Having fun with dragons.

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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Nggh! Soft vore and unbirth! Nggh!

Okay so since I never posted something like this before, I'm gunna say it now. This is a roleplay between me and the ever so delicious blue maned wolf named Zeph! (Now I normally post a link to their profile, but my internet has been derpy lately.)

But regardless, story is is that my persona invited Zeph over to his bar for some fun. However the wolf soon finds himself having a different kind of fun with a large female dragoness and a male dragon. Both of whom who have their own kind of hungers. :9

Heh heh...I enjoyed the roleplay and I'm hoping a lot more do too!

And one more thing, the S: means it was my post while the Z: marks Zeph's posts

S: It was a quiet night at the small humble bar for the red dragon known as Samuel Triago who sat behind the counter. It wasn't a busy night, in fact there were only a few people in throughout the dance floor and other rooms. But regardless he loved this job, of how everyone knew each other and cared for each other. At the moment however he only hoped his friend would arrive soon. He enjoyed some good conversations whenever it was a slow night.

Z: Zeph the blue maned wolf had never been to this area of the city before, but he trusted his friend. He has heard such good things about his bar, and it was only a matter of time before he was going to see it. Making his way to the entrance, he looks around inside.

S: Looking up while cleaning a simple cup, Sam spotted his friend Zeph staring into his bar. grinning he waved him over before coming to meet him partway. "Hey Zeph, glad you made." He smiled as he led him back to the bar's counter. "Tonight's a slow boring night. I could use another friendly face around here. Want something to drink? It's on the house."

Z: "Oh, hey!" The wolf smiles as he takes a seat in one of the chairs. "Hmm... it does seem rather calm...sure! what would you recommend?"

S: Sam chuckled as two bottles floated up, his telekinetic capabilities being revealed. Taking them both he grabbed a nearby shaker and popped the lid before the floating jugs tipped and poured into it. "Here...try this. I call it a surfing special due to its odd wave-like feel. I know, I know, not the best name. But people love it!" Tossing in a cup of ice shavings into it, he vigorously shook the bottle before pouring a large cup and handing it to him. "Don't ask for the recipe. Personal secret."

Z: Zeph watches as he prepared the drink. "Heh, well I'll be the judge of that..." the male leans forward and grabs the cup, bringing it up to his maw and taking a sip.

S: Before he could ask how it was, Sam was interrupted by a loud clunk. Looking over the two saw a large female feral dragon with bright blue sapphire scales sitting with her head against the wood. Blinking she lifted her four horned, triangular shaped head to stare at them both with aquamarine eyes. "Sam...Shifts over. Drink please." She paused and blinked at the wolf sitting in front of him before smiling slowly. "Oh? Is this your friend Zeph?"

Sam chuckled and nodded. "Zeph. This is Reeania. She prefers to be called Ree though okay?" At the sound of her name, Ree smiled and bowed her head. "She's my employee, my friend and my roomate."

Z: The wolf would meep at the sudden sound, turning towards the origin. "Eep! oh... hi there! it's nice to meet you Ree!" He nods and smiles, offering a paw.

S: Her winged claw met his paw and quietly shook it awkwardly. "Well aren't you adorable!" She grinned as she looked over towards Sam. "Also Mark needs some help in the back Sam. He says it's important." At that Sam nodded and turned back to Zeph.

"Mark's my head of security. A werewolf, but he isn't the brightest. Sorry but I'm gunna have to leave you here. Why not talk to Ree for a bit? I'm sure you and her will get along."

Ree grinned suddenly and turned to the blue maned wolf. "Oh I'm sure we will."

Z: He smiles lightly and nods to Sam. "Alright, you do your stuff... I'll be fine here." He nods and waves goodbye to the dragon male.

S: Ree lifted a paw and waved as Sam left the counter. Within a few moments the two were alone. "So I heard some interesting things about the people Sam met." She began as she looked towards him with a beautifully charming smile. "Is it true he got a dirty bath from a dragon with bird wings? And was eaten by a naga who supposedly has a god within him?"

Z: "Sam?" Zeph blinks and tilts his head. "I...I've never heard of those rumours, honestly..." she would see that the male was trying to hide a blush under his fur. "T-Though I don't think I would be considered as... 'interesting' as those friends... I'm just a wolf trying to get used to life in the city..."

S: Ree nodded and returned to her drink. "Oh I see." She said as she used her wing to drink gingerly from the cup. A moment later and she returned her gorgeous gaze to the shy wolf. "Hey. I can show you around if you like. The city isn't that bad once you know. In fact, it's the kind where we all know each others names." She smiled at him and moved a few seats closer. "And besides, you are soooo cute! Don't get me wrong, but that's something I find really attractive in a man."

Z: Seeing the female scoot closer made his large tail poof up, his blush only deepening as his eyes locked into hers. "O-oh? I uhh... T-thanks... a tour would really help me out here. so... h-how long have you been working here?" he tries to change the conversation, seeming rather nervous to all the compliments he was receiving.

S: Ree laughed at his blush and looked at the mirror meant to show more beer within the ice tub across from them. Slowly she drank some more from her glass before replying. "I've been here for about eight months now. And it's a wonderful place to work at." She closed her eyes and sighed happily. "I meet so many new people from different places, most of which I come to care for. But back to your shyness...It's a compliment Zeph and don't you forget it." Grinning she suddenly leaned down and licked his cheek unexpectedly. "It shows you're a caring person. There aren't very many people like that around anymore."

Z: The wolf flinches with a small yip as he suddenly felt her tongue brushing against his fluffy cheek, causing his fur to stand on end. This only worsened the blush on his face, glowing brightly through his fur. he was left speechless and frozen, only able to blink as he looked back at the dragoness.

S: Finishing her drink she smiled and blushed herself. "Yes. I just gave you a small kiss." She looked about before leaning close till her nose was close to his. There her strong tongue flicked over his lips slowly before pulling away and falling silent. "Sorry..." She mumbled quietly as her cheeks turned violet. "...You're just...too tempting that I just have to."

Z: The wolf's poofy tail began to wag as she moved closer. He may not show it, but he was greatly enjoying the attention. Feeling the strange tongue against his lips, the male slowly leans closer. "...I-I... I don't m-mind..."

S: Ree blushed and relaxed. " I know you don't." Then to brighten the mood and ease the tension she stuck her tongue out. "No one minds kissing me." Then she fell quiet. "Um Zeph...I know this is gunna sound weird but uh..." Her face now a deep purple, she looked down at him. "...Have you ever wondered...whats its like to have another living being inside of you?"

Z: His ears flick at the question. "...inside? Like, h-having a baby?" his mind quickly filled with thoughts, curious as to where she was trying to take this conversation.

S: Ree nodded once and looked slightly away, nervous of the subject. "Yes." she answered. " Guess you could say that I'm intrigued by it, the thought of having my belly swelling with life. But I don't want to become pregnant just yet." She smiled softly. "Too young for a family. But umm...that's where my next question involves you." Leaning down close to his ear she whispered. "Do you...want to try unbirthing with me Zeph?"

Z: "H-huh?" He blinks, still seeming a bit nervous, though calmer since she was not asking for a baby. "Un-birthing? Is that even possible?" This actually piqued his interest, leaning a little closer, but he tried to remain subtle on the subject.

S: Ree slowly nodded but blushed. "Y-You don't have to but..." Closing her eyes she sighed as she let her hidden desire out. "I want to know what it's like...to have something alive make my belly swell and to wiggle and squirm within." At that she held her slender stomach. "I know magic and the spell used to make it...possible. But its all up to you Zeph." She looked down at him once more. "You don't have to spend a night in my womb...if you don't want. And we can just imagine this conversation never happened."

Z: "I...uhh...I guess if it's safe enough..." He nods lightly. "But, you've never done it before? How do you know the spell will really work?" He tilts his head lightly, his tail eagerly wagging behind despite his shy tone.

S: Ree blushed deeply at this. "I had a friend...show me how it works." She explained softly. "I'll be honest...It was also really...hot." looking down she nudged his chest with her nose then licked his fur slowly. "But...are you sure? I mean, I won't be letting you out till tomorrow morning when I have the strength to...you know."

Z: "I...alright..." He blushes and nods lightly. his paw would reach out to gently rub her muzzle. "T-Though are we gonna do it here?" he looks around in the rather empty bar.

S: Ree shook her head. "No. Sam had built this place with two separate floors upstairs and a set of hallways for those too drunk to drive home." Nuzzling him for a moment she gave him an actual kiss, her large lips meeting his own in an awkward way. "I live at the top floor...we can go up there for privacy." Then she slowly removed herself from her awkward sitting posture to have her tail wrap around his wrist softly. "C'mon...I'll show you the way."

Z: The wolf blushed brightly as his face sank into her large lips. He didn't seem to mind the awkwardness. If anything, it made his tail wag even harder than before. Feeling the tail grasp him, he obediently follows

S: Leading him towards a set of stairs nearby, The large feral lead him up to a closed door. Opening it revealed an all too fancy apartment, but she did not stop. Instead she began to lead him across the living room and towards another. "This is Sam's apartment." she explained as she climbed the next set of stairs then opened the next door. Inside was a humble looking abode found in most common homes, the first room he saw was the living room as well but Zeph's mind was turned elsewhere when Ree turned and kissed him once more.

Z: The male was completely caught off guard by the kiss, but he did not mind. If anything, it only made the wolf suddenly press his face into those juicy lips, his tail wagging eagerly as his paws rubbed over the female's scales.

S: Ree smiled and sighed as he did so. A slow purr coming from his excitement. "My...eager aren't you?" She purred dreamily into his face itself, her warm breath washing over his face. "Give me a moment okay?" Then she slowly sat in front of him, her green eyes closing as she murmured quietly in a language foreign to the wolf. Within moments her black tattoos along either side of her spine slowly began to glow a soft light before fading away back to black. There she smiled and licked his form slowly. "It'll take some time before the spell takes full effect...Shall I...tend to your needs as we wait?"

Z: The wolf watches curiously. "Whoa... so w-what does the spell do exactly? And I guess that s-sounds good..." He blushes lightly, looking up at her with a cute smile.

S: Smiling back Ree nudged his groin lightly. "Pants off as I explain, cutie." She said with a light chuckle. "It makes it so that I go into an...artificial heat if you will. This will make it easier for the trip into me Zeph." Slowly she kissed his face again. "Second thing it does is...make it breathable in my body. So it means you'll be warm and snug inside me without fear of suffocation."

Z: The male nods and listens as he slowly removes his jeans, and followed by his underwear. she would be able to see how excited he was already, his turquoise shaft already hardening before her. "Ohh... breathable is a good thing...that's what I was worried about." He nods.

S: Giggling Ree breathed slowly as she eyed his shaft. "You're well endowed for one your size." She said heatedly as she slowly extended her large tongue and gently licked it from base to tip. Then the blue dragoness placed a quick kiss on the tip, allowing the heat of her mouth to sink in for the smaller mammal.

Z: The male can't help but to sit back as he felt the delightful tongue glide against his shaft. It throbbed eagerly with each lick and only made it bulge larger in size. "Heh, t-thanks..."

S: Her eyes staring hungrily at his stirring manhood, Ree quietly licked again and again. Her sinuous, serpentine tongue worked over his soft flesh slowly to allow each wet lick to sink into his cock before kissing it several times. "You're getting excited aren't you?" She purred up at him with a wink. "You love the idea of a horny ness about to suck you off before placing you in her womb?"

Z: The male's mind quickly fogged up with pleasure, his body shivering at each dextrous lick. "O-ohh...yess..." He bites his lip. Her consistent lapping would make the canine's knot slowly inflate before her, finally showing the dragoness his full size.

S: Pulling back to admire it she chuckled softly as she kissed his face again. "Don't you worry...Let your new future mama take care of that swollen cock of yours." Then she lowered her head and slowly opened her large mouth, carefully placing his pointed tip between her lips before she gave a strong suckle. Once secure in her mouth she pushed forward to allow Zeph to feel the full heat of her warm moist mouth one inch at a time before her nostrils were being tickled by the fur around his groin.

Z: The male pants from the sweet pleasure, his tail frilling up as he felt her powerful lips seal his shaft within the warmth of her maw. he could already feel the buildup, pre beginning to ooze onto her tongue, adding a strong and musky flavor to his meat.

S: Closing her eyes she suckled once, twice, and thrice to slurp his flowing pre quietly. The salty taste, while slightly bitter, was a perfect blend of pheromones to her over sensitive taste buds. Purring softly she began to move her maw back and forth along his large cock, each movement followed by a hard suck from her to keep the pressure even during her blowjob.

Z: Zeph simply couldn't handle it anymore. Within moments the wolf howled out as his body suddenly tensed. his length quickly began to pulse and release his sticky cum into her awaiting maw as his paws reached down to grip lightly against her face.

S: Ree moaned around his cock as she made sure he came with his knot also within her lips, her tongue working the bottom of his shaft in a milking sensation. After several long moments she carefully pulled off to stare into his eyes with a seductive look to them before opening her mouth to show his white cum. Then she closed her lips and swallowed, fluttering her eyes at him. "Delicious..." She murred before a sudden whine escaped her lips. Staring at him needfully, she swallowed loudly. "h-head or f-feet first?"

Z: The male blushed at the sight, leaning lightly into her open jaws before she swallowed his hot seed. He was overtaken with lust, though was looking slightly tired from just releasing. "N-nyaa... f-feet..." He manages to mumble out, hos shaft throbbing lightly and his knot slowly shrinking back down.

S: Ree sighed softly. "Okay...L-Lay on the couch and lift your feet in the air a little." Then she turned and began to move slowly to the nearby couch. Indicating where for him too she stepped back and gave a lust filled moan, her hips shifting. Zeph could've swore he not only saw a droplet of moisture drip from her nether regions but also a quiet wet squelch.

Z: The male would do as he's told, laying on the couch and lifting his feet slightly. His eyes focused on her folds and looking over it, her slit almost appeared like it was drooling in hunger.

S: Staring at Zeph's feet, Ree whined as the ness slowly turned. Lifting her tail she allowed him a clear view of her swollen lips, her black tattoos hugging her plump and needy sex as she stared at him. "Okay...Keep them still..." Then she took a slow step backwards only to sigh when his toes parted her sex easily, soon disappearing into her depths. "Fuck..." She moaned as she paused at his ankles, her inner walls squeezing down on his fur. Biting her lip she gave another push that made her arc her back with his legs slowly vanishing into her pussy.

Z: He would keep his feet together, feeling the sensation of her dripping tunnel slowly inching over his legs. The warmth made him kick slightly, though not even close to harming her. If anything the light struggles only made his fur brush against her sensitive inner flesh.

S: Moaning the blue dragoness stared back at him lustfully as she felt his soft fur caress her inner walls, her snatch moving in undulating waves before she took a deep breathe and pushed back once more. Her vent went wide to go past his thighs, his hips soon joining the rest of his legs and feet. Her paw felt her already slowly swelling stomach that was preparing to accommodate the new comer. Her tongue rolling of her mouth to hang out. Her eyes glazed over as she grinned lightly. "Love the feeling of my cunt eating you up?" she breathed heatedly?

Z: The male was able to see how her draconic slit easily devoured his form. The pulsing warmth of her flesh quickly creeped up his body. "N-nyaa... it f-feels amazing..." he shivers, the exotic sensation already causing him to grow aroused once again.

S: Ree smiled in response and pushed only a little more back, her wet depths hungrily slurping him deeper. "Uhh...You feel so good..." She groaned as his hips slowly disappeared into her snatch. Cooing softly she closed her eyes and moaned as his body was sucked into her belly which had begun to swell and grow from his feet and legs. "Oh gosh...Im so full already..." But she pressed on regardless. Once he was up to his belly button she walked forward and placed her chest to the floor while lifting her rear high in the air. This allowed gravity to do its work, his form slipping deeper and deeper with each milking motion of her cunt.

Z: The wolf's body swayed with the motion of her needy slit, his belly and chest slowly slipping deeper. With more than half his body inside his arms would be able to grip against the base of her tail, hugging against it tightly as he wiggled softly within the moist tunnel.

S: Ree suddenly humped backwards into the air at his motion, her eyes squeezing as she hissed in pleasure. "Fuck!" She cried out as he rubbed within her walls. "Oh fuck yes! Zeph don't stop!" Moaning she reached between her legs and started to push him back and forth gently, using his humanoid form as a dildo for her. She wanted the pleasure to last forever, the feeling of his squirming body disappearing further and further into her needy slit was like a dream!

Z: The male's feel wiggled about inside, and as he felt her slit try to suck him deeper, the wolf would try and pulled himself out slightly along with her thrusts. His form easily slid in and out with their combined efforts. As he tried to increase his movement, one of his paws would slip, accidentally pressing against the tailhole at the bottom of her tailbase.

S: Her face turning Scarlet, Ree did nothing to pull his arm away. Instead she licked her lips and moaned as his arm went deeper. Her body trembling, she began to pant heavily. "Zeph...Fuck...I'm gunna cum soon." She wheezed as her vent gave a strong suckle.

Z: The wolf could feel how close she was to her climax, her inner muscles practically fluttering from the pleasure. His one paw trapped in her pucker, his other paw would let go of her tail to try and pull his arm out. This does cause him to get slurped inside, with only his head and arms out, currently unable to go deeper due to his arms stuck in her other hole.

S: Moaning softly she bit her lip and reached up. "H-Here we...go..." She panted before roaring out. Her digit pulling his arm out of her puckered rig of flesh her sex clenched down on him as her snatch gushed juices into the air, her milking sensations drawing on longer and longer as the poor wolf held on for dear life. Before he knew it, her cunt had swallowed him to his neck, her sex oozing with her sweet scent.

Z: The male was completely intoxicated. Surrounded by her strong draconic musk and drenched in her fluids, his body was but a toy for her slit and soon enough, a meal. Slowly he felt her muscles gently work over his tired body, his head beginning to part her lips as it slowly but surely sank deeper into the tunnel.

S: Whimpering and shaking, Ree gave out a whine as she gently pushed his hands within her still swollen folds. Her body trembling she moaned even louder as she felt the rest of him slip finally into her womb. There she rubbed her swollen belly, feeling as Zeph wiggled and squirm within it before she stood up and began to wobble towards her bedroom with her belly swaying with its cargo. Crawling into the blankets slowly, she rolled onto her back and continued to rub her large round stomach as she felt the wolf slowly relax within his new home.

Z: The male would groan softly as he felt her body ease him into the dark and moist chamber. The hot air inside filled his lungs and helped him relax, while her cradling and rubbing would help him slowly grow sleepy. "Mmm... i-it feels amazing in here..." The male gently reaches out to rub back where she was massaging. "...I-I could stay in here f-forever..."

S: Ree smiled softly as she fluttered her tired eyes. "Fraid...Its just for tonight." She breathed as she patted his form through her belly. "MMMMmmmm...next time...we'll make sure you're in me longer. Maybe a full 24 hours." Yawning she leaned her long neck in an arc and kissed her full belly. "See you in the morning Zeph."

Z: She would hear a muffled yawn inside and her bulge gently shifts around before it settles down. "mmm... n-night...."

S: The next morning came all to quickly for the two. But within moments of her waking up, Ree had carefully given 'birth' to the young wolf before laying on her side. Cooing she pulled him close with a wing and was slowly licking his fur clean. "Enjoy your stay in my belly handsome?" She purred happily but tired and sore as she kissed him every once in a while during his bath.

Z: The male blushes and nods, wiggling softly against her wing as he leaned into her licks and kisses. "mmm... I loved it~" He seemed much more relaxed now that he got to know her better.

S: Ree kissed his cheek softly. "And so did I. Why not try for a whole day with me walking around like that for a bit?" She grinned mischievously. "Might even give Sam some ideas next time we have some private time together." Then she frowned. "Oh wait. You should go talk to him actually. He might be wondering why we suddenly vanished last night." Licking him once more, her tail gave his rear a soft spank. "Go on head. Getting you out of me was taxing."

Z: The male meeps lightly and chuckles. He does lean in to kiss her thick lips before slowly getting up to talk to his friend. Slowly he made his way through her room and into Sam's, hoping he was in. "Hey Sam? you there?"

S: Sam was seen at his kitchen table, his body shirtless as he watched the morning news on a nearby counter TV and sipped coffee. Looking up he smirked when he saw Zeph standing in the doorway. "She's something huh?" He asked quietly as both a question and a statement. "Glad you got through it fine. She's has some pretty crazy requests at times."

Z: "I...uhh..." He nods lightly, unsure of how to say that he just spent the night inside her body. "...y-yeah... you mind if I stay here today then?" the wolf nods lightly, hiding a blush under his fur.

S: Sam grinned at him and slowly stood up. Walking up to him the drake patted his head. "Why you blushing wolf boy?" He asked with a chuckle. "What? Seeing me half naked surprises you?"

Z: Zeph hadn't even noticed that he was completely nude himself, though currently, his shaft was stored in his sheath. "It's... uh her..." He nods lightly.

S: Sam just laughed more as he went to the nearby counter. "Want some?" He asked as he poured himself more coffee. "Also, remote's on the table if you want to watch something else.

Z: Zeph looked out of it, staring into the distance before noticing the offer. "T-thanks..." He grabs a cup and sits on the sofa, trying to put his head together with a good sip.

S: Grabbing his own Sam walked over and sat next to him. Before the wolf had time to react he had wrapped a strong forearm around his furred shoulders. "Heh...you are so damn cute I could eat you up Zeph." He chuckled with a sip of his coffee.

Z: Zeph blinks for a moment and turns over to look at him. "Geez, you too? you dragons have some sort of taste for fluff or something?" He teases, chuckling softly and bringing his mug up for a sip.

S: Sam shrugged helplessly. "I blame Khaesho" He explained quietly before smiling. "And a tease? Really?" His thumb slowly rubbed through his soft fur. "Might give me ideas, Zeph."

Z: His blush suddenly deepens, but it was due to the sensation of the scaly thumb gliding through his fur making him shiver. "W-wha?" He meeps lightly, starting to grow a little nervous.

S: Sam chuckled and kissed his cheek in a friendly matter. "Relax. I ain't gunna eat you unless you want to." At that he turned to the TV. "You're my friend. I don't hurt my friends. In fact, I hate hurting anyone."

Z: The wolf starts to think for a moment, placing his paw against his cheek where he was kissed. "W-well... I guess after what I went through, getting eaten would not be so bad... I think..." He rubs his chin.

S: Sam blushed and turned to him. "Well then..." We mumbled softly as he saw the wolf blushing. "What like...Right now?" Slowly he removed his arm. "You sure? I mean like, you trust me enough to just...take a trip down my throat?"

Z: "I'll be honest with you... I just spent the night inside Ree's pussy... I dunno how, but I did... I've known you for a while... I think I have more than enough trust in you..." He nods lightly, thinking about Ree already making him somewhat aroused.

S: Sam blushed hard at that. "Well uh...Do you...want to get off first or just..." He looked about before back to the wolf. "...Jump straight to...you know..." He shrugged helplessly.

Z: "I...I think I'll jump right in..." He nods lightly, part of his mind still wondering why he was offering himself out of the blue.

S: Sam blushed but slowly nodded. "Well...I-If you really want to..." Suddenly he looked down at himself. "But...how the hell do I get you to fit for the love of gods. I'm not that much bigger than you."

Z: Well, you're a dragon... I'm pretty sure dragons have little trouble with big meals..." He nods lightly. "Also, Ree had absolutely no problems with me..." He had forgotten about the fact that she used a spell on herself though.

S: Sam sighed deeply but turned to face Zeph. "Okay. But lemme use a spell first to make it...easier." Closing his eyes he quietly murmured in the language of magic. Then he turned back to Zeph. "Okay, I'm not gunna stop till every inch of you is in my belly." Leaning close he breathed softly along his lips. "Every inch of you." Then he gently kissed the wolf.

Z: The wolf blushes brightly at the kiss, leaning in and slowly wrapping his arms around him. "mmhmm..."

S: His tongue slipping into Zephs mouth, Sam's hands roamed over the wolf's form. Slowly a palm reached down his back to squeeze his ass cheek before he pulled away. "Thank goodness I didn't make breakfast." He grinned mischievously. "I'm starving wolf boy."

Z: He chuckles softly. "heh... h-hope I'm filling enough for you..." He nods, nuzzling against his muzzle lightly.

S: The red dragon purred softly as he rubbed Zeph some more. With a lick of his lips he slowly traced his hand up Zeph's spine. "hmmm...I'll admit...You look real delicious Zeph." At that he licked his bared chest upwards. "Real delicious..." Then he stared into Zephs eyes hungrily while placing a palm on the back of his head. In the next moment he was slowly opening his mouth, guiding the wolfs head into it as it began to stretch.

Z: Zeph could only lean closer into the open maw before him, the sensation of his hot breath blowing against his fur making him shiver. He slowly began to nuzzle into his tongue, his eyes focused on the pulsing throat before him.

S: Closing his eyes as he felt Zeph nuzzle into his maw, the drake slowly took both hands onto his soft furred arms. Slowly pushing forwards, his mouth expanded and he moaned softly as he felt his head slide slowly into the back of his throat. Taking several deep breathes with his soon to be meal still in his maw, he pushed again until the corner of his mouth were pressed against Zeph's shoulders.

Z: The male could feel his muzzle slowly press against the flesh walls in the back of his throat, able to see the muscles eagerly pulse before him. He could tell his friend was really hungry, and he didn't mind filling him up.

S: Holding him still Sam carefully held Zephs arms still. His mouth quickly widened before he pushed down forcing the shoulders of the blue wolf into his throat. Groaning as he felt him wiggle within, Sam grinned as he slowly began to swallow more and more of his new 'prey.' Soon Zeph was becoming a bugle in his throat, his lips just below his furred chest.

Z: The wolf could feel his powerful throat muscles slowly drag him down. He pants softly, enjoying the pulsing sensations that surrounded him. Sam would be able to see that he was enjoying it, his tail eagerly wagging before him.

S: Grinning at the sight of the furred tail moving quickly before his gaze, Sam gripped lower and carefully oushed slowly down his form more. When his lips rested just above Zeph's belly button, he carefully readjusted his grip on his meal before lifting his meal high in the air. Gulping once, he allowed another inch of his friend to disappear down his gluttonous throat only for one clawed palm to go down and rub his slowly swelling belly.

Z: The male within slowly began to enter the gurgling chamber, his head pressing against the bottom and slowly curling up as more of his body slowly followed. Any outside would be able to see the bulge gently shifting, the male trying to make himself comfortable within the slowly expanding chamber.

S: Now at his hips, Sam gave a moan of satisfaction as he swallowed more of him. His belly growing bigger due to the wolf slowly filling it, he gripped the roundness of it with both hands as Zeph's legs stuck up in the air on their own. His fangs tickled the furred legs as he pressed on, more and more of Zeph disappearing from the outside world with each swallow while he rubbed his now large stomach. Past his knees, he slowed down to allow the wolf to feel the final few inches of the his feet disappear from the world around him.

Z: With his rump slowly entering the chamber, his feet would kick lightly in the air, but it was only a matter of time before they too would slide down, the wolf making his belly extend greatly and sag before him.

S: Groaning as he slurped the final few inches of his meal Sam gently closed his mouth over Zephs feet, separating him from the outside world with one last swallow. Relaxing on his couch, he allowed his tongue to hang out blissfully as he patted his bulging stomach. He knew he would have to allow the wolf out sooner or later, but he much preferred later. It felt all too good having the poor male wiggle and squirm in his belly. "MMMmmm...What a delicious little wolf you are Zeph." He said with a light belch and a pat of his swollen stomach. "Almost don't want to let you out. But relax and have a nap. You'll be out in no time."

Z: Zeph would groan lightly as he managed to curl up within the cozy chamber. The burp would cause the walls to tighten lightly around him, making him squirm even more. "Nyaa... its a bit tight in here..." He nods and murrs. "I'll try to sleep..." He says as he gently nuzzles into the walls, feeling them slowly knead over his fluffy form.

S: Grinning he patted his stomach and sighed as he began to rub his full belly, feeling the wolf gently fall asleep. It was nearly three hours later, much to his regret, that he carefully allowed the wolf out of his body. Chuckling at the sight of the poor wolf covered in a layer of slime, he smiled and kissed him again. "You need a bath it seems. But before you go, any other vores your into out of curiosity?"

Z: Most of his fur was matted down by the fluids from inside the dragon. He groans lightly and stretches. "Me? I guess you could say I'm kinda like them all..." He nods with a soft blush.

S: Sam chuckled and quietly wrapped an arm around the still wet canine. "We'll regardless...c'mon Zeph. Let's get you cleaned up." Leading him down the hall he pushed him gently into the bathroom with his clothes tossed in the corner. "Get cleaned. I'm certain Ree wants to take you out now." When the wolf turned from the a look of surprise he smiled sheepishly. "Mark called me over to go over the video footage. That's how I know Ree promised to show you around town."

Z: As he turned on the shower, he blinks. "...Wait, what?!" He gasps and blushes brightly before letting out a sigh. He had to get himself cleaned first.

S: Sam only laughed as he walked down the hall. Zeph was definitely one of his favourite friends. But whether he was one of his best friends, only time would tell. But before he could dwell on that, he supposed a real breakfast for all three were in order.

Dragons in my home!

Ray-Umim smiled at the elvish maiden. She towered above him, naked, her nice plump chest exposed before his eyes. For the first time in ages, he felt happy, almost relieved. The beautiful woman sitting on his naked lap was more than his lover. She was...

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Unexpected Company.

"Blast this infernal desert!" cursed the young man. He trudged his way over the very peak of a rather high sand dune, his arm over his face to shade his eyes. When a hot breeze rolled along the sands, Marrow quickly covered it with the rag he had taken...

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A Fine Birthday

Yawning in the same usual way that I always do when I wake up, I slowly pushed myself up and stretched. As I did so, another yawn decided to play my lips and as always I was happy to do so. Probably my favourite thing to do was to yawn and go back to...

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