Playing Dirty

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Suel thinks he has the upper edge until three females turn the tide of battle and his own toys against him. How would our brave wolvar fare when the one mounting becomes the mounted? Read and find out!

Part 4<<<<Current Chapter>>>>Part 6

Start from the beginning!

This chapter is more or less a stand alone story, meaning you can enjoy it whether you check out the earlier installments or not. Reading the previous parts is MANDATORY, but if you want more kinky feral action, feel free to pay them a visit!

Hello my treasured readers. Cheetah's here with another juicy installment of Suel's Feisty Adventures! This part moves away from the m/m norm and provides an edge against the masculine side by adding not one, but three females into the equation! They're horny, lustful, and eager to prove themselves against our feisty wolvar, even if that means using dirty tricks! How will Suel deal with three females at once? You'll have to read to find out, and in the process discover that the one doing the mounting might not always stay on top. Have fun, and if you enjoyed this story please consider the following:

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Thank you very much. Now let the fun begin!


Suel didn't leave the arena just yet. He loitered for a bit, checking out the following fights. He saw all manners of mounts and even gryphons taking on lone tauren warriors or brave worgen hunters. It was a feast for the senses, and inside an arena where pain was optional and pleasure mandatory, there were many delights to be had.

Seeing the ebon gryphon fuck his prey senseless reminded Suel of his travels across Hellfire Peninsula. He failed to entice that particular gryphon, but perhaps his luck could change upon the sands of the arena. He watched the prelude of the fight when a whimper caught his attention. The worgen closest to him had one of her hands between her thighs. Suel inhaled the feminine fragrance and approached.

"Hello there," Suel greeted her with a meek smile.

"H-hey!" she dashed her naughty hand out and pretended to scratch an itch. "Quite an intense round, eh?" she quickly looked towards the arena, where the gryphon subdued his prey. He buried his whole length inside the tauren's tailhole, screeching his blissful release.

"Quite intense, yes" Suel took a seat beside her. "Do you happen to know who that buzzard is?"

"Bird? You mean the gryphon?" the worgen asked, licking her muzzle. The gryphon still kept thrusting, drowning the tauren's tailhole in rivers of cum. Gushes splattered below his upraised tail, wetting the thirsty sand.

Suel pressed his enlarging cock with a paw. The worgen noticed. She twitched her ears and smiled, turning her head away.

"Anril the Black Shard. That's his name."

"Quite unfit, judging from how pure his seed looks," Suel answered.

"How would you have it look? Black?"

Suel chuckled, tempted to show his erection to her and prove his point. "Nah. I like creamy seed...I mean white. It fits," he quickly corrected. "Do tell more about this Anril though."

The female placed one leg over the other, whimpering softly. "He's just a lone creature in search for pleasure. I heard he seeks a new mate after his last one perished."

Suel raised an eyebrow. "And how true is that?"

"Not very true, probably," the worgen said. "Everybody here is looking for a quick shag. Same reason, different methods."

"Just like us," Suel chuckled.

She smiled, but made no move to reveal her wet lips. Suel licked his muzzle, tempted to just shift and pounce her until the gryphon cried yet again. With a flap of his wings, he jumped back, pulling out his considerable erection from the tauren's ass. The unplugging released a torrent of drenching seed and trailed a bridge of slimy seed between the gryphon's erect cock and the groaning tauren that moaned his heart out back on the ground.

"Anril intrigues me. Is there any way to fight that bird?" Suel asked.

"Yes there is, through an express pass obtained from the arena master," the worgen said.

"But?" Suel asked, sensing there was more to it.

The worgen smiled, revealing her pristine teeth. "You need quite a bit of wins, and something tells me you're not that popular here yet."

"Not yet," Suel empathized. "But I will be after I defeat the current champion."

"Who, Hrevard? Are you hit in the head?" she snarled.

"He's a bastard!" Suel shot back. "I saw him abusing his own pets before my very eyes."

"They are his. He can do whatever he wants with them," the worgen shrugged, turning her blue eyes towards the next round of fighters.

Suel tried to let the topic slip, but he felt too angry. "Not to me. Animals are neither below nor above us. We're equals, and should treat each others as such."

She released a soft sigh. "I agree, dear pup, but not everybody shares your sentiment. There will be differences, and you better be prepared to face them."

"That's what I'm doing," Suel pressed on. "I challenged Hrevard, and I need a single more victory to step down there with him," he pointed towards the arena, where a druid was in a fierce contest with a hunter and his feline pet.

"Let me help you then," the worgen said, fishing inside her pouch. "I wrote down some of the easy fights on this parchment," she handed the crumpled piece to Suel. "See if there's anything that catches your eye."

She had a lot of humans, dwarves, and orcs, and little in the name of beasts. Suel set his eyes on a feral fight.

"What about these three sisters?" he pointed a claw at the hastily written name.

"Oh, they're just some abandoned kitties seeking pleasure from all manner of tongues sand cocks. Buy some toys from the mage quarter and they will purr at your feet before you know it."

The idea of toys enticed Suel. He thanked the worgen for her tip and rushed towards the human district. It was a mess in terms of organization, and the smells were enough to prove it. Suel flew into the 'Mage Quarter' and changed back into wolvar. It was a small, dilapidated tavern, looking worse on the inside than from the outside.

"Nice tower you have here," Suel told to the shop keeper, a disgusting man with tattered clothes and too many hairs underneath his chin.

"Aye. That I do. Wha'd you want?"

"Toys. Substances that induce quick arousal. Collars. Maybe leashes too," he looked around, seeing little in terms of diversity.

The human laughed. "Where do you think you are, pup? This ain't a brothel."

"I am aware of the nature of this establishment," Suel said calmly. "I just want to get my things and be on my way," Suel picked and weighted his coin purse suggestively.

"Pff. Can't argue with coin," the human waved him closer. "Come then. I'll show you what I have."

Suel wasn't particularly pleased with his acquisitions. He walked out of the shop, looking between the weird shaped dildo, the half assed collar, and the bottle of gluey semen he got. The human deemed it as actual seed from a demigod that sent every female into instant climax, but he very much doubted the validity of his words.

"At least I still have the shocker," Suel looked hopefully at the baton he held in his left hand. It had a conic shape, ideal for fast penetration and sudden orgasms. He put all of the things in his satchel and shifted into cat. The sun almost set, and he was more than ready to feast on a dinner made exclusively out of female juice.

Suel returned to the arena just before the moon rose above the leather covers hung above. The arena master was just calling for his name when he got there. With wide strides, Suel jumped on the sands, where he was greeted by the growls and purrs of three identical felines. They were moonstalkers, with dark pelts and silvery spots marking their fur. Suel shifted back into wolvar and smiled. He had a vast expertise in handling night elf species. Surely some horny kitties could not put much of a fight.

"And our challenger is finally here. Will our brave druid be able to subdue the wild whims of the three sisters at the same time? Only time and a deft touch will tell!"

"Wait!" Suel shouted. The worgen looked towards him.

"You can't interrupt," he growled out.

"I know, the same time?" Suel whined.

"Yes," the worgen hissed over the clamor of the crowd. "You are supposed to know the rules! No combat abilities, no fighting, only pleasure for this particular fight."

"I...understand" Suel said, more to himself than anyone in particular. Elune's light! The only way to immobilize them was entangling roots, and he was not even allowed to use those. Was this a trick fight? Suel snarled when he thought back on that worgen female. She probably knew Hrevard and arranged all this nonsense to further humiliate his challengers.

"Let the fuck begin!" The arena master roared.

Suel shivered. He didn't even realize the combat started. He dug into his satchel with obvious desperation, getting the tools out.

"I have these!" He showed his acquisitions to the stalking felines. "You want them, yes? You want to feel good and roar until your tongues go dry and your lips overflow."

They advanced, eyes glistening with obvious intent. They approached from three different directions. Suel moved back, thinking. He needed to stall and make a plan. Needed to improvise.

Too late. Suel found himself pounced from all three sides before he realized what happened. One cat pinned him with her weight while the two others worked on his cock and balls. Suel snarled. If he got aroused, the fight was over.

He pushed the feline from his belly. She didn't budge. Her paws found solid purchase on his arms, and his muzzle made a good licking spot.

"Try this, love," Suel shove the ridged dildo in her mouth. She choked, getting distracted. Suel used that advantage to push her off him. Then, he grabbed the already lubricated toy from the sand and slid it deep between her glistening lips.

Or at least he wanted it to slide in deep. The shape was all awkward, barely penetrating the surface. Suel pushed it deeper, further irritating the feline. Her lips squelched and she snarled her displeasure by pawing at his arm with unsheathed claws.

"Grr," Suel growled, kicking at the two other cats. They allowed no room to maneuver. Whenever he tried to get up, they crawled back in an instant, trapping his legs while their tongues continued working on his hardening cock.

"Not working," Suel hissed. He got the shocker and made another breakthrough attempt. He didn't manage to get up or even move, but he got close enough to one of the cat's lubricated vaginas. With one quick jab, he inserted the slim conic toy between her folds.

The feline tensed. Suel expected her to roar her climax or growl, but none of that happened. She pushed the baton away like a simple piece of wood and shoved her muzzle into Suel's balls, so hard it hurt.

"Gah. He lied to me, that bastard!" Suel reached for his bottle. It was his secret and ultimate weapon. He formed a wisp of energy between three fingers and sent it into the vial, shattering it. The smell of aged fish filled his nostrils, making him gag and choke.

The felines too growled their displeasure, pawing at the air in revulsion. That was certainly not how the best semen in the world smelled like. Suel inhaled the stinky air, hoping the distraction would decrease his arousal.

It didn't. Barbed tongues felt magnificent on skin, fur, and especially on an erect cock. Suel muffled his moan as he gave into the intense bliss. The two cats pushed his sheath back with their magnificent tongues, exposing his shivering length. One worked on his penis while the other licked and suckled on his squirming balls. Suel kicked and thrust helplessly, unable to break away from the grip of paws and bodies.

"Darn. Darn!" he said before the third cat pushed her moist tongue inside his muzzle. Suel unwillingly sucked on her lovely tongue. He told himself he wasn't enjoying it until his knot was fully forced out of the sheath. The felines pulled the sheath all the way back, then pressed Suel's bulging knot between the soft pads of their paws.

The warmth was too much, and the pressure too hard to resist. Suel burst, unleashing his seed with a terribly lustful moan. The female servicing him pulled back, licking his nose adoringly before she leaped off and ventured into the crowd.

"Where are you going?" Suel whimpered. He knew he lost without staring at the two busy felines servicing his privates. He still wanted to fight; to push them away and knot them in turns, but their tongues just felt too good. The way their barbs slid across his oversensitive flesh made Suel shudder with bursting delight. He shivered and throbbed, clenching his toes every time a feline took his whole length and squeezed it inside her sweltering maw.

"Too good. Too warm..." Suel whimpered, closing his eyes. He allowed the waves of bliss to wash over him, feeding the feline's maw with ropes of hot canine semen. He enjoyed every throb, and every caress sliding below his tightening ballsack. A tongue slid under his crotch, pressing tightly against his tailhole. Suel moaned, clenching hard when the barbs played across his sensitive muscles. He loved to be licked everywhere, but even that was not quite as good as a throughout penetration.

A lustful meowing made his eyes snap open. The third feline was back, with a little big addition. The great cock of a horse was strapped underneath her tail, right where her female lips should have been.

"Oh, fuck me silly," Suel sighed. Out of all the outcomes he expected, pegging was the last. The cat walked towards him, rubbing herself lovingly against Suel's side. A mellow purr rang inside her throat, and her warm tongue knew exactly what to touch. Suel shivered with lust when the cat slid her tantalizing tongue across the side of his muzzle, all the way to his twitching ears. She played with it a little, nipping and licking until Suel ruffled her fluffy neck.

"Alright, enough teasing. You can have what you want, love," Suel turned around, but not before receiving a long kiss from his feline companion.

He licked his muzzle, tasting her. She was smooth and sweet. They all were. His two sluts still worked on him with fierce dedication. One crouched underneath, taking Suel's whole cock between her lips, while the other licked his balls from behind.

The third moved behind, trying to mount him. The size of that strap-on was not exactly small, giving the needy cat plenty of problems. Suel crouched, low enough to both avoid harming the cat underneath and to allow her sister to do her mounting. She humped fiercely, slapping that toy all over the place. Suel's balls were the target a few times too before the thick tip finally found its mark.

She slid inside with a trembling growl. Suel's eyes widened against the surge of pleasure. The flexible toy went far deeper than he imagined, oozing a high quality lubricant from its tip. Suel had no idea what that was. Only how good it felt. He pressed his muzzle shut against the surge of pleasure, gripping the sand between his clenching fingers. Some females were good at being mated, but this one was born to fuck.

With quick, determined thrusts, the pegging sister buried her horse sized toy deep into Suel's tailhole. She moved her hips vigorously, allowing for short bursts of intense rubbing. She growled and hissed, wrapping her forepaws around Suel's belly. She tightened her grip, licking along the back of his neck with wild caresses of her moist tongue. She absolutely loved mating, and every quick thrust proved just that. The feline moaned out loud, shuddering all over as her paws spread their toes. A warm trickle flowed through the toy's drenched tip, slipping into Suel's stretched insides.

Suel yelped and cried out his bliss. Not only he was being literally fucked and filled, but his two assistants were as fierce as their sister. The one servicing his cock wrapped her barbed tongue around his knot, squeezing it rhythmically while her throat was pelted with fresh waves of warm seed. She was a good swallower, always allowing Suel to alternate the lengths of his trusts. The other one was equally skilled. She played her tongue between the wolvar's balls with deliberate strokes. She almost knew when the next spurt was going to hit, because she always pushed against his sack when his insides clenched. That made for wild, continuous throbs from his clenching tailhole.

The mounting sister was still the best though. She had stamina, ferocity, and an unyielding determination to cum. With every thrust, she growled a pitch higher, making her efforts all the more vigorous. Warm slime traveled across the toy's length, spilling into Suel's clenching tunnel. It was too hot to be water, and the only answer was seed. Either male seed, or female arousal.

The realization came at a cost. Suel's lust peaked at the thought of being filled by a female. He clenched hard, halting the mounting Sister's thrusts. That enraged her. She raised her hips and shoved hard, burying the toy all the way inside with a wet, squelching sound. The results were immediate. Her paws shivered, unleashing their claws. They trembled and gripped, securing the female's shuddering form. With a long, desperate yowl, she came, flooding Suel's inner muscles with hot waves of female cum.

Suel yelped like a pup, then roared like an alpha as he too thrust inside a wet and highly sensitive hole. The female's barbs scraped against his rock hard knot, forcing his seed out in a mad rush. Suel's balls tightened hard. The last of the sisters pushed and licked them with quick strokes of her tongue, keeping them warm and stimulated while they unleashed their precious burden.

This was the perfect climax. Suel's breath came out in the same manner as his seed: in a long, unending stream of pure bliss. He pumped hard, squirting out every drop while the female with the horse cock emptied herself inside him. He managed a few weaker squirts before he took a deep, rejuvenating breath. The onrush of air washed away his lust, forcing his tense muscles to relax.

Suel pushed against the weight on his back. The mounting female fell on her back, still meowing out her long, unending bliss. She was joined quickly by her companions, who licked her oversized toy and calmed her with loving rubs of their heads. The one sucking Suel cleaned only around his sheath, allowing his shrinking cock to retreat safely inside.

"You were good. So bloody good," Suel said, teeth still trembling with the aftermath of his great orgasm. The felines meowed softly, looking at him expectantly. They still had a need, and Suel knew exactly what that was. He shifted into cat, then jumped into the pile of fur and paws. The three sisters rubbed him all over, licking his ears and muzzle with affection. They allowed him into their midst, wrapping him in a bundle of paws and warm fur.

Suel licked each one in turn until the arena master announced the end of the mating. All the felines reluctantly rose on their paws and parted ways. Suel walked towards the exit, while the sisters leaped onto the feral section. He was sorely tempted to join them, but tonight's pleasure was only shadowed by the temporary failure. Suel still had a fight to win if he wanted to face off the worgen champion, so he shifted into raven and flew all the way to his inn. The bed was waiting for him, cold and hard against his furred belly.

"I'll see you again someday, my lovely kitties," Suel whispered, falling asleep to the memory of soft purr and the gentle licks of his three sisters.