A Lesson in Heat

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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A Lesson in heat

"Now Colin, you be a good boy and keep Missy in while we're gone to the movies! I don't want to come back and find out she's going to have puppies because she got out by accident." shouted Colin's mom through his door.

"Yes mom, I know, I will," the young teen coyote grumbled back, he had already been told more then once the rottweiler bitch they had was in heat, or as best his parents could fumble out the words.

"Be good while I'm gone, I should be back by four to go out to dinner." His mom replied, ignoring the sarcasm for now. "I know you're getting older, so I'm trusting you to keep the house in order by the time I get back."

The coyote peered at the clock on his computer, it was a little before noon, so that would leave him with about fours hours free to himself. Four hours to not worry about mom dropping in while he was looking up porn with a stiffy. He minimized the current windows just in case she did pop in one last time.

"Have a good day now, I'll be back soon!" Shouted his mom a last time.

He turned, replying back with a cheerful "OK Mom, I will!" while he already began to plot what he could do with that free time.

He counted off for a good minute or two before he opened up the Internet browser windows. Before him a big non-anthro' mastiff had mounted a slim anthro' vixen who had her muzzle opened in a moan of ecstasy. He had accidentally found the pic looking for the word 'zoo' of all things, and the sight made him very aroused. Especially when he tabbed over to the other browser window he had open, a handsome feline twink bent over a nice husky bitch and fucking her hard. The big dog's tongue lolled out happily while the cat's eyes were closed tense with pleasure.

Colin shivered in his seat, rubbing his erection through his shorts as his tail thumped the chair happily. He managed to find a few more things relating to it under the term 'bestiality', and he was a little curious what made it the 'best' -iality. But it definitely seemed exciting. Of course, he always loved helping his parents with breeding the dogs when he could, and savored that tingly heat of arousal he got watching the dogs mate so feral and wild.

Colin pondered some ideas as he peered up at the clock. Getting a sudden, devious little thought. His mom did ask to keep Missy in to keep any neighborhood dogs from mounting her. But she never said anything about teen coyotes bois... He grinned, enjoying the silence of the house as his tail furiously wagged behind him. Walking down the hall to find poor Missy, whining to go outside and be with the other dogs. Well, maybe he can help her out too. It seemed they both had some urgent needs in common right now.

"Good girl! That's a good girl, come here Missy, come here," he called out, scritching her ears and stroking the powerful dog's back. He inhaled deeply, the scent of her heat arousing even to an anthro', his tail feeling like it was going to wag off his butt. "Poor Missy can't go outside now, but I got somewhere just as good. I do, come on Missy, follow me."

He guided the dog back to his room, closing the door behind him. Colin prayed his parents wouldn't abruptly return, because then he would have a lot of explaining to do. He began to pant as he eyed the clock and took a moment to peer out the window. No car in the driveway, so far so good. It looked like he had plenty of time too. He smiles and brushed Missy's sides, getting on knees as he shifted to get comfortable with his arousal aching in his shorts.

Colin decided to take a little bit of time to ensure his parents didn't abruptly return early for some reason. Stroking the big Rottweiler's back and scritching her sides as he leaned in to sniff at her haunches some. The musky scent making his tail wag as he grinned, "gonna get you nice and happy soon, pretty puppy." Her own little bobtail wagged as well, cold nose nudging towards his lap as he giggled and wriggled. Normally he was quite embarrassed if she decided to explore one of his erections, but this time it felt delightfully naughty. Shivering as she gave his shorts a lick, wet and hot tongue so close to him. "Oooh, Missy wants it bad does she..."

He leaned back, squirming as that cold nose bumped hi thighs and belly. Lifting his shirt up and off to reveal his slim body, the young teen starting to fill out nicely. Though he thought all the important parts had filled out already, like the erection in his sheath begging for release now, making him whimper a little at the attention it got him from the family dog. The coyote slipping down his shorts and giving a yip when he got a wet slobbery lick across his pink penis. He shivered and bit his lip, realizing how much fun this would be as he savored that first touch.

His hands stroked Missy's ears, the big dog happily exploring the male before her. Her wet tongue slurping across Colin's young sheath and arousal, making the young male whimper just as eagerly as she was. Colin let his hands trace down her sides, working to her haunches to explore. Slowly he was greeted with her turning around and pushing her rump towards him urgently. Her 'y' shaped cunt plump and wet with heat as he bit his lip, looking over that feral sex. He let a finger drop down, stroking the folds and getting a whimper and push from Missy's hips. His fingertip sliding in, feeling the incredible warmth of her folds upon his finger pads. His tail thumping the floor rapidly as he shifted to kneel above her, murmuring "good girl Missy, good good girl, gonna help you out..."

Colin felt his chest against her back, fur rubbing together nicely as he shifted. His cockhead kissing between her legs, too low as she awkwardly fidgeted around. He panted, "mmm, stay still girl," giggling as the poor dog pushed and rocked against his lap. He leaned back and shivered as he felt that wet heat kiss his cocktip. Nudging forward a moment before feeling himself get stuck, with just the tip pushed in. Poor Missy giving a faint growl, even as she pushed for more of his arousal. He shivered and squirmed, not wanting to hurt or anger the large dog. Trying to think of why it seemed he should fit a lot more, knowing for a fact the breeder's dog was bigger then he was, and rather envious of that fact.

As he leaned back to try again he felt his pink tip slip a little further in. Finally realizing how normal dogs aren't thrusting straight in but at an angle. He carefully leaned back, paws brushing Missy's sides as he guided himself in. She was incredibly hot, almost aching around his teen cock as he moaned. Glad no one could hear him as he realized this is why they must call it heat. His knees trembling as he grinned, soon to lose his virginity to the family dog, "mmm, *pant*, here ya go girl!"

He pushed forward, sinking nice and deep in. Missy soon panting happily as he began to thrust, a few gentle motions as he got used to the angle and sensations. Then he leaned over her again, more comfortable for both of them as he lifted his tail and thrust as firm as he could. Pounding his young arousal into that plump cunny, heavily panting as he felt a hot tremble in his loins and the bulging throb of his knot kissing her folds. He knew he wasn't going to last long, but most of Missy's partners didn't take long either, so she probably wasn't going to mind.

Colin felt his knot stick in as he groaned, knowing this was it. He nestled it nice and deep and felt that tight, hot velvet cling to his knot now. The sensation almost unbearable as he growled with lust, quickly jerking his hips. His tail lifting proudly as he finally gives in, yipping and howling out in climax. Feeling the hot, rhythmic pulse of orgasm as he filled the family dog with his seed. Colin and Missy both panting happily, tongue dangling from lips with a look of satisfied pleasure as they rode out their orgasms.

After a few moments of bliss Colin shifted his hands to get settled above his dog. The feel of her little bobtail wagging against his lap wonderfully erotic as he nuzzled and licked her cheek happily, giggling as she returned the favor. He shifted and groaned, his knot stuck just as well as any rottweiler stud. The fact making him feel quite proud as he caught his breath happily. He peered up at the time, and sighed happily, showing he still had several hours of time at least to savor this first intimate moment. Grinning as he scritched her chin and throat gently, "so, was it as good for you as it was for me?" The wagging of her tail seemed to indicate yes in a few ways.

Colin sighed happily, quite sated at finally losing his virginity to something other then his palms. Even if she was a 'MILF' non anthro' dog. He chuckled at the thought as he nuzzled her neck happily, loving the strong scent of sex in the air. Feeling very adult now as he shifted his knot, a quiet murmur of approval at the sensations as Missy tugged on it.

"I'd turn around to be butt to butt with ya like your other suitors, but I don't know if I'm that flexible." He chuckled, petting Missy as she tugged incessantly at his stuck knot. He wondered how long he'd be stuck as he watched the dog curl up, trying to lick at her haunches and teasing his balls with her cool nose.

It was a faint noise that caught him off guard, perhaps a car door closing. He yipped as his fur frizzled up his tail. Realizing he couldn't just get up to peek out the window to see if his parents had come back soon. He tugged his knot a little harder, but a quiet growl signaled that would end badly if he forced it. He'd just have to wait for nature to run it's course. Another series of quiet thumps making him gulp and fidget. Hoping that it wasn't the front door.

"Er, Missy... this better not take too long..." he whined, trying to reach over to get his clothes closer. He could just reach his shirt, straining as he strained his ears to hear if anyone came back. No one shouted anything yet, so that was a good sign. But he could still hear something, and he wasn't certain where the quiet knocking was from. It might be even worse if a friend dropped by and peeked through his blinds to find him knotted to the family dog. He tugged a little more desperately, feeling his bulging knot just starting to shift.

He pulled gently but surely, careful when he felt his swollen knot catch Trying different angles as his heart pounded in his ears. He wanted to make sure no one was around, and being knotted this long was getting worrisome. Finally he felt his knot start to slip, a little whimper at the tense tug, "g, good Missy... just a bit moYIP!" His knot popping free with a wet splash of their combined cum Missy immediately turning around to groom herself as well as his still half stiff penis. Colin giggling as he gathered his clothes, still panting.

Tossing his shirt on he got up to peek outside the door, listening to the wet licks from Missy behind him as she groomed herself. He sighed thankfully, no car in the window, or peeking friend watching wide eyed. Taking a deep breath to relax as he gathered his shorts, carefully sneaking to the bathroom with his flaccid arousal dangling between his legs. The teen taking a moment to clean himself up less he smear dog cum all over his shorts. Finally he got out, giggling as Missy looked up to the young coyote with a satisfied look and wag of her little tail, "Oh, you are a good girl!"

Colin's mom would eventually come back about fifteen minutes later then she said, and proud to find the house still in one piece, as well as Missy not outside with a waiting line of dogs. She called out, "Colin I'm back, were you and Missy OK while I was gone?"

Colin scritched the large rottweiler under her chin as she happily nuzzled his hips, replying, "oh yes, Missy was very, very good while you were gone, a perfect angel..."