The Infestation Part I

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#1 of The Infestation

This is the first bit of a story I hope to submit for the upcoming Horror edition of FANG, and I'm posting the first portion here in its preliminary version in hopes to get ideas nad feedback and the like.

The Infestation

by Von Krieger and Timberwolfer

Though dimmed by the arrival of the traditional after practice pizza, the chatter of volleyball players seemed to still fill the room, mixed with laughter and the occasional shriek as a pantomimed motion threatened to coat the furre with cheese and toppings. Tanya was reaching for her second slice, loaded with meat toppings to the point one had to wonder if there was cheese, sauce, or crust underneath at all, when Marcus's low rumble of a voice cut though the babble.

"You sure you should have another Tanya, you're already a little chunky, and you know that pizza must be very fattening." His smile was almost a leer as he said it, though his girlfriend's appearance was slender, suggesting he wasn't looking for a 'fattie.'

For a long moment Tanya's striped face held a look of complete shock, then without a word, she dropped the slice and ran out of the room. The others seemed equally shocked as they simply watched the plump tigress flee in tears. Katheryne scowled at Marcus though her bleach blonde bangs and then elbowed him. "That was rude Marcus!" The rest of the volleyball team nodded their heads in agreement, thinking that the wolf would not be sharing a bed with the vixen tonight.

"What? I was trying to make a joke!" Marcus said in a huff, shaking his head. "All I said was..." he tried to defend himself, but the girls cut him off.

"Oh don't even start," said Tina, a hawk, her feathers fluffed up slightly. "You were wrong, and now you need to apologize! How could you say something like that when you're the assistant coach!"

"Yeah, Tanya has always been a bit sensitive about her weight." added Lavender, a black and purple salamander, punctuating the sentence by snapping her bubble gum.

"If anyone needs to lose a few pounds here, it's me." said one of the players with a chuckle. Daisy was a cow, and as a result had a naturally stocky body type, one that while toned with muscle, was also well curved and padded. She'd learned to take comments about her weight in stride, not much caring how she looked.

The remaining members of the team just glared daggers at the assistant coach. Lisha, the tall and lithe orca, Samantha the somewhat stocky cougar, Syrrena the flirtatious snow leopard, Laura the bodybuilder Clydesdale, and Marcus' little sister Cassandra joined her team mates in attempting to bore a hole through him with their eyes.

It was just then that Coach Willow made her way into the room, bags of chips and cases of pop in her paws, as well as a great deal of water on her clothes and fur. "Boy, it's REALLY pouring out there now, I'm glad we stopped practice when we did." she said, brushing stray droplets from her coat. "Now would someone like to explain to me why Tanya just ran out of here crying her eyes out?"

The raccoon wasn't physically intimidating by any definition of the word, but her trademark glare could turn even the steeliest spine to rubber after only a few moments. Though the glares continued, the volleyball team was silent, waiting for Marcus to admit what he'd said. Rather than fold though, he looked away from Coach Willow's stare and ducked his head. With a snort of almost contempt, Lavender started to explain.

"Assistant coach Marcus said something about..." Lavender began, only to be cut off as Marcus clamped a paw over her muzzle.

"I was trying to make a joke," Marcus said with a sigh, his tone unrepentant to say the least. "I didn't realize she would take it as an insult."

Willow just shook her head and sighed, wondering how she'd managed to get such a clueless male as an Assistant Coach. It had probably been somewhat political, after all, Marcus and Cassandra's family regularly donated to the school. She'd have to go find Tanya, but perhaps it would be best to let the tiger be alone for a little while...


Tanya made her way into a part of the school where no one would think to look for her, tears blurring her vision the whole way. As she reached the basement door though, her tears slowed, and then stopped, though she still sniffled. No one ever came down into the basement except maintenance men, and they weren't here for the weekend. It should be deserted and dark, suiting her mood perfectly. She had to worm her way past the boiler and steam pipes to get to a secluded corner mostly blocked off by stacks of old desks.

The basement was a large place, almost the same size as the ground floor, though broken up by ductwork, furnaces, hot water heaters, and similar equipment. The swimming pool heating and filtration equipment took up a good portion of the far wall, churning eternally in an almost soothing manner. There was a lot of space down here, even though the support columns and equipment made it look cramped, there were plenty of little alcoves like the one she had tucked herself into. Everything from old furniture, desks, boxes of textbooks had been brought down here over the years and never been brought back up, she could even see a dusty old map of when Russia had still been the Soviet Union, the map decorated in what she could only assume was Russian. The result of all this was a cramped, near labyrinth-like mess with open spaces only near the equipment that needed regular maintenance or had broken down some time in recent memory. With the furnaces so close, and few functioning lights, it was very warm, and only dimly lit.

Tanya had spent a lot of time down here before, even spending the night once a week. Every Friday her daddy drank away his paycheck and had fights with her mother. This had become her little sanctuary, where she could get away from her father and just be alone in her own little world. She pulled the blanket she kept here down over herself, rocking back and forth gently, feeling all alone in the world.

Looking over to the window she used to sneak it, hidden behind an overgrown hedge in the school plaza, she noticed it was most of the way open, letting the rain drip in from the leaves of the bush. Reluctantly she rose, sliding the dusty glass shut, she wasn't going to able to sneak out into that. She stepped back just as a flash of lightning lit the window, it had been very close, the accompanying thunder rattle the glass panes in their frame only moments later. She leaned up against the wall, feeling more alone than ever.


She wasn't alone though, something had come in through the open window to take shelter from the storm not long before she had come down. Hidden beneath a stack of chairs it vibrated its filigree wings as the furnace came on with a roar. It rested silently, so as not to startle its prey. Segmented eyes watched the tigress as she slid down to the floor once more, huddled in the wrapping. It peered at the crying tigress curiously, it could smell her scent all around, both old and new, all about the place. It wondered if this then was her nest. It was likely, for it didn't smell the lingering scent of many other prey animals near this place, though it had scented that there were prey that came to this place on occasion, none nested here as she did.

From the air currents it knew that the levels of this hive above this one were often filled with a great deal of prey creatures. From the warmth and her solitude, perhaps this one was a queen of some sort? That was all that made sense, the queen was often isolated from the drones and workers, protected within her own chamber, much as this creature was. Only the queen was known to do this, all others worked together unless scouts like itself. Even if she was not, she was all alone with little place to flee. The creature looked her over, studying her form carefully. She was a large specimen, possibly powerful. It could see she had the strength to crush portions of its exoskeleton if she was not properly subdued first.

Yet, while large, she did not appear quite big enough to serve as a warrior, and too big of build to serve as a stalker. This left only two roles for her, that of a hunter-builder, and that of a queen. She would have to serve as a queen first, for there must be a mother to every hive, yet when one better suited to the task was found, her purpose could be altered, and she would serve as hunter-builder quite well once she had mothered a new hive. Sure now of its purpose, the creature began to emit pheromones, wings buzzing lightly to waft them in her direction. The pheromones should lull the prey in a state of extreme lust and at the same time dull both her senses and her strength. It would take her once she was in a condition where her need to be mated would make her far more amiable and pliable, very docile prey.


Tanya's tears had begun to dry up at last, clearing her vision enough to see her little alcove clearly again. She took a deep breath, which lead to a coughing fit. There was a strange, powerful scent in the air that hadn't been there a moment before, one that overrode the scents of dust, mold, and machinery. She sniffed once more, not so deeply this time. It smelled quite nice, sweet and kind of musky, a rather of calming scent, almost like she would expect from those scented candles her teammates used sometimes. At the same time though it brought to mind the scent of a loving male, someone strong and fuzzy to snuggle up against. Someone to hold her and hug her and tell her everything was ok. A male to reach down and stroke her gently between her legs, the soft leather of his handpaws feeling heavenly on her needful sex. A male to slowly slip a finger into her awaiting snatch and...

The tigress blinked and blushed, her facial fur fluffing up. One paw had somehow crept under her skirt and into her panties. She was stunned by it, touching herself like this wasn't something she usually did. But it... it felt so good. She needed to do this, needed to have her sex filled with something. The need felt so wrong, and yet so right, after all hadn't she been told that her sex was 'dirty' and that she shouldn't touch it? She closed her eyes, letting the rouge paw explore her tender folds. The tigress leaned back, penetrating herself with two fingers, and began to purr, a soft and low sound, broken by a tiny gasp every now and then as her pussy sent a new cascade of fluid out onto her paw.

Tanya smiled lustily, the urge to mate was very strong, even the few times her lusts had built to such a point before, she had never been so wet. She began to fantasize, that it wasn't her fingers between her thighs, but rather a strong, virile feline male, the species didn't really matter. He would nuzzle her back and neck from behind, slowly pushing her down to all fours while he knelt behind her. He would enter her slowly, lovingly, making sure not to hurt her, and at the same time taking her as a feral animal might. He would nibble the scruff of her neck lightly, his paws slipping around to caress her full breasts. He would begin the thrust, each push of his maleness sending shivers of pleasure throughout Tanya's body. Yes... Yes...


The creature chittered softly to itself, quite pleased with the prey's reaction. She had put herself in perfect position for what was to come. The creature continued to exude its pheromones, driving her deeper and deeper into a state of needful lust. Just a few more moments and she would be so caught up in her desire to mate, that she would not fear the caresses of a creature that would make her flee in terror otherwise, but rather embrace it. It could taste the scent of her need in the air, and found it pleasing. This one would make a wonderful addition to the hive and the creature's race. Slowly it crept out of its hiding place, pondering how it would remove her inorganic coverings.

It approached her slowly and silently on its six insectoid legs, moving in a manner all together alien to those used to seeing only bipedals walk about. All the while it watched her for any reaction, testing the air of the taint of fear in her scent; finding none, it crept closer. The prey had her eyes closed, and her olfactory organs would be occupied with the scent of its pheromones, she would have no way of detecting the creature until it was upon her. Closer and closer it came, until it was a few inches away from her face. Here it paused once more, studying her for a few moments before rubbing her cheeks gently with its antennae. It would be wise to calm its prey somewhat before she was taken and made into one of the hive. As aroused as she was, perhaps she would give herself to it willingly, sparing it the need to remove the inorganics by itself.


The tigress was snapped out of her fantasy by a touch that she hadn't imagined. Her eyes snapped open, and she found herself face to face with a monster. Tanya whimpered and pulled back, looking over the terrifying thing in front of her. It was like a giant dragonfly, far larger than any she had seen or imagined before, about five feet long, and a scintillating green in color. The shimmering green of the exoskeleton faded to white with blue spots near the tail section. It watched her carefully through segmented eyes that shimmered with a rainbow of colors in the low light in an almost hypnotic pattern.

The dragonfly buzzed its wings softly, the low thrum felt strangely reassuring to Tanya. She wanted to run, but the ache between her legs was almost a burning, she couldn't stop rubbing herself, not for an instant. The thing didn't seem intent on harming her either, if it had wanted to bite her it could've done so, but it had seemed more curious than menacing. It crawled toward her cautiously, nuzzling gently at her tummy, bucking its head upward, making soft clicking noises.


The creature chittered with pleasure at the way things were going. The prey was far more curious than frightened. It even made a high pitched happy sound as it slipped its head underneath the covering over her abdomen and thorax. It crawled up to nuzzle at her milk-producing glands, its knowledge of mammals came complete with a list of erogenous zones to utilize in seduction of prey.

The female made that high pitched pleasure sound again, indicating that she enjoy its touches. The creature relaxed, knowing the prey was almost ready to be taken. It would just have to trick her into removing these inorganic coverings, like the one that covered her milk glands. It felt its prey stroke its back and wings gently through the inorganic covering, she had accepted it as a lover. In order to get the female to open her sex to it, the creature knew it had to show her that it would pleasure her better the she herself could With a few bites from its mandibles, the creature had freed her supple furred orbs from confinement. It quickly devoured the cloth and metal apparatus, whatever the covering had been, it would now provide fuel for the prey's conversion. Now it turned its full attention to stimulating the female until she was receptive to mating, nibbling her sensitive milk-nipples gently with its mandibles, being careful not to hurt the prey-creature.


Tanya giggled as the bug found its way under her shirt, the chitinous legs tickling her tummy as it crawled upward. It rubbed its head over her breasts, drawing a contented purr from the tigress. Apparently it wanted to play. The tigress raised a paw and began to caress her insectoid pet gently through the fabric of her shirt. Then a muted snapping sound, Tanya felt her bra break, apparently the creature had bitten it. She could feel it being pulled gently around her back, was the creature eating it? A few moments later it began to tweak her nipples deliciously with its mouthparts. The tigress moaned softly, the bug knew what it was doing!

The ache in her crotch lessened as the insect toyed with her, the tigress' lust calming now that she had found a playmate. She managed to pull her paw out of herself long enough to carefully remove her shirt, intent on not scaring her playmate. It was strange, something about all this was wrong, but she couldn't tell what, desire and pleasure clouding her mind enough that she ignored the nagging sensation.

Her hunch had been correct, her bra was nowhere to be seen, the insect had eaten it. She rubbed its back softly, making sure not to injure its delicate wings. On impulse, she brought her saturated paw up to the insect's head to see if it was interested in her juices. She smiled as it turned its attention to her paw, a long tubular tongue flicking out of its mouth to taste the honey of her womanhood. Seemingly in response, the dragonfly curled its tail and began to rub gently at her eager tunnel through her panties. Tanya gasped, it felt like nothing she'd ever experienced before. She knew she needed to have that thing inside of her, but not quite yet.

The tigress began to lick her paw as well, helping to clean her stickiness from the orange and black fur. Her tongue brushed over the dragonfly's several times. It felt so perfect, and so smooth. Tanya was disappointed when her paw had been licked clean, she wanted to play with her insect lover's tongue some more. She let out a playful growl, trying to entice the dragonfly.


The female had removed her upper covering, that was good. With her foreleg removed from her sex, the creature could begin to stimulate her properly. It needed to get her in proper position before it could convert her. The best way to do that was for the mammal to take her natural mating position. At the moment though the female seemed to have no desire to truly mate, but rather to continue this sensual play with her body.

Then, surprisingly the prey offered it her paw, soaked with her pre-climactic fluids. The creature bent its ovipositor, rubbing the tip against her captive sex though yet another inorganic covering. The pheromones it continued to produce would make her desperate for stimulation, and it was best to provide that intimate contact to get the prey to trust it rather than allow her to provide the pleasure herself.

It began to lap at her juices, letting its tail do the work of stimulation instead of its mouthparts. It rather enjoyed the sweet taste that this prey-creature could produce, a musky and female taste to it that still had a hind of sweetness like the nectar of a plant. It decided that when enough of these prey-animals had been made a part of the hive, to alter a few into producing large amounts of this sweet nectar as a treat for their queen. When the female began to lick at her foreleg the creature was almost disappointed, the sweet honey would be gone that much quicker, but it noted that the female seemed to be more interested in licking the creature's own tongue. Perhaps it was some kind of mammalian mating ritual exclusive to this species? If that was the case, it would be best to indulge in the ritual, to further build the trust and bond between lovers. The creature pondered this for a moment. It would be a sign of trust, placing one's tasting apparatus into the jaws of a mating creature. The way she peered down at it with longing once the nectar was gone seemed to indicate this.

Chiterring softly at the discovery, the creature crept upward on the female's body, placing its mouthparts against her, extending its tongue into her mouth being careful not to trigger the mammalian gag reflex. The female made a pleasing rumbling sound as it caressed the interiors of her mouth, returning the favor with her own tongue. The creature had to admit, the stimulation of the sensitive roof of the mouth by another was rather pleasant. The sensation was even more interesting when the female sucked lightly on its tongue, as if to ensure this mating ritual continued.


The tigress was pleasantly surprised when the dragonfly crept forward, pressing its mandibles against her muzzle. She opened her mouth to allow the probing tongue entry, smiling to herself that it had taken her silent suggestion. The insect was making her feel so good, the cool, smooth feel of the bug's chitin against her body felt nice, the strong chitinous legs grasping her chest and breasts made her want to moan, the tongue in her mouth was wondrous, but that tail, rubbing eagerly at her dripping cunt felt the best of all.

It was like it knew exactly what made her feel good, and did its best to give her the most pleasure that it could. Tanya wondered that if she could put that tongue to another use. It had eagerly licked up her girl goo from her paw. Perhaps it would enjoy licking her sex directly as well, to get a better taste and fare more of it? Besides... it would make her feel so very good. She gently pried the dragonfly's legs from around her chest. As she stuck a finger under them, the insect seemed to understand what she wanted, letting her pick it up. Tanya reluctantly broke the kiss she shared with her new pet, setting it down beside her as she stripped the rest of her cloths off, leaving her sodden panties for last.

Tanya giggled again as the insect cocked its head and wiggled its antennae at her curiously, wondering what it was supposed to do. The smirk that touched her face was predatory as she lifted it once more, feeling its weight. Carefully she placed her back in the corned and lowered herself into a squatting position, opening herself to it. She helped it along further, slowly pulling it toward her gushing pussy. It licked her tentatively at first, then eagerly dived in. Its tongue was much longer than Tanya expected, it wriggled deeper and deeper inside of her, undulating from side to side like a snake. The dragonfly seemed intent on gathering as much of her honey as possible.

She arched her back and moaned as the insect's tongue pressed against her virginity and broke through it easily. Then the tongue pulled back, bringing with it the load of nectar it had collected into the insect's mouth, only to dart forward once again. Over and over again, deeper and deeper, until Tanya felt something else inside her give way. Her cervix, the tongue was all the way inside her womb! She writhed now, barely able to keep herself squatting as it lashed her sex and womb with its tongue, touching her in ways she could never have imagined. She wanted this thing more and more.


The creature was puzzled at first to why the prey had pulled it away, but had quickly gotten the idea. She wanted it to give her pleasure with its tongue. The creature chittered happily at the prospect of being able to consume more of this female's sweet juices, as well as begin her conversion to a creature of the hive. It was slightly disappointed when it found that she was not a queen, as her sex was still protected, not yet having had a mate. But the taste of her blood told it that she was a strong, healthy female, and would be capable of bearing many eggs once she was converted.

The taste of her sweet nectar distracted the creature from its task for a few moments as it relished the delicious treat it had been given. Almost reluctantly it began to extend its tongue deeper and deeper into the female, seeking the life-giving center of her body. There was a small resistance to the creature's probing tongue, but with a few pushes it was inside her. It opened the orifice that held its tubular tongue closed and contracted the glands inside it's body that would expel the first series of several sets of mutanagenic compounds into the female. These would serve to convert her womb into that of the creature's own race, the first step in preparing her for the conversion.

The set next was useless without the companion set, which the creature could only expel from its ovipositor. The two together would begin her full transformation, and once started, could not be stopped. It began to drip a different chemical from its tongue as it pulled out of the female's sex, to increase the sensitivity of the female's sex, as well as stave off her release. It then backed away and left its sister-becoming without the caresses of its tongue. The female would be so needful to have her aching sex filled, she would have no choice but to offer herself in the proper position to the creature. It simply stood back and waited for the inevitable.


Tanya felt a strange tingling warmth in her belly. The tingling began to grow until it felt like a pressure, like something was pumping liquid into her. She dismissed that out right, all that was inside her was her dragonfly's wonderful tongue. It rubbed against her inner walls so nicely, pulling her along towards her climax with painstaking slowness. She didn't mind, she liked playing with her new pet. She wanted this to go on forever and ever, being caressed by a beautiful bug who's only interested seemed to be making its mistress feel good.

The tigress yowled as her crotch suddenly felt like it was on fire. It was a dreadful need to be filled, to be fucked, to mate, to be taken by a male, or anything male shaped. Anything. Anything to relieve this torment of desire. She opened her eyes to see the bug backing away from her. She opened her mouth to beg and plead, but all that came out was a bestial whimper. She was almost in tears. She pawed futilely at her aching sex, but it didn't do any good. She needed a male, and needed a male now!

Tanya rolled onto all fours, spreading her legs wide, offering herself to the insect. Surely it would help her get rid of this lustful agony, this need to be filled so urgently. It seemed only happy to comply, its wings buzzing, carrying it aloft and onto her back. As the insect slid the cool bulbous portion of its tail into her, Tanya half purred half growled with the wonderful relief it provided. Her sex clamped down on it eagerly, trying to pull it in deeper, to spread the relief to the upper portions of her tortured tunnel. It didn't matter that this was an insect anymore, all that mattered was that it releaved the burning need.

Her tail lashed wildly from side to side in anger, the aching need still inside the upper reaches of her sex was maddening. The bug seemed to be filling her with agonizing slowness. It seemed to be positioning itself somewhat precisely. She growled at it, wanting it to hurry up. Apparently that motivated it, as it curled its legs around her, two pairs gripping her ribs, and one on either side of her neck. Tanya felt like she was going to melt into a puddle as the dragonfly rammed its tail inside of her, eliminating the anguish entirely. It slowly began to pump forward and back, fucking her just the way she wanted to be fucked.


The creature was rather pleased with itself, the female had done as it required, removing her soon to be useless coverings and placing herself on all fours, rump in the air and sex opened to it. It took great care to make sure its body was aligned over her spine before putting its ovipositor all the way inside her. Once it had done so, the process was irreversible. It would have only one chance at converting this female, for it only could sacrifice itself for the hive once.

It felt somewhat saddened that its existence would be at an end in a few short minutes. At the same time though it realized it would not 'die' exactly, but become part of a greater being. After impregnating this female, she would give birth to dozens, if not hundreds, of eggs, each of which would hatch into a healthy larvae, ensuring the prosperity of the hive. It stroked the back of its mate's head with its antennae, nuzzling her neck. The prey-creature had performed perfectly, she deserved a little affection and pleasure before the pain of her change. The changes in her body were already beginning, and now the process could not be reversed without causing severe harm to the female, perhaps fatal harm. It emptied all its chemical glands into her, the mutagens and other chemicals ready to begin their work. This action set off another set of chemicals inside the creature itself. It would begin to change as well, undergoing a metamorphosis just as it had once from larvae to adulthood.

Its final conscious act would be to select the egg that went inside the female. It had decided on the hunter-builder while looking over its prey a few minutes ago. It was distracted slightly by the feeling of the changes inside its body beginning. Soon there were extensions of tiny root-like nerve fibers from its belly into the female's skin, seeking out her spine, the core of her muscular control. The creature's head pushed forward, distending grotesquely from its body, tiny tendrils growing through the exoskeleton, securing themselves at the back of the neck. Even now the creature could feel its ovipositor melding with the walls of its mate's sex locking the two organs together, the egg that was the final piece of their coupling slipping into their womb.

The transformation required fuel to power these changes, it found some in the tigress' plentiful fat stores, but not all it needed, more came from the creature. Its digestive system was consumed first, it was no longer needed. Then the muscular system and portions of the exoskeleton that were required no more dissolved away as the two creatures began to merge into one. Before it was rendered unable to, the creature let out a relieved sigh, its demise was not hurting as much as it imagined. It felt quite pleasant, its body melding with that of the creature that would be mother to their eggs. Darkness crept across the creature's vision as its eyes were consumed for the change. Its consciousness faded with the light, leaving only feelings of contentment as it slipped into unconsciousness, never to awaken.


Tanya purred happily as her pet mated her, the pain gone entirely. But the strange tingling had returned, spreading downward to her pussy. She wiggled her bottom, trying to scratch the itch inside. It felt like ants were crawling around under her skin. Rather than staying overcome with lust, Tanya was beginning to feel calm, relaxed, and at peace, almost as if she were drugged. This tranquility didn't prepare her for the burning that seemed to fill her entire body as something pierced the skin all along her spine. Roared in pain, and trying to swat at the bug on her back, she found her arms wouldn't respond. She tried to rise to her feet, but instead fell face first onto the floor, every muscle in her body going limp.

She began to panic. Had it stung her? Poisoned her? She felt something sliding up her vagina, a bulge in the dragonfly's tail. An egg! It was laying an egg inside of her! Flashbacks of biology class filled her mind, predatory wasps paralyzing their pray with their stingers the laying their eggs inside the body of the poor insect or spider, to be devoured whole when they hatched. Tanya tried her best to move, to somehow tear away the giant insect off her back. If she could get to a doctor they could take the egg out of her before it hatched. But she couldn't lift a finger, she couldn't even wince in pain as the burning in her back and her sex began to spread throughout her body.

She supposed to poison was in her bloodstream, killing off her nerve endings so that she wouldn't move again. A shallow gasp escaped her throat as the burning spread to her head, she heard a sickening crack, perhaps the creature breaking her skull with its jaws? She waited for death... but it didn't come. Just when she thought the pain was at an end, it flared up again, like her entire body was being eaten from the inside out. It went on and on for what felt like an eternity. Tanya kept praying that she would black out, that she wouldn't hurt anymore, but the blackness never came either.

She lay there, not knowing how long she'd been in pain and unable to move. She could feel tears trickling down her face, pooling below her. She shivered, as the fire was replaced with a sudden chill. The cold feeling quickly left her body. The tigress tried to move once more, and was pleasantly surprised to find her body mobile again, though stiff. She sat up, looking around frantically for the monstrous dragonfly, but didn't find it. A sense of euphoria began to set in, and a rather nice feeling, like a massage over her entire body at the same time. The tigress closed her eyes and purred, feeling rather strange for a moment.

She looks around, blinking. She felt strange, the thought going through her mind was that she hadn't been expecting to wake up. She also thought that everything looked different, wrong somehow, viewed through only two angles. He body felt different, larger, covered in soft fur rather than hard chitin. Both sides of her being realized at the same time that they had become one, the insect and the tigress fused into one body and mind. With that realization the two became one, Tanya's knowledge and personality combined with the racial knowledge of the creature. A random thought touched the two minds... that this must be the Gestalt that she'd once heard about.

Tanya looked over her body, surprised slightly that it was not much different, but knowing it soon would be. Almost all the changes were on her back, where her other half had fused with her along the spine. Her carapace was growing in nicely, nearly covering her back, though it tapered off down close to her tail, where it became white and blue. The former legs of her insect self had fused with her body as well, colored the multi-hued metallic rainbow of the creature's carapace with darker patches that matched her tiger stripe pattern perfectly. they curled around her almost like another set of ribs. She also found that the filigree wings had bonded with her body, around her sides and covering her breast with a soft, smooth filmy skin that would shimmer with rainbow colors in the light, making the supple mounds all the more tantalizing in appearance.

She noticed then that her rather round shape had melted away, most of her fat stores used to fuel the fusion of her two halves. She was a strong, powerful creature now, it appears the creature had consumed her fat stores selectively, allowing her to retain soft and feminine curves. She no longer felt ashamed of her body, knowing she was beautiful; more than that, she was a very important part of a greater whole... the Hive. Tanya knew she was very lucky, she had been chosen to become mother to a new race. Upstairs she had nearly a dozen potential hosts waiting to receive the gift she had been granted as well. Her insect half knew that for each new member she brought into the hive, she would become just a little closer to her full strength and form, a little closer to perfection.

She was a little sad that she would lose her pretty golden orange and ebony fur in places, but she knew that her gorgeous, shiny carapace would more than make up for whatever loss she would feel. The new queen felt hungry, she needed to eat to have the nutrients to continue her transformation as well as to transform the others. Once again her insect half supplied the answer. Everything around her was food, she had been granted a digestive system to put shame to even that of a fly. The walls, the floor, the musty things that had been left down here and forgotten about, her new digestive system could acquire what she needed from nearly any substance.

Purring softly, but with a hint of chitter, she dropped to all fours. Her now tube shaped tongue extending from her mouth to release digestive acids onto the floor. This served a double purpose, food only half of it.. She needed to make a nest, a place where she would keep her sisters as they became new members of the hive, a place where she could lay her eggs, where her daughters could grow from their larval state undetected by hostile furrs who did not know the gifts they could be given. More than could be given... that they would be given, had to be given!

As soon as her preliminary transformation was complete and her nest built, Tanya would venture out and introduce her friends to the wonders of the hive. Joining with her other half had been such a wonderful experience. The tigress was no longer lonely, nor would she ever be again. She no longer felt useless, she was to be a queen of the first hive on this world. She no longer hated her own body, she was gifted with the perfect form. She would grow to be a perfect blend of feline and insect. She would only become more beautiful as she grew closer to the apex of her form.

She finally felt whole. And in time, the whole world would feel whole as she did...


Syrrena walked the halls of the high school. The rest of the team had decided to let Tanya stay off all by herself in whatever hidey-hole she'd chosen to slink into while they had their own fun. Coach Willow had taken a couple of them around to the school swimming pool, a few others went into the AV lab to play video games, and the rest just stayed in the library to gorge on pizza and chat. The snow leopard was a little angry with her teammates, no one seemed to care about Tanya but her. How would they feel if they were sad and all alone without anybody coming to comfort them? Syrrena didn't think they would like it very much, but then several members of the team fit the self-centered bimbo model didn't they.

She'd been looking for an hour she guessed, and had started no more than fifteen minutes after Tanya had run out of the library. The high school was a big place, and there were a lot of places for a sulking tigress to hide, but many of the rooms were locked, so she should have been able to find the other feline by now. Only one place remained to look, but she didn't dare go into the basement.

"Taaaaanyaaaaaa!" the snow leopard called, her voice echoing in the empty halls of the high school, mocking her. She sighed, the leopard had no idea where her friend could be. She would give herself fifteen more minutes to search for the tigress, then it was back to the library for pizza and pop.


A soft echoing noise caused Tanya's ears to twitch. She perked her head up. The tigress found that she was in a deep, dark hole, a circle of dim light about ten feet over her head. She blinked in the darkness and looked around. Had she really done all of this in such a short time? She had been so absorbed in her instincts that she hadn't noticed what she was doing.

Her nest was perhaps six feet in each direction from the central point where she stood, a deep hemisphere in shape. Everything was smooth, black, and glistening like obsidian, or her carapace. The construction slime that her body generated from the consumed materials had dried quickly and into a perfect finish. Though she had been guided entirely by instinct, she couldn't help but be proud at what she had made. It gave her a sense of awe as she looked around at her work, her digestive acids were very, very strong to be able to clear so much space in so little time.

There was that sound again. She tensed her legs and jump, easily reaching the ceiling above her new home. Crawling upside down on the smooth black roundness, she made her way to the entrance to her den, what had been the basement would in time become all hers. It was only as she crawled back out into the light did she realize what she had done. It had all seemed so natural, jumping fifteen feet straight up, sticking to the wall and climbing up as easily as she walked on her own two feet.

The tigress looked herself over, her primary transformation complete. Below the elbow her arms had been completely altered. They were no longer the furred limbs ending in cute kitty paws. They looked strong and powerful, with only three digits the tips wickedly sharp. Heavy chitinous plates covered her arms from fingertip to elbow, gleaming golden in the light. She could make out faint stripes trying to work their way through. The same was true for the carapace on her back as well, which was losing the green tint of the original insect and was now a yellow-green in color. Tanya knew that it would soon grow to match the rest of her.

Her legs were also much like her hands. They had retained the tigress' digigrade structure, but had grown larger and more muscular. The joints were also capable of bending a great deal more then they had previously. Her footpaws had vanished, replaced like her hands, two digits in the front with a third in the back, though much larger. Tanya smiled at the sight, she could manipulate things with her feet now as well. Once again the echoing noise distracted her. This time Tanya was able to make it out clearly, a voice calling her name, or what it had been. In a way she was no longer Tanya, but she wasn't sure what she was now, the first of Hive? She licked her lips, one of her sisters-to-be was approaching her location. The insect hybrid gasped softly as she felt a stirring in her crotch, followed by a warm wetness on her thighs. She was going to enjoy this so much.


"Taaanyaaaaa!" Syrrena shouted through cupped paws. This was the last part of the building she hadn't checked, and the one she least wanted to be in. If Tanya hadn't heard her calls by now then the tigress must have managed to sneak out of the school. or else was ignoring her. She hoped it was that Tanya just had managed somehow not to hear her, after spending so much time looking for the tigress, it hurt to imagine she would be ignored.

"Here Syrrena! I'm down here!" cried a voice from below. Syrrena looked around for the source, then her eyes fixed on the square cover on the floor that lead down to the basement. The leopardess immediately pried it off, and with great reluctance started climbing down the ladder.

"Tanya! Are you OK? Marcus didn't mean what he said, he was just trying to make a stupid joke!" she said, trying to comfort the tigress. Tanya must have been pretty broken up about things to come down to this dark and dirty place. Just thinking about the basement gave Syrrena shivers.

"I know." Tanya called back. "I feel much better now." Syrrena smiled, following Tanya's voice through the labyrinth of dusty cardboard boxes, rusty desks, and stacks of musty textbooks. It was amazing the absolute clutter and age of some of the relics down here.

"Boy it's a mess down here, isn't it!" she said, keeping the mood light, trying to hide the slight nervousness the basement brought her.

"It sure is!" came Tanya's jovial reply. Syrrena can tell that Tanya is almost giggling, and that she was very close.

"Let's go back upstairs and join the rest of the group! Laura brought her X-Box out and needs a good butt whooping. Team Kitten needs a good sniper if you're interested!"

Tanya's laugh echoed through the basement. "Nah, though I'll find the rest of the group later, right now I have all the playmates I need! Besides... now's a chance to show you how well I learned from playing a sniper!"

The snow leopard looked around, if she was hearing things right Tanya should be right about here. "C'mon, stop hiding! Where are you, you silly stripy cat?" Syrrena asked, bending down to look under a bit of heating equipment.

"Right here!" growled the tigress, dropping down from the ceiling to tackle her prey. The snow leopard was quickly pinned face down on the ground, trapped under Tanya's weight.

"Tanya!" she giggled. "Get off of me! This isn't the best place to roughhouse!"

The leopard froze as a long, rough tongue caressed her ear. "Roughhousing isn't want I have in mind, Syrrena. I have something much more... fun in mind." Tanya purred, shifting slightly to ensure that her prey didn't go anywhere.

Syrrena yelped as a powerful paw slipped underneath her and gave her breast a playful squeeze. "Tanya, knock it off! That's not funny!"

The paw slid south, dipping between Syrrena's legs, cupping her crotch through the thick denim of her jean shorts. "No, it's completely serious, Syrrena. I want you. I want to make love to you. I want to show you so many wonderful things." Tanya continued to purr, now nibbling lightly at the leopardess's ear.

Pushing off the floor, the snow leopard managed to turn herself over, though she was still trapped under Tanya. The annoyed expression on her face turned to horror at the sight of the insect-tiger-thing on top of her. It sounded like Tanya, it looked sort of like Tanya, and smelled sort of like Tanya, but this thing on top of her was too big to be her friend. It was far too big, taller then Tanya by a good foot and a half! Not only that, but it had antennae, it's arms and legs were shaped all wrong! It was terrifyingly muscled... and IT HAD A COCK!

The snow leopard recoiled in horror at the sight of the slick, slimy, dripping blue and white length that slid slowly out of the creature's female sex. It writhed and twisted in the air moving with a will of its own it seemed, seeking a warm cunt to slide into. At the same time the sight was arousing and disgusting, made all the more so by the scents she could now catch from what had once been her friend.

"Y-you're not Tanya! Get off of me!" Syrrena growled. Her words seemed to hurt the creature.

"B... but I am Tanya! Oh Syrrena, something wonderful has happened to me! I was chosen, chosen to become the first of a new race of beings! A mix of the insectoid aliens that sent my other half to me, and the furrs and scalies of our own world. We're so lucky, Syrrena! I got to be the first... but you will be the first that I convert..." Tanya purred, leaning down to snuggle up against the snow leopard.

"No way! Stop it! Just stop it! I don't... don't want to be some kind of freaky bug-thing like you!" the leopard snarled, trying to pull away, but the new insectoid Tanya was too strong. Instead all Syrrena ended up doing was writhing against the creature, inadvertently arousing them both. Holding Syrrena's paws with one huge hand, the former tigress slips a clawtip into the neckline of her prey's shirt, the fabric easily slicing apart with only the slightest touch. A few careful cuts, the Syrrena's bra is in tatters as well. The insect queen cups one of the furred orbs gently.

"You're breasts are beautiful, Syrrena. As a normal furr I could never admit how sexy I found you. How I longed to have your naked body snuggled up next to mine. How I wanted to rub and tease and lick your gorgeous breasts. But I can now." Tanya's tongue snakes out, nearly three feet in length, circling each of Syrrena's big black nipples a few times before returning to her mouth. The spotted feline is frozen in terror at the sight. "We'll be lovers, Syrrena, we'll be sisters. We'll be the rulers of an entire hive. You don't need to be afraid, sister, I won't hurt you. I can't give you the greatest gift just yet, but I can make you feel so very good, Syrrena. I'll make love to you, fill you with my ovipositor, bring you to wonderful climax after wonderful climax. I'll fill your tummy with my eggs, our eggs, so you can keep them warm and safe while I go out to find the others. Soon enough everyone will be part of the Hive."

The hybrid leaned down, kissing Syrrena lovingly on the lips, her tongue slipping forcefully into the leopard's mouth. Syrrena choked and gagged as a thick, sweet liquid filled her mouth. She sputters and spit, but the liquid is too viscus and she is forced to swallow some of it. "Stop it, Tanya! Please! I don't want this!" Syrrena begged.

"Oh sister, you want this as much as I do, you just don't know it yet. It feels so good inside. It makes you feel complete. I need you, Syrrena, I need to show you how much I love you, sister. Let me show you how good it can feel. Accept our destiny, make love to me. Please?" said the insect-tigress as she looked down at her friend, her eyes pleading and her scent growing stronger, overwhelming the other feline.

"Please, I won't hurt you unless you make me. Now please.. kiss me Syrrena, kiss me and drink." Tanya said softly, her tongue slipping out once again to nuzzle lightly at the leopard's lips.

"Tanya, please I don't..." is all she manages to get out before the insect queen forces the issue, thrusting her tongue into the snow leopard's mouth, and down into her throat. Syrrena can feel a warm, thick liquid sliding down her throat and into her stomach. She gags and wretches, trying to expel the invading tongue, but it doesn't do any good. As more and more of the strange goo is pumped into her, Syrrena begins to cry. She's helpless against this thing that used to be her friend. It was filling her with God-knows-what, and it planned on raping her, and Syrrena could do nothing about it.

Tanya pulls her tongue back after a few moments, feeling that her sister's stomach is comfortably full with nectar. She strokes Syrrena's back lovingly, picking up the leopard and setting her on her feet. Syrrena made the most of the opportunity as she drove her knee into the tiger-thing's stomach, drawing a startled gasp from Tanya, though doing no damage to the hybrid. Syrrena turned and fled, immediately plowing headlong into a stack of boxes filled with textbooks.

Her legs sprawled as she fell backward from the impact. Only mildly dazed, she started to her feet, only to shiver and fall to her knees as a warmth began to build in her lions. "No! Oh no!" she whimpered, feeling her sex suddenly moisten. She began to cry again, her juices flowing heavily, making a dark spot on her jean shorts. It was all she could do to prevent herself from ripping them off and burying her paw inside herself. Sucking a breath sharply through her teeth, the leopard pushes herself to her feet, shivering as waves of pleasure crash through her body as her sex rubs against her jeans. The creature that used to be Tanya just watches her, smiling, waiting for the inevitable.

Growling, Syrrena unsheathed her claws and charged at the insect-thing. The feeling of her thighs rubbing together as she ran was heavenly, bringing her closer and closer to climax. She struggled to ignore it as she pounced, throwing her entire bodyweight against Tanya. The two go sprawling into another collection of textbook boxes. Syrrena landed on top and straddled her foe, pinning Tanya's arms. She leaned down, with the intent on giving her insectoid foe's antennae a good bite. The presences of a warm, firm mass between her legs felt so good though... and her attempt at a bite became a lick, then a kiss. The snow leopard began to instinctively thrust against Tanya's body. Syrrena didn't want this, didn't want to mate, didn't want to be full of eggs, didn't want to be turned into a disgusting bug-thing. But her body wanted to fuck. Her sex demanded to be toyed with, to be filled, to be loved.

Her paws slipped slowly away from Tanya's wrists until Syrrena was hugging the hybrid to herself, snuggling into the soft fur of the former tigress' shoulder. Tears trickled from her eyes, half with painful need, half in terror for what was about to happen. The conflicting feelings made her all the more vulnerable to the creature's advances.

"Make love to me." the snow leopard whimpered, she needed to fuck Tanya so bad it hurt. The tiger-bug nodded, kissing Syrrena's cheek, smiling to herself at the acceptance that Syrrena was displaying.

"I will, sister. I will make you feel so good." she purred, slipping a clawed finger between the leopard's legs. Syrrena moaned softly as Tanya rubbed her sex lovingly through her shorts. She cried out again as the claw sliced though her clothing as if it were only tissue paper and the coolness of air struck her cunt. Moments later though, a slick heat touched her exposed sex as the insect queen's ovipositor eagerly sought out the opening, rubbing against Syrrena's love tunnel. Moaning loudly Syrrena pushed herself back onto the slick organ, her moans turning to contended purrs as the ovipositor started to penetrate her. The smallest touch made the leopard quake in ecstasy, her body aflame with need. Having this thing writhing inside her, probing deeper and deeper was the most powerful, most pleasurable physical sensation she had ever experienced.

The sorrow in the corners of her mind quickly faded. Her terror melted away, replaced by a bond to her lover that grew stronger by the moment. Syrrena wondered why she had been frightened of Tanya, puzzled as to why she hadn't wanted this. Tanya was her sister, her queen, and her mistress, she would never harm Syrrena. The feline purred, hugging her lover tightly against her body and wrapping her legs around the hips of her new lover. Smooth chitinous paws stroked her backfur lovingly. Syrrena couldn't imagine being closer to any other creature, couldn't imagine loving anyone more then Tanya. She felt special, her queen had chosen her to be the first of her consorts. To be the first to have her tummy filled with eggs, keeping the hive's spawn warm within her until they could find a way to keep their nest at a temperature where the eggs would develop and hatch.

A loud ripping noise and the presence of a large bulge pressing up against the folds of her sex indicated the start of the process. Syrrena mewled softly as the first of her mistress' eggs pushed into her, it hurt a little, her sex not used to being stretched so widely. But she knew that the pain would fade in time, and it wasn't even that bothersome. The near orgasmic pleasure she felt as the egg traveled slowly up her sex was more then enough to offset the pain. She began to moan and purr, knowing she was complete now and that this was her destiny.

"Fill me, mistress." Syrrena purred. "Fill me with your eggs." Tanya purred happily as well, enjoying the experience of having her ovipositor inside another female, relishing the way the leopard's walls clenched at her, and how her new sister was accepting and serving her. She stroked Syrrena's fur lovingly as she began to fill the other feline's womb with eggs. The insect queen was saddened though that she couldn't reward the first member of her hive with the form so richly deserved. She was not yet capable of generating the substances that would allow her to alter anothers physical form. She was only capable of granting her the gift of becoming a part of the hive. That and introduce her to the role she would serve for the rest of her days, that of a caretaker of the hive's eggs, and eventually the hatchlings.

Syrrena purred loudly, her belly swelling a little more with the presence of each new egg, the promise of new life, inside of her. The leopard hugged her queen tightly, occasionally emitting a soft pleasured mewling as another egg made its way inside of her. It was all too soon before she felt Tanya's ovipositor pull from her sex, spurting out a slime meant to seal her sex to protect the eggs within. The hybrid smiled as she got to her feet, the snow leopard wore a rather euphoric expression on her face. Tanya carried the first of her sisters to their new nest, their new home. She would have a quick snack to provide the raw materials for a new round of construction. Then, she would make places for her sisters to lie in their nest.. or in some cases to become part of the nest.

As she altered the nest, a pleasant warmth flowed over her body, telling her that she would soon begin to change again, becoming a little closer to the perfect beauty of her full queen form. The tigress purred, curious as to what exciting new aspects she was going to be gifted with in a few short minutes. Her form was by no means set, but instead would evolve around her purpose and the genetics of those she bought into the hive.

Monster Part II

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KPA Chapter 1: The Perils of De-Evolution

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