Life Of A Martyr Chapter 2 Betrayal

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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Life of a Martyr Chapter 2 : Betrayal

Story and characters are © Michael .B ( Max The Wolf )

So that means DON'T STEAL THEM

Disclaimer is as it always is... I don't take responsibility to what ever ya do after reading this so fuck off. If yer under 18 or 21 or just don't like my stuff then click the X on your Web Browser and go out side and play in a thunder storm now on to the story. Also the into songs are copyrighted to there owners and I do not wanna be sued because I wanted to share a nice song.)

Another small intro song. Yay

She wakes up...Rage and Grace...Pulling me closer, pushing away.

And me the sharpest thorn on your vine, twisting and turning We're all intertwined.

Broken wing, Empty glass, Words that scream and bounce right back.

She says, you know we'd all like to rearrange.

I wish I could fix you, and make you how I want you.

I wish I could fix you, and I wish you could fix me.

I wish I could heal you, and mend where you are broken.

I wish I could heal you, and I wish you could heal me.

Ha la la la...

A beaming sunrise buries the night, the setting sun destroys the light.

Then she says, Baby I've gotta get going, Cutting each other without even knowing.

She sees a million stars like holes in the sky, All god's tears for her they cry and I am in her rain.

( Fix You © The Offspring)

Chapter 2 : Betrayal

Slowly everything came back, first off voices, fallowed by feel and boy did the feeling make waking up a major bitch, Wolf groaned softly opening his eyes and sitting up with one hell of a headache as he looked over to see Miaya laying on the floor with four armed guards standing over her with there rifles aimed, he could tell by the style they was the Order whom he served so loyally before a voice made him look back slowly "I see your finally awake young Martyr....maybe now you can explain to me why you are with this.....This Abomination of the Devil." said a elderly man in a white robe lined with golden seams. Wolf only growled somewhat enraged "You leave her alone! She has nothing to do with the other Lycans!" he spat out to the man before he was replied when the stock of a rifle slammed into the back of his head sending him down onto his face only adding more to the pain in his head not to mention the slight ringing in his ears from the Concussion Bomb that was planted inside the warehouse. "THEY are ALL the same and you should know that....but you have defiled the sanctity of our words you shale understand as the last ones in your life... you have become a wolfs in sheep's clothing and are no more better than the filth you have laid with!" the Elder spoke once more, but to Wolf it was nothing more than church speech to him which only pissed him off more as he struggled to sit up once more, hearing Miaya finally wake up from her sleep looking around then to her lover. "Wolf what is going on?! Who are........Elder...?" she slowly growled before her head snapped to one of the guards who had readied the gun, Wolf snorted glaring at the guard then to the Elder "You so much as lay one god damn hand on her and I will kill every single one of you.. And you can take your Preacher Speech and FUCK OFF!" he yelled before he once more got hit but this time from a kick to the gut sending him sliding backwards and into the coffee table near the couch shattering the glass. Wolf noticed this and managed to get a shard of glass and cut his way through the ropes that bounded his hands, he was able to see that Miaya had managed to cut the ropes slowly with her own claws before he grinned some and it made the Elder blink slightly confused "What are you grinning about you Heretic.?". Wolf smirked some getting lose and sitting up on his knees and braced himself "Your words mean nothing inside your broken religion...and I am no longer your follower of HATE!" and with that he flung the shard of glass into the closest guards neck severing his windpipe while making a sprint grabbing the rifle on his way and shot two of the guards beside Miaya just before she sprang from her bonds running beside him. "KILL THEM!!" the Elder yelled over the burst of machine gun fire as Wolf grabbed Miaya's paw before they both jumped through the window that over looked the boat house, both of them crashing into the water below. The Elder walked to the window slowly looking at the ripples in the water "Hunt them down......Kill them...." and with that the guards left as he just watched the water speaking once more "This world will be pure....purged of all its sins....and you will fall along with them young will burn in hell with your bitch."

Wolf stumbled upon the sands of the beach coughing up water looking around slowly as the sun slowly started to rise up over the water "Miaya?....Miaya?!" he called out for her before he soon saw her not far away laying silently in the sand as the waves lapped up around her with foam "MIAYA!" he yelled as he half stumbled, and half ran to her falling upon his knees and checked her for any sign of life soon finding none he started pressing against her chest counting in time before he began CPR on her. After what seamed like hours he was rewarded when she coughed and spat up water rolling onto her side gasping for breath and choking on the salt water as the sun shown upon them with its golden rays of hope that he wished was true "Hey easy now...just relax....." he spoke soothingly as he patted her back softly before he got up helping her stand as he looked around noticing the rock formations that reached out into the water remembering a old Lycan cave that was built into the rocks hidden out of sight of the untrained eye before he led her toward the caves entrance. Once inside he looked around before he heard a soft growl then a flame soon lit up a lone wolf standing in front of him as the light soon grew brighter showing a whole pack within the area "What are you doing here Martyr? We have done nothing to you or the Order." the wolf spoke in a deep tone as Wolf shrugged slightly "The order can shove it all up there ass for all I care... I am like you...I too am hunted by them... So much for loyalty huh?" Wolf gave a sarcastic smirk as Miaya gave a soft whine causing the wolf to look to her speaking once more "Miaya....?". Miaya looked to him pinning her ears back slightly "Father.", Wolf's eyes nearly popped out of his head "Father?!" he looked at them both before Miaya spoke once more "Please....don't cast him out......if you do....I'm going with him.". By now the wolf was puzzled as he looked to his daughter "Why do you have such care for this hunter.? He has killed many of our kind...give for granted he has also killed many of our enemies but he is still a human." he crossed his arms slightly after setting the torch in the metal ring upon the wall.

Miaya stood in front of Wolf as if guarding him "Because he is my mate.", by this time the older wolf just stood there in shock before he sighed softly "Very well....if he is your mate I will allow him to stay.. Maybe this turn of events may aid us in to rid this land of the Order.." he held his paw out to Wolf once Miaya moved to the side "My name is this can call me father." Valor spoke as Wolf gave him a firm handshake "Heh... it'd be the first time I had a father...or any sort of family....Thank you." Wolf replied before Miaya led him into the main chamber as Valor sent out some of the scouts to cover up the tracks that was left by the two of them and joined his daughter and son in-law (Wolf Law that is ) and began to plan there next move upon the Order that had betrayed him in a simple matter as if it was all planned out to start with, nothing more than a scapegoat to fuel there hated war against those that was now among there ranks of sinners.

Darkness had soon fallen upon the town and like every other time of night the area was patrolled by guards and hunters of the Order, the Elder stood silently at the balcony watching out at the city before walking back inside the building looking to a group of people around a long table before he sat down in a large chair "It has been learned there is a traitor inside the Order..." his words caused all around the table to look at one another whispering incoherent words before one spoke up "Who is this...Traitor you speak of Elder?". Slowly the Elder waved his hand slightly as a large T.V. turned on showing the profile of Wolf "HE is our traitor...".. The person who spoke up tilted his head before asking once more "Why is he a Traitor? What has he done to become one?". the elder just sighed softly then leaned forward resting his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands "He has laid with a Lycan.." and with those words everyone gasped, some in shock, and others in pure disgust. "Then it is...the last Martyr in the Order has become the hunted...this only adds shame on us...and our forefathers." Everyone agreed to it and started planning out the death of one of there best soldiers and former friend.

Wolf leaned to the side looking around before he pushed himself off the wall and walked slowly through the cave finding Miaya before he took her in his arms holding her close breathing in her scent "God I was so worried last night....I thought I would lose you." he spoke softly in-between breaths of her scent, Miaya slowly wrapped her arms around him holding him close resting her muzzle on the top of his head stroking his back softly "I feared for you too Wolf...I love you." she leaned back some and looked deep into his eyes before she gave him a soft lick along his lips with a deep slow murr. Soon both of them turned to the door when the sound of someone clearing there throat was heard only to see Valor standing there with a smile "Do forgive me for intruding my children but dinner is ready.". Miaya gave a happy yip and bounded her way past Valor with haste in step as Wolf made his way past him only to be stopped when his paw rested upon his shoulder as he spoke "You make my little girl happy Son....please don't ever break her heart...or I'll break your legs..". Wolf smiled with a nod "And she makes me happy...I would never do anything to hurt her." he replied and placed his hand on the large wolfs paw before he moved to join his mate. Valor watched silently with a smile 'maybe the scrolls are right after all...god I hope so.' he then moved to join them and rest of the pack for dinner. After a hour of eating and chatting with everyone and a few cheesy jokes from Wolf that made nearly all of them die of laughter, Valor slowly moved from the table "Please pardon me." he walked off into the darkness before coming back and standing beside Wolf and Miaya setting a box down in front of them "For my two children...a token of love and hope." he said softly as Wolf opened the box finding two beautiful gold bracelets that were half a inch thick and about three inches long. Valor smiled as Miaya gasped "These....These are yours and mommas Mate bracelets." she looked up to her father who gave a nod. "And it is to be passed on to you and your mate." Valor said as he placed the bracelets upon there left wrists before he held up a finger "But there is more tonight..." he looked at the pack with a smile "We all know of the Lycan Scroll....and what we can hope for and that this Martyr...a wolf at heart...will bring us together...with Lycans and Humans.. To end the suffering and our hiding.. Please Wolf...take this." he sat another box down in front of him but this one was a little longer and a bit thicker. Slowly Wolf opened the box before he nearly died as he pulled out a beautiful silver...SILVER plated .44magnum revolver that was adorned with the Lycans marks of loyalty and there pack, the revolver had a custom 3-9 x40 revolver scope and a muzzle vent. Wolf looked up to Valor with his mouth open like he was hit by lightning before he found his voice "You wont be sorry father...I will stand along side you all and will willingly give my life to protect what we all care for.". Miaya watched him silently amused by this new worrier side of Wolf that she only seen in true Lycan worriers and it made her heart soar to new heights before everyone cheered for there newfound hope and hero. Soon there was a bottle of black berry wine served to them all as Wolf gladly joined in along with Miaya who ever so often gave him and soft lick on the neck catching him off guard making him nearly squeak from surprise leaning sideways, but one time he leaned too far and fell over on the floor as everyone looked at him and grew silent just before his hand shot up above the table fallowed by a semi muffled voice " I'm Okay!", and with that everyone once more burst out laughing.

Later that night he was laying in bed with Miaya curled up next to him with her hand on his chest and her nose against his neck sleeping silently, but for Wolf he just laid there awake watching the flames that cast a soft glow in the room, the flames dancing in his eyes as he relived his past in his memories, a haunting darkness that ruled his mind soon full of screams of pain, the sound of flames eating away at a unknown structure then his eyes flinched when a gunshot echoed in his mind fallowed by a childes voice saying one word that made tears flood his eyes "Mother" he softly whispered to the air as he closed his eyes, his tears running down the sides of his face as he held Miaya closer to him shuttering in his breath. The sudden change caused Miaya to open her eyes looking at him slowly as she gave his cheek a soft lick tasting the tears before giving a soft whine "What's wrong...did something happen? Did I hurt you?" she started to get up but was stopped when he wrapped his arms around her holding her close before he replied " you didn't...I....I-I just had a bad dream is all.." he closed his eyes kissing along her muzzle as she looked down at him with a soft nod but eyes that held fear. "Do you want to talk about it?" she tilted her head watching as he just shook his head in return to her question now making her sigh softly and hold onto him closer closing her eyes resting her head on his chest able to hear there hearts beat in time with one another. Laying there holding onto one another his dreams left him, his nightmares disappeared into the white light that took over his mind fallowed by forest full of lush trees, and soil, the sky clear blue while the wind carried the scent of a early morning rain that washed away the bad leaving only the pure, soon the sight of his she-wolf came into his mind with six young pups fallowing behind. Some had there mothers fur and eyes, and some had a hint of blonde fur and hazel eyes while the last had both mixed in, it was then that he noticed it was Miaya and there pups he then turned around to see a large log cabin that looked nearly like a mansion soon he was mugged by the pups and there mother all of them giggling like mad as they just cuddled him close. His heart was soaring ever higher in his dreams, the hope and wish he had always wished for had come true, all but one, his own mother was nowhere in sight as tears soon rolled down his cheek till he woke up alone in bed. He then sat up slowly groaning some and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before he yelled out in pure shock and surprise when a bucket of ice cold water soaked him, he then looked back to see the attacker was Miaya with a wood bucket in her paws smiling softly "" she looked up for a good answer before he grabbed her around the legs and pulled her down on top of him holding her close kissing along her muzzle before she met his kiss full force with a murr and a soft moan of surprise and pleasure when Wolf had placed his hand against her sex, burring a finger deep in her feeling her clamp down on him slightly with her spasms of pleasure. "Yeah I'm sure your sorry about that hun but....I don't believe you just yet." he smirked softly while he stroked along her clit with his thumb causing her to slowly grind against his hand, she slowly lifted her muzzle up to the ceiling giving deep murrs and whines of pleasure fallowed by a deep and long moan when he had softly bit her left nipple. Slowly Miaya looked down at him brushing her fingers and claws through his short blonde hair causing it to stick up slightly, soon she laid back on the bed ignoring how wet it was; looking up to her lover she murred deeply "Mate me. Make me howl." she spoke teasingly and licked at the air, her eyes shone with nothing but the purest love he had ever seen.

Slowly stripping out of his wet cloths he moved over her shivering softly from her silky fur while he kissed along her neck then up under her muzzle to her lips kissing her deeply just as he pushed his thick shaft deep in her waiting sex causing her to give a deep moan through there kiss before she arched up against his body meeting his hips with every soft; slow thrusts he gave her...causing her body to shiver slightly while her paws roamed along his back letting her claws leave small red streaks along his skin. Slowly his pace picked up as his hands stroked her sides loving how she felt to him, her smell, and feel just made him even more passionate toward her, his ears filled with the sounds of her panting, her moans and even the few yips of pleasure he was able to pull from her body with every deep thrust inside her. He could feel her whole body spasm with pleasure, her inner walls clamping down upon him like a vice forcing him to work harder to give her just what she wanted, and soon it happened as her body tensed up under him, her back arching up off the bed as her body was rocked with the strongest orgasm she ever experienced in her life, stronger than what she had on there first night causing her to gush from around his shaft as she gripped him tightly filling the room with her howl of pleasure. Her actions caused him to become overwhelmed by pleasure that he gave in to her demands flooding her with his seed while he held her close to him, his face buried in her thick fur around her neck he could feel the heat of her body in more ways than one as they both slowly came down from there pleasured high, both of them panting to catch there breath looking into one another's eyes full of love. "When this is all over and the Order is no more.....lets go some place to raise the pups....some where far away....where no one will bother us...or our pack." Miaya spoke softly with a hopeful smile while Wolf looked at her silently then gave a nod "That sounds like a wonderful idea my love." he replied 'Of Corse it is...freedom for everyone... even from the demands of the cruel world.' Wolf looked at Miaya as she held him close murring.

(To Be Continued.)

(Will Wolf and Miaya find the freedom for them and there pack along with the pups that are to come? Or will he fall like a valiant knight against the killing strike of the order to give his life for what he loves and believes in? And will the Order finely rule the world with there religion or Crumble like Dirt in a flash flood? Stay tuned to find out in the next chapter of Life Of A Martyr.) Copyright to Michael .B [Do not copy or anything with out my say so.] (P.S. Leave a Comment)

Life Of A Martyr Chapter 3 Rise And Fall

Life Of A Martyr Chapter 3: Rise and Fall All characters and views of this story are © Michael .B Disclaimer is as it is, this contains mature content and is not suitable for those under 17 or 21 depending where you live in this world. I mean...

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