Dragyn's New Career

Story by BlackWolfe on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragyn's Magic Wand

Dragyn's Magic Wand

Dragyn's New Career

Dragyn leaned in close to the monitor, peering at the image shi had crawled out of. "Hey, Dranoko, are you there?"

The image shifted, as a massive eye filled the entire window. "I'm here. Where are you? I don't see you, just the hoom girl." The eye looked around. "You might want to adjust your mirror."

Heather moved up to stand beside Dragyn. Even seated, the dragon was taller than she was. Putting a hand on hir shoulder, Heather indicated the web camera clipped to the top of the monitor.

"Oh, my mistake," Dragyn said, sitting up. "Better?"

"Well, if I want to stare at your neck and boobs for the entire conversation, sure."

Heather adjusted the camera for Dragyn, showing hir how to determine what could be seen by using the preview window. In moments, Dragyn's face filled the preview, and there was a laugh from the speakers.

"Much better, runt. I guess by the mess over there that you and the hoom have been making friends?"

"We have. And it's 'human,' not 'hoom.' In any case, I need you to send over some stuff, okay? The transit spell should still be active."

"Will do, runt. Whatcha need?"

Dragyn began ticking things off on hir fingers. "I need my clothing bag - it should be just a length or two from your nose - and five or six small bags from my hoard."

"Heads up!" A velvet bag flew through the LCD panel, knocking Dragyn on hir rear in a laughing heap.

"Bully," shi laughed. "Hold on with the money, I need a moment to get ready." Shi moved over to the bed, waving for Heather to follow. When the human followed, looking confused, shi explained. "We need to move this bed so that it will act as a sort of a landing pad. Otherwise, this might damage your floor."

Heather tried to help Dragyn, but honestly, the bulky dragon didn't really need the help getting the bed moved into position. Shi didn't have a chance to let whoever was on the other side of the portal know shi was ready, however, before the first large cotton sack flew out of the LCD and landed on the bed with a muted clank.

A second sack followed, then a third, and Heather noticed her bed creaking ominously. She tried to move one of the sacks, but it was too heavy for her to budge. "Cripes," she groaned. "What do you have in here, gold?"

Dragyn stared at Heather in surprise while the fourth bag slammed into the other three. "Of course it is, why?"

"Shit, this much gold could keep us set for a few lifetimes, let alone for however long you're planning on staying!"

"Oh, my." The fifth and final bag slammed into the pile that had built up on Heather's bed, splitting two of the bags open and spilling coins the size of plates on the floor. The bed gave out at the same time, and the gold coins rolled around the room haphazardly.

It was at that time that the computer decided that it had had enough of working under duress - not to mention about three pints of cum - and began to spark and smoke. Heather panicked. "Shit, we've got to do something about all this cum, or my computer's going to fry!"

Dragyn grinned and winked. "No problem," shi said, and began chanting again. Though hir shaft began to slide from its sheath, rapidly becoming engorged, the telltale glow of magic failed to manifest. Dragyn, however, didn't notice this, as hir eyes were closed. Heather, too, was too distracted by Dragyn's cock to notice the lack of magical energy in the air.

Dragyn didn't even finish hir chant. The computer let out one final pop, emitted smoke that smelt equally of ozone and Dragyn's musk. Heather sighed. She'd wanted to get a new computer anyway.

Dragyn, on the other hand was completely distraught. "Shit, we'll never restore the connection now. And my magic failed, too!" Shi quickly tore open the sacks of gold, pulling the heaps of gold around hir like a security blanket.

Heather knew a panic attack when she saw one. The first time she found out how much her monthly electric bill would be, she'd gone through the same thing. Now, however, she loved her house - practically a mansion she'd inherited from her maternal grandmother - and would pay twice as much to keep it. It was only a matter of perspective.

Of course, Dragyn was stranded now... Or was shi?

"Dragyn?" She climbed up into the pile of gold that was taking up a goodly portion of her room, trying not to think about just how many times over that much gold could buy her house. Dragyn moaned with barely-suppressed depression and pulled her into a cuddle. I could actually get comfortable like this, Heather found herself thinking. "Dragyn, are you okay?"

Dragyn sniffed. "I'm scared, Heather," shi admitted. "The entire point of this was to be able to cross the boundary, but both ways. Even if we replace the box on your scrying mirror, there's probably no way to re-establish connection."

Heather frowned. She'd actually chatted with Dragyn from any of a half a dozen different places. "Sure there is," she said. "Look, I've been meaning to replace that computer anyway. I just have to do it a little sooner, that's all."

Dragyn looked up. "But how are we going to tune it to contact my mirror? It took me months to figure out how to access your internet."

Heather grinned. "Well, when the computer fried, I assume your mirror kept its connection to the internet - that's how the internet works, after all." Dragyn nodded. "So, all I have to do is get a new computer, install the chat software, and sign in."

Dragyn blinked. "That... that's it? No attunement or anything?"

Heather laughed. "Standardized communications protocols," she explained. "We've currently got three popular operating systems and at least two other less-commonly used ones, and they all have to communicate, so we use a few standardized protocols to communicate with each other."

The dragon blinked again. "Well that's great! Dranoko has all my notes on how I established communications and opened the portal over there, she can..." Her high hopes fell again. "She can't work any magic outside of her size or shapeshifting abilities. Gods damn it."

"So are you the only one who could have done that?"

"Yes, the only one." Dragyn lifted hirself up with pride. "Without being too immodest, I am the most powerful magic user of my world. It would take at least ten skilled magi to match what I did." Shi sighed. "And now I can't even manage a simple cleaning spell."

Heather rolled her eyes, hoping Dragyn wouldn't notice. "I suppose you cast spells that powerful several times a day," she said with a hint of sarcasm.

The hermaphrodite sat up, glaring at her sharply. Hir eyes narrowed at Heather, as shi began to suspect what the human was getting at in a roundabout way. "Are you crazy? Just doing that spell was draining enough. Working a spell like that again would put me in a coma for a week."

Heather grinned. "So you're probably just tapped out."

"Tapped... out?"

"Exhausted. Worn out. You probably couldn't cast that cleaning spell just because you're too tired. Probably hungry, too."

"Starving," Dragyn said, panting. "I could eat a meat pie the size of Dranoko's hand." Shi grinned, holding hir own hands about four feet apart.

"So I'll go get you some food, and you sit here and rest."

"What about...?" Dragyn gestured, indicating the mess the two of them had made.

"Once you're recovered, you can try that spell again."

Dragyn nodded, but didn't look convinced. As shi continued pulling the piles of gold around hirself, Heather climbed over some of them to plant a reassuring kiss on the dragon's cheek.

"Trust me," she said, "it's not as bad as you think."

* * * * *

Heather found herself rushing to the nearest restaurant, a Macroburger about half a mile down the road from her land. Intellectually, she knew there wasn't a big hurry, but she rushed anyway, some part of her convinced that if she didn't get home in a hurry, this miracle would vanish.

She barely noticed the girl behind the register, a cute, perky goth she usually took a few minutes to flirt with. As soon as the food was ready, Heather tossed the bags of burgers into the passenger seat of her van and barely managed to stay under the speed limit until she was back on her own property.

Dragyn was still there; still trying and failing to clean her room with muttered incantations. Heather grinned as she came into the room, holding the paper bags aloft like a trophy.

"I come bearing Macroburgers," she called out triumphantly.

"Bearing what now?"

"Burgers," Heather explained. "It's grilled meat in a sandwich, basically." She pulled a burger out and unwrapped it to show Dragyn. "This is the Megamacro Meaty Burger," she explained. "Two half-pound meat patties, two slices of cheese, bacon, catsup, mustard, and three dill pickles on a lightly buttered and grilled sesame seed bun."

Dragyn blinked away hir tears and stared confusedly at the sandwich. "I have no idea what that means."

"Well, what didn't you understand?"

"Catch up to what? And what are dilpikuls? Also, what's bacon? And what kind of meat is it? And what is cheese? What is a sesame, and why do you use its seeds? Also, isn't it in the bun instead of on it?"

Heather held up her hands in surrender, laughing at the onslaught of questions. "Jeez," she laughed, "you're curious, aren't you? Let's start with the basics. Can you eat vegetables and fruit, or just meat?"

Dragyn tilted hir head. "Why wouldn't I be able to eat fruit and vegetables?"

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but you have the teeth of a carnivore, and most carnivores can't eat anything but meat."

Dragyn grinned. "Nope, omnivore with meat preference, that's your normal everyday... your kind call us dragons, yes?"

Heather nodded. "Yeah. Okay, how about lactose?"

Dragyn hefted a breast. "Think these are for show?"

"Well, okay, then. Just try it, and let me know what you think."

Dragyn's reaction after hir first bite was every bit as enthusiastic as Heather could have hoped for, and as Dragyn quickly laid waste to the burgers, Heather began to contemplate the costs of keeping the voracious hermaphrodite fed, and how she could pay those costs without dipping into the horde Dragyn obviously needed for emotional stability.

* * * * *

"So," Dragyn said, getting things clear, "what you're saying is that people will pay money to watch us have sex." Shi shook hir head. "How does that work?"

"Taboos," Heather explained. "Sex is appealing, but with so many restrictions on where, when, and how, people develop, um... kinks."

"Like your muscle fetish?" Dragyn, though not muscular, had some nice tone and definition to hir lean frame, and used it to excite Heather at any opportunity.

"Right. Add to that the appeal of the exotic - there's nobody else like you in the whole world, as far as I know - and a pre-existing market in the furry and scaley communities - and we've got a surefire way to make money on the internet without even having to leave home."

"Okay, so what's with the funny clothes?" Dragyn indicated Heather's Renaissance Faire outfit, which Heather was in the process of putting on.

"Well, just showing us having sex isn't really enough... So we're going to put on a play."

"Hmm? Like Terion and the Huntress?"

Heather blinked. "Afraid I don't know that one. But I think you're on the right track. We're going to tell a story about a sacrificial virgin and a dragon, see."

"Oh, that's a good idea. My people are rather skilled in deflowering virgins."

Heather grinned. She would have to remember that line for when they started filming.

* * * * *


After three weeks of filming and website maintenance, Dragyn and Heather had developed not only quite a following, but a very balanced working relationship.

Though they'd re-established the connection to Dragyn's scrying mirror as quickly and easily as Heather had said, they hadn't been able to actually contact anyone in Dragyn's world, which worried Heather.

Dragyn was immediately reassured, however, and explained that shi'd set up the mirror in a private place so shi wouldn't be disturbed while trying to establish a connection to another world. It would be a while before someone checked on the device, and as long as the connection was there, Dragyn seemed content.

"Yes, dear?"

"We've got a problem."

Heather frowned. "What's that?" She set aside her sketchpad and headed down to the wine cellar the two of them had converted into Dragyn's room, as well as the studio.

"Well, it looks like interest in Dragyn's Sacrifice is waning. Unless we come up with something new and different, and soon, we're going to need to start scouting out gold buyers to convert some of my horde."

Heather frowned. "Why would interest be waning?"

Dragyn shrugged. "I guess there's only so much we can do each week without repeating ourselves."

Heather looked at the website's subscription statistics over Dragyn's shoulder. The hermaphrodite dragon was right - apart from a few dozen regulars who enjoyed watching specific episodes repeatedly, a lot of their customers were checking the site less and less often.

"Well, shit," Heather groaned. "What else can we do? I mean, we could start another story, but what could we possibly do? It would still be you and me."

Dragyn grinned. "Well, why not?"

"Why not what?"

Dragyn nuzzled Heather, one taloned hand caressing the human's breast through the costume. "Why not just show them you and me? No script, no rehearsal, just, sort of... like one of those reality shows."

* * * * *

Maggie frowned at the clock. Her favorite website was supposed to be doing some kind of major update this evening, they'd posted something about it that morning. Still, she was stuck in fast food hell for another seven minutes. Not even a glimpse of that lovely blonde girl she'd been flirting with since starting work here to help pass the time.

When four o'clock rolled around, she was out the door and in her car in under a minute, determined to be the first to see what it was the site was producing before anyone else.

When she got home, she hit the site immediately. There it was, in the center of the members' page, a new video. It took a moment to load, even with her fast connection, but when it did, she was confused. There on the screen was the peasant girl, but out of costume, talking to the camera amiably. The dragon was nowhere to be seen, but if this was some kind of behind-the-scenes special, it would show up eventually.

"Oh, I see Magpie just logged in," the peasant girl said, waving cheerfully at the camera. "Welcome back, Mags! Sorry, you're not first, but hopefully you won't be disappointed in the new feature."

Maggie blinked. This was a live feed, apparently. A meet the cast sort of thing? That'd be cool, especially if she got to see the woman with the husky voice that played the dragon that got her so horny every night.

"There's a chat window at the bottom of the video," the girl in the video explained. "Just type away, and we'll see it here."

Maggie grinned. "This is neat," she typed. "What's your real name, anyway?"

The girl laughed. "I hoped you guys would think so. My name is Heather." She laughed again. "Yes, Mike, I did say that a few minutes ago. And Magpie was just saying this is neat."

From off-camera, the dragon's husky voice purred out, "We're working on superimposing the chat text on the bottom of the video, like on that video game program."

Maggie grinned, typing out a new message. "That'd cut down on the repetition, definitely. What's up with Dragyn? Camera shy? She has a really sexy voice."

Dragyn laughed. "Thanks," she breathed - Maggie could easily picture the dragon hermaphrodite from the serial webcast. "I'm just putting the finishing touches on a couple of features. Nobody wants to watch me attempting to code the camera switching into this thing. I promise, I'll be on camera in a minute."

Heather laughed. "Yes, Mike, you're finally going to be able to put a face to the voice," she promised. "You might be surprised, though."

Almost as soon as Heather finished talking, the dragon strolled on camera, wearing a bare-midriff T-shirt and a pair of tight jeans with hole cut out of the back for hir tail. "Hey, guys," shi purred.

Shi laughed. "It's not, I swear it's not. Starting tonight, we're going to be leaving this up whenever we're home, and you'll be able to see it's real."

Maggie stared at the screen, losing feeling in her face. More than ever, she was convinced now that the dragon was real. She fumbled for the keyboard, typed in a question.

Heather laughed. "Oh, hon, I think you're a hit. Magpie, um, would you mind typing that again, only with your fingers on the right keys? I have no idea what you just said."

Maggie looked at the gibberish on her screen and blushed. "You guys are real?"

"Right you are, Mags. Dragyn here is a 'strange visitor from another world' and I'm just the gal whose lap shi happened to fall in."

Dragyn grinned, hugging Heather. "We won't be answering these questions in the future, by the way. Let people think they're seeing some kind of performance art. It's loads easier - we don't have to spend all week coming up with a script and filming it and editing and UGH!" Shi rolled hir eyes. "You can treat this like a TV show, or like what it is." Shi leaned in close to the camera, giving a close-up of hir face and hir tightly-stretched T-shirt. "I am real, I am here, and I hope to remain here for as long as Heather will have me."

Maggie blushed furiously - it felt almost like Dragyn was in the room with her, which reminded her why she came to this site in the first place. She typed another message. Heather laughed, blushing furiously, and Dragyn immediately looked over at the smaller human girl, and at the computer screen in front of her.

"Oh, skies yes," shi replied. "We've been having sex on camera for three weeks straight, as well as off camera at almost every opportunity. That won't stop any time soon, I can assure you."

Heather blushed even more, her skin almost matching Dragyn's scales for color.

"Actually, Mike, we haven't got cameras in every room quite yet. We're working on it, though."

Heather's blush, almost faded, resumed. "Not the bathroom!"

"We'll turn it off when we're using the toilet, hon, but I'm sure people wouldn't mind watching you shower. I find it fascinating." Shi stood up. "In fact, why don't we go practice?" Shi turned back to the camera. "I hope you two won't mind if we leave you for a bit? We'll be back soon."

Maggie was stunned. She didn't know who Mike was, didn't know if he was as convinced as she was. What she did know, though, was that she was certain the hermaphrodite was real. Not CG, not animatronic, not a costume, but a flesh-and-blood dragon living right here on Earth.

She couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

Chapter Two: Raising the Bar

**NOTE:** _This one took a few revisions, and it's a lot shorter and less plot-advancing than I'd have liked. It contains:_ - Growth - Muscle Growth - Breast Expansion - Penis Expansion - Hermaphrodite/Female intercourse - Inflation -...

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Dragyn's Arrival

**Author's Note:** This is another one that I really wanted to do as a comic, but lately I've become convinced of my lack of reliability as an artist. I can draw, sometimes well, but I don't have the consistency that I feel is necessary to tell a...

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Chapter One: To Sleep No More

Breeder Chapter One To Sleep No More **Author's Note:** _Regarding the flashback sequence towards the end - originally, it was going to be an accident, and a lot shorter. However, I felt Jasmine needed some motivation to be a heroine, and the best...

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