The Zoo Poké

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon General Stories

A new zoo just opened, and a trio of trainers have come to check out some strong Pokémon. What they don't know is that they've been caught in the sights of a photographer with a hidden agenda.

I hope you all enjoy, and I would love to hear what you all think! =D

A school bus pulling up to a new zoo didn't appear that odd, but when the park had a Pokéball on its front sign it became quickly apparent that this was anything but an ordinary zoo. To the kids though that poured off of the bus it was their everyday life to see Pokémon, but those kept inside of the zoo were far more wild and stronger than some of the usual everyday Pokémon that they saw. At the front of the bus were kids still in trainers school who were aspiring to be trainers one day, while sitting at the back were three trainers who had tagged along to learn about stronger Pokémon.

"Wow, look at that!" one of the children shouted, pointing out of the window he gestured towards an Ampharos who was in the process of eating some berries. His cage had been put near the edge as a pull for passing adults driving past with their children, and from the expressions on the kids' faces they were obviously entranced.

Tori, a trainer with three badges smiled as she watched the kids ooo and ahhh over the spectacle of seeing Pokémon. "Remember when we got that excited guys?"

Jason who had been friends with Tori since they were kids tried to play it cool as he sat back in the bus seat and pushed his hat down over his eyes. "I dunno what you're talking about. I never got excited like these kids, I was always bored by stuff like this..."

Their third traveling companion, Dash just smiled at Jason as he smacked him on the shoulder playfully. "Who are you kidding, you get excited when you see a Caterpie." Jason gave him a cold glance as the bus pulled in to a stop in front of the zoo.

"Alright kids, now be careful when getting off of the bus," the teacher said, she counted each student off until the trio reached her. "Are you sure you don't want us to wait for you after we finish our field trip?" she asked, acting like a teacher would.

"We're sure, but thank you for offering," Tori said, bowing respectfully to the teacher. She forced Jason down into a bow too, Dash did it willingly and the teacher just smiled.

"Well I hope you enjoy the zoo as much as the kids do, and I hope you have good luck on your journey," she said beaming, the teacher then stepped off the bus to follow her young charges.

"What a kind woman..." Tori said, admiration was plain on her face as Jason rolled his eyes.

"Alright, are we done with the sappiness yet? I'm ready to go see some awesome Pokémon!" Jason said, excitement was obvious on his face.

"Nice job keeping up the cool look," Dash laughed, his face pleasant it was obvious that out of the three he was the one who acted as the intermediary between Jason and Tori.

Tori just laughed and scratched her head at Jason's uncontrollable excitement. "He's like a kid, isn't he?" she chuckled, looking at Dash as if Jason weren't there.

"Hey, I'm not a kid!" Jason snapped, the pair went back and forth until the bus driver coughed into his fist in an emphasized "Get off the bus" kind of way.

"S... sorry," they all stuttered, they quickly stepped off the bus watching as it drove off to join a coral of busses in the back of the zoo. They all looked out at the large zoo, and watched as kids quickly fanned out to look over the wide expanse of Pokémon biomes.

"So where should we go first?" Tori asked, glancing around curiously she noticed that there were signs gesturing towards where they should go.

Jason being hotheaded as ever stepped forward and rammed his finger right into the fire sign causing him to wince as he stupidly smacked his finger into the hard wood. "I... I don't care about you two, but I'm going to go see some awesome fire types!" The other two had to conceal chuckles as he tried to conceal the tears that were welling up in his eyes from the pain of jabbing the wood.

Glancing the sign over, the other two quickly found the parts that they were interested in. "I'll be going over to the rock types," Tori announced, looking pleased with herself she nodded in acceptance of her own choice.

"I'll go see the poison types," Dash said, looking intrigued by the notion of poisonous Pokémon. He realized that the other two were giving him an odd look. "W... what is it?"

"Poison Pokémon?" Jason asked, his cheek twitching with amusement.

"Yeah, what about it?" Dash asked, feeling sweat roll down his neck.

"Dash, no offence, but you're completely terrified of poison type Pokémon. It's a terrible idea to go see them," Tori pleaded, her anxiety obvious for her friend.

"I... I am not terrified of them..." he said, trying to look as casual as possible.

Jason chuckled as he scratched his head. "Dash, you ran away when you saw an Ekans, and that didn't even top the freak out that you had when they threw out a Muk." Upon the mention of the two Pokémon they watched as Dash's face drained of all color and he seemed to tense up. "See?!" Jason shouted, gesturing towards his complexion.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about..." Dash stuttered, though he knew that they were completely right. Since he had been poisoned by a Trubbish when he was a child there had been no interaction between him and poison types that had been positive.

"Dash..." Tori muttered, but he was off before they could say anything else.

"He should be fine, and if he gets scared then it's his own fault," Jason said, flipping his hand as if it were nothing. Tori knew better though as she saw him pull out his Pokenav and check his GPS for Dash's position, and with that she felt better.

"Alright, time to go see some awesome rock types!" Tori said, pumping her arm in excitement she rushed off following the arrows to her destination.


The poison section was a nightmare, and Dash found himself closing his eyes several times as he walked past the poison Pokémon cages. "Oh Arceus... why did I come here?" he asked, some of the kids gave him odd looks as he passed by.

Dash thought about turning around and meeting up with the others, but if he did then they would ridicule him for a week about it. "Hey you, young man!" a deep voice bellowed out, the owner a tall man rushed over with a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah?" Dash asked, he was happy to take his mind off of anything poison related.

"Would you be able to put on a Pokémon suit for me? I need to take a picture of the Pokémon for the Zoo's new ads, but we don't have the Pokémon in the zoo yet." The man was pleading with his hands in a begging position, and Dash was never one to turn a person down.

"Alright..." Dash gave, and the man smiled before taking him over to a camera and in front of it was a Nidoking suit. "Of course it's a poison type..." he groaned, realizing too late that he should've asked what type of Pokémon it was.

"Thank you so much for helping with this, you just need to put the suit on and take a picture then you should be good to go," the man said, Dash was no where ready to be put into a poison type suit.

Dash was tall though, and he knew why the man had picked him out rather than some random bystander. He was just tall enough to fit inside of the suit, and he was skinny enough to slip inside. "I mean it's not all poison type..." Dash convinced himself, stepping towards the suit as he touched it he flinched as he swore that the costume felt lifelike.

"Just slip inside and zip it up," the man said, looking ecstatic that he had found someone to fill out the suit.

"Zip it up?" Dash asked himself, it should be necessary to zip up the suit, but he wasn't going to question the man if it would make the whole process longer. Stepping inside of the suit, Dash felt at home immediately as it seemed to absorb him into its silken folds. His body filled out the Nidoking's perfectly, and he almost felt numb as it seemed to merge with him.

"Don't forget to zip it up," the photographer said, lining up his camera to take the shot Dash thought he saw a sinister smile but he felt so at peace in the suit that he didn't really care. Dash slipped his hand out of the Nidoking's hand sadly and reached back to zip up the suit. Up the zipper went, and Dash almost passed out as the suit seemed to pulse with happiness. "How does that feel?" the man asked, Dash just moaned in happiness.

Why did Dash ever hate poison types, they were so amazing. Dash's thoughts about poison types were being bolstered by the amazing quality of the suit, and he was slowly forgetting why he was so terrified of them in the first place. "Just a minute longer," the photographer shouted as he messed with the camera. Dash noticed that everything outside was becoming sharper in every aspect, the noise was becoming clearer, everything was looking sharper, and even the smells were becoming more distinct.

The young man didn't realize that the suit was starting to become more and more animated as he sat within it, and that his body was starting to fade away from the inside and becoming flesh with the Nidoking suit. The first sign was the tail starting to waggle a bit, and that was a obvious movement to anyone looking from outside. The plates that were already hard to begin with were becoming rock solid, and the point on the tip of his head was sharpened to a dangerous tip.

Dash couldn't think of a single negative thing about poison types anymore, and as he flexed his immense muscles he found that he couldn't think of much anything actually besides pleasing the photographer. "Nidoking, why don't you use Rock Smash on that rock next to you to show how powerful you are?" the photographer asked, he picked up his camera in anticipation.

Normally Dash would've realized that something was wrong with that statement as he was obviously a human, but he wanted to please the man. Turning his huge body around he prepped his arms and rammed them down onto the rock easily shattering the mere pebbles next to his supreme strength. There was clapping around them as humans gathered to admire his amazing Pokémon body, Nidoking couldn't help but chuckle as the humans worshipped his strength.

Nidoking blinked as he realized that he couldn't remember his name, and for a moment he started to panic as he flashed through his memories of his friends, but no memories of his name came up as he slowly realized that being a human must've been a dream. After all he was the king of all poison types, and he had a reputation as a Pokémon to uphold. "Nidoking, show the people your Sludge Wave attack!" the photographer announced, swinging his arm at a tree.

The large Pokémon pumped up his body as he launched a huge glob of poisonous goo from his mouth, and on impacting with the tree quickly started to burn it. The people clapped and laughed as they watched the Pokémon follow its master's orders, and as Nidoking basked in the glory of being praised by humans his eyes turned black as all human thoughts faded. On the inside no longer did Dash reside, and he was okay with that as Nidoking knew he lived to please the humans.

"Nidoking, it's time to go into your cage." Master explained to Nidoking, and the Pokémon nodded and waved to the people before stomping inside the cage making his domain there. The people cheered as Nidoking started to use a variety of attacks to impress them, and all the while he couldn't help but feel how proud he was to be the poison king.


Tori grimaced as she looked at the suit that had been set in front of her, and from the looks of the photographer he didn't seem to be giving up on his push for her to wear it anytime soon. "It'll just take a minute, all you have to do is walk into the enclosure with the other Rhyhorn and after I take a few pictures of you being with them then you're good to go!"

"You do realize that this is a suit, and those are real Rhyhorn in there right?" she asked, looking concerned for her safety. "Don't you have guys to do this for you, and not people who come to your park?"

"They're on break, and I need these pictures ASAP. Please, I'll do anything, I can even give you free tickets to the big water type show!" He looked almost pitiful, and Tori knew that she had too big of a heart.

"Fine..." she groaned, and upon clambering into the surprisingly hard suit Tori groaned as she felt the photographer zip up the back behind her. "It's really hard to see in this thing..." she groaned, the eyesight of the suit was terrible and she wouldn't be surprised if the people taking a break were laughing at the poor sap (A.K.A. Her) who had to do this.

"Just walk in through here, and you can get with the other Rhyhorn." The photographer gestured into the coral where there were two more Rhyhorn, and they were giving her odd looks as she stumbled in. It was a chore just to move the legs, and even though the inside of the suit was really nice she winced as she was forced to arch her back in an attempt to stay straight. "Walk around with the other Rhyhorn a bit!" the photographer nudged, and Tori just wanted to throw something at him. She was wondering what Dash was doing, and hoping that he wasn't scared straight from all of the poison types.

Moving around with the other Rhyhorn was as fun as it sounded, and from the way they were giving her the nasty eye she wasn't wanted in the coral. Maybe she should make her mark... Tori blinked in confusion as she had the thought, she wasn't a Pokémon and she didn't have to prove a point to anyone. The suit was becoming less heavy as Tori moved around, and she had to admit that it wasn't as bad as it had first seemed.

The other Rhyhorn seemed to be warming up to her, and they started to nuzzle with her as she moved near them. "You nice," one mumbled, Tori had to blush and then gasp in shock as she realized that she understood him. Horror filled the girl, but she couldn't express it as the Rhyhorn nuzzled her horn. It felt really nice, and Tori didn't want it to stop. "Where you from?" he asked.

"From outside," she replied, it didn't seem so odd that she could speak back to him if he could speak to her.

"Wilderness?" the other girl asked, tilting her head curiously.

"No, from..." the words escaped her though, she couldn't quite remember where she was from. Though the wilderness made sense if she came from outside the zoo, "Yes, wilderness."

"Wow, must be nice," the male said, smiling she noticed how nice he looked and how strong he was.

Rhyhorn shook her head, the motion feeling more natural as her body became one with that of the suit. "Not as nice as here," she said, smiling back at him.

The photographer could see that Tori would get along well with the other Rhyhorn, and it wouldn't take long for the Pokémon to forget about the human world, and she would likely be happier this way. "One more to go..." he chuckled.


Jason felt concerned for Dash as he walked around the fire biome, and even though he thought everything was awesome he wanted to go check in on his friend, but if he did that he might seem weak. A nearby Charizard blew a great plume of fire up into the air allowing the air all around to warm up, and even though Jason felt a thrill from seeing the sight he bit his lip as Dash being afraid came to mind. As much as he denied it, he cared about both of his friends. They had been there for him when things were getting hard, and if he just blew them off then what kind of friend would he be? "I should go check on them..." he muttered.

"Excuse me, young man!" a voice called out, Jason turned in confusion as he saw a clown in obnoxiously big shoes.

"M... me?" he asked, pointing to himself in confusion. Jason was taken aback to be addressed by such a ridiculous looking person, and from the way the shoes squeaked with each step it wouldn't be his type of humor.

"Yes! Our circus is missing a cat, and I was wondering if you could be one just for this one show," the clown said, his eyes twinkling behind all of the makeup.

Jason wasn't sure how to take that, and glanced around to see if there were any cameras around to see if he was being pranked by his friends. "You know I'm a human, right?"

"We have an amazing lifelike costume, and all you would have to do if stand by the ringmaster the whole time. When you're done you can go wherever you like, and any food will be on the zoo!" the clown explained.

Jason thought about the offer of free food, and with how hungry he got he could eat a lot of food. "All food would be free?" he asked, looking hopefully at the clown.

"Yes!" the clown cheered, he was excited at seeing how easily the young man's heart could be swayed by the promise of food.

It wasn't much of a contest when free food was offered, and Jason couldn't deny the idea of being in a ring would be awesome. "Alright, lead the way," he said, grinning as he thought of the plates of food piling up in front of him.

The clown led him into a big tent, and introduced him to the ringmaster who looked glad to see someone taking up their offer. "All you'll have to do is acknowledge me when I speak to you, alright?" he asked.

"That sounds good," Jason said, feeling proud that he would able to be in the spotlight he was almost ecstatic at the idea of being in the costume.

"You definitely have that proudness that any good Pyroar needs, now if you would just come this way," the clown said, leading Jason back into the backroom he found a large Pyroar costume.

"Will I be able to fit in it?" Jason asked, noting the thin legs of the costume.

"Yes! It's been specially fitted so that any person can fit in it, and it just so happens that you're the perfect size so that it doesn't squeeze too much," the clown explained, Jason had his doubts but the free food kept him going.

Slipping into the costume, Jason had to pull off his shoes before sliding his feet into the suit's leggings. Upon sliding the hood over his head, Jason felt an absurd amount of pride rise up in his chest as if he were really a cat. Jason had to wonder though how he was supposed to get out though as it felt really tight, but it was too late as the clown zipped up the back of his costume. "How does it feel?" the clown asked, looking intently at the young man.

"A... a bit tight," Jason said, but he couldn't deny that it felt good inside as if the suit were hugging him.

"Don't worry, this show isn't too long," the clown said, he then guided a stumbling Jason back to the ringmaster who prepped him for going out and doing the show. The whole time Jason was being explained to he felt lightheaded as a heat filled his body that didn't feel quite right, and at times he wanted to rip the suit off but he was far too stubborn for that.

The ringmaster started towards the entrance of the ring, and following behind Jason puffed his chest up as the man had explained and proudly walked behind the ringmaster. He didn't notice his tail rising up as a real Pyroar's would do, but even if he did there wasn't much he could do as they were out in front of hundreds of people, many of which were the kids from the trip. "Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and Pokémon of all ages!" the ringmaster announced.

Jason could see that a lot of kids were pointing at him in excitement, and he felt the pride of being the ringmaster's cat grow even more. The young trainer shook his head slightly as he remembered that he was just a trainer in a suit, not an actual Pokémon. "It is mine, and my Pyroar's honor to present a grand circus to all of you!" the ringmaster announced, briefly gesturing to Jason as well.

Being in a suit, Jason knew that he shouldn't feel so proud but something was wrong and he knew it, but the pride that was gripping the young man was preventing him from stopping the act. The suit was livening up as the ringmaster spoke to the crowd, as the man spoke the furs started to loosen up from their stiff costume position and start to hang off of Jason's body. The burning inside of Jason's chest wasn't stopping, and as the costume felt more and more like his skin the young man was panicking, but his body didn't show any signs of his distress but indeed that of a noble lion's pride.

"Pyroar, let out a magnificent roar for these good people!" the ringmaster announced, and for a moment Jason wanted to tell him that he was a human, but upon opening his mouth his body tensed and he let out a magnificent roar that would make any good Pyroar proud.

The crowd cheered, and the ringmaster beamed at Jason who was shocked at the noise that had escaped his mouth. Then he realized that he was a Pyroar after all, and though he should've known better pride was rising up in his chest and he let out another roar causing the crowd to cheer even louder. His chest rising higher as he was praised, Pyroar grinned at the ringmaster. The young Pyroar knew something was wrong as his name slipped his mind, but as the acts started and the ringmaster scratched him behind his ear he found the worries disappearing as he stood beside his master.

Concerns about the old human friends that he had were quickly fading as Pyroar's mind set itself up to remember his years as his master's Pokemon. The ringmaster had him do a few attacks to surprise the audience, and as they cheered Pyroar's pride outgrew his humanity and quickly anything about his human life was left behind in favor of his happy one as a Pyroar. "Thank you all for attending!" the ringmaster cried as people started to leave, and Pyroar let out one more roar for his master. "Now for you, Pyroar. I do believe you need some food," he chuckled.

Pyroar grunted in approval as he followed his master, and back in the ring the clown wiped off his makeup with a grin. "That's three, now I believe it's time to start putting up some new posters..."


At the entrance as the kids and the teacher climbed aboard the bus, the owner of the park who just so happened to be the photographer from earlier stepped out with a grin on his face. "It looks like those costumes from my old store still come in handy..." he chuckled.

"Excuse me," a woman's voice called to him, the owner turned to find himself in front of a teacher.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Have you seen three young trainers? I just wanted to make sure that they got out safely before I left with my students," she asked.

"Oh, yes I've seen them. They're all doing fine, and I'm sure that they're all at the Pokémon Center as we speak getting settled down for the night," he said, watching as her features relaxed.

"Alright, thank you," she said, she clambered onto the bus which promptly took off towards home.

The owner chuckled as he looked at the sign of his new zoo. "The Zoo Poké," he said aloud. "I'm sure no one will draw a connection," he said to himself, Dorom smiled to himself as he walked into his Park letting the gate close behind him. "Now I wonder if I should put up some new costumes in the gift shop..."

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