In Words, A World

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#2 of Experimentation

Here I try to capture the moods in juxtaposition with the settings surrounding them. How scathingly, the narrator addresses the school's appearance, and how lovingly he describes the outside.

No patience. No, not impatience. Eagerness.

I sloughed in, today. My mind elsewhere.

Everything came automatically. The hellos. The how-are-you's. The typical instructions to my students. Sit down. Shut up. Books out. Pencils out. Assignment on the board.

Yet, still, the day dragged. Heat in my face. Pit in my stomach. Chills in my limbs. It couldn't go by fast enough. My mood soured.

And again, worsened, when my focused... daze was disturbed. By whom, of all, except a student? She waited for me, and yet, this student...


I felt my brow tighten. Heat swelled through my arms. Boiled in my chest. Stiffened my shoulders. "Yes?" I shoved my glasses up the bridge of my snout. Trying to disperse the weight of despisal, and failing.

"Are you okay?"

Her question arose suspicion. What did she want? I studied her pale-furred face. And frowned. Those red, deceitful, and dumbstruck eyes of hers, fixated on me, with... hunger? Amusement?

I was done with these games. "Yes. I'm fine. Did you need something?" All the other students are gone. As soon as you leave, too, we can both go home! I wanted to add those things. To roar them. To drive them through her skull.

"Are you sure, sir?"

My jaw tensed. "Yes. Pack up and go home. I'm sure you're eager to leave school."

"I like being here," she insisted with a wriggle.

I'd bet she did. She enjoyed, just as much as the others, tormenting me. My fellow prisoners. Did she think I didn't know about the gossip? And don't wriggle!

Her repeated, puppy-like, body-wagging made it painfully obvious how scantily she dressed. Cared I, to, I could see straight into her blouse -- right to her breasts, round globes maybe more than a few handfuls -- unbuttoned partially. "Stylistically," she and her whore-friends would likely say. Too dumb to realize what an invitation she was. To predators. Monsters. Filth.

But were they to find her, I'm sure she'd be delighted. A chance to scream "shark." A chance to lie in court, about willingly spreading her slut legs -- afraid she'd have to pay for a child -- then blaming it all on the monster she lured in.

I was close to shouting. Demanding she stop screwing around, wasting both our times, and tell me what she wanted.

"That's very nice to hear," I managed cordially, "Did you just want to stay behind and tell me that?"

"Mhm," the lapine nodded, "I thought you'd want to know. Not all of us think school sucks, you know."

I sat back. "Why's that?"

She reddened. "Well, because there are some really cool teachers here. Like you."

My brow raised.

She fidgeted.

Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding.

I sighed. Pinched behind my glasses. And raised my head. "Thank you." But, determined to ensure she didn't get what she wanted from me, I added, "Please button up. And don't wear your skirt rolled-up like that."

It was a common tactic of theirs. In having their minds addled incessantly by hormones, they sought every opportunity to present more fur. More to titillate with. More to distract authority. And snake their way wherever they wanted.

"Would you prefer I just took them off?" she asked.

I lost my shit. This was taking too long. "Yes, okay?" My hands slapped into the sides of my face, and I looked hard at her. "If this is the reason you're staying behind, then let's get it over with."

She grinned.

I stood and made my way to the door. Shutting it. Closing the blinds. If doing this got her to leave quickly, so I could go home, to mein Engel, then so be it. I'd kill a few moments, more, in this god-spat prison.

These four walls. Of unfeeling, hateful, uniform brick. The windows, minimalist at best, covered in shades which shaded nothing. The furniture, shat from the back of a cheap manufacturers' truck.

I walked toward her. Already, she began wriggling off her skirt. Letting it thump on the tile floor, around her ankles. She leaned and stretched over my desk.

I grimaced. Loosened my belt. And closed in on her. The first hand, I placed against her thigh. Its warmth and supple softness reminded me of mein Engel's soothing voice. I slid my other up her back. Shoving her blouse higher. Along her slender back. Up to her shoulders.

She stretched her arms out across the desk. Arched her back, wantonly, towards me -- pushing out her backside. Her tail, a cotton-ball, wove side-to-side with such, such want.

And I... hooking my fingers into, and peeling off her panties... WANTED to share such time with mein Engel! Not this rabbit. This, squirmy slut.

Yet I continued. I pushed myself on. My length, coursing with fire and thickening evermore, in-hand... guided. Forward. And into her folds.

I groaned. Yes. Yes, I groaned. So tight. So warm. She gripped at me. Twitched around me. And spurred me on. My hate enflamed. Channeled forward. My hips answered.

They pressed ahead. I drove in deep. And then withdrew to the head. Then again within. Harder, than before. Once more. Faster, now. Quickening after. And again.

She moaned. No, she whined. And perhaps, in her whining, sick bliss. Bliss in sin. Yet, even for scum, her sound was sultry.

I leaned over her. My weight pressed onto a hand, flattened against the desk beside her. My groin, which I rammed against her quivering ass, smacked into her. Noisily. The clap of impact became a rhythm.

She wormed about. I saw her hands curling into fists. Clutching at air, so tightly. "Auhh-auh-auhn-auuhn!" she cried out.

Aware others would still be packing and leaving their classrooms, I rested my body on hers. To reach her mouth and cup my hand over it.

In response, with her shifting body beneath me, she reached up and wrapped her arms around me. Her muffled moans grew louder, while I picked up pace. Tension pooled into my loins. A pressure intensifying every thrust.

It built up more. And more.

Every pump, harder.

Each faster.


I groaned out. All at once, a rush of heat through my body, and sinking. As though, with my eruption, I were thrown into a pit.

She gripped at my shirt. And at my hair. Tightly. Her loudest moan, yet, into my palm.

As my cum left me. And as it oozed free, while I pulled out of her, I felt drained. Exhausted. With huff, which became a sigh, I circled around my desk. I wrenched my pants back up my legs. Zipped up and fastened.

She lay against the desk, panting. Panting and watching. "Is... is that... is that all? You're..." she tersed out, without breath, "...done?"

I pulled open my desk. Grabbed some paper. And a pen. "I wasn't interested in the first place," I hissed. Much of the heat left me, when I unleashed that climax into her. Now, there was a chill in my balls. A crawling of something which made its way, slowly higher, up my stomach. Behind my ribs. And coiled up within my throat, balling together inside it.

Scarcely able to breathe, I clicked the pen and rapidly wrote. This shit was over.

With a whiny tone, she asked, "Can we... maybe do it again, tomorrow?" Almost begging. I ignored her, for now. And continued to finish writing.

Her belt jingled. And her clothes rustled as she re-adorned them.

"No." I ended my written statement with a sharp jab. A blot. That is all this would be. "Go home. And say nothing about this."

"I wasn't going to," she gave glumly. And then, with a rising tone, still pitiable and weak, "It was... it wasn't much. But I loved it, you know?"

I stood. I grabbed my things. And I brisked toward the door.

"Can't I just-- before you go-- clean you off a little? Some?"

The chill vanished. All sensation did, down there. Instead, the worm wound-up within me grew fat. My mouth thinned and drew wider. How dare she! "I made someone a promise. So, no, you cannot. Go and point your ass at your classmates, if you're so desperate to be fucked."

I shut the door behind me. Seething all over. My feet worked for themselves. They took me down the prison halls. My every step echoed. Lifeless walls stretched endlessly forward. An impossible climb, to the eyes. Like soulless guardians lining the walls, countless stacks of lockers. And their padlocks reminded me, mocking me, of how locked inside this filthy place I was.

Not any longer! I held the key. Half-crumbled in my hand. Crackling noisily as I marched.

To the administrative office. Through the door. And to the office of the principal himself.

"Hey, still here?" he asked, noticing me first, and then my expression second. "What's--"

I cut him off. "My resignation." I lobbed the paper on his desk. "I can't do this shit anymore."

"Wait, let's talk about--"

"I can't."

"Be reasonable, I need a two-week--"

"Have 'em all. I'm through," I spat, turned, and left. Down the hall. Once more. The last time. And through the doors.

Oh, sweet, euphoric release. I breathed in deep. And nearly moaned out. Forget the good I thought that fuck might've done for me.


This, out here...

I took a few steps. Out into the parking lot. Concrete shitplain. I didn't care, though. I laughed. There were birds tweeting and singing in my heart. I weighed nothing.

Louder, now. I laughed again. The honeyed rays of the sun, against my face, felt amazing. Like a warm, silk towel. Or a pillow with a freshly ironed cover.

I walked home. Every little noise of bird or cicada, a symphony of delight in my ears. Nobody was around. All the colors of the outdoors, seemed so vibrant. The trees, of leaves so emerald, reached up from verdant seas of grass, seeming to hold up the sky with their branches. And the sky, so endless, so open, a sapphire ocean -- on which diamond clouds lazed by without care or fear.

I believed, surely, I was among them. Drifting lazily. And the way home, all but ordained by joyous trails of golden light. This swift journey, last I should ever need to take from the odious, inglorious hell I left behind, would be all which separated me from mein Engel and her embrace. The mere thought... the sheer prospect of what awaited me, only hours away, elated me so.

Something beautiful started, just then. And I couldn't put it to words. Because, truly, not even an English teacher -- a former English teacher -- knew how to lay the right words, for premonitions of paradise.

My phone sang from my pocket. I reached for it. Shaking with elation and joy, for that ring. That song I selected, was only for one.

"Mein Engel?" I chirped.

"I'm sorry," she mewled on the other side. My heart sank to my feet. And ice swallowed every inch of my body. That tone... how... why? Why?! "I'm so sorry."

"What... what is it? Talk to me! What's wrong? Is-is everything okay?"

"Nno. I'm sorry," she whimpered. Weakly. Afraid. I could see the red around her eyes. The glaze of tears within them. Even, just now, talking on the phone, "I can't meet you today."

"Angel, wait! Why?!"

She hung up.

Jobless. Sullen. Shattered.

I knew, now, the words an English teacher, could lay out for paradise. Three, to be precise. Three, which stung so intensely. Which -- of cold incalculable -- impaled my lungs, convoluted my heart in barbed wire, and peeled away all the mirth and happiness within my body.


Those three words...


Out of reach.