The Beast called Nightmare: Part 2

Story by Nights Angel on SoFurry

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#3 of Nightmare

Part two of the beast called nightmare. chapters 6-10

The Beast called Nightmare

Chapter 6

Sheba found cover behind a down tree and was watching as her brother ripped monsters part with his weapon. "All around the mulberry bush the zombie chased the weasel" Michael said jumping over undead and throwing others out of his way "the zombie fell down." Michael leapt into the air flicking a storm of small rockets from his hands singing "pop goes the weasel." The toys hit home taking several monsters with them.

"Come on sage show some back bone and stop playing around" one of the demons shouted. The weasel stopped when he heard the challenge. "Oh shit" Alice yelled "EVERYONE TAKE COVER!" the weasel was singing softly. The gentle trickster's eyes grew dark with bloodlust. "I become the devil to save a saint" he said as black energy collected in his hands. Michael lost all signs of the man he was. Only a demon remained.

The weasel spun around letting black rings form around him. Sheba gasped in horror as her hero became a monster. The rings pulsated out killing all in its wake. Before Alex could blink as death race to him a small white rabbit stood in its way. "Keep still child" a gentle voice spoke to the hybrid as a slim fox stood between her and the evil ring. Three other ghosts stood guard before the others protecting them from Michael.

All of the undead were swept away in the wake of the unholy power. Michael fell to his knees. "There is no way you could have done that sage" The undead demon rat yelled. "The sage was a fool in releasing me and now I am free to do as I wish" the new demon spoke. "He's a demon trapper" Sheba gasped to herself. "You Boy, where is the child" the new demon asked. "She's safe" Alex answered "you can't have her ether."

"No, funny how I still owe a debt to another" the demon said. "NO, you have done what I asked now return to your cell" Michael spoke over the demon. "I will not" the demon answered. "Serve him and your debt is paid" Nightmare said around his ghost who was just a small mouse. "Damn you, both of you" the demon said as it retreated. With the new demon gone Michael sat on his heels breathing hard.

"Your plan is taking too long, we don't care if you can use them after death we just want the girl" Pack said standing above a large stone. "I did not get to live this long by charging blindly" Leanch answered. "Never leave killing to the dead they take too long" Pack said jumping from the stone. "Peter, play" the undead rat said waving his hand. The small minx skipped playfully onto the battle field stopping in front of the weaken weasel.

"The mad sage, keeper of a thousand demons" the child sang "you hear all their voices all the time." "They know when they must be silent" the weasel answered forcing himself back to his feet. "To use just one takes a lot of power from you doesn't it" the child sang "means you must rest for some time, even you're magic is weak after every use." Gentle music danced in the air, it was a calling to someone.

The music seemed to shake the Pack, drawing the child to its source. Sheba was being pulled by the music. She knew she shouldn't go. But the music called to her. Her body moved on its own. Each step was a fight for control. "Damn that fool" the minx child spat "guess we'll just have to kill you now, and we so much wanted to play with you some more. A beam of white light shot from the child's hand heading right for the heart of the weasel.

"NOT TODAY" a playful voice said. The beam stopped two feet away from the weasel. It was like the beam was caught in something. The loose form of a light brown hare stood between the beam and its target. "Now I see why they say payback's a bitch" the hare said. Sheba was drawn from her hiding place following the sweet music. Even Alex's voice seemed lost to her. "Sheba, no get back" he called running to her.

Nightmare and the others were powerless to help. Waves of undead rose again and again, keeping the two demons fighting them off. Alice ran to her lover's side but was hit hard by something big. "Mr. Wilds, you're late" Leanch said. The gray wolf stood over the bear loaded shotgun aimed right at her face. "Think I care" the wolf said "me and my boy are getting paid well to help you, so keep in mind of who runs the show."

"Peter's song already got the girl and it looks like the little one over there will be under his spell soon enough" the wolf said "I never knew his mother was one of those casters everyone keeps talking about." "Louis how could you" Alex asked trying to hold Sheba. "I like you kid" The wolf said "but this just business." The beam died away as the ghost cat covered her ears. "We'll be back" she said taking off.

Michael fell to his knees holding his chest. "So much for friends" Leanch said his smile never breaking. "Please, help me" Alex said "you need to protect her they're going to hurt her." the flame red cloak wrapped around the hybrid to the point she couldn't move. Alex laid her down and stood over her. "Give me the child boy" Leanch spoke "or watch your friends die." Alex stood still his hand and weapon glowing brightly in the darkness.

"I've done the wrong thing all of my life," he said "but I never once let her see the things I've done." "That sweet and all but I don't have time for this" Leanch said snapping his boney fingers. "And I will not let her see me fail to keep my promise" the young rat said raising his weapon "Ranger." The ax shifted to its bow state ready to use. The young rat broke the bow back. "I will say this once" Alex said "LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!"

White flames arched across the bow. In the light of the flames to any who could see. The young tried and weaken rat glowed with an angel's light. Leanch was blinded by the light and was forced to cover his eyes. "NOW BEGONE FOUL DEMON" the warrior commanded releasing the bolt. For a blink before the bolt was fired two forms could be seen standing as one holding the bow. "No, I killed you ages ago" the undead rat spoke looking up in time to see his death rip through his face.

In a flash of light the demon was gone. Louis looked down at the bear and back to where the demon was standing. The demon's army returned to earth to sleep once more. "Well I guess that ends this job" the wolf said taking his foot off the bear and backing into the woods. "Please don't take it personally" he said throwing a bag at Alex's feet "good work kid." The music stopped as Sheba's body stopped moving.

The sound of a coin bouncing off a rock caught their ears. "No, that couldn't have been him" Nightmare said returning to his mortal form. "Who" Alice asked picking herself up. "Never mind that we must see to them first" he said and rushed over to his charge. "What happen" the girl said her cloak opening for her. "Are you hurt" the demon asked. "No, I'm fine" she answered. "Then nothing else matters as of now" the demon said and hugged the child.

Alex was still frozen in shock of his actions. He had felt someone guiding his hand. The power he felt was overwhelming. He released the bow as it shifted back to the wolf form. Her tail beating as the feral wolf sat at her master's feet. "I killed him" Alex said "I didn't think I could but I did." "Easy kiddo" Alice said patting the young rat on the shoulder. "Woodsman be ready for he was the first you shall face," Michael said "your charge is the key in his return, if others got hold of her they will find limitless power in their hands."

"I won't fail her" Alex answered "and tell your friends out there that they will never get their hands on my sister." The elder soul laughed leaving once more "he speaks to you; he will guide you, just listen." The ghost was gone as Michael jumped to his feet. "I will take you all on," the weasel said bouncing around his fists bobbing in front of him "I challenge you to fisticuffs." The weasel paused and spun around.

"Where did everybody go?" he asked letting his fists drop. Alice almost fell over laughing. "Michael, the fights over we won" she said pulling the weasel close to her. "I'm just so happy to have you back my love" she said kissing her weasel. "Are you hungry my dear Alice" the weasel asked "because I think we may find better logging far from here." "He is right it would be best that we find ourselves elsewhere and post haste" Nightmare said helping the young fox-wolf to her feet.

"We should get going" Alex said pointing with his thumb "those fires are bound to get someone's attention." "Agreed" Nightmare said nodding and followed his charge. "Yes, this way, follow me" the weasel said and turned to walk off. After a few steps Alice spoke up. "Michael, we're parked the other way" she said picking her pack up. "Oh, right" he said "better idea follow her." a few minutes into the walk Alex asked "do you have a phone I can use?"

"Yeah, why" Alice asked tossing the young rat her cell phone. "Just have to call someone" he answered catching the phone. Michael and Sheba were lost in their own little world. Talking about his show and things only casters could understand. The demons hung back discussing demon things and what not. Dialing a number Alex held the phone to his ear. The phone rang three times before he was answer.

"If you're the one calling me that means the both of you are alive and well" a soft female voice said. "No thanks to you" he answered. "Good, we need to meet" the voice said "tomorrow noon out in the open some place public." "Sounds good to me, we meet alone" he said. "Yes, carry I trust you more right now more than you do me" the vixen said setting her revolver down on the desk of her study. The vixen turned to face the portrait window and watched wild fires burning off at the base of the mountain.

"Yes that will do find," she said lifting a barrel glass to her muzzle "I'll get you whatever you need, I owe you that much." She turned back to her study, sky blue eyes scanned the room coming to rest on the male that sat across the desk from her. "I will deal with them as the time comes" she said "you three be careful, and thank you Alex you did save my life." the vixen hung up the phone and set it on the desk.

"Mitch" she said with a smile "you failed me and betrayed me, you're fired" the red feathered hawk gave no answer as a small trail of blood dripped from the freshly open hole between his eyes. "The kid has better luck then any of us" the vixen said gulping back her drink "and a better shot then you ever were." She laughed to herself. "I think this is the first time we have ever really talked" she said setting the glass down.

"But then again if that boy didn't clip your wing we wouldn't be having this talk" she said and stepped around the desk. "If he hadn't you would have put a round in my head and left without a word" she sighed "then again you never did talk much. Hell I didn't even know you had faith in anything." She thought about the only thing he said before she put a bullet between the hawk's eyes. "The Night can never rise" she said and picked up the hawk's gun.

"The sad part of all of this, Mitch" she said sitting on the edge of the desk "all you had to do was talk to me about it." The vixen paused for a response but continued anyway. "Yeah, if you never said it you cared about him, like he was your own son" she recalled "hell, you had gone in behind him and kill someone for him, leaving the poor boy to shoot a corpse." "It's funny, every job that boy was sent to do you went and did all the work for him" she added "but I know why, he's a good kid, he shouldn't have blood on his hands."

"Those kids shouldn't be part of this" she said "Hell, that boy should be in school and go into law enforcement not breaking them." She sighed, thinking about the young rat. His smooth brown fur, soft green eyes, even his light hearted smile always did a number on her insides. She had always been cruel to him and the little hybrid girl he calmed as his sister. He had always cared for that little girl even risking his own neck to keep her safe.

"Yes I know Mitch," she said "I keep calling him a kid when I'm just a few years older than him." the vixen smiled at the corpse. "No, I wouldn't say that, more like jealous of her" she said "she has one of the sweetest guys in the world bending over backwards for her and she doesn't even know how far he'll go for her." "Good lord, any girl would sell her soul for a guy like that" the vixens paused realizing what she had just said "yeah, I guess I would too."

"Oh don't you start with that" she said to the corpse "like you didn't go out of your way for him." "Great, I'm fighting with a corpse" she said "Jessica, girl, you're in over your head on this one, and the last thing you need is to fall head over heels over a kid." Jessica shook her head and poured herself another drink. Getting her mind back on business the vixen sat behind the desk in the thorn of an office chair.

"Mitch, I wish I could have asked one thing before all of this" she said pulling out a notepad and a pen. Scratching the page the vixen listed a number of things as she spoke "why, why did you of all people try to kill Alex?" "Ma'am is everything all right" Jessica's maid asked limping into the study. The otter had bad dealings with Jessica's father years ago ending up with one of her legs being broken leaving her force to wear a brace on her leg.

"Yes Meg, everything is fine" the vixen answered both knowing it was a lie. "I thought you had a long day so I drew you a nice hot bath" Meg said hoping to cheer her employer. "Thank you Meg" the vixen answered. Jessica had made it part of her life's work to try and undo her and her father's deeds. "How are you feeling Meg" the vixen asked. "I'm doing just fine ma'am" the otter lied. "Meg, we both know you're really bad at lying and you should know by now it never helps you in the end" Jessica said.

"So let's try this again" she said "how are you feeling Meg?" "The pain is getting worst and the doctor said that they may have to amputate it if it gets infected again" Meg answered "but that aside I'm still alive and well." "There's something else on your mind" the vixen asked finishing her list and tarring it from the pad. "It's not my place to say..." Meg started before the vixen interjected. "It is when I say it is, now spit it out."

"It's about the kids" the otter said. "What about them?" "I just have this feeling that something big is coming and it may end up killing them when it gets here." "I feel the same way" Jessica answered "but they have an angel watching over them." the vixen turned on an intercom and order the one who answered to deal with the mess in the study and to do some shopping for her. "Now, then Meg, about that bath" the vixen said rising from her thrown "care to join me, I could use some help getting those hard to reach places."

The vixen smiled as she passed the blushing otter. "Come on Meg, I don't bite" the vixen said "much." Meg fallowed the vixen into the bathroom where steam had filled the room and coated the glass. Jessica started to undress when she turned to the otter. Meg was standing off to the side waiting to aid her employer when called upon. "Come on you have been standing all day," Jessica said "I think you need this as much as I do."

"Ma'am it is nice of you offer but I don't think I should" the otter said shifting her weight off her bad leg. "I'm sober this time Meg" Jessica answered "and to be honest I don't want to be alone right now." The otter bit her tongue. The vixen folded and set her cloths aside before turning to the otter. Standing just her fur Jessica turned to the woman who had been caring for her for the past twelve years. "Meg, please don't fight with me on this" she asked.

The otter closed her eyes and thought it over. Meg was all but undressed when the vixen stopped her. "Here let me help you with that" she said before undoing the brace on Meg's leg. The otter winced from the loose feeling in her leg before the vixen took some of the weight off. "Come on, let's get you settled in here" Jessica said half carrying the otter. After both females had settled into the tub they let the steamy water easy their day away.

"Meg, do you think I can still do right by those two" Jessica asked gentle rubbing the otter's leg. "I don't understand Ma'am" Meg answered. "One we're naked in a tub," the vixen answered "I think we're past the point where you have to call me Ma'am." "Oh, I'm sorry Jessie I forgot" the otter said and started rubbing knots from the vixen's shoulders. The vixen sighed with a small smile curled on the corners of her lips.

"You were always too good for me" she said. "You were asking about the kids" Meg asked to change topics. "Oh, right, do you think I can still do the right thing for them" Jessica asked relaxing into the otter's hands. "If I may," Meg asked "but I know how you feel about him, and how much it hurt you to do the things you did to him." "What are you getting at Meg" the vixen asked turning her head. "He's turning eighteen next week" the Otter said "and we both watched him grow into a man."

"Meg that has nothing to do with what I asked" Jessica said. "Jessie, I know what you're really asking," the otter said "and the answer you want to hear is there is always a chance." "I hate when you do that" "I know, but as far as the two of them," the otter said shaking her head "they have only seen one side of you and it's not the side I get to see." The vixen thought about what the otter said. "I would ask you to go with me to meet them tomorrow but they might think it was a trick or something" she said.

"I only did the shotgun thing one time and even then it was hard to cover the butt on that thing" Meg said. "No, I'm not asking you to carry," Jessica said "I just want someone there with me. I don't think I can face them alone." "You're stronger then you think" the otter said "but as my employer I will do anything you ask." "Meg, I'm not asking you as a boss" Jessica said "I'm asking you as my closest friend."

"Tell you what" Meg said pulling the vixen into a hug "I'll go with you as a friend but only if you tell him the whole truth." "Thank you" Jessica said shifting around in the water. "I think someone needs some other knots worked out" the otter said tightening her gripe on the younger vixen. "Oh no, last time you did that I couldn't sit right for a week" Jessica said knowing it was too late. The otter's hands were quick to squeeze the vixen just right.

Chapter 7

"Nightmare, you need cloths" Alex said they enter a mall shop. "What is wrong with what I have" the demon asked. "People are going to think you're a flasher dressed like that" the young rat said point at the demon with his hand. "So let them think what they want" Nightmare answered. Sheba started giggling at the two. "Cops get called when it comes to flashers" Alex said "they arrest them and there's a whole mess that fallows that."

"Let's just get him a lot of sweatpants and t-shirts" the little hybrid said. "Fine, but I am not the only one who needs a change of attire" the demon answered pointing his own claw up. "Yeah well I'm not the one running around in a bathrobe and a loincloth" Alex said walking up to one of the employees. "No shirt no shoes no service" the hare behind the counter said. "Dude" Alex said. "Those are the rules man" the hare said and went back to what he was doing.

"Crap" Alex said turning to the others "I'll buy a few things well you two wait outside." Alex's dismissal of Sheba and her demon was due to the stress built up over the past week. And the sad look on her face when he told her to wait outside didn't make things any easier for him. Rubbing his face the young rat did some checking around and bought the cheapest clothes he could find that he hoped were in the demon's size.

Spotting the two sitting on a bench across the way Alex watch as the demon laughed and played the same way he did. "I guess the stories are true about him" Alex said to himself. Sheba had tied Nightmare's fingers into a knot using some string she found. And Nightmare was playfully trying to break free. Alex hand the demon the bag and patted the little hybrid on the head. "I'm sorry Shebs" he said "I didn't mean to snap at you."

"Alex will you teach me how to fight" she asked looking up at him from under his paw. "Not right now but I'll try" he said. Alex had told Nightmare where he was meeting Jessica and the demon was watching the shop and more or less the whole mall. Alex looked down at the shop and watched as two women found a seat just outside a coffee shop a red fur vixen and a light brown otter with a brace on her leg.

It was just past eleven-thirty and the meeting wasn't till noon. "Thinking what I'm thinking" the rat asked the demon. "Depends will there be cake" he asked. The joke took Alex off guard. "I didn't say anything about cake" he answered. "So the cake is a lie" the demon asked. Alex smacked himself in the head. "Relax lad, they are just sitting there" the demon said losing his playful tone "Thou, one of them did ask about cake." "Wait you can hear them" the rat asked.

Nightmare nodded. "You're not the only one not looking forward this meeting" he said "I wonder if they have custard?" Sheba giggled. Alex sighed, thoughts racing his mind. "You have Ranger and Dreamcatcher with you, both are unarmed aside from the sack sitting next to the lovey lady with the brace on her leg" Nightmare said "and I think Jessica just order you a coffee." "Well, I'd better not keep them waiting" he said. "Sheba, listen to Nightmare, and if he says run you run." The child nodded.

"You should eat something Jessica" Meg said rubbing a sore spot on her leg. "I can't" the vixen answered "I'm not even sure if I should talk to him." "Then I'll talked to him till you're ready" the otter said. "No he'll think is a trap and run" the vixen said. "I already think it's a trap" the young brown fur rat said as he walked up to the table. "Then why did you come" the vixen asked forcing herself not to smile. "Because this is bigger than we thought" he answered "and we're not the only ones with a hit out on them."

"I know, I was lucky last night and the one they got for me was hurt and didn't pull his gun fast enough" Jessica said "but then again getting shot in the shoulder does slow even the fastest of gunners down." "Alex," the otter spoke up "where's my hug, I haven't seen you in days and you have worried sick." Alex carefully leaned over and gave the otter a hug. "You need to eat more" she said "you're nothing but skin and bone."

"I'll try Miss. Meg" he answered. "Please have a seat Alex" the vixen asked "you look like you haven't slept in days." He shook his head. "Alex, don't be rude sit" the otter said and pointed to an open chair. The young rat sat quickly. "I'm sorry" the vixen said turning her head away from the rat. If it wasn't from a lack of sleep and all the stress beating at his young mind, Alex's jaw would have been on the floor after hearing her say those words.

Instead just short of yelling he said "you threaten to kill me and Sheba, you try to order a demon to eat us, you get a hit man working for somebody else to watch us, and your own men tried to shoot me, and all you can say is I'm sorry." "What do you want me to say" Jessica said turning to face him. Despite how little he had eaten and what little sleep he had, the vixen saw him, not as the weak little kid playing gangster but as a man who spent too much time on a battle field being bomb left and right.

Despite what he had seen, Jessica could still see the gentle boy in his gentle soft green eyes. For the first time in her life Jessica couldn't find the words she wanted and stammered over herself. "Alex" Meg said. "No, he's right, I put them in this mess" she said turning away from him. "Just tell me why you sent us to die" he said. It was curl words from him. "I don't know I trust you" she said "because I'm greedy and selfish I was only thinking about myself and what I could get out of it."

She shook her head after she spoke knowing that wasn't what she wanted to say. "That's it" he asked "you sent us into hell because you were being selfish?" Alex sat back in the chair crossing his arms over his chest. "After everything I have done for you and that is the best you got" he said feeling bitter by his own words. They were quiet for what felt like hours. "I can't believe, there was a point in time I thought I could have ever loved you."

Meg choked on her coffee. Jessica's face twisted in pain. "Sheba wasn't the first caster I used to try to summon Nightmare" the vixen answered "that caster went mad and killed himself, Mitch was going to be the champion but he was too righteous, then I found out about what Sheba could do, and how much you care about her, that's when I knew it had to be you two." She kept her head down as she spoke.

"I had a dream a long time ago," she said "in this dream there was a man in silver armor with large golden wings and next to him was a knight in black armor fighting next to him. This knight had an ax that was black with flame along the edges. The knight had brown fur with one of his hands pure white. The wing knight called him Greenvolt. Sometime later I study the name and found old stories about a demon hunter that was called Greenvolt, some of the stories said he was part dragon and could throw men three times his size like they weighed nothing."

"So what you heard my name and fairy tales about some guy with the same name" Alex said. "That's the thing I had forgotten all about that dream till just now" the vixen said "But one has nothing to do with the other." Alex rolled his eyes. "So yeah, I'm going to go do some window shopping" Meg said easing herself to her feet. The otter limped off before ether could say anything. "There is nothing we can do about what has happen" Jessica said.

Alex knew Nightmare was still listening and was staying where he was. "Nightmare, do you think we should trust her" Sheba asked watching the demon check his new cloths. "Do you trust Alex" Nightmare asked unfolding a part of blue jeans. "I trust him, but I don't trust her" the child answered "she was always mean to us." The demon slid the pants under his cloak fixing his legs through them. "She pushes Alex around like his life means nothing" Sheba said turning to watch her brother.

"Are you sure about that," the demon asked standing up fixing the pants around his hips "these have little room to move in." "Well, most people don't run around on all fours, and as far as the way she treats us," Sheba said thinking more about it "is like she hiding something." "How so" the demon asked pulling out the shirt. The polo shirt was dark green and looked a size too small. "I recall a time where my cloak was all I ever needed to pass as a mortal" he said turning the shirt around.

"It was the first time I had to stay with Meg" she said "I remember seeing Mitch hand Alex a gun and said 'wake him and you're dead." "I know, if done right a blow to the head could kill a man painlessly" the demon said "this will not fit over my wings." "Wait, what" the child asked. "The shirt it is too small to fit over my wings" the demon answered. "No before that" Sheba said. "Oh, if done the right way one could kill a man painlessly with a blow to the head" he answered.

"Is killing all you know how to do?" she asked "because that sounds like a sad way to live." "No, I hate killing, but if it means I could protect one child I will kill a thousand men" he said. "I wouldn't want you to kill anyone because of me" she said "I've seen too many people get hurt and die." "I know I have seen too many die needlessly as well, but that is the way of the world" he said "I still don't see how I'm going to fit this thing over my wings."

"We could just cut it for you" she said letting the darker topic slip away. "That might do" he said "but this is not the place for such things, and what in the world are theses?" Sheba turned to see what the demon was talking about. In his hands was a pair of flip-flops. "Flip-flops, they're a type of shoe" she said "you put them on your feet." The demon set the foot wear down and slipped a large foot in each. "Like this" he asked.

The child nodded and curled her eyebrows. She had only seen the demons eyes once, now that she thought about it. He had always kept his eyes closed. "Nightmare, are you blind" she asked. "No, why do you asked" he answered. "You always have your eyes closed," she said "I just thought about it and I've only seen your eyes once." "My father had many gifts and my brothers and I have all been given them" he said "and an eye of truth is one of them."

"And with it nothing may hide not even in darkness" she said. The demon nodded. "I think we have been spotted" the demon said and smiled. "Are we about to be attack" the child asked pulling her cloak tighter around her. "I don't think you have anything to fear from an otter with a limp" he said "I believe her name is Meg." "Sheba who is your friend and how does he know my name" the otter asked hopping over to the child.

"MEG" the hybrid yelled and charged the female arms out for a hug. "By the Heavens, Sheba you have got so big" the otter said hugging the young hybrid. Meg looked the child over. "That boy will never change, he makes sure your well fed and forgets to eat himself" she said "and this coat it's beautiful." "Thank you, Meg" Sheba said "oh, this is my friend Nightmare." "You're friend" Meg asked "what kind of friend goes by the name Nightmare?"

"Nickolas Nightmare, Sheba and Alex hired me as a bodyguard" the demon answered. "If that's your cover story you might want to work on it Nick" the otter said "or are all demons bad at lying?" A sudden jolt of noise cut them all off as they turned their eyes down on the café. The vixen and the rat both jumped to their feet. The vixen was around the table and grabbed the rat by the shirt before he could blink.

The bystanders around the two, backed away thinking there was going to be a fight. Nightmare's smile never left his face. "Sheba, do you think you can trust a woman in love" he asked. "What," she asked watching the vixen pull the rat closer kissing him heavily on the lips. The young hybrid's jaw dropped as she watched the vixen kiss her brother. "She has no right to touch him" Sheba growled.

"NO, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" Alex yelled. "Sheba, I know it means nothing coming from me but Jessica does care about the both of you" Meg said. "If she did then why did she tell Nightmare to kill us, or threaten to kill us herself" the child asked coldly. Meg shook her head. "I don't know Sheba, but she had never wanted to hurt you or Alex," the otter said "she did those thing to protect you, the both of you."

"How is hurting us protecting us" the child asked. "There are a lot people who don't like Jessica, and the way she does things" Meg answered "and if those people knew there are people she cares for they will take them and hurt them just to hurt her." Sheba growled darkened. "You heard him say he has kill people before right?" Meg said. The child nodded. "Well he only thinks he has killed someone," the otter said "but the worst he did was shoot a crops in the head."

"What" She asked. "Alex never had blood on his hands," Nightmare agreed. "And the people he robbed were other bosses who owed her money" the otter said "so if you think about Alex really has never done anything bad in his life." "She could have told us, she could have asked us," tears rolled down the hybrid's face as she spoke "she could have done something." There was nothing the otter or the demon could say or do.

"Alex has gone days without eating just so I could have a full stomach. There were times he would go days without sleep. He spent so much time and money on me, never once did he ever think about himself. And I just let him. I'm no better then she is. And yet she just kissed him." the child folded herself into her cloak hiding her tears. "I hate her." Nightmare gulped from a bitter tasted. "I wish she was dead."

"Sheba" Meg spoke up "she may have gone the wrong way of doing things but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about you." "I don't care, I hate her. She did this to us. She has no right to touch him. Not after everything she did to us. Not after everything she did to Alex." "Sheba please, Jessica" Meg begged and was cut off. "NO, he's mine. Alex is mine. I won't let her hurt him anymore." The child pulled herself up and turned to where the vixen was and began to chant.

By nature Nightmare would never hurt a child, or any he called master. But Sheba was about to turn down a dark road that had no way back. The demon opened his hand and with a loud whack, smacked the child upside the back of her head. "Sheba" he said his voice cold and heartless "would you break the promise you made to Alex." The child looked up at the demon, holding the back of her head. The gentle beast was gone, all that stood before her was a monster ready and willing to kill her.

"Alex has never once in his life asked anything of you" he said "he has given you everything you ever needed or wanted. All he wanted was for you to have a better life, and you would willing take the life of another out of spite." Sheba dropped into a ball backing away from the demon. Meg stepped in between the two. "Nick that's enough you're scaring her" the otter said. "She should be" he answered "if she finished that spell she would have killed Jessica and murder is a path that none can ever return from."

"She's just a child" the otter said. "Not if she finished that spell" he chide "she knew what she was doing, she knew what would happen. Children do not willing kill others, and had she not been stop she would have. Would you still call her a child if she had blood on her hands? Would you still treat her as if she was innocent after watching her take the life of another?" "Like you're one to talk about having blood on their hands," the otter said "how many lives did you take, how many lives did you hurt?"

"TOO MANY, AND MORE THEN ENOUGH FOR ME TO KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO HER" he said. As much as her leg hurt Meg stood her ground "that is still no reason to scare her." "No, he's right" Sheba spoke from deep within her cloak "I was being selfish, I was becoming a monster, just because I was being selfish." "Tell me something Meg," the demon asked "why did you scold me for scaring her yet you did nothing to stop her yourself.

"I don't know" the otter answered shaking her head "maybe some part of me wanted Jessica to be set free. She's haunted by the things her and her father have done and she spent most of her life try to undo what she can." "I'm sorry" Sheba said crying deeply. The demon slipped past the otter and pulled the child into a hug. "It is ok child," he said his voice gentle and kind once more "your darkness has past, and all you can do is pray that you may become stronger and better the next time it comes."

Meg sat on the bench and waited for Sheba to calm down. "Jessica was watching when your leg was broken" the demon asked. "Yeah, the piece of trash her father was had my leg broken after I lied to him about money I used to pay some bills and told him I was mugged" the otter said rubbing her leg. "Jessica was peeking through the door when one of her father's men almost ripped my leg off. I screamed and begged him to stop."

"He wasn't going to kill me he just wanted is pound of flesh. As a joke he told me if I could walk to the front door he would have someone take me to the hospital. I got as far as to stand up on my own." Sheba drew her hood back a little. "Jessica cheered me on till I somehow got to the door. And with her father watching and everything she open the door, took my weight off my leg and walked me to the front door."

"Because of the damage to the bone and muscle my leg never healed right and for the past twelve years she has cared for me as I do her." Meg could see one of the child's golden brown eyes peek out from under the hood. "She was about your age when my leg was broken, Sheba" the otter said "I don't know if you remember but she did show you and Alex kindness once."

Chapter 8

"Alright Sheba, remember if anything goes wrong you run and hide" the young brown rat said "and as soon as you can go to old Mrs. Hoots." "But Brother I can help" the seven year old folf said with a stomp of her foot. "Please Sheba" the rat asked. "Fine, be careful Alex" she squeaked. "Good, now stay right here" the twelve year old rat set off down the alley hoping his plan would work. His stomach turned with the mix of emotions.

The only tool he had for his plan was a small dull knife. Attack anyone was not his best idea but Sheba hadn't eaten in three days and he himself in over a week. He turned the corner and drew his weapon. A vixen ran past him just as he drew the knife. As luck and timing would have it a large red hawk came charging after. "Crap" the young rat said stepping between the two. The hawk and the vixen stopped when the rat spoke up.

"I don't know what's going on but if you don't stop chasing her, I'll put this in your heart" he said holding his knife up. The golden eye hawk looked down at the rat and his knife. "Get out of my way" the hawk said. "I don't think so" the rat answered. With a swing of his arm the hawk caught the young rat by the neck and slammed him into a wall. "Mitch, what is going on" the vixen asked. "Put me down you over grown chicken" the rat wheezed.

"Kid threatened me with a knife, Ma'am" the hawk answered. The vixen's sky blue eyes study the young rat. Alex soft green eyes had gone wide when he got a good look at the vixen. She had to be about four or five years old then himself. But her lean body and beautiful face blind him to the rest of the world. "Are you stupid or something kid, running around with a knife attacking people" she said. "I thought he was after you" the rat answered.

The vixen picked up Alex's blunt knife and turned it over in her hands. "You must be stupid, brave but stupid" she said "you thought a dull knife was going to stop big bird here, just be glad you're still in one peace, kid." The hawk's feathered fingers tightened around Alex's neck. "Now why would a kid who should be in school running around at this time of night with a dull knife" she asked "are you planning on killing someone?"

Alex continued to pull on the hawk's hand so he could breathe. "Because if that was the case there is no way it would work with this thing" the vixen said ignoring the chocking rat. The world was getting darker, Alex's mind started to race. "Shebs run" he yelled with what voice he had left. With his free hand the hawk drew a gun and let off a round with a loud pop. The vixens head turn to see what the hawk shot at.

She took a few steps away and spoke up "You come here, yes you come here now." From the corner of his eye Alex saw his sister shyly moving closer. "Please don't hurt him" the little hybrid said. "Well he did go after my friend here," the vixen said "by all rights he gave up his life." "My brother was only going to take some money" the fox-wolf said. "So he was going to rob us" the vixen asked. The vixen had kneeled down in front of the child.

The child shyly nodded. "Now, if you tell me why he was trying to rob us I might let him go" the vixen said. Sheba thought hard about what she had to say. "Forget about me Sheba and run" Alex said. "So Sheba was it, are you going to tell me why your brother tried to rob us or not" the vixen asked turning her eye to the rat. The hawk cocked back the hammer ready to pop off another round if need be.

"We were hungry and we don't have any money and no one we asked would help" the child answered. "Hungry, he threw his life away because you were hungry" the vixen asked. She looked the two over. The rat's cloths were loose and about to fall off and the hybrid did look a little thin. "I see" she said standing back up. With soundless steps the vixen stopped between the hawk and the rat. "You really are stupid," she said and tapped on the hawk's arm.

The hawk relaxed his grip just enough that the rat could answer. "I can tell she has been eating but you on the other hand," she said "when was the last time you put anything in your stomach?" he glared at her taking in what little air he was given. "Oh that is touching," she said and dried off a tear that was never there "so that's what a week almost two?" "Just let her go" the rat begged. "Oh I see how it is, you've been lying to her" the vixen said "stupid and brave, and you have no idea how useless that is to this world."

"Just let her go" he repeated. "I asked you a question, I demanded you answer" she said "or he will put the both of you down for good." "Three weeks ago, just before we were kicked out of the home we were at" he answered. "You're telling me you have been on the streets for almost a month and any food you get your little hands on goes right to her" the vixen asked. "She's the only thing I have in this world, I'm going take care of her for the rest of her life" he answered.

"Really stupid" the vixen said "Mitch deal with them." in the second the hawk took aim Alex's body went into overdrive. He pushed his feet on the wall behind him and gripped down on the hawk's hand starting to twist it. The rat pulled himself free of the hawk's grip and swung himself into the two kicking the gun from the hawk's other hand. The three hit the ground hard. "RUN" Alex yelled kicking the hawk in the face.

The child was frozen in shock at seeing Alex call up such strength she couldn't move if she wanted too. The young rat threw himself off the vixen and her hawk and ran after the fox-wolf. "Come on we need to go now" he said shaking her free of the shock. But they didn't get far. A few steps into their run something hard and heavy hit the young rat in the back of the head. Before he blacked out he heard Sheba scream.

Alex was out cold and tied up in the seat next to her. Sheba sat balled in the back seat of a car with the vixens sitting across from them. The hawk was sitting in the front seat with the driver. "Yes I know I'm late" the vixen said as she talked into her phone "something unexpected came up and I had to deal with it." The vixen paused and smile to Sheba. "No, I didn't eat yet," she said "yes, yes I will, Meg I know, look could you do something for me, I need two of the guest rooms made up and set two more places at the table."

"Yes, both of them are cute, no Meg it's not what you think I will explain when we get there" the vixen said. Sheba turned to her brother her face covered in drying tears. "Oh and Meg draw a bath their going to need it" the vixen said before hanging up. The young brown fur rat lay jaw hanging open tongue drooling on the seat. "Is he always so cute when he sleeps" the vixen asked. The hybrid child shot a glare at the vixen.

"I'm not going to hurt you" the vixen said "and I didn't want to hurt him." "Then why did you" the child asked. "Because I wanted to talk to him and he was trying to run away" the vixen answered. "You're lying" the child said. "I guess I am," the older female answered "you're very good at this." The vixen paused looking at the floor of the car. "Well we start off on the wrong foot," the vixen said turning back to the child "my name is Jessica, and I heard your brother there call you Sheba?"

The child nodded. "Well Sheba, after seeing what your brother can do," Jessica spoke with a small smile "I would like to offer him a job." "You want to use him to hurt people" the child said. "Yes, but only bad people, that do bad things to good people" Jessica answered. "Hurting people is bad no matter who they are" Sheba said trying to put herself between the vixen and Alex. "I agree, but how can you stop bad people from hurting people if you're always nice to them" Jessica asked.

Sheba looked to the floor for an answer. "I'm not going to make him do anything he doesn't want too or more to the point willing to do" Jessica said "but I will only pay him for the things he does for me that is how it works." "No, I'm not doing anything for you" the rat spoke rolling his head. "As I see it you don't have a choice in the matter" Jessica answered "you can work for me or you can both die in the street."

Between hunger and the painful knot on the back of his head the young rat was too weak to even lift his head more than an inch or two. "Go back to sleep kid" the hawk order "you too little girl." "Why, you can't kill a couple of kids with their eyes open" Alex asked. "Ballzy little punk isn't he" the vixen asked "no if I wanted you dead, you would be, plan as day." "Then what are you going to do with us" Alex asked.

"As I said before give you a job" Jessica answered "but that part can wait a few days." "Wait a few days" Alex asked "what do you mean by that?" "You're not going to hurt him are you" Sheba asked. "No Miss Sheba, I'm not going to hurt him or you" Jessica answered "but the both of you have been living on the streets for almost a month and you haven't eaten in a few days." "Shall I have your doctor visit to check them out" the hawk asked. "Yes Mitch, but that can wait till tomorrow."

That night they had their first real meal in some time. Meg the otter maid took over care for Sheba and Alex. But Alex was never happy unless He could read Sheba stories about her heroes the Sons of the Caretaker. She loved hearing about the wild fury and gentle soul of the beast, the wisdom and heart of the smith, and the skill and cunning of the bookkeeper. In their free time Sheba would draw what she had thought they would look.

Her dreams told her of shadowy beasts, and faceless men and wishes coming true. Even in her darkest nightmares she would always see her golden wing angel standing over her and her brother. Alex would spend his days learning everything Jessica wanted him to learn. One of the many jobs Jessica had Alex do was getting a book that was stolen from her. It was an old book, the cover and pages were held in place by string and the covers were hard leather.

To confirm the book was real Alex had to check three pages. "Let's see, spell of summons, yes, Bregold crest, check, and the letter, shit, where is the letter" the young rat said turning the pages. He found a fold page with a broken wax crest. He opened the page and scanned it for what he needed. "Good, this is it" he said packing the book into his bag. "Now, I just need to get back into store and act like I was never here" he said.

"Hey, who's back here" someone said. Alex threw the bag on his back still talking to himself "crap, plan B, run." He bolted from his hiding place keeping out of sight best he could. The lights came on when the young rat was just feet from the window he come in. A giant bulldog came charging at the rat. Alex pulled the small twenty-two from the back of his belt and fired two rounds into the bulldog stomach.

The bulldog grunted and fell. Alex didn't wait for the larger male to get back up and dove out the window. Within seconds of doing Alex remembered that he was on the top floor of a four story building. But as luck would have it a truck full of sand, happen to be driving past as he jumped out the window. He landed softly in the sand roll to the edge banging his arm on the metal sides before rolling off. He caught the ledge of the truck and hung on till he could drop off the side without getting run over.

"This is the last time I parcore out a window" he said slipping into a dark book store. Keeping his eyes scanning for anyone who might come looking him the young rat found a corner seat with a clear view of the door. "Now I just have to wait for bird brain to up me up" he said to himself. The young male let his mind wonder off. Daydreaming about the things he would do with the vixen that paid his bills. "Yeah right, like she would ever go for a guy like me" he said snapping to reality.

It would be a few long years before he would know the truth. Alex sat quietly across from the vixen. She was still as beautiful to him as the day he first met her. But he felt off about the whole thing. He had never asked why she did what she did before and even when she answered him it wasn't the whole truth. "Stop playing games with me and tell me the truth" he finally said. The vixen shook her head. "Even if I did, it wouldn't change what happen" she said keeping her eyes away from him.

"Fine," he said and slammed his hand on the metal table causing a number of people to jump "we're done here." Both were on their feet. The rat was about to storm off and the vixen had round the table to stop him. She couldn't hide it from him anymore. If he left now, she may never see him again. "You want the whole truth," she said tears rolling off her cheeks as she grabbed and pulled on the collar of his shirt "here it is."

She kissed him deeply, deeper than any other before. The rat pushed the vixen off holding her by the shoulders. "NO, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" he yelled right in her face. Through her eyes she felt like she was standing before a dragon ready to roar flames and turn her to ash. "I love you" she said turning her face away "I have been for some time now." The rat shook his head. "No, you're not," he said "this is just some game you're playing to get me to do what you want."

Jessica wished he would have just stabbed her in the heart with a dull knife and twist, and still wouldn't hurt as much as hearing him rejecting her and calling her a liar. Alex let go of the vixen as she dropped to the floor. He turned and walked off with even saying a word. Outside of the vixen's ear shot the rat whispered to the demon. "We're leaving." "No we're not" the demon answered "Sheba is talking to Meg and you need to go back and talk to her."

"I can't" Alex said. "Why not," the demon asked. "I just can't" the rat answered. "Do you fear you will hurt her?" "No, worst," Alex answered "I would have kissed her back." "If you need some time to clear your head then take it." "You don't mind watching Shebs for me do you?" "I'm honored to have her in my care." "Thank you" Alex said making his way out of the mall. "Nightmare" Sheba asked "do you think we ... I mean I should go talk to her?"

"I'm not sure" the demon answered "it is not my place to tell my master what she should or should not do." "I'm asking if you were in my shoes, what would you do" she asked again. "I would think my feet would be too large to fit your shoes" the demon answered. The child smacked herself in the head. "But if you are asking me what I would do if I was in your place" the demon answered "again it is not my place to tell my master what the right thing to do is."

Sheba's ears perked up as she gave the demon a hug and ran off. Jessica sat where she was, on the ground tears still roll off her cheek. She knew she had failed and thought there was nothing else to her life. She covered her face not once stopping her tears. "Have you come to ripe out the rest of my heart just to stomp on It" she asked when she felt someone standing over her. "No, even if I did, I would still be no better than you" the folf child said holding out her red fur hand.

"He would kill for you," the vixen said "me, he might as well have killed me." "As much as I hate you for the things you have done to us, to him" Sheba said taking the vixen's hand "I would have to hate myself more for letting him do everything he has for me." "I thought if I could just make him happy" Jessica said "it would have been enough." "Nothing will ever make him happy," Sheba said "I have seen him go weeks with next to nothing to eat and even when we have enough food to feed the both of us.

Or go days without sleep just because I had a cold." "It's not the same he would do anything for you" Jessica said looking up at the child. "Yeah and I have always let him," the hybrid said trying to pull the vixen to her feet. "And I had gone out of my way to hide my feelings from him" Jessica added. "We might as well face the fact we both had used him" Sheba said "and we owe him a lot." "You never made him risk his life" the vixen said.

"You never let him lie about taking care of himself" the hybrid retorted. "It would take hours for us to list the things we have done to him" Jessica said. The child nodded and agreed "let's just both say we wronged him and we need to fix It." The vixen stood up on her knees almost matching the child's height. The two females hugged. "If you break his heart" the child whispered in the vixen's ear "mark my words. I will kill you."

"You have a deal, little witch" Jessica answered and squeezed the child. "You do understand that so long as I serve her" the demon said drawing their attention "it may just be my claw at your throat." "I wouldn't have it any other way" Jessica said. Nightmare picked up the bag Alex forgot and said "I will hold on to this." "There are some papers in there I wanted to show him" Jessica said rising to her feet "so he can stop saying he's something he's not.

"And that would be" the demon asked. "A killer," the vixen answered. By now the people around them had gone back to their lives without a second thought about the outburst they saw. "The only reason why he thought he was, because I wanted to see if he could pull the trigger." "So he has never killed a mortal before" the demon asked. Jessica nodded. "That's great, we got to go tell him" Sheba said taking the vixen's hand.

Chapter 9

"No, this can't be right," the young rat said to himself pacing around the back lot of the building "I'm not the type of guy she's into." Alex argued with himself over what just happen adding to his overworked mind. "No it was just a bad joke" he said "there is no why she would want a guy like Me." His young mind ran the dreams he would once have of the vixen. The scars along his back stated burning once more.

He had never told anyone about them and the ones who did didn't know how he had gotten them. "No, No, NO, I'm not part of this game" he yelled. The young rat stopped at the wall of the building and put his head against it with a heavy thud. He stood there lost in his thoughts. Thou the sound of ten sets of feet should have gotten him to move. But the rat was lost in his own little world. "Brown Rat with the right hand bright white is what she said to look for" one of the males said as the group stopped around him.

"She also said he was some kind monster, this kid doesn't even look like he can stand up to a paper clip" another male said. "Hell maybe he is, you know like one of those kung fu guys like in the movies" another added. "Nah, they say this kid learned to fight from the old guy, you know Mitch, Death's eye" yet another added. "I don't have any money so just go away" Alex said and waved a lazy hand to the group.

"Shut up kid" the first one said. "Ballzy little punk, huh boss" the second one added. Alex lazily turned around as he spoke "great someone else here to kill me, come on guys just one day please, one god damn day." "I said shut up" the first one yelled. The young rat touched his head and rubbed his eye. "Fine, can we get this over with, I do have other things to deal with" he said and waited for one of them to knock him out.

"Look kid, it's nice of you to want to get this over with but I hate to say" the biggest wolf in the group said "but if you tell us where the girl is we'll let you go." "Yeah no" the rat answered. "How much is she really wroth to you anyway, just tell us how much you want and it's a done deal" the wolf said. "I said no" Alex answered. "Well kid, can't say I didn't try to be nice," the wolf said and popped his knuckles "but you're making this harder on yourself."

The rat's brow tightened and fingers curled into fists. He was fine with them just beating him to death but if they were going to go after Sheba. There was no way he'd let them go. "You even try to hurt her I will put you down" he said. "Boyz" the wolf called "He's all yours." Alex's mind went into over drive with a heart rate to match. One of the smaller dogs charged first, fist drawn back ready to fly. Once he was in arm's reach of the rat the dog lunched his attack.

Alex in the same heart beat turned his head leaned back just enough for the dog's first to pass him. As the fist past his face the rat grabbed the dog's arm turning away. Alex pulled the dog's arm down onto his own shoulder still turning. The dog was flipped over and land flat on his back. The rat took his heel and clocked the dog in the side of the head. "Good boy stay" Alex said "next?" The young rat didn't have to wait long for one of the foxes and a hound to make their move.

The fox came from Alex's right. The fox came in quick and low. The hound came from the wolf's right and ran for a high tackle. Alex followed the quicker fox and caught him under the chin with his knee. The fox's speed turned on him as the rat lead the fox up with his knee. Just when the fox's side was high enough the rat hit the fox with the palm of his hand and drove him into the oncoming hound. With a spin and a half Alex moved clear of the two as they crashed into the wall.

Next up to bat was a large black bear who spared the showmanship and went to swipe the smaller rat off the face of the earth. Alex caught the bear by the wrist stopping it dead. "Does that ever actually work" Alex asked before yanking the bear's arm and driving his own head into the bear's face. The bear swayed back a few step holding his muzzle. "Did anyone ever tell you it's not a good idea to corner a rat" Alex said turning to the lead wolf.

"Not bad kid but we don't need you anymore" the wolf said. Alex turned his head to see Sheba, Nightmare, Jessica and Meg stopping just outside the door he came out of. "Sheba run" Alex yelled as the bear came back with another swing. The rat caught the bear's arm and lifted him clean off the ground and threw him at an oncoming fox. The bear's arm was broken and one of the fox's legs was broken when the bear landed on him.

Alex moved to put himself between the two wolves, rooster, Great Dane, and crocodile. The crocodile looked past Alex at the demon behind him. The croc tapped the Dane and rooster's shoulders before stepping back and walked off. "Alex, think you can take the mortals" Nightmare asked. "I've had worst" the rat answered. "Be careful, there is a caster with them and his demon just walked off" the demon said.

"So I'm on my own" he asked. "Hey, what are you morons doing, he works for me" the vixen said "so beat it." "Just want the girl nobody else has to get hurt" the wolf answered. "Like I said Beat it" the vixen answered. "They're just mortal" the demon said "but if you don't mind I think I will go have a chat with an old friend as it were." And the demon left soundlessly to find the other demon. "Ma'am you're not part of this so back off" the first wolf said.

"Well, I'm making myself part of it" Jessica said "and I have all of my rescores set to protect the girl and her brother." This caught Alex by surprise and broke his focus on the threat at hand. He turned his head to look back at the vixen. "That be the case" the wolf said "you're in the way." The next set of events took place in the blink of an eye. The wolves drew a gun each opening fire on the vixen. Meg jumped in using herself to shield the vixen as several shots struck the gimp in her leg.

Sheba had started chanting under her breath before the guns were drawn and enacted the spell just in time to put herself before the otter and the vixen. The child had spun around opening her cloak like wings shielding the three from the raging side arms. Alex in the same time jumped the two wolves to quickly disarm them. The spent side arms were flung off as the wolves turned to focus on the rat. Alex was more in raged then he had been and was reflected in his speed and strength.

The wolves fought with heavy blow and fast kicks leave the rat to dodge or block from both sides. Having to keep from being hit Alex was forced to dance between the two wolves. The young rat caught the bigger wolf's arm around the back of his neck. With a solid blow to the wolf's upper arm Alex broke the bone like stick leaving the wolf screaming in pain. The sets of kicks from the smaller wolf left his upper body open to attack but Alex dropped his foot on the wolf's ankle pinning down long enough for Alex to throw his full weight through his other foot and in the wolf's knee.

He turned back to the bigger wolf who recovered enough to keep his head and switched to using his feet. But the wolf had made himself top heavy with his boxing style and had almost no skill with his feet. Alex made quick work of the wolf by blocking the wolf's knee with his foot and push it back forcing the wolf to lean forward. This left him open for the rat to jump up and knee the wolf in the maw and put him down for a nap.

The smaller down wolf was not ready to give up and was crawling for one of the guns a fresh chip in his hand. Alex took the clip and got to the gun with ease. Loaded with a round in the chamber Alex held the barrel over the wolf's head. The wolf had rolled over onto his back hands open and flat. The rat knew it was wrong. He didn't want to shed blood. But he had to protect his sister. He had to show them he was not going to let them have their way.

Alex became lost in his own world. He had killed already. This should be easy. But why was it so hard? Why can't he just pull the trigger? This should be no different than the last time. One shot was all it took. But this was different just the idea of taking a life was painful. Even killing the demon was easy but this. Jessica could see the war raging on in the young rat's mind. But there wasn't a way to stop him. If he pulled the trigger she would lose him.

Sheba saw the look on his face. It was painful more so to see it on her beloved brother's face. Even the demons saw the raging battle in the young knight. The world became still, the only sounds came from those who were hurt. It was one life on the line but two souls at stake. The vixen watched with but one spoke word from her lips "Alex." The deafening echo rang out from the one quiet round used. The world began to move once more.

The round marked where it struck mere inches from the wolf's face. The rat dropped the gun and with both hands lifted the wolf clean of the ground. "I was just doing a job" the wolf whimpered. "Shut it" Alex said "I have a new job for you." "Yes, yes sir" the wolf whimpered "anything you say sir." "I want you to tell your boss and their friends and your friends" Alex said pulling the wolf closer "LEAVE. MY. FAMILY. ALONE."

The rat threw the wolf to land on top of his friends and turned to the Great Dane and the rooster. "Same goes for the both of you" he said turned to see to his family. "Well that was anticlimactic" the rooster said as Alex walked away. "Leave it alone, Panbrook" the Dane said and turned to leave. "Yeah right, Captain like I'm going to pick a fight with a demon slayer" the rooster tacked "that's your job."

"Just call your damn pet and let's go" the Dane said walking off. The rooster whistled and floated off after the old dog. The croc followed quickly after. Once they were gone Alex and Nightmare rushed over to Meg and the others. She was screaming and crying holding her leg. Jessica was holding the otter trying to keep her from moving around. "GOD DAMN NOT AGAIN" she screamed. The fox-wolf child stood there watching as her brother and the vixen tried to calm the wounded otter.

There was not much the demon could do as much as he wanted too. "Nightmare, why does everyone I care about keep getting hurt trying to protect me" she asked the demon standing right behind her. "I don't know" he answered. "I don't want to be afraid anymore" she said. "You want to be more like Alex" the demon asked. "He's not afraid of anything" the child answered. "That is where you're wrong sweet child" the demon chided "he is scared all the time, look at him now."

The demon point over the child's shoulder to the young rat trying to save the otter. "Just like you right now, his afraid he is going to lose Meg, who has been like a mother to the three of you" Nightmare said "but he will do everything he can to keep her." No one had seen when Alex dropped his bag. But there at Sheba's feet sat the spell book. It had fallen out of his backpack when he threw it down.

It was the first time she had seen the book itself she had always seen copies or Alex was reading it to her. "At this point your childhood is over" the demon spoke seeing the tome of the Bregold sisters "the path you choose to walk after this will change everything you know and love." Deep in her mind Sheba watch the world around her. She could see the paths before her. And all she had to do was pick one to follow.

She could do as she always done run and hide. She had rainfall with the power to heal. She had the demon behind her to command. But she wanted to do something more then she had before and what she needed lay at her feet. The child knelt down and took the book in her hand for the first time. It was just a flash but she saw it all every story, every spell, potions, all of it. Sheba lived their lives in the flash. She become so shaken from it she dropped the book.

She looked at her hand where she had nicked herself on the book's metal clasp. "Sheba, what happen did you hurt yourself" the demon asked taking her hand. It was a small scratch but it had drawn blood. The demon cleaned the scratch with a gentle lick of his tongue. He paused at the tasted. His eyes open wide. His right eye held a cross for the pupil as the other seemed more cat like. When the child's blood touched his tongue for a slip second the Bregold crest flashed in his eye.

The demon blinked and closed his eyes thinking to himself. "It's alright Nightmare" Sheba said pulling her hand away "I'm fine." Stepping around the demon she ran over to the bleeding otter commanding the others to move. She grabbed the otter's leg cause her to scream. "GENESIS" Sheba cried as the soft blue glow of her hand deepened. The otter's screams were drowned out by the wave of silence that crashed over her.

Her fear was washed away with the pain in her leg. Looking up through clear blue light she watched as the children she guided grow. From the first time she met them through fall they had, and each they test past. She watched as her dream changed. She began to see her life playing in reverse being shot, the countless visits to the doctor. All rolling back to the day her leg was broken. Like a bad dream she watched herself screaming, begging them to stop. Each blow to her made scream. Each crack of her bones killed her.

Then faster then it begun, it ended. The pain, the ungodly pain was gone. She lay there as her family stood over her. She didn't know why but she was smiling, overjoyed to see them. "What happen" she asked "my leg, it doesn't hurt anymore." "They say the forces that made the world have the power reforge life" The demon said "that is the power of Genesis." The otter look to the demon then back to her leg.

Small holes mark where each bullet hit. There were a few of them dotting the straps of her brace and blood stained her pant leg. The muscles in her leg were regrown and matched her healthy one. "But how" Meg asked taking the brace off as it was becoming uncomfortable to wear. "The Bregold family were healers and could tap into the forces of Genesis" the demon answered "but with Rainfall Sheba could unlock more of its power."

"Wait Bregold, but their line died out ages ago," Alex said. "It seems they share a relative" He answered. "Wait, are you saying that Sheba comes from a blood line that goes back almost two thousand years" Alex asked. "Yes and no" the demon answered "the spells and magic she uses dates back to the first Bregold witch, but Sheba does not share blood with her." "HUH" they all asked. "The sisters were not the blood hares to the Bregold power," he said "and they were not even blood to each other."

"The true hare of the Bregold line asked it of me to pass her family's power to her granddaughters" He answered "And that power was passed through their blood line to you." "I know Nightmare" she said "I heard their wish." "Enough of that, we need to get out of here before the cops show up" Jessica said helping Meg to her feet. Nightmare sighed looking around; he could hear screams drawing closer by the second.

The demon turned undoing the jeans he was wearing, slipping the flip-flops off and dropping the pants. "Nightmare, What are you doing" Meg yelled. "We have no time to play games" the demon answered throwing the clothes into one of the bags. Alex picked his bag and threw on his back as Sheba collected her things. The mound of thugs started picking themselves up and regroup. "Speak to anyone of what you saw and I will find you in your dreams" the demon said as he changed back to his true form.

His fingers sharpened into claws as his feet grew longer. His muzzle became longer and flatter. His wings opened and were set ablaze. His fur died off where scales began to grow. His body stretched higher, till he was almost as tall as the building. The rest of his fur turned to a dark brown almost black; as the fur of his tail burned away in blacken flames. Mouth open and eyes wide the thugs watch in horror as the nightmare took form.

The beast's hips seem to fold as he lowered himself to all fours. "Let's go" the beast said lowering more so they could mount up upon his back. Alex helped Sheba and Meg onto the beast before stopping Jessica. "We don't have time for this" she said trying to push past him. "This is for earlier" the rat said his hand wrapping around the side of the vixen's head. He pulled her into a deep kiss before letting go and mounting the beast.

Still dazed the vixen was hoisted onto the beast's back and set in front of the young rat. Alex put his arms around the vixen and signed to the beast that they were ready. The beast broke into a run on the spot beating his wings hard. No sooner were they up to speed were they in the air. They were gone from sight before the first patrol came to a stop. The officers began barking orders to the broken thugs never seeing the monster that had stood where they parked.

Chapter 10

A week after she had told him her feels and still no answer from him. But given the fact the demon Sheba had summoned kept a close eye him to the point Jessica couldn't find time to be alone with him. For anyone to walk into her study without knocking would get shot no questions asked. But Infrerna was not just anyone. The feral folf trotted into the study her tails dancing like a happy flame. Jessica was focused she was doing to the point that she didn't even know the beast was in the study.

Till she put her head in the vixen's lap. Jessica jump in her seat as papers flew about. "For the love God how did you get in here" the vixen asked the four legged folf whose tails just seem to dance more. With a heavy sigh the vixen picked up the mess and call out to the door "you can come in Sheba." The door pushed open as the young folf entered the room. "I'm sorry to bug you but can we talk" the girl asked the door closing behind her.

Sheba was still getting use to the respect everyone was giving her and her new clothes didn't feel right. Besides being half the vixen's age Sheba envied Jessica's looks that caught her brother's eyes. "You are never a bug," the vixen answered setting the pages aside "what's the matter?" the girl looked down shyly unsure if she could even make such a request. "It's about today" she finally said. "Yes I know," the vixen answered.

Jessica looked up at the girl seeing how much she had grown and seeing how beautiful she would become in the next few years. With a small smile the vixen thought the girl was a heartbreaker even at her age. Jessica pet the girl's pet gently on the head. "I wanted to talk to you about the same matter" she said sitting up giving the girl her full attention. The girl turn her eyes to the vixen with a questioning look to her brow.

"Can you have Nightmare give him the night off" the vixen asked her own eyes drifting off shyly. Sheba's ears twitched to the question. "You want to be a lone with him don't you" she asked ears folding back sharply. "Please" the vixen asked her ears drooping. In her mind Sheba wanted to be curl to her for everything she had done to them to him. But in her heart she could feel something she herself couldn't understand.

Jessica waited for an answer feeling every second taking longer than the last. Before Sheba could answer the intercom speaker started buzzing. The noise broke their thoughts apart and Jessica switched it to answer. "What" she ordered her mind resetting. "Ma'am, their wrecking the weight room" the speaker answered. "Who is wrecking the weight room" she asked. "Greenvolt and the Demon" he answered with sounds of shouting and things being thrown.

"Why do you keep running away from the truth" they could clearly hear the demon yell before the voice cursed and the com line went dead. Without skipping a beat and far more adult than she was Sheba turned to the vixen saying "we'll deal with this later" and bolted for the door. The three females raced to the weight room to find out what was going on. Jessica started barking orders along the way to clear the area and to hold fire.

The demon in his true form barring his size to a mortal height stood over a weight bench add more weights to the bar as the young brown rat stood waiting for him to finish. "I'm telling the truth" Alex said throwing his arms up for the fifth time "I'm just a rat nothing more." "I have seen others like you who could do the same that you have shown me time and again" the demon said locking the weights in place.

"I'm not part dragon I'm not a demon slayer" Alex said "I'm just a theft." The other three males in the room kept quiet only following orders and staying out of the way. "As was your forbearer" the demon answered. "He was a hero and a legend," the rat continued "no one even knows if he was real." The demon turned his head with his brow cocked sharp. "I know he was real because I myself have spoken to him and crossed swords with him" the demon retorted standing behind the bench patting the seat.

Alex took his place on the bench shaking his head knowing he couldn't handle the weight on the bar above him. With one hand the demon moved the weight over the young rat letting him take the full weight of the bar. Alex held it for a second before it almost dropped on him. But the demon stopped the bar only an inch from Alex's chest. "You have the strength within you" Nightmare said "use it." "No I don't" Alex answered "I'm not him stop acting like I am."

"I do not act," the demon retorted "I only speak the truth." the demon lifted the bar holding till the young rat took hold of it once more and released his hold on the weight. Then caught it once more. Alex shook his head again. "I can't do it" he said. "No, you will not do so" he said "why do you fear what is rightfully yours?" "It's not mine" Alex said "rightfully or not." "You took to Ranger as if you had her, your whole life, you wheeled your fire thing like it was nothing, you move with speed and power like no mortal should" the demon listed.

Nightmare lifted and set the bar back where it was letting the rat sit up. Alex sat up his back to the demon. The demon's left eye opened letting him see the young rat in detail. With this quick scan the demon spotted something odd under the rat's shirt. Only seeing it by the way to collar had come to rest around the rat's neck. "What is that marking on your back" the demon asked reaching for Alex's collar to take a better look.

"Nothing" Alex answered quickly fixing his shirt and moving away from the demon. "Do not lie to me, laid" Nightmare ordered "I asked you a question." "It's nothing" Alex said continuing to move away from the demon. "If it is nothing then why do you hide it" Nightmare asked quickly closing the gap between them. "Because it is none of your god damn business" Alex answered trying to push the demon back.

The demon in one movement batted the rat's hands away and pinned him to the pillar behind him by the neck. With his claws cutting into the brick the demon looked into Alex's eyes with his one open one. "Stop hiding" he said "you know full and well what you are." "I'm just a theft nothing more" Alex answered drawing on his all his known strength trying to free himself. But failed to do so. "Stop lying to yourself Alex" Nightmare said easing his weight off his hand.

Alex held himself up by the demon's hand still trying to free himself. "Why are you so afraid to be yourself, Alex" Nightmare asked pulling his hand free of the brick and dropping the rat back on his feet. "No, you're the one telling me to be something else" the rat answered rubbing his neck "you're the one telling lies." "I see" Nightmare said resting his hand on the loaded weight bar "so you are changeling me to proof it to you?"

"Yes, I guess I am" Alex answered rolling his neck. The demon thought it over in his mind. Then grasped the bar with one hand and said "as you wish." then with the ease of swinging a toy the demon swung the bar, weights and all at the younger male. Alex was force to doge the oncoming attack by dropping to the floor and rolling out of the way of the shards of brick that exploded from the pillar the demon hit in his stead.

"What the hell is wrong with you" Alex yelled rolling back to his feet. "You wanted proof" the demon laughed ripping the bar and weights from the pillar "I am giving it to you." the demon laughed launching himself into another strike. Again forcing the young rat to move out of the way as the demon dropped the hundreds of pounds into the floor. Alex continued to move away from the demon who seems to want to hurt him.

Nightmare found swinging the weights wasn't work so he busted the end off. Throwing the heavy plates like frizbes the demon began embedding them into the walls were the rat was once standing. One of the other males ran to the intercom calling for help as the other two ran to safety. "This is nutz, Nightmare, you're going to hurt someone" Alex yelled stop in front of the intercom. "Why do you keep running away from the truth" the demon asked chucking another weight right at the rat's head.

Alex dropped as the weight just barely missed his ear and buzzed by. The male at the intercom cursed and threw himself to the floor before the weight embedded itself into the wall where the intercom once sat. Sparks and bits of plastic flew off with a sharp crackle. "Stop it Nightmare" Alex yelled. "No" the demon answered. Alex shook his head and held up his hand just as another weight flew by.

In one motion Alex caught the disk spun around and throwing it back at the demon yelling "repel." The beam of white light charged the disk's spin as it took off. The demon laughed as the disk charge its way to him only for it to fly part feet away from the demon. Nightmare's tail shifted and pulled as the black flame relit itself on the end of the demon's tail. "If you did that in the first place this wouldn't have happen" the demon said his tail whipping back and forth.

"What the hell is going on here" Jessica yell from the doorway seeing the mess the two had made. "Male bonding" the demon answered "or I think that is what they call it." Tapping a claw to his lip. "Sheba, your demon is nuts" Alex said as he sat on one of the benches. "That goes without say" the demon cut in "but I have my reasons." "It's going to take a month to get this place fixed" Jessica said pinching the bridge of her nose.

"You tried to get him to do it again" the child asked. The demon nodded. "I read up on it even if he doesn't have dragons blood he has a condition that increases his adrenaline far more than a normal person" she said clearing a stop on the floor. "Adrenaline" the demon asked. "Yeah it's a chemical the body makes to heighten one's abilities when their life is on the line" Jessica answered "or when stress overwhelm someone."

"I see" the demon said "but Alex does not do that when his life is threaten, but only when he is protecting others does this gift show itself." "Wait you said Greenvolt the demon slayer was a thief" Alex said changing topics. "Aye" the demon answered "and he was but that does not mean he does so without reason." "What like Robin Hood or something, you know steal from the rich give to the poor" the young rat asked.

"No to live," the demon answered "up till the first demon he slay Greenvolt would steal food and cloths but only from those who have to spare." The demon continued. "He was a year younger then you when he learned of his gift. There was a fight between two demons that enter a village. The mortals that could flee did so, the sick, hurt and young couldn't. The thief as it were saw those who could do nothing but needlessly die.

The first few tries he learned his body healed faster and didn't take to harm like others. This in mind he risked his life but stopping a charging demon with his own hands. He held the beast till other villagers rush back to help the others. Once the villagers were safe he did all he could to fight. The second demon didn't care that the thief was there but didn't stop him from helping. Together thief and the demon fought the same foe till it fell. The thief turned to the other demon ready to fight."

"So he killed two demons" Alex asked. "No, but he almost ripped my jaw off' the demon answered. "I'm not getting into that fight again" the rat said before he started to clean the mess he helped make. "That's a cute story and all but what happen that you two wreck my weight room" the vixen asked. "The scars on his back I wanted to know how he got them" the demon answered. "What scars" Sheba asked.

"It's nothing" Alex answered "I've had them for years I don't even remember how I got them." "You are a bad liar" the demon said. "I could have told you that" the vixen chimed in "the truth now." Alex shook his head biting his lip. "Alex what are they talking about" Sheba asked. The rat started rubbing his face. This was not something he wanted to talk about with anyone. "Please I don't want to talk about it" he begged.

"Alex talk, now" the vixen order "or will have to do this the hard way." "The trash foster home we came from had something taken out of my back" he said throwing his hands up and stood to leave. "Nightmare" the young witch ordered. The demon's tail lashed out splitting along the way. Before the rat knew what happen he was pinned face first to a wall. Legs and arms held in place by the demon's tail.

The last lash of the demon's tail cut clean across the young rat's back splitting the back of his shirt open. From the bass of Alex's neck down to his belt were "x" and cross shape scars. But looking past the scars to the thicker bone under them showed a new side of him. "My god" the vixen gasped at the sight. "Freak, monster, those were the nicer things they called me" Alex said trying to turn his head away. "Not even a day after they had me put under the knife they had me back to working without a care if I lived from it."

The vixen shook her head. "Let him down" the child requested. The demon set the young male back on his feet and released his grip on him. "And they call me a monster" the demon spat. Sheba gently rested her left hand on her brother's back and spoke softly "Rainfall genesis." Alex froze up painfully has the spines of his back burned. Unable to scream feeling like someone was ripping his spine out the rat held himself.

The charge of power ripped through his back as sharp spikes cut through his skin and thick leaf green scales took their place along the path of scars. The piece of his ear that had been shot off grew back with fresh brown fur cover the new skin. His eyes blinked and sparked with a golden glow. To control the pain he beat his arms and fists into the wall before him. The cracking sound of bones gave way as bits of dust and stone chipped away from the wall.

Steam clouded from his face as he roared out in pain and rage. When her magic released him the child back away fearful of what harm she had done him. Breathing hard Alex fell to his knees as his eyes soften to their green color. "OW" he said weakly and fell to his side. Sheba looked on in horror whispering "I was only trying to help." The demon patted her on the head "your mind thought to heal his body but your heart wanted to heal his soul" he said. Alex's breathing softened as he slept. The spines along his back retracted leaving small round numbs.

The vixen sat next to the sleeping rat moving his head to rest in her lap. "Your magic woke his blood. Where you thought to heal the scars, his blood restored what he lost" the demon said and whipped his tail across the room. The demon's own magic went to work repairing the room. "I think I have done my share of harm today" the demon said as his tail flashed and relit itself "I leave him in your care." The demon left the room.

"What did he mean by that" the child asked. "I'm not sure" the vixen said petting Alex's head "but if his goal was to unlock Alex's strength then you did the work for him." "Roof roof." "Infrerna, what is it girl" Sheba asked petting the fiery folf's head. The folf's tails waged getting what she wanted. "Oh I see you didn't want to be left out" she said scratching her pet's ears. Ranger sat up from her nap followed over to where her master laid.

With a bark she licked his cheek, nudging his head with her nose till his hand rose and started petting her. Ranger's ember tail wagged as her master woke. "Hungry girl" he said starting to pick himself up. The black wolf barked her answer. "Alright, alright we'll got you something to eat." He said opening his eyes. His eyes were filled with the view of the vixens bust. Blushing sharply he looked up. "Are you ok Alex" she asked unfolding herself back to her feet.

"Aside from my back hurting and the room spinning everything is fine" he answered looking around "How did I get on the floor?" the four females looked between each other then all seemed to shrug. The rat held his stomach as he stood. "Man I'm hungry" he said. "Change your shirt and go eat" the vixen said. "After that get cleaned up" the folf child said "you're going out to night." Alex picked at his ear making sure it was cleaned out. "Wait, going out" he asked before the young girl cut him off shutting his mouth with her hand.

"Yes, you are going out now go eat and get ready" the girl said "we'll be back in an hour or so." Sheba left the room calling for pet who followed quickly after. "I'll look after her" the vixen said and left the young rat standing with his jaw hanging. The black wolf barked again reminding her master that she was there. "Alright let's go eat" he answered and led her from the room.