Transformation Stream Story 2: Jockeying for Position

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This second story was requested by Malacai, formerly known as Magi.

Jockeying for Position For Malacai By Draconicon

Kyle hated the fact that the jocks ran the senior class. He hated the fact that they could do what they wanted without getting in trouble. He hated the way that they could get the teachers on their side for anything. He hated that they were stupid and wouldn't listen to reason.

And he most definitely hated that they picked him for their little 'experiments', considering it always ended with one of their cocks pounding his ass.

Today, they had him stretched over the chemistry teacher's table, one of them tying his wrists by handcuff to the radiator by the chalkboard, while the other had his ankles tied to the nearest desk. Today it was Jack and Tony, two large draft stallions that were the pride of the football team, and they were both already undressing, down to little more than jockstraps that did absolutely nothing to hide the packages hidden beneath. The housecat groaned. Kyle knew how much those were going to stretch him, even with the experience of the past six months.

He was almost used to that, though, and if it had been the only thing happening, he wouldn't have been that worried. The thing that scared him was the blue vial that Tony held, and was currently pouring all over his sheath. As he passed it to Jack, Kyle tried to ask a question.

"mmph ph tht?"

"You understand him, man?"

"Nah, I don't speak sock-mouth."

The cat growled, but it didn't get around the sweaty sock in his mouth. Whatever the blue stuff was, they weren't going to tell him. He just hoped that it was some novelty lube instead of something worse. These two were terrible pranksters, and had almost blown up the chemistry lab twice this year alone. If it wasn't lube, he worried about how he was going to feel later.

Still, if it wasn't burning their sheaths, then maybe -

Jack walked behind him, and Kyle's eyes went wide at the flared tip that pressed against his hole. It felt bigger every time, he swore, and this time it almost felt bigger than an apple. He involuntarily pulled his legs together, tightening up, but the horse spanked him and he jumped.

"Hey, don't go doing that, Ky-lee! You know your little pussy is just waiting for our cocks."

That nickname just made him boil, but there was nothing he could do. He nodded, slowly pushing his legs apart again.

This time Jack just slammed it in. Thanks to whatever he'd poured on it, it went in quickly, but it still felt like it was stretching the feline's ass out to a ridiculous degree. He whimpered against the sock in his mouth, even as he watched Tony continue spreading the blue goo over his cock. It throbbed, pointing up at least a foot from his crotch, and the head looked just as wide as the one that had been shoved up his ass.

The sock was pulled out of his mouth, but no sooner had he gotten it pulled out than Tony rammed his cock in. The goo along his shaft tasted horse cock, if it had a taste at all. He growled, his jaws stretched to its limits as the two stallions humped into him from across the table.

As they humped and thrusted into him, he felt a strange warmth spreading through him. At first he thought that it was just the usual prostate pleasure that he got from their semi-rapes, but he realized that it wasn't exactly feeling good, just warm. He looked out of the corner of his eyes, and they went wide at the sight of his long fur falling out.

No sooner had it started falling out than his arms started to thicken. What were once frail and slender limbs were rapidly growing harder, thicker with muscle. His biceps bulged like a weightlifter, and his shoulders started to push out, giving him a wider chest to follow.

"Hey, look, it's working just like coach said."

"Hell, you know it would. We did this to Jackson just last week."

They'd gotten the shy little poodle with this? What the hell was it?

The warmth continued, even as his thicker fur fell out to be replaced with something shorter and smoother. As his muscles grew under the new shorter layer, he felt something else growing as well. His face started getting longer, his nose spreading to cover more of the end of his face, and his teeth felt like they were getting flatter, as much as he could feel that with the cock forcing his jaws open.

As he was pounded from behind, he felt something else growing. His ass. It spread out wider, and the only reason he could tell that was because the hands gripping his hips were forced apart as well. He shuddered, trying to hold back his moans as the prostate pounding was making him feel better and better, his cock throbbing at the feeling of being pounded and filled back there.

As it grew, his tail changed. He could feel it change, the flexible limb shrinking, pulling in towards his ass before suddenly seeming to split. He gasped at the feeling, only to be slapped with what felt like a whip. But it wasn't a whip. It was his own tail...a tail that was now mostly hair instead of a proper limb.

He shuddered as he was pulled upwards, not by the jocks, but by his own cock. It throbbed under his belly, growing bigger by the second as his body kept changing. It must have been at least a foot long by now, and it was still growing, oozing a puddle under him and soaking his shorter fur. Despite the slick, almost slimy feeling, he couldn't help but moan again.

"Heh, he likes it..."

"Good...because I'm gonna...gonna cum soon..."

"Me too."

The two jock horses humped him hard, and he continued to grow. His feet transformed into hooves, and his arms and legs lengthened until the handcuffs were useless. If he had wanted, he could have reached around and lifted his hands free of the radiator. But he didn't. He didn't want to anymore, he just wanted to see the transformation through.

As the studs hit their climax, the transformation finished all at once. Whatever hints of feline were left were overwhelmed with equine, taking him over the edge and making him shoot a thick load against the table. His thicker, bigger balls bounced behind him, dripping with Jack's cum as he pulled out, and Kyle moaned as the two horses pulled back.

"Another stud for the team."

"Coach'll love this."

Kyle had no idea what they were talking about. Oh, he'd get them for this...get them with his big fat horse prick...yeah...yeah, that'd be good...when he could get up, anyway...and after practice...Had to practice, after all.

The End

Transformation Stream Story 3: A Re-Purposed Thief

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