Unexpected Company.

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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Soooooo...I suddenly thought of trying my hand at transformation. No, I do not plan on doing any kinky transformations. I just up and thought of putting myself in a field I am unfamiliar with and see how it turns out. Again, another human and female dragon romance story I came up with. Let me know what everyone of you think. Feed back on how I did in this one will be greatly appreciated. Also, for those of you waiting for more from me, I apologize. Schools been keeping me busy and I plan on working on some of the other series you guys are reading once more.

Marrow was once a slave to a species of humanoid creatures known as Lizardmen, men with the heads and bodies of Lizard that traveled across the Harvian desert. However, on one fateful night, he finds his cell lock broken and he escapes. But what happens the next day will change his life forever.

Edit* Special thanks to Sharpclaws for the edit! Once more I want to thank you so much for it!

And Wow, despite all the errors that I was told about it still turned out to be more popular than I imagined! Thanks everyone! Hope you enjoy more of my works if you want more! Waves at everyone happily. Oh and expect a sequel!

"Blast this infernal desert!" cursed the young man. He trudged his way over the very peak of a rather high sand dune, his arm over his face to shade his eyes. When a hot breeze rolled along the sands, Marrow quickly covered it with the rag he had taken from his slavers. Once his face was properly covered to prevent sand invading into his eyes, the young man continued on. "...But at least I got away."

At the age of nineteen, Marrow was a strong muscular man that whose form was well hidden under the desert gear he wore. His stone cold red eyes were a symbol of his kind, a tribe of wandering desert wayfarers known as De'cauts. He himself was a fine example of his brothers and sisters, his dark brown hair like the trunk of a pine and his tanned skin a deeper hue of light brown from the batter of sun rays. His features were strong and sharp, handsomely devilish such as his own nose and jaw. But oddly he was soft in appearance as well, with his smiles kind and emotions towards others pure and true.

In spite of all that, Marrow was in trouble. Two days ago he had finally escaped the clutches of his previous masters, a vicious and brutal tribe of Lizardmen that enslaved him when he was a boy. He barely remembered his family. How they looked, how they spoke...However, he had to find his way out of the desert before searching them properly. Although the sands were not foreign to him, the young De'caut was running low on water. His numerous canteens and bottles dangling from his hips rattled in the wind, the hollow sound a constant reminder of his borrowed time.

Okay okay, just calm down, Marrow. He thought, frowning. Marrow hated his name, a name which had been given to him by his captors when they took him. But he shook his head, trying to keep his thoughts on track as he began to climb an even bigger sand dune. I should be able to see it if I just get up on top of this one sand dune. Ah!

He crawled up the last few steps of rolling sand to reach the top. There, he raised his hand once more to peer at a distant Oasis, no more than twenty minutes away. Lush greenery surrounded a clear puddle of water and his sharp eyes saw small critters of various sizes darting about, creatures he knew he could catch. Bingo! Whew...thought I was lost for a moment.

Grinning quite thankfully to himself, Marrow slowly began to slide down the dune towards its base. At the bottom he stumbled slightly before quickly regaining his balance. As he walked, he delved back into his mind, thinking of his life ahead of him and what he would do. Now that he was free, he would be able to do anything he wanted from travelling the world to being a simple worker for a city or town. He could live a peaceful life and not one where he was forced to tend to the whims of a filthy beast. Smiling slowly, he began to hum a gentle tune.

Suddenly, a shadow shot past his vision and Marrow was pulled from his thoughts. Stumbling as he tried to crane his neck, he looked up to stare at the figure flying high above. In the end he gave up with a sigh, unable to see the figure properly. It was most likely a buzzard, anyway.

"May as well finish off what water I have left..." Marrow said to himself. He reach behind him and grabbed the last bottle of water he had. Twisting the lid, he quickly removed it and lifted it back to feel the last remaining water flow down his parched throat and, once finished, he wiped what remained from his lips. Looking down once more as he hooked it back on his small bag, he estimated he had now walked a little over half the distance to the body of water.

_Ugh..._the De'caut mumbled silently as he trudged on. _I hate the blasted sands and the heated wind. Even the scorching sun. I want to see the..._Then it hit him, a slow smile appearing on his face as his steps sped up. He knew what he wanted to do after he got out of the desert: He wanted to become an adventurer, wanted to see the world from the coldest mountain tops to the darkest of caves. He wanted to see all of it, and if not, most of it. He wanted to live his life as a free man, and that seemed the best way

Smiling widely now, Marrow sighed in contentment. However, the moment his mouth opened, his red eyes went wide with surprise when he felt something slam into his throat. He began to choke. Immediately his hands went to his throat as his eyes bugged out of his skull. Coughing, he leaned forward and began to viciously gag and choke.

"NO!" Before he had time to react to the sound of the feminine voice, the De'caut was hit hard in the back, causing him to smash into the ground and stumble across the sands. But this made him swallow and he felt the object in his throat disappear. With wide eyes, he gagged yet again and retched several times before he stared wide eyed at the sky.

"Give it back!" A woman roared and before Marrow could even try sitting up he felt the same person smash into his side. He flipped over from the brunt of the impact, then rolled once, twice, thrice across the sand. When he stopped, he blinked to clear his vision. The shape above him was a short creature with a long slender neck and three pointed horns.

"Spit it out!" it shrieked. Suddenly he wheezed as a fist slammed into his gut, making him cough. But what the woman sought was long gone.

"Gods...above..." panted the De'caut as he slowly moaned from pain. "Listen lady..." He wheezed when she slammed a fist into his gut again. Finally he had had enough and he shoved her away."Would you stop?!" Marrow roared as he pushed her away. With some distance but between them, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw what stood before him, her bright blue eyes glaring angrily at him.


Finally that old bastard kicked the bucket! Thought Kilara happily as she flew through the air, the pale brownish-yellow scales of her hide blending perfectly with the sands that flew past far below her. For a dragon her age, a 21 year old female, she was a gorgeous specimen what with her well toned body and three beautiful tail fins to aid in flying. More parts of her body that added to her natural beauty include three slightly curved horns on her head, one on the very top of her skull and two on both sides of her head. And on either side of her body were her massive wings made to glide easily along the heated dunes of the sands below. Her bright blue eyes, showing great intellect yet a strange sense of kindness, despite her being rather rude and distant to anyone she met, especially to her old master.

Kilara had been a 'pet' to a powerful wizard far to the north. The old man used her for various deeds, some even shun by her species. When she was still a slave, her master used her daily for sexual release. Worst of all, he found physical abuse just as pleasurable as the formal ways. This left her with numerous scars across her body, yet somehow they seemed to add to her strange feral beauty, each one curving in strange wondrous ways despite the pain they caused her when she first received them.

The way he had control over Kilara was both very simple and yet also very complicated. Despite her best efforts, not even she could figure out how he managed to steal her egg from her family, nor how he had managed to seal a small piece of her soul into a small ring which she now carried in her mouth. If it wasn't for the fact that he had died not long ago, a mere day ago...well she didn't know what she would've done. All she knew was that she was free. Free to go where she wanted, free to fly any height she wanted. Free to live her life.

Ah! That feels nice, purred the sand colored dragoness as she glided on a warm draft of air. Kilara cooed softly between her lips as she enjoyed the feeling of the heat. She had to admit...she didn't mind the desert, her body well designed for the climate, but it wasn't her ideal dream home. She wanted to live on the great coast of the sea, her body basking in both warmth and the moist droplets that sprayed into the atmosphere as the waves crashed into her cliff side home.

At the mere thought of it she grinned, carefully adjusting the ring in her mouth. Of course Kilara had to bury this accursed thing first. She didn't want anyone finding it and use it against her. Not when she was just getting a small taste of what her new life had to offer, but neither could she just stop thinking about it. She was free! Free to live her own way and even find herself a handsome drake that would be willing to take her in the proper way and not that of a pathetic human seeking pleasure.

This caused her to get too excited, her body reacting to the thoughts of a strong, handsome male dragon leaping onto her to begin breeding her. While she did not like to admit it, she did become accustomed to the pleasures of the flesh she was forced to go through and even now she was feeling the first signs of lust. She was hooked on it, wanting it badly ever since her master became deathly ill several days ago. In her excitement, she gave out a deep growl before mumbling how she needed to stop and ease her needs only to have her eyes go wide. Without a single word, she looked down.

"NO!No no no no no no NO!" Kilara cried out when she saw a small flash of gold as her ring fell far below. Twirling gracefully in the air, the desert colored dragon tucked her wings close to her body and began to dive, her long elegant body straight as an arrow. But she did not know if she could catch up to it, the ring falling at its fullest velocity while she had just started her dive.

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Thought Kilara to herself, trying with all her might to keep her body cutting through the air like a hot knife to butter. But even then she could not catch up to the golden ring, her blue eyes widening in surprise when she saw a man walking right underneath it!

_OH SHIT!_The light brown dragon screeched in her head as she realized that, should the man suddenly get possession of her ring, she'd be a slave once again. She couldn't let that happen, but she also couldn't do anything but pray that she caught up to the ring in time. But she was dead wrong and, much to her surprise, she watched as the ring suddenly disappeared down his throat!

Caught off guard from this strange turn of events, Kilara stopped her fall rather abruptly to watch as he began to choke. Slowly her look of surprise turned to anger and she charged at the man through the air. "NO!" She roared out just before slamming into his back, both tumbling through the sand until she sat on top of him, a clawed paw on his chest. "Give it back!" She yelled down at him as his head moved about disoriented before wheezing when she punched his gut. "Spit it out!"

Slowly the red eyed man began to blink as he tried to clear his mind. "Gods...above..." The man panted below her. "Listen..." But Kilara would have none of it, instead slamming her fist into his gut to try getting him to cough the ring up. Suddenly he slammed his palms against her chest, shoving her back and away from him. "Would you stop?!"

With her finally off of him, the tanned skinned man slowly sat up to hold his gut all while looking her way. "Gods help me! You're a dragon!"


"Well no shit!" The desert dragon roared at him. He blinked in surprise when he heard it spoke. Marrow had heard of dragons being able to speak in common, but it was broken and often not unintelligible. Apparently this light-colored brown dragon was able to speak it fluently, like it had been raised with it. Not only this, but in the legends, he heard dragons were often large beasts capable of killing hundreds with a sweep of a tail, not small like this dragon who appeared to be maybe close to his own size.

"What, did you think I was, a freaking parrot?!"

Marrow flinched at the venom in her words. "No need to be mean." He muttered sourly as he stood up. Slowly, he pulled back his shawl, allowing his thick wavy brown hair to fall to his shoulders, as custom amongst his people. "What do you want Miss Dragon? Obviously you need something if you went screaming at me to 'spit it out' and start wailing on my poor gut... Think I might get diarrhea from that, but regardless...What is it that I swallowed.?"

The dragoness did not respond at first, instead only lifting a paw up to suddenly bring out her claws all while flexing her digits. "That..." She hissed, "...is none of your damn business!" Then Marrow jumped when she suddenly leaped at him. Immediately he rolled to the side only to look up to see her land right where he once stood. She only roared at him as she slowly turned about, a hiss like a snake coming from her once again.

"You trying to kill me does make it my business!" He managed to say as he leaped once more when she tried to get him again. "Gods would you just..." he ducked when she made a swipe of a claw. "...Just..." He leaped backwards when she snapped at his arm. "...STOP ALREADY!"

Marrow had expected various things from the female dragon: yelling at him, another attack, more vicious things. However, he did not expect her to suddenly shut her mouth and sit on her haunches. "Huh?" the De'caut muttered and blinked as he slowly relaxed. When she did not move, he slowly began to take slow, careful steps her way, weary of any tricks she may come up with. When he stood before her and she merely glared at him in quiet rage.

"Okay, what is going on?!" Asked Marrow as he placed a hand on his hip and another on his chin to think. From what he could understand, the dragon suddenly stopped and stood still when he yelled at her. The dragon did not answer and merely squeezed her eyes shut from him. A grumble came from her throat but he understood none of it. "What...why are you suddenly acting so strange?"

"Relick mer." Marrow suddenly heard the dragon grumble out and he bent down to hear correctly. "I sed...reler mer." She managed to grumble out once more.

"Release you?" He muttered quietly before rubbing the back of his head. She stopped when he yelled at her to stop. Maybe if he said something else, she'll get moving again.

"Okay fine, I'll free you but first..." Marrows grin made her flinch, her eyes closing once more. "...before I let you go...Tell me what I just swallowed. What is so important that you have to kill me? I assume you were going to rip my guts out to get whatever it is right?"

The dragoness whimpered as her brown tail twitched. "I need to get my ring back," she managed to gasp out, trying not to give in. Kilara couldn't believe herself, the idea that the ring, while inside him, gave him the ability to control her! "Please...I need it."


Kilara sobbed at the question. "I..I was captured and enslaved by a wizard!" She cried at the man. "H-He used the ring as a conduit! He bound my soul to it...Please..." Tears began to fall to the ground, realization that she may become a slave once again crossing her mind. Marrow watched her display with a blank, emotionless face. "...I just want to be free."

Slowly, Marrow lowered his face. "Hey..." He lifted a hand and placed it on her head, slowly rubbing her scales softly. She stopped and looked up at him. "...You are not to attack me as we travel together. Do you understand?" The dragon nodded her head up at him quickly. "Good. I promise you that when I either shit the ring out, puke it up, or get to a healer to get it out of me, I will give you your ring. I do not want a servant nor a slave. Now...you may move and speak and do what you wish. Save for what I have just asked."

As she had been holding in her breath the entire time, Kilara breathed out and slowly laid herself down. Her muscles slowly relaxed, the magic of the binding holding her still during all that time. Growling quietly, she reared her head away like a startled snake and looked away with a scowl. Pulling his hand back, he blinked with wide eyes at her before rolling them and standing up.

"My name is Marrow, Miss Dragon." Marrow introduced himself to her, but still she did not look his way. He tried a smile instead. "May I know your name?"

"Screw you."

Marrow took a step back at her retort. "Alright." He grumbled with a shrug of his shoulders as he went around the dragon. She, in turn, looked up to watch as he walked away from her, his face in a scowl. "I'm only trying to be nice, but sure, stay being a sour lizard for all I care."

Kilara flinched slightly at his words as she slowly stood up. With her head hung low like a dog in trouble, the female dragon slowly got to her feet and followed after him. She paused at the edge of the Oasis, looking up to watch Marrow quietly. "Kilara." She said in one breath and Marrow paused to look back at her. "It's Kilara."

"Well...thank you Kilara." He replied with half a smile. He suddenly swung his arm forward, indicating her to follow. The dragon hesitated before reluctantly walking up to him, her head still hung low. "Hey, C'mon, I promise I'm not gunna force you to do anything alright?"

"I don't believe you." Kilara mumbled at him as she approached the pool of water and he paused to look at her. "Anyone would want a dragon as a servant. Especially humans." Marrow looked away from her. Perhaps deep down, the idea of having a dragon do his every whim did sound appealing, but after his life of slavery, he himself could do no such thing to anything.

"Wrong again Kilara." He chuckled half halfheartedly. "Why would a slave enslave another when he knows how much pain it can cause?"

At that, the desert dragons eyes went wide and she turned her head towards him, her cheeks filled with water before she swallowed. "Hang on!" Kilara gasped before pointing a claw his way, her wings fluttering slightly in surprise. "Don't start telling me that you..." She was about to say a slave, the mere thought terrifying her. If he was a slave and his master found out he had a ring in his gut that could control her...She shivered at the thought. However, Marrow spoke first, finishing her sentence.

"I was a slave up till about two days back." He replied quietly as he grabbed several stones and tossed them in the flames. There, he watched them carefully, never looking away up at her. He couldn't explain it, but Marrow suddenly felt ashamed of himself. He realized how long he had been a slave to the terrible beastmen and he felt...awful about it. "And I had been one for nearly seventeen years."

The golden brown dragon only snorted in ignorance. "Yeah, well, I doubt you were raped and scarred by yours." She grumbled as she drank greedily, unfazed by what he had said. Marrow instead shot a glare at her.

"Try enslaved by Lizardmen for seventeen years." He shot at her. "AND raped by their woman."

"How about twenty? Aaand since the day you were born too?" She mused, starting to find the situation rather entertaining now. Slowly she pulled away from the water, licking her fangs slowly as she turned to sit down and watch as he scooped the now steaming stones out with what appeared to be a ladle. There, he grabbed a strange bag and quickly filled it with water, tossing the stones in it. "and what are you doing? There is perfectly good water right here."

Marrow chuckled as he began to boil the water, purifying it with heated stones. "Yes, well, good for you maybe." Once the particular fill was done, the De'caut gently poured it into the bottles around him. "If I drank from it, I'd get sick and might even die from it."

"Oh, well I'm sure it's fine then."

"That's why I'm not going to drink it," Marrow told her as he placed his filled bottles in his bag and kicked sand on the flames, putting the fire out. After making sure it had been smoldered, the man stood up and hefted his bag onto his back, his various goods clunking about inside while he turned to leave. "Gods above, are you seriously in such as rush that you can't wait a day or two?"

Kilara only snorted at him once again. "Of course I am! I was about to be free!" But her outburst fell on deaf ears, the De'caut now beginning to ignore the dragon as he began to trek across the soft grass and back into the unforgiving environment of the sands. When she realized this, the desert dragon became irritated. "Hey! Are you listening to me?!"

"Noooope!" Marrow replied with a small nonchalant wave of a hand. This caused her to stand up and begin to follow after him.

"Well You should be Marrow!"


"Dammit Marrow!" Kilara roared at him as she ran to catch up to the man, even gently gliding over the sands when she was able to. "I only just met you and already I hate you!"

Marrow began to laugh before turning to start walking backwards, his red eyes gleaming down at her as they walked. "Well then, you better hope you start liking me cause you're stuck with me for a while." He chuckled when she scoffed and looked away, all while walking a mere few feet behind him. "And relax, Kilara. I won't force you to do anything."

The sand colored dragon kept her gaze away, but after a moment, he saw her look at him, then away just as quickly. "Promise?" She murmured. When Marrow chuckled, she looked up at him with suspicious eyes.

"If I should make you do something of which you do not want, then and only then can you do harm to me." Her eyes widening, Kilara watched as the De'caut turned about to adjust his bag. Pausing for a split moment, she continued to stare at his back, completely and utterly captivated by his demand.

_He said...what?_The dragoness muttered incredulously as she watched Marrow begin to climb up a sand dune. He stopped and turned about to grin at her, his smile charming as it vanished in his shawl. Suddenly blushing, she looked away stubbornly only to begin scolding herself.

Why am I acting like this?She questioned herself silently before she spread her wings and took to the skies. There, high in the sky, Kilara began to watch with her eagle eye sight as Marrow continued to trudge on. Its...Its not like he's any different from the other humans I've met.

The other human she knew, however, was her previous owner. Not like that's he is kind or sweet or... She suddenly shuddered. ...or handsome. She blinked, shaking her head only to suddenly lose her posture and fall through the air for a moment.

Do not think such things! Hissed the dragon in silent self hate as she gently glided through the air far above Marrow. Just because he is handsome does not mean he is kind! She shook her head and squeezed her eye shut. Her rear legs kicked about in an attempt to scratch that bothersome itch of her loins.Gods...what is happening to me?


"For fuck sakes!" Cursed Marrow as he held a hand up against a gust of wind.. Looking up, he saw a wall of shifting sand coming for him. A sand storm. High above, Kilara struggled against the winds, her form swaying like a rag in the wind. What in the world is that blasted dragon doing?! If she stays up there, she'll crash!

Holding his arms up, he began to wave, even going so far as to begin jumping around like a madman. Finally, after several minutes of doing this, Marrow saw the golden brown dragon dip her wings and begin to descend towards him. "Finally..." Breathed the De'caut as the female came down. But even then, he had to wait a full minute for her to land. And then he knew she was angry with him, what with her face scrunched in slight anger and irritation.

"What the hell human?!" She growled in frustration as he began to suddenly walk in a foreign direction. Kilara turned to snort, her blue eyes watching the twisting sand cloud coming their way. With a flick of her tail, she turned to look back when he spoke up.

"Storm's too thick!" Marrow yelled back at her. A sudden gust of wind blew past them, causing the brown skinned man to grab his ragged head wear while Kilara kept her ground. "There's a cave not far to the west! Me and my old masters went to it several days ago so there may still be old wood for the night!"

The dragon shook her head, turning back to face the storm. "I can handle it!" Kilara argued as she began to run forward. Squinting his eyes, Marrow turned to watch as she leaped into the air and opened her wings. At that moment however, the wind suddenly picked up to its worst and the reptilian creature roared out as she was thrown backwards, slamming into the top of the sand dune ahead of him and bounced over the side, disappearing for a moment. Quickly, he went over the top to see her sprawled on the ground with sand covering her, her rear legs in the air and her belly scales facing him.

"So?" Marrow chuckled as he strolled past her limp form, the dragoness glaring at him angrily as he did so before getting up. "You going to come or not?"

Reluctantly, she began to follow. "I blame you for this!" Howled Kilara at the sand wanderer as they walked. Marrow began to laugh at her anger however, further making her mad only to blink when she saw him look back and smile warmly at her. She snorted though, hiding her confusion. "If you hadn't swallowed my ring, I would've been long gone by now!"

"Yes, but if you hadn't flown over me..." Marrow began back at her with a light, cheery voice. "...then you wouldn't have dropped it down my throat! So who's fault is it really?"

Kilara didn't answer the man.. The moment that rings pops out your ass, Marrow..._Thought the enraged female silently as they walked. _...I'm gonna rip your throat out!


Both travelers panting heavily, Kilara and Marrow stumbled through the large mouth of the cave, the dragon suddenly collapsing nearby while Marrow dropped his bag. "Fi...nally..." Gasped the sand dragon as she shook the sand off her scales. Still panting, she looked up to see the sandstorm raging just outside, the many particles of rock smashing harmlessly against the outer rim of the cave entrance. At the sound of scrapping, Kilara looked back to see the De'caut standing over what appeared to be an old camp fire, the ground around the burnt wood charred black. After a moment, fire spewed forth and he soon tended to it, growing larger and larger until light illuminated the area in which they were in.

It was a moderate sized chamber, stalagmites and stalactites hanging from the ceiling and floor. She estimated it could hold around twenty to thirty people, if they didn't mind bumping into each other, and off to the far wall she saw what appeared to have been a crude tent hanging between two stalagmites. More evidence that showed prior use were various crude and rudimentary tools that lay on the ground itself.

After looking around at her surroundings, Kilara yawned and stretched her wings and body like a cat before blinking at Marrow. "You starting dinner?" She questioned when her stomach growled rather loudly. The man paused and looked up at her as he sat down near the fire. Sighing, he grabbed his bag and opened the top before pulling out a bag filled with some kind of dark brown dried items.

"Here..." Offered Marrow as he tossed the bag over. Immediately, the bag popped open right in front of her, spilling some of its contents on the ground before her. Sniffing it, she slowly cocked an eyebrow before looking up at him.

"What is this?"

"Dried jerky." Replied Marrow as the De'caut reached into his bag once again to bring out his own dried meat. Immediately, the dragon made a face at him causing him to smirk and look up. For a creature with an attitude problem, she was cute in the way she reacted.

"I hate jerky." She complained with a snarl. After a moment, she looked up hopefully. "You must have something else! Please Marrow?" Without warning, she suddenly crawled slowly towards him, her face getting close to his to make him lean back and blush, her paw suddenly placed on the inside of his thigh. "Please...I just really want something to eat."

His red eyes wide with surprise at how innocent she looked, he swallowed loudly before grabbing his bag of jerky and pressing it against her chest. "Sorry Kilara but...It is all I have." Within a moment, her sultry sad look of begging turned into a scowl and she turned away from him. Hearing her grumble, the desert dragoness sat back down onto her rump before bending her head back down to sniff at it, scooping a piece up into her mouth a moment later.

"Blegh!" She spat suddenly, sticking her long tongue out in disgust. Marrow fought back a snicker at her face, finding her discomfort rather entertaining. "It's so tasteless! Grah!" Howling in laughter, the brown skinned man fell onto his back to begin holding his gut. Her eyes widening for a moment before narrowing them angrily, Kilara hissed at him. "What?! What did I do, dammit!"

Marrow didn't answer, only continued to laugh and roll about before wiping a tear from his eye. "Oh gods...your face!" He giggled as he held his now sore gut. "It was so priceless!"

Snarling angrily, Kilara suddenly pounced on the man. Growling and hissing, the duo tumbled and rolled along the cold earth. After several long moments of clawing, gentle bites and shoves, they finally stopped with Kilara blinking. "Get off of me!" Threatened the dragon as he somehow held all four of her limbs down with his own.

Marrow only grinned down at her. "No." He simply stated and the female began to hiss and squirm, making him laugh lightly as she did so. "Not until you apologize."

"Never!" Roared the dragon in refusal as she struggled harder against his grip. Kilara continued to fight for several long minutes, hissing and growling in rage. For a creature so small, she sure did not lack endurance. But in the end, his strength prevailed. However, a fierce tinge of red on her cheeks made him pull away slightly.

"Are you blushing?" He questioned in curious wonder only for her to continue struggling against him, her face now completely red while there was a dreamy yet embarrassed look to her eyes. "You are!"

"No!" Denied the dragon before finally managing to get her rear legs underneath Marrow's form and kicked violently, sending the man flying backwards. Gasping and wheezing from a sudden lack of breath, he had expected Kilara to try jumping on him once more. Instead she was against the far wall, her embarrassed glare that of one who had been violated. Her face was bright red, her tail curling around her body as though to cover some unprotected bits, making him even more confused.

"Erm...Did I do something wrong?" Asked Marrow as he sat up and regained his breath. Kilara did not answer, but turned her head away in disgust. Sighing at her reaction, Marrow slowly went and took a look at the tent, soon disappearing into the canvas to see what he could fix. The moment the man disappeared inside, Kilara sighed only to give out a low quiet whine.

What is happening? She asked silently with worry as she shifted her rear legs, feeling her nether lips drenched in arousal. Closing her eyes, she began to breath deeply. _Okay...calm down. It can't be that bed. Bad! Can't be that Bad!_She growled in frustration before Marrow suddenly reappeared. She fell silent.

"Okay, seems we'll have to share the tent seeing as I didn't get a se-"

"NO!" The sand dragon yelped suddenly, making Marrow jump and fall backwards to disappear once more behind the flaps. "I...I prefer sleeping alone."

The human immediately cocked an eyebrow at her. He knew near instantaneously that something was up with her. No way she screeched like that because she wanted to sleep 'alone.' So, pushing the tent out of his face, he slowly came up to her to sit down in front of her with crossed legs, his eyes closed. "Okay, what gives?" he muttered at the dragon before leaning closer towards her. "Why are you so afraid of me?"

"I-I'm not afriad!" Protested Kilara in a terrible stutter.

"Then why are you so nervous all of a sudden?' He asked her as he cocked his head. Kilara whimpered but was surprised none-the-less when she saw concern in his eyes. "Look, I know you don't like me, but you are still a living thing. If you think that I'm not worried, then boy are you wrong." He continued to stare at her with his intense yet oddly caring eyes. "So...spill it. I'm worried."

"W-Worried? A-About me?" The desert wayfaring dragon squeaked and Marrow nodded once slowly. At his simple movement, Kilara's blue eyes scanned her surroundings like a cornered animal. As she did so, the De'caut noticed her chest began to rise and fall in quick breaths. Suddenly, she shot past him, her tail smashing into his chest and making him fall backwards.

"Whoa! Hey!" Marrow called out as he spun onto his hands and knees to watch the desert dragon disappeared down a tunnel that lead deeper into the cave. Blinking several times, the dark-haired youth slowly stood up. Slowly, he took a step forward. "Was she...crying?" He asked no one in particular before looking back at the spot she was once sitting in. He smelled...something sweet, like roses in the wind mixed with various spices. Then, he realized what was happening to her and, instead of going to go check on the dragoness, he went to his tent. He knew she would need some private time.


"Ah hah..." Panted Kilara as she sat deep in the cave and out of sight, her rear leg raised and her long neck down between her legs so that she could get to her moist, slick folds. Her tongue rubbed the inside of her walls, curling and twisting as she leaked her feminine juices down and across her scales and over her rump. Whimpering in needy lust, she snaked her forelegs down and used her claws to spread her nether lips wide to reveal her tender pink insides before pushing her tongue deeper until her lips were flush with her cunny.

"Why...? Whyyyyy...?" Kilara gasped and moaned as she tried to ease her need. But no matter how hard she tried, how hard she licked, probed, and rubbed, release did not come. "Please, just let me cum. Just let me cuuuuuum!" She cried out as she pulled away to sink a stubby digit into her wet depths and began to suckle and lick at her clit.

When her wave of euphoria did not come, Kilara whimpered quietly. Thinking for a moment, she suddenly had an image of a randy drake with thick powerful limbs and a strong muscular head. She pictured him nuzzling her affectionately. Then, she imagined his tongue sliding down along her neck, lovingly tickling her scales as he went further down. At that point she lifted her leg up, allowing him entrance and within moments, he had her on her back with her wings splayed out, the drake between her legs as he licked and kissed around her sex.

Purring loudly, Kilara closed her eyes as her face began to blush noticeably. His licks and kisses increased and a moment later, she felt him crawling up her form and placing his hips between her thighs to rest his hefty sized dick against her outer lips. But her eyes widened when she saw that it was no longer the drake, but Marrow who was grinding against her vent.

In reality, her eyes shot open with surprise. Instead of stopping and thinking, she instead concentrated on the scene of him on top of her, her body completely at his mercy while his throbbing cock dripped a small drop of pre, smearing it along her slit. But when Kilara imagined that it was his manhood slowly sinking into her sex and not her own tongue, she finally hissed in disappointment and pulled away from her aching womanhood.

"I'm going to regret this..." Kilara scolded herself as she stood up and looked about. Slowly she squeezed her legs together, trying her hardest to fight back her need for the moment until she did what she had to do. Then with a growl, she dashed down the tunnel back to the campsite. "...But I need a real cock! Now!"


Slowly stoking the flames of the campfire, Marrow slowly sighed as he placed the thick poking stick down on the ground. Sighing, the young man slowly leaned back onto the ground and placed his hands behind his head in comfort. Besides the fact that he was now traveling with a complete and utter bitch, he was actually enjoying himself. And other than that, he knew it wasn't Kilara's fault for how she is. The idea that, no matter what you do, you always had to obey, was something he was familiar with. But the idea of knowing that there was no way out, so long as a person literally held your soul, was something he knew he did not understand. In fact, he supposed he should go talk to her and try and get things sorted out. See if he could actually earn her trust.

"I feel so sorry for her." Marrow muttered quietly as he sat up once again to stare into the flickering flames before him. "I mean, she is kinda...cute in a strange way." The remark made him blush and look off to the side. He liked the way she looked with her odd long and slender, and yet strong body, and her bright blue eyes. But he sighed at the thought of her. "But...I doubt she going to let anyone inside anytime soon."

At that moment however, he felt the ground seeming to tremble and Marrow blinked. Looking up however did nothing for him, just a flash of yellow before he found himself slamming down onto the floor. What surprised him most however, was when the dragoness was pressing her lips against his while her tongue demanded entrance!

"AH! Kilara?! What the..." The De'caut sputtered as he grabbed the female and tried shoving her off. Kilara whined loudly and tried to get back at him but somehow a burst of energy had flowed forth from the man and Marrow shoved her away. "What's gotten into you?!" Now he was atop of her, his hands holding the wrists of her forelegs while he kept her to the ground.

"Fuck me!"

Blinking at the sudden demand, he stared at her "What?" He asked.

With a sudden thrust, Kilara pressed her hips against his, making him gasp. Though the contact was just a split second, he had already felt intense heat coming from her vent. "I said fuck me, Please!" Marrow stared at her incredulously. "Please! I thought I would not miss all the sex but I _need_to have sex now!"

Marrow stared at her, slack-jawed with realization. "Gods above, help me.' He whispered before releasing his hold on her. Kilara meanwhile had begun to cry out, tears flowing from her eyes. "The wizard that held you as a slave...used you as...Oh gods, Kilara..."

"Don't you feel pity for me!" Kilara suddenly screamed at him, sitting up properly. But the sight only made his heart feel heavy, the dragon still crying painfully as she roared. "I am a dragon! I am strong, not...not....weak." Closing her eyes she looked away, ashamed. "I...I..."

"You're addicted."

Kilara opened her eyes and looked at him. "What?" She sniffed at the man's blank face. Marrow in turn only shrugged helplessly.

"You are addicted to sex." He mumbled plaintively at her once again. Slowly he sat up and crossed his legs. "He...raped you didn't he?" He asked quietly and the dragoness nodded, avoiding eye contact. Watching her watering eyes for a moment, Marrow suddenly scooted close and wrapped his arm around the base of her head and neck, making her eyes go wide in surprise and looked up at him. "Hey, it'll be fine." He grinned down at her. "I promise. You just need a little encouragement and help."

Kilara blushed at his smile and looked away. "I...I don't your help!" She snarled quietly before pulling her head out of his arm. Scampering back a foot, she continued to avoid eye contact while blushing profusely. "I am fine!" But the moment she said those words, a shuddering flowed from her form and she began to grunt as she felt the need in her loins once more.

Marrow watched for a long moment as the desert dragon struggled with her lust, her breath coming out in heated pants. When he heard her whimper in helplessness, he finally grew tired of it. "Alright, get over here." He mumbled. She gasped and turned to him, staring at him incredulously. "Well? C'mon, let me help you."

"W-What?" Kilara managed to sputter out at him. Marrow only shook his head as he held his hands out.

"Just...c'mere. I'll go gentle, okay?"

With her blue eyes filled with surprise, Kilara did not move. Not until her sexual tension forced her to slowly take a shaking step towards him. But when she still saw that gentle smile on his handsome, tanned face, she leaped into his arms and collapsed into him while kissing his mouth with a hunger she herself did not expect. Marrow meanwhile had wrapped his arms around her neck, stroking her soft scales while kissing her back.

"Clothes..." She demanded with a low growl before nipping at his shirt. "Off. Now." Marrow only chuckled as he pulled away a little to bop her on the snout.

"Oh no!" He scolded her in a playful voice. "I said I was going to _help_you!Not fuck you!" When she stared at him with confusion, he smiled and chuckled. "Just shut up and relax, okay?" Kilara nodded once, her eyes fluttering at the feel of his strong hands caressing her neck before closing completely. A thrum formed from her lips when she felt him begin to scratch softly behind one of her three horns, his other hand stroking the underside of her soft neck in a downward fashion that made her mouth open in pleasure.

"Wow..." She whispered when Marrow removed his hand from her horn to begin rubbing along the dragoness' jaw line. Slowly, she lifted her chin up, allowing him more access while she opened a dreamy eye to stare at the ceiling. "This feels...amazing..." Marrow laughed lightly at her response, glad that his daily massages on the lizardwomen payed off. With expert ease, he traced a single finger along the edge of her creamy underbelly scales down to her chest and began to massage the muscles there, his other hand now on her shoulder.

For several long minutes, Marrow gently massaged her entire form. Where he found a scar, he did not feel remorse and instead bent down to kiss it and makeKilara shiver in anxious need. Now at her waist and hips, the De'caut placed his hands on either side of her waist. There, he slowly moved his hands carefully, his mind working hard as he tried to make it feel as though a large drake was about to mount her. Moaning out loud, Kilara gave her appreciation only for the man to pause when she wrapped her tail around his leg.

Shaking his head with a soft smile, Marrow moved his hands a bit farther down her to cup her rump in his hands and slowly massage her ass. Surprisingly enough, the desert wayfarer was surprised to feel her rear feeling more round and plump, like a voluptuous human woman's. This mere discovery made him blush deeply, his own arousal soon appearing in his own pants. But he shook his mind clear as he pressed onwards, his finger tips grazing her moist outer folds and making her shudder.

"Oh gods..." Purred the dragon as she felt Marrow begin to slowly trace around her vagina, teasing her and making her lift her long tail higher up. Instincts suddenly took over and she slowly lowered herself until her chest was on the floor, her rump raised high into the air to allow him more access. And the De'caut used it, rubbing his two middle fingers along the outside of her sex and making her face turn bright red.

Panting heavily with excitement, Kilara shivered noticeably when she felt his digit slide over her slit and probed it slightly. Opening her eyes, she turned to watch his reactions only to pause and stare at the bulge in his pants. She couldn't help but stare at it longingly, her blue eyes slowly looking up at the slight blush on his tanned cheeks. Grinning, she suddenly curled her long neck to kiss him once more, only to moan deeply in his mouth when he began to sink his middle finger into her depths.

His eyes widening as she pressed her lips against his own, he slowly began to move his finger back and forth within her cunt, easing it within her body until he was down to his knuckle and he felt her juices slowly sliding along his skin. Now Marrow was the one shivering, Kilara having removed her mouth and slowly licked the nape of his neck. "Where are you going?" He panted quietly as she kissed his chest through his shirt, all while he began to slowly thrust his hand back and forth and felt several ridges within her body. He immediately assumed it was some way to help keep mates locked within them, but he was quickly removed from his thought when he felt her lick along the edge of his pants and skin.

"Returning...the favor..." Kilara squeaked as she licked him once more, closing her eyes as she began to push insistently into his pants. When he placed his hand on the curve of her head just above her nose, the dragoness stopped.

"I...shouldn't..." Breathed Marrow as he felt warm moisture coat his cockhead slowly, feeling her appendage twirl around it. But he didn't make a move to stop the female, her lips slowly closing around his meaty length while she closed her eyes. All this was happening while he fingered her oddly tight pussy, feeling her honey pot pouring forth her sweet nectar across his hand. "I...I....I can't do this...."

"Shut up already." Mumbled Kilara around the thick morsel in her mouth.

But Marrow really couldn't do it, a sudden ache in his head appearing. Then it exploded without warning, stars dancing through his vision and he cried out and pushed Kilara away. "AGH!" He screamed out in agony as pain seared through his skull. "MY HEAD!" Stumbling to his feet, the De'caut gripped the back of his head. A sudden crack filled the cave as two objects shot from his skull.

"Gods...help me..." Whispered Kilara with wide eyes as she saw two horns sprout from the back of his head. It was then, and only then, that the dragon remembered something her old master once said. The ring is not infused with just your soul, girl. It is the very embodiment of a dragon. Very strong, and very dangerous.

Roaring out once more, Marrow doubled over and gagged once, fight back the urge to puke. "Marrow spit it out!" Kilara suddenly cried out at him. "Spit the ring out! Hurry!" And he did, his gut heaving once before his stomach spewed its contents on the floor. But there was no ring, only a pile of undigested food. "Oh gods Marrow! We have to get it out of you!"

Rushing to his side, the sand dragon knocked him on his back, but could do nothing more, his writhing preventing her from helping. His back suddenly arched, causing his stomach to lift into the air as he ripped his shirt off, his body's muscles writhing within his skin as he opened his eyes wide and roared a roar not of a man's. With a look of terror, she watched as his teeth grew into fangs and the pupils of his red eyes narrow.

"What's...happening to me?!" The tanned skin man cried out as his legs twitched and jerked in odd directions, the bones snapping and fusing to create digitigrades fashioned legs. Gripping his face, Marrow was stunned when he felt his nose and mouth begin to expand, his tongue also changing and morphing in his very mouth. Removing his hands he stared with wide eyes as his nails elongated and grew along with his hands, his pinkie and second middle finger slowly fusing together before his very eyes.

Kilara couldn't answer, too stunned to say a word as his body began to grow before her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched his pants rip and tear from his growth, a tail slowly sprouting from his rear as his neck began to elongate and his hair began to fall out. Marrow suddenly flipped over onto all fours. Soon, two massive bulges exploded from his back and into wings as Marrow slowly transformed, his form now resembling that of a dragon with human-like qualities.

Hurts...so much... Marrow whimpered silently in agony as he felt a heat slowly begin to form in his chest. Curling his now long neck, he looked down to see scales as black as midnight suddenly sprouting there. Whimpering, he closed his eyes and waited it out as more pain seared through his form. Slowly the strange feeling of warmth spread through his entire form, finishing at his tail as his nose turned into slits and on his tail acquired a spear-like blade at its end.

Shuddering as his transformation continued on for several more long moments, Marrow finally collapsed on his side, panting deeply as it finally ended. A moment later, he felt a gentle nudge on his jaw. He cracked an eye open to see Kilara standing over him. "Marrow?" She asked cautiously, a worried look on her face. "Are...you okay?"

Marrow smiled, then gasped as he felt some of his muscles and organs rearrange within his abdomen. "Could be...better." he managed to wheeze out as he finally felt his body relax. "Could've...said something...about the ring...changing me. Ow." But he fell quiet when he heard a sniffle and he looked up to see Kilara begin to cry, tears falling from her closed eyes.

"Im...so sorry Marrow." She cried down at him as she suddenly pressed her snout against the bottom of his elongated jaw line. "I...I should have remembered...And I never...should have dropped that stupid ring!"

Crying softly, her tears fell onto his cheek and Marrow looked away. A moment later, he suddenly smacked her weakly. "Don't you start...kicking yourself!" Marrow scolded her, still trying to get used to his new mouth. "If you didn't drop it...I never would've...met you!"

Kilara suddenly opened her eyes, staring at his face incredulously. "What?" She asked in barely a whisper. "Marrow...did you just say that you...are happy you met me?"

Marrow blushed as he looked away. "Well...Yeah." He replied. He suddenly chuckled, smiling a large smile that revealed his new brilliant fangs. "I...Think you can be...quite sweet...if you want and...you are...very beautiful...as a...dragon." Opening his eyes, he looked up and showed the honesty in his crimson eyes. "You are...my first friend...since I...became free..."

Kilara stared long and hard at him, her eyes still watery as she sniffed. "And so are you." She murmured before suddenly making him look at her by sliding a paw under his head. Looking at her curiously, his eyes went wide once more when she nuzzled her head against his own, a shudder coursing through his body. Marrow couldn't explain why, but it felt like he had just been given the most passionate kiss he had ever felt in his life. But when she pulled away, she suddenly smacked his now smooth stomach. "Get some sleep. And when you wake up you better finish what you started!"

Marrow chuckled as the sand dragon laid herself down next to him, cuddling up next to his form. When she laid her long neck, he paused and smiled at her. "Kilara..." When she opened an eye to look at him, he slowly smiled another small smile. "How do I...Look? And what are...my scale...colors?"

Kilara nodded as she roamed over his scaled body, examining how he looked in his new draconic form. Immediately she blushed deeply as she saw his strong lithe form, handsome and near perfect. When her gaze turned hungry and she looked at his rear legs, hoping on seeing something more, she immediately laid herself down and closed her eyes. "They're a dark, handsome violet!" She managed to say with a hint of embarrassment.

Eying her with subtle curiosity, Marrow smiled as he closed his eyes. "So...I take it as a very handsome. Good..." Kilara looked at him when he laughed lightly. "I was worried that the...transformation would make me...less so.'

Kilara smiled as she closed her eyes and quietly slowed her breathing, trying to fall asleep. "Gahh!" Opening her eyes, she lifted her neck up and looked at him worriedly. However all she saw was him staring at the tip of his nostrils, his new snake-like tongue continuously flickering out. "My tongue scared me."


"Go to sleep Marrow."


Blinking his eyes drearily, Marrow yawned before snorting. Slowly, he placed his forelegs down on the ground and lifted himself up, his rear legs planted down shortly thereafter. "okay..." Marrow began as he looked down to see Kilara still sleeping soundly, her neck and tail curled around her form. Minding where she was and where his tail was, he slowly took a step. "...nice and easy now. Don't want to go too fast or you'll-NYAGH!" Without warning he lost his footing and slammed onto his chest, his ass in the air.

"What-?!" Immediately Kilara jumped to her feet and looked about, as though trying to see what danger there was. What she saw instead was a very dark purple ass of a dragon right in her face, a large pair of jewels hanging right in front of her face. She pulled her head back, blinking several times as she allowed the thought of it being Marrows slowly sink in. "Oh my..."

"Um...I fell over! Honest!" Marrow managed to get out as he struggled onto his feet. Kilara blushed deeply and looked away, her mind's eye still seeing his glorious ball sack which hung heavily behind his sheathe. Swallowing loudly, she peeked yet again to watch as he managed to get back to all fours. "My goodness..." The drake said awestruck as he opened a wing wide to peer at as well as to become used to the new muscles he had obtained. "...I...really am a dragon..."

Kilara slumped her head shamefully. "I'm sorry." She apologized with sincerity weighing heavily on her voice. "It's all my fault Marrow. I'm so sorry."

With a perked eyebrow, or rather ridge, Marrow slowly turned his head to look at her. However, when he spoke, he noticed how much smaller she was than him. Just looking at her, he knew he had to be at least two or three feet longer than her. And yet, what stunned him most was the fact he found her stunning, her slim figure fit and firm with muscles that he had otherwise not noticed, even the scars along her body adding more to it. To his mind's eye, he saw them as fierce battle scars but he knew they were not. That was soon forgotten when he saw her tail, long and glorious in an odd aura of elegance that stunned him.

"Kilara..." Sniffing loudly, she looked up at him with sad blue eyes as he turned to face her completely. He walked to her carefully, his movements well planned so as to not bring any sense of anger, or pain, or any kind of negative feeling that may hurt her more. "...Listen...it wasn't your fault. Everyone forgets a thing or two." A warm smile appeared on his dark purple muzzle. "Even I forget things. So stop hurting herself for something you had no control over. Hell who knows, maybe if I can get this ring out of me I can turn back."

Kilara sniffed once more before lowering her gaze. "Yeah...you're right..." She whispered quietly to him. But when he was slowly turning away, she whispered under her breath. "But...I don't want you to..."


"It's nothing." Kilara managed to quickly answer as Marrow turned back to her. But Marrow cocked his head, staring at her intently.

"Did you..." Marrow began as he took a step towards her, his red eyes focused on her intently. "Did you...just say that you...didn't want me to go back to being human?"

"No!" Protested the female as she stood on all fours.

Marrow snorted at her. "No, you're right. I'm sorry." Kilara slowly began to relax, almost sighing with relief as he sat in front of her to smile. "You said 'but I don't want you to...'" Gasping, she took several steps back only to bump into the wall. Her immediate reaction was to stare at that same wall, then to the entrance. No signs of the storm. Then she made a bolt, crying out when Marrow tackled her onto the ground.

"Kilara!" he roared out when the sand dragon began to hiss in sadness and pain, trying to push him off of her. "Kilara damn it! Would you just-!" He roared out in pain, Kilara suddenly latching onto the base of his neck with her teeth, blood dripping from one single tooth mark she left. There they sat, the dragoness underneath his larger violet form with her mouth on his neck tightly. "Kilara...I want to say...its okay."

Kilara only whimpered, her mouth slowly removed from his scales as she placed her head down on the ground, refusing to meet his gaze. "Kilara...why did you want me to stay a dragon?" Marrow asked her quietly and she looked up at him with tearful eyes.

"Because I love you..."

Marrow shook his head with disbelief. "But...we just met yesterday!" He protested loudly at her. "There is no way that you could possibly love me! You barely know me!"

"I don't care!"

Marrow shot his head back to blink at her sudden outburst. Without warning, she began to wail and sob, squeezing her eyes as she looked away and began to cry. "I don't know why...i just...I just feel it and I'm sorry!" His red eyes growing sad, the once-human dragon watched as she slumped under him, feeling her resistance ebb away. "I just want someone who can care for me properly, to treat me like an equal." Slowly, she looked up at him with her sad blue eyes. "For someone who would not use me for sex, for someone who was strong and yet kind..."

"And that's what I was doing." Marrow whispered quietly.

Kilara nodded. "Yes...even though it's been less than a day since we met, you've treated me kindly." Slowly, her eyes filled with tears once more. "I threatened you, tried to hurt you, and more yet you just smiled and shrugged it off like it was nothing."

"But you barely know me!"

"And I said I don't care!" Kilara roared at him, placing a paw on his thick chest. "I don't care if I barely know you! I just feel it in my heart!" Slowly her eyes lowered their gaze. "I just want to try. At least give it a try and if it doesn't work...we can at least be friends. Right?"

Marrow opened his mouth to say something and protest against her reasoning, but stopped, his red eyes widening when he saw her blue eyes. They sparkled with the light of two sources, one of an odd sense of hope and the other love, the stronger of the two. So, instead of speaking out against her, he instead swallowed. "Are you sure Kilara?" He asked incredulously. "I mean, what if we were to...you know, accidentally get you pregnant and we found out it wouldn't work?"

Kilara smiled warmly as she slowly stroked the scales on his chest. "Well...no matter how it would turn out, I would be honored to have your eggs." Marrow blushed deeply, both from the way she was slowly rubbing his chest to the way she said those words with a light giggle. "But I am afraid, handsome, that I can only get pregnant when I get fucked in heat. I'm not in heat." Then she slowly brought her head up to lick along the bottom of his jaw. "So we can do it without any downfalls to it, Marrow."

Blushing even more, Marrow felt his dragonhood begin to stir within what he assumed was a bestial sheathe. "You're trying to seduce me, Kilara." He whispered out as she continued to give small licks, a purr coming from her when he did not fight back.

"No." She protested lightly as her long tail began to slowly intertwine with his thicker violet one. Slowly, she laid herself down, murring as she felt him growing between their bodies. "I just want you to admit you love me."

Without even thinking, Marrow lowered his neck and began to lick along her jaw, eliciting a giggle from her as she brought her forelegs up to hug him. "Just promise we will at least be friends if this doesn't work out okay?" He asked with a small smile as he finally felt his shaft slide free. Pushing up, they both looked down between their bodies to see his newly formed black cock, long and tapered at the tip and covered in stubby ridges, a thick knot at its base. "Well then...can't say I was expecting it to look like that."

"It looks wonderful." Marrow looked up at Kilara with a surprised look. The desert dragon only blushed and looked away with a small smile. "I mean..I uh..."

"It's okay to admit you want my dick Kilara..." Murmured Marrow heatedly as he slowly lay on her lithe form, pressing his knot against her folds which were slow becoming wet with her own arousal. "...I am about to fuck you after all."

Kilara moaned out loud before shutting her mouth, staring up at him with wide eyes. But when he began to slowly move his hips, grinding the length of his meaty girth along her outer lips, the dragoness's eyes rolled into her head and she slowly relaxed, becoming limp under his form. I can't believe it... The female thought to herself in complete and utter disbelief. He actually wants me. He wants to make me his... In her mind's eyes she saw Marrow, but she saw him as both a human and a dragon. This only fueled her lust further, along with the feeling of his ridges sliding along her lower body to spill a sudden drop of pre onto her. ...I might have a mate now...

Marrow smiled, feeling Kilara trembling beneath his body with excitement as he slid his tool along her lower form. Slowly, he brought his head down to nudge her nose gently, making her open her eyes and look at him. The moment they did, he pressed his lips against hers bringing her into a deep and passionate kiss that allowed them to exchange their tongues, both doing an exotic dance within their lips. And when they finally broke the intimate moment, Marrow began to breathe deeply.

"Are you...positive you want this?' He asked yet again, closing his eyes as he felt his sensitive flesh rubbing long her wet vent before he sank it into her, probing her before pulling away. Nuzzling against her cheek, he licked her soft scales gently. "I mean...Aren't you at least...a bit worried?"

Kilara hissed as her lips were pushed open when he pressed down, feeling him gush another drop of pre right into her warming embrace. "O-Of course I am Marrow." She panted happily. "I trust you. I know I shouldn't because we've only just met but...I really want to be with you."

Marrow stared long and hard at her smiling face before kissing her once more. "Very well then..." He murmured softly as he shifted his hips. Slowly Kilara felt him lower his newly shaped shaft into place, her lips nestling his dragontip gently. With slow, deliberate movements, he gently began to sink into her honey pot, causing a river of her nectar to flow around his disappearing member. Both moaned in unison, loving the feel of each other most intimate of places slowly intertwining at last and, when Marrow bottomed out, he open his red eyes to look at Kilara. Then he began to laugh.

"W-Whats so funny?" She panted, her vaginal walls clenching on him gently as she moved slightly. With her face quite red, Marrow had to admit she was very beautiful but that wasn't the reason he was laughing. No, it was something different.

"You're purring!" He exclaimed with a grin and she squaked, beginning to squirm. It was then that she realized he was right! Even now she felt her throat rumbling deeply, a deep purr coming from her. She gasped when she felt his thick and powerful organ pulse deep inside her, feeling a sudden gush of warmth seep into her belly. A drop of pre had spilled into her womb.

"Y-You're that deep?!" She asked with utter surprise and Marrow peered down at her with one eye. Slowly he began to pull back, removing herself from her gripping pussy. But when she felt him actually begin to pull out, leaving her empty, she wrapped her arms around his body just under the shoulders to bring him close, her tail tightening. "D-Don't pull out!"

"Agh!" Marrow cried out when she pulled him close, shoving his thick meaty girth into her folds once more. "Okay! Okay Kilara!" He cried out and she finally released his body. Chuckling softly he nuzzled against her cheek. "I just...grew worried when you were surprised with how deep I am. But...if you really want it..." he slowly pulled out once more continuing to smile handsomely at Kilara only to slam forward softly, making her grunt with pleasure as she was split open once again. "...Then I'll give it to you..."

"Oh fuck!" Kilara gasped as he began to move his hips in rolling thrusts that made her gush out her juices around his intruding member with each one. "Yessss....Fuck me....Harder!" She begged at him as her eyes grew dreamy, her mind completely engrossed with the feeling of each one of his ridges sinking into her, rubbing against her deepest walls. "Oh Marrow...that cock of yours is...driving me wild!" Her tail tightened around his own, the dragoness screeching out loudly as she was taken hard by the draconic dick within her. "Harder...fuck me harder!"

Marrow gasped at her dirty demands and, biting his lip, the large drake obeyed. Though he was amazed she wanted it so badly at just the start, he quickly readjusted his position and began to pound into her swollen lips. "Oh yeeessss-ssss-ssss-ssss..."Moaned the hen as she was fucked hard by him in between gasps. "Oh Marrow Yesss!"

Marrow squeezed his eyes shut, hearing her cries of pleasure as his thick and powerful cock dominated her vaginal walls. His head leaning back, he finally moaned out loud as he allowed the euphoric massage along his sensitive member take him. 'Oh gods Kilara...You want it back don't you?" he asked with a smile as he felt her sex pulling and sucking on his shaft, begging it to return only for it to yield when he slammed his hips back against hers. Marrow chuckled as she looked up with begging blue eyes.

"Fuck...Fuuuuuccccck." Moaned the smaller dragon as her wings splayed out around her form, revealing yet another odd part of her body he found attractive. Bending down, he licked at a scar on her wing making her shiver with want before kissing her wing, past her shoulder and finally her mouth once more. "Mmmmf...faster...faster you drake..." She purred and begged, nuzzling into the nape of his long neck and shoulder before grabbing onto his more muscular form.

Marrow grinned. "If you want my cock then okay!" With a roar he sped up his pace, making Kilara screech in pleasure as she was dominated hard by her new found mate. "There? How's that?! Fast enough for your cunt?!" he growled into her ear as his balls slapped against her, making them both blush as they fucked in the cave. Without meaning to, he suddenly opened his mouth and latched onto her neck just above its base making her groan in satisfaction while he continued to fill her needy fuck hole.

"Ah! Yes!" She cried out as a spurt filled her womb full of pre-cum, a mere taste of what was to come from his cum heavy balls. "Mmmf! Fuck me till you cum Marrow!" She shuddered as she felt his cocktip slam several times into her cervix. "Fuck me and fill me to the brim with white spunk, you handsome drake!"

"Fuck...Kilara..." Moaned the male as he scrunched his eyes while his mouth was still latched onto her neck. "Gods...You feel so good!"

Kilara only gasped. "Good!" She wheezed as her tail tightened around his own, both swishing around as they slammed their hips into each other. "Me and my womb are all yours Marrow! I don't care what you say! I love you and I want your eggs in my belly!"

Marrows eyes widened as she said she wanted to get pregnant. "W-Wha...?!" Before he could finish, his felt his cock throb once more before he cried out and slammed forward once more into her needy depths. There, it twitched and spasmed within the confines of her pussy walls, spilling glob after glob of pre before finally spraying his load into her body, filling her belly full of his ball batter.

Kilara herself gasped and had her blue eyes go wide with surprise as he slammed once more only to stay hilted. There she felt his thick dragon meat throb in her fuck tunnel, feeling it about to blow. "Yes...Give it to me..."She breathed before crying out, her tail tightening around his in a near death hold along with her claws on his back as her own climax washed over her. That was when she felt him blow too, his cum spilling into her most sacred of places as he tried to breed her.

Load after load of what felt like gallons of spunk made their way into her pussy, filling her to the brim while she gushed her own love juices around his thick rod. Both cried out in ecstasy, both crying out as their union was made apparent across the cave floor. After several moments, what felt like hours to them, it finally calmed and Marrow relaxed with a thrum.

"Kilara..."Panted Marrow as he closed his eyes, feeling her cunt milk him for the last few remaining drops his dick still contained. Once her gentle rippling ended and she had her fill of dragon seed, he slowly withdrew from her snatch. A mixture of juices dribbled in wake of his departure. "...did I just..."

With her eyes closed and a small shake of her smiling face, she placed her claw against his cheek. "No..." She said with a calming smile as she opened her eyes to stare into the red orbs. "...I will not get pregnant from this belly load of cum." She lowered her other claw to feel her stomach, purring softly as she felt his warmth there. "but...I wasn't lying when I said I wanted your hatchlings Marrow."

"You can be quite sweet Kilara."

Blinking, the desert dragon peered up at him quizzically. "What?" She asked with a slight blush. Slowly, she looked away as he smiled and removed himself from atop her slender form. "T-Thank you Marrow. Do you really think so?" She asked as he moved to lie down next to her. There, he cuddled up to her, allowing her body to be pressed against his own.

"I won't lie, Kilara, you have been quite the bitch since yesterday." Immediately Kilara shot a glare at him and smacked her head against his shoulder. Chuckling, Marrow smiled and he nudged her cheek gently before kissing her on the lips. "But right now...I think I see the real you."


Marrow began to laugh at her oblivious face. "I mean, I think you were so rude to me because you were afraid of being hurt again." He explained as he placed his head against hers. "Kilara...I mean to say I am glad you opened up to me. I am honored to not only be the drake to mate you, but also to be your friend. And..." Slowly he pulled away to look into her eyes. "...And I...I would love to try being your mate."

Tears began to fill her eyes as he whispered his admittance of feelings to her. "You mean...You mean you want to be my mate? My husband?" She whispered incredulously. When he slowly nodded she immediately broke down into whimpering tears. "Thank you....Thank you so much..."

Marrow smiled and he nuzzled against her slowly. "Hey...don't cry Kilara. It doesn't fit you." He told her gently. "C'mon...don't start our life together in tears. You should be happy."

Kilara shook her head. "I am happy!" She protested in a sob. "I am so happy Marrow that I have to cry!"

Marrow sighed softly and kissed her quickly, the dragoness returning it with sad glee. "Then...I am happy too Kilara. Happy that I was freed at the time I was, Happy to have swallowed your ring, happy to have been transformed into the drake you may be in love with."

Kilara shook her head, kissing his cheek lovingly. "No." She whispered into his ear. "No...you are the drake I love Marrow. You could change back into your human form tomorrow and I would still feel the same way for you."

Marrow smiled as he looked up at the shining sun through the mouth of the cave. "Well...regardless." He said simply as he stood up and began to walk towards the mouth of the cave. Pausing there, he looked back at Kilara. "...Shall we start our new life together then, Kilara?"

Nodding, the sand dragon slowly stood back up and walked up next to him to stare outside at the yellow sands. "Marrow...even if we aren't truly in love..." She slowly looked up at him. "Please...remain my friend?"

Marrow turned to her and smiled. "Kilara..I will be your friend if, and only if, we do not love each other truly." Looking back up, he closed his eyes and basked in the sun. "But until then...I will remain by your side as your lover and mate." With that said and done, he began to walk down the slope of a dune and moved carefully, trying to get used to the idea of his different shaped limbs.

"Wagh!" He suddenly cried out as he once again lost his footing. Tumbling down through the sands, he cried out his distaste with a growling curse before he finally settled at the bottom of the hill. There he was on his chest, his rear legs hanging up over his body causing his body to be in an arc. With a snort he watched as his tail was barely touching the sands before his very nose.

"Marrow!" Looking up, he watched as Kilara landed down near him. But a laughing smile was plastered along her muzzle and she lifted a paw up to stop herself from laughing. '"Are you alright?"

Lowering his rear legs, Marrow slowly stood back up. "Still need...to get used to my new legs it seems." He grumbled with a quick shake of his body, sand flying off of him like a dog shaking water from his fur. "Ogh. Dammit."

Kilara finally burst into laughter. "Im sorry Marrow. But the way you tumbled down the hill!" She slowly tried to contain her laughter only for it to get worse. "But it was like an old picture my old master showed me!"

Marrow grinned at her. "Laugh at me, will you?" He growled before pouncing on her. In response, Kilara leaped up and flapped her wings to fly backwards a few feet. "C'mere you annoying little...!" With them both laughing, the two both began to run across the sands. Under the blazing sun, a sun they both barely felt, they played and pounced on each other as they slowly made their way to the new life of that which they had begun. A life of freedom, of laughter and of love.