Treasure Seeker: Hurricane

Story by Farfener on SoFurry

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Hello to you all again. Not to complain or anything but I must as k you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT, I need feedback so I can improve, I do want to be an author some day. I am contemplating making the next installment 'Treasure Seeker' the last. There is much more story to tell (and a lot more yiffing to do) and I love this universe and its characters but I am getting frustrated with the lack of feedback regarding the story and its direction. To those who have left Comments, THANK YOU, you contribution is appreciated and helpful!

Note: I will be placing artwork from this story onto the site soon. Also, the next story should be posted in a few weeks. Will it be the last? That is up to you, please vote.

Anyhow, on the synopsis. As war edges closer, tensions in the fragile city of Isaiah rises. Zenn's secret and her life, as well as the lives of those close to her, are threatened by the cruel dictator of Isaiah. The desert fox is missing in action and the prince of Avalon is getting impatient. The future of Isaiah and the world sits upon a knife edge which gets sharper with each passing day.


In the three months that followed Rayle, the prince of Avalon, 's declaration of war against Isaiah, panic had gripped the city. Many people had made frantic attempts to leave the city, only to find the docks swarming with imperial soldiers and inaccessible to all but the extremely rich. Attempts to cross the desert on foot had also met with failure as a late summer heat wave settled over the desert. Eventually the Imperials began patrolling around the city to prevent the citizens from leaving in droves.

Inside the city walls, the citizens struggled to get on with their lives, forcing away the fear so that they could continue on with their daily activities. Reports from the army came in daily, telling of how, so far, the imperials had fought off several small scale attempts to invade the desert. After a while, the citizens simply went back to their daily lives, the threat of invasion forgotten in the everyday struggle to stay alive. However, a great fear still gripped the city, a fear now coming from within the city itself. A dark mood had settled over Isaiah.

Rassa dashed around a corner and panted had, trying to catch his breath. He stood pressed against the wall in a thin, dirty alleyway. At both ends of the narrow space Rassa could see a thick crowd of beasts dressed in all different colors, a thick crowd. In one hand he held a bag full of gold coins and in the other he held a small sword, its thin blade flashing silver in the sun. His breaths came in gasps as he looked around the corner. His gaze swept the street, his eyes darting from face to face, from person to person.

Rassa flung himself back around the corner as he saw a line of market guards marching down the street towards him. He looked at the bag of gold in his paws and swore under his breath. With a lightning fast motion and as delicately as a feather, Rassa slipped the bag of coins into a travelers pack as he turned the corner and walked back out onto the street. He quickly put his hood down and pulled the scarf down from across his muzzle. With a flick of his wrist, Rassa flipped the blade up into a hidden sheath in his sleeve and clipped the blade into place.

Rassa walked calmly past the guards who paid him no mind. Their gazes' swept the street, searching for a thief who had eluded them only moments ago, unaware that he was escaping right underneath their noses. As Rassa past them he sighed, watching as the fourth prize that day slipped away from him. Ever since Zenn had confirmed her pregnancy, Rassa had done his best to find a legitimate job. He had even resorted to carrying supplies like a pack mule for the military, or working to clean out stables and warehouses. It seemed that no matter where he went, no matter what job he got, he always ended up back on the streets, carrying out his role as a master thief.

As Rassa kept walking, realizing that he was safe and the soldiers were gone, he began to wander aimlessly. His wanderings brought him to the town square. People still bustled around the market section. However, many of the people gave the westward section of the market place a wide berth. An ugly structure, built only a few months ago, stood in the western section of the market. The structure was a large gallows, a structure which sat with an ominous aura around it.

Like many of the people in the marketplace Rasa looked upon the gallows with disgust. In the past three months, over four thousand people had been hanged for crimes as minor as pick pocketing. Every night, the soldiers would march prisoners from the jails, march them to their deaths. At first, people had gathered for the hangings, using the public excitement as a way of escaping the tension that had been building ever since the Rebel army from Avalon had arrived. Now, the people gave the gallows a wide berth, a show of disgust towards the soldiers and the leaders who controlled that death. IN the three months since the gallows had gone up, tensions in the city had mounted to a point where many of the soldiers feared rebellion and revolt.

Rassa knew that something was wrong, something had drastically changed in the way the imperial regent treated its citizens. It was no secret that the imperial commander, the Dessert Fox, Grand General Cratus, was in fragile health. Rassa, like many others, suspected that Cratus had fallen ill and was no longer in command. There had of course been executions in the past, but they had been secret and private, only for capital crimes such as murder. Now, many people looked upon the government's reaction as a mass murder, an attempt to stifle the populace. The benevolent rule of Isaiah had turned into a rule of terror

Rassa turned away from the gallows and started walking. A loud crash behind him caused Rassa to swing around. A young thief had knocked over a table of fruit and vegetables and was making off with an armful of produce. The merchant called out in anger, alerting anyone in the square who had not already witnessed the incident.

The young thief dodged and weaved through the crowd towards Rassa. Before Rassa could react, a soldier jumped out of the crowd towards the young thief. The crowd hurriedly got out of the soldiers way as he drew his sword. There was a flash of steel and the fruit dropped from the thief's arms as she fell dead on the street, her throat slashed and a look of surprise still on her face.

It took ever ounce of control Rassa had to keep from attacking the guard. The guard leaned down and wiped off his sword on the ragged dress of young mouse he had just killed. He stood back up and looked the gathering crowd in the eyes. Rassa's hands shook and he wanted to attack, to maim, to kill the soldier. He could tell by the armor, silver and red rather than the old gold and yellow, that the soldier was one of the many new ones that had entered the city in the last three months. These new soldiers showed no mercy, had no feeling for the citizens they were supposed to protect.

After a few moments, Rassa turned away and began walking home. As he did, he heard the guard call out to the crowd, "Let this be a lesson to all of the rabble here. Your new governor, his highness Lord Shreer, will no longer tolerate this filth in the empire."

"So that is the problem." Rassa thought to himself, "The benevolent desert fox isn't protecting us anymore."


Zenn ran her hand over her stomach for the hundredth time in less than and hour, feeling the lump in her tummy. Ever since her pregnancy began, Zenn had spent more and more time inside of her apartment, thinking. Her body ached for the sea, but the fear kept her home. The imperials were on a constant lookout for spies and saboteurs and she didn't want to get in any trouble. The imperials had been tightening their grip to almost a strangle hold on Isaiah and she knew better than to risk herself and her unborn child to such danger.

Since she had gotten pregnant, she had been surprised by the needs of her body. Even though her heat had been fulfilled, she and Rassa still mated nearly every night. Their embraces had become more gentle and loving, less about the final fulfillment and more about the feelings that the act generated. Zenn had been worried that she might have pushed Rassa away before she had gotten pregnant. However, Rassa had easily forgiven her.

Sitting across the room from Zenn was Kassari, sipping calmly at a cup of tea. Recently Zenn had noticed that Kassari looked more and more healthy. Rather than being far too thin and sickly looking, Kassari was beginning to go back to normal, her bones no longer visible, her eyes no longer so tired all the time. Zenn remembered Rassa telling her that Kassari was wounded during a battle years ago, a wound that had ravaged her body for a long time. It appeared that now, she was finally getting over the wound.

Kassari smiled and waved a hand at Zenn, "What's wrong Zenn? You look distracted."

Zenn awoke from her daydream with a start. She looked over at Kassari and smiled, "Oh... not too much." Her yes became downcast, "I am just getting really worried."

"Why?" Kassari asked. When Zenn looked uncomfortable and turned away Kassari frowned "I know that you have been hiding something since the moment you arrived here" she smiled at the surprised look on Zenn's face, "Listen, when you first came here it was obvious to me that there was no way that Rassa found you in town. Your fur, your hair, your way of speaking, all of them were... well... foreign."

Zenn shrunk back a little in her chair. She tensed her muscles instinctively, preparing to defend herself. Kassari noticed this reaction and raised her hands, "Whoa, whoa, don't worry Zenn, I am ex-military remember?" she extended a hand in a reassuring gesture, "I have no intent of causing you any worry, especially not with the way things are going in Isaiah now."

Zenn looked down, "You are right... I have been hiding something."

Kassari got to her feet and walked around to where Zenn was sitting. She sat down, "Come on, tell me. You are practically bursting to tell someone, I can tell."

"The truth is..." Zenn paused before swallowing and continuing, "You remember the battle last year, the one that the rebels lost?"


Zenn sighed, "M family is one of the neighboring nations to the kingdom of Avalon. My brothers all died and my family was disgraced. I was promised to a prince of Avalon but I wanted to fight and carve out my own future. I was a soldier in the army that came here to capture Isaiah. I was one of the Hadron Knights that led the attack. During the battle I was wounded. I nearly died but Rassa saved me."

Kassari blinked in surprise, "I see... wow... I hadn't expected it to be something that big... Well that certainly explains why you are worried." She sighed, "If the soldiers ever found out... then things would be very bad for you and your child, and for Rassa."

Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door. Zenn looked over at Kassari with a terrified look on her face. Kassari slowly got to her feet and walked to the door, "Who is it?"

A gruff voice responded, "Inspection, open the door now."

Zenn's eyes widened in fear and she made a move towards the place where she had hidden a sword inside of the wall. Kassari looked over at her and shook her head. Quickly, Kassari opened the door and glared at the soldiers, "What do you want?"

The soldiers barged in, pushing Kassari aside. Two of them were large raccoons wearing thick armor while the other was a burly Otter who wore a commanders tunic and gold plating. The otter took a step forward "We are searching the area for criminals, spies and rebel sympathizers." The otter looked over at Kassari with a cruel grin on his face, "Unless you have a problem with that?"

Kassari crossed her arms, "And if I do? This is my building after all."

The soldier took a few menacing steps forward, "Then we'll just go ahead anyway and be more 'thorough'. Now what do you say?"

Kassari raised an eyebrow, "I never said I had a problem. I was just asking hypothetically."

The soldier smiled in an unfriendly way and with a wave of a hand, he and his men began to search the apartment. They tore open drawers and cupboards and flung the contents everywhere. Zenn watched, knowing that Rassa was far too used to having this sort of thing happen to have these soldiers figure out where their stash of money was stored. However, Zenn did get and eerie feeling from one of the soldiers, the burly otter, who's gaze never left her the whole time he was there. After a while the soldiers reported to their commander, "Nothing here sir."

The commander took a few steps forward, "oh I wouldn't say that." He walked towards Zenn. He reached out and touched her chin, "You most certainly are beautiful. I would like to meet the thief who stole your heart away and put..." his hand drifted down to Zenn's abdomen "his seed inside of your belly. Tell me... do you want to know what a truly pleasurable romp is?"

Zenn pulled away, her gaze so steely that even the soldier seemed a little nervous. Her voice was as cold as ice as she replied, "Don't touch me. If you lay another paw on me I'll cut it off."

The soldier chuckled, "Ho." Suddenly his fist lashed out and slammed into Zenn's jaw. "Sounds like a threat you little bitch." His eyes widened in surprise as he noticed that he had failed in knocking Zenn down. Zenn grabbed the fist that was still pressed against her jaw and returned the hit with her other fist, sending the otter sprawling.

The soldier picked himself up off the floor slowly, rubbing his jaw. He looked at Zenn, a look of total surprise on his face. Zenn's attack had knocked his temporarily off balance. With a shake of his head he growled, "Why you little!"

Zenn straightened up to her full height. Even though she was not nearly as tall as the soldiers her form was impressive. She narrowed her eyes and snarled, "You didn't find anything, now get out of here!"

The soldier got back to his feet, rubbing his cheek. With a slithering sound he pulled his sword out of its sheath and held it up, "Now you've done it you little whore."

Zenn stepped back a few paces as the otter advanced. Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms loop underneath her arms and hold her tight. One of the other soldiers was holding Zenn tightly, not allowing her to budge. The commander grinned, "Just hold her Jasser."

A grin spread across the face of the other soldier, "Just as long as I get turn when you are done."

Before Zenn could struggle there was a loud thump and a gurgling sound from the third guard who had moved across the room to grab Kassari. Kassari was standing over the downed raccoon, her fists bunched and her form tense. The raccoon lying on the ground was gasping fro air and clutching his throat.

Before either of the remaining guards could say anything, suddenly the door of the apartment burst open and Rassa stepped into the room. It took him less than a second to figure out what was going on. A fearful look crossed his face and he charged furiously forward, "You Bastards!" Rassa flipped the blade hidden in his sleeve up into his hand, the blade gleaming wickedly.

The burly otter turned towards the charging Rassa and drew his weapon, "Ha! So another party go'er" His weapon sliced keenly through the air at Rassa. Rassa ducked just in time, a little bit of his fur getting slashed off by the blade as it passed within centimeters of his head. As soon as the sword cleared his head, Rassa charged forward and body checked the burly otter hard in the abdomen.

The otter simply smiled as Rassa plowed into him. Before Rassa could pull back or defend himself the burly otter slammed the butt of his sword against Rassa's skull. There was an audible 'thud' and Rassa stepped back a little, swaying on his feet. After a few seconds his eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed onto the floor completely knocked out.

Kassari watched as Rassa fell to the floor and readied herself for attack. Suddenly a paralyzing pain ran through her body and she gritted her teeth against the flash of agony. She looked down to see that the guard she had knocked down earlier, one of his paws gripping a dagger that was imbedded in her ankle. Suddenly, the shock and pain became a paralyzing, draining feeling that shot through her body. Kassari recognized the paralyzing agent only seconds before she collapsed.

The burly otter walked over to his comrade who had just taken down Kassari and extended a paw. After helping the other soldier to his feet, he turned back to Zenn, still trapped in the clutches of the Raccoon. He stepped forward again, "Resisting imperial guards, that's a hanging offense in this part of the world now. But since you're gonna die anyways, I can't see any problem in you and me having some fun first." One of his paws shot out and grabbed Zenn's breast, his other holding a knife he pulled out of his sheath. He leaned so close that Zenn could smell his breath, "Lets have a little fun shall we?"


Cratus's eyes flew open and he sat bolt upright in his bed. His breaths came in gasps and he felt a burning pain in his chest. In the chair beside his bed, Cratus's personal body guard, a tough looking skunk dressed all in black, snapped out of sleep and leaned forward. "Are you all right sir?"

Cratus raised a paw to his chest and took a deep breath, "What happened?"

The guard sighed and pushed Cratus back down, "You really should rest sir."

"Unhand me!" Cratus snapped. He sat back up, "Now Drayder, what happened?"

Drayder sighed and looked uncomfortable. "Well sir... you have been unconscious for almost three months now."

"THREE MONTHS!" Cratus nearly shrieked, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!"

"According to the prince of Avalon," Drayder answered slowly, "You were playing a game of chess when suddenly you coughed up a lot of blood and fell over unconscious. We brought you back here, but the doctors didn't think you stood a chance. They gave you a lot of drugs, to keep you sedated and to give you back your strength."

"Chess?" Cratus rubbed his eyes,, "Yes... I remember." Suddenly Cratus swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood. His legs partially collapsed and Drayder had to catch Cratus before he fell. Cratus looked up, "I need to go back, that game... I don't remember how it ended, I need to know."

"Sir, there is something more important." Drayder said urgently

"Bullshit!" Cratus said, "If it has been three months then god only knows when the Rebels will attack. I have to have my data, I need to know the outcome of the game!"

"SIR!" Drayder said urgently, "There is something far more urgent! The citizens of Isaiah are standing ready to rebel! Your replacement has taken this country and turned it on its head! The citizens are so angry... if you don't do something Isaiah will be destroyed from the inside!"

Cratus froze and looked up at Drayder in shock. "What did you say?!"

"I mean that Governor Shreer had created an enormous mess, a mess so large that I may turn into a revolt."

"What do you mean?" Cratus demanded, "What has he done?"

Drayder sighed, "Well, for starters he has begun executing every person who stands against him. He has sent hundred s of new guards into the city, with orders to kill at the slightest sign of resistance. The guards have been accused of pillaging, raping, murder, you name it. I don't have the best information, but from what I can tell... over five thousand, maybe as high as six thousand, people have been executed in the three months since you left. All of them public, most of them for crimes as minor as pick pocketing."

"Then I have something I must do. Tell me, what about the Avalon army?" Cratus asked, "What have they done in my absence?"

"Their leader seems to be quite the curious person." Drayder replied, "There have been a few minor skirmishes but the army has mostly just sat still. Even those minor battles were nothing more than soldiers showing up, sizing each other up, a few arrows exchanged and then both sides retreating. I believe that the commander is waiting for you to recover before he begins in earnest."

"I see." Cratus made another move to stand up. This time his legs didn't collapse beneath him and he stood tall. His gaze shifted back to Drayder "Get Shreer down to my war room." Cratus picked up his sword and belt. Clipping the belt around his waist Cratus muttered, "I'm taking it back, my country."


Lord Hamman Shreer couldn't be happier with himself as he strode through the hallways of Cratus' desert fortress. The middle aged Wolf, his fur already beginning to show flecks of grey, walked with confidence and pride. His red robes spread out behind him as he walked. Cratus, who had only awoken from his deep sleep several hours ago, had personally summoned him to his war room. Shreer prided himself on making sure that populations stayed in line, that everybody toed the line. Those that didn't walk the line would find nothing beneath their feet and a rope around their necks. His soldiers were the best of the best, simply because they showed no mercy, they understood Shreer.

Shreer and his two body guards walked to the end of the hallway where there were two guards standing in front of a set of large double doors. As Shreer approached the doors he frowned as the guards remained standing stalk still, rather than opening the doors for him. As Shreer approached his eyes narrowed at the soldiers. When they still didn't move, Shreer walked forward and pushed the doors open himself muttering "You will pay for your insolence."

Shreer entered the large throne room of Cratus's desert castle and paused at the sight ahead of him. The hall was empty save for a pair of archers and Cratus sitting in his throne. The throne was a simple wood frame with grey cushions sitting upon a white marble dais. With effort, Cratus pulled himself out of his chair and stood, looking down at Shreer. With a smile he beckoned Shreer forward.

Shreer walked forward, his bodyguards staying by the entrance to the hall. Shreer spread his arms, "General, it is a great pleasure to see you up and moving again. I had feared the worst in your long absence."

Cratus nodded and walked forward, "Likewise." He waited until he was only a few steps away from Shreer and Smiled, "You have a done a fine job Shreer. I want to thank you for looking after my country. The people have been well looked after and the city is still there. I must say that I am absolutely appalled at what you have done."

Shreer blinked, not sure that h e had heard Cratus right. Cratus's tone had remained perfectly friendly. He shook his head, "I am sorry sir, what was that last thing you said?"

"I just wanted to thank you for turning my utopia into a living hell for my citizens." Cratus answered pleasantly. "You have undone what it had taken me years to accomplish."

"I'm... not sure I understand sir..." Shreer said in a confused tone.

Cratus blinked and walked forward a few steps, now less than a meter away from Shreer, "Oh you didn't hear me? Well, here-" suddenly Cratus whipped his sword out of his sheath and drove it deep into Sheer's left thigh " -let me make it clearer for you."

Shreer gazed down in shock at the sword stuck through his leg before giving a roar of pain and collapsing to the floor. His two body guards began to move forward but Cratus held up a hand. The two archers standing on the stone dais where the throne sat notched their arrows and took aim at the approaching soldiers. When the guards kept coming, despite the archers shouting at them to stay back, Cratus lowered his arm and the archers fired. With a wiz the arrows shot across the room in perfect tandem, sinking deep into the necks of the guards who fell heavily to the ground.

Shreer looked up at Cratus, a look of fury on his face, "Just what do you think you are doing!"

Cratus stepped forward and pulled the sword out of Shreer's leg. The look on his face was of terrible rage and hatred, "I am taking my land back from you, you bastard!"

"What do you mean!" Shreer asked, gritting his teeth against the pain in his leg.

Cratus made to speak but suddenly went into a coughing fit. When he recovered a bit of blood was running out of the corner of his mouth. He knelt down and with surprising strength, dragged Shreer by his hair into a kneeling position. Cratus looked Shreer in the eye, his gaze filled with terrible rage, "You have killed over five thousand of my people in just three months, your soldiers have brutalized the population and now Isaiah is close to revolt! You have taken a liking to killing and so you are slaughtering my people! What? Did you actually think that I would let you get away with this?"

"We need order!" Shreer snapped, "That is what I gave you."

"Yeah!" Cratus suddenly drove his sword into Shreer's gut. A look of shock crossed Shreer's face as he looked down at the sword sticking through him, his blood dripping off of the handle. He took a gasping breath and looked up at Cratus, "Wha... wh.... Wha.... What... what are you..."

"I am taking that order back." Cratus let go a Shreer, who slumped to the floor. "Now you will know what death feels like." Cratus growled, "seems fitting for one who dealt out death like it was a small thing." Cratus watched, a stone hard look on his face, as Shreer gasped and scrabbled at his stomach.

"If you lie still you'll delay your trip to hell for a while governor." Cratus said, turning away, "That sword has pierced your stomach and now your own fluids are poising you. Even if you or I called for help the wound I gave you is a mortal one, beyond healing. I will leave the sword in that should delay your death for a while, think of it as a final present. The next time we see each other..." Cratus turned for a few seconds, "Will be in the afterlife."

"How... could you!" Shreer gasped, "I... I am... I am a loyal subject of the... empire..."

Cratus reached the door leading out of the room. As he pushed it open he turned around one last time, "I will undo everything you have done to harm my people. Every last one of your soldiers will be hunted down. I don't care if the empire objects, I will protect my subjects. Goodbye Governor, I must say... it would have been an interesting experience if I had gotten the chance to play chess with you." Cratus turned back to the door, "I have a feeling that the king would have hidden while the pawns would have been sacrificed, that is why... I would win." With that, Cratus walked through the doorway, leaving Shreer alone to die.

As Cratus walked out of the room, Drayder stepped out from behind a pillar and followed Cratus. As he walked, Cratus paused, "I remember something, something important."

Drayder turned, "What is it your highness?"

Cratus stopped, "A name, I remember a name, something that the prince of Avalon mentioned."

"What is it?" Drayder asked, urging Cratus to remember.

"Zenn..." Cratus said slowly, "The prince accused my of abducting and attempting to marry a otter named Zenn..." he turned, "If we find her we may be able to stop this whole war. Send out soldiers to locate her and bring her to me."

Drayder saluted, "Yes your highness. If she is in Isaiah then we will find her."


Yulan panted loudly as she turned another corner, nearly falling in her frantic attempt to escape. Behind her, a fox and weasel, both dressed all in black, were following her. She had already been running for nearly half an hour, hiding behind tents, ducking from hiding place to hiding place. Night had fallen and there was nobody around, nobody to help her. She had already killed several of her pursuers, but these ones were faster and better than the rest.

She whipped around another corner and bumped headlong into her third pursuer, a large black jack rabbit, nearly invisible in the pitch black night. Before Yulan could escape again, the jack rabbit flung a rope around her neck and dragged her backwards. Yulan tried to call out before the rope tightened but all she got out was a squeak.

Yulan began to panic as her air was cut off. Her chest heaved, trying in vain to draw breath. She struggled in panic, trying to attack the rabbit standing behind her. She had lost her sword earlier and was now scratching at her assailant with her small claws. The rabbit simply held her farther away from himself, pulling the rope tighter around Yulan's throat.

Yulan tried back-flipping back toward her opponent. The first time she tried, the rabbit simply pulled on the rope hard and sent her crashing down onto the ground. He dragged Yulan back to her feet by the rope, pulling tighter and tighter. Yulan's vision swam and her lungs begged for air.

Bit by bit, Yulan's struggles became weaker and weaker. Her legs stopped their frantic kicking and turned instead to fruitless jerks. Her arms fell limp at her sides. Her body stopped its frantic arching and her chest its desperate heaving. Yulan felt death creeping closer as all of her strength left her. In one last burst of strength she tried to fling herself backwards, to get enough slack for a breath, but the attempt was in vain. Eventually, Yulan's vision went dark and she felt her life drain away from her. Her chest ceased to move, her muscles ceased to flex and her eyes ceased to see.

The Rabbit sighed, finally the squirrel was almost dead. Once she was dead he and his comrades would bury the body so that is would never be found. After this, he could wash his hands of the whole matter. His orders had been from the king of Avalon, to kill this one person and be rewarded handsomely. The rabbit couldn't help but be aroused by the helplessness of the squirrel who's life he held in his hands, he would have to find a wench after this was finished. The rabbit was too busy thinking of how he would spend his reward to feel the sword that slashed him clean in half, from his head to his groin.

Deep inside of the darkness, Yulan felt as if a weight had been lifted off of her. Suddenly she realized what had happened, she could breathe! She gasped, her lungs greedily sucking in air. When her eyes opened she saw the reason for her release. On either side of her lay half of the jack rabbit that had tried to kill her, his hands still gripping the rope. She jerked her gaze around and saw Rayle and Sallis attacking her other pursuers.

Rayle charged in fiercely at the fox that had been chasing after Yulan. Rayle's first swing was blocked by his opponent. His second swing overpowered his opponent's defenses, bighting deep into the fox's sword arm. After a yelp of pain the fox dropped his sword and raised his hands in surrender. However the gesture didn't matter, Rayle was in a battle fury. In one mighty swing he chopped off the fox's arms and then raised his sword for another attack. The fox had barely enough time to gaze in amazement at the stumps where his arms used to be before, in a flash of steel, Rayle's sword beheaded him.

Rayle turned to watch as Sallis finished off his opponent with a series of lightening fast stabs to the heart, lungs and neck of his opponent. The weasel, like so many of Sallis's opponents before him, crashed to the ground with a single wheeze and Sallis turned, "They were not professional assassins my lord, likely just soldiers who was hired by somebody to kill Yulan."

Rayle looked back and Yulan shrank away as he stepped forward. Rayle gingerly put his paw on Yulan's shoulder. "Are you alright?" he asked tenderly.

Yulan blinked for a few second before lunging forward into Rayle's arms and bursting into tears. All of the terror that she had felt only moments before coming out in the form of tears. Rayle stroked her hair, "It's okay Yulan, its okay." Yulan only gripped him harder, sobbing into Rayle's shoulder.

An hour later in Rayle's tent, the doctor stepped out of the section where Yulan was resting. After snapping his bag shut he looked over at Rayle and sighed, "She has only suffered very minor physical damage. There is a large bruise on her neck and a few scrapes and cuts, likely from a scuffle."

Rayle nodded, "Yes, we found three other would-be assassins dead in her tent."

"I see, well that explains that then. Anyway," The doctor said, pushing his glasses up his nose, "she has suffered only very minor physical hurt. However, she is mentally shattered. This attack has had a tremendous effect on her psyche. She will need at least four days of rest to recover and at least another week before she can return to duty."

"It's that bad huh?" Rayle said quietly to himself.

"Yes." The doctor replied, packing up his things and preparing to leave the tent, "She apparently knew this was coming, she knew she was being targeted. That fact has been eating at her for weeks. Now that is all coming crashing down on her. Coupled with the fact that she was within seconds of dying... her mind has taken a crushing blow. Be careful, any undo stress and she might snap."

"What happens then?" Rayle asked, following the doctor as he left the tent.

The doctor turned, "She would likely die, whether by her own hand or her own mind killing her."

After bidding the doctor goodbye Rayle walked back into the tent. After checking in quickly on the now sleeping Yulan, Rayle turned to Sallis, who had been standing in the tent the whole time. "What has our prisoner told us?"

Sallis bowed. He knew that Rayle was referring to the one remaining assassin who Sallis himself had questioned. "Sir, it would seem... that the order to allow Yulan into the army and to kill Yulan came from the same person."


"Your father."

"I see." Said Rayle, carefully masking the surprise in his voice. The information stunned him. His own father was behind the assassination attempt on someone who he had called Rayle's 'little sister'. In his mind he knew that the information was not a surprise, but hearing it brought the reality to a crashing halt within his brain.

Sallis watched the play of emotion across Rayle's face. For the thousandth time since setting out on the long march, Sallis considered telling Rayle the whole truth about is father and the girl who he thought he was fighting to save. However, once again he reminded himself that he was loyal to the king of Avalon, not the prince.

Later that night, lying alone in her tent, Yulan found it impossible to sleep. She tossed and turned for hours, trying to get comfortable. It seemed that no matter where she went or how comfortable she felt, she coul4d still feel the crushing helplessness she had felt only hours ago. Every little noise was another assassin trying to sneak up on her. Her fists bunched and she squeezed her eyes shut in fury. "NO!" she thought to herself furiously, "I WILL NOT LET GO AND GO CRAZY! I AM READY!"

One of the tent flaps moved and Yulan could see a figure in the dark. Her right paw moved very slowly to the knife she had slipped under the pillow only a few hours before. As the figure drew close, Yulan's heart sped up again and she gripped the knife handle tighter, "I can do it! I don't care how many there are, I won't run." Suddenly, using all of her strength, Yulan leapt off of the bed and stabbed with the knife as hard as she could at the heart of her opponent, "I"LL KILL THEM ALL!!!"

Rayle barely had enough time to bat Yulan's arm so that the blade stuck in his shoulder instead of his chest. He cried out in pain and staggered backwards. Yulan leapt after him, aiming another swing at his neck. This time, Rayle caught Yulan's wrist and held tight. Before she could attack again, he pulled her into a tight hug.

"It's me Yulan." He said softly, his voice a little strained from the pain in his shoulder. He rubbed his paw up and down Yulan's back, "Its me, I'm not going to hurt you."

Yulan looked up, her arm dropping to her side, the knife slipping out of her grip. As the knife clattered to the ground, Yulan sighed and relaxed into Rayle soft embrace, letting herself sink into his fur. Suddenly, she looked back up at Rayle, panic in her eyes, "Rayle! I stabbed you!"

Rayle looked at his shoulder and winced. His shoulder was already caked with dried blood. The wound had stopped bleeding and the cut wasn't very deep. However, something had to be done or Rayle knew that he might be in trouble. He looked down at Yulan, "Never mind it."


The doctor sighed in exhaustion as he finished wrapping the final bandage on Rayle shoulder. "This is the second time today I have been in this tent because of that woman, and in the middle of the night no less." He grumbled, "It would seem that she is quite a bit of trouble."

Rayle raised an eyebrow, "Good doctor, correct me if I am wrong but... aren't bats nocturnal?"

The doctor fluttered his wings in exasperation, "Because many of the times that require my service take place during the day, I conditioned myself to stay awake when most of my race would be asleep."

Rayle nodded and tested his shoulder. There was a still a little pain, but not much. He nodded, "Thank you doctor, this feels much better."

"Just don't give that girl any more knives." The doctor muttered, packing his things and preparing to leave.

As soon as the doctor was gone, Rayle poked his head into Yulan's section of the tent. She was sitting on the bed, twiddling her thumbs. She didn't notice Rayle right away and she got up off of the bed and began pacing back and forth across the room. Suddenly she felt a presence behind her and she swung around into a fighting stance, lashing out with her foot.

Rayle was ready for the attack this time and blocked it easily. When Yulan saw who it was, she cried out and jumped backwards, her head bowed, "I'm sorry Rayle."

Rayle walked forward towards Yulan and put his paws on her shoulders. Yulan looked up at Rayle expectantly, her eyes shining in the darkness. Suddenly, one of Rayle's paws lashed out and slapped her left cheek hard. Yulan stepped back, rubbing her cheek in shock, a red mark appearing where Rayle had hit her. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she stared in terror at Rayle, who had never before hurt her before, never had come even close to hitting her. She crumpled to her knees, her mind spinning.

"That is for putting yourself in danger and for disobeying my order." Rayle said firmly. He took a step forward and Yulan shrunk back. For a second, Rayle felt agony within himself, he hated himself for hitting Yulan. At that moment Rayle fell to his knees and pulled Yulan into a loving embrace. "And this." He whispered, "Is for sticking by my side."

Yulan forgot all about the throbbing in her cheek as Rayle's embrace covered her. She wrapped her arms around Rayle's back and leaned her head against Rayle's neck. For a brief moment, the rest of the world, the war, the hate, the pain and the fear all drained away, leaving nothing but Rayle and Yulan embracing each other.

Rayle made the first move, his paw moving up Yulan's back to the tie that held her sleeping robe on. With a subtle pull, Rayle undid the tie, the gown opening down to Yulan's shoulder blades. As Rayle slowly undid her gown, Yulan smiled, she had wanted this for a long time now. As the final tie came undone, Yulan pulled back and looked Rayle in the eyes. Rayle's eyes shone in the dark and he smiled warmly before pulling Yulan into a kiss.

Rayle shivered as he kissed Yulan, feelings sweeping down his body. Already he could feel himself becoming aroused, wanting Yulan. For a moment he thought of Zenn, the person whom he was supposed to marry, but that thought was lost in the moment as Yulan surged against him. Using his strength, Rayle pulled Yulam even closer, pressing his body against hers. Rayle was now fully aroused and his body ached in want for Yulan.

Rayle slowly stood, pulling Yulan up with him. He looked down at her naked form and smiled, he had missed her a great deal. Gently, he picked Yulan up and carried her over to the bed. Most of the time Yulan would have helped Rayle, or taken the initiative in sexual ventures. However, this time she simply relaxed, contended by the feeling of closeness between her and Rayle. As Rayle lowered her onto the bed she blushed a little, anticipating what was to come.

As soon as he had set Yulan down, Rayle began removing his clothes. He used to be embarrassed to have Yulan see him naked, however he didn't mind anymore, not after years of exploring one another's bodies. His member was fully erect, betraying his excitement at what was about to happen. As Rayle climbed onto the bed beside Yulan he enjoyed the feeling of his cock rubbing sensuously against Yulan's leg. Her fur tickled him a little bit an he chuckled. Rayle could smell Yulan's scent, her want was almost tangible.

"You're safe." Rayle whispered as he wrapped his arms around Yulan and pulled her naked body against his. Her body felt petite against his muscles and arms, she had lost weight over the past few months. Rayle's paws rubbed up and down Yulan's body. He whispered in her ear again, "You are safe here with me, I'll protect you."

Yulan smiled and nuzzled against Rayle's neck. "I love you Rayle." she said softly, "I've loved you for a long time."

Rayle froze at those words. Yulan had never said that she loved him with such clarity, she had always skirted the issue, or simply blushed when Rayle asked her how she felt. All in a rush, Rayle began to wonder if he was doing the right thing, if marrying a girl he had never met was the right course.

Yulan noticed Rayle pause and she looked at his face. She could see what she had said had put Rayle into an awkward position. As she sighed and sunk back down onto the pillow, she heard Rayle whisper, "I do as well."

Yulan turned and could see Rayle smiling down at her, his eyes friendly and his gaze full of warmth, "I love you as well, Yulan."

Both Yulan and Rayle lunged forward to kiss each other at the same time. They frantically ran their paws up and down each others bodies, groping, fondling, touching and massaging. They never once broke off their kiss, never once foregoing contact with each other as they explored each other as never before, more than just lovers. When Rayle finally broke the kiss he smiled at Yulan. One of his paws was fondling with Yulan's breast while the others with running up and down her side, sometime skating over her thigh.

Rayle moved forward to kiss Yulan again. As their lips touched, Rayle turned Yulan over so that she was lying on her back with him on top. His cock was throbbing with want, twitching up and down before being pressed between Yulan and Rayle's bellies. Yulan opened her legs and allowed Rayle to settle down in between them. Yulan had to spread her legs fairly far apart to accommodate for Rayle larger body, but as soon as he had settled against her, Yulan wrapped her legs and arms around Rayle's body.

Rayle could feel the heat radiating from Yulan's sex as he began to tenderly lick her face. His tongue wandered down to her throat and then her breasts. His warm tongue slid over Yulan's nipples and she groaned slightly. The heat and moisture from Rayle tongue excited her even more and she groaned louder, her entire body shuddering. Rayle could feel a dramatic increase in the amount of wetness between Yulan's thighs ad knew that the time was right.

With a shift of his body, Rayle positioned himself at Yulan's entrance. Yulan groaned as Rayle pushed forward slowly, his tip sliding inside of Yulan's heat. Suddenly, his a buck of his hips, Rayle pushed forward and buried himself up to his hilt inside of Yulan. He could here Yulan gasp loudly and her body stiffen, and then she relaxed completely, her body going limp beneath Rayle's weight. Rayle shivered as he felt Yulan's warmth surround him.

Yulan sighed in pleasure at the feeling of Rayle buried deep inside of her. She could feel his entire pulsating length inside of her, pressed against her most intimate flesh. Back when they had first started making love Rayle had been 'smaller' than most males his age. However, during the times he a Yulan had spent together, Yulan had noticed that his body made up for the size difference. If this had been their first time, Yulan likely would have been in a fair bit of pain. However, her body was used to Rayle's length by now and after nearly a full year of not being with Rayle, Yulan was enjoying the feelings even more.

Rayle 's body stopped shivering in pleasure and he began to thrust in and out. He heard Yulan moan softly as his large cock rubbed against her sensitive walls. Rayle's thrusts were long and slow, he pushed himself as deeply into Yulan as possible, before pulling out as far as he could, until only his tip remained inside. Every time he pushed forward, Yulan would give a cute little yip as his tip bumped up against her hot core. As he thrust again, Rayle leaned forward a kissed Rayle, staying buried deep within her. He could fell the warm wet heat of her, her heartbeat through her flesh.

When he broke of the kiss, he looked at Yulan in a different light. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her mouth partly open, breathing deeply and sighing in pleasure. I little bit of her hair had fallen down over one of her eyes. She must have felt Rayle gaze because she opened her eyes and looked at Rayle, her gaze warm and contented.

Rayle smiled at her, "Yulan... I have to apologize." When Yulan looked at his questioningly Rayle continued, "I didn't protect you well enough. I allowed you to keep your feelings locked away and out of reach. I almost got you killed, I almost let my father kill you. Yulan... I want to protect you but there is something I have to do first. I have to find this Zenn person, I have to save her. After that, after this war is over... I hope you will join me... as my mate."

Yulan's eyes widened in shock, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had wanted to hear those words for so long, that hearing them now was a total shock. Overcome with happiness, Yulan hugged Rayle as hard as she could. Tears of happiness ran down her face as she snuggled against Rayle.

Rayle also pulled Yulan closer, bringing her into his strong and tender embrace. The two embraced each other for a long time, before pulling back to look at each other. As they did, Yulan wiggled her hips a little and smiled, 'Shall we?"

Rayle answered by pulling himself out as far as he could go and them thrusting back. As Rayle increased the pace of his thrusting Yulan began squirming in ecstasy. Rayle paws moved up Yulan's body, stroking her stomach lightly, playing with her bushy fur. He kissed her all over, on her lips, her cheek, her throat, her shoulders.. Suddenly, he felt Yulan's paws on either side of his face and he looked back at her. Yulan pushed forward and kissed Rayle, pulling him back down with her. Rayle continued to thrust as he and Yulan kissed each other desperately, as if this was the last time.

As he thrust, Rayle could feel his knot beginning to swell. He increased his pace again, his cock pulsing quickly in and out of Yulan. As his knot swelled to full size, Rayle pushed forward hard, his knot locking him and Yulan together, While the power of his thrusts was greatly hampered he still move, his pace quickening as he felt a buildup within himself. Rayle began to sink deeper and deeper into a haze of lust, acting more and more on instinctual pleasure.

Yulan's breathing quickened as Rayle thrusting increased in speed dramatically. She could feel her body building up, her orgasm hanging like a shadow behind the blinding pleasure she was already feeling. As it rose to the surface she began panting louder and louder in time with Rayle's powerful thrusts.

Rayle's thrusting got faster and faster as he approached his climax. All at once, he felt his muscles clench and a paralyzing rush shot through his body. With a low moan, Rayle pushed his cock as deep as it would go into Yulan's body. He felt his penis start pulsing as he shot his load deep into Yulan's receptive womb. Splashes of thick, sticky wolf cum splashed against the back of Yulan's womb as Rayle rode out his orgasm, his paws clutching desperately at Yulan's back.

As she felt Rayle climax, Yulan nearly screamed in pleasure as her own orgasm hit her. She felt all of her vaginal muscles contract at once, tightening around Rayle's thrusting cock. Yulan's world was a blinding flash, a storm of pleasure, so powerful it was almost painful. She too clutched at Rayle, drawing strength and pleasrue just from having him nearby, to have him pressed up against her. She felt the heat spreading throughout her lower body, the warmth the feeling created spreading to every part of her. Never, in all the times that the two of them had had sex had it ever felt this completely satisfying.

Rayle's breathing began to slow as the last few drop of his juices spurted into Yulan. He could actually feel the bump in her lower belly where he still lay nestled, he cock warmed and moistened by the mixture of Yulan's body heat and his own fluids. His knot was still buried within her fragile body, tying the two lovers together. He rolled onto his side, pulling Yulan with him.

"Oh Yulan." he murmured, his eyelids already growing heavy, "I really do love you. I want to spend a very long time with you."

Yulan nodded, "I love you too Rayle." and pulled him into a kiss.

As they broke apart, Rayle felt himself drifting off to sleep. His body was cooling off, the sweat from only moments ago becoming cold in the frigid desert air. However, the warmth of Yulan's nearby body was enough to keep him warm. As he sank into a world of absolute comfort he pulled Yulan close, his face nuzzling against hers. As she watched her lover drift off to sleep, Yulan felt her own exhaustion pulling at her. Bit by bit she relaxed, her fears whipped away. The two lovers slept, arms wrapped lovingly around each other.

Sallis turned away from the small tear in the tent where he had been watching. He turned and walked around the corner of the tent. As he did, he nearly tripped over two soldiers lying on the ground behind a pile of crates. A male rabbit and female fruit bat where busy humping each other, their hips pistoning up and down as they neared completion. They had stifled each others cries by clamping their mouths together in a deep kiss.

"Acting on inspiration are you?" Sallis said, his tone unimpressed "A little eavesdropping got you aroused?"

The rabbit looked up in fear and jumped to his feet, his still erect cock hanging comically out of a gap in his armour. He hurriedly tucked himself back into his armour and saluted, his face a bright crimson from embarrassment "I'm s...sorry sir." he gasped, trying to catch his breath, "Lieutenant Swain and I were just..."

"Love should never be conducted carelessly." Sallis interrupted, "Otherwise it becomes nothing more than a shell of physical sensations. Tell me-" he stepped forward and grabbed the rabbit by the front of his chain mail shirt, lifting him partway off the ground "Are you two mates?"

The rabbit nodded, "Yes sir... w,well...j...just as soon as this war is over."

"Then go back to your tent, both of you." Sallis growled, tossing the rabbit backwards. "I know all about battlefield romances, they are dangerous and distracting. Go back to your tent and make love properly, I will stand watch here."

As he watched the Rabbit help his mate up off the ground and scurry off into the night, Sallis sighed. "Yes... love is something that should never be tossed about carelessly." visions flashed through his head. He remembered when he was younger, his arm around a young badger, his third wife. The other two had been killed in battle, yet their faces always seemed to manifest themselves in others, a curse that he lamented even to this day. Unfortunately, his third romance had led to disaster, his most treasured mate dying from weakness only a few hours after giving birth to their only son. Sallis had vowed never to love again, raising his son himself. His son now lay buried beneath the sand somewhere in the Issayis desert.

Sallis sighed, his reminiscing bringing up the words of the King of Avalon, spoken only moments before Sallis had left. "Sallis" the king had said, "I have one more, special command for you."

"Yes your majesty?" Sallis had replied ,turning and bowing.

The king walked forward, talking softly "My son had made it quite clear that he does not want Yulan Festail going with his army. I believe that the reason for this is a secret romance that the two have had since they were children. Sallis, I am sure that you understand that this puts my plans for my son in serious jeopardy, his rage at the death of Zenn must be as sharp as possible."

Sallis nodded, "I understand."

"I thought you might." the king smiled, "I have hired several assassins within the army to kill her when I let her join the army in three or four days time. She will go after my son, and when she does her life must end. Now, I have my suspicions that these soldiers will likely do something to reveal themselves to my son. When that happens, you will help my son kill them."

"Yes my lord" Sallis said, his heart sinking.

"Sallis" the king had said, reaching out a hand and patting Sallis's shoulder "I know that this is hard, but there is one last provision. If she is not killed by my assassins, I want you to kill Yulan and make it look like and Imperial deed."

At that point, Sallis had recoiled in shock, "NO sir, I can't. Her father and I are friends, how could I-"

"It is for the sake of this kingdom." the king had snapped, "And don't worry. Yulan's father is too smart for his own good anyways, his death was sealed at dinner nearly two weeks ago. I have already saved you the trouble of looking him in the eye, he will be dead and buried by the time you even reach the desert."

Sallis had drawn a long, shaky sigh and murmured, "Yes your highness, as you command."

"One last thing." the king said even more softly, "In the event that something goes very wrong, I order you to kill Rayle."

The order had hit Sallis like a ton of bricks. However, he let the shock and terror wash over him, saying what was expected of him "Yes your highness, as you wish."

"Good, I knew I could count on you." The king had begun to walk back towards his throne, "My son's use fullness depends on the way he wields his anger. There is a replacement for him, a twin which I have kept secret, even from you Sallis. His twin has never left the dungeon of this castle, but he is ready to lead, ready to destroy the empire and restore Avalon to the top. Rayle cares too much about emotions and feelings I fear, and so, if he and Yulan become one, kill them both."

"Yes my lord." Sallis murmured, his mind coming back to the present. During the course of his thoughts he had wandered back into the tent where Rayle and Yulan slept in each others arms. He watched for a few minutes, watching the rise and fall of their chests, nearly in perfect sync. He could see the looks on their faces, looks of total contentment. As Sallis moved closer, Yulan moved in her sleep, her legs wrapping around Rayles, a deep sigh of pleasure escaping her lips.

"Love is a wonderful, dangerous thing." Sallis said softly, pulling his sword all the way out of its sheath. Its long blade gleamed in the moonlight, the blade more than long and sharp enough to end the lives of the two lovers in and instant. Sallis's eyes darted over the two still bodies, searching out where exactly their hearts would be located, setting up so that he could carry out his mission in one stroke.

"I am not so much of a coward as to simply slit your throats." Sallis murmured "I will tie your hearts together through this sword, and send you both to your eternal peace."

A single tear rolled down Sallis's face as he raised the blade. Visions flashed through his mind. He remembered the times when he had trained and taught Rayle. He remembered all of the times that he had played with Yulan when she had been tiny. He remembered his son telling him once that he was in love with Yulan, when they were both much to young to know of such things. He remembered all of the times when he had allowed Rayle and Yulan to sleep in when he had found the two of them wrapped in intimate embraces. He remembered all of the times Rayle had fought with him, testing even Sallis's enormous strength.

" lord." Sallis said softly, the tear rolling off of his chin and hitting the floor. There was a flash of silver and the sound of steel cutting into flesh. A small amount of blood splattered the ground and suddenly, there was no more sound. Outside, the moon shone down on the sea of tents, an army about to awake to a nightmare.

Treasure Seeker: Challenges and Choices

The world is moving even faster towards war as Rayle, the prince of Avalon moves forward to exact his revenge. Zenn has a choice to make, a choice that would change her life forever. Once again, the grave threat of war threatens everything, everyone's...

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Treasure Seeker: Storms Brewing

The Second Instalment in the Treasure Seeker story series. Please, I ask that you leave a comment with any suggestions, I will try to respond. Thank YOu all and Enjoy the story. Zenn awoke with a loud yawn, her eyes slowly sliding open. She...

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Treasure Seeker, The Desert

The desert wind kicked up swirls of dust as it raced across the sand. Off in the distance the rumble of ocean waves could be heard as they crashed against the Altheatic shore. As far as the eye can see desert plains and sand dunes extend in every...

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