Life Of A Martyr Chapter 1 The Truth

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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Life Of A Martyr Chapter 1 The Truth

All Characters & Story © Michael .B 12/23/2008

(your typical disclaimer that's somewhat useless now days but I will not take responsibility to what you will do due to the outcome of reading this story here. So don't be a prick. If your under 18....21 whatever some prude christen house wife or some dick head makes the age top in your world do what ever ya want. I warned ya. Now on to the story. You can also reach me at [email protected] or on yahoo at michaelgraywolf ..please no SPAM. I hate the Spam mail and the Caned spam. Also the intro song is copyrighted to there owner. So don't sue me just because I tried to toss in something I have seen done before. I give credit to who owns what.)

A Little intro song for ya all to get a nice idea.

I am the one, your help I've refused

Your offering hand just set off the fuse.

I am the rock that pushes away

I gave up tomorrow to spite today.

Too proud to beg

Too stubborn to try

I'd look in your face and spit in your eye.

But I'm willing to find what's really inside, and show I am strong enough to-

Trust in you.

Trust in you.

Trust in you.

Pull me up.

Quo Modo - Shadow to Light

Quo Modo - Shadow to Light

Quo Modo - Pull me Up

Cause I am Ready...(Waiting)...

I am the one who blames only you

The flame in my eyes blackens my view.

I am the one who wanders alone

Darkness inside blocks how you've shone.

Who tied the other end of my rope?

I want to move on

I want to have hope.

So I'm willing to Change

I'm going to try

To show I am strong enough to trust in you.

(Trust in you © The Offspring )

Prelude: Behind the Darkness

"Of the times I would have thought I knew it all but I really didn't and that's the one thing that scared me more than anything else in this world.. Maybe it was my own self paranoia or something else that I couldn't place but I was determined to find out what it was.". Suddenly the world went back and deaf leaving a wall of silence between the two lovers.

Chapter 1 : The Truth

The years had passed by slowly, and with each passing second the human race had become far more advanced than anything known, but that soon came crashing down when the new world order set into play in the year 3056A.D.. people crowed the streets blow the cities watch-full eye and any unseen force.. But still one small problem lurked within this peaceful society and that was the human mind, full of doubt, hate, there is a word that makes you want to cringe. People have always feared what they didn't know or turned away from the facts but still it remained there plain in sight but still hidden in the darkness of the moonlit night.

But only a lone group of people was able to comprehend and learn about what these shadows were or were not, they embraced the change and the knowledge that came with it. But slowly over the years they became the victims of what they had hunted for so many years.....all but one. A young kid walked along the streets silently, his skin a slight tan yet somewhat pale, around the age of 20, adjusting a black leather jacket that was lined with silver buckles, straps, and spikes.

A soft silver shine was also coming from under his jacket that belonged to a silver plated Desert Eagle .50AE magnum that was fitted with a laser sighting system under the muzzle. Slowly he stopped looking to the side slowly as he took off his black sunglasses reviling his hazel eyes then snorted slightly "I see even on the night off I can never get any rest...." 'Of Corse since when did that stop them.?' he sighed softly turning around slowly pulling out the magnum before he aimed up at the light post in front of him the red laser landing upon the chest of a werewolf.

"I seamed to have missed you yesterday in the junkyard Miaya." he said softly nearly a whisper as the werewolf shook its head some before replying in a females voice "No you didn't. you managed to nick me." she smiled a toothed grin showing the nick in her ear before she sighed softly "But relax young Martyr....or should I say Wolf because tonight I do not seek a fight....but instead a partner." she gripped the post and slid down it slowly and stood up to her full height of 6' 2" and walked up to him with a slow seductive sway of her hips.

Wolf looked at her slowly lowering the gun to his side but still kept it out and ready "A partner huh...why did you come to me?" he said slowly looking up at her. Miaya sighed and walked around him slowly speaking "You are having trouble within the Vampires territory am I correct? being not like my brothers and sisters...I will willingly give my self to you and help you on your path into the depths of the hell they have made.".

Wolf blinked slightly and sighed some reaching out stopping her by using the side of his gun to touch her chest, just under her large breasts that were covered by her thick brown fur. "And why should I trust you after you have wished to take my life?".

Miaya sighed softly moving in front of him so that he could see into her golden eyes then bowed down in front of him pinning her ears back in a sign of submission to the Alpha with a soft whine "Because I have no one else to go to Wolf.....I am a outcast of my last master.". Wolf replaced the gun back into its holster before he sighed in defeat "Very well Miaya... for now I will trust your words....lets go...I don't feel like taking on a whole pack at the time." he turned to walk away as he took a pack of Cigarettes from his jacket pocket, slipping one in his mouth replacing the pack once more in his pocket and lit the smoke while Miaya fallowed silently behind him only a few steps back before she moved up next to him.

"That's not the only reason I fallowed you young one... do you know of the Lycanthrope scrolls." she said slowly while looking ahead of them keeping her ears alert for any danger, Wolf gave a nod in reply " The one that told of a young human falling in love with a Lycan there for building there own pack and ridding the world of evil that threatened to destroy it...All within the order know of that.....Wait...Are you saying that I am that guy?!" he stopped grabbing her arm turning her around to face him looking deep into her eyes and in that sudden instant his eyes met hers he was answered by the soft shine of hope within them.

He stepped back some with a sigh looking to the side thinking before looking to her once more "But....." he was about to protest before he looked back upon his life, the love he held for the wild and free wolves he had seen on T.V. that made him have a overdrove obsession with wolves and "that" led to him having nearly anything that had to do with them, along with the desire to have one for a pet.

Wolf idly weighed out the options before he slumped his shoulders silently with a almost wolf like whine "Okay Okay...." 'Of Corse you can't deny the fact that you missed her willingly you idiot! Stupid Wolf...stupid stupid Wolf...think about it!' "So I have a high regard for wolves and you.... That still don't tell me anything on why I would be the so called Balance between the two groups.....Why sou-" his words were cut of when Miaya pressed her muzzle to his lips giving him a deep slow kiss, her long lupine tongue forcing its way past his lips and into his mouth stroking over his tongue.

Wolf stood there in pure sock at what was happening to him at that time before he could stop himself his hands had found there way to her hips holding her close as he let her fur slip between his fingers. They stood there for what seemed like hours before a deep growl broke up there kiss, causing Wolf to turn around just in time to see a man lunge at them, his eyes glowing red his skin cream white. "Aw SHIT!" Wolf yelled as he took aim with his magnum only to have it knocked from his hand and to the ground, the Vampire tackling him down to the street both of them fighting, Wolf trying to throw him off and in turn the Vampire tried to bite him.

Among the fighting everything seamed to stop as a gunshot ripped the air before the Vampire fell off Wolf and laying in a pool of blood that drained from a large caliber round in its head. He got up turning around seeing Miaya holding the magnum in her large pawed hand shaking violently, Wolf slowly reached out placing his hand upon the slide of the gun and took it from her paw stepping up to her as a lone tear rolled down her muzzle.

He noticed something odd about her, the way she shook, the fear in her eyes, he finally noticed that she was a pure a lycan that had never killed before. "Shhh.. Its did what you had to do." he spoke soft and soothing to her before she broke down into sobs holding onto him resting somewhat upon her knees now as she laid her muzzle upon his shoulder while he held her softly stroking along the back of her neck, unable to help but breath in her musky scent as he closed his eyes.

Soon after she regained herself he took her to his home down by the docks, walking into one of the old closed off warehouses walking inside slowly and closed the doors "And welcome to my little home... I know its not much but least I try to keep myself modest soo.... What do you want to drink Miaya.?" Wolf spoke softly as he walked slowly to the small makeshift kitchen he built into the back room and rummaged through the fridge. "Uhhh.....anything will do....I guess." she spoke up softly before he came walking out with two bottles of Pepsi.

Wolf gave a soft laugh "I don't have 'Anything will do' but I do have a Pepsi." he was trying to make her smile some, she had spoken the truth back out on the street that he was the one, he loved her deep down, but just felt somewhat out of place.

Miaya couldn't help but give a soft laugh and a nod "Its quite okay..." she sat down on the old couch closing her eyes before she opened one eye slowly watching as he handed her the bottle, she slowly reached out taking it softly her paw softly brushing against his hand causing her to freeze slightly then she quickly adverted her eyes "Sorry".

Wolf tilted his head some and sat down next to her shaking his head slightly "Its okay..." he trailed off slowly before he looked at her. When she looked at him he gave her a soft slow kiss while his hand slipped up and scratched behind one of her ears soon rewarded by her soft whining murr of pleasure deep down within her throat.

Miaya then slowly slipped her long lupine tongue into his mouth stroking over his own tongue and his teeth before she leaned back with a soft smile "Tell me Wolf.... What do you think will become of us?"

Wolf sighed slightly looking at her, his eyes lost in hers before he looked to the side slowly somewhat hesitant in his reply then took a deep breath and spoke. "I don't know....but maybe we can face that together huh?" he looked to her once more and gave her a soft kiss, this time with a bit more passion in it, soon Miayas paw slipped down over his chest leaving a single cut down the fabric of his shirt by using one of her sharp claws till she reached his pants with a slight grin, pushing him down on his back softly then set to work removing his belt tossing it to the side as it hit the floor with a soft metallic sound.

Her attention turned to his pants once more as she lowered her muzzle using her teeth and her strong tongue to unbutton them, then catching the zipper between her fangs pulling it down slowly, the metallic sound music to both of them till she pulled his pants off and tossed them on the floor beside his belt.

Wolf snickered slightly just watching her carefully as she licked his stomach softly moving lower to his shaft that was now semi-hard with all her slow teasing, before he then breathed in sharply as she trailed her wet tongue along his length savoring the taste just before she took him into her muzzle wrapping her tongue around his now rock hard shaft while she sucked on him firmly rubbing the head of his shaft against the ridges on the roof of her muzzle.

Wolf began to pant slowly as he reached down petting her ever so softly between her ears as he closed his eyes resting and letting her take control of what she wanted, he gave a slight shiver when he felt her tongue slip down over his balls when she took his shaft down her throat a few times before sucking harder on him wanting to taste him so bad.

She had by now grown wet between her legs her heat driving her more while she cupped his balls in one of her paws giving him a soft squeeze while she rolled them around in her paw softly, her other paw moving up and stroking along his chest. Her pleasured murrs filled his ears as he concentrated on her and only her, soon he felt the tension build deep inside his body as he gripped the back of her head keeping her muzzle upon his shaft just before he lost his control flooding her muzzle with his seed.

Miaya lapped up what he gave with a deep murr as her tail swayed above her, the smell of her moist sex slowly flooding the air around them as she moved up along his body shivering hard with a deep whine of longing when her sex brushed over his shaft.

She reached down rubbing at her clit slowly causing her to hump against his crotch slightly while she gazed down upon him with lust in her eyes, before she gripped his shaft lining him up with her entrance and settled down upon him with all her weight giving a deep whine of pain and pleasure.

Wolf groaned deeply and opened his eyes looking up at her then down to his shaft that was deep in her, as she pulled her self up slowly he noticed a bit of blood on his shaft before she settled back down upon him with a soft moan. "Your....a Virgin?" he said somewhat shocked that she hadn't been taken by a male at all even with her pure beauty.

Miaya slowly nodded her head panting hard "Yes I are my first to mate with young Martyr...AH!" she cried out as her first Climax hit her full force causing her juices to flow from around his shaft and soon cover both of there crotches with every time she came down on him.

The thoughts that ran through Wolfs mind was wild and uncontrolled before he gained himself once more, his hands gripping at her hips while he thrust up to meet her every time she slammed down upon him with all her weight causing him to slip deeper in her making her yip and bark with pleasure. Soon she laid down upon him still moving herself upon him but slowly now trying to make it last while she trailed soft long licks along his neck and cheek then his lips turning it into a deep long kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth once more playing with his own.

Wolf was in pure heaven with this beautiful she-wolf upon him and taking him as her one and only mate, sweat started to bead upon his body as he fought to hold back from losing control once more.

He softly broke the kiss just to nibble and bite her neck playfully, leaving wet matted fur where he kissed before he gave her one hard thrust hitting a spot that made her howl in pure pleasure hitting her peak of a second climax now causing a wet spot to form under them on the couch, both of there bodies burning for love, hope, and one another, a will to build a new empire and put back what was lost.

Miaya looked down into Wolfs eyes with nothing but love "Cum in me my love...take me as your Mate...your lover....your soul.!!".

Those words were all he needed to hear, now picking up his pace in her the sound of there dripping wet sexes sounding slightly in-between there moans and cries of pleasure before that same tension from before build up inside his body, growing stronger with every single thrust, every moan he heard from Miaya and every single time she clinched down upon his shaft. "Miaya....I'm gonna....Ah GOD!" Wolf held her close to him giving one last thrust before he gave in to the pleasure and flooded her with his seed, his body burning with desire, a white core of passion shot down his spine when he heard her howl of pleasure.

Slowly coming down from there wave of pleasure Miaya gave him soft licks along his lips and cheek whining softly in that wolfish way that made her just so damn cute, he softly stroked along her back as he rested there panting deeply closing his eyes as she soon rested upon him, both of there breaths returning to a steady pace as they held one another close before her voice pulled at him some causing him to open his eyes to look at her.

"Wolf......I love you." she said softly as she ran her paw softly down his cheek as he smiled with a nod "I love you too mate." those words he spoke shook her to the core making her eyes water with tears of joy before they slowly rolled down along her muzzle and onto his face.

He held her close to him and kissed her softly once more before she rested upon him falling asleep in his arms, lovers till the end of time when death would break there bond, but they didn't pay mind to the consequence that waited for them later for now they was just two lonely beings, two people on the different sides, now together as one body, one mind, and one soul.

The next morning Wolf woke up with Miaya now beside him holding him close with her nose to his, soon his mind was ripped from her sleeping face when his cell phone rang. He gave a slight growl reaching over to pick it up and answered it "Yeah?...." he gave a nod to himself before he sighed "Yes sir....I understand." he ended the call and looked to Miaya slowly as she started to wake up with a yawn "Who was it love?" she asked with sleep in her voice.

He shook his head slightly "The counsel has sided with the vampires.....they want to wipe out all the werewolves in the city and the world....". Miayas eyes widened as she looked at him silently, both of them knew there life would never be the same again.

Wolf spoke slowly once more "Of the times I would have thought I knew it all but I really didn't and that's the one thing that scared me more than anything else in this world.. Maybe it was my own self paranoia or something else that I couldn't place but I was determined to find out what it was.". Suddenly the world went back and deaf with a loud bang leaving a wall of silence between the two lovers.

To be Continued.

[Will Wolf finely side with his new found mate or will he bow and bend to the will of his master in the Order, and will a new fight and hero rise up from the ashes of a fallen heritage?? Read the next Chapter of Life Of A Martyr to find out.]


Oh god...well seams I have another series going again... heh well I do hope ya like this one Stay tuned till next time. Bye. Leave a comment...)

Life Of A Martyr Chapter 2 Betrayal

Life of a Martyr Chapter 2 : Betrayal Story and characters are © Michael .B ( Max The Wolf ) So that means DON'T STEAL THEM Disclaimer is as it always is... I don't take responsibility to what ever ya do after reading this so fuck off. If...

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