Jusssst Desssertssss

Story by MichaelGrey on SoFurry

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#2 of The Pact

Continues from "Digi-Revolution".

This is a darker, more harsher bit of work. I admit that. It's meant to be harder satire than what I normally do. And the heroes aren't necessarily going to be always concerned with the morality of what they do. This is meant to be grittier. You have been warned.

"What can you tell me about this...deal you've made?"

"It's expensive to do an operation like this. We knew we couldn't get the technology we needed nor the money to buy a place to hide without outside help. However we lucked out...we met someone who has this really...intense sense of how things should be done."

"What do you mean?"

"The man runs a particular service in the Pokemon Online RPG. He's paid quite a lot of money to craft...elaborate scenarios for people to enjoy. When we mentioned what WE wanted, he realized he had a chance to indulge himself even more deeply and obtain a great many resources. We point out "marks" to him."

"So he's a con man?"

"No, no, no. See, a con man leaves his victims frowning. A con ARTIST leaves them smiling."

"And he?"

"...he leaves them screaming."




...Zieglord glanced left and right, frowning a bit as he scratched his head with one hand, the other glancing down at the card he now had. Was this really the place? A decrepit, dilapidated old warehouse? But then again, his friends had highly recommended the place. Said they went all the time.

But he'd heard...rumors. Someone named Adam had gone in and the police had found...squished remains of his body a few blocks away. Like some giant monolithic freak had stepped on him like a bug. And it had only happened within fifteen hours of going inside.

...still, if this meant living out what he so desperately wanted...

He'd been writing a faaascinating series of books and now he was determined to see this through to its conclusion. This would be not only the fulfillment of his ultimate fantasy...it would provide excellent inspiration for how to end the series. He pocketed the card, making his way inside the building, the single light illuminating the front entrance flickering briefly as he pushed the door open.

Surprising! The inside was alit with soft red light, candles lining the walls as sultry music played and...was that a...GARDEVOIR at the front counter? She cheekily smirked, waving a soft, palewhite hand at him. "Been a while since I've seen one of your type. Three weeks since a Poke-lover walked in."

"Uh...how are...?" Zieglord wanted to know, looking the Gardevoir over, her deep blue eyes aglitter as she giggled.

"Special perception filter. It reads your brainwaves and adjusts my appearance to the fantasy foremost in your mind based on special keywords. Not too long ago I was this absolutely STUNNING tyrannosaur for a man named Adam and his friend Jaz." She shrugged. "Who names their kid "Jaz"? Did they think poor literacy is "kewl"?"

"So, um...how uh...how does this work?" Zieglord nervously asked, looking at her amble breasts, wishing he could feel them right now as the Gardevoir secretary gestured at the doorway to the far right.

"You'll enter the room and explain the scenario you want. We craft it with special hologram technology that's based on light and forcefields...voila! Your fantasy made bare. But of course, it costs quite a bit straight-up. Half up front, a cool thousand for an hour, so unless you've five hundred-"

CHA-CHING! Zieglord immediately stuffed a huge stack in between her rack, the Gardevoir blinking a bit, her eyes momentarily becoming dark before chuckling and pulling the stack of bills out. "Paying all up front? Well. Fine by me...go on in." She said, pressing a button on a small, circular computer console to her side as Zieglord walked off. "Mister X? New customer! Paying full up FRONT!"

"This IS a pleasant surprise!" A synthesized voice announced over the warehouse's built-in intercome system as Zieglord strolled across soft red carpet and made his way into the main region of the warehouse, glancing around at the soft blue lights that glittered all along the room, lining up and down the walls. "And your name?"



"No, no, ZIEGLORD. Everyone always gets that wrong. It's with a Z. Z's are cool." The human chuckled, brushing his soft and bouncy hair back as the voice over the intercom chuckled.

"I understand. What sort of fantasy do you wish to experience tonight, Zieglord?"

"I so, SO want to be a Pokemon. Have me become one. Have me go wild and crazy with a hot and horny Pokemon lover. Something wild and feral. And then I want to see other humans converted into Pokemon for me to TOTALLY start pounding with my new body." Zieglord insisted.

"I take it you absolutely love transformation fantasy?"

"Being human's passe and stupid. Name me one good thing humanity ever did. Nah, I'd rather be a Pokemon."

"...very well! Any preference? Lucario, perhaps? Mewtwo?"

"No, those are overdone. Let's go with...ah...Gallade." He said, thinking back to the Gardevoir from before, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as the room began to shift and shudder, lights flooding his vision before-

BOOM. He was now in a hot and sweaty cave deep within a cavernous mountain, and he leaned against a stalagmite as he glanced down at himself. Where once had been a normal hand was now just vaguely-leafy digits, pink skin changed to green and white, a large crest running down his forehead with a lean, mean body. He felt over his smooth skin...interesting. It was like rubbing the texture of an enormous leaf, and he could...

Wait. Wait, something wasn't right. What was...what was this odd sensation in his head, what was-

"Oh this is going to be delicious. Stupid, stupid idiot."

The words were BARRELING into his brain. It was like each syllable stabbed in hard, forcing him to his knees as the intercom blared to life anew. "Yes, ah...this is the problem with being a new psychic. You're not ready to the onslaught of thoughts that surround you. Can't keep them out. They always learn that the hard way. On the plus side, you're a type strong against your predator. So go ahead...try and use your psychic might. Bend him to your will."

Bend him-? What? Zieglord staggered back to his feet, gripping his chest as he heard an unmistakable hiss, a cobra-esque, deep purple serpentine Pokemon slithering out from the darkness, red eyes glinting as it showed off the ornate, dark markings on its body, which seemed to eerily imitate a fanged maw. "Well? C'mon, Zieglord. I'm LAUGHING at your superior intellect."

Zieglord's Gallade form tried to focus, throwing a hand out at the Arbok. "EXPLODE!"

Nothing. He blinked, thrusting the hand forward again. "Abracadabra! Alakazam! Kabbalah!"

"Really? REALLY? Do you have any idea how your own new psychic powers work? No, of course not. Not that I'd let you learn. It takes about a week on average for psychics to really gain good enough control of their power, but..." The intercom voice sighed. "You won't have a week. Arbok?"

Within an instant, Zieglord felt the long thick body of Arbok wrapping itself around his now hot and sweaty body. "That isss going to be a good night for me! You know, it's been quite a while since any of us got to enjoy any "customers". We've built up quite an appetite! And sinccce your the only sssourcccce of food here...you'll ssssimply have to do!" Arbok gloated in victory,something being pushed against Zieglord's lips... Arbok hissing in pleasure as his really long,thick penis found it's way into Gallade mouth..

"MMMPH!" Zieglord struggled.

"Ssssilence, pet. You ssssuck on that, nice and sssslow..." He demanded. Zieglord almost gagged,Arbok's penis was huge! And he could feel it thicken in his mouth, taking up all the available space that was there. Clearly amused by Zieglord's anger and irritation, Arbok decided to slowly slide his giant member in and out of Zieglord's mouth, moaning in pleasure as the former humancontinued to suck on his huge cock. Arbok slid his very excited penis in and out of the mouth, wrapping his tail around the Gallade's OWN beginning-to-get-erect penis. "I can be...kind...to a degree." He admitted.

"W-wait-" Zieglord struggled to say.

Too late. He began to pump the cock hard and fast, along with the fast tempo of Arboks face-fuck, and the erotic effect of Arboks body squeezing Gallade tighter with every suck the former human made was too much. Zieglord groaned in sheer pleasure as the cock of Arbok began to leak precum, which slid down his throat effortlessly. "Good boy! SSSSuck your hungry massssters cock!" Arbok hissed with pleasure as he felt Zieglord tense up, because of his actions,the former human was now shuddering in complete bliss as he came onto Arboks coils.

With HIM now ejaculated, Arbok focuses his attention on Zieglord's sucking. He slid his very thick cock down the Gallade's throat, causing Zieglord to breath heavily as Arbok squeezed his grip on him tighter. As Arbok began to thrust his penis down your throat, Zieglord could hear Arbok hiss and moan in pleasure, he grunted and hissed a few more times, thrusting his cock down the throat really hard, until at last Zieglord feel the impact of ejaculation from the huge penis of Arbok, kept there for half an hour in the tight grip and forced to swallow down salty, thick cum of the cobra-esque Pokemon. Zieglord kept swallowing, whimpering a bit at this roughness before he finally slid the penis out of Zieglord's mouth.

"Not so much FUN...being forced against your will into being something you didn't want to be. Be it a victim...or a Pokemon." Arbok whispered darkly, Zieglord's eyes widening as the serpentine Pokemon glared furiously at him, tightening his grip further.


"My name...was Sal. I was HUMAN until one of your stories hit the shelves. When the onslaught swept through my poor town, my family was gone. Turned into...monsters that forced themselves on me. Turned me into THIS." Arbok snarled in Zieglord's face.

"That's...that can't be..."

"You think it's all some game. You don't know the pain you cause to the people in your tales...or worse, you don't care. But they all have their own worlds. Their own lives. My company found a way to talk to them." Mr. X remarked over the intercom. "That's what this room is. A link between worlds. You're in what was his home...until your story destroyed the world. Ravaged it. Turned it into a realm that has no respect for what others want, only the selfish, animalistic desires of a spoiled brat. You brought about repeated genocide. Now you, like the others we chose...reap the consequences."

"You know, I was an artist myself. I drew landscapes for fun for my pet Ekans. He loved seeing me draw him illustrated by the sunset...loved that this showed how much I cared about him." Sal the Arbok murmured, his eyes momentarily travelling somewhere else, far off, quiet...his voice subdued as he seemed on the verge of crying. "I wanted to craft something more precious and permanent than just a meal I could give him or a treat to sneak to him under the table. Now I can't hold a pen...I can't hold a brush. I can't do what I loved! Because of YOU!" Arbok roared out. "You TOOK my humanity from me! The thing that allowed me to look at the world in wonder and awe! The thing that valued beauty and love and compassion! And you left me with a body that only cared about FUCKING!"

He tightened the grip of his coils around Zieglord's crotch, hissing cruelly as Zieglord screamed.

"And...EATING!" Zieglord moaned jaws clamped down over his head before he had time to say "Please...!", but honestly, it wasn't going to do any good. He struggled a first out of instinct, grasping and clawing at the purple coils and head, but as his shoulders slid inside hhiser arms were forced down against his sides making struggling useless. His smooth chest followed hisshoulders into the mouth of Arbok and down it's throat as Sal kept pulling him in, slowly but surely, no escape possible at this point. Zieglord felt almost detached; like this was dream, but...

No. It was no dream. He could FEEL the powerful jaws slide and work their way over her chest, feel the smooth slick wet insides of the mouth and throat, and then down the chest to the waist,his genitals vanishing slowly a few minutes later, squirting out a bit of cum as Arbok's tongue licked at his balls and ass cheeks, pausing for a while to enjoy himself before the steady ripple of his powerful muscles resumed.

The feel of Zieglord squirming in his throat, and the Gallade's muffled struggles pleased Arbok. His prey tasted better; and gave so much more pleasure, when it was still alive. He'd learned that quite quickly in the new job he had, inwardly grinning as Zieglord's hips slid into his throat, onlyhis legs showing now, feet kicking weakly, toes clenching, the snake hissing in delight at the taste. He worked his jaws again, swallowing faster now, Zieglord's feebly twitching feet starting to slide from view, then dissapearing. Finally, with a satisfied hiss, he rehinged his jaws and shut them...wow. It had taken about half an hour swallow this one. All that remained to show Zieglord had existed was the large squirming bulge in his throat, muffled sounds coming from it. He swallowed again and the bugle began working its way down his body, his body rippling.

"Ohhh..." Arbok moaned, Zieglord giving a muffled scream, kicking weakly, knowing it wasfutile. The tight slick tube of the snake's throat was thick with mucus, his transformed body covered in the slippery goo to help make him easier to swallow, the powerful muscles rippling sensuously over his body as they pulled him in an inch at a time, the feeling of the smooth strong contractions against his nude body surprisingly erotic and pleasurable, intensified even more byher steadily growing terror. He could feel his feet slide inside the snake's mouth, and gave one final wail as the jaws closed for the last time, sealing his fate.

Surprisingly he found he could breath, it wasn't easy, but there was air. There was a hesitation of a few minutes as the snake finished rehinging his jaws, and Zieglord remained immobile just inside his throat with his feet still in the cobra's mouth, then with a powerful push/pull, he began sliding deeper into the snake's throat, and could hear his heart slowly beating as he passed it, and could also hear an ominous gurgling sound slowly getting louder. Uhoh. The stomach. Shesquirmed and writhed frantically, but was unable to slow his descent, his struggles actually making it easier for the snake to swallow.

Working his jaws a few more times to line them back up the snake gave a happy hiss, this meal had been the most delicious and satisfying he could remember. Knowing he was punishing the one responsible for his current fate, the feel of its wriggling body sliding down his throat...soexquisite. He turned and watched the large bulge as it moved down his body, and gently nudged at it flicking his tongue over his scales. Wonderful, just...wonderful. He kept watching the large squirming bulge as it slowly continued moving down his body; muffled sounds coming from inside, before being pushed into his stomach, then he turned and headed for his den to get some sleep and digest his meal, both his lust and hunger having been nicely satisfied. He would not need to eat again for quite some time.

Zieglord pushed desperately at the thick slimy mucus covered flesh surrounding him, feelinghimself helplessly sliding further down the snakes throat as there was nothing to hold onto, to grasp at and try and pull himself back the way she'd come, the strong muscular contractions steady and irresistible. Pointless, though...so pointless. He gave muffled screams as the powerful muscles pushed him in farther and farther, then suddenly felt his head push against a tight opening. The muscles gave one final powerful push, and he slid through the sphincter like opening and into the snake's large stomach, the opening sealing tightly behind her. There was more room here, and she writhed and struggled desperately, pushing at the slick rubbery lining of the stomach.

"No, please! No this!" Zieglord screamed out. "PLEASE!"

"Why should I spare you? You didn't care about what happened to my kind. You didn't care that those that hurt Pokemon were the exception, not the rule. You threw all my species under the bus. So now I'm going to to show you what it feels like to be disregarded...treated as a lesser thing with no right to choose your fate." Arbok remarked. "You know, that idiot Adam tried to make the same argument until the secretary squashed him. "No, please, you can't"! Bet he heard that a lot before she did to HIM what he'd done all the time to anyone smaller than him in his stories."

"But I'm a human being!"

"Oh, Zieglord...don't you remember? You don't WANT to be a human. Name me one good thing a human ever did. Why would I EVER help someone of a race that NEVER, EVER did ANYTHING good for ANYONE?" Arbok laughed. "Don't you wish you had...I don't know...rights?"

"Please! I'll never do it again!"

"No...you WON'T. Because I'm going to make sure of that." Sal said calmly.

And with that, Zieglord could feel the stomach tightening around hhiser body, kneading and caressing him, helping to speed up the digestive process. He could feel the digestive juices starting to burn as they seeped into his flesh, soaking in through her behind, his skin turning soft as it began to...dissolve. He screamed in agonizing ecstasy and sexual euphoria at the mixture of pleasure and pain that was assaulting his body until he could only make bubbling gurgles that choked out of his mouth...finally the pain washed away all his thoughts. Only agony remained...

And then nothing.

Arbok let out a nonchalant belch, the smooth, dark form of the robotic owner of the facility stepping out of a nearby door, turning to Michael. "Well?" He asked.

"Sam was right...you know how to get things done. I wasn't sure when I first heard about you, but...now I see it was money well spent to invest in you."

"The Pact can count on my support in punishing those...pathetic insults to your kind." The Exile said as he took Michael's hand, bowing deeply, Michael enjoying the odd, smooth synthetic skin of the black robot. The Exile stood back up, his six glittering white eyes staring back as he looked Michael over. "Sal will excrete his remains. Nonorganic matter such as his keys, his wallet, all of that will be given to you so you may make use of what he had."

"So that WAS you who took on Adam the 800th?"

"What can I say? Gardevoir had a CRUSH on him." The Exile mused.

"I'm sure he's grateful to no longer be feeling any...PRESSURE...in his life." Michael added. "...wow, that's f--king sick of me. I need to seriously go to a homeless shelter and volunteer to wash this off me."

"My boy, this is merely repaying evil WITH evil. When we actually DO cater to those that aren't complete scum, I assure you, we're nothing but considerate." The Exile insisted, putting a clawed hand on his muscular chest. "In fact, tomorrow night we have a few clients who have booked appointments with us that aren't completely without saving, even if their friends ARE."

"What are they into? I might know their names..."

"They are IMMENSE fans of a particular gaming series. You know it as...Mass Effect?"

Friendship is Hunted: The Huntsman from the Stars

The sun shone hot and heavy...the air humid, thick with tension. Three titans standing across from each other in sweltering, blistering heat. One held aloft a mixture of spear and staff, a mighty weapon that bristled with bright blue energy that hissed...

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In retrospect, it shouldn't have come as too big a surprise. After all, they all knew that I was...different from them. Just...something about the way I carried myself. Something that just seemed to not quite belong. Yet still, they never really saw...

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Origin of the Hunt

Slowly he made his way across barren desert, wrapping his arms around his chest and shuddering as he struggled to keep his sobs contained. Fifteen weeks. Fifteen weeks without food. Fifteen weeks since... The chill of the wind cut into him, digging...

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