Swimmin' with the Old Man

Story by isthisagoodname on SoFurry

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#2 of Rottie DILFcest

This sequel's about a year in the making. It's one of two stories I started writing about the same time. Work and school had kept me from finishing it. I wrote about 60% of it in a few days, but the last 40% was done little by little over the course of the year, and at one point the story hadn't been touched for a few months. The other story saw the same situation, and is still a work in progress.

The ending very much implies yet another sequel. Enjoy. :3

Summer, fuck yeah. Once my pointless graduation ceremony ended, I was free to do fuck all and enjoy it. Didn't have to waste my gas money on drivin' to that hell hole and back every day of the week.

On top of that, I had the whole next year to myself. No college to lose my shit over. Nope.

Also, ever since that evenin' with my old man, the house pretty much became clothin' optional. Every day he came home from work, his dick would immediately be freed from those stupid things coverin' it up. He'd go entire weekends without wearin' even briefs, hang around in just a tanktop, and just give me a permanent boner.

Early one mornin' I was sleepin' in bed with him, but was awoken by him talkin' on the phone. I was still too tired from an amazin' night of fuckin', so I tried to fall back asleep. I couldn't help but overhear the conversation he was havin'.

"How've you been? ......Yeah? .......Shit."

I couldn't hear the guy on the other end, but I figured it may have been a friend of his.

"That sucks, bud.......My kid? Yeah, he's fine. Just graduated. No colleges yet though. Wants to take the year off....No, I respect the decision. He's a grown adult, he can do whatever the hell he wants."

I was wonderin' why he was chattin' about me. Who the hell was he talkin' to? How'd he know me?

"So yeah...the boy and I are headed down to the cabin in a few weeks for the long weekend. I was wonderin' if you wanted to come by. Be like back in college, heh heh."

I slowly turned around after hearin' that sentence and could see that dad was pitchin' a nice tent under the blanket. Must've been up to somethin'. I was still tired as fuck though, and was about to start dozin' off again.

"You can? Great.......the boy? Naw bud, he'll love you. If you were anythin' like back in college.......yeah......he likes.....hahahahaha........you'll love..........tight......."

I sat in the passenger seat of dad's SUV. Huge ass car, makes mine look like a toy. Took my handheld with me to help pass the time, the old man said it was gonna be a pretty long ride. I just about completely forgot the phone conversation dad had a few weeks before.

After awhile, buildings started disappearin' from the landscape. Houses stopped appearin' too. Eventually, we were drivin' around a whole lot of nothin'.

"This shit's not gonna be like campin' is it?" I asked.

"No. Fuck no. We ain't campin'. Fuck that shit. The cabin's got electricity an' air conditionin' an' plumbin'. We're also bringin' food from home. We ain't sleepin' outside, especially with you an' me, our dicks'd be covered in mosquito bites by the mornin'."

"Oh, good."

"...There's gonna be a huge lake there, bud. You an' I are gonna do some skinny dippin'."

The thought of swimmin' naked with dad gave me an immediate boner.

"Yeah. There'll be no one around for miles. No clothes from the waist down will be permitted at all in the cabin this weekend, bud." He grinned.

This trip started soundin' better and better to me. I may have been pulled away from my gamin' consoles but swimmin' naked and hangin' around naked...Jesus Christ this sounded all great.

I glanced over at my old man, the prospect of this seemed to arouse him too, there was a bit of a bulge in his shorts. I saw some twitchin' goin' on underneath.

Some time passed. Both of us were silent, him drivin', me playin' my handheld game. He'd stop the car every so often to get gas and snacks, or to piss.

After one more pause, he returned to the car. Once he got in, I noticed he started to unbutton his shorts.

"We're far enough away from people now, bud. It'll be okay if we started removin' some of our clothes."

The old man slipped out of his shorts and briefs and threw them into the seats behind us. I quickly followed suit.

"Keep your shirt on though, just in case some cars pass by, people will still think we're fully clothed."

I didn't complain. There was somethin' about bein' bottomless that was even hotter than bein' fully naked.

As the old man continued drivin' I glanced at his dick. I wondered if playin' with it would distract him from drivin'.

I slowly reached for it and gently gripped it with my left hand. I teased it with my fingers, puttin' one in his foreskin, playin' with the head inside. Funny, his focus on drivin' was just as good as his focus on watchin' the news. His dick was completely unresponsive.

"Almost there, bud." He said as I fondled him.

"What? You're not even hard."

"No, kid. We're almost at the cabin."


The cabin appeared in the distance. It was the only man-made thing in sight, bunch of trees surroundin' it, a huge lake right next to it, mountains off in the distance. The cabin itself was pretty big, around the size of our own house, almost.

"Back in college, my friends and I would rent out the cabin durin' the summer for a couple of weeks. Well-kept secret. We'd all hang out, swim in the lake, have barbecues, fuck...Great fun. Your mother hated the place, so we never visited it once we got married and had you."

"She always had the last word huh."

"Yup. Controllin' bitch. No clue who she's controllin' now."

I shrugged.

We pulled up to the cabin, parkin' off to the side of it.

"You can go jump in, bud. I'll bring the food and shit into the cabin, and then I'll join you."

Didn't need to tell me twice. I pulled off my shirt, kicked off my sandals and ran to the lake, jumpin' right in.

I'd never done it before, swimmin' naked. It felt great. Without trunks on I felt like I was much faster when swimmin' underwater.

When I surfaced, I saw dad unloadin' the SUV, puttin' stuff into the cabin. Some of it looked heavy.

"You sure you don't want help, dad?"

"Naw, bud. I can handle all of it. You just enjoy swimmin' an' the view."

I started takin' a good look at the landscape, but my peripheral vision understood my old man's last sentence better. I turned my head and saw his bare ass as he carried the stuff in. Such a glorious ass.

After awhile I stopped payin' attention to him and continued enjoyin' myself in the lake. I lazed about, floatin' at the top, until I heard dad's voice.

"Okay, bud!"

I looked back at the cabin. The old rottweiler emerged from it, removin' his shirt and flip-flops.

"I'm jumpin' in!"

I watched as he started runnin'. Though he was built, his gut had been gettin' rounder and rounder, havin' a bit of jiggle as he ran. I smiled at this. The naked old man leapt up and landed very close to me, makin' a huge splash.

Soon after, he emerged from the water, lazily floatin' on the surface just as I had a few minutes before.

"Ahhh, bud. I missed this. Nothin' like swimmin' with your cock out."

I thought he didn't notice that I was about to pounce on top of him. As I got close enough though, he grabbed me.

"So you like playin' in the water like THAT, don'cha..." He grinned.

The two of us started wrestlin' in the lake. No punchin' or kickin', just a whole lot of grabbin' and such. We playfully put each others' heads under the water, lockin' up each others' arms and legs in our own. If our dicks touched anywhere on the other's body, we didn't care. It was hot, though.

After awhile, dad calmed down. He held me in his arms, spoonin' me. He leaned forward to let the two of us lazily float to the top of the lake. He positioned his head near my shoulder, breathin' on my neck.

"Ahhhh.....'sup, bud."

I could feel his dick was gently cradled between my two ass cheeks. It didn't feel like he wanted to put it in my hole, but just rested it there. I enjoyed the feelin', like two parts fittin' together.

"This was a good idea."

"Glad you like it, kid."

His left hand rested on my belly, his right hand gently rubbed me, and slowly traveled south. Eventually his right hand arrived at my dick. The anticipation already gave me half a boner.

"Heh heh, I don't think you ever went soft ever since I decided to let you play with my dick for the first time, bud."

"Well, you have the body type I like, the dick type I like, and both things are pressin' against me right now. Of course I'd be hard."

The old man just chuckled. He silently started to jack me off. I quietly groaned in pleasure.

"Heh, you get off the same way I do."

"Considerin' we're both uncut..."

The lake was mostly clear, I was able to see his hand strokin' me from the surface.

His hands were magical. Within seconds I was gettin' close.

"Oh lord....keep jerkin' me old man..."

I could feel his own dick twitchin' against my ass cheeks. My dick kept twitchin' in response. I think he knew this and was doin' it on purpose.


Not only did he start strokin' me faster, his dick started twitchin' more frequently. Of course this made my own do the same in response. He also started to grind against me a bit.

"Almost there, dad..."

"Mmph...heh heh."

I still wasn't sure if he was teasin' me by twitchin' his dick against me then or not.

"Oh God dad....OH GAH-"

The cloud of jizz started shootin' out of my dick. It was visible from the surface.

"Unnnh...mmmph..." The old man grunted.

I felt the back of my thighs get warmer for a second.

"Huh...dad...did you jizz too?"


"But you didn't jack off...?"

"What do you think all that twitchin' against your ass was? I don't need no fuckin' hands to come."


We floated there for awhile, him still pressin' against me. I then felt some vibration from his stomach.

My own belly started to growl as well.

"Well, I don't know 'bout you, but I'm starvin'. I think I'm gonna get out for awhile and start the barbecue. You don't mind me lettin' go?"

"No, go ahead. I think I'll get out for awhile too."

The old man let go of me and started swimmin' to the edge of the lake to get out. My ass did feel a little cold and lonely without his dick pressin' against it though.

I laid on a towel, on the ground, enjoyin' the warm sunlight as it dried me off. The smell of meat bein' grilled entered my snout. The overpowerin' scent had me salivatin'.

I sat up for a second, seein' dad, back in his t-shirt, but with an apron on. His ass was still bare, and facin' me. He was surely teasin' me with it.

"...'cha makin'?"


"Ohhhhhh...fuck." I loved me some ribs. I started droolin'.

"Fuck yeah, bud. This long weekend will be filled with meat of all types."

I laid back down on the towel, daydreamin' about sinkin' my teeth into some ribs.

The sound of a car pullin' up to the cabin had me shootin' back up.


I got up and quickly ran and dove into the lake. I didn't want others seein' my dick.

I slowly surfaced my eyes to see who it was, keepin' the rest of myself underwater.

It was a 4x4 pickup. A stout form emerged from the driver side. I couldn't see too well until he came closer.

It was a bulldog, with almost all black fur, though he had some splotches of light brown on some parts of him, covered up by his clothes. The brown spots were a more yellowish brown than the brown fur on me and the old man. He wore a tanktop and cutoff jean shorts. The dude was also really chubby. The old man was gettin' a belly, but this bulldog was much rounder, and definitely didn't have the muscles dad did. If I wasn't freaked out by his presence then, I probably would've thought about how hot that was.

I emerged a bit more so I could hear better.

"Hey!" The old man said. He started to the bulldog. Looked like he knew him.

"S'been awhile." The bulldog responded. The two held each others arms out and hugged, pattin' each others' backs.

"Yeah. Don't think we've seen each other in person since college. Just phone calls and such."

"Yup. So, where's your son?"

"Heh heh, guess I forgot to tell him about you comin' today. He's hidin' in the lake."

"Hahaha, the lake. I think you an' I have jizzed in that lake so many times it was more jizz than water for awhile."

The old man laughed.

"Come on out, kid. This guy won't hurt you. An old buddy of mine from college. One of the ones I told you about."

I slowly swam to the edge of the lake and climbed out. I covered myself with my hands and smiled at the guy.


"Nice to meet you." He smiled back. "You don't gotta cover yourself, ain't like I don't got the same thing."

"Erm...okay." I freed my hands from my private area. I felt my face start burnin' up. At least the old man had an apron coverin' his dick.

"Heh, look at that. He's the spittin' image of you in college. Same dick an' everythin'."

"Yup! Uncut too. That was the only argument with my wife that I won."

"Ah, that bitch...I didn't really like her a whole lot, I'm glad to see you're rid of her."

"That makes three of us."

The two old men laughed. I just stood there, still kind of embarrassed to have a complete stranger comment on my dick.

The bulldog turned to me.

"No offense though, bud. Don't mean to insult your mother."

"It's okay. I was never close to her." I responded.

"Why you still uncomfortable?" He asked.

"Well...I never met you before, and I didn't think dad invited others here today. It's a little weird for me to be naked in front of you."

My old man saw my concern. He chimed in.

"Ah, speakin' of that, I've declared this area a no pants zone for the weekend. No clothes from the waist down allowed. That means you too old friend." The old rottweiler smiled.

"Really now? I guess rules is rules...Gotta follow 'em."

The bulldog unbuttoned his shorts and let them slide down his thick legs. He then pulled his briefs down and stepped out of both.

I took a look at his dick. His was much shorter than mine and the old man's, but also much thicker. The light brown fur covered most of what shaft there was, but the pink head slightly poked out of it. Looked like a pig in a blanket sittin' on top of his balls. His sack looked like a coinpurse, though not as round, and maybe a little smaller than my old man's sack, but about the same size as mine.

...It was totally hot. I loved my old man's cock, but I liked this one in a different way. It looked like I could take this dick in my muzzle without chokin' on it.

"Go ahead and throw 'em in the cabin." I heard the old rottweiler say as I snapped back to reality.

The bulldog bent over, picked up his discarded shorts and briefs and threw 'em inside the doorway we were standin' near.

As he turned back, he noticed me starin'.

"Well now, not so shy anymore huh." The old bulldog grinned and winked at me.

"Told ya. He loves the fatasses."

"I can see that." I saw him lookin' at my own dick. I didn't realize the huge boner I got.

"Well...these ribs are just about done. Made an extra rack for you since I had a feelin' you were gonna get here by now." The old man said to his friend.

We ate outside. The sun was slowly makin' its way down the sky, but there was still plenty of day left.

The ribs were fuckin' amazin'. The old man had a special recipe for barbecue sauce that can turn any meat from good to awesome. It became the topic of conversation.

"Of course...it's not my creation entirely..." The old man admitted.

"Mm-hmm. I helped. You were missin' a few key ingredients." The bulldog responded.

"Kid, you think my ribs are amazin'? This guy here can make ribs that make these taste like shit."

The bulldog smiled.

"Aw, now. C'mon. These're great. You learned a lot from me in college."

"Eh. Still think your ribs are better."

I stayed silent for most of the conversation, eatin' my ribs, listenin' to the two old guys reminiscin' about college, and other stories.

The stories were first about old classes and teachers and shit, not too interestin' for me. Over time, the stories got more and more sexual, which definitely perked my ears up.

"So the bitch wouldn't come that night. Wanted to watch some stupid movie with her friends." The old man said.

"Yup. I remember. I didn't have a bitch at that time so it was you an' me goin' at it instead that night. Fun night, though." The bulldog grinned.

The old man turned to me.

"Of all my friends in college that I fucked with, this guy was my most frequent cuddle buddy. Even if we didn't fuck, he loved layin' in bed with me, and I put my hand around that huge gut of his."

The bulldog chuckled.

"Y'see", dad continued, "he may look all gruff and tough, but he's just a huge teddy bear. Only reason he got bitches every so often."

The look on my old man's face turned a bit devilish.

"...Then they saw his tiny dick."

Dad's old friend started laughin'. He clearly took it in stride.

"Always gave me shit for that, rottie, but you always gave it a good suckin'."

"'Cause no one else would! Didn't wanna see a friend go without a nice BJ." My old man smiled.

"Such a considerate rottie you were." His friend responded.

The sky was turnin' a bright gold, but we didn't appreciate it very long. We all retreated into the climate-controlled cabin, away from the mosquitoes that were about to come out.

I laid on the couch, shirt back on, playin' my handheld. I almost didn't notice the bulldog comin' to sit next to me.

"Hey, kid." I saw him smile in the corner of my eye. "Where'd your old man go?"

"I think he went to shower after we cleaned up. He usually likes a nice shower after dinner."

The bulldog sat down by my feet. "S'alright. Nothin' important."

It looked like he wanted to chat with me, so I turned my game off.

"So, bud...You've been quiet most of the time I've been here. Still a little shy?"

"A little."

"I understand. Not an everyday situation that a guy introduces himself and then takes his pants off."

"Heh, yeah." I chuckled.

"I wanna know you a bit more though, bud."


"Yeah. Did you do anythin' in school that you liked? Your old man told me you hated it."

"I did. I felt like I learned most of the important stuff already."

"Nothin' you were partial to?"

"Not really. Couldn't do music, can't draw or paint for shit, I like computers but can't stand programmin' them, saved myself the ridicule by stayin' away from the cookin' and sewin' classes..."

"Well, your old man told me you'd be takin' the year off. I'm sure you'll find somethin' you like doin'."

I smiled. "I think so."

I saw the bulldog eyein' my cock again.

"So...that's also an odd thing...I never met a guy who enjoys gettin' fucked by his own daddy."

My heart sank a bit. It felt very weird to be talkin' about it. The bulldog surely must've seen the look on my face.

"Ahh. Don't worry, bud. I'm no cop or anythin'. Not somethin' I'd share with others. I keep all my friends' secrets safe. There's tons of things even your old man has told me that's safe from everyone else."

"Like what?"

The bulldog chuckled.

"I'm sure they're things you already know. I assume you don't go tellin' people about them either."

He continued.

"But, I'm a little curious. What happened to make that situation happen? Why? What do you like about your dad? Why not bitches?"

I still hesitated to answer.

"C'mon, bud...I'll let you play with this little wiener of mine afterward."

I immediately sat up. He motioned to it, and laid back on the couch himself, his "little wiener" now facin' me.

"Well...I don't know really. Once mom left I felt a little sad for dad. She may have had problems but I thought he felt a little lonely when she ran away. I always admired my old man. I didn't really notice as a cub, but once I got older I started seein' dad whenever he hung around in just his underwear or his shirt off, and noticed that I liked it.

"I didn't really like bitches a whole lot, there was nothin' about them that interested me. When I learned that made me queer, I just accepted it. I didn't tell the world, because it wasn't the world's business. I looked at porn every so often, and just about every kind of guy aroused me, but the bigger dudes interested me more. The built ones were nice, but the guys who were both muscly and soft always got me hard. I've also had a special place for guys who were just fat.

"I was noticin' that dad had the body type that drove me crazy though. He flaunted it all the time even before mom left. So one day he was hangin' around in his underwear watchin' the news, and I curiously grabbed at the bulge. Not long after he just took his briefs off. Instant boner."

"And so then you fucked." He responded.

"Pretty much. We've been foolin' around ever since. I didn't know he told people about us, so I was a little weirded out that you knew."

The bulldog chuckled, and reached out to hug me.

"Don't worry bud, I'm the only guy he told, and my lips are sealed. I don't judge either of you, you're both adults who can do whatever you please in your privacy."

He grinned.

"But your old man bringin' together a guy he used to fuck with a guy he's fuckin' now, this is gonna be one fun weekend."

The bulldog shuffled on the couch a little closer to me.

"Go on, you can play with it now."

The bulldog's penis was heavenly. Not sure why dad gave him shit for it. I moved my arm closer and gently started handlin' both it and his sack. I was able to cup both in my hand at the same time. His soft fur rivaled my old man's, it was like playin' with a plush animal...if it had a dick.

"I really like your dick." Was the only coherent sentence I could think to say.

"Thanks, bud. Glad you like it."

"I don't know why my old man made fun of it before."

"Heh, he just likes jokin' around. If he really hated my dick he wouldn't've given me all those BJs in college."

I continued playin' with it. I felt it twitchin' in my hand. I let go of it for a second. We both looked at it. It continued to twitch, and started to grow.

"Heh, you like the growers, huh." He asked.

"I do. It's fun to watch them get big."

"Yeah, sometimes I'll sit around with my dick out and watch it grow and shrink. Not even play with it." He smiled.

The bulldog's penis grew to a respectable size. It was nowhere near my old man's length, or even mine, but still a good size for suckin' and fuckin'.

"Now unfortunately unlike you and your old man, I was cut. But I still have enough foreskin left for you to jerk it off the same way you probably jerk yours off."

The bulldog wrapped his hand around the length of his dick and showed me how to masturbate him.

"You could sit yourself on my belly if you'd like as you do it. It makes a nice cushion."

I took him on his offer. He laid back on the couch and lifted his tanktop a bit. Such a round gut he had. I'm sure he liked seein' my bare ass as I sat on him.

I grabbed his wiener again and stroked it, like he showed me.

"Ohhhh. Yeah bud, like that."

Almost immediately, he started leakin' pre. Guess I was doin' it right.

"Nice thing about me, even though I'm cut, I can still make a lot of my own lube." He chuckled.

I used it to help jack him off. The little hole on the pink head stared at me as I stroked the shaft under it. I watched as it continued to leak.

"I think you might be in need of a good crank too. Want me to help with that?" He offered.

I said nothin', and repositioned myself on top of him, now layin' my own belly on his. I put my dick in his face.

"A good dick. Just like your old man's."

I felt him grab it and stroke it. He did it right almost immediately, I didn't need to show him how.


"Yup. Just like your daddy's in every way."

The two of us continued to jerk each other off.

"Oh, bud...I also enjoy playin' with my asshole. You wouldn't mind puttin' a finger or two in there while jackin' me, would ya?"

My dick twitched in the dude's face. I was happy to oblige. I didn't notice it before, but this bulldog's ass rivaled my old man's in greatness. It'd be hard for me to pick which one I liked better. My old man's was round and tight, this bulldog's was round and big, and wide. Bet he could take my old man's dick no problem, maybe more than one.

Unlike my old man's and mine, which had a brown heart shape in the fur, the bulldog's was completely black. The light brown fur started on his taint, just before his balls. The asshole was a nice, bright pink.

I went ahead and put a finger from my left hand in. It slid right in without any resistance. Oh fuck, how soft the fur surroundin' his hole was.

"Yeah, buddy...Keep fingerin' me..."

I went ahead and put a second finger in. The inside accommodated my two fingers easily. I tickled the inside. All the while, he was strokin' me good. I was more than halfway to cummin'.

He then decided to start suckin' it. It took me by surprise, but it felt good.

I went ahead and started suckin' his as well. It was just the right size for my muzzle, and I was able to take in the whole thing. I loved teasin' the head with my tongue. Each time I did he'd ooze out more pre.

He started thrustin' into my face a bit. I could tell he was gettin' close, just as I was.

I started to finger him harder, and teased the head of his dick with my tongue more as I bobbed up and down on him. His dick was THE dick for blowjobs.

"Mmmmph..." He grunted.

"Mmmmmmmm..." I returned it. We both knew what was gonna happen.

The bulldog thrusted into my face some more. Within seconds, he blasted his jizz into my muzzle. There was a steady flow, I was able to swallow it all. At the same time, I also blew my load into his big mouth.

Once we both finished, I got off of him and laid opposite him on the couch. It was then I noticed that my old man was there, watchin'.

"Heh, I guess we're all friends now?" He chuckled.

"Yup." The bulldog answered.

"Hope you got more in you, friend."

"Don't worry, much more where that came from. I held off on myself for this weekend." He smiled, lookin' at his old friend.

The three of us sat down in front of the TV for awhile, watchin' some shows. I sat in the middle of the couch while my old man sat to my right, and his friend, to my left. Both of them laid on their respective sides, givin' me access to both their dicks. I lazily played with both as the three of us watched. They'd sometimes get semi-boners but with my lazy playin' neither of them got fully hard.

Aside from their dicks, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to them, as I was also watchin' the TV. I assumed they were focusin' on it just as I was.

All of a sudden, I started hearin' some snifflin' to my left. I took a look and saw the bulldog was wipin' tears from his eyes while watchin' the tube. The show wasn't that kinda show though, so it was weird.

"Wha'cha cryin' about, pussy?" My old man chimed in.

"Oh...s'nothin. Just...I envy you two."

"Wuh?" Both dad and I asked in unison.

"You forget how the conversation on the phone started the other week?" He asked my old man. He then turned to me.

"My bitch broke up with me a few months back. It was hard, because unlike every other girlfriend, this one stayed with me the longest."

He continued.

"She didn't care about my gut, or me havin' this little dick, she was okay with both...Every other bitch ditched me after a few weeks, a month...had this one for two years before she decided we weren't good together."

"Why'd she break up with you?" I asked.

"That's the kicker. Fuck if I know. She was from up north, always sayin' how dumb everyone was down here. Either we were all religious or alcoholics or some shit like that. I guess she stayed that long when she saw I was neither."

"Bitches are always crazy, bud. After my wife left I decided I was done with them." My old man responded.

"At least you got your kid to keep you company though. He's such a great guy."

He turned to me again.

"Bud, I know it kinda sucks to be queer down here, but I'd rather be a homo if it meant more people like you givin' me some love." He sniffled.

I had to give the guy a hug. I got on top of them, put my arms around him and squeezed as tight as I could. His huge arms wrapped around me in return.

"Thanks, kid."

He looked at my old man.

"And thank you for invitin' me. I really appreciate it. This would've been one long, lonely weekend for me if you didn't call."

"Of course." My old man smiled at him. He then turned to me. "Bud, let's cheer my old friend up for awhile. This crap we're watchin' ain't funny."

The three of us retreated to dad's room. His bed was huge, bigger than the one he had at home. It fit the three of us perfectly.

"Why such a big bed?" I asked.

"So more than two people can fuck on it." He smiled.

"Yeah, we had a fuckton of orgies in this room."

Now that I thought about it, it wasn't just the musk of our own dicks I was smellin', I smelled quite a few extra. I wondered why whoever used the cabin afterward didn't go ahead and spray a few bottles of air sanitizer in there.

"So, old friend...you've gotten to know my kid, but while I was showerin'. I got out too late. I think it's only fair that you and I have a go while he can only watch." He said, with a devilish grin. He then turned to me.

"Sorry, bud." He apologized.

The old man pointed at a big chair facin' the bed, gesturin' at me to sit in it. I was a little saddened and jealous, but excited at the same time. I got off the bed and walked to the chair, noticin' my boner again. It was a little sore, after havin' been jacked off by my old man and sucked by his friend within a short period of time. It was still willin' to be fapped again though.

"Toss me the lube, kid. There's a bottle under the chair."

As I got to the seat I knelt down and saw that there was indeed a bottle of lubricant. I threw it over to my old man, he caught it like it was nothing.

"On your knees." He said to the bulldog.

He was quiet, just doin' what he was told by dad. He got on his knees and faced him.

"Don't face me, give the kid some eye candy."

"Oh, heh heh. Sure."

The old man's friend got on his arms and faced the wall, his bare ass to me. Dad noticed me lookin' at it.

"What an ass, huh." He smiled at me.

"Yeah." I grinned.

He spread apart the cheeks, revealin' his hole.

"This ass has taken my dick countless times. You know how thick I am, even he had trouble with it unless he prepared himself with a toy or I lubed up like crazy."

"Oh............shit." The bulldog said, with a tone of realization.

Dad chuckled. "Didn't prepare yourself huh."

"Nope. I don't have those toys anymore, didn't want the bitch to wonder why I had them."

"Well then, I guess it's up to the kid..."

He turned back to me.

"What do you think, bud? I'm givin' you the power of the lube. You put on however much lube you want on my dick and his hole."

He handed me back the bottle of lube.

"Be as good or evil as you want, kid. I'm sure our friend here can take it either way, he loves ass play."

I looked at his friend. He gave me a reassurin' look, with a hint of unease. He didn't say anythin' though.

I opened up the bottle and squeezed some into my fingers. While the old man was still spreadin' his asscheeks open, I started applyin' the lube. The pink hole immediately puckered in reaction, but the bulldog remained quiet.

My fingers spiraled around the hole, slowly movin' inward. Eventually they found their way inside the hole, coatin' the inner walls with the lubricant. I felt I needed to be generous, so I took my fingers back out and squeezed more from the bottle into my hand, repeatin' the process...that, and I was slowly gettin' addicted to fingerin' the friendly asshole.

Next, the beastly dick. I squeezed out a very large amount of lube, absolutely slatherin' my old man's wiener with it.

"Awww. The kid really likes you to be puttin' THIS MUCH lube on both of us."

"You got a good kid, rottie. My asshole thanks him."

Dad was right, the bottle of lube was nearly full when I discovered it, and after I was done lubin' them up, half the bottle was empty.

"Go get 'em!" I said, gettin' back into the chair opposite the bed.

"You heard the kid." My old man said to his friend. "You ready?"


Dad pressed the head of his dick against his asshole.

"On three, I push in while you push onto it. One.. two.. three!"

The two men pushed themselves into each other. I grabbed my own dick and started rubbin' it as dad tried to enter his friend's ass. Not long after, he popped right in.

"Ooof..." the bulldog winced. "Yup...you were definitely the thickest of the four of us...though that boxer was a close second."

"Yeah. He and the husky were great fucks too, but they seemed to have much better luck with the bitches. Fooled around with them only two, maybe three times a semester. You on the other hand, we did this almost every other night when neither of us had bitches."

"Good times...You know, at one point in that time I considered quittin' bitches and was gonna ask you if you wanted to just be queer with me, since we fucked almost all the time and liked the same things in college."

"Really now...What stopped ya?"

"It was a tough question to ask, and the day I finally got the courage to ask, you found the bitch who became your wife."

"Ah...I'm sorry about that, bud. To be honest though, had you asked me, I probably would've turned down the offer, and encouraged you to keep tryin' for bitches. You still had a lot goin' for you."

"I gathered that. It was good that I didn't ask in the long run. If it weren't for that bitch, you wouldn't have this wonderful kid."

"You're right. Speakin' of him, he's bored to death of this conversation. Let's turn over so he can see the fun stuff rather than my ass in the way."

It was an interestin' conversation, but he was right. I wanted to see some fuckin'. I didn't expect my old man to be able to pick up the fat bulldog so easily like a ragdoll.

"Let's go buddy. Lay on top of me."

It was clear that despite his muscular figure fadin', he was still strong enough to have the bulldog lay on top of him without crushin' him.

"Don't worry kid. Remember: Muscle is more dense than fat. He ain't hurtin' me."

Not long after he finished that sentence, he started to thrust upward, pushin' his dick further into his old friend. It started off slow at first, but he sped up rather quickly. I didn't expect what happened next.

"You're a cute-ass motherfucker, you know that?" Came out of my old man's mouth.

The bulldog started gigglin'.

"Your belly is so round, your fur is soft as fuck. Bitches would love to rub your gut all night, bud."

He giggled some more. It was like he couldn't respond any other way while dad's dick was inside of him.

Their two bodies swayed up and downward, the bulldog's belly sloshin' about, his coinpurse and little pig in a blanket floppin' around, it was so hot to watch. I started to fap then and there.

Dad started feelin' up his friend's belly. He was movin' his hand downward, just as he did with me in the lake earlier in the day.

"Where's this little package of yours? Can't find it. Guide my hand bud."

The bulldog continued chucklin' as he guided dad's hand to his little wiener.

"This? This little thing? Can't tell me it hasn't been enjoyed by a bitch before. Nope."

He started rubbin' it.

"Ain't gonna jerk you off...but I am gonna tease the shit out of it."

The bulldog's dick started growin' as the old man started gently flickin' it and twistin' it. The room was fillin' up with his laughter.

"Why's he laughin' so much?" I asked.

"He's kissin' the back of my neck!"

I didn't notice at first, but I did start hearin' the peckin' sound. It was odd but became a part of the rhythm of their fuckin'.

After awhile the thrustin' got harder and faster, dad's balls started slappin' against his friend's ass, his own balls swayin' around his crotch while his dick continued to be teased. I was gettin' so close in my chair.

"Impale my ass, rottie."

"Oh it's gettin' impaled. Your ass'll be sore all weekend."

"And your balls'll be so empty by the time we leave."

The two started laughin' at each others' dirty talk. It was like they were back in college again, jokin' like two idiots. I kept jerkin' myself as I watched though, pickin' up the bottle of lube I'd used on them earlier, thought it'd be good for how sore my wiener was gettin'.

The sound of the huge cheeks of the bulldog's ass slappin' against my old man's thighs got louder, he was definitely thrustin' in his old friend harder. His friend's stubby dick twitched almost violently as my old man continued to flick, twist and squeeze it.

"How're you there, bud...gettin' close?" My old man asked.

"Pretty close...you?"

"Very. How about you over there, kid?"

"Just about gonna.....ahhh"

I was the first to pop. I splurted on the cushion of the chair I was sittin' in, which probably had trace amounts of semen of at least 12 other dudes.

"The younger folk....hnngh...always the first to come." My old man said.

"Yup......ooof...I'm next....aghhhh"

I was surprised to see the bulldog shootin' his jizz with his dick bein' teased like that, must've had help from his prostate bein' massaged by the old man's cock, which was the next to go off.

"Ffffffuuuuck!" The old man pounded his dick inside his friend's butt as hard as he could, huge amounts of jizz oozin' out of the bulldog's hole, makin' its way down to the old rottie's sack.

There was quite a bit of heavy breathin' from all three of us, in our respective afterglows.

After dad pulled himself out of his friend, I jumped into the bed with them. Quite a bit of cuddlin' happened between the three of us. I wondered how close they had to be to want to do this with each other. Both of them loved bitches, but didn't mind doin' queer stuff together.

"Why do you guys like fuckin' together if you're both into women?"

The bulldog started. "The four of us had a pretty long talk about this, actually."

"Yeah. We didn't do this stuff at first, but as time passed we all got to be good friends. One evenin' we sat down and mentioned our thoughts on sex, mostly with bitches, and at one point we all admitted to fantasizin' about what it'd be like with a dude. When we all realized it wasn't a big deal, we tried it."

"Afterward, we talked about what we thought of it. We agreed it was a lot of fun, and would love doin' it again, but felt we liked bitches more, so all of us searched for them while together in college. If a bitch blew us off, we'd ask each other if we could have sex instead that night. Or, if we were super horny and didn't want to try figurin' out what our bitch was doin', we'd ask. If the other guy was fine with the idea, we'd fuck."

"Think of it this way, bud. The four of us went at it mostly for fun. We'd fuck bitches because we loved them, or thought we did, anyway. I love this guy here only as a really good friend, but I also don't mind givin' him kisses on the back of his neck, rubbin' his belly, and teasin' this Tootsie Roll he calls his wiener. He gets off on it, just as I get off on stickin' my dick in his ass, which he's happy to let me do. All we want to do when we fuck is get each other off."

"It may be hard to see the difference, but it's certainly there."

"But didn't you just say you wanted to have a romantic relationship with my dad?" I asked.

"I did. And if we did our fuckin' would be a bit different, and I wouldn't've minded."

"Right." My old man agreed. "We'd go out of our way to make it a bit more romantic than just gettin' down together. The night mom got pregnant with you took more preparation than me just sayin' to her 'Let's fuck.'"

"So...this is more...friendly sex?"

"Yup!" They both said in unison. Dad chimed in again. "Same kind of sex I have with you."

"Oh! I see...ahh, I don't want this weekend to end." I said.

"Heh heh, you're not the only one." The bulldog replied.

"Hmmmmmmmm...there's an idea..." Dad pondered.

"What's a good idea?"

"Didn't tell you this before, kid, but our friend here doesn't live too far from us. Our work lives are a little too hectic to really visit one another, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you visited him every so often."

My face must've lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Shit...that doesn't sound like much of a bad idea." The bulldog seemed to be happy with the thought.

"Yeah! He can drive over to your place, spend a weekend or so there, keep you from gettin' too lonely. Fuck each other. Show the kid your underwear collection, bud."

"OHMYGODYESIWANNADOIT" The thought excited me so much.

"I'd be happy to let your kid visit, on the condition that he let me help him figure out what he wants to do with his life. Can't spend your whole life playin' video games, bud."

Even though the thought of me returnin' to school any time soon wasn't too appealin' to me, I still liked the idea of visitin' this guy.

"I agree with him, kid. You can still take the next year off, but it'd be nice to find a skill. He helped me figure out what I wanted to do when my original major wasn't goin' the way I thought it would."

"...Okay, deal."

The bulldog reached in to give me a hug, which I was happy to return. His little dick, still sticky from jizzin' all over itself, rubbed against mine.

This summer just went from great to amazin'.

The Examination

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The Chasy and the Muzyka

"Night, Alex." "Good night, dad." As the fox's dad closed the door, Alex immediately lifted up his nightshirt and went to work on his chastity lock. Like his friend Mikhail, Alex was also victim to having over-protective parents. Unlike Mikhail's...

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James, the Tigerbot

As the sun continued to rise above the horizon, the right amount of sunlight hit the panels of the light blocker on Franz's window. The blocker reacted, slowly raising itself, allowing the sunlight to enter the rhino's room. The unconscious, chubby...

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