Hawaii Here we Come!!!

Story by Permanently Disabled on SoFurry

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I can't believe it's been near three months since the fight with Boris and so many things have changed. Boris hasn't been seen around the school for weeks. Some say he got suspended. Others say expelled. Still, a small, remote few believe that he is just too shamed to show his face after a human completely beat him senseless. I tend to agree with the latter option. While I did get reprimanded for having a fight, my punishment was not too severe as I thought it would be. I got stuck cleaning the auditorium, where they hold their assemblies and drama stuff, for about two weeks. Could have been much worse.

_T.K. was completely fine after the whole thing, and the bruise he got quickly faded away. Leo has kept a closer eye on him since then. Apparently Boris isn't the only thug attending our school, but so far there have been no problems. Guess having a brother who beat a guy near twice his size would make any would-be bully pause. _

Speaking of bullies, the rhino that stopped me outside the guys washroom, his name is Ken. Since that day, he, Michael and I have all become good friends, and we hang out together a lot, though not as much as me and Michael do ourselves. He's a pretty decent guy with a good sense of humor. He has a girlfriend named Sylvana, a wolf girl, so he's straight, but he doesn't mind that the rest of us are gay (save for T.K.). So that makes him pretty cool too.

Drake, the red scaled guy from before, he and I have also become good friends. Michael is a little distrusting of him still, but at least he's warming up to Drake. The relationship between Drake and Leo is still quite tense though. Whenever he is over, I always see Leo giving Drake a hard stare. I've tried talking to him about it, but Leo just brushes me off and says "I'll forgive in my own due time Tristyn" He's toned down on the hate these past couple weeks and I've even seen him talking with Drake in a civil matter, though those conversations rare and short. Oh well, I'll take what peace I can.

_As for me and Michael, well, we have officially become boyfriends. A year ago I could never have imagined falling for a guy, but now, I can see no other road that I would want to take except this one. I'm happy, he's happy, things are good between us. Unlike some people who think that becoming boyfriends or having similar relationships means a automatic free pass to having sex, Michael and I haven't done anything yet. We both talked about it, and we wanted this relationship to be special, so for the time being we've stuck with just making-out and some playful gropes from time to time. We're both young and have the time, so why rush? I even managed to get my classes arranged so we had some class time together. Sometimes between classes we would kiss each other real quick, just to perk up the day. Always in private of course. Michael and I don't want the news about us getting around school. That would just open a whole new can of worms that neither of us want to deal with. _

_Not to say that rumors haven't been going around already. With the amount of time Michael and I spend together every day, it wasn't long before the gossip train started to roll. Most people continued to act civilized, not caring about it. Sometimes people I would pass in the halls would glare at me. Others don't even bother to look, instead turning their noses away. _

Michael is slightly concerned about the rumors. Me, I just say 'Screw them'. If they don't like it they can take their sorry attitude and shove it up thei-

"Hey Tristyn come on," came Leo's voice from downstairs, "We're going to be late!"

"Coming," Tristyn shouted back, quickly finishing his sentence before shutting his journal and putting back it on his bookshelf. Quickly he grabbed his coat and rushed out of his room hitting the light switch on the way out. He hurried down the stairs where he found his brothers waiting for him, dressed in their own winter wear.

"Bout time Tristyn," said T.K. tapping his foot impatiently, "What took you so long?"

"Give me a break," he said as he pulled on his shoes, "We're not that late."

"Let's just go, the others are waiting," huffed Leo.

The three left the house, and proceeded to walk out into the chilly February air. They hurried down the street, as light snowflakes started to fall. The moon was full and bright, making the falling frozen water shine like crystals. One could say that the night was indeed beautiful, accept for the brothers, who were too busy to notice. The streets were deserted, save for a few couples out for a moonlit stroll.

Finally, the three reached their destination, the local GALAXY movie theater and two people were standing underneath a lamppost nearby. Tristyn started smiling when he recognized the two.

"Hey Michael! Hi Drake," he called out.

The two turned to face the approaching trio, and Michael called back, "Hey you guys! About time you showed up."

The five joined up together in front of the theater. Leo went to go get the movie tickets. They were all going to see the new "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie together. While Leo was away getting the tickets Michael spoke with Tristyn.

"So what took you so long hon," he asked.

"Well you know, I was writing in that journal you got me for Christmas," said Tristyn.

Michael grinned and whispered, "Write anything about me?"

Tristyn looked at his boyfriend for a moment before saying, "Nope. You know I prefer to have you in the flesh. I can't kiss paper."

Michael gave a quiet laugh, before drawing close to give Tristyn a quick kiss on the cheek. "That is true. I'm a much better kisser than anything else, specially paper.." He played with a piece of Tristyn's hair for a moment. "I remember on that night I gave that journal to you, at the Christmas party you had at your place. You tricked me under the mistletoe just so you could kiss me."

Tristyn scoffed at this, "If I remember correctly, it was you who dragged me underneath that thing so you could kiss me." He moved closer so he could whisper in Michael's ear, "And since when have I needed an excuse to kiss my handsome shark."

Micheal replied by giving Tristyn's rear a firm but playful squeeze. The human gave his boyfriend a surprised look. Michael whispered huskily, "Can I help it if I got the hottest boyfriend on the planet."

"Okay lovebirds, break it up," said Leo as he returned with the movie tickets. He distributed the tickets among them.

When Drake got his ticket, he shivered and smiled weakly, "Finally, lets get inside before this cold kills us."

"Not a winter person Drake," asked Leo a slight edge to his voice.

Drake shook his head, "Never really have been. My scales are especially sensitive to it." Tristyn smiled. He was proud of Drake for not taking the bait. _Drake tries so hard to be nice to Leo. Why can't Leo just forgive him already. _

Leo looked almost... disappointed that Drake hadn't tried to talk back, though that expression soon went away when T.K. said, "Come on, let's just go in."

The five entered the movie theater, though Tristyn couldn't stop thinking about Leo's face a moment ago. He began wondering if something... nah it couldn't be that... could it? As they payed for their snacks and drinks, Tristyn decided on a way to prove his suspicions. When they entered their movie's theater and chose their seats, Tristyn managed to make them sit so Drake sat between him and Leo. His older brother's face went red, but only for a moment and though he sat down grumbling something, he took no further action. Drake seemed slightly concerned about sitting next to Leo but a quick, reassuring glance from Tristyn stopped any complaints he may have had. Satisfied with his plan so far, Tristyn snuggled against Michael as the lights dimmed, ready to enjoy two hours of Sci-Fi action.


"Maaan, that... was... so... awesome!!!" exclaimed T.K. as the movie ended, tossing his empty popcorn tub into a nearby garbage can. The patrons of the theater slowly rose from their eats to leave, but the group stayed sitting for a moment.

"It may have been made a couple years back, but it is still a great movie," stated Michael, "I wonder if I could find a DVD copy..."

Tristyn slowly wrapped his arm around Michael's. "Don't bother, it'll be on one of those movie sites on the net before too long. Plus we already own one," he said.

Michael turned to gaze at his boyfriend, "You serious?!"

The human nodded, "Think about it. You can come over and we can watch it together!"

"I don't know," said Michael pulling Tristyn closer, "I only need one reason to be over at your place."

"And what, pray tell, would that reason be?" Tristyn asked, bringing his face closer to Michael's.

The shark smiled and whispered, "Just you." And the two kissed.

They broke apart when T.K. began complaining, "God! Can't you two not be all lovey for one evening?!"

Tristyn leaned over so he could see his brother, "T.K., one of these days your going to find someone you like, and then you'll be acting like this too. It always happens."

A look of slight horror came over the young orca's face, "I hope not. I might find a girlfriend, but I'm not going to be like you two."

Leo rolled his eyes at both of them, "Come on you two, break it up. Let's go out for some pizza. I'll buy." He stood and helped T.K from his seat, then turned and putting out a hand, offered to help Drake up. The lizard hesitated a moment, before accepting the offered hand. Leo pulled upwards, bringing Drake to his feet. Leo continued to hold onto Drake's hand after Drake had got on his feet. When Leo realized this, he turned red and abruptly dropped Drake's hand, turning around and followed the leaving figure of T.K. Tristyn managed to see Drake's face. His red scales were redder than normal, and he had a slight dreamy expression. A slight poke from Tristyn snapped Drake out of his little zone.

"You going Drake? You're kinda blocking the path," said Michael.

"Huh-oh-ri-right, I'm going," said Drake and he started moving towards the exit, followed by Tristyn and Michael, who resumed their air of friendship when they re-entered the crowded movie theater lobby. Walking back outside into the frosty air the three met up with Leo and T.K. who were talking with a van taxi driver, a heavy set Black Labrador. Leo looked up from his conversation and waved them over.

"Good timing guys! We got ourselves a cab to take us to that pizza place!" he said.

Tristyn went and opened the door to the cab, "Then lets get in and go then! I'm in the mood for meat-lovers pizza."


When they entered the pizza parlor fifteen minutes later, they were all breathing heavily.

"There should be a *cough* law against taxi drivers *cough* smoking in their taxi's," wheezed Drake.

"It should be law *cough* it smelled like a tobacconist's shop in that cab." complained T.K.

Tristyn smiled weakly, before giving his clothes a quick sniff. "I think we should just count ourselves lucky that we don't smell like a pack of cigarettes. That would be bad."

A young, pretty, brown colored bovine waitress came up to the receptionist desk, wearing an near too tight uniform showing off her large DD cup chest. "Hello there," she said smiling, with a cow tail flicking the air behind her. "Table for?"

"Five" said Leo.

The bovine waitress reached down, showing off her large rear as she counted out the menus. "Two-three-four-five! There we go!" She stood suddenly, causing her bountiful chest to bounce slightly. Tristyn shot a quick glance backwards and smirked as he saw T.K., face red, as he stared at the cow girl's chest, a slight drip of drool hanging from his mouth. Waving a hand in front of his face T.K. seemed to snap out of his stupor, and his face turned near scarlet and he immediately wiped his face clean of the drool.

"Eyes up bro," he teased, sending T.K. into a small stammering fit.

The waitress, not understanding what was going on, looked at T.K. for a moment, curious as to his embarrassment, before remembering her job. Returning to a smile she said, "Alright then. If you would please follow me." And she proceeded to lead the five through the pizza parlor, her hips swaying as she walked. She stopped in front of a booth, near the back of the place. "Will this do?" she asked.

Leo nodded, "This will be fine, thank you."

Quickly seeing a chance, Tristyn grabbed Michael and T.K. by the arms and said, "We claim this side!" and promptly sat down on one side of the booth. Leo had a look of slight annoyance on his face, but he sat down next to Drake with nothing more than a small grumble.

The bovine waitress set their menus on the table. "Okay then, I'll just give you guys a second to figure out what you want. I'll be right with you." She left then, working her way through her other tables.

When she was gone, they all looked at T.K. who eyes were following the vanishing form with a slight twinkle from them.

The rounds of teasing didn't stop until long after the meal was devoured.


"Hey Michael," said Tristyn, "It's snowing again..."

"So it is," said the shark as he pulled Tristyn closer, "They look like crystals with the way the moon shines through them, don't they.."

Tristyn snuggled against his boyfriend, enjoying the warmth his body gave off. "They do..."

After eating two pizza's and leaving the pizza place, the five had split up, deciding to walk home, lest they risk getting stuck with another smoking cabby. Drake lived on the other side of the neighborhood from the others, so he left them early on in the trip home. Tristyn caught Leo watching Drake leave a little longer than the rest of us, giving Tristyn more concrete to add to the base of his theory. Something was definitely up between the two, but he didn't say anything. Instead he was happy that at least they weren't at each others throats. When the now group of four reached their parting ways, Tristyn stopped Michael from leaving, claiming that he had something to talk to him about. So now, here the two were, sitting on the veranda of Tristyn's home snuggling with each other as they watched the snow fall between clouded breaths.

Michael leaned his head against Tristyn, "So what was it that you wanted to ask me hon?"

Tristyn leaned back into the outdoor sofa seat, "Well, you know how tomorrow is the last day of school before winter break?"

Curious as to where this was heading Michael nodded, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, you see," said Tristyn, "My mom isn't able to come home for another five months now, so to make it up for us, she bought us a vacation to Hawaii! But even better she gave us an extra ticket for us to bring a friend! So what I was wondering is... if you would like to come with us-me to Hawaii?"

Michael was both surprised and pained by that question. He wanted to go... but he couldn't. Apparently the turmoil was visible to Tristyn, who quickly asked concerned, "Is something wrong Michael? You look upset."

"Hon I'm sorry. I'd like to go with you, but Cal recently got a huge bonus for finishing the graphics on that new game that's coming out soon, so he's taking me on a surprise trip that week. So I can't go..." The look of disappointment that came over Tristyn's face nearly broke Michael's heart. "Hey come on, its only for a week. We'll be lumped back together before too long."

"Yeah... I know.. but it still is disappointing," Tristyn sighed.

Trying to cheer his boyfriend up, Michael pulled Tristyn onto his lap and rested his jaw on top of his human's head, "But you know what?"

"What?" asked Tristyn.

"That still leaves us tomorrow to be together," Michael smiled when Tristyn moved his head and looked up into the shark's eyes.

"Yeah, your right. We still have all day tomorrow."


Two days later, the commercial flight carrying three excited brothers, landed at Lihu'e Airport in the warm mid-day sun on the Island of Kauai, Hawaii. Or it should be said, at least one brother. Tristyn, being slightly depressed, had fallen asleep early on in the flight, unable to bring up any excitement. In fact he had to shoved awake.

"Huh," he asked confused as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

T.K pointed to the window. "We're here, get up." he said, squirming in his seat as he couldn't wait.

Nodding in understanding, Tristyn began gathering his things as the airplane pulled up to the passenger docks. When the seat-belt fasten sign went off, he, along with T.K. and everyone else in the airplane, stood up and proceeded to unlock the over head compartments and pulling out their things.

Pulling down his old reliable duffle bag, Tristyn turned to face T.K. who was holding his own bag. "How do you think Leo handled it?" He asked, knowing full well what probably happened. When Michael declined the spare ticker, Tristyn had offered Drake the ticket instead. The lizard had tried to reject the offer, but after some discussion accepted it, scales blushing. T.K. and Tristyn had both talked about Leo and Drake, and seeing no better opportunity decided that for the flight the two would sit together. What better way to make two people get along and talk to one another than stick them next to each other for a near seven hour flight.

T.K. shrugged, "Don't know bro, just have to wait and see."

Since the two were closer to the front, they made it off the plane first and standing off to the side inside the airport, they waited for Leo and Drake. The area soon became crowded as two other planes arrived and unloaded their passengers. Despite the crowd, Tristyn managed to pick out the forms of Leo and Drake and waved at them. Leo saw and he and the lizard made their way over to them.

When they were all together, they made their way as a group towards the baggage claim and picking up a couple suitcases, navigated the maze of people through customs to the area where you have a rental car agency waiting for you. Since the brother's mother had payed for everything, things went smoothly, the paperwork had already been signed, leaving the four to simply wait for the guy in charge to bring the vehicle around.

Tristyn had to admit, the service was fast, and he leaned against a nearby pillar to cool himself. He had suddenly become very warm, as though someone was staring at him. He searched, scanning the area for the individual, but was interrupted by Leo calling him over, "Tris our ride is here!"

Slinging his bag over his shoulder, the staring feeling forgotten, Tristyn quickly made his way over to the others outside, where parked was a silver Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. It looked pretty nice and well maintained. Tossing his bag in the back, Tristyn climbed into the rear passenger seat next to Drake.

"Let's go have some fun!" shouted T.K. as they drove off out of the airport and into the island

Kauai is one of the smaller islands of Hawaii, but it was still quite big and it took them about a half hour to get out of the city of Lihu'e. The place the brother's mom had gotten for them was located on the north-eastern part of the island past the city of Kapaa. It was owned by a colleague of hers, who rarely found the time to visit it, so he had allowed the use of it to them. Not much more information was given about the place, save for that it was spacious and had a nice view of the Pacific Ocean.

The drive to Kapaa was short but by the time they got there, the need for something other than airline standard food had infected them all, prompting them to stop at a local restaurant located on the second floor of a large street mall. The tried some of the local fare, stuffing themselves quite full, before finishing it off with a few flavorful snow cones, which they devoured fast because the cones were melting in the island's heat.

Surprisingly the sky became clouded, and rain started to fall heavily.

"Aww... man," groaned T.K., "There goes my plans for going out on the beach..."

Drake spoke up then, "You shouldn't be worried T.K. The island of Kauai may be one of the wettest spots on Earth but the rain storms usually last no longer than twenty minutes, and are usually lighter than this."

"How do you know that Drake," asked Tristyn.

The lizard shifted in his seat slightly, "When you invited me... I kinda looked up all the information I could about the island."

"Well that's cool," stated Leo, "See T.K. you have nothing to worry about." He stood up from the table they were sitting at, "But lets use the time the rain has left to finish the drive. That way we can get the most out of our first day in the sun."

They all nodded in agreement and they all rose from the table as well. Paying for the meal, they made their way down the stairs that led to the street. As they were going down, Tristyn paused to looked at a framed picture that hung from the wall. It was an panoramic picture of the island, taken on one of the mountains in the center of the island. It looked very good, probably done by a professional photographer.

Many people were coming and going up and down the stairs, for the restaurant was very busy. While he was looking at the photo, he saw the reflection of various peoples going past behind him. But one of them caught his eye. A shark, looking slightly mad, going up the stairs. He hadn't noticed the shark until it was too late to clearly see his face. Tristyn's eyes went wide as he turned to see the feet and tail of the unknown shark reach the top and go around the corner. Was that...?

"Tristyn come on! Let's go," came Leo's voice.

Startled slightly, Tristyn quickly made his way down the stairs to the waiting car. But before they left, he gave one neck-straining look upwards at the restaurant. It couldn't have been him, I mean what are the chances that we'd end up on the same island?" he thought.

It took another half hour for them to drive to where the beach house was, during which the rain stopped. Drake was right about the rain, it didn't last long. Turning off the main road, they took a dirt trial that ran parallel to the ocean. They continued to drive until several large beach houses came into view.

"Okay guys, check the gates. We're looking for a seven-two-zero," said Leo

The drove down, passing the other houses, all of which looked very fancy and nice, but none of them were the house they were looking for.

"Are we lost," asked T.K.

Leo huffed defensively, "We are not lost! We're just having difficulties with this stupid G.P.S. thing. It says we are here, but I don't see the place."

"Maybe it's because we are looking the wrong way," Drake said impassively, pointing a clawed finger to the left of the vehicle.

The others followed the direction of Drake's finger, which lead their eyes to a high stone wall, parted midway by a set of stairs that led up a hill. Next to the staircase, set in the wall, was a metal plate with the numbers 720.

"Good eyes Drake," said Tristyn, patting the lizard's shoulder. Drake's scales turned more red as he blushed from the compliment.

Leo was pessimistic though, "Okay we found the place, but where are we supposed to park? There's no space out here on the road and I see no parking lot nearby."

Drake saved them once again, pointing backwards, revealing another gap in the wall which turned out to be a driveway.

Leo turned the car around and drove the car onto the driveway and up the hill. What was at the top surprised them all. A two, luxury beach house greeted them. Stopping the SUV in front of the place, they unloaded their bags and entered the mansion, gasping at it luxurious interior.

"This workmate of your mom's got some serious money man," stated Drake, looking around with awe.

Tristyn gave a low whistle and said "Apparently."

Setting his bag on the floor Leo clapped and rubbed his hands together, "Okay guys. Let's go pick our rooms, get changed and hit the beach!"


Fifteen minutes later the four were walking down to the beach, now dressed in swimsuits and beach shirts. Running out onto the sand, Tristyn and T.K. looked at one another before saying in unison, "Race you!!" Throwing off their shirts and putting down their towels, the two raced one another down the beach before jumping into the ocean.

"I won!" said Tristyn, pumping his fist in the air before being drenched by a sudden wave of water. Sputtering the burning salt water out of his mouth and rubbing the stinging out of his eyes, he heard his brother laugh.

"Are you blind? Anyone could have seen that it was me who made it here first," T.K. boasted.

Tristyn wasn't amused, "Grr... If I could see clearly you'd be so getting dunked right now T.K.!"

"Not my fault your eyes can't handle a little salt water," said T.K. before being grabbed and promptly dunked by his brother.

"My hearing is still good enough to let me know where you are," said Tristyn when T.K. came back to the surface.

T.K. gave Tristyn a playful scowl, "So that's how its going to be is it. This means war!" The two then started wrestling with one another in the waves.

Leo called out across the sand, "Hey you two, no need to be so rough!" but the plea fell on deaf ears. Shrugging his shoulders with a sigh, he took off his shirt and turned to face Drake. "You going to come out?" he asked.

Drake looked at the tall, buff, tight swimsuit wearing orca standing in front of him, and immediately blushed a little while feeling a familiar tingling sensation in his lower regions. "Uh- no... not yet. I feel like just laying here and soakin up the rays a little." he said, hoping it would be enough to make Leo leave before things became awkward.

"Okay then suit yourself," said Leo, before taking off across the sand.

Drake laid out his towel and rested face-down on top of it. Watching the form of Leo running down the beach, he gave off a contented sigh, before mentally slapping himself. He was drooling over his best-friend's brother! That's not right! I shouldn't think of Leo like that, I shouldn't think of his wonderful smile... his warm voice... awesome looking abs... his cute butt as it looks like in that swimsuit. GAAH!! He shook his head violently trying to banish the thoughts from his head. Still feeling the sensation in his groin, Drake sighed, before taking a book out of his swim bag and started to read, hoping that would help him rid his mind of his thoughts.


The sun was setting behind the mountains by the time the guys had wrapped up their activities. Drenched from the waves and lower bodies caked in sand, the laughing and tired trio walked up the beach back to where Drake and their things were.

"So who won?" asked Drake as the brothers drew close.

Tristyn gave a tired smile, "I'd have to say it was a tie."

T.K. immediately denied it, "No way, I so beat you all."

"Liar! If anything I at least beat you," claimed Tristyn, giving T.K. a light punch to the shoulder.

Leo stepped between the two before things turned more violent, "Alright you two, settle down." Turning to Drake with a quizzical expression on his face, Leo asked, "You didn't want to swim today Drake?"

The lizard shook his head, "I didn't feel like it today. Besides I had a good book to read, so don't worry. I did enjoy myself."

Leo shrugged, "All right then, as long as you enjoyed yourself." He seemed actually saddened that Drake didn't join in on the fun. "I'm hungry. Let's go back to the house and get something to eat."

The others agreed and packed up their things, slipping on their shirts. The walked back up the beach trail and reached the main road. All laughing and making jokes enjoying the falling sunlight. If Tristyn had been paying attention, he may have heard the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. But he didn't and it wasn't until he heard the cry that he stopped.


Turning around, Tristyn saw only a blue blur flying at him. Catching the heavy object Tristyn was knocked to the ground, and gave a slightly dazed look at the amused expressions of his friends, before focusing on the blue bodied object hugging him. Wait a minute... he recognized that muzzle, and those horns, though they seemed longer than the last time he saw them...

"T-Th-Thomas!?!" he said shocked at seeing the dragon kid from the train.

The little dragon snuggled underneath Tristyn's head, "I've missed you."

Leo bent over, looking down on his brother, the dragon straddling his chest, "So Tris, who's your friend?"

Tristyn didn't answer and instead stared dumbfounded at Thomas. If Thomas is here, that means...

"Hey Tristyn," a deep familiar voice in front of him said, "Been a while, hasn't it?"

Tristyn, as well as everyone else turned to see a large black scaled and white chested dragon standing in front them, bag slung over his shoulder, smiling directly at Tristyn.

Tristyn could only whisper the name "Marcus..."

Things had suddenly become more complicated in Tristyn's life.

Are We Friends? Or More?

The game didn't even last ten minutes. And ended in complete victory, for Tristyn. After the match against Boris, Tristyn and Michael had left the dumbstruck horse with his group to be sent to the Principle's office later, and instead headed for the...

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First Day at My New Furry School

**DISCLAIMER: **** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or...

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A Swim and a Coffee

**_Author's Note: Unlike my previous submissions in this series, this submission will be done in the third person view instead of the first person. I wanted to try to see how the story looked and sounded from a different view. And if it doesn't go...

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