FY 10 - What's a boy to do?

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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#10 of Coming of Age Book 1

The latest developments in Kris and Venn's lives.

His computer screen was flashing when he got home from blowing off some steam on his board. He'd left the laptop turned on when he left, too angry with his father to do more then grab his board and get out before the older Raccoon could forbid him from leaving the apartment. His buddies were here again, all of them but Duke in the living room smoking, drinking and bitching about whatever game they were watching this time. All he wanted was to close the door and forget that they were out there. He pushed his door closed with his foot as he leaned over the laptop to see who'd emailed him.

His ears went up and he sank into his chair in surprise as he saw the name, totally against his will he breathed "Sean!" As he reached for the mouse to click the email open.

A deep rumbling sound made him jump and spin around to see what it was. Duke stood there leaning against the wall growling with his eyes narrowed. "Who's Sean?" He had his arms crossed over his chest and Kris could see his jaw clenching and unclenching as if he was biting back something he wanted to say.

"Jesus Duke you scared me!" He reached back to shove the monitor down on his laptop and give himself a few moments to calm down.

Duke didn't move, just kept flexing his jaws and staring at Kris. "I said, who is Sean?" The big Mastiff didn't look like he was going anywhere anytime soon.

Kris frowned and stood up from his chair putting himself on a level with the big dog. "None of your business! What are you doing in my room anyway Duke? You haven't any right to be in here!" He was trembling inside but he managed to stand firm with his hands on his hips defying the dog with his very posture.

The big dog just snorted and raised an eyebrow, "So the little 'coon's got fangs after all..." He pushed off the wall and loomed over Kris, getting right into his personal space. "Who do you think is going to care that I'm in here?" His hands fell down loosely by his sides but there was a look to him that made Kris think he wouldn't need much time to react to anything. "Your Dad? I'm his best friend, I can't do anything wrong in his eyes, unlike you." He moved a little closer until his muzzle was right up against the side of Kris' face and whispered in a low menacing voice. "If I tell him you're in here jerking off to an email sent to you by some guy who do you think he's going to believe? You? Or me?"

Kris felt all the defiance drain out of him. Duke was right. His Dad would never believe him if he said anything bad about the mastiff. His shoulders slumped and he swallowed hard unable to keep fighting in the face of certain defeat.

"That's right, that's a good boy. You just remember your place little boy and we'll get along just fine." He lifted his hand and tilted Kris' muzzle up so he was staring directly into the raccoon's eyes. "Now, who is Sean?"

Kris felt himself trembling in suppressed rage but at the same time he answered the dog. "A friend from my old school." He didn't feel obligated to expand the answer beyond that.

Duke seemed to know that he was hiding something, and exactly what it was. "Ah, that's the kid you were kissing when your Dad found you." He said it like he was simply stating a fact. "Alright, I won't tell your Dad you're talking to him again if you do something for me."

There was a look in the older male's eye that Kris felt really uncomfortable with. However if his Dad found out he was talking to Sean again he'd be so enraged that he'd likely take his computer away or something worse! What alternative did he have? He nodded slowly, more nervous now then angry with the dog.

Duke broke out into a nasty smile and patted his cheek. "Good boy. You're going to come out into the living room and sit beside me while we watch the game. Every time I ask you for something you are going to do it without arguing, understand? If I say I want a drink, you go get it. If I tell you to kneel down and bark like a dog you do it. Understand?" He kept his dark eyes trained on the boy's making Kris shudder from the intensity he could see burning in them.

He nodded again, just slightly, his ears wilting back against his head. This wouldn't be so bad, after all what could he ask for in front of his Dad?

"I can't hear you." Duke's fingers tightened on his jaw making it ache something fierce.

"Yes, I understand." He felt humiliated already and he hadn't been asked to do anything yet.

Nodding the Mastiff smiled that nasty looking smile again and let his jaw go. "That's a good boy. Now out you go, you can look at your email from your little fuck buddy later." He moved that large hand to Kris' shoulder and pushed the boy toward his bedroom door. "And remember to smile and cheer with us so it looks like it was your idea to come sit with us."

The evening passed slowly for Kris, he really wasn't interested in the game but to satisfy Duke he had to pretend like he was. He even endured the large dog's arm being thrown around his shoulders and the occasional whispered, "That's a good boy." That Duke threw his way for some comment he made about what he was being forced to watch. When the game was finally over he started to stand up only to find himself held in place by the Mastiff.

The other guys all filed out with Edmond holding the door to see them off. Duke took the opportunity to whisper, "Walk me to my car." Before he stood up and pulled Kris to his feet.

Kris didn't want to but what choice did he have, if Duke told Edmond about that email he'd be in so much deep water that even a life vest wouldn't keep his head up. So when Duke headed out the door he said, "Hey Duke wait up I'll walk you out." Which made his father raise his ears curiously but he shrugged it off and headed to the kitchen leaving Kris to follow the large dog.

Duke slung his arm around Kris' shoulders again as they walked down the stairs. "You did good tonight kid. Here's the thing, our little arrangement doesn't end here. Every time I come over you make like a good boy and serve me whatever I ask for, stay close to me and pretend like you're into whatever game we're watching go it?" He paused to make sure Kris nodded in agreement. "Cause if you don't I'm gonna go tell your father that you're emailing that little boyfriend of yours and that you're planning to run away and go live with him and be his fuck toy. Understand?"

With a sinking feeling Kris nodded and whispered, "Yes Duke," keeping his eyes down so the dog couldn't see the rage that was building up inside him. Duke ruffled his hair before he got into his big hummer and drove off leaving Kris standing there feeling impotent and humiliated.

* * * * *

"O'Brien!" Venn looked away from the kits in the pool toward the voice that was hailing him. Coach McGee was walking purposefully toward him with a smallish boy in tow. "Can I have a word with you?" The cheetah looked like he was put out about something.

"Sure thing Coach, what can I do for you?" The stallion turned his eyes back to his athletes when the other coach and the boy came up beside him. "Marcus get your head down!" He called out to the black cat, only half paying attention to the other coach since he had kits in the pool.

McGee looked down at the kit beside him then up at the pool. "Here's the thin' O'Brien, I don't like ya, don't like your kind I mean and I makes no bones about it. But you're different; rumor has it ya turned one of the kits down flat and made him go get dressed when he came onto ya. That takes balls." He placed a large hand on the small dog's shoulder, "Desmond here, he's a good runna. His sprint is out of sight. Boy's got talent. The problem is he has no stamina. Can't do the long runs worth crap." He paused to take a slow deep breath in then sagged a little. "I can't help him. I've done everythin that I can think of to increase his stayin power but nuthin's workin'." The large cat turned to look Venn square in the face, took his hat off and clutched at the brim. "I hear tell that swimmin' can improve a kit's endurance. If you can help Desmond I'll owes ya one. The kit deserves a chance."

Forgetting that he had students in the pool Venn turned to stare openmouthed at McGee. It was like the whole world narrowed down to just the two of them for a few heart beats and he could taste the disgust in the other man's thoughts that he had to ask a fag for help. Then the world came back into focus and Venn nodded slightly. "Sure thing McGee, there are some breathing exercises that might help... Desmond was it?" He looked down at the smallish boy and smiled encouragingly. "You're about the same size as Audio so I can pair you up with him as a swimming buddy. Have you ever been in a pool before?" The pup nodded emphatically and Venn ruffled his hair. "Good we'll get you set up here in a minute, how about you go watch the others doing their laps and see what you're in for?" With the lad taken care of McGee started to turn, only to find Venn's hand on his upper arm.

The cheetah turned back slowly, swallowing the distaste he felt at being touched by one of *THEM*. The horse whispered, "I'm not a pedophile McGee, I prefer men." He emphasized the last word making it clear that he meant grown men and smiled at the large cat, "But don't worry McGee, you're not my type." then let him go, turning to yell, "Audio, get your butt out of my pool!" leaving the feline open mouthed and staring after him.

* * * * *

Kris was moving slowly, he knew he was but it hurt so much right now with the way his ribs felt. For weeks now his father had been taking him to the gym on Saturdays. Every week it was the same thing, he'd pick some guy and put Kris in the ring with him, the guy was always larger and more experienced then him, and the result was always the same, Kris was tossed around like a punching bag until the guy realized that he didn't know a thing about what he was doing and refused to take part in beating up a kid. A different big guy every week until this last weekend; the guy that Edmond had found last Saturday had taken pleasure in hitting him. He could see it in the bull's eyes every time he winced or danced away from a particularly painful blow.

He'd tried calling his mother about it but Edmond had yelled at her that he knew what was best for a boy and that Kris needed to toughen up. Since his mother was out of the country at the time it was a little hard for her to just take Kris and go like he wanted her to. She said she needed to find someone who could watch him in town so that she didn't feel like she was abandoning him. They were good reasons for her not to swoop in and carry him off but it still meant that he had to stay with his Dad and let these big guys beat on him.

Tomorrow was the last day of school. That meant more time with his father alone not less. He still hadn't found a personal coach in this area so he was going to be on his own with no access to the school pool. All he'd have left to him was his boarding until Clawdia managed to track down a suitable coach. Oh they'd interviewed several but none of them had the right attitude, they all thought he was too young to be a serious contender and no amount of money was enough to change their minds.

Left to his own devices he was sure he would either under or over work himself and both had horrible consequences. If he under worked he'd have that much more ground to make up in the fall, if he overworked he could pull a muscle or become so tired he drown while trying to do just one more lap. It could happen, he'd seen news articles about it before, athletes with no coach pushing themselves so hard that they either permanently damaged themselves or out and out killed themselves.

When he finished his last lap, just ahead of Marcus, he went to the ladder to haul himself out instead of jumping over the edge of the pool. He and Marcus hit the changing room door at the same time and went through to find Audio and the new kit giggling over something in the far corner. "Hey Kris," Marcus caught his attention and made him turn to face the panther. "How come you're moving so slow lately? Usually you're done and giving me comments from the side of the pool long before I finish my laps." The big cat looked so friendly and innocent that Kris couldn't help himself, he had to tell someone and Marcus was as good as anyone else.

"Ever since the fight I had with Audio my Dad's been taking me to the gym on Saturdays and making me get in the MMA right with all these big guys. He says I need to learn that beating up on littler guys isn't acceptable and this way I'll toughen up and stop being such a sissy." He started to shrug his shoulder but his ribs hurt so much he stopped and winced in pain.

Marcus looked horrified uttering a low whistle. "Damn man you let those big guys beat on you? Some of them can really pack a punch! I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those rings!" He held his hands up palms out as if to push the idea away from him.

"Shhhh!" Kris hissed at him glancing over to see both Audio and the new guy Desmond looking their way. "I don't want the whole world to know." He grabbed a towel and headed for the showers still walking a little stiffly from his various aches and pains.

Marcus looked crestfallen and hurried to catch up, offering in a lower voice. "I'm sorry Kris I guess I wasn't thinking about that. I mean you and Audio haven't been at each other's throats lately so I figured things were cool with you and all." He dropped his towel on the low half wall and slid out of his school issue swimsuit, unashamedly walking bare assed to the showers and starting one up. The cat had a nice body and Kris didn't feel that constrained not to watch him considering how open he was.

Kris was more circumspect in his on disrobing; waiting till the water was the right temperature and keeping his back to the other boys when he pulled his suit off, as well as keeping his still fluffy tail over his butt. He did his best to ignore Audio and Desmond's giggling, sure that the two boys were talking about him. When he was finished showering he grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist securely, heading toward his locker while he was still dripping wet.

Marcus followed him using his towel to rub at his face and head, still totally unconcerned with his lack of clothing. "Kris, you should talk to coach about this. If you're getting hurt... it's not right you having to go in the ring with older more experienced big guys. There has to be something that can be done to stop it. Coach'd know who to talk to." He sounded so concerned and so innocent to Kris.

"Look Marcus, forget I said anything alright! It's just something that I have to deal with on my own." He jerked his locker open and started roughly pulling out his uniform. "I've decided I'm handling it this weekend. I don't even know why I told you." He slammed his locker shut and turned his back on the older boy, finally using his towel to rough dry his fur before starting to pull his clothing back on.

Marcus wilted under Kris' anger, pulling back a few steps and frowning to himself. He'd tried but there really wasn't much he could do beyond suggesting that the raccoon tell someone about what was happening.

The main door into the pool swung open and Coach O'Brien walked in. He skimmed the room and headed for the two boys giggling in the corner practically ignoring Kris and Marcus. The panther hissed at the raccoon to get his attention and tilted his head toward the coach a few times as if to suggest that he tell the coach what was going on. Kris glared at the cat and firmly shook his head, completely refusing to even acknowledge the idea.

"Audio Desmond, what you got there boys?" O'Brien boomed out in his coach voice.

The small dog jumped and tucked something behind his back staring at the horse wide eyed. "Nothing Coach just a comic book."

The coach tilted his head to the side and looked down his long nose at the boy. "Which is it? Nothing or a comic book?" He frowned at the pup resting a hand on his hip as he waited for the response.

Desmond didn't seem in the least put out by the horse's demeanor in fact he looked rather cocky as he replied. "Comic book."

"Let's see it then." The horse held out his hand and stared at the dog until he snorted and handed over the comic book. O'Brien flipped through a few pages then paused and swallowed hard. "Desmond, is this yours?" There was shocked disapproval in the horse's voice now.

The pup reached for the comic only to have O'Brien lift it out of his reach. "Hey give it back!"

The Coach folded his strong arms over his chest being careful to hold the comic out of the boy's reach. "Do you have any idea what the consequences for having something like this at school are young man? You are lucky I'm just confiscating it and not marching you to the principal's office." Another frown at the boy and then he added. "All right you lot, get your stuff together and let's get out of here!"

The rat terrier's eyes widened in fear and he backed away from the horse. "Ah... Yes Sir. Sorry Sir." He pulled his shirt on and started shoving things back into his backpack. All four boys hurriedly got themselves in order with Marcus shooting Kris the occasional glance to see if he was going to break down and tell the coach. Kris was the first one out of the locker room, shooting a dark glare over his shoulder at Marcus when he pushed the door open and disappeared through it. Desmond grabbed a reluctant Audio's hand and hauled him out shortly thereafter, followed by much slower moving Marcus with the Coach right on his heels.

* * * * *

For a few weeks now Venn had been booking whole nights with Rocket. It's not like the money was an object, his father had plenty and he wasn't averse to spending it on whatever struck his fancy. Right now that was the stripper. Tuesdays and Thursdays you could find the horse at the club. The bouncers all knew him by sight and would just nod as he entered their territory. He'd become a fixture around the place, "Rocket's horse". He'd discovered quite by accident one night that the club had themed rooms and had started booking the same room over and over for these little meetings. Tonight, Thursday night, he had a gift for the raccoon.

Earlier he'd been in the boy's locker room and some of his young swimmers poring over a comic book that Desmond, the young rat terrier who had joined their ranks, brought in. At first he'd thought it just another comic, but the way the boys had hidden it from sight when he came in made him demand to see it. It turned out to be something much more.

After a quick glance through the comic he'd tucked it in his back pocket and forbidden the boys from bringing that kind of trash into his locker room in future. Now the same comic was in a brown paper bag tucked under his arm as he bounced up the steps toward the room he'd rented for the night. He nodded to the bouncers on the second floor as he passed them, slipping between the large mastiff and a pretty looking wolf and heading down the hallway. He paused outside the door, a small mirror mounted on the wall beside the door allowed him to check the flow of his mane and adjust things so that he felt pleased with the way he looked. The raccoon who was presumably waiting for him wouldn't care one way or the other but he always felt like he was better prepared for the evening if he spent a few moments to check his appearance.

He gave his customary double knock then opened the door and slipped inside.

The room was only about ten foot square, and had two doors off it on the right side, one lead to a small closet and the other to an equally small bathroom. The decorations and furniture were what had caught Venn's eye the first time he saw it. A simple twin bed with blue sheets and blankets, and a matching dresser and desk took up most of the floor space. On the walls were posters and pictures that suited a young high school student. In short it was the perfect teenaged boy's bedroom.

The best part was that lounging across the bed in nothing but his fur was the most desirable young man he'd met in ages. As he closed the door behind himself Rocket looked up and pouted at him. "I thought you'd forgotten all about me." God how he wanted the young man, how those simple words made his cock twitch and his balls ache, but he had a plan for tonight!

"I brought you a present." He took his lightweight jacket off and laid it over the desk chair, relishing the way the small chair made the jacket seem out of place. He knew in his mind that the raccoon on the bed was in his early twenties but his size and the way he acted were straight out of those tormenting dreams. This was his escape from that torment. He could indulge in whatever naughty fantasy took him knowing that his partner was of legal consenting age. He handed the paper bag to the raccoon and smiled slightly, "I hope you like comics."

Rocket's eyes lit up as he took the bag from Venn's fingers. "Oh? Presents? I love comic books!" The paper bag was ripped off as Rocket pulled the comic free. He looked the cover over then laughed as he met Venn's eyes. "Oh Coach, you shouldn't have!" He started to open the comic only to find Venn's hand in the way.

"Lie down on the bed on your tummy with your feet in the air. I want you to read it out loud." There was a husky sound in Venn's voice that made the raccoon smile knowingly. The horse's shirt joined his jacket on the chair as he hungrily watched Rocket get into the requested position. Once there Rocket opened the comic to the first page and started reading aloud the characters dialogue. Venn's skin shivered as that young sounding voice started narrating two young high school students talking with each other in the locker room at their school.

He waited until The raccoon's tail started to swish back and forth before he moved closer to the bed. Kneeling down at the foot of the bed he rested a hand on one of those up raised feet and gently parted Rocket's legs. As the young man's voice kept going he lowered his head, he'd read the story a few times himself so he knew how long it would take before the boy got to the parts that would make him gasp. Slowly he pressed his face against the curve of one of those delightful ass cheeks, letting the sound of Rocket's voice roll over him and make his cock demand more than just a casual acknowledgement of it's existence.

He ignored his cock though, focusing on more intimate things. While the raccoon chuckled his way through the comic's first pages he buried his nose between those tempting cheeks and started to lick. He knew that it was distracting Rocket, mostly from the pauses and odd little sounds that didn't come from the comic book. His large tongue sought out and explored the smooth skin between those cheeks, like a drowning man seeking out the last dregs of water. It had been a very long time since he'd let himself indulge in this and he used every trick he'd learned. Gentle sweeps over that bare skin and the tight little pucker of muscles. Then faster, more focused flicks of his tongue, and finally simply poking his tongue at the center of that cluster of muscles like he was trying to fuck his way inside. All the while he let his ears focus forward and any time the raccoon faltered in his reading he paused waiting for the voice to continue before he started his slow torture once more.

By now the story was leading to something similar to what he was doing to the young man's ass, as Rocket continued reading he moved his hands to those furry globes and pulled them apart, exhaling a warm breath on the damp skin he'd been tormenting with his tongue. Now he focused a little more on just the ring of muscles, coaxing and teasing it to relax enough to let his tongue slip inside. He was fully aware that the raccoon could take a lot more than what he was giving right now but the idea that this was his first time as it was for the young people in the comic kept him working slowly at his prize.

Since he'd memorized this part of the comic he knew when Rocket was responding to his actions and not just reading the dialogue from the kits in the book. After a few more firm licks he lifted his head, if he timed it just right...

He got his pants off and the condom on moments before Rocket read the key phrase, "Please just shove it in me!" And being the obliging horse that he was he complied with the request even if it was just the words from the comic.

As the Raccoon paused in his reading, Venn paused with just the tip of his member pressing into his body. "Don't stop..." He whispered into one of the black tipped grey ears, sliding his hands under the young man's body and letting his weight press down a little onto his back. "If you stop so do I."

There was a shaky sound to the raccoon's voice as he continued doggedly to read the text in the little bubbles, but Venn could tell that he wasn't going to be able to keep it up much longer. He drove his unusual cock deep into the young man letting out his own groan as he felt his organ pressed to the hilt inside that warmth.

Venn closed his eyes as he started to rock his hips, not much, just enough to have about an inch of his shaft sliding in and out of the tight ring. He started anticipating the dialogue in the comic and looking over Rocket's shoulder he breathed out, "God you're so tight and warm." Before he bit down on the raccoon's shoulder.

Rocket managed to get out, "It hurts!" between ragged gasps still reading the girl's dialogue.

The horse's hands moved, one to wrap right across the slim chest, the other diving down the young man's body to find his throbbing erection. He lifted his head from Rocket's shoulder and whispered into his ear, "It gets better I promise." Just as his hand wrapped around that thick member trapped under the pair of them against the bed. His large hand was surprisingly gentle as he started to stroke, moving his fingers up and down in time to his thrusts.

The page turned and Rocket fought to keep his voice as steady as possible while he read, "but it hu-- Oh god!" as the boy in the comic added his hand to the girl, his thumb caressing the nub of her clit.

Venn smiled and ran his thumb over Rocket's tip, his fingers stroking faster as he started to drive himself into the prone body a little faster. "I told you..." The comic crumpled a little as Rocket's head came down on it and he shoved his hips up against the horse's thrusts, giving Venn's hand a little more room to move. It didn't take long before the raccoon was spraying cum all over his hand and the sheets, his body clutching and pulling at Venn's covered member. "That's it, just like that!" He lowered his head to the young man's shoulder once more this time pressing his forehead against it.

His hips picked up the pace, pulling his firm length out to the medial point before shoving firmly back into him. His breaths started to match the thrusts, inhale as he pulled back and exhale as he thrust in again. His right hand copied the rhythm, stroking up as he pulled back and down as he thrust in. the fingers of his left hand kneaded Rocket's pectoral muscle the hard nipple tickling the center of his palm. He huffed out, "Just... God... Like... That!" one word on each exhalation as he thrust into the younger male's body. God Kris felt so good under him, like he was made for him!