Just A Shark - Ep. 6 - A Time with your Idol

Story by Bayron on SoFurry

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Starring: Bayron, Andrew, Ryan, Adam, Lucas and Brian"Hi. Today is Febuary 23th, 2011 My name is Bayron and... I'm very anxious... today Krieg will show who is the winner of their promotion... Basically, they'll go to a Cruise to do some shows during 10 Days... and you can choose if you wanna stay with all the members in one cabin or with only one in a separated cabin... I choose only one: Ryan, the Drummer... I already met him before... 5 months ago... in a Show of the band, in São Paulo, A city very close from the city that I live: Santos. That show was very awesome, I get very amused and I payed to go to their Meet & Greet , and I started a friendship with him... He's gay, like me, but this, everyone knows, he admitted this to the media a while ago, now... I hope I win this promotion, to see him again and... try to get "Something more",he's so hot and buff, oh my god... yes I know, I ain't very faithful in my Relationship, but, Andrew is unfaithful too, so I can be too,  I really want this, now if I'll win this... who knows?"This is a letter that Bayron wrote 1 hour before he knew: He won this promotion and he'll see Krieg again. Krieg is a metal band that Bayron idolizes, the band is formed by 4 members: Adam, the vocalist and sometimes play guitar, a fox that sings like a monster, have a medium hair and is short; Brian, the Guitarist, a Wolf that know the most advanced guitar solos, have a long hair and always appears shirtless; Lucas, the Bassist, a Dog that know how to show the bass' power, he's the most calm and focused and Ryan, the Drummer, a Panther that make nice percussions and sing sometimes with a very thick voice, he've a very long hair and always appear with all the clothes black. Bayron worship mainly Ryan, because he's very buff and pretty to him and because they're friends, but Ryan have one problem: He never smile, whatever is happening, nobody never seen a single smile on his face, including the other members of Krieg, everybody tried to convince him to smile, but he refuses. Why he never smile? He doesn't say.Bayron only would see they in the day of the boarding, In the port he find they on the boarding queue.Bayron: Hello.Ryan: Hi.Adam: Hi, so... Gtz by the promotion, you're familiar.Bayron: Thank you, yes, I've payed to the Meet & Greet from the last show in Sampa*. My name is BayronRyan: I remember you, I'm glad to see you again...Lucas: You can take this time that you're glad to smile...Ryan: Shut the fuck Up.Brian: So well, who is the one that you choose to stay with you?Bayron: I choose Ryan...Brian, Adam and Lucas: Ryan?Ryan: Me?Bayron: Yes, you're my favorite one, I like everything on you... Your hair, your style, your voice, your size...Ryan: Wow, okay, that was completely unexpected.Lucas: Indeed... I always read studies that say that Ryan is the

most "Hated"Bayron: I read this studies too, pure nonsense, Ryan's my favorite one... but this don't means that I hate you... I like everybody.Adam: Well, okay, Everyone have their preferences...2 hours ago, they finally embarked. Their cabins would be very close to each other. Bayron and Ryan's Cabin was the 512, and Adam, Brian and Lucas stayed in 516, Same hall, with 1 cabin (514) between they. In the front of 512, Ryan and Bayron parted from the rest.Bayron: 506, 508, 510, 512... here.Adam: Well, Bayron, I hope you like this cruise... If you need something, call us on 516. Bye. Smile*Bayron: Thank You. *Open the Cabin*After That. Bayron and Ryan entered in the cabin and saw the bed, Is only one, a double bed.Ryan: A double bed?Bayron: Well, for me this is not a problem, I know you're gay, me too.Ryan: What?Bayron: I'm gay too, Ryan. Don't worry. We can sleep together without problems...Ryan: I hope this "together" means just in the bed, not with cuddles and another love things... *Sit in the bed*Bayron: Hm? What do you mean with this? You don't wanna have a mate?Ryan: I... I don't wanna talk about this...Bayron: C'mon Ryan, when somebody tell me a secret I keep it very hidden. *Sit beside Ryan and Hug him*Ryan: *Push Bayron Please, don't hug me.Bayron: Oh... Okay, I won't hug you. but please, tell me what's wrong... maybe I Can help.Ryan were almost pushing Bayron against the wall and shout with him, but how he know that just will worsen the things to him. He take a deep breath and said.Ryan: Mumble Okay, you won, I'll talk, holy shit, you're annoying.Bayron: Sorry, my curiosity talks louder*...Ryan: Ah... Whatever... Well I talk to you, but you must PROMISE that you won't talk to ANYBODY about this.Bayron: I promise.Ryan: Well... I used to smile, like a normal person... I used to be happy... I used to laugh... I used to everything... Until... Ryland.Bayron: Who?Ryan: Ryland... He was my first mate, this is before I met Adam, Lucas and Brian... We used to be a cute couple... always together, kissing, cuddling and of course... having something more.. But... someday, I was going to my house and in the way, I found him, with another guy, kissing in the middle of a park... I went to talk with him, but he pretended that he not knew who I'm... after I said to him that's not fair he pushed me in the floor and start to curse me, telling me things like "You're just a toy", "Nobody will really loves you", "You were created to be used"... He destroyed me on the inside... I never overcame this... This make me lost my compassion and self-esteem... Bayron: Oh my god, that's terrible!Ryan: *Sigh It's all I have to say to you... no more...Bayron: Ryan, I know this is hard, but... you're older than me... you should know that exists good and bad people in the world, sadly, you loved

someone who is one of the bad people... but, that's not reason to enter in depression, don't do this... you can be older than me but you're young too... you've a lot to live.Ryan: ... I get it... But, who?Bayron: Don't care about this right now... come, let's see if you can smile again...Ryan raised from the bed and take a deep breath, so Bayron and Ryan leaved from the cabin and go to a bar on the ship, they asked for drinks and starts to talk, trying to avoid bad issues. They was having a great conversation, only about things who both like... but nothing of a simple smile appear on Ryan's Face. Bayron take a programming guide from the pocket and see what would happen. It's about to start a show from a S.O.A.D*** Cover, Krieg only would make his first show in the 2nd day of the cruise, in the pool at night**. Bayron: Do you Like System?Ryan: System of A Down? I love it.Bayron: It's about to start a cover show at the theater, wanna go?Ryan: Why Not?After a nice afternoon, with a lot of shows, at night they was on the restaurant, together, when Lucas, Brian and Adam appeared.Brian: Oh, It's you two, Hey.Ryan: Oh, Hi.By the First time they saw Ryan without looks like angry, bored or serious. He was amused, with a satisfied face, without smile.Lucas: Ryan, you looks like... different.Ryan: What you mean with this?Lucas: You looks like... "Happy", I never saw that before.Ryan: Well, I need to say... *Put the hand on Bayron's Head This guy, make me, by the first time in years, feel good.Adam: Really? How do you did this, Bayron?Bayron: Well, Thinking on him... I won't say anything.Ryan: Thank You.Brian: Ok... so... Can we sit with you two?Ryan: Yes, Take a Seat.During the lunch they conversed a lot, and after this, they go to another shows that was having, and in the dawn they enter in the cabin, very sweaty, after a excellent day the first thing what they do is fall on the bed, and by the first time in years, Ryan smiled.Bayron: Hey! Is... Is that a...?Ryan: Yes, you did it. Thanks a Lot for this.Bayron: Welcome Bro. Can I hug you now?Ryan: Smile Yes, come here.And Ryan hugged Bayron, but they stopped soon...Bayron: You're sweaty. Hehe...Ryan: You too.Bayron: Well, I'll take a shower, after me, you go, okay?Ryan: No Prob, Can Go.And Bayron go to the bathroom, undress himself and repaired that in the bathroom don't have any soap, so, he covered his dick with the hand, open the door, and saidBayron: Ryan, May you call the maid to bring soap?Ryan: Oh, okayAnd Bayron turned back, but he forget to close the door, and Ryan saw his butt.Bayron: Oh Shit Pick a towel and cover his crotch Sorry.Ryan: Uhm... Sorry for the inconvenience but... you've a nice butt.Bayron: Uh... Thank You... I guess...Ryan: C'mon, show me

everything, don't be shy.Bayron: constrained God... You're direct...Ryan: Yes, I'm... Pull the towel*Bayron: Ah!Ryan [Thought]: He's Tiny... Exactly how I've imagined...Ryan: Very Small, Huh?Bayron: Yes...Ryan: Wanna see mine?Bayron: Ehmm... Oh, lord...Ryan: Here to you *Show the Dick, Flaccid*Bayron: Holy Shit, You're Huge.Ryan: Thank you, And It's just flaccid...Bayron: WHAT? Are you serious?Ryan: Yes, if I take off the hand under that, it will fall Wanna touch it?Bayron: I'm not sure if I...Ryan: C'mon, I know you wanna do this...Bayron: Ok...Bayron start to hold Ryan's Dick, until he gets erect.Bayron: This is Making me feels horny...Ryan: Me too...Bayron: I... I... Oh god *Start to pawing off Ryan*Ryan: Ah... Ah... So good...Bayron: *Pawing Off Himself and Ryan I never do this before with a feline...Ryan: Nice... So, I can show you the feline's power...So, Ryan put Bayron on the bed and start to pawing off his dicksBayron: Hngg...Ryan: Undress Let's take this further... Wanna it?Bayron: Yes, please... ah...And Ryan put his dick on Bayron's mouth, and he start to suck it.Ryan: Yes... Yes... Keep Going...Bayron [Thought]: Holy shit, He's so big... He just give me half and I'm almost swallowing it.After be sucked a lot, Ryan take of his dick of Bayron's Mouth, he put it so deep that when he take off, he saw Bayron's Throat.Bayron: Hey! Why did u take off? I was liking it.Ryan: I'm interested in another hole now...Bayron: Uh-Oh.Ryan: Relax... You'll like it...Bayron: Deep Breathing God, I'm scared...Ryan: Don't worry... The max that can happen is you feel a pain... Nothing else... Positioning Never done this before?Bayron: I did, my boyfriend have two dicks but... both together are still smaller than yours.Ryan: Hm... Well, so I won't put all, for you.In this moment Bayron open his legs and Ryan put his dick on him, Bayron's feeling was like some kind of monster entering on his butthole, It's bigger than Andrew's Dick, a new feeling, Ryan's dick was hitting areas that had never been reached before.Bayron: Oh my fucking god.Ryan: Liking It? Uff...Bayron: I don't know if i'm liking or disliking... moan feels very good... but... hurts...Ryan: I told you... Wanna see with all?Bayron: Yes, please, pleaseSo, Ryan put all, the feeling on Bayron was like that would get off by his mouth. The pain increased, but Bayron didn't wanna stopBayron: Ah... Ah... Moaning Must... Take... The... Pain... Aaaah...Ryan: Like it?Bayron: Yes!!! Hnng...After a Lot of sex, Ryan finally cums...Ryan: Roar Cum*Bayron: Ah... My god...Ryan: *Take his dick off Liked It?Bayron: So much...Ryan: Keep Hurting?Bayron: A bit...

now I need to take a shower...Ryan: I do not even ended!Bayron: What? You'll do it again?Ryan: No, I've another thing to you...And Bayron lay on the bed and Ryan put his hindpaw on Bayron's face, and Bayron, Impressed, hold it and start to lick it.Bayron: OMFG, Feet Lick, how do you know I've this fetish? Lick*Ryan: I didn't know, This was a guess!Bayron: God, you caught me, My biggest fetiche *Pawing off*Ryan: Stop this *Take Bayron's Hand off his dick, this is my job. Start to pawing off Bayron with his other hindpaw*Bayron: *Lick Holy God Lick So good... Lick*After a lot of pawplay Bayron cums.Bayron: *Cum Hngg... Ah... Lick Thank you, Ryan...Ryan: Welcome...Bayron: Can I take a shower now? Or you wanna do anything else?Ryan: No, can go... I'll wait...So, after both take a shower, they put underwears, brush their teeth and go to sleep... But, they weren't very close.Ryan: Hey...Bayron: Hm?Ryan: Why so far?Bayron: You told to we don't be so close in the bed earlier.Ryan: I was being silly, come here. Pull Bayron and Hug Him Thank you for the nice day.Bayron: Welcome...And they past all this cruise together, just separating themselves in the Krieg's shows. During this shows, Ryan don't smiled in any moment, to keep the fame. When they finally get off the cruise:Bayron: Well, I think that's it... I love the cruise guys. Thank You.Krieg: Welcome.Ryan: And, Bayron... thank you again... If you need us... we'll be in the Hotel in front of the beach during the next 5 days. After that, we'll go to Italy.Bayron: Ok... You're welcome... Bye!Krieg: Bye!During this time on the cruise Bayron fighted with Andrew during a cell phone call, and Andrew forgot it already, But, Bayron didn't, and when he find Andrew the was ready to give him a punishment. When Bayron found him:Andrew: Bay, Finally! Hug Bayron I missed you.Bayron: 15 days without sex.Andrew: What? Why?Bayron: Do you remember how you treat me and Ryan in your call?Andrew: Ahh... Because of That... Really? 15 days for a fight? This is so immature...Bayron: Sorry, but you're more immature than me, 10 days and we don't talk more about that!Andrew: Mumble Okay...In home, they're together on the sofa, but Andrew was very horny.Andrew: Bayron...Bayron: Hm?Andrew: I'm Sorry, I was being an idiot...Bayron: I know you're just talking this to me because you wanna fuck...Andrew: Okay... You got me...Bayron: Hmpf..But, Andrew use his feet like a weapon to make Bayron horny and they go fuck...Andrew: Put a Feet on Bayron's Face*Bayron: Oh, what the fu... *Smell Oh... ShitIt was working, but Bayron escaped...Bayron: No way, 20 days.Andrew's Sexual Desire made he feels so angry than:Andrew

[Angry]: Oh, you son of a... Raise Bayron*Bayron: Ah! Get Off!And Andrew put Bayron in the bed, attack him, rip off their clothes and start to rape him...Andrew: *Attacking Bayron This is the Price, Bitch! If we don't go by the good way, we go by the bad way!Bayron: Stop! Punch Punch*Andrew: This was supposed to hurt? *Big Punch Rip off their clothes*After that, Andrew start to rape Bayron until the dawn... when he sleep, holding Bayron. Bayron was awake, trying to escape, waiting for a neglect moment, when this happens, he jumped in the window, and And Andrew woke upAndrew: BAYRON!Bayron: Fuck!Andrew: Come here now!Bayron: *Run Away*Andrew: *Growl Fine, SuckerSo, Andrew jumped off the window and start to chase Bayron, both naked, when accidentally, Bayron find Krieg guys on the street.Bayron: Guys?Ryan: What the hell, why you're naked?Bayron: It's Andrew, he wanna kill me!Adam: Who?Ryan: It's his boyfriend! How he looks like?Bayron: He's Gray and taller than you!Ryan: ShitAnd Andrew appeared, Bayron, scared hide himself behind Ryan.Andrew: Get off my Way, Fuckers, It's my issue!Ryan: Don't touch on him.Bayron [Whisper]: Ryan, what're you doing? It's dangerous!Ryan [Whisper]: Shut up, Bayron, I know what I'm doing.Andrew: Ahhhh.... Looks like we've a brave one here... C'mon, I'm not afraid to fight you!Andrew tried to punch Ryan's face, but he dodge and grab his arm, And Ryan throwed him against the floor.Ryan: It's just that? I didn't even started to sweat!Andrew: Raise Don't flatter yourself just because you're lucky. I'll kill you now!And Andrew tried to punch Ryan again, but this time, In the belly, but Ryan grabbed his hand and throwed him against the floor again, passed upside him, rolling, and throwed Andrew again, making he pass out.Ryan: He just have size...Bayron: Oh My God!Bayron ran to Andrew, crouched and hold his hand.Bayron: He'll be fine?Ryan: Yes, but, ya really love him same after what he tried to do for you?Bayron: Yeah... He just did this by my fault... When he stay a lot of time without do sex with me he start to get crazy, and me trying to complicate this, of course he would do this...Ryan: Ok... Raise Andrew Leave us to your home... He can't stay like this on the street...Bayron: Right, follow me.In Bayron's House, they put Andrew in the bed.Lucas: Right, We did it, now let's go to the hotel...Ryan: Bye, Bayr...Bayron: Wait a Second! Can I stay with yourselves during 10 days?Ryan: Why?Bayron: Well... basically, I won't do sex with him during, this time, and to avoid this again... Please?Adam: Dude, I really wanna... but... We only have more 5 da...Ryan: Can come with us.Brian: What?Bayron: Really?Lucas: But...Ryan:

Don't came with "But" Lucas, He may looks like a teen, but he's an adult. He can come with us... And he'll stay with me.Bayron: What? I'm not sure If I should...Ryan: Bayron, I think in other people too... You need help and I'll give you it.Bayron: Oh... thank you Ryan, so much, I'll pick some clothes and the money, just wait.Ryan: Don't need money, I pay for you.Bayron: What? I can't accept...Ryan: Don't worry about it, You know how many I've in the bank?Bayron: Well, this a bit weird but... ok...After this, they go to the hotel with Bayron. In the next morning, Andrew woke up.Andrew: Hngg... Bayron, What the...?So, Andrew found a letter that Bayron let in the house.Andrew: What is That?"Andrew, Just an advice: You won't see me during 10 days... It's the punishment, sorry, I hope you understand it, I won't say where I am because I know what you would do... I still love you, don't forget it. I'll come back, that's a promise."Andrew: ... Fuck Slap himself FUCK ANDREW, YOU'RE SO STUPID!In the hotel, Ryan and Bayron woke up, but they continued in the bed.Bayron: Ryan, I still very awkward, You paid everything to me.Ryan: Don't worry... It's just a simple gift, this hotel is kinda cheap...Bayron: I think you're going too far for somebody that just overcame a heartbreak right now...Ryan: Well, You helped me, Now I help you. I should reward you somehow.Bayron: So, Thank You Again, Ryan.Ryan: Welcome...Bayron: Now, A reward for your reward unzip the pants*Ryan: Ha... You're a smart guy... Know what I like... *Undress Come here.During this 5 days on the hotel, they stayed very well, just going out for shows. If they ain't on the show, they was on the cabin, maybe, doing sex. After they go to Italy, they keep doing the same thing... but this time, they get out of the cabin more often, for tourism. But, when the 5th day came. Bayron had to go. And in the airport:Ryan: ...Bayron: Well, I guess it's that, I really enjoyed this... Thank you so much again, Ryan.Ryan: Small Smile Well... I see you in the next Show in Sampa*, Right?Bayron: Of course.Ryan: Bye, Bayron, I'll miss you.Bayron: So Do I...And after long 12 hours on the plane, Bayron finally come back to home.Bayron: Knock the door Andrew?Bayron saw the home empty and silent, He expected Andrew naked on the sofa, with cum everywhere, watching porn or with a slut. But no, he haven't seen anything of this. So he go upstairs, and entered in the bedroom, it was empty and clean.Bayron: What the Fuck?Andrew, was hidden behind the door and Bayron didn't realized it. And after he close the door, Andrew jumped on him and pulled him to the bed.Bayron: Ah! I Knew It, you dickhead.Andrew: Shut Up *Rip off bayron's clothes*And Andrew start to fuck Bayron without with

force, making very loud noises every time when his crotch hit Bayron's butt. And after one hour with a strong fuck, Andrew finally cummed.Andrew: FUCK YEAH! *Cum*Bayron: Ah... Better now?Andrew: Sorry Bay, I just can't hold it anymore, freaking more 10 days without fuck you are almost a impossible mission for me.Bayron: I know. We're 5 years together, forget it?Andrew: Ah... Sorry for the rape last week, Bay... I deserved those 10 days... I was a Idiot.Bayron: Wow... I expected another reaction of you... That was impressive, you're Improving.Andrew: Heh... I hope so... *Kiss Bayron*The End.

Just A Shark - Ep. 7 - Trying To Remember

Yep, I was gone for some centuries... but I'm back... o/Starring: Bayron, Andrew, Darius, Kirk, Blake and JasonIt's supposed to be a Normal day in Bayron's Life, he was going to the center of the city to solve somethings with Andrew, but... in the...

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Just A Shark - Ep. 5 - The Lifeguard

New Story :3Ep. 5 - The Lifeguard.Starring: Bayron, Mark & Andrew.It's normal Monday on Bayron's house in the summer season, they don't work on Sundays, so they stay all the time together, but not on this Monday, Bayron didn't get off from the bedroom...

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Just a Shark - Ep. 4 - Stalking

Ep 4. - The StalkersStarring: Bayron, Ethan, Andrew, Darius and Shant.March 1st, 2013. First day of Andrew and Bayron's New Routine. This day was the day when Andrew will travel to stay 15 days out, traveling to different parts of the world to work,...

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