A Newly Minted Goddess

Story by Galactor123 on SoFurry

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((This one was really fun to write actually. Though I'm a sucker for bitchy goddesses...

Once again, to reiterate, this is a macro/micro story with a lot of growth, a lot of paws, and a dash of messiness and gore. If that disgusts you, STOP NOW.

However, if your one of my regular readers, I hope you like this one, I know I enjoyed writing it.

Note: Once again, this was on FA first. You can find it here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1621725/))

"Please princess! I'll do anything for you! Please! My people need a Queen!" Alarice couldn't help but smile. Her parents were right, he was attractive... especially on his knees.

"Anything my lonely suitor?" Alarice's smile only grew larger as she raised her paw up to his chin, pushing his muzzle up to look at her own. He was shivering, looking up at her pleadingly. He seemed to truly believe in this mission, as he didn't seem like the one who would normally beg. Alarice noted his physical features while she had the chance. He was lithe, but not twig like, weak, but not to the point that he will break too easily... he was perfect for what she needed. Now all she needed to do was to get-...

"Anything Alarice! I am to become king of my lands in but a few days, and I will be a laughing stock if I do not have someone to make an heir with! Marry my Alarice, your beauty will compliment my lineage for generations to come!"

He was a flatterer. Alarice took a mental note of that. Unfortunately, He was also a clueless windbag.

"My kingdom to the east is under the assault of a mighty army. We have found a long lost treasure that could aid us in this battle! It's a book of unspeakable magic, hidden away it was found by our kings of old..."

Spare me, Alarice thought, barely stifling a yawn. She had business to take care of after all, she didn't have time for whatever canned long lost treasure story this prince could offer her.

"... And only a member... a King or Queen of noble lineage can read the confines of this book! So you see, I must marry you... F-for my kingdom!"

Mmm, and I must see you away for my sanity, hurry this along. Alarice didn't even bother to stifle the yawn this time, her paw tapping idly on the wooden floor.

"Oh, but I see I am boring you milady. Just know, that I must retrieve the Astralnomicon..."

Alarice's eyes perked immediately upon hearing the name. "The Astralnomicon?!" She said excitedly. Perhaps it exists after all...

Her suitor, surprised at Alarice's interest, thought he may have found common ground here. "Y-yes... you see, the Astralnomicon is-..."

"Yes I know what it is you-..." Alarice could barely hold back on this man. He was thicker than molasses and about as slow. She had to choke it down however, and putting on her cutest voice, she managed to squeak out "Eh... Where is it then sire..?"


Alarice had awoken late once again. It didn't matter, all she would have to do was flash her pearly whites at the guard and he'd take the fall for it. Common daily routine. Alarice couldn't count the number of guards she had put to the gallows this way, but it really didn't matter to her. Any man who was stupid enough to put himself to death for a taste of her was too stupid to care about. It was then however that she remembered why she had been loathing this day. Another suitor.

Alarice quickly stood up out of bed, giving off a groan of dissatisfaction for the day to come as her claws tapped against the floor. She then wandered along sleepily to her dresser, a finely inlaid piece she had gotten from one of her other suitors before she had found him 'unworthy.' In all actuality, she should have found his gift unworthy first, it was already starting to crack. Ignoring the shoddy craftsmanship, Alarice undressed. Underneath her nightgown, she was a stunningly beautiful female salamander. For her race especially, she was especially busty, overflowing all but custom made bras and dresses. Her curves only continued as they went down. Rump, legs, it was if she were custom built to be a symbol of salamander desire... and she abused that gift every day to an inch of it's life.

Alarice fitted herself into a rather revealing number, her cleavage pressed together tightly. She loved teasing her suitors into giving her anything she wanted, then simply leaving them groveling and needy. Her sense of loathing for the day, however, came from the ritual beforehand. For it was common practice for her to have to sit down for a long lecture about some kingdom that needed to be saved from something or other, and she was their only hope. Then the compliments began, something about her eyes...

Alarice's mind trailed off as she walked out of her room, not even bothering to put on shoes, her claws still tapping on the wooden floor.

"Your m-majesty?" Alarice almost snapped as she heard the guard by her door whimper out. She kept herself collected however. She had more important people to cheat today, this shouldn't take long.

"Mmmm... yes my lovely little man?" She said, layering on the cuteness until it hurt even her own sensibilities. She could barely contain her mocking laugh as he fell right into it.

"Mm-... a-aah.... ahem... your... your father is waiting for you in the courtroom with the suitor. Your already late."

"Aaw... am I? Well, let me see here..." she walked, shaking her hips side to side as she got close to her victim. "Mmm... but really, this was all your fault now wasn't it... at least thats what my father and mother will hear, hmm?"


"Sssh..." Alarice quickly silenced him, hiding her smile of contempt as one of coy lust. "Suitors never put out on their first meeting... and I'm soooo lonely locked up in their. And you... you my big husky man..." she winked, "Are very... very close by..."

"I.... I'll see w-w-what I can dooo..." his voice trailed off as Alarice leaned in, kissing him on the cheek. "Mmm, thank you sweetie."

Alarice didn't even bother to contain her chuckle as she waltzed off, the guard staring at her ass as she went down to the central chamber of the castle.

The central chamber was a big gaudy thing filled with baubles from her families history. She hated the place more than any in the castle, as it was a testament to a past that had been forced down her throat. But her father loved all of these trinkets, and would go on for hours, agonizing about which one belonged to which king, and which...

"Alarice honey, your late again!" Alarice almost snarled as she heard the voice. She was hoping to not have to deal with her mother this day, preferring to take on her most annoying opponents one at a time. After all, she was such a controlling wench it was sickening. She really couldn't wait until her father was caught with that courtesan he was always with. She was still amazed she hadn't heard the little bastard going at it.

"Aww... am I?" she said as she gave off a cutesy little yawn to hide her growing contempt, "My watchmen scurried off, saying you all were waiting for me, that was all... I had barely time to dress!" She grinned as that made her suitor perk up.

"Again...? We'll have to put one of our royal guards on your door if they town guard keep up this incompetence..." Alarice stared off at her suitor as her mother continued to ramble on. He looked like an easy mark, someone who could carry out the task she had set for her next suitor.

Alarice smiled to herself as she remembered the description that she had read in her book of the object of her desire. Magical Artifacts and Oddities: An Illustrated Hand guide to the Sublimely Interesting World of Magical Trinkets. The book was even more boring than the name would suggest, but it had lead her the description of one amazing artifact in particular: the Astralnomicon.

The book of the Planes it had said. Some said it had all of the world's knowledge in it. Others said that it gave it's reader complete control over the entire flow of magic itself. Either way, the last user was reported to have used it to destroy all of the rival kingdoms on this plane, making a grand kingdom before being betrayed by his own trusted advisor. The book was then said to be sealed away in an unknown location, never to be used again.

Alarice thought the story was hogwash, obviously. Sure, magic was an integral part of her plane, as it was in many others. But a book that could let you control all of it? It sounded surreal. Still, what a power. It would allow her to be a Queen in her own right... no... a goddess. Terrorizing all those that she saw unfit. People would worship her for the paltriest things... she relished the idea. She wanted... no... needed that book. And thats precisely what she would use this poor sap for.

"... And thats why I came here, to see your daughter, Alarice." Alarice blinked back to reality as she heard her name. Apparently the suitor had been sharing his false sob story to his parents like all of the others. Her parents, as always, looked concerned. "Well, I wish you luck with her. She has turned away all of the other suitors unfortunately." Her mother glared at Alarice, and Alarice summoned all of her power to not to do the same. She would die first, she promised herself then, when she got that book.


"Where is it?! Tell me!" Alarice was done with pleasantries. Her suitor already knew where the Astralnomicon was, all she needed was a place.

Her suitor seemed surprised at her sudden interest. "T-... The Jerall Mountains. It's locked in the tomb of the last Everking, buried with him by his betrayer. All I need is the book, the keys to unlock it are-..."

Alarice smiled brightly, shushing him with a finger to his lips. "We must fetch it. Now." It was then that she noticed her suitors apprehension. Damn, is he catching on? This may be my only chance for this, if I manage to get on his bad side, I may never get that cursed book.

Alarice blinked, looking surprised at his apprehensive look, before cooing out, trying to calm his nerves. "For your kingdom, of course. I'm very saddened by your tale of troubles..." she grinned as she ran her finger down his spine, "Of course I will marry you so that you can use it to defeat the eh... well, all I ask is that we get the Astralnomicon post haste... So we know it's in good hands of course."

Alarice almost cheered in relief as the suitors stupidity finally played in her favor, "A good plan my darling! I will leave post haste for the mountain tops, and return, planes willing, to you and a perfect wedding day! Wait for me, will you?"

Course I will you dunce, what else will I do?! Alarice merely nodded, smiling.


The wait was agonizing. A number of months went by, in which time Alarice had to fight the urge to go looking for more suitors to play with. She was a lonely girl, both in terms of gifts, and in terms of physical pleasure. Plus, she didn't even know if the stupid book existed, let alone if her useless suitor was a good enough man to fetch it. So it was with unbridled joy when the time had come for his return. Alarice's suitor returned victorious to her castle, book in one hand... and a ring in another.

"Love! I have returned a rich man! I have my kingdom's salvation in one hand, and my own in another!"

Alarice's ecstasy over seeing that the book was real helped her get through such a horribly cheesy line with ease, giving out a very real giggle of happiness... just not at him. The suitor smiled, "Shall we then?" Alarice blinked as she saw him raise up his ring. I can't do it with him here, there are too many people.

Alarice grinned, "Oh, sure, come on up to my room... love." she winked, and sauntered her way up to the quarters. Fortunately, her 'love' followed close behind. She had a plan for him of course, but it wasn't exactly what he was expecting. "Mmm, I have quite the surprise for you..."

"Hmm?" The suitor blushed as she saw her tail flick back and forth, "O-ooh... no, that w-will have to wait until after the w-wedding l-love."

Mmm, if I had the nerve, I would use him for a bit more than the book. But no matter, he's disposable now. "Oh come my lover, you mustn't have such dirty thoughts! I was only whisking you away so you can propose proper, that is all."

"What, away from your parents...?"

"Nevermind that, come inside, quickly!"

Alarice dragged him inside her room quickly, her heart pounding inside her chest. Yes, I'm so close.

"Mmm, now set that book down on my bed, while I get something out of my dresser, hmm?"

"L-look, we really must wait until after the wedding, it is only proper for people of our standin-..."

Alarice cut him short by sinking a thin blade in between his ribs. For a split second she merely looked down at him, savoring his stunned look. She drank in his pain for a long moment, listening to him whimper and gasp out in agony, enjoying the sensation as she always did at this point, even more so as she saw her present sitting so agonizingly close to her idle hand.

"Mmmm, your a fool for trusting me love." She chuckled at his shocked expression. He apparently was still clinging to the vain hope that this was a misunderstanding... but it had quickly turned to an expression of pure blinding hate as the truth managed to sink into even his thick skull.

Alarice couldn't help but taunt him, his already pitiful form not made any better by it's sudden destruction. "Mmm... Almost all of my suitors saw me like this, at least those that had the misfortune of being able to give me gifts... and every time I merely talked my way out of it. He died in a duel, I'd say, he died while trying to fight off an army for me I'd say. Such a sad tale, they'd say, we are sorry for your loss. They'd give me presents in condolences, my parents would mourn for a while, as would my suitor's parents. And then, like the movements of the sun, the next suitor would come in, baring gifts and a body to play with for a while."

"Y-....you h-harlet!" Alarice blinked, stunned that her suitor could speak in such a condition... she'd have to alleviate that. She drove her sword in farther, and soon enough he gasped out for the last time. She relished it for a while, before soliloquizing once more.

"Mmm, but this time I don't need an excuse. This time, I'll merely kill off anyone who dares question me. This book will allow me to live above this idiocy, this dredge of putrid society... to rule it." Alarice murrs to herself as she feels her excitement building. It was at this point that she got her first good and thorough look at the book.

It was relatively unspectacular, all considering, but she knew better. Brown, with more brown on top of that, and brown locks to keep it all together. Her suitor had stupidly left it unlocked for her, and within seconds, she was upon it.

Alarice giggled with sheer excitement as she flipped open the book for the first time. The tome smelled like the ages itself, like time. Not the smell of mold, no, something different... something... magical. As she thought of this, she felt a feeling rise in her stomach. She blinked, as she looked down at the tome she had barely laid eyes on thus far.

Did I already unlock it's secrets? She looked in amazement, as once blank pages, pages she hadn't even noticed in her excitement, began to write themselves. There were poems, incantations, things of great power and of greater secrecy up until this very point. With each word she felt that feeling in her stomach rise up further, stronger.

Alarice couldn't contain herself anymore. She broke down into ecstatic laughter as she felt the all to familiar feeling in her stomach coalesce itself into something visceral and easily felt. Power. She felt it flowing through her veins, through her muscles, through her very being. It was intoxicating... she wanted more, and as she thought this, she got it. Soon enough she was pulsing with a light blue glow, a beacon of sheer power. She hissed out in complete lust, even as the book stopped it's magical spell. The power still was coalesced deep inside of her... whatever the book was supposed to do, it seemed to have worked it's magic, and without her even asking it, almost as if it were begging for a new owner. No matter, whatever the reasoning, the important bit was that she felt as if she could take over the world... but what was it really that it had done? She blinked as she realized that she felt nothing more than simply... empowered.

Alarice focused on it... nothing. Alarice then picked up her bloody sword and swung it. Nothing. There were no revelations, no methods of leadership that she hadn't known before... and then she thought about it. Magic. The book was magical, of course! It may enable the user to use magic she couldn't have used before. Alarice focused on one of the few spells she could think of... flare. Soon enough, her hand had erupted in harmless flames, larger than she had ever seen even the court magician get it. She lowly growled in pleasure. Her stupid class had actually been useful after all, though pretty soon she would need no more lectures on how magic worked...

Alarice couldn't help but hiss pleasantly as she walked for the door. She knew precisely what she would do first with this. She had made a promise to herself the day her suitor had been sent off after all, and she knew that, at this time of day, her mother would be out in the garden, watering her damn weeds as she always did.

Walking down the hall, she could still feel that powerful sensation pulsing in her stomach. It seemed... unrefined, almost as if it was a seed of power, germinating until the right weather hit it. She paid it no heed for now, as even with just her sword, she could do her mother in, her newfound magic would only be something to taunt her w-...

In mid thought, Alarice stopped as she noticed the court magician running down the hall towards her. It was as if he was going in slow motion, she thought, the slow movements of his hands hypnotizing in a way. As his face let off an angry sneer, shouting some words that, from this distance, seemed almost comically high pitched. Alarice saw a bolt of light race at her, blocking her view of the funny little man, the white bolt frying the air as it passed... and only then Alarice realized what was going on. Dammit! My mother must have put the magician up as my guard! I wasn't expecting anyone to see me until...

Alarice was cut short again as she was flung back, feeling a sharp tingling sensation throughout her entire body as the electricity shot through her form, inevitably doing irreparable damage. But... wait. This isn't want getting struck with electricity should feel like. She wasn't in any pain... in fact.... Alarice murred pleasantly. In fact it felt good.

Alarice looked down at her body, expecting to see charred flesh, to see the last bit of herself before the shock wore off and she died an agonizing death. Instead, she saw herself in pristine condition, if not better than before... and thats when it hit her like a tidal wave. As the court magician watched in shock, Alarice's seed of power bloomed into the first inklings of a flower. And, as simple as that, Alarice began to grow.

Not quickly at first, the seed was opening up slowly, but she could indeed sense it. Her muscles were bulging, her entire body was building upon itself. The power that surged throughout her body was absolutely intoxicating to her, better than any playmate that she had toyed with... much better. Still feeling the tingling sensation getting stronger, Alarice stood, and only then did she really get the whole picture.

Down below her, not but a few feet at this point, but still below, was the court magician, completely stunned at what he was seeing in front of him. He was helpless, his magic had backfired, and he was completely at her mercy... Alarice, needless to say, was loving every moment of this.

Suddenly, Alarice got an idea. She leaned down, and, gently grabbing a hold of the magician with both of her hands, hoisted him up to her head. He was just as ugly at this size then when he was taller then her, but at least this time she could wipe the smirk off the bastard's face if he got any funny ideas.

"Mmm... see what you did to me? See what you did to the Queen's poor little daughter?" she chuckled as she put on her best baby voice. She then gave the magician a stray lick, relishing the fact that, in one looong lick, she could cover his entire form with saliva, making it look like he had just lost a fight with a lake.

"Mmm... you've unlocked me. You've turned me into a beast." Alarice blinked as she slowly began to realize precisely what she was holding in her hands.... and then gave him an evil grin. "And, if you know whats best for you, you'll finish opening that door..."

The magician looked up at her in complete shock. It was one thing to see the daughter, whom you despised, to a Queen you worked for, who you also despised, shrug off one of your spells. It was a completely different thing to see that same daughter grow more powerful from one of your punches and then ask for another.

Alarice merely growled down at him, her mocking baby voice gone. "I don't have time for games you imbecile. Either start casting, or I'll start squeezing." Alarice relished that idea for a moment. The idea of simply being able to crush her victims in her paws. It hadn't occurred to her, but now that she thought of it... it was rather appealing. However, it wasn't the magicians role... not yet at least. She needed him for the moment, her insatiable hunger for power needed to be quenched.

The magician paused at first... he knew what he'd be unlocking, but on the same note, he knew that if he didn't do it, someone else would, and he'd be dead. He swallowed his pride, and began casting one of his weaker spells, hoping to sate her hunger with a cantrip.

"No no no!" Alarice squeezed down hard on the poor magician, cutting off his air flow for a moment as she once again growled. "You sniveling worm! I know the difference between a cantrip and an actual powerful spell! Did you think I really didn't even learn that in your classes?"

Alarice merely grimaced as the magician once again pondered his options as she let him breath irregularly once more... before once more swallowing his pride, this time along with a good heaping of his common sense. Alarice saw his casting, saw the latent energy that was flowing from his fingertips. Alarice's grimace turned into a smile as she anxiously awaited the next blast. Mmmm... yes, hit me with your best shot.

Soon, Alarice's vision was flooded with red. Her entire body tingled with an incredible bubbling sensation, as if someone was blowing into her stomach. Yet once again, it didn't feel painful at all. She looked down, and saw that her entire body was covered in red flames... and then the next moment they were extinguished, and the light blue glow that had encompassed her when she had opened up the book, did once more, pulsating and growing...

And Alarice followed. Magician still in hand, Alarice shot up in size this time, hit by a sudden growth spurt. The first things to go were her clothes. Already strained from the first batch of growth, her poor dress, now skin tight, merely disintegrated, falling harmlessly to the floor in a million pieces. Alarice didn't care at all. All she could feel, all that she cared to feel, was the rising tide of power within her. She could feel her heartbeat grow louder as she grew taller. Ten feet.... twenty feet... fifty feet. Her muscles began to bulge out as well as her form became too large for even the massive hallways of the castle. Alarice chuckled as she saw the magician in her arms, absolutely terrified as he began to realize precisely what he had unleashed in a moment of weakness...

"Mmmm.... thank you my lovely little friend, but I'm afraid your of no use to me anymore..." Alarice chuckled as she merely closed her one hand around the magician this time, and squeezed. She could feel him pop in her grasp, and within milliseconds, his squirming had stopped. Just like that, and Alarice had taken a life with one hand...

Sixty feet, seventy feet, eighty feet. The roof was beginning to crack as her head was growing into it. Up until this point, there hadn't been much noise from her growth... but the sound of the castle slowly crumbling underneath a growing goddess finally attracted the attention of the castle guard. Alarice could only smile as she saw a handful of the pike wielding nuisances run down the hallway, only to have their jaw, and their weapons, drop in awe and terror as they saw her naked body. Growing or not, her tight muscular body naked in a hallway would have given them a reason to stare, but her size, and her look of extreme excitement, was enough to get the guards to forget why they even came...

Soon enough though, it wouldn't matter. Alarice merped, startled more than anything, as the floor beneath her finally gave way, and the ceiling followed suit, stonework that would have once crushed her now bounced with just a slight pain off of her forehead. What was once one of the strongest parts of the castle, now lay in ruins... and still she felt her flower growing inside of her, egging her on to bigger and better heights.

Alarice got up slowly, surveying the scene as she caught her balance. Below she could see her loathed home, fading into an amusing tinker toy mockery of it's former glory as she rose above it. "Mmm, mighty kingdom... what a fraud. I could fit this whole castle under my pa-..." Alarice grinned. Up until now, she had only thought about one thing, her accumulation of power. But here she was, her dream had come true. She was a goddess of sorts, but what to do with it? Well, what else but to get rid of all those things that she loathed. Starting here.

Alarice lifted up a paw, grinning as she saw it lay a shadow over a full half of the castle. Wiggling her toes playfully, she slowly lowered it, her squishy salamander skin conforming to the masterwork stone at first... but soon enough her growing weight merely snapped it underneath her idle paw. No work, no pushing, no stomping... just her weight. She chuckled as she saw the dust from the crushed stone billowing out from under her paw, and murred as she felt the moving and squirming of those still alive, squirming in sheer terror underneath her growing paw, before they were silenced, suffocated and crushed underneath it's growing expanse.

By this point, Alarice noted, she had drawn a crowd. People from the city who had come to ask for patronage from her father, or people from nearby noble houses and plantations, looked up to see their afternoon sky filled with a shape they would have never expected. Alarice smiled toothily, waving cutely down at the crowd.

"Mmm... hello my worthless little subjects, and soon to be playthings! It is indeed I, Alarice, princess of this realm... and soon? Goddess." she chuckled, vitriol dripping from her last words. She once again lifted up her paw, and this time to show off, slammed it into where her castle once stood, her largely hidden leg muscles bulging out as she put her entire weight and power behind this stomp.

The effects were magnificent, awe inspiring even to Alarice. Her paw fell, almost in slow motion at first, to those watching. As it struck, at first, her skin merely absorbed the shock... but her muscles pushed back. Alarice saw as the shock wave blasted through the ground, the very Earth ebbing from it's waves, blasting off thatched roofs and decimating some of the weaker log cabins. Looking down, she couldn't help but let out a laugh as, where her home once stood, the pinnacle and symbol of the King's power over this realm, now sat a thirty foot long paw, her paw, surrounded by a crater worthy of an asteroid.

The people closest to the blast were killed instantly by the traveling shock waves, their innards merely blown to smithereens. Those that were spared, simply sat, silent in a combination of awe, terror, and in some cases, pain, as they saw their first view of this newfound threat. Soon though, no matter their current condition, they all felt the same emotion at once... panic.

Alarice chuckled as she saw the sheep run and bah helplessly to one another from the emergence of their very own big bad wolf. She had complete control over them, and, as always, was loving every minute of it. She stepped forward towards the town, relished the feeling as even her soft foot paws sank into the hard ground packed around the castle, causing valleys where houses once stood. Still growing, she was currently at a cool four hundred feet tall, and yet, curiously, her soft paws could still sense the wriggling and squirming of those who were 'lucky' enough to survive under her paw. Alarice didn't question this seemingly magical property however, she had plans for her former home.

"Mmm, for too long have I had to put up with your idiocy. Your bickering and your worthlessness..."

Alarice coos, interrupting her speech, as one of her paws smashes into a large grouping of the fleeing residents. She feels their wriggling bodies underpaw, and merely sits it there, unmoving, waiting as she feels their frantic beating slowly die down, suffocated under her paws overpowering scent.

"Your bugs..." Alarice blinks before letting off a grin as she comes to a realization, "...Mmm, and what do we salamanders do with bugs...?"

Before they can 'answer', Alarice leans down, her foot paws simply sinking further into the dirt, the few furs that survived from suffocation rupturing into a red paste under paw. Not even noticing, Alarice then places her hand paw in front of the castle's main gate, blocking the majority of the little fur's paths. In their fear driven stupidity, many simply begin running in circles, frantically looking for a way out between a rock and a hard place, much to Alarice's amusement. Chuckling, Alarice opens wide, and, still leaning down, lets her tongue sweep across the dirt, catching a multitude of former colleagues, 'friends,' and countrymen in her maw, stuck together in an ironic form of equality in death, before being silenced as she takes a large gulp, murring as she feels their kicking live bodies going down, not even noticing the feint hint of a glow as they went down, or the bubbling sensation that followed.

Standing upright once more, Alarice surveys the scene in front of her... before blinking as she once again sees the blue aura around her form coalesce, and begin to grow and pulsate... and she feels her inner flower crash through the pitiful little pot it had been planted in, hungry for growth once more. "What is this...?"

Alarice was cut short as all she could do was growl in a combination of sheer ecstasy and confusion as she shot up in size once again with massive speed. She quickly shot up to one thousand feet... one thousand five hundred feet... it was enough to give her vertigo. She watched, only half consciously as her paw grew too big for her former home's walls to cope with, very quickly covering the entire area of her former city... and she wasn't even done with her spurt. What could have possibly have caused this? Nothing was cast on me, not that I knew of... Alarice blinked as she remembered one bit that she had, until now, not thought important.

There was an old sage that lived in her village. He was another stereotypical magic users. Old, stuck up, and absolutely obnoxious in Alarice's eyes. A waste of space. However, she did remember her father talking about how they were 'so lucky to have one of the most powerful magician's in the realm in their very own city.'

Alarice then realized that, one of the first persons her tongue had stuck to, was that said powerful magician, his old gait and brown robes having given him away. Alarice grinned... The poor sod most of tried to cast a spell in his dying throes...

As she continued to rise, even Alarice couldn't have ever dreamed of the power that she wielded right now. As her spurt began to slow down, she had stopped at nearly four thousand feet. From her position she could see the entirety of her realm, and the start of nearly nine others. Cities lay at her feet like child's blocks. Mountains were but parapets of squishy nothing... this world was her oyster. She was a goddess...

Alarice once more found herself uncontrollably laughing, the mere noise of her now booming voice shaking the countryside. "Mmmm... pitiful creatures. Out of all the righteous and noble men and women alike in your various realms, the gods decide to give me power over all of your lives. Perhaps they do have a sense of humor... or a sadistic streak. But, I suppose you all will see which soon enough..."

Stepping forward, Alarice can't help but growl pleasantly as she feels the ground kneel to her commanding paws, before stepping forward once more onto a small town, lowering her foot with excruciating slowness on to the small stone and thatched roof buildings, a wide grin playing across her face as she sees the shadow of her paw slowly blot out the sun for the unfortunate littles below.

As her paw impacts, Alarice blinks in surprise as, even at this size, she feels the multitudes of victims for a split second before their final demise, her soft landing letting them live long enough to tickle against her surprisingly sensitive paws. She murrs at the unexpected gift, intoxicated by the feeling of an entire society frantically trying to escape death under her musky pawpads. Another gift from the magic perhaps? If so, I'm beginning to like that book more and more...

Ignoring the other small shanty towns that she runs through, Alarice moves forward at a constant walk, quickly clearing the distance to the next city. She chuckles as she quickly comes to the realization that this was one of her former kingdoms main rivals... what better excuse than to torment this one with something a bit special? Alarice quickly 'drew' a moat around the entire city with one of her toes, the trench quickly filling with water as the underground streams unloaded into the crevice quickly, making escape from the small city impossible.

"Mmm... you all gave me and my people nothing but trouble throughout your miserable little existences. Worthless bugs, less than any I've squashed thus far, and some of the stupidest I may add...." Alarice then took a single toe, dragged it through the streets, smiling evilly as she could feel the little insects smacking into her huge digit, getting crushed by the singular motion. Then she repeated it once more horizontally, making a cross in the town. Alarice then simply concentrated, her inner flower showing it's thorns for the first time, as the cross erupted in a blue aura.... before bursting into a giant inferno.

Alarice merely watched at first... Not but three feet from a moat and these bugs insist on burning. Stupid instects. She watched for a moment, but soon enough she simply couldn't take the burning bugs stupidity anymore. Raising her paw over top of the city, at almost 5000 feet tall now, the shadow of her paw alone threw the city into darkness.... and then, she kicked.

Once more Alarice smiled as she watched the shockwave fly out from the impact. This time though, the Earth did more then ebb... it quaked, shivered, and then erupted up, flying out in magnificent arks like a dirt tidal wave. Where once stood a valiant city, burning from a goddesses whim, quickly became a lake, and one of the largest in the realm, as the underground streams and other lakes in the area overflowed, flooding once fertile farmland.

Alarice looked at her handiwork, panting in sheer lust, the amount of which surprising even her. She had been so enraptured by her own power, so engrossed at destroying these little beasts that she had had to live with all her life and what she could do with them, she had almost subconsciously ignored how excited she was by all of this. Her lust was burning inside of her, almost as badly as the fires had...

Still panting furiously, her lust rising with every moment it seemed, Alarice once more tread quickly off to one of the largest cities in the realm, and, in a scene of poetic irony, the homeland of the last Everking, the last user of the Astralnomicon. It was too large for even her to take out with a single kick, much much larger than the pitiful towns and cities that she was used to living in... and that made it perfect for what she was thinking of now.

Alarice wasted no time, and quickly grabbed a handful of the city. Dirt, buildings, and people, she didn't care at this point. Sitting down with a massive thud, her rump demolishing a good portion of the suburbian life of the city in a single, uncaring motion, she quickly spread her legs and placed her mound of city right on her sex.

The response was staggering. Inbetween the dirt, stone, and other debris she picked up, she could feel the wriggling of thousands, if not tens of thousands, of little bugs squirming, the magic allowing her to feel every last one of them in their excruciating and unintended rubs. She gasped immediately, her toes curling reflexively as a wave of pleasure washed over her, engulfing her in a fiery lust.

"Mmmm.... pleasure me little bugs, and I may consider your deaths a payment for the rest of this city here. Ignore me, and I'll destroy everything." Alarice gasped as she almost immediately felt the worthless ministrations of the throngs she had underhand. Whether they comprehended her or not, they were writhing furiously, little hands moving across her sensitive flesh, tickling it, caressing it...

It wasn't enough though, as it was only driving Alarice further into lust. "Harder you insects! Harder!" Still, the same response came from them, much to her shagrin. Ministrations, tiny desperate hands... it was driving Alarice crazy.

With a loud growl, Alarice took parts of her handful, and quite forcibly shoved it into her sex, moaning out loudly as bits of buildings, dirt, wall, whatever she had on hand grinded against the sensitive walls of her sex. "Aaaah.... y-you'll pay for me h-having to work for this..." was all she could moan out as her fingers played against her engorged clitoris. Her lust was too much to keep in, she was not going to have a long drawn out climax, as she could already feel herself about to burst, and, with a mischievous smile playing across her face, stood up slowly, weak in the knees from all of the pleasure, and, still furiously fingering herself, released a torrent of her own juices, yelling out loud enough to shatter windows for miles.

For the people down below, their own lewd death came as a shock. In a million years, not one of them would have expected to have their last image be that of an entire city flooded by the sweet scented juices of a goddess, and yet, for many people, it was. Drowning wasn't the only issue, her juices were enough to rip small cabins out of their foundations, utterly destroying them.

However, for Alarice, it was a scene she wouldn't see for nearly that long, as suddenly, a confusing feeling hit her. Her vision began to slowly go white, blurry. She still felt the afterglow of her sexual escapade, indeed it was getting more intense. She could see the city down below her get... smaller? Pretty soon it looked as if the entire city was covered in her thick cream....


Alarice woke up, startled awake as if coming out of a bad dream, a nightmare. Howeve,r her surroundings were anything but. She could see the wildflowers as they shifted left and right in the morning's breeze. The smell of dandelions was in the air, her favorite smell of spring...

She blinked as she remembered what she had just done... or had she? Was that all just a dream? Had I imagined it? She looked down at herself, and once again blinked. She was completely naked from head to toe, but besides that, there was nothing to show that she was a goddess... or even a giant.

Alarice looked around. The field was completely empty, no landmarks, or any type of marker to show her how tall she was could be found, an endless field of green, a perfect pastorial picture. Eh, if only there was a redwood tree I could prove to myself that I hadn't just imagined that...

Out of the corner of her eye, Alarice watched in amazement as a redwood tree quickly grew out of the ground, rising above her to a towering one hundred feet in a matter of minutes...

Alarice smiled, standing up slowly to greet the brand new day.

The Great Mountain

((Another Eat/Grow/Fuck/Destroy story from me, this one a remake of an ooold story I did for my friend Silverclaw, also known as Talos on FurryMUCK. As always, enjoy, and comment... it still makes my day. Note: this also was originally posted...

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First Priority

((A new story! \*gasp\* This one I made for Brick James, a very interesting character on FurryMUCK, and is also the first one to star in a supporting role, my character on FurryMUCK, Denora! This one strays ever so slightly from my normal fare....

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The Wonder Drug

Disclaimer/Intro: I did this for a person I met on Second Life for commission. It's another macro/mega story that I tried to add a bit of a plot too. However, I don't think I looked this thing over as much as I should. I looked it over, he did,...

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