Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 7

Story by Silent_Scale on SoFurry

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Author's Note : These Entries are in no particular order, the given numbers are merely the order in which they were posted. This story should not be read if you are under the age of consent. If you are easily offended, or bothered, do not read this as it is based off a game that is a Mature rating. There will be acts of violence, rape, criminal negligence, and other dark themes. I do not own Oblivion and make no money off of this. This is purely fanmade and for personal enjoyment, of which I decided to share with the community.

These are the tales of He-With-One-Eye. A Shadowscale Argonian born of the Black Marsh. Imprisoned falsely, thanks to a lying Khajiit. He-With-One-Eye is often called The One-Eyed Dragon, or the Scarred Dragon. It could be because of his brutal nature in battle and even cruller tendencies when it came to getting what he wanted, or the fact he had lost his right eye to some unknown, or rather: untold accident. He was forced into the Imperial Province, but by some fortune of luck, he escaped prison on the blood of the last Septim.

How Quaint.

Entry 7

It seemed I was just to good at killing. After obliterating nearly the entire Brotherhood, it would come to light that my duties had been falsified by a very clever bastard. I pity poor Lucien. He was unable to stop my killings and all their deaths. Believing he was to blame they flayed his miserable body. Though I will miss that cavernous fuck hole, it is not the only to exist in this world. Being raised to the pedestal of Listener by the Night Mother herself has put me into a powerful position. As a Shadowscale this was my birthright after all, so I needn't even question the decision, merely boast to my abilities. What good were those members of the Hand if they were so easily slain anyway? I decided to travel to Bruma with a young Murderer from the Guild. He had much to learn and was very eager to assist me in my work. I was not keen on inviting a hatchling to come along, but it would be a much more entertaining trip to have him along. I was planning on enlisting in the Fighter's Guild as a cover to obtain more information on Akaviri Relics and their artifacts. It was said that Akavir was a land of great mer eating serpents and other reptilian kin. What great merriment would it be to strike a union with them and rid myself of these useless mer, or even enslave them all?! But all in time. The trip to Bruma from the Cheydinhal Sanctuary would take half a month on foot, and slightly less on horseback.

I would need a snack, so the Murderer boy would do.

He followed me with energetic vigor, his steps never too far fell behind my own. Light armor made the progression over the hills a manageable tasks and the humidity of the woods were dispersed by the thin weave of our Brotherhood uniforms. The heat of the day was avoided along tree-covered paths while the evenings we pushed along the open roads. When it was finally time to sleep we set up camp, though more like the boy did. I had him strip down to his underwear, assuring him that sweating in the sacred Brotherhood cloth was an insult to Sithis and the Night Mother. How he ate up my stories! With a grin curling over my scaled lips I would watch him tie the tent's ropes to their stakes. His young body flexed, muscles tensing under the strain of his physical activity. It made me quite horny and considering the length of the trip, the length in my slit was beginning to throb with hunger. Undoing the belts of my uniform I slid down the black pants and lowered the cloth of my underwear's folds beneath the head of my fat cock which just peaked out from my slit. The tough pads of my fingers would graze over the head's dripping slit, my legs spreading as I watched his ass raise while he worked for me.

I rubbed the aching need, the black length slipping from the pink and red folds of my slit until my whole cock hung from the sticky parting of flesh. My balls were still crammed inside, hardening from the building cum. He was still oblivious of my actions, the darkness only baring witness to my glowing eyes. I stood and made my way over to him. I roughly grabbed his hips, digging my claws into the cloth wraps and right into his flesh. He cried out in surprise, but I pulled his ass back against my hard member. The confused, Imperial boy struggled but such weak attempts made me laugh, the sound rumbling from my throat and causing my dick to twitch.

"Boy, do not fight the will of the Listener." I said, only to shred his remaining garments with my claws.

I humped against his ass, his pleas for me to explain what I wanted were the nativity of a child I would gladly erase. I laughed and let him know that he was going to become a man now, a man that could provide for Sithis. This caused him to calm considerably, but he was still shaking. This only enticed the hunter in me. Using my thumbs, fingers still wrapped around his asscheeks, I parted his pale, round buttocks. It always amused me to see that fleshy sack hanging down from a mer and man's backside. They were so vulnerable. Between his cheeks was a tiny, puckered, pink hole inviting me. I rubbed the head of my dick against that tight, puckering star of muscle getting my precum lathered all over it. When it was shining, glistening with my dick's fluids I took no time in shoving my dick high into his ass. He screamed out, his ass tightening around my hard dick. I felt the ridges along the side-length of my dick harden at his struggle. I pulled him down and pushed up deeper as I forced him down. I started to hump his tiny ass and jam my throbbing meat into his rectum. He fought and even tried to pull away, begging for mercy.

"This is a mercy boy, better I make you a man as opposed to another. Think of it as your reward." I pumped faster into his ass, my slit brushing against his cheeks and causing my balls to twitch, tighten. "I'll reward you, and cum inside of you, filling you with the Seed accepted by the Night Mother." Yes the Night Mother certainly accepted my seed. I fucked Arquen as she feasted on Lucien's entrails as repentance before the mother. My dick had speared into her pussy without question, her dark cloak easily hiding the splattering mess I made as I pounded into her, trying to pierce her womb with my dick. I spilled so much seed inside and outside of her. Her own pussy had drenched the stony ground and I was driven to make her have my eggs, even if mer and men could not have a child with my kind, but I was going to prove it otherwise!

Remembering such things only fueled my fucking of the Murderer boy. He finally had the sense to give up to my gift and his hole relaxed. Oh I pounded it with joy, balls deep. I would finally cum in his ass, my dick having swelled inside of him during my rut. He was that good, I let him know. He thanked me as I continued to hump him. I could see the drips of fluid hitting the ground beneath him. He had cum and spilled down his legs and into the dirt. After having him lick me clean and he licked what he could off himself we would go to bed. I had him give me head a few times during the night just to train him a bit more. His little mouth soon to be a perfect tool shaped by my dick.

After a long journey we would finally come across a building at the edge of the road. It was a cabin that belonged to a man that went by the name of Jenseric. I tell him we are travelers looking for lodging, but he claims this was a personal lodging he and his wife often used for private matters, but she was now dead due to a vampire attack, which forced him to move out here indefinitely. The boy watched the man nervously. He was clearly beginning to question his actions. I could see the boy's pants tenting. He had been trained by me after all. The man, Jenseric, paced and spoke of his worry. I stood and put my hands on his shoulder to calm him, but I wanted to feel him.

"Don't worry. I can help." I smirked when he seemed to fall for the bait offered.

I moved to stand in front of him, my eyes drifting toward the Murderer boy. He quickly stood, unable to take his own hardness. He quickly undid his pants revealing his hard, cleanly shaven dick. Imperials were nice in that way, seeing as they were quite less hairy than Nords. I lowered my own hands to undo the man's pants, who tried to jump back in shock, but the Murderer boy grabbed him from behind, wrapping his arms to hook over the mourning man's. I continued to undo his buckles and my own. Pressing my black, hard cock to the Imperial's limp dick I pushed against it with a grunt.

"The only way you can get over a lost fuck, is to fuck someone new." I smirked. "Think of this as a reward." I continued to rub my dick against his, the man struggling to understand why his own cock began to harden. "Because you want me." I lied.

The Murderer boy was certainly eager as he forced down the mourning Jenseric's pants down. I never seen a cock vanish so fast as the boy shoved himself into the man's tight ass. As I frotted with him in the front, the Murderer boy anally massaged him. We fucked Jenseric til the night came. We had even managed to fit both our dicks into his ass at one point, stretching him to a painful limit that only had the Imperial spraying cum all over the cabin's wooden floor. After all was said and done Jenseric began to do favors for us for the remainder of the night. I let him fuck the boy in his ass while I fucked both their mouths. I had two lovely sluts trained for me in such a short amount of time. I was not going to be missing Lucien's ass anytime soon.

Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 8

**Author's Note** : These Entries are in no particular order, the given numbers are merely the order in which they were posted. This story should not be read if you are under the age of consent. If you are easily offended, or bothered, do not read...

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Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 6

**Author's Note** : These Entries are in no particular order, the given numbers are merely the order in which they were posted. This story should not be read if you are under the age of consent. If you are easily offended, or bothered, do not read...

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Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 5

**Author's Note** : These Entries are in no particular order, the given numbers are merely the order in which they were posted. This story should not be read if you are under the age of consent. If you are easily offended, or bothered, do not read...

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