Are We Friends? Or More?

Story by Permanently Disabled on SoFurry

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The game didn't even last ten minutes. And ended in complete victory, for Tristyn.

After the match against Boris, Tristyn and Michael had left the dumbstruck horse with his group to be sent to the Principle's office later, and instead headed for the cafeteria where they had picked up some trays and had been served what could only be describes as week old... something. The two had chosen a table by the large windows, that gave a nice view of the city and school grounds.

As he set his tray down, Tristyn poked at the weird gelatin mass that bobbled on his plate. Looking to his shark morph friend he inquired " Umm.. Michael. Have you ever... like... you know... gotten sick from eating this stuff?"

The shark looked up from his tray, grinning at his human friend. "Not that I can recall, but then again, I believe eating this stuff killed my tastebuds long ago. Plus" He patted his belly, "I have an iron stomach."

Tristyn gave a look that said "Really?" before he started poking at the mass of food. "Well, aren't you lucky," he said in a tone of mock admiration. "I swear I just saw that gunk move."

Michael shook his head. 'The only thing thats moving is your imagination. Now hurry up and eat so we can get out of here, people are whispering and looking at us."

"I'm not eating this gunk," said Tristyn flatly, "Really, I find it astounding that this place hasn't been shut down do to health code violations!"

"Fine have it your way.." the shark said, giving up. He didn't like the stares or the looks being directed their way. Something about them just made Micheal.. well... heated, like he had some secret that everyone knew about but him. Why won't they just stop staring? he asked himself.

Tristyn stood abruptly, making his way over to the garbage and dumped it in tray and all. "I'm out of here. Coming?" he asked. Michael nodded and followed breathing a sigh of relief when they finally left the cafeteria. "There any nice places to sit outside?" Tristyn asked. The shark paused for a moment. Something about his tone sounded... off. It was if he was disappointed with something.

"Uh... yeah there is. There is this nice shaded spot outside by the track field.That sound good?"

Tristyn looked up, and Michael saw something unreadable in his eyes for a moment before he blinked it away. "That sounds great. Want to head there?" There it was again. That tone, almost as if he was.. fearing something. Michael gave himself a quick look over. Was he the one Tristyn was afraid of?

Realizing he hadn't given the human an answer yet, Michael sputtered out a yes, turning red as he cursed his lousy social skills. Leading the way, Michael kept giving Tristyn a quick lookover. The human kept walking beside the shark, neither moving away or moving closer, his face completely neutral. This was different. Michael was used to having Tristyn show emotion, not having no emotion. Michael's thoughts kept turning to what could be bothering him, and the few minutes of walking passed quickly in silence.

"It's right ahead," pointed Michael.

A small grove of flowered trees lay ahead, and the two entered the thicket. A small clearing was inside, slightly on a hill covered in soft grass. Tristyn laid down arms behind his head, and looked up. A perfect view of the sky, which was turning blue as the grey clouds of the morning went away. Soft breezes blew through the clearing, blowing Tristyn's bangs across the top of his head. From here, one could see the tops of the school buildings, but no one could see in unless they were right next to them.

Michael also laid on the grass and stared at the sky. There was no talking, no sound, save for the rustling of leaves as the wind blew gently through the clearing.

The silence was shattered first by the voice of Tristyn. "Hey Michael, can I ask you a question?" he asked, his voice almost pleading.

Michael turned his head to face his human friend. Tristyn was looking, unblinking at the sky. Curious as to the change in his mood, Michael agreed, "Yeah, you can ask me anything."

Not even Michael could have guessed what Tristyn asked. "Are you embarrassed to be around me Michael? Cause if you are, I'll stay away from you if you'd like." His voice near the edge of emotional collapse.

That made Michael's jaw drop. Why would he think that? Mind in turmoil, it took Michael a few moments before it dawned on him that this wasn't a question that should be taking any thought. "No, No! I'm not embarrassed to be around you Tristyn!" he said, voice sincere, "Why would you think something like that?"

Even from his vantage point, Michael could see the little flinches of movement that meant Tristyn was on the verge of crying. "Ever since the Cardfight against Boris, you've been acting different. When we were in the cafeteria, you kept glancing around like you were ashamed to be seen with me. Even on our way here, you kept glancing over your shoulder. I know that being a human means you are weaker being, unlike being a morph, where you are able to be and stay extremely fit and look pretty cool being in an animalistic form. Is it because of my appearance that you feel the need to stay away?" The edge in his voice showed Michael just how close Tristyn was to feeling hurt.

The shark shuffled over so he was right next to Tristyn and gently put his hand on his shoulder. Tristyn tensed on the contact for only a moment, before relaxing, and turning around to face Michael. Michael's heart fell when he saw Tristyn's beautiful green eyes filled with tears and was even more surprised when the human suddenly put his arms around the larger shark and began crying into his chest, drenching his shirt dark with his tears. Michael did what any person would do; he wrapped his own arms around the sobbing form that clung to him and gently began soothing him.

"Shh..," he whispered, "I'm not ashamed of you Tristyn. Hell, you're one of the most interesting people I know! Even though we met just yesterday, I really like it that we are friends."

"Then what was... all the glances.... and the nervous looks around?"

Michael pulled Tristyn closer, "I was upset that people wouldn't stop staring at you. I mean, just because you're a human doesn't give anyone the right to look at you like you're some weird specimen under a microscope. I wanted to move so you wouldn't feel like you are some stranger, because you're not. At least, not to me."

"You don't think I'm weird being a human?" Tristyn tears were slowly stopping, as he looked into Michael's eyes, desperate for reassurance.

It was then that Michael realized what it was that Tristyn was fearing; rejection and being alone. "I'm not going to abandon you if that's what you're thinking Tristyn." He paused for a moment, as he thought of the repercussions of what he was about to say. "I like you Tristyn, for who you are."

When he heard those words, kind and sincere, the tears stopped instantly. Tristyn looked into the shark's eyes, but found only truth and honesty in them. "I-I like you to Michael." he paused for a few moments, "I keep losing friends, so the ones I have I don't want to lose. I thought that I was losing you because you didn't like being around me. I didn't want that! You.. you are important to me Michael..."

He whispered that last part, but Michael still heard it and the comment made him blush. Being comfortably bi, Michael was okay with being close to those of both gender, but the way Tristyn clung to him and his eyes looked at Michael stirred something inside of the shark. Something that pulled at his heart, and made him feel warm. Without thinking, he bent his head down towards his friend and whispered loud enough so the human could hear him, "You're important to me too Tristyn."

Tristyn found himself growing warm, and looked up to see the smiling face of his shark friend. He could feel his friend's warm breath on his own mouth, but somehow, the instinct to pull away simply wasn't there as he lifted his head gently, his eyes locking onto the blue-gold eyes before him. Something seized him then. A sudden urge that he could not contain. Tristyn closed the gap, bringing their lips together in a soft kiss.

To Tristyn the feeling sent a shiver down his spine that rooted him to spot. Michael's skin was both smooth and rough, and the sensation of it felt heavenly to Tristyn's senses and soon he simply closed his eyes and gave in to his feelings.

The shark was lost and in disbelief over what had just happened, but only for a moment, for soon the only thing Michael could think of was kissing back at the human. The feelings generated were un-imaginable to the shark.

The kiss lasted for what felt like hours, but it was soon over when Tristyn realized just what he had done exactly and pulled away, wide-eyed and face pure scarlet. How did- What did I- I kissed him! he's a guy and I kissed him - oh god, he's going to hate me now. "I'm.. I'm sorry" he cried as he bolted from the clearing and away from the stunned shark.

Michael stood and called after his embarrassed friend, "Tristyn! Wait! I'm not angry with you!" but the call fell on deaf ears as Tristyn vanished into the trees, leaving a hole in the shark's heart and sad feelings as the warmth of the embrace faded.


Tristyn didn't stop running when he reached the school. Instead he bashed the doors open, startling a few students that were nearby. Not wanting to feel the eyes of anyone on him, Tristyn ran through the halls, passing various students and teachers before throwing himself through the Male student's washroom door. He opened a stall door and slammed it behind him, locking it with a 'click' and sat on the toilet to be alone with his jumbled feelings.

Dammit, why did I have to go and do that... things were going so well... I blew it... Michael will never speak to me again... Tristyn fell into tears, and soon quiet sobs could be heard coming from the bathroom stall.

It was minutes before the cries were broken by the sound of another's voice.

"Rough day?" it asked lightly.

Maybe it was the emotions or maybe it was because he needed to talk to someone, Tristyn responded with a weak, "Yeah..."

Still being light hearted, the voice asked, "Mind telling me why?"

Seeing no reason why not to, Tristyn said, "I did something really stupid... and... I think I just ruined a good friendship."

The voice became concerned, "Do you really think so? I mean the person you're talking about... did he say that he never wanted to be your friend?"

Tristyn paused and thought for a moment, "Well... no... he didn't say that... but what I did was so horrible that he most likely won't want to be."

"Did he sound or look angry and upset?"

"No... I don't think so," he said.

"Then think about it... If your friend didn't yell at you, and didn't seem mad, why are you worrying so much? You probably just need to talk to him and work it out."

Tristyn's mood brightened, "You really think so? Is it that easy?"

"It's only as easy as you want it to be. Besides, think of it this way. If you two are really true friends, you should be able to forgive one another for your mistakes and stay friends." Sounds of shuffling and a the distinct sound of a zipper being zipped up came after the words, followed by the sound of a toilet flushing and a stall door being unlocked. As the sound of the toilet faded, the sound of running water hitting the sink filled the room.

Tristyn thought over the words the person had spoken, he realized that it really was that easy... "Hey," he called out.

"Yeah?" came the voice.

"Thank you... for the advice." he said, blushing even though no one could see him.

"No problem, good luck with your friend." then came the squeak of the door being opened, and Tristyn was left alone with his thoughts.

He does have a point. If Michael and I are as good friends as I think we are, he would forgive me for my foolish mistake. And if that doesn't work I'll just beg for his forgiveness. At least he'll no I'm sorry.

So wrapped up in his own thoughts Tristyn was, that he didn't hear the door to the bathroom open again and it wasn't until he heard the round of curses that he realized that he was not alone in the washroom. But what grabbed his attention more was one of the voices itself, a voice which made his skin crawl and blood boil.

Boris... he thought grimly as he raised his feet off the floor, hiding his presence for the time being.

"Damn that fuckin whelp of a human," Boris ranted, "Not only do I have detention tomorrow, but I'm on probation now! If I get in trouble one more time I'm going to be barred from the big game this Friday! All because of that..." He went on calling Tristyn all sorts of things that would have made Tristyn's mother rise from her grave.

"Dude, your freaking to much about this kid," came a voice that Tristyn recognized as one of Boris' groupies.

"Yeah" said another, "What is it about this human that you are so obsessed about?"

"Shut up Ken! And you too Hogan! I don't need to explain myself to you two!" A small round of grumbles followed but were cut short by Boris, "Look, that human has humiliated me, the star quarterback of the school's football team, amongst other prestigious positions, and I intend to get even! When I was with the Principle, I learned that this guy, Tristyn, has two brothers who go to the south campus. I say let's ruff one of them up good after school. That'll send a message to that weakling!"

"You're going to be expelled for this man"

"I don't care! I want revenge!" Boris shouted.

"Pfft.. whatever Boris. The bell for afternoon classes is going to go off soon. Let's go get ready."

Tristyn had barely managed to contain himself of his emotions as he heard Boris' plot, and breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the door to the bathroom open, but the air caught in his throat when his foot slipped off the seat, making a loud squeak.

"Did you hear something?"

The blood froze in Tristyn's veins. Please... don't let them find me he begged to whatever higher power there was.

Tense moments followed, and Tristyn stayed absolutely still, not daring to move lest he give himself away.

"Bah, you were just hearing things Ken. Let's go." said Boris

The door gave a squeak as it shut but Tristyn dared not move nor breath, fearful that they were hiding, waiting. but minutes passed and not a sound was heard. Tristyn willed himself into calming down and slipped out of his hiding place. He needed to tell someone, a teacher. No... I can't..._he told himself I need to finish this. Having some teacher intervene would just delay the inevitable. This is between me and Boris..._ He thought about it for a moment when he realized that they would be going up against Leo... Good luck with that... but then that left... T.K.! If he hurts my brother I'll... the rage started to build inside.

The bell declaring the start of the afternoon rang, and Tristyn quickly gathered himself back into a more rational state of being. He left the stall and doing a quick check in the mirror to clean himself up, he left the washroom... only to be grabbed roughly by a hand that covered his mouth, preventing him from calling out for help. He immediately began to struggle but his struggles ceased when he took in who had him. It was the rhino from before, one of Boris' flunkies.

"Hey, hey, calm down kid," his tone surprisingly gentle, not harsh like Tristyn thought it would be," I'm not going to hurt you or hand you over to Boris if that's what you're thinking."

Tristyn nodded in understanding, knowing that struggling against this strong rhino was futile. Plus his words sound oddly convincing.

The rhino seemed to except his surrender as a sign of acceptance and said, "Okay then. I'm going to remove my hand now. Are you going to scream?"

The human shook his head and the rhino smiled, removing his hand from Tristyn's mouth.

When his mouth was free, Tristyn waited a few moments before asking, "What do you want with me?"

The rhino shrugged his shoulders and continued to smile, "Boris wanted me to stay behind and see if there really was someone listening in the bathroom. I wasn't expecting it to be the guy Boris is so set on. What did you do to make him so fixated on you?"

"I beat him at a game of cards real good," Tristyn said, as he calculated his chances of escape should he run, "I didn't realize that he would take the loss so personally."

"A card game? God, that's what this is all about?!," The rhino sighed, "Sometimes I wonder if Boris is all right up there, know what I mean," He tapped the side of his head for emphasis.

Tristyn smiled at this, though the smile quickly faded when he remembered who the rhino was exactly. "Get away from me!" he shouted, "You're one of them, you're going to try and beat up one of my brothers!"

The rhino grabbed Tristyn's wrist and quickly and calmly said, "Just because I'm a member of Boris' circle, doesn't mean I agree and go along with everything he says. I have no intention of beating up anyone, let alone your brother, Tristyn Carver."

For some reason, Tristyn found himself believing the rhino's words, and his opinion of the rhino went up when he said that. But he needed reassurance, "Do you promise, that when I go and confront Boris about this, that you won't be one of the bullies I find there."

The rhino grinned, "I swear that I will not be within a hundred yards of this fight."

The warning bell rang, and the rhino let go of Tristyn. "I gotta go. Nice talking to ya kid." He turned to go, but then paused and turned to face Tristyn, "Don't go and do anything too rash kay."

Tristyn nodded, and the rhino gave one last smile before disappearing down the halls.

"Like hell, what I'm going to do is far worse," he muttered under his breath.


Afternoon classes passed far too slowly, and the fear and dread in Tristyn's stomach grew thicker and thicker. Finally the dismissal bell rang and the teacher disbanded the class for the day. Tristyn quickly packed up his things and rushed out of the room, dodging students left and right as he navigated his way to his locker. Quickly throwing his books into his locker, he grabbed his backpack and was about to head for the doors when a voice behind him called out,

"Tristyn, we need to talk"

Tristyn cringed when he heard that voice, and slowly turned to face Michael. The shark didn't look mad or upset, just neutral, like he just wanted to chat. But Tristyn didn't have time for that, he needed to go and stop Boris.

"Michael, please. I can't talk now. I have to go." He felt bad about dismissing his friend like that, especially since he wanted to talk about the whole 'kiss' thing. He made it outside only to find Michael still next to him. He spoke as they walked.

"Look Tristyn, we both can't pretend that what happened at lunch didn't happen. We-"

"Michael I'm really sorry. And I can completely understand if you don't wan't to speak to me again, But I-"

He was cut off when Michael pulled him into another kiss, this one less passionate than the first, short and quick, but the effect was still the same. Tristyn felt the same shivers, maybe even more strongly than the first time, run down his spine. He was almost disappointed when Michael broke it off, and was suddenly glad that there wasn't any student's around that could have seen that. He was about to say something when a sudden cry of pain broke through the air.

Michael's eyes searched the area, "What wa-" but Tristyn was already running, his backpack discarded on the ground.

Oh.. no.. please don't let it be T.K. the thought went through Tristyn's head.

He ran and ran until he skidded to a stop. What he saw infuriated him. Boris and his gang had a orca morph youth, who was laying on the ground holding his arm, books and papers scattered across the ground. At first Tristyn selfishly thought it was another orca, not his brother, but even from his distance he could see T.K.'s unique white wave over his eyes confirming that it was indeed his brother.

Michael caught up to Tristyn and watched the scene unfold, and recognized the orca from yesterday. "Tristyn wait. Let's go get help."

But the human didn't listen, and clenching his fists began charging at the group. "Shit" was all the shark could say.

Tristyn ran full speed, filled with fury. Jumping up onto a low stone wall, he ran on top of it. Reaching the end, he launched himself into the air, directly at his target.

Drawing back his fist he roared, "BORIS!!!"

He smirked in angry satisfaction, as he watched the horse's head turned and his expression changed from shock to near horror as Tristyn brought his fist down with force on the horse's face, sending him sprawling onto the ground. While the rest were stunned by what just happened. Tristyn immediately rushed to his brother's side.

"T.K. are you okay? Where did they hurt you?" he asked concerned about his brother.

T.K.'s brown teary eyes went wide when he saw his rescuer, "Tr-Tristyn?" His eyes flashed as he looked behind his brother. "Look out!"

Tristyn turned just in time to see one of Boris' goons, a tiger, throwing a punch at him while running at him. Self defense training kicked in, and Tristyn effectively grabbed the fist and latching on to the upper arm, and, using the tiger's momentum he turned and flipped him over his shoulder, into the air over the bench into a dead flower bed. The three other bullies stood stunned for a moment over what just happened. One of them, a lizan male with light red scales looked fearfully at Tristyn and immediately put his hands up and backed away slowly not wanting to fight. The other two, a pair of leopards, went and pulled a double attack.

Tristyn dodged the first punch, swinging his head back to let the punch strike only empty air. Then with a twist of his body he launched a quick but powerful jab to the throat. It connected and the leopard fell to the ground gasping for air. The other leopard threw his arm around Tristyn putting him in a headlock. Tristyn stomped hard on the leopard's paw and bit the arm around his neck. Both moves were effective. Tristyn was released from the headlock as cries of pain filled the air.

The leopard rubbed his bitten arm, and looked at Tristyn, "You bit me!" he stated, as though he didn't know

"Yeah I did!" replied Tristyn, "Here's some advice; Take a bath! You tasted terrible!" And he launched a knee to the leopard's groin, sending him to the ground in tears.

Tristyn looked at the lizard, still standing back a ways. "You gonna fight me next?!" he shouted. The lizan shook his head, before his eyes widened, and mouth opened. But the warning came to late. A rough hand spun Tristyn around and a fist connected with his stomach. The pain was intense, but Tristyn saw his attacker. It was Boris, apparently recovered from the surprise punch. Tristyn sunk to the ground heaving for air.

Pushing him away, Boris stood, his face a barely contained mask of fury. "Drake, hold this loser so I can punch him!"

The lizan, Drake, stood still, as if he was torn between the two.

"Drake! Hold the human down! NOW!"

In that moment Drake seemed to make up his mind, "No Boris!"

The sudden betrayal stunned both Boris and Tristyn, who turned to look inquisitively at the red scaled lizard. His face was serious and hard set. When he spoke he sounded angry, "I've had it with your bullying! I'm sick of having to watch as you hurt others just so you can get your kicks. I'm done! I want nothing more to do with you or your gang!" He walked up to Tristyn, and extending a scaly paw, helped Tristyn to his feet before giving Boris a death glare.

Boris looked shocked at his former ally, before he began to snicker, and the snicker turned into a bellowing laugh. He calmed down and wiping a tear from his eye he gave his creepy smile, "Bout time you grew a backbone Drake. I was starting to worry about you." His smile faded, replaced by a hardened grimace. "To bad you chose the wrong time to do so. Now, I'll get to take you both down!" he declared.

Tristyn felt Drake tremble slightly, and gently squeezed his hand as a sign of support to boost the lizan's fragile courage.

A voice came across the yard, "Give it up Boris! You're flunkies are down and out and you''re outnumbered."

Tristyn looked and saw Michael standing behind Boris, shark fangs bared and claws glinting in the sun.

"You've pissed off a lot of people today, you bastard," came another. Tristyn followed the voice to see Leo, who had suddenly appeared, standing protectively by T.K., looking very much like he'd like to kill.

Fear passed over Boris' face only for a moment, before being covered by his anger and still un-tempered pride.

Tristyn took this as his turn to speak, "Pay attention Boris, cause I'm only going to say this once. I'm giving you ten seconds to get your hide out of my sight. I suggest you take it and leave."

Boris snorted, "I'm not scared of you human, or your pathetic friends. I'll take you all on."

Michael took a threatening step forward, but stopped when Tristyn shook his head. "You'll do no such thing Boris! Your quarrel is with me, so it is me alone that you will fight!" he told the horse and he took a step forward.

"You little prick, I'll knock you to the ground," Boris roared and charged.

Tristyn simply stood where he was as Boris closed the distance. Michael suddenly became scared. Why isn't he moving?! he's going to get- Michael's thought stopped when he saw what Tristyn did. Spinning on the ball of his foot, Tristyn moved just as Boris swung, hitting nothing but air.

"I thought you said you were going to hit me?" Tristyn said, mocking disappointment.

Boris growled and threw another punch, but a simple duck and he missed, "Graaaah! Stay still!"

It continued like this for a while, Boris throwing punches, Tristyn easily dodging them. It took a minute for Michael to realize what Tristyn was doing; he was wearing Boris down, while keeping his stamina intact.

Boris let loose a flurry of punches, all of which were dodged or block by Tristyn, except for the last one. That blow he caught with his hand, and grabbing with his other hand, bent the wrist backwards forcing Boris to the ground. He leaped over Boris still holding the horse's arm, and landing pulled hard, flipping the larger horse over top of him, slamming him into the ground.

Boris stood, though quite disoriented, which Tristyn used to give several short quick jabs at several points on Boris' back and chest.

Boris' left arm fell limply to his side. "What the hell did you do to me?!" came his pained cry.

"Pressure point's and nerve clusters," Tristyn stated matter-of-factly, "My old sister had a side job at an acupuncturist. She taught me all about the system."

Boris gave another growl and swung his good arm in a right hook at the human's head, but Tristyn simply put up his arm and stopped the attack.

"You really should have taken my offer and left." Tristyn said. And he launched his final attack. He gave a quick three kick assualt. One to the groin, one to the chest and lastly, a near straight split kick to the head. Boris crumpled to the ground. unconscious.

As the dust settled, Tristyn came off of his rage induced high and reverted to his more, enjoyable nature. He rushed over to T.K., who was still sitting on the bench, Leo standing next to him. Sparing a glance to his older brother, whose look was a cross between pride and disbelief, he knelt down to face T.K., who was also sporting a similar look.

"You okay... they didn't get you too bad did they?" he asked concern blotting away any angry thoughts or feelings.

Stunned by the speed and ease that his brother could manage going from one emotional extreme to the other, T.K. shook his head, unable to form words. Leo, however was not stunned, and instead exclaimed, "Holy shit Tristyn! How did you do that?"

Tristyn inspected T.K. over for wounds just in case. He spoke as he checked, "The folks I used to live with... one of them wanted to make sure I could defend myself, so she taught me some martial arts." He shivered involuntarily as the memory of a scary-looking Elsa flipping him over her head flooded his mind. Shaking the image away, Tristyn finished his quick check, declaring T.K. to be devoid of any injury, save for a slight bruising that would show later.

A shuffle and a slight image of red scales brought Tristyn's attention to Drake, who was standing back a bit, an apologetic look on his face."Hey... so... look... I'm sorry for the part I played in all this. And I just want to sa-"

"You're forgiven," Tristyn said, smiling.

The lizan looked confused for a moment, before launching into a short rage, "How can you just say that!? I was part of the group that beat up your brother! You should hate me! How can you just forgive!?" He calmed then, his scales under his eyes turning a darker shade of red from his outburst.

"It's simple," said Tristyn, putting a hand on Drake's shoulder, "Yes, you were a part of Boris' gang until only minutes ago, and yes, you were there when T.K. got hurt, but you did something that made up for it." He paused to make sure Drake was following. "You stood up to Boris, and helped me and T.K. as well. Really, if you hadn't have chosen to switch sides, Boris would have beaten me. You shocked him so much, it gave me the time to get my second wind. Thank you!"

Drake's scales turned a shade deeper from the praise. "Sure... yeah, your welcome." He shuffled on his feet for a moment. "Look, I gotta go...." He turned to leave, but stopped to give one last look behind him, "So.... see you around?"

Tristyn smiled and nodded. The lizan smiled back, then walked off, down and away from them, until he disappeared around the corner of a building.

Tristyn turned to regard his brother, "Well... I think that's enough excitement for one day. Let's go home guys."


The four made their way back to the Carver residence. Michael declined an invitation inside, claiming that he was needed at his home. While the two orcas went inside, their human brother stayed back to talk to Michael.

"Hey, look I'm sorry about what happened back at lunch Michael. It was stupid and foolish of me to go and pull a stunt like that," Tristyn said, averting his gaze.

The shark sighed and said, "Tristyn... I've already told you that I've forgiven you. Stop worrying about it!"

"I know but I still feel guilty," Tristyn said, face blushing.

"Why do you feel guilty," asked Michael, curious about the human's feelings, "It was just a kiss."

"Yeah it was just a kiss... but.... I....kinda..... liked it," his blush was near full red now.

Michael regarded the expression on Tristyn's face as something irresistibly cute, and tilted his head towards his friend, "What would you say, if I told you... that I liked the kiss as well?"

Tristyn's face turned hopeful, and looked into Michael's face, but found nothing except sincerity in the shark's blue-gold eyes. "You mean..."

"I like you Tristyn." now it was Michael's turn to blush slightly.

Taken aback from the declaration, Tristyn broke into a broad smile, "I like you too Michael."

This time there was no hesitation, no afterthought. The two embraced, their lips mashing together, in heated passion. A few days ago, Tristyn would have beat himself senseless for doing this, but something, the way Michael held him, the way he looked at Tristyn with his eyes, and the feeling generated by the kiss threw all his caution to the wind. Reluctantly they broke the kiss, and Tristyn didn't run away this time. He stayed in the embrace of the shark, loving every second of it.

He did push back though, much to the confusion of Michael, and shouted towards the house, with the door still open, "Hey Leo!"

"Yeah Tristyn," came his brothers reply.

"Remember those questions I wanted to ask. Well don't worry about it anymore," Tristyn turned to face Michael, and said more quietly, "I figured it out on my own."


*Author's Note: *


A new romance blooms between the two friends!

*Where will this lead? *

What will others say?

Will Boris try and take his revenge?

After a beatdown like that I sure as hell wouldn't. But Boris is an idiot, so I couldn't say that he will keep his distance.

Just have to wait and see.

First Day at My New Furry School

**DISCLAIMER: **** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or...

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A Swim and a Coffee

**_Author's Note: Unlike my previous submissions in this series, this submission will be done in the third person view instead of the first person. I wanted to try to see how the story looked and sounded from a different view. And if it doesn't go...

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Try Being the Only One

**_Author's Note: The first person view changes a few times during this story. While I have written it in a way that should make it easy to tell where it changes, I have also used a visual marker \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to show where the view changes....

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