door.

"Mrs. Aline? Would you mind going down to testing? There is a new compound being tested on that I would like to get the notes for."

Aline sighed as she looked at the large stack of papers, but she knew no matter how much she fussed, he wouldn't relent. "Of course, sir. I do have to get all of this done though at some point today though..."

"I realize Mrs. Aline, it shouldn't take more then a minute."

Aline stood up, nodded to her boss and walked to the elevator. What laziness, she thought, does a man have to reach that he can't even take an elevator to take a piece of paper, and bring it back up? Ah well, this shouldn't take long...

As soon as the elevator doors swung open, she walked into testing. It was surprisingly barren, and surprisingly familiar. She couldn't consciously remember a time she had been down here, but she, for some reason, walked sub-consciously to the first door on the left, marked "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY," and knocked before she had a chance to think on what she was doing.

"Ah. Mrs. Aline. So glad you could stop by. I trust your here due to the recent test results?"


"Good, we've just finished a batch of the compound, now, if you'll come in. Oh, don't mind the sign it's merely to frighten away the newer workers."

Aline was put at ease by this goofy looking rabbit man in a lab coat and walked into the room. The door shut behind her, and she soon realized she was in a pitch black room.


"Hello Aline."

The sound was from a totally different, and eeirely familiar voice. Aline thought back, but the nagging feeling eating at the back of her head gave her no answers as to where she heard it before.

"Hello? I'm sorry, I can't see y-..."

"You don't have to, Aline. This shouldn't take long."

"W-what are yo-..."

"I believe you know Aline, so I'll make this quick."

A small figure emerged slightly from the shadows, a small glow surrounding his being. Aline was afraid, but still curious as she remembered this so vividly, but not from where.

Soon, another figure entered her field of vision.

All of a sudden, two bright beams of light shattered her eyes, leaving her squinting into the paradoxical shift in brightness from the seeming void of the room, to the intense brightness of the wall in front of her.

"Mrs. Aline, you have to make a choice today. A choice that will affect many lives. Are you ready to make this choice?"

Aline nodded, half wanting the confusing glare of the room to go away, and half out of an odd sense of Déjà vu.

"Mrs. Aline, on the left," The first voice said, "you have eternal power, at the cost of your social super-ego. You will become powerful, but bestial."

"On the right," The other said, "You have the exit. Your bonds to society will stay with you, for better or worse..."

Aline suddenly realized where this had come from. The dream. Her dream. It was playing out like a movie on a Möbius strip in front of her. Her life was twisted, skewed, but strangely she knew her answer before they had asked.

She walked towards the left door, sub-consciously at first, and then with more confidence. She didn't know what awaited her, but she knew she wanted it...

She awoke, after apparently blacking out, in front of a home. It wasn't her home, least she didn't think it was, she wasn't sure of a lot of things at the moment however. All she knew was that she walked into a light, and now she appeared to be on the outskirts of a large city. She looked down at herself and frowned. She had been expecting something. Something fantastic, something... odd. Something exhilarating. But that... whatever, apparently never happened. She stood up, and soon realized that she was very dizzy, and immediately fell back down due to vertigo, grabbing a hold of a nearby tree as she fell.

She blinked as she realized exactly what she had just done. Instead of merely grabbing the side of the tree as she planned, she had, indeed, grabbed the tree. She looked down at herself in surprise and realized something...

She was growing.

It wasn't obvious at first, but the muscles on her formerly skinny arms were starting to bulge out. She watched herself as her legs grew longer, the once dainty muscles becoming toned, and bulging as she flexed them.

At first she was shocked, and somewhat appalled, but after a moment her mind thought of other things. Of things she could do with these new gifts. She thought of the power. The feral power. She neighed in approval of these new developments, even as she continued to grow. She saw the crowd around her and grinned to herself as she heard the satisfying pops and groans of muscle mass and bones growing and stretching. She reveled in the slow deepening of her voice as she grew larger. She looked down to notice her taut and small breasts, once clothed with her business attire, now out and growing with the rest of her muscles.

She heard oohs and aahs as well as some approving moans and more then a handful of screams as she continued to groan gently to the rhythm of her growth. She savored the screams the most as she looked herself over. She tried to stand again, and this time managed to right herself even though she was still growing. She looked down, still more curious then anything at her self, and grinned.

She had to be more then one hundred feet tall and growing steadily. The suburban homes surrounding her, once dwarfing her now were no bigger then her hoof. She looked down at the people, no, the ants surrounding her and chuckled softly to herself as the rush of ecstasy encompassed her.

Testingly, she stepped forward, only to feel a satisfying boom and a crack as her massive hoofs decimated the asphalt below her like it was sand. She moaned again as the power got not only to her head but to her groin. The feeling of complete power over these people was driving her insane, and still she noticed that she was growing. Two hundred feet now. Three hundred feet...

She stepped forward again, hearing the chorus of screams in front of her as her foot loomed over top of them. Playfully, she let it sit there, watching as all of her little playthings ran around pointlessly before slamming her hoof into the ground. She watched and giggled as an entire culd-de-sac was decimated from the shock wave. She continued forward now, curious of her surroundings more then anything. Shock wave after shock wave rocked the small suburban neighborhood as the still growing unicorn goddess studied her surroundings, her massive legs flexing with each effortless step.

After a few moments of aimless wandering, Aline became bored of simply walking and had begun to once again tease the civilians down below. Now at almost five hundred feet, her hooves blotted out the sun for entire city blocks with each step. She listened, intoxicated by the hundreds of nearly inaudible screams before slamming her hoof down, watching, panting as she did, as houses imploded, turning to dust and debris.

However she noticed quickly enough that people had gathered to watch her. She saw the tiny flashbulbs going off below her, and helicopters above her flying around. She grinned and walked up the small group, relishing their scrambling and screams as she had before.

"So it's a show you want? Mmmm... well then I'll give you a show."

Already crazed by her activities, it didn't take much prodding for her to start massaging her full and still growing breasts. She moaned as she felt tingling going through her body, only serving to drive her to more vigorous rubbing. She gasped, and looked down, surprised to see a complete lack of flashbulbs. Then she realized... during her rubbing she had nearly doubled in size. She moaned as she looked down on nearby skyscrapers that once dwarfed even her workplace. She felt her arms and grinned as they felt like compact steel bars. Her hooves alone now could shatter the entire city with a single heavy blast... but she had no thought of making this quick.

"Mmm... it seems I've grown too big for your bulbs... perhaps you'd all enjoy a closer look?"

At that she leaned down, easing her breasts onto the crowd of journalists, relishing as their flailing arms rubbed against her sensitive flesh. She moaned, again feeling the tingling feeling go throughout her body as she watched her breasts grow steadily bigger in front of them, and watching as, slowly, she crushed the life out of the flailing bodies underneath her growing mounds.

She quickly changed her mood from ecstasy to distaste as she saw the rest of the town starting to run in horror.

"Hmmpf... seems my show wasn't good enough for you. Perhaps you'd prefer a sob story?"

She growled at the city as she slowly stood up, grinning as she looked down at herself. From her estimates, she had to be over two thousand feet tall... and still she felt herself growing bigger by the minute. She licked over her lips as she looked to the nearest, and tallest skyscraper, turned around and leaned over, accentuating and shaking her ass at the glassed windows.

"Look closely, as this is the last time you'll see this..." She then smiled as she smacked her ass playfully, rubbing gently against her clit, moaning heavily. Then right in the heat of her moan, she bucked back into the building. Her mountain sized Hoofs disintegrated the building. It exploded, turning to dust instantly and shattering over a city block with a massive boom. She grinned as she surveyed the destruction.

The entire suburbs had been destroyed from her play, two skyscrapers had been annihilated, but there was still many more things to play with... and still many hungers to satisfy.

She panted heavily as she looked on at the town. She was unstoppable, something that was still sinking in for her, and with each moment of this realization she became more aroused.

Thomas was horrified. His office had just been turned to dust, his home was probably gone, and worst of all... he could reach out and touch the thing that was killing him.

In front of him was a gymnasium... no, football field size or greater hoof. Even sinking heavily into the asphalt like it was, it was the only thing that he could see of the monster unless he nearly fell over, but he had seen her from a distance. Heavily muscled but still relatively small at the time, he had watched as she had stomped down onto his home, watched as she laughed as she moved, effortlessly with those massive muscles, down crowded streets. Worst of all however, in all of these horrible things... he could see that it was still slowly growing.

It was a dream. A nightmare, he had told himself, but he had gotten past thoughts now. He was looking for somewhere to get away from this predator of man, this goddess of wanton destruction.

And so he ran. He ran because it was the only thing he could do. He felt the booms behind him, but every time he looked back he saw something he didn't want to see. A destroyed office building, or her regrettably attractive body. She was the kind of woman he would have done cat calls too... had she the ears to hear it. He ran to someplace he felt safe, the metro tunnel. Oddly he stopped to look back, wondering why she was hesitating, only to witness the unthinkable.

He heard moaning, loud moaning, and saw shivers go down her body. He saw her taut ass, and saw it rhythmically thrusting into the largest skyscraper in town. She was using an office building as a sex toy, he thought, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't turn away.

However, even more horrifying, he saw how even the light shuffling of her feet was causing massive destruction. Office buildings were being rattled by earthquakes that they never saw coming, and were crashing down because of it. It was an apocalypse, and at it's center he saw the still growing and now gently shivering muscles of this massive goddess...

Aline moaned heavily, her entire body tingling as she sated her lustful hungers. She thrust rhythmically against the steel exterior. It felt fantastic, better then any sex she had experienced before... and the complete power she had over everyone watching only made it more intoxicating.

She gasped for air, thrusting her hair back as she took in the entire metal building, getting down on all fours. She spasmed slightly, as the nearly seventy story building managed to fill her snugly, her spasming causing city blocks into ash. She moaned, smacking her ass enthusiastically, shivering as she still felt her muscles pop and grow even as she was taking the office building underneath her.

Finally she felt as if she could take no more. The hours of intense play with this thing had left her horny beyond any belief. She felt the beams of the building crackle below her as well, and knew it wouldn't hold under much more... so she gave it one last thrust.

She moaned heavily as she bucked hard into the building, obliterating it from the face of the cityscape. Her further twitches and movements left scars in the earth where roads once were, and she grinned to herself right before she blacked out...

Tobias looked on at the show from his handful of monitors. He grinned, notably enjoying himself as he watched Aline.

"This is genius, I have to say doctor. You've hit three birds with one stone. You've made one incredible home video, you've caused millions of dollars... if not billions in damages that those damn jackasses in the government have to explain... and you've caused the entire town to become slaves to our medicine. Well done my friend, well done." He chuckled. "Psychiatric care indeed... little does the media know it's them that needs a check up... " His chuckle grew into a full blown laugh "And the real genius about it is she decimates almost the entire city. A couple thousand crazies could turn eyeballs, a couple hundred however... is good for business. And that, doctor, is why I commend you. You have made a beast that leaves no mark but the obvious, and leaves no one alive but the ones we need." He shook his hand as Aline slowly started to dissapear from obvious view, until the monitor zoomed closer to see her, appearing to be fast asleep at her normal height and muscle mass upon the ground.

"Go pick her up in the bus, we have another city I want to be "generous" to in giving our wonder drugs." He grinned, leaving the room with a small bounce in his step.

Zerathain: The Beginning

Editors Note: This is my first non-macro piece. Still a lot of sex (duh) but no macroness in this one. So for people who were sick of my big things, should hurray. For those who want more bigness, I'll go back to it eventually, just wanted to add a...

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Gorin's Rise

Disclaimer: This is yiff. Yadda yadda, you know that much at least. However, as with my other series this is again a macro story. So, if you aren't into that, or if you aren't into the whole rampaging giant bit, I don't suggest this as a story to read....

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D.E.S52 (D.E.S Part Three)

Authors Note/Disclaimer: This is still Macro, still Mature, you know the drill by now. This is the current end to this series, but I'm not against ressurecting it for later use if there are enough people who like it and want me to continue it. This one...

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