Gears of War: Engine of war chapter 1 (furry style)

Story by Axel the Silver fox on SoFurry

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Chapter 1-

"Attention all Gears! We have reports of Locust in the Jacincto hospital district! All available personnel in the immediate area please respond!"

The call came over the Jacincto COM system as Sergeant Mark Hart reached the rendezvous point for his Gear squadron, Beta 3. He, like all other Gears, wore the standard blue armor with the Gear logo and special enhanced vision and air filtration helmet. There were however, certain ways to discern just what species he was as far as furry's went. He had a silvery fox tail that was easily noticeable sticking from the rear end of his suit and the same silvery fur at the neck area which also hinted at a white underbelly. He wanted to respond to the call immediately, but he also knew that was reckless and irresponsible, so he was forced to wait impatiently. Just then there was a call of a familiar voice behind him.

"Sarge! Hey sarge!"

Mark quickly turned to see Mike running up to him, finally his squad was showing up!

"Hey Mike! Wheres Gray and Jerard? We're needed in the hospital district!"

"Sir!" Mike said as he halted and made a crisp salute to his commanding officer, "Gray and Jerard were needed over by the ammo depot, the Locust are striking there too."

Mike was also a fox, and had been Mark's best friend for years now. But, he had the typical orange fox fur with a white underbelly slightly visible at his neck and of course, a bushy fox tail as well. Mark smirked a bit within his helmet before speaking.

"So it's just us then huh?"

"It looks that way sir..."

His smirk then turned to an all out smile and he unslung his Lancer Assault Rifle, "Well then what are we waitin' for Mike? A written invitation? Lets move out!"

"Yes sir!"

Both made a quick turn and took off in a dead run towards the Jacincto hospital, the sound of gunfire quickly becoming more and more audible as they drew near. All around them other Gear soldiers were riding off on transport vehicles and Raven helicopters, all preparing for operation Hollow Storm. Their superiors had been planning it for months on end now, ever since the lightmass bomb had failed to exterminate the Locust. Now the plan was to hit em' where it hurt, to actually take the fight to the Locust for once as opposed to the typical strong defensive strategy. See, this war had been raging on for years now...and if anything the Locust seemed to be getting stronger as the Gear forces grew weaker and fewer. As a matter of fact, all the surface dwelling sentient creatures now faced extinction due to the looming Locust threat and most if not all of them had retreated to the sanctity of Jacincto as their cities had fallen one by one. But now even Jacincto had fallen under truely was the last hope for their survival. After a few more moments, they came to a halt in front of the Jacincto hospital and Mark let out a long sigh. Mike instantly looked to him and put one of his paws upon his left shoulder.

"Hey okay? If it's about your dad-"

" I'm fine..."

"Sir he died of rust's not the most fitting death for a warrior...but he did contract the disease by following orders like a good soldier. He was a good man Mark."

"Yeah I know Mike...and...thanks." Mark said.


"Well, unfortunately those Locust won't kill themselves Mike, lets get goin'!"

"Yes sir!"

With that, the two squadmates were off into the hospital, Lancers now held at the ready. All these years at war had made the two learn one thing if nothing else, Locust can pop up anywhere, at anytime. Mark quickly moved to the corner of a hallway and peaked around the edge, while mike did the same on the opposite side.

"All clear!" said Mark as he proceeded to round the corner.

The hallway led them to a series of patient rooms, most of which had the iron lung disease, which coincidentally became an epidemic AFTER the lightmass bombing. Apparently the blast had sprayed imulsion vapors into the air, which all the top doctors thought was the most probable cause for the sudden epidemic. Up ahead, they could see bloodspattered walls and....severed remains of COG Gears.

"Ahhh shit...." Mark said quietly, "This don't look pretty Mike..."

"What do you think got to em'? A bolter?"

"Dunno...but whatever it was, it's probably still hangin' around..."


Mark made a stealthful approach to the next corner, using the wall as his cover, and peered around the edge. Sure enough...three Locust bolters were standing in the next room, all appearing to be conversing with one another quietly as if planning their next move. Mark held up a paw to Mike, signaling for him to stay where he was while he went ahead first...but before he could even act, there was quick gunfire from a doorway off to the side.

"Woo! Knock knock bitches! Now suck it!" said the Gear soldier from in the other room as his bullets sprayed the blood of the bolters acrossed the walls of the room.

The three fell to the ground, all grunting in pain as death quickly set in upon them. One however, wasn't as badly hurt as the others and tried to crawl away. At that point the other soldier came running through the door and kicked the bolter onto its back.

"Where you think you're going? The train's got a special suprise for yo ass!" he said as he began pumbling its face with his huge fists.

"Wow I actually feel sorry for the damned thing..." Mike said quietly, "Least our guys went quick..."

As the soldier finished, and the bolter lay dead on the ground, Mark and Mike emerged from their cover and approached him. He, although a bit startled at first, quickly stood and saluted Mark, recognizing him as a superior. He stood a good 6"5' and wore no helmet, unlike Mike and Mark, so he was easily recognized as a black tiger with what appeared to be silver stripes and crimson eyes.

"That was one hell of a show soldier!" Mark said, "Actually made Mike feel sorry for it."

"Yeah well I just love beatin' the shit outta these Locust bastards...especially after what they did to momma...."

"Rage is good...rage keeps you alive." Mark replied, "Whats your name soldier?"

"Private Augustus Cole sir!" he replied.

Mike instantly chimed in with a hint of awe in his voice, "No way....the Cole Train? Number 83?"

"Yeah thats right sound just like Dom kid." he said thoughtfully.

"Dom?" Mark asked.

"Yeah he's in my squad, Delta Squad."

"Well I hope you don't mind Cole, but since I'm missin' two of my squadmates, I'm recruitin' you to Beta 3 for the time being." Mark said.

"Well alright sir, lets get a move on!" Cole replied.

The three then headed off through the hospital's long and sometimes dark halls, the occasional wretch popping out of nowhere to try and get to them...though as usual none even came close. As they trekked on, Mike was the first to speak up again.

"So Cole, Who else is in your squad besides this Dom guy?"

Cole smirked and looked over at Mike, "Well lets see, we got Sergeant Marcus Fenix, a real hardass. Theres also Baird, who's a bit full of himself and loves to complain....I swear I ain't never heard no male bitch like he does hehehe..."

"Heh sounds like a real party." Mike said.

"Yeah it really does, all we got are Gray and Jerard, two of the most boring guys you'll ever meet." Mark chimed in.

Just then two Drones came running around the corner, Hammerbursts raised, and let out twin roars of battle. Mark instantly flipped a medical table nearby and took cover, while Cole did the same and Mike took cover with him. Bullets from the two Locust were now ripping away at the cover of the squad and they had to act fast.

"Shit! Mike, toss a frag in there!" Mark shouted.


"Ain't no need boys! The train's got this one covered!" Cole interjected as he dove over he and Mike's cover.

The two drone fire was immediately focused on Cole as he rushed at them but due to an apparent lack of training with firearms, each shot went right by the tiger and he was soon right upon them.

"Time for yo close-up bitch!" he roared as he revved up his Lancer Assault Rifle and jabbed the chainsaw bayonet into the first drones stomach, spraying blood and guts everywhere as it was lifted up over his head and tossed away behind him.

At the sight of this, the other drone turned and tried to make a hasty escape, obviously not wanting the same fate. Cole, instantly took off after him, his pupils narrowed to slits as his teeth gritted.

"Oh hell na, where you goin' baby?"

With that he fired half his clip into the Locust's back, even after it had fallen to the ground dead. Mark and Mike had been left behind staring in awe. This guy was simply was like he had absolutely no fear of death or pain what so ever. Slowly, the two emerged from their cover and admired his work.

"Damn're unstoppable man!" Mike said enthusiastically.

Cole turned and grinned at the two, "Aw hell yeah! Ain't enough freaks to stop this tiger!"

Just then a voice sounded through Mark and Mike's headsets, "Beta Three, this is control. Do you read?"

Mark placed two fingers to his helmets earpiece and quickly responded, "Yeah, this is Beta Three Anya, what do ya need?"

"Mark I have terrible news." she began, "Jerard and Gray were killed by a Brumack just minutes ago..."

"W-what?...." Mark said in a mere whisper.

"No way...." Mike said just as quietly, distress notable in his voice now.

"I'm....sorry guys...." Anya said softly now, "Colonel Hoffman ordered us to send two new additions to your squad immediately, so we need you to return to the entrance of the hospital immediately."

"W-wait, what about...the Locust Anya?" Mark asked.

"Reports from all squads in the vicinity say that most, if not all Locust are now fleeing the premises." she replied.

"Right...we'll be out ASAP." he said.

"Rodger Beta Three, control out."

Mark then turned to the other two and sighed softly, "You heard the lady....lets get moving...we have two new recruits to pick up."

"Mark...." Mike began, "I-"

"Save it!" Mark said, rage showing very clearly in his body language, "....Lets just get our squadmates and head for Landown....I'm gonna rip them apart."

With that he took off down the hall, tears burning at his eyes within his helmet. Mike stared on as he rounded the corner and then looked back at Cole, who shook his head and sighed.

"Let it be kid...every man deals with hardship in his own way."

Mike simply nodded and turned to follow his Sergeant, whom was already far ahead of them, and Cole quickly followed suit.

---Outside the Jacincto Hospital---

"Damn it where are they?" Cheryl demanded impatiently to herself.

"They'll get here when they do Cheryl." Rick replied, hefting a bag of luggage and a Lancer Assault Rifle which he kept almost dropping.

"Was I talking to you rookie?" she asked impatiently as she turned to him, helmet under one arm. Although her expression went from angry to one of near-laughter, "Jesus kid you are green as grass you know that?"

"For the last time, don't call me kid!" Rick said angrily, this time dropping his rifle, "Ahh fuck!"

"Heh, you got no right to tell me what to do Rick." she shot back.

She then laughed to herself and threw her silvery hair back out of her eyes, which were a beautiful shade of blue. She had black fur and a mixture of wolf-like and fox-like features. All that was notable about Rick because he was wearing his helmet was his white fur and white tail, which might make one guess he was a white wolf. Just then Mark, with Rick and Cole not far behind, came running out the hospital's front door and halted a few feet away from them. Cheryl and Rick, who had just picked up his rifle, quickly saluted him....and Ricked dropped his luggage this time, making Cheryl snicker.

Mark sighed softly and rubbed his neck, "Well aren't you just as green as grass? Whats your name rook?"

Rick muttered angrily under his breath before replying, "Private Rick Reynolds sir!"

"And what about you?" he said, looking to Cheryl.

"I'm Corporal Cheryl Kasumaki sir!"

Just then Mike came up beside Mark, with Cole not far behind him. he was panting softly as he looked to his two new apparent squadmates.

"Mike, these two are Rick and Cheryl, they will be replacing Jerard and Gray."

"Right....damn gotta....gotta slow down....aren't you tired?" Mike asked breathlessly.

"Hell no! We just lost two of our men Mike! I haven't got any time to be tired! I want revenge!" he replied angrily.

"Sir!" Cheryl said, "I'd gladly follow you in your revenge against the Locust....they killed my brother sir!"

At this, Mark turned to fully face her and sighed softly, both paws reaching up and removing his helmet slowly, revealing a very handsome face...crimson eyes like Cole's, although there was a scar acrossed his right eye and he had two small hoop earrings in his left ear.

"Well then you and I aren't much different....we both lost family in this war..." he said softly.

Cheryl, who had been taken aback by his impressive appearance under that helmet, was blushing softly although not purposefully. "Yeah....I'm gonna rip em' apart just like they did to my brother."

Mark smirked and held out his paw to her, "I'm sergeant Mark Hart, and I think you and I are gonna get along great Cheryl."

She giggled softly and took his paw, shaking it firmly. "I have to agree sir."

Mark looked to the rest of the squad and took a slow breath, "Alright Beta, everyone set their COM frequencies to setting zero zero one six seven so we can communicate at long range and receive communications from control and command."

No sooner had the two new recruits set their COMs than Anya's voice rang out through the speakers, "Sergeant Mark, do you read me sergeant?"

"Rodger Anya, loud and clear." Mark replied, "What is it?"

"You have a confirmed objective Mark." she said, "You are to report to Raven A-119 for immediate pickup and will be dropped off with Major Doc Revan to escort his rig to Landown."

"Rodger Anya. What about Private Cole?" he asked.

"Private Augustus Cole is with you?" she asked.

"Affirmative." he replied.

"Have Cole report to Raven D-16, Delta squad is full at the moment so he will be joining Alpha seven."

"Right, Sergeant Mark Hart out." he told her before turning to face Cole, "You get that Cole?"

"Sure did." he replied.

"Alright, you take care Cole, and make sure you kill plenty of those bastards for us." Mark said.

"Ain't no need to worry baby," Cole said with a wide grin, "Ain't no one strong enough to derail this train!"

"Heh, right." Mark said with an equally wide grin, "We'll see you in that Locust shithole."

"Oh you know it! We're gonna find that skank-ass queen of theirs and blow her little empire to hell and back!"

"Good hunting Cole." Mike said.

Cole nodded and took off towards the Raven's while Mark and his squad formed a small circle. Cheryl was already making her hair into a pony tail so she could put her helmet on, and Rick had opted just to forget about his luggage and now held his Lancer correctly.

"Alright Beta, I know you heard the lady, any questions?" Mark asked.


"Then..." he said as he slipped his helmet back on, "Lets move out!"

"Yes sir!" They all shouted.

Beta 3 was now officially ready to fight.

-End chapter-

Gears of War: Engine of War chapter 2

-Chapter 2- Mark watched silently as the surfaced whisked by under the Raven, lost in thoughts about the entire war so far...and what everyone had lost along the way. Sometimes he even wondered how it had come to had this war become...

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