Rite to the Tribe

Story by Lupinrager on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: All those under 18 or in areas where sensitive materials cannot be shown, please refrain from reading.

  • * * This is my time.' He told himself. This is my duty.' he repeats to himself in his mind. He walks down the barely lit hallway, the creaking of the wooden floors interrupt his mental mantra. This is my task'. He passes by a large full length mirror, a young draconic figure; stares back at him. Solid features, square-like, a pair of horns adorn his forehead and his dark red scales run across his body, interrupted by black under scales. His built body, strong from labor and developed, were only shown slightly through a small robe that came down to just above his knees. This is my trial.' He stands in front of a wooden door, putting his hand on it; he knocks on it 3 times, his bony knuckles rapping against solid wood. "Come in." A deep voice echoes through the wood. The door slides open, and he steps in. This is really freaking me out'. A large, dark chamber surrounds him. Scant torches hung around give a soft glow to the place. The flames burn red, yet the stones remain cold in sight. Unlike the hallway, the chamber is furnished in stone, however in the middle, there is a large rug. Deep black in color, and deep in volume, it looks almost like unkempt grass in the wilderness, but softer. It is adorned with cushions, matching the deep black. On top of the cushions, lies an aged old, mottled green, large draconic male, an evident gut however with a muscle mass that easily dwarfs the newcomer. "Hello, Xien." He growls deeply. "Grandfather Mutai..." Xien nervously stutters. Despite the title, Mutai is not the grandfather by original terms; another draconic figure claims the title as Xien's grandfather. However, to the dracons who claim the valley of Morten in the Forlane Mountains, Mutai is their grandfather, as he is the one whom all dracons in the valley come from. Their ancestor, the oldest among them, rumored to have been around since the end of the 3rd age. The dracons acknowledge and support Mutai's supremacy as leader and ancestor, so much to the fact that they have devised rituals to please him, one involving the claiming of fealty from a youth to the clan. This brings us to Xien's current situation. He has reached the age of maturity (equivalent to 16 human years), before he can be fully accepted into the tribe, he must prove his loyalty to grandfather Mutai. "Are you ready, Xien?" Mutai towered over the youth. "Yes...Grandfather..." Xien said. No I am not'. He thought. "Good" Mutai then shed his outer robe, letting it fall to his feet. "Come." Xien shed his robes in the same manner, and followed his grandfather to the center of the chamber. "Kneel." Xien knelt onto the soft rug; his grand father appeared much larger now, towering over the youth. "Do you understand the rite of passage you are about to partake in?" "yes." "Do you understand that failure to do so will brand you as a traitor and an outcast to the eyes of the tribe, you will be viewed on as less than dirt and not worth the blood of our proud tribe?" "Yes." "Do you understand..." Mutai continued, his booming voice tapering to a small whisper. "You must submit the maidenhood your life as a child had preserved all this years, to me?" Xien tensed up, hearing the words he didn't want to. "...Yes, grandfather." "Good boy," he purrs lustfully. "now lay back." Xien trembled as he began to lower his back onto the soft rug and pillows, his breathing grew deeper and his scaly chest began to rise and fall with labored breathing. His hands tensed up and they stuck to his sides, stiff as boards. "Relax my child, relax your body, this will not be as unpleasant as many have made you believe. Now...spread your legs and let grandfather take a good look at you." Xien reluctantly spread out his legs, shivering all the while. He felt exposed, as he felt his grandfather's hungry gaze roll over him, from his developed pecs, defined abs, all the way to the slit that lay in between his legs. He tensed up as he saw Mutai's large green clawed hand descend upon him. It lay onto his chest, rubbing the hard pectorals in strong circles. Xien, nervous as he was, had reflexively moaned at the touch. His body has remained virgin and chaste, all for this day, this was the first sensual touch he's felt. His body shivered, as familiar feelings began to spread out across his body, indecency, fear, and pleasure. Those feelings began to center themselves around his crotch, and pressure began to build up. Xien began to arch his back, bringing his crotch into the air, feeling his maleness start to rise up, Mutai, being familiar with the signs of arousal, immediately ceased his touch and dug under the pillows. Xien was tasting bliss when Mutai had shoved a small vial under his snout, a cold smelling fragrance immediately wafted into his nostrils. Xien sputtered and sneezed in surprise, as the cold feeling immediately washed down his body. It reached his crotch, and the heat of arousal seemed to ebb for a little bit. No...it had not inhibited arousal, merely stopped his member from growing. Mutail looked down at Xien's troubled face. "Do not worry fledgling, this will merely ensure all will go well." He cooed, as he upturned the contents, letting it pour over Xien's hot groin. "ooohhh....." "There we go..." Mutai began to bring his clawed hand again, bringing it closer to Xien's slit. He gingerly traced a finger over the quivering edge, getting Xien to shiver in arousal. The light tracing went on for a long time. "Grandfather...d-don't." he stuttered. "What was that, a plea of refusal?" This shut him up quickly. "Good boy." Mutai ceased the teasing and began to crawl between Xien's legs, putting his green knees next to his knees, so even if Xien wanted to close his legs, he couldn't. Mutai lowered his scaly snout and began to tenderly lick at Xien's slit edges, watching it open up in expectation of his member. "Gra-grandfather...." Xien whimpered, as his arousal grew higher, it mixed with his feelings of disgust and melded into sinful pleasure, it spread all over his body like sticky honey. All of a sudden, the sensation stopped. Startled, Xien peered down, only to meet Mutai's blue gaze back at him. "You enjoy this, Xien?" Xien could only nod dumbly. "Too bad, I am not here for your pleasure; I will refuse to continue to pleasure one who has not accepted me as their master." The words struck a deep blow within Xien, growing up slightly proud, he found it hard to find the words that would continue to stoke the burning ache in his loins. His mind unraveled, and in the mental chaos, found the answer. "Please, Grandfa-...Ma-ma-Master, I submit my body to you, please...Pleasure me as one of your pets." He whimpered quietly, head hung submissively. Mutai only snorted. "Is that all? I expected something more from you, I'm not feeling the genuine intention here." Xien looked pitifully at his grandfather, stern gaze burrowing deep into his self. He swallowed his pride even deeper than before, and clenched his eyes in self disgust. "Please Master! Take Me! I submit myself, body and soul to you, to toy with I am yours! Please...Grandfather!!" he sputtered. A period of silence came between them, underlined with Xien's whimperings. "Very Well..." He paused. He edged closer to Xien, and began to position his own draconhood over Xien's slit. It pulsed rhythmatically in a deep purple shade, the tapered tip showed a pearl of pre hang off the piss slit. "I Mutai, accept the fledgling Xien as a member of my tribe, as such you are mine to love hold and play with, you fall under my wings and my claws. Do you swear fealty to me?" "I d-do..." "So Be It" With this, Mutai thrust forward and jammed his cock into the warm virgin slit of his grandson, and began slowly sliding into him. "AAAAAGGGHH!!" Xien Screamed as he felt the older male's cock forcefully plow into him, stretching the edges of his slit to maximum width, and he as barely halfway in. A deep rumbling came from deep within Mutai's throat, as he pulled the male closer to him, gripping his firm ass cheeks, relishing the tight warmthness of Xien's unexplored passage. "Grrrrrrroooooooooo." Mutai Rumbled. "You're an even tighter fit than when it was Roulen's turn!" Xien clenched tightly upon hearing his father's name. Instantly, images of the older blue dracon swam across his mind, coupled with the feelings from being taken, feelings of awkwardness began to surface. "Ohhh...it seems like hearing about your father seems to have done something. Would like to hear about Roulen? Would like to hear about how I took your father in this very same chamber?" Xien could not reply, his voice caught deep in his throat. The cock invading his passage began to pulse faster and tendrils of pleasure began to creep up from within. Mutai chuckled deeply and began to curl up against Xien. "You're father...refused me a lot more than you did. It just made the experience of taking him like a female all the more sweet." Mutai began to thrust again into his squirming prey, taking his hips and raising them by his rear. The sounds of wet slaps accompanied the moans, whimpers and growls of the incestuous coupling. Xien's slit was stretched open, beyond maximum capacity, being forced to accommodate Mutai's thicker base. Feelings of aching pain intertwined with sinful pleasure, Xien moaned and whimpered, as tears began to trickle out of his clenched eyes. "You're father would squirm, he tried to push me off, but it was fun taking him, knowing for the sake of his future in the tribe. He made the cutest noises as I pushed my malehood into his passage, like a squeaking groan. I remember clutching his hips and ravaging him. I'd lie I told you I didn't love it when he screamed. However overall, I think I prefer your sweetness right now." "F-Father...." Xien moaned. "I still see him, he still submits to me. Several times, when your mother was with you, he had no outlet for his sinful frustrations. He begged me to take him like a female, like he had your mother, of course I complied, I took him again and again and AGAIN!." "nnngghhhh!" Xien threw his head back, gasping at an especially hard thrust from Mutai's hips. Mutai raied Xien's hips, driving his thrusts shorter and harder. Getting deep into the once-virgin youth, his tip barely tapping Xien's trapped member inside, yearning for freedom. "Yes! Squeal for me! Mmmrrmmmmm!" Pain shot up from Xien's insides, getting pounded from the rough treatment, ground against Mutai's scales, burning from passion, arousal and pain. Xien gave a half-breathed roar, cracking in the middle with high pitched squeaks. Mutai growled, as his thrusts became harder. His cock relished the tight feeling of Xien's spasming hole, and he knew he was teasing Xien's internal cock with the lightest of taps, despite the harsh pounding, he knew Xien felt every brush on his cock tip. He knew by the sounds that escaped the youth's scaly lips, and he knew the way his body squirmed and shivered. He also knew that Xien was getting close, he could tell Xien loved it, since his ravaging of the ex-virgin became slicker with copious amounts of pre, it began to spill out of his bruised slit. "You're getting close, aren't you!?" Mutai taunted, his hot breath spilling over Xien's chest. "You love being taken like a female!?" "...urrggh...Y-yes...my ma-master...y-YES!!" Mutai growled roughly and got onto his knees, there he gripped Xien's hips and pulled them in as he thrusted his hips forward, getting in as deep into the hot slick passage as possible. He pistoned into the sobbing male, delirious with self-disgust and pleasure as his own orgasm became imminent. At this moment, the drug that had impeded Xien's own member from taking shape began to wear off, being diluted from the amounts of pre both males were producing. Xien felt a pain in his lower region, as his crotch instantly reacted from the pleasure he experienced. "YYAAAAAAGGGHH!!" He screamed as he gripped his grandfather's hips, trying to pull him off. Mutai did not move, relishing the increasing pressure as his grandson's cock began attempting to push back his own. "DON'T MOVE WHELP!!" He roared. Xien began to sob, expecting more pain, however the feeling of pressure welled up within him, adding to the filled filling his grandfather gave him. His cries tapered off to soft whimpering as his grip on his grandfather slackened. As soon as he released his grip, Mutai thrusted one last time, grinding against the sensitive passage as both had Slipped over the edge. "GRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Mutai roared, echoing all over the chamber as he filled his grandson with his seed. Shot after shot of elder dragon spunk filled the writhing teen, as his own orgasm let loose. "ERRHHHKKK!!!" He gurgled as his trapped cock began to painfully spew his seed, pleasure swam in his head as the cum, with no more storage space, began to pour out of his sleet, spilling onto the rug, joining the cum of males over the centuries. After hours, under the guise of mere minutes, passed, gave a low rumble and looked down at his Deflowered descendant's cloaca. Xien had thrown his head back in mid orgasm, panting, his chest rose and fell harder than when he first arrived. He felt his grandfather shift, and then start to slowly remove himself from Xien's slit, Mutai purred with every inch of cum covered shaft that freed itself from Xien's confines. Xien merely tensed up and whimpered with every inch removed, his own limp shaft following suit. Mutai gingerly began to lay beside Xien, licking at the youth's body, nuzzling his neck. "Xien, I welcome you into my tribe with open arms." He purred "Th-Thank you...master..." Xien managed to wheeze out, tears of relief and content flowed from his eyes. "Please Xien...I'm your grandfather." Mutai chuckled, pulling the ravaged male closer into his warm, powerful embrace, replacing the one with dominance with one of familial warmth.

Sarlucian Arena 2nd bout

Disclaimer: If you are under 18, and are in an area where sensitive materials are prohibited please leave. artist note: I should learn to write shorter stories... * * * The Sarlucian underground arenas were plentiful in the kingdom. Not bound...

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Sarlucian Arena

Disclaimer: All those under 18, or in sensitive areas concerning adult material, please refrain from reading. * * * The roar of the crowd The clanging of metal on metal. The smell of sweat This is what he lived for. Sitting on a...

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Why Big Bob did the things he did

Disclaimer: all those under 18 or in sensitive areas, please do not read further * * * No one really knew why Big Bob did the things he did. Some say he was an escaped inmate from an asylum Others say it was a bad stint in prison that did it...

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