Bloodline - Chapter 1

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#2 of Bloodline

Chapter One - The End Starts Here

A/N: Okay, this is just something I whipped up while at work one evening. Was kinda bored, decided to try something new. Dunno if I'll follow through (not likely I will) but it was a fun write.

Disclaimer: If you are offeneded but sexual material between family of varying ages, or you are currently looking at this illegally, you have a nice little button in the upper-right hand corner of your browser with a big-old 'x' on it. Click that, and all your problems will be solved. It's MAGIC!!!! :3

Twenty-one years. That much time had passed since they first met.

Mieka was a fledging within a quite unordinary family, constantly being trained in the ways of battle and of the sword. As a band of traveling mercenaries, nomadic war-chasers, every member who could fight had to fight. And kill. Age was no limitation, only the approval of the family. Everybody who had seen battle before must unanimously consent. It was their way of life, and for several generations the family had done nothing but kill in the name of gold.

However, that's not to say they didn't have a unique and very rich culture onto themselves. In the family not only did one need to know how to fight, but had to know how to cook, hunt, fletch, tan hides, care for the old and young and sick and injured, barter, even know how to read though writing was optional. Sharp minds and a well-rounded education they found useful both on-and-off the battlegrounds.

To accomplish this was not a task for the feint of heart, as the family was large at the time Mieke was still in training. Thirty family members, with two on the way and a chance of a third being married into their clan. Mieka wasn't the youngest or the smallest of the family, but he was the youngest son of the youngest son of the seven children that grandpa and grandma spawned. The young stag was also his fathers ONLY son.

While at the age of twelve years Mieka thought he was more than ready to participate in a few skirmishes at the very least. Most of the family agreed, but a few didn't. Like his cousin Victor, five years his senior and seasoned veteran and whom didn't want to risk his life 'baby-sitting and incompetent whelp'. There was also his mother, only because Mieka was her only son. The disagreement that hurt the most though came from the man whose opinion mattered the most to him. Tobias, his uncle.

Tobias was the eldest uncle, eyes and fur dulling with age and a missing arm keeping him from battle. This was Miekas favorite uncle, whose plump belly shook with hearty laughter and wicked eyes which made him either grin with mischief or look positively evil while on the front lines. Despite his eyes, when off the field Tobias was one of the kindest, most gentle people Mieka knew whom had a penchant for lewd jokes.

He was also extremely gay.

"That's what separates us from the rest of the world," Kesser, Mieka's granfather said once, "While battle unites us an' feeds us an' allows us to purchase better waepons, our family blood unites us stronger than any other army known, an' so long as we fight together it doesn't matter whom we choose to love. Any other family would consider an effeminate male son a curse on their house an' they would immediately excommunicate the poor bastard. To us, if you ever draw blood in battle then to us you are more useful than all the gold an' glory the world has to offer,'

Kesser, though stern and cranky much of the time, was nonetheless wise and deeply loving and protective of his family. He was the one who always pushed the hardest for Mieka's involvement in their business whenever they found an employer. Old and hunched as he was, when he spoke, you listened. Period. You didn't need to agree, but the consequences of not considering his opinion would create grave consequences.

While Tobias fought against Miekas involvement and his grandpa fought for, Mieka simply trained every day as hard as he could for as long as he could in hopes of proving himself to the family who won't let him go. His dedication was so great that his aunt Sophia, whom was the best swordsman the clan had and his personal trainer, occassional wound up telling him to stop as to allow his strained young body to recuperate. Just like on that bright summer day in the forest where his world was suddenly upended by the appearance of that boy.

"Sophiaaaahhh!" Whined Mieka, "can we at least spar a little? My blocking isn't good enough!"

"Shut-it, brat," She said with a laugh. "I worked you to the ground yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that. You may be young and spry, but ya ain't invincible,"

"I'm fine! I feel great!"

"Oh yeah?" Sophian, who had been lounging against a tree by the large sleeping tent, got up and took two paces towards her little nephew just to jab two fingers into his left shoulder. Instantly pain shot through his body, and he cried out while instantly backing away.


"Go rest, brat. There is a pool up the creek a ways. Take the brigade with you," She said as she sat down with her back against the tree, closing her eyes and trying to doze-off. The 'Brigade' or 'Brat-Brigade' reffered to the four other kids about the same age as Mieka, three of them cousins and one his younger sister. When nearly five generations of family are still alive and living together relations tend to become slightly convoluted. Officially, due to marriages and deaths and births, Mieka had a third-cousin-twice-removed among the family unit. Thankfully, to avoid confusion, all second cousins and such were reffered to simply as 'cousin'.

Mieka scowled a bit, stomping his foot stubbornly. "They're off hunting with uncle Joseph,"

"Oh really now?" said a grinning doe, a hint of mischief in her voice, "well, that's convenient, now isn't it? hmmmm." After a few moments contemplation the femme warrior quickly got to her feet and brushed the dirt and leaves from her hemp pants.

Seeing as the family consisted of nothing but seasoned warriors (or, in Mieka's case, 'to-be' warriors) fancy or cumbersom clothing had no place. The only exception being Tobias and his sister Rudith, middle child of the seven. They had the most

eloquent tongues and the wit neccessary to make deals with lords, kings or other nobles, especially those whom would only consider hiring mercenaries that appeared above 'peasantry': sleeping in the dirt, uneducated, simple. Contrary to what these noblemen believed, sophistication did not a better warrior make.

"Well, guess that means it's just you an' me, child," Sophia said, using the term 'child' lightly. To them, a child was simply one who hadn't seen battle yet, "It's a warm enough day for a swim, an' me fins are a bit rusty." The femme stretches out a bit, followed by a wide yawn. She then took a couple of steps towards the youth, placed a hand on his head and gave a hard shove. Surprised and caught off-guard, Mieka promptly fell hard to his backside. By the time he had sprung back to his feet Sophia already had a good lead on him.

"Hey! No fair!" He called out, dashing swiftly after her laughing figure. He couldn't help it, though. The days were filled with hard but rewarding work, the sun was shinning, there was good food to be had and mischief to get oneself into often enough. Life was good, never once a dull moment. Elation welled up in his young form and soon he was laughing right along with his aunt.

Twenty minutes later the sound of splashing and laughter filled the warm, still air over a small cool pool of water, fed by a quick moving stream and teaming with tiny fish that sparkled wildly when the sun shone on their scales just right. Though the pool was only waist-high on a nude Sophia, she was easily able to dunk her equally naked cousin under the water for a moment.

After a moment of splashing and sputtering, the grown doe felt her knees give-in with help given by a couple of crafty hands. Said hands also pulled upwards on the femmes legs while a shoulder in her stomach managed to lay her body flat in the water. Mieka came up for air and frantically splashed away from his larger aunt only to feel her arms wrap around his waist and yank him completely out of the water. Devilish hands found his soft spots and fingers began to wriggle and squirm against them, causing the faun to twist, flail and contort while emitting loud shrieks of laughter.

"No! Hahaha! No tickles!" Mieka barely managed through his laughter.

"No? If you insist," and suddenly Sophia up-ends the still shrieking boy and drops him into the water. When Mieka resurfaces and wipes water from his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of his aunts back leaving the pool only to lie down on the grassy bank. With her back against the earth her small yet shapely breasts stuck up to the sky.

Most nobles and a few jaded peasants would find her figure unappealing: nothing but brutish muscle stretched across her strong bones and taught skin; disfiguring scars from arrows, swords, knives, and even a spot of fur missing from her stomach where a torch was used as a weapon; one ear was almost gone, her left ring finger missing; a couple of missing teeth; Her tail never healed quite right after a close encounter with a battle-hammer; the nipple on her left breast had been sheered right off, though she claims that was due to faulty chainmail she wore once. Not one spot on her body was spared during the rigors of battle, and it showed loudly and proudly in her state of undress much to the chagrin of mundane folk.

To Mieka, however, every scar had a meaning. Every wound was earned through hard work, prevailance and honor. To Mieka, all he sees in his aunt was everything he hoped to become.

Also, those battle scars made his aunt one of the sexiest women he had ever known.

Damn those thin and frail noble women, who would crumble to ashe under a strong wind. Their chubby, wealthy counter-parts can go chew grass for getting fatter off honorless gouging of the poors meager sustainance. And the poor! So resigned to their fate that abuse from their weak serfs and petty, honorless knights; that rape, murder and poverty have become a way of life!

It created a small problem not only for him, but his family as well. While females had trouble in finding a mate, as most outsiders didn't meet their simple criteria or were not beautifully scarred, men had it harder for exactly the same reasons but for the fact that most, if not all armies in Miekas part of the world consisted only of men. It meant the family had to get lucky by finding a buyer who was not only a deer but willing to offer up a very young child that would undergo an apprenticeship in the ways of combat until they were old enough to choose someone within the bloodline to mate with for life.

The family wasn't cruel, though. If the apprentice wanted someone outside the bloodline, or wanted someone of the same gender, the family didn't stop them: they just let the apprentice know how pissed-off they were at the apprentice for refusing them. Thus far only one was ever raised in the family who wanted to deviate from marrying into the family. She was still alive and well off in a nearby kingdom. Apparently the family never could rid her of the infatuation with noble life which caused her to drop her sword and pick up a rose.

Of the 'Brat-Brigaid' there was one male who wasn't of the bloodline; Timran, and he had already decided to marry Mieke's sister, who was a year younger than he. At the time the marriage wasn't due for another couple of weeks on Sharons birthday, the bride. It was a surprise and a pleasure for Mieke to find out, as he adored Timran as a brother anyway.

In any case, due to the difficulties in finding mates outside the bloodline it was of no surprise that when Mieke approached his aunt, laid-down beside her and reached over to grip her breast, she smiled and reached down with her closest hand to fondel her nephews still-developing nethers. He let out a small gasp of excitement when she started to slowly roll his orbs gently between her dextrous fingers.

Her attentions did not go unnoticed, as Mieke's beat-red length slowly slipped free of the confines of his sheathe and straight into his aunts palm. Likewise, Sophia gave a small moan as her nephew gave her one tit a firm tweak before going back to roughly kneeding the flesh of her scarred breast. Sophia turned her head to the side to pull Mieke into a kiss, removing her hand from his five inches while turning to face the youth, placing that hand on the back of his head to pull into a deeper kiss.

Their bodies pulled closer together as Mieke wrapped his arms around his aunts muscular body, his legs twining with hers and his meat pressed against her stomach. Slowly Sophia began to grind her warm and glistening slit against his leg as Mieke began to slide his throbbing member through her stomach fur, each spreading their fluids onto the other. A few moans and grunts of pleasure broke the comforting silence of the warm afternoon.

Deciding to be a little adventurous, as well as comfortable enough to let his curiosity take hold, Mieke took Sophias hand that rested on his lower back and guided it down to just beneath his tail. Surprised, Sophia broke the kiss and pulled his tongue from his nephews mouth, a small strand of saliva still connecting them for a moment before it stretched for the ground and snapped free. The faun simply smiled and gave an approving nod to his aunts gaze, which was asking if he was okay with what she was about to do for him.

Knowing that her charge was ready and willing, she smiled endearingly at Mieke and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. At the same time she began to stretch Mieke's tailhole around one of her fingers. Instantly he grunted and clenched his teeth together tightly, burrying his head into his aunts breasts so she wouldn't see the one tear which struck his eye the instant his ring was spread for the first time.

She knew better, though, and began to pet the back of his head soothingly with her free hand and lean close to whisper sweetness into his ear. All the while she kept pushing more and more of her finger into her little lover until she reached her third knuckle.

Mieke gasped and panted, the initial pain turning into a dull ache as his ring started to relax and accept the intruder. 'This feeling', he thought, 'So full!' The youth began to moan, the finger pressing into his insides turning the dull ache into a pleasure he never knew. The walls of his tailhole clenched around his aunts warm finger a few times, his slightly dwindled erection becoming full once more as he grew use to the appendage.

Carefully Sophia began to press her finger rythmically against her little nephews insides, never pulling out but building a gentle pace nonetheless. The hand she kept on the back of his head she extracted, then reaching back behind herself she gripped one of Miekes hands and sent it down to her own flower. With a small push Mieke found that she accepted his finger much more readily and was rewarded with a moan of pleasure.

Slowly the aunt and her nephew began to rock against one-another, Mieke sliding his pre-drenched cock through his aunts wet belly fur and she rutting her sopping folds against her nephews equally damp leg. More moans and grunts graced the surroundings with the music of lovemaking, both aunt and nephew singing loudly as they continued to pleasure one-another.

Mieke, lost in the sea of sensation, cried out loudly as a surge of ecstacy chot straight from his groun to the back of his skull, his whole body suddenly pulsing with wave after wave of the intense orgasm which painted his aunts stomach with his fertile seed. Very shortly after, his aunt grunted and moaned as her juices squirted against her nephews leg and her tailhole clenched very tightly against his finger. Together their climax ended, and together they lay surfing over the wave of steadily dwindling nirvana.

For a while they sat gazing at one-another, fingers extracted from orafices and arms loosely around each-other in a loving embrace. Each of them started to let their relaxed muscles and minds grow numb, eyelids drooping and threatening to pull them both into the realm of dreams.

That was, until, it happened.

The sound of what seemed to be thunder echoed lightly overhead, instantly alerting the two post-lovers. Adrenaline surged through them on instinct and instantly both of them stood up as the sound of someone screaming filled their ears. Once they both were on their feet they didn't have enough time to search for the source of the sound as it just instantly died out with a great splash from the pool, the majority of the water being upended over them. It took a few moments, but once the water stopped falling on them they both looked to the pool. With most of the water gone but quickly filling back up, it was easy to spot the disturbance. What they saw shocked them to the core.

It was otherworldly.

It was unthinkable, impossible!

Most of all, it was human...

... and somehow still alive.

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