The Wrong Cave

Story by NightlySnow on SoFurry

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#2 of Vore

Some famous wolves decide to explore the amazon when they run into a mysterious cave. What will happen to these brave souls?


Thomas and Kobalt FA: kobaltthewolf:

Story (c) NightlySnow

The Wrong Cave by NightlySnow

The Wolf brothers were starting to become somewhat of a celebrities. Thomas and Kobalt Wolf were well known explorers but only recently started to get spotlighted. It was a big change for the small town brothers that it soon led to unbelievable stress. They had to find better places, more exotic finds. Their Hollywood fame would be short lived due to a series of unfortunate events. If only the drive to become rich and successful didn't steer them away from life's true meaning....

Kobalt was the younger one of the Wolf brothers. Many would claim he was the one that was more handsome, his blue fur showing off the family symbols sexually. However, the die hard fans claimed Thomas's pink fur showed the true family symbols better, how the family should be known. However, to them, it didn't matter. They loved exploring and discovering new things, which brought them to the Amazon Rainforest.

The brothers walked in a random direction. Not a lot of the rainforest has been explored so they way they saw it is if they picked a direction and continued walking, they would run into something eventually. They walked north for several days, taking ten minute breaks every two hours. Their pace was slow, since it was only the two of them and having to carry all their supplies that would last them for a couple of weeks.

It was then the brothers spotted something shiny in the distance. It was reflecting light blindingly towards them. They slowly approached the object and gasped at what they had found. It was a round, egg shaped gold piece. Thomas howled in excitement as he picked it up. A couple of seconds after it was lifted, the ground began to shake. The excited wolves paused their celebratory high-fives.

In the distance, a boulder was moving, revealing a huge opening in the ground. Kobalt sniffed the air while Thomas listened. They detected no danger and proceeded into the dark hole. The blue wolf picked up a stick and ripped some of his shirt. He carefully wrapped it around the stick and lit it on fire to help them see further into the man-made cave.

The cave smelt of mildew and grew worse as the went deeper into the cave. The sound of a mini-waterfall was soon heard in the distance. Their pace quickened, eager to see what was in this carefully crafted tunnel. The tunnel opened into a wide, open area. A mini-waterfall was in the far corner, dripping into a pool of water. On the other side looked to be drawings in blood of some kind of cat creature. Thomas pulled out his camera, taking a few quick photos. They didn't expect to stumble upon anyone's home. Especially one that seemed to be triggered by picking up a golden egg.

The hair on Kobalt's neck rose and he quickly turned around, staring down the entrance they had just come from. He strained his ears and took a long sniff. Something was wrong. He tapped his brother on the shoulder, who quickly turned to see a pair of glowing yellow eyes staring at them. The wolves looked around, the only way in or out was the way they came and it was now blocked.

The eyes grew bigger as the inhabitant approached the wolves. A low growling noise was soon sounded as the brother slowly shifted backwards. They were trapped and their new friend wasn't happy that it had uninvited guests. The creature walked into the opening, showing the fearful wolves who had just returned home. It was a normal colored jaguar, maybe a little bigger than the average size.

The brothers looked at each other and begun to laugh. They couldn't believe they got scared from a simply little kitty. Thomas bent down, picking up a rock and chucking it at the feline. He hit his target right on the muzzle, causing the cat to become ferocious. The cat charged, slamming the pink wolf into the wall. Kobalt stumbled back a couple of paces, barely avoiding the incoming train. He tightened his grip on the torch and swung it at the feline that had his poor brother trapped against the wall.

The cat let out a yowl as the flame hit its fur. It jumped back, it's yellow eyes staring at the blue wolf. Kobalt felt his heart skip a beat as the cat sprung towards him. He turned to flee, just trip over his own feet and fall to the ground. The 300 pound cat landed on his back, 'causing the wolf to whimper.

He called for his brother, but Thomas only seemed to stare in shock. Kobalt did not understand why his brother cowered in the corner until he felt something weird on his feet. He tried to turn his head, to see what seemed to be clenching to his feet like a suction cup. His eyes grew wide as his vision relieved his feet caught in the jaguar's cock.

His heart pounded as he attempted to tug his feet free. But, they didn't budge. In fact, he could have sworn more of his legs had been taken in the narrow urethra that was getting larger by the second. He felt himself move on the ground a little bit as the cock gave another tug. The cock easily stretched as more of poor Kobalt was sucked in. The wolf began to flail, punch the cat as hard as he could. The cat took the punches as if Kobalt was a little kit trying to hurt a rock.

The cat moaned as the panicked wolf was about waist in. He could feel the soft, wet lining hunger for his whole body. He tried kicking, but the tight glove around his legs prevented him. It was then he felt his feet enter an opening. It seemed as if they floated in nothing but air. The cat let out another moan as he grabbed Kobalt by the shoulders and started to push him deeper.

The wolf realized this was his last chance to escape and cried for his brother one more time as he grabbed the cat and tried to shoved it off. But, it was still no use. The cat was too heavy for him and his brother did not budge. The cat pushed him deeper, his paws and some of his upper body trapped in the musky black member. His feet felt a wetness that confused the blue wolf. He was unsure of where he was going until he was pulled more in. His eyes caught a glimpse at the jaguar's ball sack. It was starting to stretch and become more than ball shaped. He wiggled his toe and saw the sack move.

Kobalt fearful whimpers were soon drowned out by the cat's constant moaning. The cat gave the wolf another shove. The blue wolf started to hyperventilate as his upper body was pushed in and all that remained was his head. The feline leaned back on the massive growing ball, raising his huge, stretched cock high in the air. Gravity took over and the wolf began to slide down. The wolf took one last breath as his head was submerged into the tip. The wolf continued to slide down and entered the ball sack, the force causing him to be curled in a ball, half of his fur soaking in the cat's seed. The cat let out another moan as it licked the tip of his cock, a bit of saltiness hitting his tongue.

It was then that Thomas snapped back to reality. He couldn't believe his very eyes. His younger brother getting swallowed by this cat's junk. The cat slowly turned his head to look at the pink wolf, his yellow eyes staring him down. The wolf figured a rescue attempted was a lost cause at this point, so he decided he would make a break for it.

The cat rocked back and forth trying to get his feet onto the ground so he could go after the elder brother. Thomas knew it was now or later. He jumped up, just to come crashing down. A sharp pain attacked him in his ribcage. He hadn't known he was in such pain until the sudden movement. He cried out as he tried to catch his breath so he could try to make another break for it. But, it was too late.

The cat flung his unnaturally stretched cock at his prey, the tip his landing by the top of the pink wolf's forehead. Thomas sniffed, just to gag from the smell of musk, pre, and mildew. He gulped as he struggled to his feet. But, it was too late. The dick attached itself to the pink wolf and began to suck hard. Adrenaline ran through the wolf as he tried to push the member off with both paws. He let out a small smile as he felt it working. He could fill the tightness around his cap lessen. He pushed with all his might, thinking he would be free at any moment.

However, the cat had a different plan. The jaguar began to awkwardly walk forward, his large ball sack dragging behind him. Thomas felt his body move, but knew he would win and was very confident. Or, at least he was.....His hind paws hit the very wall he was pined against earlier. The panicked pink wolf tried with all his might, one more time, to push the member off his head.

The feline smiled as he continued to walk. With the combination of the sucking power and the jaguar walking, it began to be too much for the wolf to hold off. He felt his arms buckle and that was it. He shot into the stretched cock and went head first into the other ball. He cough and spat as some of the cat's seed enter his mouth. He curled up, stretching the ball quickly. The feline let out loud and deep moans at the sudden pleasure.

The two wiggled in their slimy prisons, still hopeful that escape was possible. But, they soon ran out of energy. Their bodies getting softer and softer, slowly turning into the very goo they laid in. The cat moaned again as his sensitive balls began to settle and become 'fully loaded'. It was only a matter of minutes before the Wolf brothers no longer existed. The cat began to lick his deformed cock, coxing the orgasm he crave. It wasn't long before a large amount to pre began to drip out of the tip and land on the floor.

The jaguar rocked back and forth, massaging his testicles as he gave him self head. He let out a moan as he felt the pressure build. With one last lick, the cannon fired, shooting his seed all over the cave wall. The cat let out a scream as the sensitive cock launched it's contents. The cat plopped on the floor, completely exhausted from the ordeal and quickly fell asleep. The sperm ran down the wall, uncovering the picture it had covered. If the Wolf brothers had paid more attention, they would have realized the the picture was not a normal drawling, but a warning.