Red Moon Gym

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

M/f, shrink, footplay, vore

THIS! Argh THIS! This was only meant to be 2-3 pages, a "sketch" of a story if you will, but nooooooo, my brain had to be all "add this! add that! make this sound better!" And this slipped into being 5 pages.

So this is a failure as far as what I intended to do goes, but all in all it's a nice quickie.

The idea was originally an RP idea as Moonlight as a gym leader, and he shrinks his defeated opponent. I thought the idea was neat enough to make into a short, so here it is.

This also marks the first story I've done with any vore in it that isn't a commission.

Also guest appearance by Artie!

I originally took this gig up just for laughs, for some quick amusement. I didn't imagine being here for the past few months, carrying on this little charade. The unbeatable gym leader, they called me. Trainers who went up against me never returned, they said.

They were right.

Ever so eager for some entertainment in his life, Moonlight took up residence in a large building in an abandoned town. The building used to be a former Gym, a place where Pokemon Trainers would come test their ability in battle to earn a badge. They would go from Gym to Gym, earning badge after badge to compete in the big Pokemon Leagues. They only needed eight badges, and there were way more than eight gyms out there, but something drew them all to Moonlight's gym; not his usual methods of luring in prey, but others doing the dirty work for him.

He restarted the proving ground just for kicks, naming it the Red Moon Gym. From there the rumors would spread of a mysterious unbeatable gym leader. Trainers would eventually arrive, young and old, to test their mettle. They would all be surprised to see that the leader was an umbreon pokemorph, and that his pokemon of choice would be himself. He'd defeat them swiftly and send them on their way with a wipe of their mind so they would forget the encounter. But over time, it became too boring, too easy, and lacking the enjoyment it once had. He added a stipulation, a rising of stakes to his personal agenda that he wouldn't share with them until it was too late...

A female bunny anthro, sporting a pair of shorts, a tank top and a jacket adjusted the cap settling between her floppy ears and approached the gym, focused clearly on her goal. She heard all the rumors of the unbeatable gym leader, but then she started hearing that any trainer that faced them would never return. "Ridiculous," She muttered to herself as she looked to the four pokeballs on her belt, "Rumors are rumors...trainers never returning? Who would believe that?"

She approached the entrance of the gym, the sliding doors pulling apart to make way for her as she padded in. It was fairly dark inside, dim lighting being the only thing to allow any vision into the building. She made her way down the hall, hearing nothing but the echo of her own footsteps, starting to think no one was here at all. There was no staff, no other trainers, nothing; far different from any other gym, but still, she continued to press ahead, stumbling into a large room filled with a pale red glow. A sports gym sized arena with the image of a red moon upon the ceiling, shining light into the area. In the distance was a large throne where a dark, red eyed figure sat with one leg draped over a knee and his head in his hand.

"Welcome!" The figure exclaimed, calling out to the newcomer, "You must be my latest challenger."

"That's right!" declared the spunky lupine, "I'm here for my moon badge!"

Moonlight slowly stood up from his seat, sporting nothing but his standard shorts. He smirked with a flash of his rings, slowly walking forward to the center of the arena, revealing himself to his opponent, "Is that so?" He said with a chuckle, grinning deviously over at her, "I should have you known that you don't stand a single chance of defeating me. It might be a good idea for you to turn tail and try for a weaker gym instead."

The girl widened her eyes upon seeing an Umbreon pokemorph right before her very eyes, "You're the gym leader? Is that even allowed?"

Moonlight folded his arms and grinned over the bunny, "No rules against it. I am the gym leader. What's your name girl?"


"Well then Belle, I want you to think this through. If you battle me, you will lose and you'll never battle again. Is that what you want?"

Belle huffed, a paw quickly snatching up a pokeball from her belt and held it out, "If you think I'm going to fall for that, you're out of your mind! Send out your first pokemon! Let's do this!"

Moonlight closed his eyes and snickered, "So be it. I will be using myself, and that's all I need."

Belle narrowed her eyes, "No way is THAT legal."

"I don't see why not. I am a pokemon after all," He replied.

Belle huffed, "Fine whatever. It'll be easier for me then. One pokemon! I'll kick your butt, get my badge and be on your way!" She tossed the ball into the air, "Let's get this over with!"

And so the battle began, Belle starting out with a trusty fighting type to get things done. It was smart on her part, but ultimately on match for Moonlight as he sent it flying into the nearest wall, knocking it out in one blow. Belle would find this repeated for the next three pokemon she would send out; the Umbreon morph defeating each one with one simple gesture of his hand, the battle over in under two minutes.

Belle stood there in shock, utterly defeated and overwhelmed, gripping her ears and gritting her teeth, "That...that didn't happen! What ARE you?!"

"Looks like that's a shutout, you lose, little one," Moon said with a devious grin, his eyes and rings lighting up, giving the poor bunny a horrible sense of dread.

She tried to run for her life, but the moment she turned, she felt a sharp freeze down her spine that chilled her to the very core. She suddenly felt paralyzed, she couldn't budge an inch, she found herself gasping for air, finding it hard to breathe, "Wh-what's going on?"

Moonlight calmly walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder, leaning in close with a wide grin, "You lost, so you join the rest of the trainers that came before you." He stared directly into her eyes, his own glowing crimson orbs piercing into them. "Minimize," He whispered, a move meant to shrink oneself, he was able to use on others instead.

"M-minimize?" She repeated with a soft, fearful squeak. She immediately gasped afterwards, feeling an odd tingling sensation all over her body, a feeling that something was pulling her downward from within. Right before the Umbreon she started to shrink, steadily diminishing down in size until she was no more than two inches at the umbreon's paws, slowly craning her neck back, staring up, up, and up along those black furred legs, up along his well sculpted stomach and along his chest to that same devious grin staring down at her. "I...umm....eeep!" Suddenly her body kicked into high gear, trying to escape from the Umbreon as fast as her tiny legs would carry her.

Moonlight merely watched in amusement as she tried to scamper away, giving her a bit of a headstart before he took a few simple strides and planted his thick paw down in front of her, blocking off her path. With a surprised squeak, she quickly changed direction and tried running off again, but his foot quickly crashed down in front of her once again, forcing her to collide into it and bounce back onto her rump.

The fear she felt took top priority overall, no matter what, no matter how, she had to get away from this beast. She bolted to her feet, trying to scramble away once again. "My my, you're pretty fast aren't you?" Moonlight teased, taunting her every step of the way as she tried escaping one more. He gave chase this time, stepping down dangerously close to her as he stalked her, keeping it up for a short while before lifting his foot and stomping down heavily next to her, knocking the poor bunny off her feet from the sheer impact.

Belle went tumbling over to the side before finally flopping onto her stomach with a groan, her head dizzy and her body sore from the ride and all the torment. She groaned, pressing her palms flat against the floor and tried pushing herself up to pull herself together and try to run, but was quickly pressed down flat underneath the main pad of an Umbreon footpaw, pinning and pressing her underneath.

"No I don't think you'll be going anywhere else, I might be tempted to break your legs or something worse, but I'm deciding to be nice," Moonlight said softly.

The bunny squirmed frantically underneath that soft, heavy paw, which was quite warm to the touch; his thick, strong musk flooded her nostrils, engulfing her in it. Every gasping breath drew in the intense smell and taste of his paw, not to mention the sheer heat that bore down on her and the damp sweat that matted down her fur.

"Feisty little one aren't you? That tickles you know!" The Umbreon laughed, pressing his foot down further on the tiny bunny, pinning her nice and flat underneath; forcing the air out from her lungs. Her bones strained from the pressure, she could feel her body slowly compressing underneath. She tried to cry out for help, try to beg, anything, but the weight was too much, she couldn't manage to speak.

"I bet deep down you're full of regret, aren't you?" He taunted, lifting his paw to grant her relief, rolling her over onto her back so he could see her pained little face. He kept his foot hovering over her, toes spread so he could see her clearly. "You thought my warnings were just banter, something to shake you up. But no, I was deathly serious, and now it's time for you to disappear."

"Please no!" She squeaked out, holding her hands up above her face, as if it would stop his paw from crashing down on her.

He set his paw down beside her with a heavy thud, causing her body to bounce lightly as he stooped down over her to grip at her waist with his thumb and forefinger, "I'm not going to squish you, too messy." He stood back up and slowly lifted her up toward his small, grinning muzzle, "I have another place for you," He licked his lips and stuck his tongue out, dragging the warm, wet, sticky tip along her body; sampling her, "Mmm, not bad at all."

"Y-you're going to eat me?" Belle squeaked in surprise. She squirmed against his fingers and pushed against the tongue in protest until she became distracted by strong tingling sensation overtaking her; far different from the cold, chilling sensation of shrinking. This one was calmer, more relaxing, warm, even more so as the umbreon's saliva started sinking into her fur, into her flesh. Before she knew it, her squirms became tiring, her body felt heavy; it was hard to move, "Wh-what's happening to me?"

"Just a little poison my dear, a little paralyzing agent to keep you from making this unpleasant for me. Enough to make you wriggle, but also enough to keep you from struggling. You have no idea how bothersome it is to feel someone thrash around in your mouth, it just makes you want to chew them up into little pieces. I want to have fun with this, and since you're such a good sport, I'll make this nice and painless for you too," He said as he pressed her head up against his lips, sucking inwardly to slurp her in between them, releasing his fingers from her as he held her there, lapping all over her face as he slowly sucked her in further into his hot, damp, dark maw past his lips and sharp teeth.

Belle began to pant heavily once she was trapped within. The heat of his mouth was damn near suffocating, the scent of his breath wasn't pleasant, but it could have been worse. She rested upon his soft, warm tongue; that same sticky saliva matting down her fur further as it pooled around her. She was unable to move as she stared out into the darkness, listening to the ambience of his light breathing around her and his saliva shlicking and shloshing about.

What seemed like forever for the bunny was only a few short seconds as Moonlight began to purr, his slick tongue vibrating underneath her and rising, pressing her to the rough roof of his mouth as his tongue began to slather all over her, slurping and lapping and grinding; forcing her soaked clothing to slowly tear and melt off, disintegrating against that strange saliva of his, allowing him to lick all over every nook and cranny, absorbing all of her flavor.

Belle found the paralysis lightening up somewhat, giving her the ability to squirm about as she groaned against this strange feeling. It felt so good against her body, like some strange, improvised massage; but also absolutely terrifying to remember she was within someone's maw being sucked upon like a piece of candy.

Then came the finale as Moonlight tilted his head back, forming a steady incline in which Belle slid head first down into her throat. Squirming and screaming, she slipped into his gullet, his tight throat muscles squeezing tightly against her. He took a slow, loud gulp; his throat gripping her tighter, the walls smooth, but firm as it held her in a vice grip and slowly pulled her down. He brought his fingers up against the bulge in his throat, purring as he rubbed his fingers against it as he took a stronger gulp this time, his throat pulling her down further with its squishing grip; the poor lupine able to hear the umbreon's powerful heart beat around her as she sunk down past his chest. The one last gulp passing the bunny through an even tighter squeeze as she was forced through a firm, stubborn ring of flesh; depositing in the dark, dank cave that was the umbreon's stomach.

She could only look around at the dark reddish walls around her, hear nothing but the sounds of churning and sloshing of his body. The air was foul, hot, and thick, yet breathable. Partially free from the paralysis, she curled up into a tight ball as she sat in Moonlight's stomach among the stifling heat waiting for the worst to come.

Soon a white paw came upon her shoulder as she looked up to see a white fox smiling at her, "So you're the latest victim huh? Don't worry, you won't be digested or anything, he just keeps others here until he feels like letting them go. My name is Artie, what's yours?"

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