The Dragon and the Prince: The Kidnap

Story by G-Drag12 on SoFurry

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Just a short story I wrote based on a post i saw on tumblr regarding a gay dragon with a gay prince. I might continue it, I might not depending on feedback, which is highly appreciated! Enjoy ^.=.^

The Prince and the Dragon: The Kidnap

The king of Palimbros paced back and forth in the throne room, his queen watching him with a furrowed brow, and her foot tapping quickly. He finally stopped and flung his arms in the air, "This is the seventh time we have had him rescued! What is the sentry even for?" He returned to his pacing, contemplating how to keep his son safe.

After the king's outburst, the queen chimed in, "Apparently it is the same dragon too. At least those are the rumors going around."

Their son, the prince of Palimbros, sat behind the door to the throne room, holding his knees to his chest. He snickered to himself before getting up and heading to his room. He flopped onto his bed with a loud sigh, "I miss him already." He grabbed one of his many pillows, and hugged it tight, reminiscing of how it all began a little over two years ago.

Two years Earlier...

The prince stood at his window, kissing the man whom he had just laid with. After the brief yet passionate kiss, the two parted lips, and his lover whispered, "See ya later Aldi." Aldi waved goodbye, as the beefy man scaled down the castle wall, and made his way back into town where he lived.

Aldi chuckled as he thought of what just happened, and how delighted he felt whenever one of his lays leaves his section of the castle. His lithe form, stylish and promiscuous presentation, and wealth kept his options open in the gay parts of town. Yet he never found anyone to satisfy his emotional needs. Whenever the urge struck, however, all he had to do was strut his way through the rainbow sect of the town. Everyone knew of his sexual endeavors, except of course for his parents. Aldi's generousness made his secret a well-kept one amongst the town folk and the sentry; some of them were even paid in sexual favors, and Aldi paid them well.

The prince walked to his washroom and cleaned himself up, taking a nice long bath. Upon finishing and clothing himself for bedtime, he heard a ruckus ring through the castle. Sentry men were scurrying about, as if an siege was about to undertake. One of them grabbed Aldi by the hand and pulled him along as they headed to the bunker under the castle. Aldi stumbled as he was not expecting to be pulled so hard, "Wh-what the hell is going on?!"

The sentry man did not waver in his stride nor did he look back to the prince, "We have multiple witnesses that a dragon has been spotted in the vicinity, and is headed towards the ca-" He was cutoff when they reached the foyer of the castle, and it exploded in a flurry of stone, wood and fire. The moonlight broke through the smoke revealing a draconic figure in the opening. After a few seconds a loud roar pierced the silence and rang throughout the castle. "SIRE FOLLOW ME!" the sentry man yanked Aldi past all the other guards as the battle ensued; yelling, clanking, blood curdling screams all had Aldi in tears as he ran for his life with this man.

It was not long before the dragon made its way past the guards and to Aldi. It swiftly killed the sentry man and grabbed Aldi. Aldi screamed in protest, flailed his arms as the dragon flew through the hall, to the foyer, and out the opening it created. He saw countless guards with bows and arrows, catapults, and other various, long-range weaponry aimed at his captor. The dragon swiftly dodged any objects that came in his direction, and when he was clear of danger, he almost seemed to have stopped. He drew in his wings, and then stretched them back almost as far as they would go. From where Aldi was, and how the Moon was positioned, it looked as though the dragon's wings were glowing with power. His eyes grew wide as the wings came down, and he was jolted as the two began flying at break-neck speed. Aldi passed out from the altitude and the speed.

Before long Aldi awoke and the two were landing at a frightening cave entrance that looked like the maw of something monstrous. When he was let go, he lied there still; frozen in fear as he stared at the dragon. Its azure scales shimmered in the moonlight. It had a very human-like figure except for its outer appendages which were more like paws, which he swore had claws during the attack. The dragon was mostly scales except for some fur on its head and the tip of its tail. Aldi noticed its eyes became wider as it adjusted to the darkness of the cave. It blew some flames at the wall, and a string of torches lit up down the, now apparent, corridor. Aldi flinched at the action, and coward in fear when the dragon reached to help him up.

A light voice unexpectedly came from the dragon as he drew back and scratched his neck timorously, "Ah, I suppose I should introduce myself, I am Malco of the Sky Clan, but you can call me Mal. Welcome to my cave... sorry about the rough treatment, comes with the job territory I suppose."

Aldi sat there speechless; he was not expecting the dragon to talk, much less speak so informally and kindly. After some awkward silence Aldi finally closed his mouth, stood up, dusted himself off and shakily responded, "I-I'm A-Aldithius Fearionson o-of Palimbros, b-but you can ca-call me Aldi." He nervously put his hand out for a handshake. The dragon seemed to smile and grabbed the humans hand with both of his paws and shook. Mal was a few feet taller than Aldi and his paws engulfed the human's hand, but by dragon standards he was on the smaller side.

After the somewhat rough handshake, Aldi composed himself, and Mal lead him down the corridor of the cave. As they traveled further, around every curve the cave became more and more extravagant, and less terrifying. Once they reached a point where it was all smooth stone wall with tapestries and some paintings, which were surely from past pillagings, the skeletons stopped appearing, and Aldi's apprehension subsided. Eventually they reached a large room that had a bed covered in the finest looking sheets, an extremely ornate throne-like chair that was placed in front of what seemed to be a fireplace that also served as an oven. There was also an opening high up on the cavern wall that let in natural light, and a strategically placed chandelier, which served to spread the light through the room, but right now torches and fire went all the way up in a spiral fashion.

Aldi was in awe of the beautiful room. He barely uttered, "Wow..." as he walked around just talking in everything.

Mal came up behind him, "Glad you like the place, hehe."

Aldi jumped a little, "Oh, err yeah, this rivals even the throne room at m- MY CASTLE! You must take me back at once!" He snapped as he reminded himself of the torment everyone must be going through right now in his absence.

Mal looked down in disappointment and sighed, "But you just got here, I was hoping I co-"

He was cut off by a cold snap from Aldi, "No! I must return, my people, my family, everyone is probably worried sick about me. I cannot simply wait idly as they panic!"

Mal moved closer to Aldi, "Don't worry, they'll send a rescue squad to come get you, I will put up a reasonable fight and you'll be on your merry way, I just needed some company, it gets pretty lonely out here." He sulked into his chair and stared into the fire.

Aldi looked at Mal with a raised eyebrow, "Didn't you say you were part of a clan?"

Mal sighed once more, "Yes, but... they excommunicated me."

Aldi felt bad, "Oh, um do you mind if I ask why?"

Mal groaned, but he did not want Aldi to leave or ask to be taken back, "Well, back when I first started kidnapping royal kin, I only kidnapped princesses as did every other dragon as far back as I can remember. One day I decided not to eat them, and instead tried to keep them as a pet of some sort. I found delight in eating other living things, which, frankly, tasted much better, no offense. They were often too frightened or protested too much, so I would return them unharmed. Eventually, I quit wanting to capture princesses, but the clan always said, 'a dragon who does not capture and pillage is a useless dragon.' So instead of capturing a princess I tried a prince. Instead of eating him, I did as I started with the princesses. He warmed up to me rather quickly compared to the long line of princesses I tried. After some time together, I became quite fond of his company, more so than someone would with a pet I suppose. I found out, one night, that he had grown feelings for me. I wasn't sure what to do with that, but I liked having him around so I explored those feelings, and found my first love. We went on happily, masking our relationship as a 'Master/pet' sort of deal. One day however some family came in unannounced while we were sleeping and all hell broke loose. They killed him, and banished me. Luckily I found this cave, even in my sorrow." Mal kept a stern unwavering voice throughout his story.

By the end of the story Aldi could not help but feel sorry for Mal, "I'm sorry Mal, that sounds really terrible." He put his hand on the dragon's shoulder.

Mal looked at Aldi with a smile, "Heh, it's ok, that was a really long time ago, and I've moved past it." He stood up and put his paw on Aldi's back, "So what do ya say? Will you stay?"

Aldi blushed, not really sure why. He was not certain on his decision, "Umm, I suppose I can give it a night right?"

Mal's face lit up, "Awesome! Hey, let's go to the lake outside my cavern, it's really pretty this time of night, and the stars can be seen clear as day."

Aldi nodded, "Yeah sounds nice."

Mal smiled, turned around, and knelt down, gesturing for Aldi to climb on his back. Aldi climbed on reluctantly, and the two took off. The two left through the sky light and when they did all the torches magically blew out. Aldi closed his eyes until they got out of the cave safely, and when he opened them he could see the landscape basking in the Moonlight and the starlight. It was beautiful. It was not long before they got the lakeside, and Mal was right, the sight was unreal. Aldi let out another 'Wow' and Mal chuckled, "hehe told you so."

Aldi playfully nudged the dragon, "Yeah you did."

Mal laid back on his elbows, "So you know a little about me, tell me about yourself."

Aldi turned towards Mal and looked towards the sky, "Oh geez where to begin... Well, I'm a prince, and I'm twenty ye- hey how did you know I was royalty when you captured me?"

Mal responded quickly, "Easy, everyone was protecting you, and you smelled like royal bath salts."

Aldi rubbed his neck, "Oh that makes sense. Umm, yeah I'm twenty years old. I like to be active and charitable. I love just strolling through the town, making friends and such. I'm gay and everyone knows except for my parents. And yeah... I'm not the most complex person heh."

Mal cocked his head, "Your parents don't know but everyone else does, how does that work? And why don't they know, if I may ask."

Aldi nodded, "Well they really want to keep the royal family pure, so if I told them I was gay, they might disown me because then they wouldn't be able to continue the lineage and pass down the kingdom. And they don't know because I essentially pay everyone to keep it a secret, it also means I have to be pretty neutral so nobody can blackmail me onto their side. It's tough, but that's just the way it is."

Mal sat up and rubbed Aldi's shoulder, "Well, so long as you're happy. Hopefully one day you can tell them and you won't have to keep being so generous with your money."

Aldi looked at Mal, "You know, I kinda like it, I mostly help people in need, and my family has more money that we know what to do with."

Mal smiled at Aldi's kindheartedness, "that's awesome! Wish I could be helpful like you."

Aldi laughed, "Haha well, for starters try not bursting holes into places when you enter, and generally not killing people is seen as pretty kind." He poked Mal in the side.

Mal flinched at the poke and pushed Aldi back, "Hey now... fair enough." The two shared a big laugh. They talked until the wee hours, laughing, pointing out constellations, sharing stories. It was almost morning and Aldi was starting to drift in and out of slumber. He ended up leaning against Mal, and passed out. Mal kept talking until he noticed a lack of responses. He woke Aldi enough to get him on his back and back to the cave where he gently placed him on one side of the large bed. He laid on the other side to give Aldi some room. His tail landed on Aldi's leg, however. The prince pulled it up, snuggling it. Mal blushed and smiled from horn to horn. He eventually fell prey to his sleepiness as well.

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