Pink Skin

Story by Am bi go us on SoFurry

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Long ago there was a time when the children of the wild, Anthropomorphics and the children of the earth, humans locked swords in war for domination of the planet, neither side flinching nor gaining it seemed to be an endless struggle. In the capital cities any members of the opposing species caught were ridiculed then released as a display of humiliation. In the capital of Faruah it was no different until one day, the young and naive prince met a most curious creature in his chambers.

Chapter One: One night scam

A sudden rustling awoke the prince as he slept calmly in his bed, he had bid his servants goodnight and requested they not bother him, the prince a light sleeper and awoken easily even by the lightest fox steps. The prince growled and threw his covers aside setting his heavily armored feet on the ground and letting out a gentle roar, low enough not to wake father or mother. His scales glistened in the light of a candle by his bedside, a fiery crimson with a dull yellow along the ends, like a sunset painted over his abdomen and backside. the scales along his powerful tail were a darker red from use in battle training while his hands were a near pink, he had never known the sorrow of killing a man, only sparring with his teacher. The prince was a perfect specimen of the ruling species of dragonic descent.

"Who would be dumb enough to disobey a direct order?" Prince growled and stood walking towards the source of the sound in his expansive chambers. Nearly the size of a commoners house there were many fine things in his walls, swords that would easily set someone up with enough money that they never need work nor worry. His eyes shifted to the night and he stalked behind the intruder silently until he caught glimpse of them, they were small, no tail, no scales, or claws long stubby appendages growing from their paws. "...." The prince was baffled what manner of beast was this, he faintly recalled father mentioning a species of humans, he had never seen one but he had never been that interested, all he knew was that they were bad. "Your greed will lead you to your demise" The prince stood trying a diplomatic approach. "Leave now and I will spare you a chase and execution" He was a fair young boy, he always thought that raping someone for trespassing was a bit harsh.

"Oh you will spare me if I leave, how kind but I don't think I will be leaving empty handed" A soft voice laughed and turned around a wave of black hair following them as they did a sort of conceited courtesy to the prince. "You see I would not make a very good thief were I to return empty handed so you see the predicament I am in, my lord" The bandit laughed again when addressing the prince. "Though if you wish to arrange a trade then I will be more than happy to accommodate you" The bandit's eyes narrowed on the rock hard cock between the prince's thighs stricken with a case of the morning wood.

"Nonsense!" The prince coughed and turned his head. "I will not abide thieves such as you even in my own quarters, IN MY OWN BED NONE MORE SO!" The prince shook the idea out of his head but the bandit had already won that battle reaching up and removing a bit of their clothing the bandit revealed themselves to be in possession of stunning crystal blue eyes and raven hair that reached their back. "HEY CEASE AT ONCE BEFORE I CALL THE GUARDS!" The prince watched interested but began to walk backwards stumbling and knocking over a vase which shattered awakening the midnight watch. "HELP GUARDS!" The prince called out and the sounds of clattering armor came heavily towards the chamber doors the thief sighing and beginning to unwrap another part of their clothing, revealing a pair of soft white breast to the young prince and fleeing out the window leaving two wrappings behind as gifts.

"Are you alright my lord?" A shaggy guard in heavy plate armor barged into the room finding the prince on his hands and rear and a shadowy figure escaping. "Are you in need of medical aid?" The guard knelt down examining the leavings behind of the thief and sniffing them, his canine instincts leading him to a specific scent which he could track where the thief was hiding.

"I am fine" The prince sighed and stood up taking the wrappings from the guard. "Increase patrols around my quarters but make sure the guards are not wearing leggings so they do not awaken me" The prince moved his hand to dismiss the guards and with a loud salute they were gone. "Strange creature, they didn't take a thing but instead left something" the prince moved the chest wrapping to his nose and inhaled the sweet scent of the thief, it was exhilarating. "My god.... she smells so good" The prince returned to his bed holding the two pieces of wrapping and tying them around his neck like a kerchief. "So.. good" The prince nodded off not noticing his cock growing harder and stiffening with each sniff of the pleasant bandit's scent.

The next morning the prince dressed in his usual attire a squires shirt and long black leggings. He did not believe that nobility meant that you were to dress as a stuck up noble all day, he preferred a more relaxed feeling which made him less standoffish when he attended classes with the other noble and a few lucky lowborn children. The prince tied the two wrapping to his arms and walked into the dinning hall to bid his father good morning.

"Morrow father how are you this fine day?" The prince asked with a light smile on his maw, his father a noble old gray dragon chuckling as he ate his morning meal. "What seems to be so funny father?" The prince sat down to a succulent roast feral pig and tore a piece of it's leg off biting into it.

"My son I can see it in your eyes, you have found a mate" The king chuckled and looked to his darling wife, a calm yellow scaled drake. "You remind me of the way I looked when I met your mother in the market" The king chuckled and leaned over pecking his wife on her maw. "She was stunning, a vision of beauty among the stall vendors" The king began to wax romantic and the queen blushed softly the prince shaking away the image of his parents being anything but strict and annoying.

"I feel I should lose my appetite were this to continue any longer" Prince grumbled and set his food down wiping his maw and setting off. "I bid you both a fine day, my studies call me and I feel that the present situation developing between you and mother does not my eyes approve" The prince walked away towards the town where he met his fellow squires in service of the arch knight Reginald. "MORROW!" The prince waved to a squatting dog angling a mirror so that he may see up the maidens dresses as they passed along their morning shopping route. "One might find you in contempt of the law doing such things Archibald" The prince laughed and the dog quickly whipped the mirror behind his back.

"Nonsense I find nothing wrong with examining the fine fair of this beautiful land, such as no painter finds fault in displaying the wonderful beauty of a female form in his work" Archibald laughed, a noble born boxer he had a sort of way around women, a very certain way of annoying them, but then pulling his nobility and receiving what he wanted. "My word there is the scent of a fine female today, who do you suppose that ripe cherry is prince?" Archibald stuck his nose into the air and then blinked finding the source to be from the princes arm. "Ah, prince have you taken my advice and indulged in the bounty of your maids, there is nothing wrong with a little common mingling now is there?" Archibald laughed and the prince snarled.

"I would never insult my maids to treat them as common whores!" The prince removed the arm of his shirt. "Do you see this it is the wrappings of a female bandit who visited my chambers last night. She left them as a trade for allowing her to escape, you know not all women are objects to be idolized and fawned over, some are just as vile as the common men you look down upon so often" The prince rolled his sleeve back down but Archibald wasn't listening he was squatting again catching the scent of the females in heat and wagging his tail. "Dog" was the only comment the prince could reply with as they waited for the rest of their group.

"DID YOU HEAR THEY CAUGHT A HUMAN!" The market suddenly filled with a buzz of news, a human had been caught lodging inside an abandoned barn on the outskirts of town. "They are going to put them in the stocks today and allow the men a round with her, then an banishment I dare say this day is looking up" A peasant boy laughed and walked past the prince, hearing the news he sat rigid standing and turning to Archibald.

"Excuse me in front of master Reginald" With that the prince took flight towards the stocks wondering were it the same woman, was the bandit he found himself infatuated with going to be put to death, should she be, she took nothing spare his heart. When the prince arrived at the stocks the guards had the female bandit in shackles stripping her of her clothing and bearing her soft skin to the crowd, the cheering and growling of the males would silence a cannon's fire.

"TAKE HER OVER HERE, LET US HAVE OUR ROUNDS!" The crowd jeered and the woman showed no remorse, no flinching nor loss of pride, displaying herself before the crowd proudly she would not embarrass her race by pandering to these beasts. "SHE WILL BE RARE SPORT!" The crowd began to throw rotten fruit at the girl laughing. "HERE WENCH THIS WILL COVER THAT RETCHED HUMAN SMELL, LIKE THE PIGS YOU SHALL SMELL LIKE THE PIGS" Again she did not flinch as she bent over and locked waist round into the stocks a widening bar placed between her ankles and weights placed on her wrists to hoist her rear into the air and keep her exposed.

"This human has been accused of the following crimes, number one being of human species in a non human domain how do you plead human!?" The knight in charge of capturing the bandit read her the mandated rights of the kingdom to which the bandit could only laugh. "Do you find something amusing with our laws human?"

"How the hell am I supposed to say anything but guilty, you're not arresting me because I tried to rob the prince, you're arresting me because I have no tail nor ears growing out of the top of my skull, what loyalty you show to your crown, by placing the species of the thief over the fact that they are a thief" The bandit laughed and then groaned feeling the knights foot smash into her spread posterior. "I say guilty, and proud of it"

"Fine then the penalty for this crime is public exhibition followed by banishment" The knight motioned for the guards to release the masses upon the helpless bandit but it would not be so today.

"STOP!" The prince roared out silencing the crowd and charging the stage standing by the nude bandit. "What right have you to prosecute this woman because she is different, would you prosecute me for being the only dragon in the land were you a human!?" The prince's eyes were now open to the injustice that his country was committing. "WELL SPEAK KNIGHT!" The prince adverted his eyes from the presented form before him.

"Prince this is your father's law, the humans are wicked and deceitful beings who only wish to see our end, I understand that this is your first time seeing a female naked and it invokes feelings inside of you, so what say we give you first rights, it is among our duty as nobility to be the first in Que for everything " The knight chuckled and reached over spreading out the bandit's sex showing the prince her supple folds. "For a human I bet she fucks like a fox"

The prince grew enraged partially from sexual frustration but mostly from the blatant offense this knight was paying him. "GUARDS ARREST THAT MAN AND STRIP HIM OF HIS NAME AND TITLE!" The prince roared and so it was done. "From this day forth anyone who is found harassing, assaulting, or otherwise treating any species as they are lower will first answer to me then to the DUNGEON WE ARE CREATED EQUAL IN THE EYES OF OUR FATHERS REGARDLESS OF SPECIES!" The prince turned and roared smashing the stocks with his tail so that they may never be used again. "Now if anyone opposes my doctrine let them approach" The prince heard not a word as the crowd disbursed talking later about the scandalous affair between the prince and a pink skin.

"You show me kindness after I tried to raid your chambers, my you are a strange young man" The bandit laughed and went to stand but was quickly picked up and cradled in the princes arms ripping away the bar between her ankles, leaving the shackles. "Oh So I guess you are going to carry me to safety what a prince" The bandit laughed again.

"Name" Was all the prince said as he carried her to the outskirts of town, the barn where she had been seeking refuge. "Your name" The prince deposited her into a pile of hay and stood furious still from the knight, blood rushing through his veins carried the rage of a dragon.

"Challot" The woman answered curiously staring at the prince as he began to undress first his shirt, showing a rippled physique from years of training with swords and weights. "And what might yours be surely prince is not your birth name" Challot asked and leaned back watching the tantalizing strip show before her.

"My name is Aran son of Karath and Mira" Aran next removed his pants allowing his rigid member to bounce free, not long before it was free did Challot spring up, sitting on her knees and pressing his head tip to her mouth. "Curious woman" Aran growled but did not fight the thief's aggressive nature.

"I suppose I owe you a courtesy in return for saving me from being publicly raped" Challot smiled and pulled the prince down into the hay with her kissing him softly and rolling on top of him. "I will show you things that animals had not yet even dreamed off" Challot smiled and pleasured the young prince for the first time in his life.

Sounds of roaring and moaning erupted from the barn that night as the once dormant farmhouse came to life with the sounds of passionate love. Falling dead somewhere around midnight, rolling over Aran churred softly while holding his pink skinned prize in his strong arms. "Now I have something, special for you prince" Challot well worked and sweating from the prince's love reached into the hay, before she turned she smiled. "It was a pleasure knowing you" With a swift stab Challot plunged a dagger into the princes heart, killing him instantly. "Foolish noble, to trust a thief is to welcome a dagger into your heart" Challot cackled and grabbed her wrappings from his corpse stealing his necklace of nobility and other items of importance from his pockets. Then like the night as the sun rose, she vanished never to be heard from again

The next day a merchant looking for rest found the princes body. The king enraged sent out a search party for the woman but to no avail she was gone from the country. With a heavy heart the king and his wife were made to watch their son be burned to ashes in ceremony, a decree that any human who trespassed in their kingdom would not be paid the courtesy of living nor being taken by the proud race of animals, no they would be tortured and killed their heads displayed on a pike for the whole world to see, this sin would not be forgiven. The great king collected his army and laid siege to a small neighboring village of humans stringing the corpses of women and children from the rafters of their homes leaving the watch to find them as thus, driven mad with grief and rage the once kind king Karath was now the Blood King. The queen promptly left the king when he began his war, being executed for treason, or so he would have them all believe, the king showed one last kindness to his wife allowing her safe passage out of his kingdom by shadow of nightfall, her destination unknown to him.

Many years have passed, the war waged still burning the fires of injustice fueling it and the hatred from both sides showing no sign of weakening. Routes of trade were soon laid to waste, a survivor of a raid was brought back to the kingdom, a young boy about the age of eleven traveling with a band of gypsies. A golden necklace around his neck peeking the interest of the raiders, but he would not give it up for any threat or any prize.

Chapter Two: The second heir

The child was dragged forcefully back to Faruah blind folded and gagged so he would not cause trouble. When he was dumped onto the floor he sprang up a wily young boy with the spirit of a fighter inside of him, he was forced to kneel by the feel of a blade to his throat. "My lord" A knight spoke in a heavy voice the voice of the man formerly humiliated by the prince.

"Yes arch knight Cuniston?" The king sat weary on his throne, tired of the war that he continued to wage if only out of spite. "What do you bring before me another slave?" It was no secret that the king kept young humans who were only wandering as his trained slaves, feeling no need to put a child to death in his older age he merely integrated them as an acceptable member of his kingdom in return they were spared.

"No sire" The wolf chuckled and remove the hood from the boys head allowing him to set eyes on the terrible and sad king. "I bring you a present, this boy... look" Cuniston grabbed the boy by the neck and held him up, showing the king his necklace.

"That symbol... that... boy" The king's eyes shook was it true... really he had received a letter but he promptly burned it after reading it. ".. Set him down and allow him to approach me"...

More to come later!

Missi's Lessons in Situation Control

To all the readers please forgive my previous submission it was ill thought and though you still praised it I know that I can do you better than such poor writing, No I expect myself to provide better. As a bonus for my error I will include a chapter...

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Missi's Lessons in Relationships

To all those who supported selection 1 the final tally was 5/2 so the 2's won it but don't get discouraged, bring more readers and sway the votes! At the end of the series I will include a contemplation album of all the selections not chosen in a 'lost...

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Missi's Lessons in drake care

Missi's Lesson's in Drake care Missi rubbed her head and shook the notion of an evil super child away. "Yes Ma'am I am Missi and I am applying for the job" Missi stood and bowed to Jessie with a small giggle. "Is that my ward?" She waved to...

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