Zerathain: The Beginning

Story by Galactor123 on SoFurry

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Editors Note:

This is my first non-macro piece. Still a lot of sex (duh) but no macroness in this one. So for people who were sick of my big things, should hurray. For those who want more bigness, I'll go back to it eventually, just wanted to add a bit of variety. That and I found this one in my archive of oldness, and thought it was good enough to be a keeper. I didn't edit it much, so pardon any grammar mistakes. Point them out if you wish, I'll edit this via peers. And yes, it's another continuation. Just wanted to see the reaction thus far to it. Now, without further adieu...

Tails of Zerathain

Written with regards by,

Dr. Ren Flemming

A Scientific Study and Narrative


To begin with Zerathains biography, one must first realize a few basic facts about his race. One, his race is particularly conniving, evil, and particularly sexist. Males are expected to do just about everything, while a female may sit back and hope a male finds her attractive, and thats truly about it. When a male wants a mate, normally his counterpart has little to no choice in the matter. If a female can take on a male in combat to prevent the breeding she can, but considering that females of the species, through years of adaptation to their position have less muscle, and less battle savvy, if the female wins its talk of the town, and most of the time the male will never be breed ever, because he obviously isn't a strong enough member of society. If he does breed, more then likely it will be with a younger, and thus barren bride. The males are potent, they have to be, because unlike most reptiles that lay thousands or even millions of eggs, Zerathain's race (which is unwrittable, and barely pronounceable by human lips) gives birth to one live young at a time, with twins being an incredibly rare, and considered a blessed exception, with the male and female both being considered a holy pairing, and normally are egged on to make a lot more between each other for the good of the tribe. Thusly though, there race is rather small, only a few hundred thousand exist, and most of them in three core cities (also unnameable, for the natural speech of these creatures seems to be an even more gutteral offset of draconic). I have spent my time studying this race for quite a while, and thankfully, while evil, they tend to keep to themselves for our benefit in these cities, except when hungry. They also are rather acceptable to people who are curious about them, as their small cloistered nature means there also curious. Truly though, most adventurers simply learn never to get close, for the few that do normally never return, or return with rather horrid tales of debauchery.

Another curious thing about Zerathain's race, is that they seem to never stop growing. They have a spurt at around the same time that human mammals do, around maturity (the age of 30-40 for these creatures) that normally shoots them from slightly below the size of an adult human male, to roughly seven to eight feet tall. This is generally the height they stay at for their days, albeit every couple of months they grow an inch, and for a race destined to live about as long as an elf, that adds up rather quickly. For example, I have seen alpha males (more on this later) at up to, twelve, thirteen, and even as tall as twenty feet. Thankfully this is very rare as well, perhaps even rarer then twins, and normally is in the heritages of the most high and mighty rulers of the three main tribes, one such lineage that Zerathain is not apart of, although close. He is a mere nine feet tall, but also not fully grown it seems. On that note, the term, "maturity" for them also seems relative. They are born with much of the attributes to start breeding right away, and some do before they reach the maturity age, it just seems that they are unable to reproduce to any meaningful effect until maturity. They also, to offset the low population of their race and its relative spread out nature, have rather overtly large sexual organs. Males, the largest I have seen, can grow up to fifteen inches, and about four inches in girdth. However, this I have heard, and have seen (scientifically of course) is uncommon, I have also heard rumor of bigger. For example however, Zerathains itself is sixteen inches long, and four inches. Besides this, males have large muscular forms, with corded muscles and large black ebony talons on they're paws. There heads look like dragon heads, and they have large tails, corded and slick, the only part of them that is scaleless, or at least have such small and interlocking scales that it seems like skin.

Females on the otherhand, are much different. Females seem to also never stop growing, however they normally only get up to the size of an average human male in there spurts. However I have seen alpha females (more on this in the next section) up to ten or twelve feet tall. They are still powerful forces of nature, don't get me wrong. A commoner or even an averagely trained soldier or modestly successful adventurer wouldn't be much of a challenge to a female (even less of a challenge to a male). They are also fairly muscular, but slender muscle instead of corded. large paws with long talons like the males, and oddly enough they support mammalary glands, and thus breasts, like mammals, an oddity that even I cannot explain. Perhaps magic? Perhaps they truly aren't reptiles? Many speculate in the scientific community about this question. Regardless, they have quite potent breasts, large and full enough for their large live babies to live off of, something that like humans, males seem to find terribly attractive.

Truly though, the most fascinating part of this race is the use of the tribal system. Alpha males and females are like the queens and kings of the human world. They both have incredible priveledges. The alpha male, the strongest member of society, and also the biggest by breeding, has say over the entire city of his dwelling. Any female need not be dominated or coerced to mate with the alpha, and normally when the city is content, you can't spot the alpha, but you can hear the groans and growls of pleasure from his den throughout the night, and females come out looking rather content. The alpha female however, is more then just the strongest or most sought after female in the city, although this may be her original reason for coming to power. She also has power over ceremonies and religion, something I was barred from investigating in my time among them (and didn't push, as the female alpha looked very ready to tear me apart) but seems to be very important part of their culture.

Zerathain: A Scientific Approach

Zerathain is an oddity of his race. As is said, he's particularly potent, even when compared to others of his race, and is also an outcast, something that happens only rarely in his race. He was, oddly, outcast for dominating the alpha female and attempting to become alpha male through her (who didn't need much dominating after the first go round, or so he says.) The alpha male caught wind of this, and banished Zerathain, and apparently did things unspeakable to his fellow alpha female. Zerathain then head out into the real world, and eventually met me. I found him fascinating, and learned more of his race to write down here for your pleasure. Zerathain, in my eyes, is still very much a member of his race. Seeing females little more then tools to be used, albeit respected in their uses and their abilities to call upon other males; he sees humans as food, tools, or interesting playthings (the later I would say he's applied to me, thankfully). He has since learned human law, and while perhaps not "fitting in" he at the very least has evaded jail for the most part. He has even attracted human female attention from a few places, or so he has said (and illustrated quite well in his narrative). However, he has said that while observations are good, he perfers to tell his life like the storytellers of his old city, in a story of his life. A narrative approach I thought would be fascinating, so I gave him a shot, and it came out quite informative, if a bit gruesome and a tad bit explicit in his urges and how he sate them. Regardless, if you are weak of stomach or strong in the words of purity, refrain from reading more. Indeed, I should have put this up at the top I suppose, but if you are still not offended, but thought you would be, you more then likely will be from reading his narrative. Otherwise, read on.

Zerathain: The Narrative Descent

I had a rather normal childhood for my race. Growing up, learning the basics of hunting with talon and spear. I grew up knowing my place. I wasn't alpha, I was beta. A relative of the Alpha, long forgotten, I held respect by my similar lineage, but I couldn't command. This infuriated me, and all my life I grew up loathing the alpha male, with all his beautiful females. I was surprisingly a runt when growing up as a child, a slow grower no female took me seriously at first. All of my race feels the urge, the lust inside them from the moment there out of the womb, to breed. However mine was stronger then most, and mine was left to linger and brood for sometime. Having no upwards power, I needed outwards. I trained, sparring with the males in the city. At first they laughed at me, called me Rhtyvin (Note: This is as close as I could to mimicking his speech here, although as said before it was a toughy to decipher, it seems almost to have some vowels, so I gave it a shot) meaning both "weakling" and "prey animal" in my native tongue. This made me brood harder. I hunted with my father every chance I could, becoming close to him in parental bonds. He and I found no dislike with one another, and were close enough not to bother watching our own backs for each other after a time. I grew strong in the hunt, my muscles some of the largest of all the betas, and even larger then one of the alpha's lineage. I liked the feeling of being large, even when I was no taller then the Human Rhtyvin I enjoyed catching. This went on for a while, fourty years in fact, until I went through my maturation.

Now, interesting human, you seem to think maturation as developing fully. While this is somewhat true for my race, we are more developed at birth then most. Maturation does not come with sleep and time alone, it is a pure moment at which body catches up with neccesity. One must only look and realize what they must do, and after merely a few days, your body will agree, catching up with your needs. One of the things I asked my body, and my soul and god, was to be bigger, big like the mountains, overpowering and a representative of their might. They grinned, and bargained with my body while I slept. They would give me my wish, to a point. I would grow yes, but not to the size of mountains. Instead, I would be the most potent male of all the city, able to dominate, albeit not with size, but lust and power. When I woke up from my slumber, I was shocked with the new feelings in me. I had almost doubled in size, but most important of all, was the lust I had shared for my females, never sated before that moment, came at me like a blinding flash. My shaft would not quell, as it throbbed in its mightyness, making it known to the world my new found prowess. I needed a female, and I had few in mind. I had not looked for them, for I knew it was a waste at first, so only a handful I had lusted for in my youth. The alpha of course, but also one female, Riktana in your language.

I walked towards Riktana's hut, growling slowly as each move and each wind over my naked flesh excited me. I walked into her door, and Riktana squeeled, looked at my new form, AND fell to the floor in front of me in the posture of lusty submission to males. I was shocked for a moment, but I saw her tongue loll expectantly, and felt the pleasant rush of power flow through me. She wanted me badly, and not just to sate her. I grinned, and walked into her tent. She was worthy of a mate like myself, but no alpha or even beta would take her as they blindly hunted first for the alpha who simply laughed at them. She however seemed to have done it before as she shoved her snout into my new throbbing power with a sense of knowing how to please. I groaned and growled, feelings coursing through me that had never been unleashed until now. I couldn't think, or see, which frightened me at first, even beyond my pleasure for a moment. What if a male had chosen her for a bond without my knowledge? What if I was trekking the track of the alpha, who routinely found odd things in females that even betas missed? But at that thought she showed her breasts to my throbbing potent shaft, rubbing me greatly with them, and all thought was lost. I felt like a god as I felt a shiver go through me, and then I groaned, my mighty prowess throbbing heavily into her mouth, on her face, and all over. I couldn't think as I merely jettisoned all of my seed into her, this unnamed tool. I know not what time it took, but ages past to the likes of me before it ended, and she was covered in my brood from snout to tail. She seemed to have enjoyed it though as she was unrelenting, not wanting to let go. A consensus arrived, and after much time, and an entire day gone by with her and I mating, I left her, and fell asleep exhausted, but knowing that such feelings I wanted to feel from now on.

I was daring in my youth, perhaps foolish, as I thought my mind made logic out of my thoughts. If such feelings could be felt from Riktana, a good mate but not the best, lusting for anything to fill her for a night after a while of being left alone, what feelings could be unleashed while entertaining the alpha female, someone whose only lasting mate was the alpha male, and was the best mate in the city? Such thoughts coursed in my mind and through my loins many times as I imagined her. Ripe breasts so good for our children we would have, her female flesh rubbing against my powerful prowess. Sometimes I got carried away while thinking, the throbbing too intense to merely dispose of. Many a time I would meet with Riktana hot and heavy, and we mated. She always complimented me on my potentcy, espeically when she found out such sugary words got her my brood faster, stronger, and more often. By a weeks time, her house smelled of me whenever I walked in, my scent all over her and her room even after she washed and bathed. She said she had no other mates, but I later found she had one that had tried to take her. She found him not worthy, and challenged him after he failed to simply take what was denied. She finished him easily, and he was shunned from breeding further. He had luck apparently taking smaller females not yet gone through their true maturity, as such females lusted, but did not get their needs quenched until they were proper mates, they had no choice but to take an outcast for an outcast. For a while she also was outcast, many males seeing her as too powerful in there foolishness to tame, so she was honored to meet such a potent male for breeding (myself), willing to take her so many times. However I found little desireably in her for mating after many times with her. Even when we mated for my pleasure, I imagined her firm breasts were those of the alpha female, that she was bending backwards for me, and I was taking her. The first time I thought this way my brood jettisonned so hard her sex couldn't take nearly any of it, spilling out into the floor like a lake.

Riktana knew her days were numbered as my only mate. I was brooding for new flesh, and so was she. We left on good terms. I respected her abilities as a mate, but she was not a beta's mate. I heard she took three mates eventually, two of which she eventually cast of in the ring, so perhaps the other males weren't as foolish as I thought not to try and mate her. Regardless, my loins could only be quelled by my hearts desire, the alpha female. Everyday of waiting only made me want her that much more. I brooded, waiting for a time when the alpha male was out with the others. I passed by his hut everyday, and finally say a pattern. On the second moon of seven, what you humans call "monday" in a "week," he would take another female, and the alpha female would be mateless. It was easy to here, the alpha males females screamed like hungry hatchlings, and the thrusting of the alpha shook his hut, his moans sounding like a group of angry bullfrogs. One night, I planned the unthinkable. I would take the alpha female, and I would show her how well I could take her, and why I should be alpha male with her. The thoughts made me lust for her even more, and the thoughts of taking her, willingly or not, espeically unwillingly, only made the wait that much harder.

Finally, the second moon came. I checked the alpha males hut, groans and bouncing sounded from his hut. I grinned, knowing that I had passed the first step. I walked to the alpha female's hut. It was early, no one was around her hut, and it was dark. I walked in casually, my breath heavy from both anxiety and lust. The thrill of what I was about to do outwayed the danger, and then I saw her. She was immense in her bulk. A beautiful body, firm full breasts, corded muscular stomach and legs, and large sensitive skin. I walked up to her and couldn't help but grown in pleasure. I got ontop of her, unable to contain myself, causing her to stir suddenly. In her groginess she really didn't know how to react to me. I grinned and she looked stunned, obviously never having someone so brash as myself to try this. Then she understood what I wanted. She fought back, thrashing about, grappling me, but she was weaker then I had thought as I merely had to block her blows, and then pin her arms down. I savored the moment as she whimpered helplessly underneath me, licking over her firm breasts, those breasts I only dreamed about before as I growled. They were better then anything I'd seen. I forcefully opened her mouth then, giving her a long taste, kissing and lapping at her mouth. Her fighting had gone down, obviously seeing she was overpowered, and knowing her alpha male would be furious to interrupt his mating, I spread her legs though, as she was still defiant in being fully taken. I grinned as I thrust my large head into her. She winced, then moaned, tensed. I savored her, being gentle at first to make her wet.

Finally though I could contain myself no longer. I lifted myself and thrust myself deep into her, groaning in pleasure as she felt better then I had dreamed. She winced again as I kept myself there for a while, panting as I felt myself lapsing into ecstasy. I started to pound her, holding nothing back as I used my entire strength. Her breasts flailed wildly, and even at her marginally larger size I kept her pinned and helpless for the entire time. I moaned as I came a lot sooner then I had liked, leaving her floor messy with a puddle larger then anything I had given Riktana, even in our first rutting. I couldn't stop there, it felt too good, and I didn't know if I would live for another try. I kept thrusting, she whimpered out for mercy, but I would give her none for seven more rutts. By the time I was done I could simply continue no longer and expect to walk. She was raw, on the point of bleeding, and sore as I unmounted her. She also seemed to be broken of pride as she was almost submissive to me, and cleaned me and the floor off. I grinned as she did this, my prowess growing taut again, but I spared her another mounting, for my own sake. It was getting late, and I didn't know how many females her male had. I told her that if she told, I'd challenge her and her mate, and she complied after the beating I had given her.

I slept nicely that nice, my dreams causing me to wake up the next morning more lusty then ever. It was more powerful even then the lust I had felt at my maturity, and I couldn't seem to think of anything else. I growled, and simply took my prowess into my paw and thrust. I growled as it felt better then I had expected, and I kept at it. Rubbing over my head, then thrusting over the majority of my shaft with a moan, then letting it gyrate. I grabbed my malehood, my sack of brood with my other hand and rubbed it, growling heavier, starting to thrust my invisible brood, my alpha. I imagined her there and growled as my prowess immediately responded my getting thicker, more willing. I imagined her hot firm breasts against me like I had her last night, and it was too much. I moaned, and bucked hard into the air in my bed and let loose with more then I believe I ever had. I then realized why. My prowess had grown even larger over night, each part of my sack full and taut as half of my balled fist. I grinned at it, and knew that next time I met my alpha, she would be pleased.

(Flemming: This idea of a dual maturity is something I didn't quite catch. I'm not sure if this was simply do to a placebo effect of power, a sort of metaphor, or a real biological anamoly that is unique to this species. Or perhaps he truly was blessed, who knows?)

However it wouldn't be so. The alpha male discovered my rutting with his mate, how I still know not, and was, rightfully, furious. At first I was stubborn enough to think that I could stand up to him, and as I went up to take my punishment I had the confidence of a small hatchling on his first hunt. However as I saw the monster of an alpha I felt like a small hatchling in a different way. He was one of the Chosen, and it showed in everything about him. My thoughts of overpowering him gone, I took my punishment willingly. I was exiled, for trying to take power through the alpha female. I knew that she saw it differently, and as I left I could definitely sense she longed for me in my passing. Apparently the alpha male felt the same, as I know now that she is experienced the Passing (note: A phrase meaning to die, the passing being the trials one must go through until the apocalypse, where all souls are put in their rightful place).

But, for the time, I was off alone.

Gorin's Rise

Disclaimer: This is yiff. Yadda yadda, you know that much at least. However, as with my other series this is again a macro story. So, if you aren't into that, or if you aren't into the whole rampaging giant bit, I don't suggest this as a story to read....

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D.E.S52 (D.E.S Part Three)

Authors Note/Disclaimer: This is still Macro, still Mature, you know the drill by now. This is the current end to this series, but I'm not against ressurecting it for later use if there are enough people who like it and want me to continue it. This one...

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DES52 (D.E.S Part 2)

Disclaimer/Authors Note: Of course, here I don't have to add in the mature rating, and in this chapter, and any other chapters its going to get pretty mature now, so don't worry. Another note, this is a Macrophilia story, so if that doesn't tickle your...

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