Lady in Roan

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Edited by SSJ3Mewtwo

So this is probably the weirdest story I've been paid to write. A gay (and anonymous) commissioner pays a known TF author to write heterosexual intercourse between a young man and a crafty and sorcerous mare, wherein no actual physical TF takes place, purely mental alteration.

And I could've sworn I posted this silly thing ages ago. Ah well.

Lady in Roan by Von Krieger

Tyler ground his teeth and did his best to ignore the noisy mare in the stall next to the one he was cleaning out. His girlfriend and her family were on vacation for a few days and he'd been paid to look after their farm and the horses in the mean time.

He was pretty sure that Lady, his girlfriend Tiffany's prized mare, was in heat. And the name Lady suited her quite well. She was rather in a snit and seemed to complain to Tyler constantly about her state of being. She kept flashing her swollen, wet nethers at him. She'd been doing it every time he was within sight of her stall, and she kept hanging around him when he opened the gates and let the horses out to pasture. He'd done his best to ignore her, honestly she was the only part of the job that he found annoying. But he was getting increasingly frustrated with the mare, and he was doing his best to be polite. He didn't want to yell at his girlfriend's horse. He didn't know too much about horses, and he didn't want to scar the mare for life or anything by yelling at her.

Hell, he'd even tried to explain how things worked, just to amuse himself. "I'm a human, and you are a horse. What you want is pretty gosh darn gross, listed as a sin in the Bible, and is outright illegal in most states."

That had obviously not worked, and as time went on he'd caught himself idly thinking about it. Just whipping out his cock, marching into the stall, and stuffing it into the mare just to shut her up. And disturbingly, every time he'd caught himself thinking about it, it seemed to take longer and longer to snap himself out of it. He'd even been starting to get hard when Lady was around.

"Look, Lady, humans don't just go around banging anything that moves. I've already got myself a girl. Tiffany and I are dating, so even if I did want to help you out with your little problem, I wouldn't. I'm Tiffany's male, okay?" he'd explained, half to the horse and half as a reminder to himself.

Something in his tone had apparently made the mare get the hint, as she'd snorted and walked off. But as soon as she was out of sight, Tyler had heard her whinnying. He was almost positive that she was cackling with mad glee or something.

Great, she was a cackling psycho super-villain she-horse.

After that Lady's behavior had changed. Her demeanor had been just like that of a spoiled princess or prissy bitch who snapped, "You! Stable boy! Come here and mount me. Your member is woefully inadequate, but alas it is the only one here!"

She was instead almost... flirting with him.

She kept winking at him, both with her eyes and with her pussy. She kept coming right up to the fence and wiggling her bottom at him. Then she'd started nosing his neck and licking his face. It was starting to piss Tyler off. He was missing Tiffany a bit, and almost regretting doing her and her family a favor, because Tiffany's goddamned horse was trying to seduce him.

And she was succeeding.

"I've got a girlfriend," Tyler reminded himself, "I've got a girlfriend who is not going to appreciate it at all if I fuck her obnoxious, bitchy, arrogant, stuck-up, princess of a horse."

It was absolutely disgusting. Something horrible and wrong. And despite all that Tyler was struggling with an erection at the very thought of stuffing his meat into Lady's sopping pussy. He was pissed off at her for what she was doing, and pissed off at himself for being turned on by it. So he was pretty sure he'd ended up with the ultimate fusion between hard-on and mad-on, and it was really starting to ache.

And then there was Lady at the edge of the fence again, making kissing noises at him and wiggling her rump. Tyler sighed and threw down the hay rake. "Okay, fine! You want to be fucked you big, stupid, slutty horse? Fine! C'mere!"

Tyler climbed the wooden fence, sitting atop it as he unzipped and pulled out his throbbing prick. Lady whinnied happily, backing up to the fence, her eager, dripping folds rubbing against Tyler's manhood.

The young man pulled his shirt up over his head, not wanting it to get messy. He was betting Lady was a messy lay. "Yeah, if I stick this in you I bet you're going to cum all over me when I fuck your skanky horse ass, aren't you?" Lady nickered and seemed to nod her head.

Tyler reached down, tracing his fingertips over Lady's puffy, swollen netherlips, making the mare shiver with his caress. A fresh gush of lubricating juices oozed forth from her sex, allowing Tyler to get his cock heavily lubed, there was so much that it dripped down onto his balls. The mare's slickness on his bared skin tingled a bit. It felt pretty damn good to have his cock covered in horny horse juice.

"You like this, huh?" Tyler teased, tracing the head of his shaft around Lady's marehood, making her quiver with need once again.

"Too bad. You've been a naughty girl, haven't you? You've been such a big slut, flashing your owner's boyfriend your big puffy pussy. You're sick, wanting to fuck with somebody who isn't even a... mmm... member of your own species!"

Tyler sucked in a breath through his teeth. Damn, was he ever hard. He almost felt like he himself was in heat. He couldn't remember ever being so painfully, needfully erect before. He began slowly stroking himself, the touch making the dull ache go away.

"Do you see that, you filthy, dirty girl? You're just a horrible, sexy, dirty slut. Tiffany wouldn't make me this achingly, throbbingly, tremendously hard."

Lady turned her head and tossed her mane, as if to say "Yeah? Well that's Tiffany's problem if she can't get her man frothing at the mouth to put it in her."

"Shut up." Tyler said with a growl, "You've been a very naughty mare going around and demanding I fuck you for the last two days now!" he slipped a few fingers into her cunt, gathering more of her slick nectar to rub onto his shaft.

"So I'm going to fuck you, and I'm going to fuck you hard. You're a naughty girl and you going to get punished for being such a slutty mare-bitch."

Tyler stood and thrust his hips, ramming into her as hard as he could. Oh did she ever feel good, tight, wet, and blazing hot. He'd thought he was rock hard and fully erect before, but the caress of the mare's inner walls seemed to be coaxing even more out of him. With each contraction of her depths his manhood seemed to swell just a little bit more.

On top of that the sopping juices made his skin feel all tingly where they touched his bare skin. It wasn't only his cock that felt like it was slowly swelling with added mass, but his balls as well. It was like they'd been cramped and compressed his entire life, and now that he'd found a big, slutty mare that needed a grudge-fuck his parts were being allowed to take on the size they were always supposed to have.

Lady turned her head and gave Tyler a sly wink and a smug equine grin, as if to say "Oh now that feels SO MUCH better, I could hardly feel that tiny little prick of yours."

Tyler chuckled, pulling his expanding maleness out of the mare's sex entirely, "Don't get cocky, bitch! I can just stop right here and jerk off. How'd you like that? I know you want my big fucking stud-cock inside of you."

Lady turned away, leaving Tyler to fondle his enlarged member, just over a foot in length. It was so much bigger than before, several inches longer, and maybe an inch or two thicker. Damn, if he'd known that stuffing your dick into a mare's cunt made it get bigger, he'd have done it ages ago. Bigger felt better, awesome, heavy, and powerful. He reached down and cupped his grapefruit-sized balls.

"Yeah, you picked the right human to be your fucking stud, huh?" he teased, grinning wickedly.

In reply the mare rubbed her rump against him, begging and needy for more. He slowly, tauntingly slid himself back into her needful sex, gripping her furred flanks, making her pant with lust. He savored the sensation of over a foot of cock slipping into the mare's hungry pussy. Tiffany had never made him feel like this. He wondered, briefly, what it would feel like to bone Tiffany with his new and improved manhood.

It was like Lady had heard him thinking about Tiffany. She snorted and clamped down with her sex, the powerful muscles of her love tunnel yanking Tyler forward. The mare took a step forward, and then another, seemingly threatening to pull Tyler off the fence.

"I was just kidding, babe," Tyler said, trying to sooth the horse's mood, "You feel so much better than Tiffany ever did."

Much to his relief Lady backed herself up again, leaving him comfortably perched with his backside on the top of the wooden fence and his feet on one of the lower rails. Tyler stopped his teasing pace and Lady released his member, though her tightness had felt absolutely incredible.

"Okay, no more fucking around, I promise. You want this stud to fill you up with cum, then goddamn, I'm going to fill your belly with cum like you wouldn't believe. You want that, huh?"

Lady nodded her head and nickered, indicating that that was indeed what she wanted.

"Big horny mare like you in heat, you want to be filled up so bad. You want some sexy stud to get his rocks off in you over and over again, huh? Get you knocked up and fat with foals." Tyler licked his lips, finding the image of Lady with her belly rounded and pregnant incredibly sexy.

"Yeah, gonna fill you up, bitch. Squirt a nice, hot foal-fathering load right into you. Mmm... yeah..." he was panting now, the very idea of impregnating the mare incredibly arousing. "Hell yeah, I'm your stud, bitch, I'm going to make you so fat with foals you'll barely be able to walk. Tiffany's not going to be riding you any more, is she? Cause that's my job now!" Lady's body quivered at Tyler's words, the mare finding the idea just as hot and sexy and erotic as her human stud did.

The tight, hot pressure within Tyler reached its tipping point, and it seemed like every muscle in his body flexed at once, clenching tightly to expel his seed as deep and powerfully into the mare as possible.

His climax was titanic in its scope and it seemed to stretch on forever. Everything seemed to be scaled up with his newly enlarged equipment. Each tightening of his balls released a spurt of seed that felt more like a stream. He wasn't spewing out a few dinky spoonfuls like he'd been doing with Tiffany, oh no. He was going to fucking fill up his mare, and it felt like he was literally cumming buckets.

And so was she.

Lady whinnied with bliss as Tyler's hot seed shot into her, her powerful equine pussy milking him for every last drop as her sex flooded with climactic juices. Tyler felt like somebody had thrown a tub full of hot, half-sticky/half-slick syrup all over the front of him. Damn, he'd been right on when he'd told Lady that he guessed she was going to be a messy lay. But he wasn't in any place to complain as his manhood continued to erupt with jet after torrential jet of hot, thick seed. The mare had just given him what was without a doubt the best feeling of his life.

It took a minute or two, but finally he'd reached the last gush of cum and his massive erection began to soften. Lady took a few steps forward and turned, and Tyler fell off the fence, though fortunately Lady's neck was there for him to throw his arms around and land comfortably.

"If every time is like that, I don't think I'm going to be fucking Tiffany anymore." Tyler said with a grin.

Lady responded by stuffing her tongue in his mouth, telling him to shut the hell up about Tiffany. Tyler hugged Lady as the pair kissed affectionate, as best as a man and a mare could manage with their differing size and shapes.

"You went and got me all dirty, you sexy beast." Tyler scolded as the two finally parted from their romantic embrace, "Now I've got to go take a shower before I can get back to farm work. Stalls to clean, troughs to fill, hay to feed you and the other gals. That sort of shit. Now, I'm going to be able to work without you being a total demanding bitch-queen, right?"

Lady nickered and nosed his half-hard cock with her muzzle, which Tyler took to mean "If you'll stuff this thing in me right before, stud."

"Heh, right. You go brag to all your mare friends about what an awesome fuck I am. I'm gonna go get clean." he said, giving Lady a peck on the cheek before climbing back over the fence.


Tyler stomped out to the stables, moderately pissed off. Sometime between that morning and just now someone had went and switched out all his clothes for other stuff. It was all tight and clingy and showing off the most amount of skin possible. For example all his boxer shorts were totally gone, and in their place were a bunch of skimpy briefs, even skimpier thongs, and a few things that were in between. He was totally bereft of properly fitting t-shirts, if you could call them that. They didn't even cover down to his navel, and the sleeves were too tight. Hell, all of it was too tight! Even the tanktops were tight enough to be damned near painted onto his skin. He could see his nipples quite clearly outlined. The jeans were tight too, and they were some weird cut he wasn't familiar with. They wouldn't stay fastened up where they were supposed to, they all dropped down a few inches below where his jeans were normally. He felt kind of ridiculous, but also kind of... sexy at the same time.

But who the hell had switched out all his stuff? He got the sense that Lady was fucking around with him somehow, but that was silly. Lady was a horse, after all. She didn't even have thumbs. Or a credit card. Fucking mare-slut bitchy horse.

The more it festered at the back of his mind, the more dug in the thought became. The damned horse had to have been the one to nick his clothes and swap them out with what Tyler could only think of a stripper duds. And as enjoyable as his fuck with her had been the day before, it had rankled him all night, thinking about giving into that dirty sort of urge. But the spoiled animal had gotten him to do it. She'd suckered him, somehow, before her pussy had sucked him off. And after that the bitch hadn't been satisfied. Somehow, some way, Lady had stolen something which was his, and replaced it with things that were hers. And she probably thought that was just a-okay and peachy-keen.

Tyler was deliberately trying to avoid thinking about just how fucked up it was that he'd not only fucked the damn horse after she'd baited him into it, but also that he had been tricked into putting on what just abso-fucking-lutely had to be the horse's idea of eye-candy.

He entered the stable and spied Lady in her stall. The brown mare perked up as she noticed him. She looked him over, smugly tilting her head to the side. Tyler felt her gaze upon him and felt rather like a piece of meat being inspected.

Lady lasciviously winked at him, and apparently he passed inspection. "Looking sexy in that outfit, stud." he could imagine her saying. And well... he supposed he did.

All the physical labor involved with the stable seemed to have toned him up and packed on some muscle onto his formally lean frame. He grinned and flexed his arms, showing off for the mare, his anger and temper abating a touch more than he expected at her appreciation. "Ah, you like seeing me with less on!" he pulled up his tanktop, showing his abs. He'd gotten himself a nicely toned six pack somewhere along the line. "Bet you'd like seeing me with nothing on at all, just like you, wouldn't ya?"

Lady wiggled her ears and made some appreciative noises. Tyler could feel her eyes on the quite noticeable bulge his hefty horse-pleaser of a cock and equally bulky balls made in his pants.

"Nuh uh!" he scolded, "I've got to get some work done around here, then maybe we can have some fun again."

It was a small bit of payback, but it was the most he could manage. He was still pissed, after all. She'd screwed with his wardrobe, and he still didn't know how. But making her wait, that he knew how to do. And it felt pretty damned satisfying to let Lady know that if she'd decided to mess with him somehow, she'd end up waiting more for what she wanted a lot more of. That'd teach that bitch a lesson in respect.

He approached Lady's stall, running his fingers through her silky mane and making out with the sultry, sexy mare before tending to his duties taking care of the horses in a non-sexual way. But he could feel Lady's gaze on him all the time as he worked, and he was also rather sure that the other mares were scoping him out as well. The other mares were being quite affectionate, and Tyler suspected they were in heat as well. But they were behaving far better than Lady had been, showing off her parts and brazenly trying to seduce her human keeper.

However, Lady did have a bit of competition in the brazen slut department. One of the mares, a yellow-tan pony with a white mane, kept nuzzling Tyler's junk. He was pretty sure she wanted to exchange a blow job for a mounting from Lady's human stud, but Tyler felt like he ought to get permission from his mischievous mare before doing things with other girls. Er... horses. Girl horses.

"So how you feelin', bitch?" Tyler said, saddling up to Lady. "You sorry you fucked around with my clothes yet? Not that I don't look good in these, but they ain't mine."

Lady snorted at that, as if to say "Those horrible rag were hideous. You look much better now. I'm not having my stud going around dressed all frumpy."

"Yeah, but they were MINE!" Tyler protested.

Lady nibbled on his ear, "So? You're MINE. You're my stud, and you look so much more sexy because of me. You like being my sexy stud, don't you?"

"I still paid good money for those clothes! You've been a naughty mare, and I think you need to be punished."

Tyler grinned and opened the stall door, his eyes going wide when he did so. Lady looked a bit different than when he'd last saw her. In the few hours since he'd fucked her, the mare's belly had rapidly expanded with pregnancy. Lady grinned at him, turning in a circle so that Tyler could see her bulging belly from every angle, and then lay down daintily in a pile of straw.

Tyler's mind fumbled around for an explanation. He was a human, she was a horse! And the two didn't mix like that. Not ever. He'd heard about other red-necks fucking their animals, and even though he'd never, ever, thought of doing shit like that himself, he knew it didn't lead to the animals getting fucking pregnant. Things just didn't work that way.

Or, if he was gonna be as accurate as he could, despite his disbelieving and enraged eyes, things shouldn't work that way. Not unless something was really god-damn off about how things like sex worked on his farm.

And that was the real kicker there. It was his farm. This was his life, and even more to the point of things, this was his damn manhood that was being dicked with, and the only other one who could be screwing with him this way just had to be the damn horse.

The mare's smug expression told Tyler everything he needed to know.

Tyler groaned as his cock began to quickly grow erect and with a few quick motions he pulled his swelling erection free from his pants. He hadn't even given conscious thought to the urges going through both his heads. One look into the prissy horse's liquid but knowing and laughing eyes, and a surge or arousal had all but hijacked his impulses.

But not quite. If that stuck-up horse thought she could mind-fuck him into doing whatever she wanted, she had another fuck-thought coming.

"Naughty mares get punish-fucked." he scolded, moving around to behind Lady, "But not where you want it."

"You want me to fuck your pussy again, don't you?" he said, rubbing the mare's still wet and puffy folds, "One foal isn't enough for you, is it?"

The human stud rubbed her slick juices over his shaft with one hand, pulling up her tail with the other. "No, you won't behave, so now you need a nice, hard ass fucking!" he growled, thrusting hard into the mare's tight tailhole.

Lady snorted with the sudden discomfort.

"Yeah, you high and mighty bitch, how d'ya like that? Hmm? I bet you're loving it, you filthy skank. I know you get off on it, just like you get off when I talk dirty to you. You just love it, you little mare bitch."

Damn was she ever tight. Tyler had thought that Lady's pussy had gripped and milked him hard. And he had to admit that the mare looked incredibly sexy with her fat, pregnant belly. A belly filled with his foal. That was weird, really fucking weird, but it was also sexy too. He felt some weird mix of proud, pissed off, and incredibly turned on. But then again, that seemed to be how he reacted to just about everything Lady did. And, truth be told, he was fucking loving it. And loved fucking it... er... her.

He stroked her rounded, furred belly with both hands. So big, so round, so absolutely beautiful. What would she look like even bigger? What would she look like with a second foal in her belly? Would another climax inside of her work like the first did? Would a third? How many times could he explode in her filthy, cock-craving, preg-demanding pussy before the effect stopped? Would it stop? Or with each load would Lady just get bigger and bigger, until she gave birth to her foals? Tyler could just imagine him cumming in her again and again and again until she was so bloated with his foals that her hooves could no longer touch the ground. Oh yeah, that would be so damned hot. The very image of the impossibly pregnant mare in his mind already had him on the verge of climax. Then Lady let out a soft whinny, teased his cock ever so slightly with her ass, and once again Tyler was overcome with the incredible power of orgasm.

But he wasn't cumming. The sweet sensation of all his muscles tightening, his balls contracting, his hot seed erupting into Lady's depths wouldn't happen. Worse, as the momentary pleasure faded him found himself still fully erect, still eager and raring to go, but now he needed to cum more than ever.

He picked up his pace, the image still in his mind of the huge-bellied Lady. Again he climaxed, again his release was denied, and again his need heightened into a nearly painful need to cum.

He pulled out of Lady and wrapped both hands around his huge prick, jerking off frantically. Even controlling all his stimulation, even at an insane, frantic pace, even with two fingers stuffed into his urethra to pleasure the most sensitive part of his shaft he couldn't bring himself to completion.

Tyler looked to Lady and found the mare grinning at him. She stood up and backed herself right into his face, her dripping sex right there before him. Immediately he understood. She wasn't going to let him climax unless he made HER climax.

He tried to stand so he could stuff his aching dick into her, but Lady backed up, sending Tyler tumbling over. Once again she shoved her pussy against his face, this time sandwiching him between her and the wall. He moaned softly as he continued to stroke his shaft and began to lap at the mare's dark, damp folds. She tasted... strange, sweet, but delicious. The mare quivered, her eager sex coating her stud's face with a hefty splash of precum, wanting to taunt and humiliate him, make him earn his prize.

Tyler had never gone down on a girl, or a mare, before, but Lady was rather vocal with her pleasure. Listening to the sounds of pleasure she made while tracing his tongue over a particular portion of her sex made him a quick study. He found himself slipping almost into a trance, seeking to bring the mare pleasure so that she would grant him the release his body demanded.

Tyler was almost startled when Lady pulled away. He stared at her blankly, having thought he'd been doing a good job. Then she was wiggling her backside at him once again. Oh. OH! Yes!

He didn't need to be told twice. Tyler stood and drove his aching, needful member into the mare's sopping, well-licked nethers. The sensation of her inner walls upon him brought sweet, blissful relief to Tyler's needy cock. He'd been keeping himself on the edge of climax, not wanting to go over and increase his discomfort, so it was a matter of but a few moments before he erupted in incredible, explosive climax.

It felt like each previous, pent-up orgasm he'd experienced had merely built up flow and pressure within him. He felt like his cock were a fire hose when he was finally granted his release. He didn't even mind when once again Lady's own messy release coated him with sticky, fragrant mare cum. He hugged her tightly as her sex milked every last drop from his shaft, the sensation still delicious and making him shiver with every contraction upon his length. Each jet of cum was such a relief as it flowed from him that his teeth ached.

He wasn't sure how long had passed before the flood of seed turned to a trickle and then abated. He withdrew his cock from the mare with a loud, wet schlorp.

"That was... that was... woah." Tyler murmured, a bit off balance as he pulled his pants back up. Or tried to.

Lady seized the crotch of his jeans in her mouth and began pulling him out of the stall. Tyler had no choice but to uncomfortably stagger along until he reached the destination Lady had intended; out into the pasture where all the farm's other mares had gathered. They were looking him over with lustful eyes.

And it wasn't only him under inspection, Tyler noticed a couple of them scoping out Lady's newly expanded figure. And if Tyler looked closely he could see her belly slowly bulking out even further as yet another foal grew rapidly within her. That really perked their interest.

The affectionate pony from earlier approached, looking to Lady for permission it seemed. The larger mare nodded and the sand colored mare nickered with glee. She rubbed up against Tyler, nuzzling his loins once again. Though this time she was far more forward, seizing the waistband of his skimpy jock strap in her teeth and yanking it down. A few caresses with her tongue was enough to immediately restore Tyler to full erection.

"Oh you filthy fucking bitch!" he shouted at Lady, "You're fucking pimping me out!"

The amused noises from the horses and the smug grin on Lady's face told him that was EXACTLY what was going on.

"When I get my hands on you..." Tyler began to threaten, only to have another mare mosey on up and silenced him with an affectionate kiss.

Then Tyler was far too busy to complain, he had a dozen mares that needed pleasuring.

And impregnating.

Oh god. He was going to fuck a dozen mares and fill them all full of foals.

That was... pretty damn hot.

Dream a Little Dream of Me

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New Found Fable

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