Evil vrs. Evil part two

Story by Mericus on SoFurry

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Sequel to a sequel of a original story by Hooves called "Sissy Hooves"

"NnnGhhhh, what where, why is it so dark, oh wait, I must be outside, there aren't any stars here, but." He trailed off thinking a little clearer, but only by degrees.

"Okay I'll just, " he stopped as something clinked and he felt restraining cold metal cut into raw flesh at his wrists and fetlocks and he was squatting in something lukewarm but he could not feel if it were wet just that it surrounded him. He felt around with his fingers which also stung as soon as he moved any of them, "Yeoch, why am I wounded, what the fuck is going on, HELLO! H-E-L-L-OooooO!"

He called into the darkness but there was a faint echo above, then behind then on both sides and after a while very faintly as he listened in front of him. "SHIT, I'm bound in a fucking dungeon somewhere!" He felt with his hands moving them as slowly as possible. The liquid did not have a smell that he could tell, but then he could have become used to it by now, it might stink to high heaven but until he could verify it some other way, he would not really know.

He couldn't really feel it very much and these restraints seemed to be chains wrapping around him and something else keeping him from standing, oh a tugging feeling something binding his ankles together maybe it was about there, but when he moved he felt what, something stretching and then it struck him the same time he sat back wrapped in a thundering pain in his guts, the throbbing shocks subsided and he realized his balls were tied to a restraint on the floor, from the angle and the time when he finally felt it. His eggs were bound as were his legs and arms, that's why he could not feel anything. His circulation was cut off to being numb.

"GNFFff fuck what the hell is gong on!" he could not really move in the muck or whatever it was and he was not cold or warm or anything because he could not feel his skin! "Okay no one is answering you're wasting your breathe, ah, ...wait a minute I can't, ...what the hell, ...okay my name ...is! ...shit, ...I can't remember my name?"

He was moving his head around and chanced to get his muzzle into the muck. "Polaw!" he said spitting it out, it tasted familiar, he reached down since it was easy, and sucked some of it into his mouth. It came into his mouth warm almost hot with gooey lumps he tried to strain it with his teeth but his jaw was numb or something and he couldn't really close his teeth to use as a sieve. He sucked up enough to taste it and feel its creaminess. It had a faintly musky cheese taste like very mellow Gouda, with a hint of all things, of Okra.

The lumps had a sweet flavor along with a thin liquid that seemed to let the other two substances flow over it in different sides of his mouth. As he was sucking and tasting some of it leaked down his throat the salty sweet taste was sliding fast as soon as it caught the curve of his throat, he tried to catch it but started to choke and swallowed half of it to get some of it out of the way, since it was kind of sweet. Then he choked a little as it went down, only for a second as the stuff clogged his throat but then slipped on past, maybe that third sweet liquid. It slid into his stomach making that feel a world of difference. It seemed he was famished.

So he started sucking up another mouthful and waited a second or two. Thinking that there were no ill effects, he then drank it down; it slid into his stomach easily. Filling his mouth again with the sweet pasty lumps and string dripping liquid some of it dripping out he felt something crack and pull away from his throat and chest and he could feel the warm of this stuff. It was warm a little warmer than he was and sweet tasting some little bit of a strange taste added but "Its really not half bad ..." he said out loud. In moving to reach and get more of it more of the stuff on his skin cracked and began to flake off a little into this liquid. Still he felt those places get warmed by this stuff. He tried moving his legs a little then more something came off his skin, and he felt warmth of this liquid. He continued sucking the stuff down it was coating his face a little it tended to sling around but the warmth felt good on his bare skin. He thought, I must be shaved clean, I feel this warmth on my skin, I shouldn't I am supposed to have a coarse shiny hair everywhere" Then he stopped and thought the realization was met with disbelief but it was true.

"Oh fuck!" He realized he was a capture, "Somebody put me here, this warm stuff it is all around me. I'm in a pool or vat or tub. It seems it is my only food, and I'm bound, I'm shaved, naked and have my knobs bound to the floor of this stuff. FUCK!" He slumped a little in his bindings which moved a little.

"Wait a second!" He scrunched down lower into the liquid, happier it as looser this way. He started to feel tingling in his legs and it turned to itching. Then started burning and became needles. He blew into the liquid a under the surface a shout from the agony of blood going back into his legs and his naked testicles and then his stud-stick getting stung by the needles of his starved nerve endings. "Bluurrp-ow!"

He did not want to rise up since that cut off his circulation, so he did the only thing he could do, he sucked down more of the creamy lumps. Huge mouthfuls it went down easily, too the sweetness was something he remembered but unfortunately, like his name he just could not remember what it was called.

Still this had to be after maybe a week of starvation because this was goo was delicious. He filled himself up on the stuff, after a while he was sitting on the floor of a ceramic tub. Sucking up the last of the stuff off the floor, he realized as he moved he was using his hands now, somehow he had been freed during his meal. As he was drinking something came to hover over his head, but he looked up into darkness and then blinked.

He straightened up and sat up instead of being on his hands and knees. "How, the fuck, how did I get free?" HE felt his balls and they still had some kind of restraint on them, he felt for his dick and came up against metal it covered his whole sheath and dick inside, he felt himself on the inside of the container but it was small, so he had to try and pull back in like a feral horse did.

"Oh yeah, that's right I'm Rhiaxian-Czarist and my name is, is, ...shit. Well I'm Rhiaxian err Bornian sub-race (palomino horse) and Czarist where I get my great cut muscles." He sat in the tub for a little while longer then decided to try his legs. Getting up was a slippery trial. His legs were still weak and after doing the splits once then again after trying to stand again, the third splits took him down in a scream of pain and frustration. "FUCK THAT HURTS OWWOWWOW!" he grabbed his muscled between his legs on either side of his groin, "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck, ow fuck it feels like I ripped my balls off and tore my tail off too, fuck that hurts!" he wobbled up again holding his arms on his thighs he managed to keep from sliding his hooves out in different directions off the extremely slippery tub. He drifted a little sliding towards something holding his legs straight then came up to a side. He felt along it and found the lip. And reached up, he slipped off the top. That slippery stuff was all over his skin and he lay there for a second. He sloshed already from the few gallons of this stuff his gorged himself on. And now was licking scooping with his hands and slinging the stuff from his skin, and licking himself clean. It was even more sweet and delicious on his skin. It got more delicious off of his chest and even tastier as he got it off his stomach. He scooped the best the sweetest most delicious lumps with strings of slippery liquid and creamy base separate but still bound together by the creamy substance, the lumpy goo was slipping around in the liquid slippery stuff. But around his dick and his balls it tasted the absolute best, it was the best cum he had ever tasted in fact. "What! What I drank all this stuff, and it is cum!", he tried to retch and slipped off his hooves again he remembered blinking then the place went blank.

Like a cold slap across the face his eyes were greeted by pain and super brightness, he shut them tight again. "Bwow! He said in pain. "Whatsds wong!" he blew with his mouth, "Pwoue!" He felt around his mouth was a world of soreness, his tongue was raw for some reason and he felt with more of the underside of it than the top, he tasted iron, ...his own blood. He could not feel his lower teeth in front. "Puck! whatd iszz going on?" he felt around with his tongue he could feel very well with his tongue it was scratched up pretty bad but it was extremely sensitive now. He felt up and across his upper incisors and biting teeth and felt raw holes that stung when he ran his tongue across them. He felt quickly around his whole mouth rolling his tongue back and sweeping around, and he yelled out, "M'ie peeth! Whatd? How did dis happen?"

He opened his eyes and shut them again then slowly opened one then the other the white light turned down in intensity as he got used to it, the light in the eyes made his mouth hurt even more. Puck! Zshitd I can'td even zswear anymore!"

He saw the light was a band of illuminating rods very bright to look directly at which he was regarding them in their intensity due the angle of his hanging head, Well until he pulled his head up from the backwards hanging he was in when he awoke. His neck crackled as he moved it to look at himself, "Mershavah don't take me now, ow thatd hurtzs". He tried to rub his neck with either hand and found them to be bound underneath, or rather behind and above him. His testicles were the first sight, and they were pulled about a foot and a half on his cords which he could easily see under the skin, being pulled taught. His dick was fully engorged and black and blue with red and purple veins from it being pitched just below his engorged fully extended flare and again at the base of his dick the restraint on under his flare had pulled his dick out to be about another eighteen inches on his original fourteen and he could not feel either one. His legs were restrained to having his fetlocks even with either side of his head from a ten foot wide bar behind his neck.

His fetlocks were attached with metal straps and shiny metal chains linking them to permanent fastenings on the ends of the bar. The bar was tied to his back at his upper back and extending to the neck level then some kind of rope bindings intricately woven to hold this weight and splay out his legs to have his ass pointing away. He could not feel his tail either; he could see the apparatus he was in; feel the tightness around both of his arms tied tightly to his back. The only thing free to move a little was his trunk, as long as it did not tug on his colt-makers more, this sent a shock that was constant and echoed with lesser and lesser stings as he relieved the added pressure. "Wow Puck no!" he realized what he was in. He was a main attraction in a sexing. He was to be the fuckee and others were going to be the fuckers and the way he was, was probably going to be feeling really horrifically bad with his cock and balls stretched to their limits, then strained some more as the fuckers raped his ass and mouth.

"Oooo Goody-good-good, you're all awaky now!" He heard a familiar voice, but he couldn't see whoever they were they stood behind his vision. "Owwwie, I bet thatd weally sztingsz", a pink striped white feminine hand twanged his balls already strung out tight, with her hand like strumming a harp "OH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" he yelled and screamed out the agony was thundering through his guts and he writhed in the agony, "ooo I can'td waidt, you juzsdt gotta be consziouszs for de torchure, I wendt to szpeshiall pains to make szsure you are awake, and feel all de pain I kin make you szuffer, ...worse than I did to Hooffszs, "

He was stuck he realized he knew that name, it was or used to be ...Jessica I used to be Jack, until I had my balls cut off, next I'm gonna get my winky cut so I can be the best Girly-girl I can!

He realized who this was, "but how; he was the best magician in the known universes" he thought to himself.

With about six hundred thousand enemies he happened to remember, one of them used his name back on another planet in the far future, Because his real name was the same as that one, a horn stealer. ...but he had used his secret name here, on this world in this dimension, he realized late again he was going to be in for a long session He realized as impossible as he could tell, it really was Marcus the unicorn horn-stealer, inside Hooves old unicorn ensorcelled and witchcraft Guild master Rune cursed body, of the humiliating fate Marcus left Hooves in, after stealing his magical horn.

He remembered his name now as he saw a bunch of large races come up into the room drunk and full of vinegar, "Where's the bitch, oof yeah a bitch boi, all strung up ready to get good reaming, yeah lets fuck him into a gelding, ...tear him loose!"

Mericus looked on in real fear at Marcus as Jessica getting a drunk ready by lubing up his great equine cock then pointing him towards Mericus. Mericus shuddered clenching his pucker anus up to try and keep out that huge long pulsating cock, drippy wet and lubed up to press into him into his waiting defenseless ass ring. Mericus shook his head, "I like a good fucking, but on my terms, these are not, ...wait, no ...not my thoughts, ...I, ...I have, mmmm to, ...oh I'm loosing it, " he thought against an alien string of thoughts, it was not right but he felt he had to have that cock in his ass right now! He needed it right now!

Mericus felt another blunt head of another cock and opened his mouth? He smelled the rich sweet musk of that unwashed pissy smelling cock dripping that sweet slippery liquid he had gorged himself in pure gluttony on sometime earlier. He sucked it into his mouth and felt an electric jolt of pure softness. The feeling made his balls swell and he felt a twinge of orgasm, as he pulled more of that delicious pulsing flesh into his mouth and up past his tongue into his throat, now the drunkard was getting into the mood and shoved his post down Mericus hungry throat. He lapped his tongue around on the big stallion's balls tasting musk and sweat, he swallowed on the cock trying to suck the cum out with his throat, sucking it down his throat into his stomach like the gallons of cum he drank the other day.

Now the blunt head had pierced his ass and shoved deep into him hard up into his lower intestines and dragging across his prostate making him cum again. "OH Mershavah," Mericus thought "I'm going to be fucked to castration and gag to suffocation. I can't speak well enough to cast a spell or toss a rune, I can't rescue Hooves now, Marcus got me, but how its only been one lousy..." He shuddered in that millisecond. "...Shit he learned time travel... oh shit - he knows my magic! Mericus mind raced. "But how could he get ME? I can't remember it; ...almost ...this cock feels so good, ahhh yes yes ooo oh go deeper ooooh! The horse ramming his ass was yanking on Mericus testicles torturing them in their prison, his cock too was scraped and torn into, the flesh raw around the bindings. As if it were blinding flashes like icy lightening, body encompassing spreading from his balls incredible pain coursed through his body as his balls were tugged out more on each punch of the passion enflamed stallion, "OH Mmmmmm Neyah yes OOH Yes I'm cuming!" the stallion screamed out as he thrust deeper than before and plunged on Mericus' ass. On the restraint ripping his cock up into the binding scraping his flesh off like it was flayed off with sandpaper. Mericus felt his balls go numb completely his cock was another story, of pure agony. Stretched again and again tearing his skin off flaying his cock of his thin sensitive skin was his reward for feeding his needy ass. He could feel the twangs and snapping feelings inside his tortured cock, of the flesh inside failing to the strains it was under.

But as soon as the first stallion was slipped out of Mericus ass another long pulsing cock went in unopposed and was clenched on reflexively by Mericus tightening upon the wonderful ramming shaft of delights. He tried to push back on this cock pushing it even deeper into his ass; his mouth was filled by the other horse. With a whinny then a roar the horse was cuming into his mouth after having pulled out to let him breathe a little better, as pulse after pulse of hot stallion seed warmed his throat, swallow after swallow.

Now he could see his balls in the restraint up very high above him, a bloody rip mark on his groin showed where they used to be attached, "Fuck, Marcus made me rip my own balls off in that moment of passion, You, You asshol...oh Mershavah its overwhelming, I, ...ooo it feels so good ...ooooh!" Mericus' mind flooded with the need in him to satisfy this next stallion the both of them, the one choking him into mindless passionate subservience and the one in his ass giving him the best reaming he has ever enjoyed,(just like the first one) but even more now because of, because of, ...he couldn't remember, then he saw Marcus' the pink striped evil asshole sissy smiling at him pointing, the second stallion had plunged into him he had bucked back and now his whole cock was hanging all by itself high up along side his balls, the passionate need was still a fire; he fell into a red bliss of neutered pleasure.

"The one down my throat is pure ecstasy, especially when I almost go unconscious just before this stallion pulls out to cum his full delicious load in my sexy mouth. Oh and I love to get reamed by the biggest most loveless using bastards, I will let them use my ass like a sluts playground. After each one rapes me a new asshole making me wider and able to drool their cum from up in my ass and out of my guts. If I can't get raped in my ass because I am too loose I can always swallow enough to distend my belly from all the loads of cum, I will be so happy, being a gelding dick-less slut sissy boi. "Mericus/Merry thought to hyrself(s). Shi blinked then awoke again.

The restraints were released and the new gelding slut with newly formed small adolescent girls breasts, was taken by the other sissy up into a new room where all kinds of colorful and erotic clothing an silky and see through sheer clothing felt so good everywhere on hys skin.

"Okay Merry, letszs get you all drezzssed up and pretty. Thesze thigh high fiszchnet hosze will look szzo pretty on you, and thiszs iszs szso you! The little winkie giant balled sissy presented the stockings to Merry, Shi took them in hyr large effeminate hands. "Letsz get dat mane tosszzsed into szsomething szsuper girly-whirly sassy-sexy-slutty whatsie- cause you got no dinkie or eggsie-weggszieszs". Marcella smiled at his new hypnotized creation, through the pure hatred and past all the years he had to satisfy every cock that walked into range, Marcella/Marcus had the one thing that now in his moment of triumph over the famous magician that always wins, he had found purely by accident a drug that though highly additive he had developed an immunity to. But also it cleared his head to being able to resist the needs of getting fucked twelve times a day to be able to cum, and then cumming for forty-five humiliating minutes in a slow trickle. He himself could only get sloppy drunks that didn't care as long as they could fuck it, ...to fill his needy ass.

Now he was going to have his best revenge he had hypnotized Mericus with his powerful mind after taking the greatest magician out with a sleep gas grenade. "Greatest magician taken down by a twenty-dollar gaszs bomb, made to forget who he waszs until it was too late, then when hiszs willpower dropszs to nothing by caszstration he becomeszs 'Merry' a willing sisszy proszstitute."Marcus gloated out loud. Merry looked up attentive her eyes full of adoration for hyr mistress.

"Now you're all szo pretty-girly-girl, winkyless-slutty-sissy-boi. You are going to make me a lot of money-honey," Marcus patted his sissy slut on the ass. But you love me right?" Wickedly Marcella looked deep into Merry's eyes chaffing at the bit to humiliate him some more to feed his wickedness needy heart, Marcella felt so good in making Mericus believe he was a man that had an operation n purpose to be a sissy-boi, an that Marcella was his chosen Mistress and volunteered to be her sex-slave, because he loved her, and would do anything for her, including becoming her emasculated gelded sissy slut prostitute so she can hire twelve doms with huge cocks to fuck him twelve times a day. So Marcella does not have to work anymore. Merry will do all the work from now on...! Marcus/Marcella laughed evilly his revenge was complete, ...almost, he only needed to get Hooves now and take back his rightfully won prize the horn of a Unicorn.

Merry looked up into Marcella's face and licked Marcella's left nipple, "Yesszs Misstresszs," and waited Marcella handed Merry a razor and stepped back, "Now if you love me I want you to szshave your cute tittieszs you have."

Merry looked at his small adolescent girls breasts on his chest the new ones he'd gotten after the operation, hys hair was so soft and silky, "My Cheszst, but Miszstreszs pleaszse not my hair, I really love my hair!" Shi stroked hyr breast and her nipples perked up as hye cupped around his breast with hys hand.

Hyr Mistress's face screwed up into a frown then an angry look then she looked sad after something made her brighten for only a second, ...like a different thought, "You love your hair more than me, " Marcella began to cry.

Merry fell apart hyr defenses destroyed completely, "Oh, I'm Szsorry, look szsee I'm szshaving szsee!" Shi started dry shaving off hyr fur. The silky pink fur came off in a wide paths across hys breast, "Szsee I'm Szshaving, you don't have to cry, I love you more, szsee!" Merry shaved expertly, shi was incredible with a blade it was familiar somehow, ...using any blade really because, ...The razor was jerked out of her hand after shi stopped her whole chest was bare pink skin. Hyr tits stood up the nipples hardened into rocks on Merry's chest rising and falling in her panic shi looked at hyr Mistress and presented herself now."Szsee!"

Marcella looked at her again as Merry blinked. Shi woke up and saw herself completely shaved clean of all hyr hair except on hyr cannons but not below hry fetlocks, and on a ring around her neck and around each wrist otherwise shi was pink skinned.

Marcella helped Merry get into a nice dress it was cut low in front to expose her new tits and high in back to show her shaved ass. Marcella scooted hym out the door, "Go out and make dat asszs pay, I need more money you szstupid szlut, get back out der and make me szsome money bitch, or I'll slzlap da shcidt otta your ass again,!": Marcella said in a strong voice.

Marcella's face had taken on a mean cruel look and was bossy and mean to Merry.

Hye was sad and hung his head low, "I'm szsorry I'll getd itd ."

"Now I'll getd out dere and make dat money cause you take good care of me, I'll dyo bwedder you'll szsee!" and 'Merry' skipped happily out the door on to go whoring for all day to bring back money for Marcella. Marcella was laughing, Merry was happier; hye liked it when hys master was happy. It made everything even better, now he spied a big Rhino walking with some short subby raccoon. The Rhino had his huge hand in the pants of the subby raccoon feeling his furry ass and sublime look on his face,

Hye knew the racoons' pucker was getting a nice rubdown. This sent a twinge of pleasure through Merry and Shi swung her hips and danced across the street fanning her feather purple and red boa. Shi got up to the Rhino and dropped hyr boa directly in front on him, then pulling his tail to one side pushed up and rubbed his bared ass up the Rhinoceroses thickening cock. "OOOwh Mie ecuszse me. Oh who is your a big boi. " Merry turned around quickly and mouthed the rhino's crotch, then pulled the racoon's cock out of his pants and started sucking on it.

Shocked but willing the raccoon fawned helpless by that wonderful sucking on his little cock; his Rhino boyfriend was pulled along by this gelding prostitute into the alley. The raccoon didn't care that mouth felt so good on his cock no one ever sucked on his cock, they always said it was useless its so small, its useless, so he'd thought too, and let himself get reamed into his prostate to cum, but now oh wow he or shi or whatever you called this slut was back thrusting on his Rhino friends' huge cock the Rhino taken by surprise too, got into the rhythm finally pummeling this slut a new asshole, moans of pleasure and the raccoon stiffened and came - really added blasts of pent up needs of years of not getting anythen only fucked to cum, he screamed his dominance out finally he was no longer a subby vigin, he had cum! "I LOVE YOU". He screamed in Merry's face dancing in his place, He stood and delighted in the moment of his afterglow a hot tongue massaging and sucking the last bit of cum out of his tint dick. Merry sat back after the Rhino too blew a huge load deep into Merry's rectum, hot seed filled Merry hye felt the wrmth of the Rhino still plunging into him as he came Merry braced and pushed back on him to increase his pleasure.

"Szso that was really great yes,?" Merry asked the Racoon sub-no-longer "HELL YES! THAT WAS THE BEST EVER!" Merry looked back at the Rhino who had staggered back dragging his limp dripping cock out of Merry's well used hole, "How waszs it for you, tight right!?" The Rhino couldn't catch his breath yet, he only held up one thumb. "Good, then by the way I figured it it would be a hundred each, now pay up of getd your ass cursed!"

Evil vrs Evil: A sequel to "Sissy Hooves"

The sequel completely unauthorized; ...! Introduction of a new character Mericus not the same as the colt Marcus, but far darker in his designs, oh well so much for the mighty. This is a story of evil versus evil: Marcus as Hooves left the door...

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Zaphod and Marcus have a conversation

Zaphod\_strife: greetings Marcus: hi zaphod Zaphod\_strife: how's it going? Marcus: I'm feeling some pain right now so don't expect too much. I am rather depressed and all. It is emotional nothing at you or anyone. I had forgotten why I left...

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