Mark's Day Off

Story by starforge on SoFurry

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After swelling to a titanic size, a human decides to finally quit worrying and enjoy his day as the biggest thing around.

I realize the title makes no sense, but I still thought this might be up a few folks' alley. Though Mark's a big ol' human here, I figure most of you will still enjoy it!

Once again, comments and critique are welcomed and appreciated! =D

The myriad varieties of anthros that populated Mark's home city never ceased to amaze him. The human had always marveled whenever he'd ventured towards the city center, unable to stop himself from staring in awe at the colorful mobs of fur and scales that filled the streets. Dragons and lions, wolves and bears, foxes and orcas, all sharing the same space, each anthropomorphic type displaying its own unique spectra of sizes, shapes, and colorations. He'd often found himself wandering about the streets, gazing all around him at the bustling crowds, knowing they'd be too busy to notice a stare or two.

Such a sight brought the man a sense of amazement, though it also had the unfortunate side effect of reminding him of his own relatively small existence. Though there were indeed a great many humans lost among the throngs of anthropomorphic creatures, their forms went about largely unnoticed, their lack of size, strength, or even a set of defining, striking features rendering them mediocre in the face of the more impressive species in their midst. Even as he'd walked within the streams of beings that crowded the walkways he could feel it; that subtle reminder that he was merely human, that he would forever walk about in the shadows of the greater, more capable creatures. He'd realized this long ago, and had long since come to accept it as the way things were, and that nothing that could ever happen would likely change his position in life.

That is, of course, until one peculiar day came to pass.

Like any other morning, the sun was hauled gently up into the sky, its warming rays bathing the city below it as its immense populace bustled away within the confines of its streets and towering, gleaming skyscrapers. As midday broke, thousands more joined the undulating, colorful masses in the streets, eager to snag a quick meal on their single, mercilessly short break before there were forced back into the confines of their employment. And then the tremors struck.

A smattering of screams broke through the streets as the earth rocked rhythmically beneath feet and paws alike. Cars and trucks bounced upon their suspensions, shaking their frightened passengers as they glanced around wildly for the source of the heavy slamming, fearing a great quake had seized their city. Then, from around the corner of an intersection in the office district, a great, towering foot slammed into the asphalt, tons and tons of pale-skinned flesh smashing a crackling crater into the street, a spiderweb of cracks chasing after a screaming crowd as the slightly-hairy foot put more of its owner's weight into the ground.

The front of a single car was smashed by the largest toe as it came down, the thick digit bouncing the automobile heavily as the hood, engine block, and front axle were all compressed into one dense metallic pancake. From the skies above, a deep, reverberating voice, the timbre barely recognizable at that of a male, boomed with the intensity of a thunderhead, the great groan rattling windows and forcing those fleeing the totaled sedan to cover their ears as they dashed in the opposite direction, "Oh damn it...sorry about that! I didn't mean it, I swear!"

Mark winced as his words were greeted by another wave of the high-pitched screams, glancing earthwards as he brought his left foot up next to his right, his gigantic sole mashing heavily against the crumbling streets once he'd determined no one was beneath it. He blushed a bit as he looked forward to the fleeing mass of anthros, watching as they abandoned their cars and scrambled away from his twenty story immensity as fast as their puny legs could carry them. Carnivores, herbivores, all ran from the immense man, his gargantuan body casting a shadow over the crowds as he watched them go.

The monstrous, slightly-skinny man loosed a windy sigh, his exhalation causing a stiff breeze that pushed its way down the avenue before him. He hadn't planned on spending his vacation day doing anything exciting, and he certainly hadn't planned on this. A simple day at home, perhaps, relaxing, catching up on sleep, maybe spending a few hours with a friend or two. But here he stood, a literal mountain of maleness, his massive, nude form impossible to miss as it loomed among the skyscrapers.

The odd mixture had come with only a single note, instructing the human to drink and "have a good time with it". Though he'd done the first, he'd almost regretted it, nearly smashing through his own home as he swelled rapidly to his current size. He glanced back the way he'd came, a blush and a smirk rising to his face at the sight of the trail of gigantic, footprint-shaped impacts he'd slammed into the road, as well as the collateral damage wrought by his passing.

Though he'd managed to enjoy himself despite his embarrassment, the man had initially been quite wary of displaying his magnified, naked body for the entire city, the thought of doing anything in the nude, never mind at such a tremendous size, striking him as too lewd for his tastes. When he realized that no one dared approach him, however, the titanic human finally forced himself into motion, rationalizing his trip towards the familiar, gleaming skyscrapers as something to pass the time. In truth, however, the human was slowly letting any sense of prudishness fall away; he'd already found himself smashing through streetlights with a deep giggle or two, and he'd eagerly ground his round, shapely hips against the smaller buildings when the street grew just a touch too narrow for his passage.

Now that he'd reached the city center, though, the colossal human was at a bit of a loss. He certainly wasn't about to embark on a destructive rampage; though the idea was certainly attractive in theory, the man was still the same relatively gentle being he'd been before he'd swelled to such proportions, and found the thought distasteful, to say the least. He glanced at his reflection in the shining, newly cleaned windows of the thirty-story office complex next to him, blushing and nervously running a hand through his dark, short hair as he realized exactly how lewd he appeared. His immense shaft, still engorged from the initial excitement of his transformation, throbbed in midair before him, the bus-sized girth pulsing almost audibly to the puny, fleeing beings below. His balls hung low within their hefty sack, the musky flesh swaying in the breeze.

He giggled weakly and managed to wave at the gawking workers within the massive, fragile tower, all of whom shrieked and collectively backed away from the windows as the mighty giant took notice. Mark sighed and lumbered forwards, glancing across rooftops as he watched hundreds of thousands of people flee his towering form. He already seemed to have mostly scared off the menagerie of anthros at his toes, and the rest would no doubt flee him before he could utter a single thunderous word. Was that it? Was he just supposed to chase those massive throngs of terrified citizens until he grew bored or was forced from his newly-gained stature?

As those anthros trapped inside their places of employment cowered for their lives, a low, thunderous gurgling filled the air, the wet rumbling shaking the very foundations of the surrounding blocks as it moaned and growled ominously. The human giggled softly as he glanced down at his belly, the whining pit reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything today. The thought of devouring unimaginable quantities of food began to pique the human's interest, and as he spied an immense supermarket on the edge of the city he changed his course. His earthshattering footfalls grew more frequent, each one slamming the ground with a sense of purpose. Those caught in his path shrieked in terror as the massive, smooth-skinned man stepped over their panicking forms to reach his meal, a small smile adorning his lips as he sought to appease his appetite.

Mark winced as he stepped into the parking lot, unable to keep himself from smashing a few rows of unoccupied vehicles beneath his mighty soles. The great, towering man lurched down to seat himself, grunting as his massive, round asscheeks flattened the remaining cars around him, his great weight shattering the entire lot as it slammed into the earth. He spread his legs around his prize, leaning over the vast building as he sought the best way to get at the meal inside. Punching a thick digit through the roof, the mighty human pulled the roof up as delicately as he could, managing to take the entire thing off of the store in one piece. "There we are!" He boomed triumphantly as he tossed the covering behind the superstore, wincing as the heavy crash and his own towering form drew a cacophony of horrified, shrill cries from the shoppers trapped inside.

"Heh, I'm only here for your food, don't worry!" He thundered to the puny anthros below, though none of them seemed to acknowledge his reassurance. The gargantuan man's embarrassed blush turned to a deep giggle as a slim female giraffe attempted to make a run for it out the front, only to find that only his wall-like thighs and massive, towering package awaited her, "I'm afraid this way's closed, ma'am." He gently teased the puny woman, snickering to himself as she stumbled back the way she came.

The human leaned over the tiny supermarket, eyes darting between the little shelves as he tried to discern which foods were which, as well as what he might try first. Grinning as he spotted the produce section, he reached down and yanked an entire refrigerated shelf of apples from the wall, tilting it so he wouldn't lose much of his snack as he tore it from its mountings. He raised the whole thing to his lips, opening that great maw wide as he simply dumped the entire load inside, a couple hundred pounds of the flavorful fruits disappearing into his maw. He crunched down upon them eagerly, noting with delight that, though his portions would be puny, the flavors were still perceptible. With a great, undulating ripple of his powerful gullet, he gulped down the store's entire stock of that particular fruit. He grinned quite pleasantly down at the store and its terrified occupants, casually tossing the shelving to the shattered pavement fat below.

Foods began disappearing from the supermarket at a rapid pace. Mark cleared out the produce section first, deciding to test his digestive powers on fruit rinds and seeds first before going for artificial packaging. Everything from potatoes to bananas to cauliflower disappeared by the shelf into the human's maw, and as he munched away on a few crates of green peppers, he chuckled at the thought that one couldn't very well be a picky eater when they were the size of the average skyscraper. Those caught within the section fled as the man plucked up shelves and crates all around them, though in truth he was being rather careful; every shelf he disposed of was tossed onto empty pavement, and he checked to ensure that he only snatched up shelving, rather than a terror-stricken shopper.

The giant was hardly sated by a single section of the store, however. Though he'd consumed at least several tons of fruits and vegetables, the portion was almost nothing to his magnified appetite. He groaned with pleasure as he chomped down on prepackaged meats, his great teeth tearing and pulverizing dozens of packages of bacon, mixing the meat and the artificial packaging together into a pinkish mash. "Mmm...heh, the plastic doesn't really taste like much of's more filler, really."

He chuckled as his tiny, unwilling companions within the store walls below merely cringed as he spoke, casually reaching for a massive tub of on-sale lunchmeats as he remarked, "You know, you all might as well fill up your carts...I don't think I'll notice as long as you don't get under my fingers. Besides, nobody's here to make you pay, right?" The human male chuckled around his mouthful of ham and salami as the tiny crowd merely shivered and stared up to him with awe and horror over in the desolate, ravaged produce section, giggling and shaking his head as some of the more skittish anthros yelped when he sent another shelf crashing to the earth below.

"Heh, suit yourselves, then."

He finished off the meats, going for the aisles and aisles of bread products next. He began leaning over the store as he was forced to reach farther back, his grinning, massive face and great, towering torso obstructing the skies above and casting the whole place in shadow. Though he was hardly a messy eater, bits of debris and food occasionally slipped from his massive lips, littering the floor below, a few unfortunate shoppers actually receiving hits from some of the saliva-laden bits of bread and plastic, much to their distress.

Mark could feel his belly slowly filling with food as he neared the end of the breakfast food aisle, sighing with relief after he'd swallowed an amalgamation of half the cereals in the store, along with their boxes. He'd been worried the store might not have enough to sate him, and that he'd be forced to continue rooting around for another massive food source. His gut gurgled sporadically now, bubbling away as his digestive enzymes began to dissolve his meal, packaging and all. Those who hadn't shut their eyes in fear were able to see it slowly swell from his intake, bulging slightly as he ate each food group by the ton. He found himself actually enjoying snacking his way through the supermarket; he'd managed to get a taste of just about everything imaginable, all in the same meal.

He chose the snack food aisles as his last course, his pleased humming vibrating the ground for blocks around as he treated himself to dozens of boxes of cookies, grinning as he tastes pinpricks of different flavors scattered across his vast tongue. Chips and crackers went next, their brief, puny crunches yielding a burst of salty, cheesy, spicy flavors into his cavernous maw, along with other trace tastes he could barely identify. Though he'd mostly left the frozen foods alone, the giant gleefully wrenched up the ice-cream freezers, his hot, humid mouth easily melting the cool treat, allowing him to let it trickle to the back of his throat, only swallowing after he'd savored the dessert.

Mark sighed happily and patted his belly, the lean man's gut sporting a "slight" increase in its girth from the dozens of tons of food he'd consumed. "Mmm...heh, not bad! The flavor combination was pretty neat..." He paused, noting that his throat had grown rather dry over the course of his meal. He glanced down around the store he'd basically demolished, his pleased, billboard-sized grin rising back to his face as he spotted the perfect aisle for the job.

"Whoops! Almost forgot my drink." He reached in and plucked up the soda refrigerators, clutching one in each hand. Lifting them up, he stared at them in momentary confusion, wondering to himself exactly how he might drink something stored in such small containers. A deep giggle boomed through the air as a thought came to him, and immediately he raised them both over his open, vast maw, dumping their contents inside until they began to fill his cheeks, perplexing all who had chosen to watch rather than cower in fear.

Then, the gigantic man bit down, and a great, muffled crunch was heard as thousands of soda cans and bottles were smashed by his unyielding, boulder-sized teeth. Mark groaned with approval as hundreds of gallons of the sweet, fizzy liquid flowed to the back of his throat, and he swallowed both his beverage and its many containers in only a pair of mighty gulps. He paused for a moment, a playful, giddy glint in his massive eyes as he glanced around, noting that many had stopped on the roads and in the shops across the four-lane roadway to watch the spectacle of a monstrous human terrorizing a grocery store. Then, when the pressure in his belly had built up sufficiently, Mark opened his maw, and let loose.

All sound for blocks around was blotted out as an earthshattering, deafening belch ripped through the air. Car alarms wailed as the sonic shockwave from the mighty burp slammed into them, and windows rattled as people cowered in terror from the massive case of gas. Mark burst into deep, thunderous laughter as he listened to the car alarms and the chorus of discordant screams he'd elicited with his playful expulsion, shaking his head as he hauled himself upwards, his feet once again smashing the pavement as he lifted his slightly-greater tonnage, "Whew...heh, that was a good one... He snickered as he caught a whiff of his breath, noting with a thunderous giggle that the people in the supermarket below were currently groaning with displeasure at the stench.

"Heh, aw c'mon, lighten up!" He boomed to them, chuckling as they all looked up to him at once, winking playfully before he turned to make his way out of the parking lot and back into the city center. "I could've let it out the other end!"

Mark chuckled deeply as he made his way down a city sidestreet, observing that, in the time it took for him to devour a supermarket, the city had already been somewhat evacuated. Only a few stragglers were left as he took asphalt-smashing steps further downtown, making it much easier to ensure that they didn't wind up between his toes and the road. He was even able to discern their reactions; for those that could not turn their shocked gazes away from him long enough to continue fleeing, he would flash them a titanic, toothy smile, casually stepping over them and thundering a greeting, as if he weren't tall enough to gaze across the roofs of apartment complexes or large enough to have his shapely, fleshy hips grinding against the occasional edifice or outcropping.

His size was in a much different light for him, now. Whether it had merely been the meal cheering him up or a simple matter of getting used to his new bulk, Mark found himself somewhat pleased with his tremendous stature. He loved the sensation of the pavement cracking beneath him, the knowledge that his every move influenced his surroundings profoundly. Though he was still relatively gentle, the screams of the tiny beings at his toes was no longer a source of embarrassment, but of amusement.

The huge human turned onto the main street running down the center of the city, and he could not help but loose a heavy, foundation-rocking giggle at the sight that greeted him. Not six blocks down, the city police, who up until now had not so much as addressed his enormity, had set up a series of concrete barriers, a minefield of their sleek cruisers and large, black, boxy SWAT trucks further obstructing the path to the other side of the town. Hundreds of puny policeman, human and anthro alike, were lined up, each one with a weapon trained firmly upon his towering, fair-skinned form. He could hear the steady rumble of a chopper in the distance, and as he listened a tiny voice, amplified only by a rather inadequate megaphone, called out to him.

"Attention! Cease your attack immediately! If you do not surrender yourself at once, we-"

Mark cut off the tiny officer with a great, booming chuckle, snorting and shaking his head, "Attack? Really?" He stepped forwards slowly, deliberately, letting his foot sink into the crackling street as he watched the crowd of cops tense up, "Oh come on, I'd hardly call this an attack...what did I even do that was so bad?" He pouted playfully, staying still for the moment as he waited for that tiny voice to reply, scanning the little figures for the one who addressed him.

The reply came, tinny and stammering, as if his answer itself had been more of a shock than anything, "Y-you've caused millions in property damage! And you're striking fear into the citizens! A-and-"

"And that's pretty much it, right?" The human titan chuckled, his massive, lean body lumbering slowly towards the barricade, his every step shaking the earth as he dared them to do something, a look of complete amusement upon his face as he began to settle into his role, "Okay, let's break that down. So I'm scaring people. I can't help that people are afraid of someone my size, right? And as for that property damage, I'm gonna chalk the stuff I've been doing to the roads and buildings as unavoidable, so you can't really be mad about that." He halted his massive footfalls a few dozen meters before the barricade, his looming, towering form casting a gigantic shadow over the baffled, frightened policeman present. He smirked as he added, his erection still at full mast and pulsing away as it bobbed in the gentle breeze, "And as for that supermarket..." He crouched, letting his cockhead dip low to slap the asphalt, slamming a crater into its surface and eliciting many a startled yelp from the more anxious policeman present, "I'm a big boy, as you can see...and a big boy's gotta eat, right?"

The puny fox with the megaphone stepped backwards nervously beneath the giant's heavy shadow and taunting smirk, his response losing resolve by the second, "Th-that doesn't matter...y-you still can't-"

"Can't what?" The lean-bodied, hairy-legged giant leaned over, his face blotting out the sun as it hung a couple dozen feet above the terrified line of policemen defending him, his eyes narrowed on his challenger, "If you wanna get technical, I could do whatever I wanted. I could crush your little police force and then smash your town to nothing but rubble if I chose." He snorted, blasting the first rows of shaky cops with his humid breath, "You've got nothing here than could put a dent in me, and we both know it. So," He summoned his pleasant grin once again, the massive, amiable expression startling the uniformed vulpine almost as much as anything the titanic human had done so far in his romp, "if I were you, I'd just take my word that I won't hurt anyone and go home knowing you've just dodged a bullet...or would you rather I actually play the monster?"

He gave the slack-jawed, dumbfounded fox a massive, toothy grin, lurching back up to his full, gargantuan height. Cries of terror rang out as the mountain of man stepped forwards, his fleshy foot slamming into the earth on the other side of the barricade, sending those officers in the back to their knees from the heavy impact. Awestruck stares were directed upwards as he casually stepped over the barricade they'd constructed, his genitals bouncing and swaying above as he took his time with the lengthy motion, his musk filling the air. The lean tower of a human male snickered to himself as he stomped down the remainder of the main street, heading towards the docks as his murmuring echoed off of the buildings, "That ought to take care of to take care of this..." His massive digits wrapped about his immense, throbbing length, and the titanic human growled eagerly, his great soles crunching the abandoned vehicles in the streets like tin cans as he stomped back through the city.

Mark's toothy grin grew wider as he caught sight of his target: the new high-speed railway station. The titanic, towering man turned off the freeway as he changed his course towards the railway, casually stepping over a bridge leading over the roadway, leaving those cowering upon it to stare up in awe of the giant as he left the cratered, decimated freeway behind. The pale-fleshed human loosed a deep giggle as he made a beeline for the station, able to hear the discordant chorus of tinny screams of terror upon the breeze, barely perceiving their tiny forms fleeing into the metallic building. His shaft throbbed with an aching, burning want, the great, pulsing pillar of flesh bouncing heavily as his tremendous steps carried his towering form through the parking lot, great, thick drops of precum sent flying down to earth as his massive feet flattened the rows of vehicles in his way.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience," The towering titan of a human thundered playfully as he seated himself, rocking the station between his thighs as his great rump slammed into the asphalt, pressing a great indent into its surface, "But I'm afraid your train will be delayed indefinitely..." He grunted and leaned forwards, reaching over the station to grasp the sleek engine, yanking it from the rest of the cars with a firm tug, his thick, monstrous fingers wrapping around the car as he lifted it high into the air. As he leaned forwards, his throbbing towering shaft slammed into the front of the massive station, denting the building's edifice and eliciting a new wave of terrified cries from those inside.

The human male laughed softly and shook his head as he listened to the screaming cries of those within the little building, inspecting his prize before setting the empty bullet train to the side. "Oh come on, you're going to scream yourselves hoarse if you keep that up!" He snickered as he glanced down to the windows, watching as the lines of beings pressed up against them suddenly backed away beneath his gaze.

"There's really no need to be!" The towering titan reached down, hooking his fingers beneath the roof of the shiny building. Grunting softly, he pulled it up from the structure, ignoring the heavy crackling of plaster and the shrieking of metal as it drowned out the crowds below.

Mark tossed the roof out past the tracks, the great hulk landing with a resounding crash as he turned his attention to those inside the station, his toothy grin replacing the roof above their heads, " there's nowhere for you to scurry off too!"

The towering human's playful smile waned just slightly as the crowd continued to shriek up at him, and the giant loosed a great, windy sigh as he reached back for the train, snorting softly as he lifted the vehicle up to his lips, "You know, you all could stand to calm down. It's not like I'm doing anything that bad..." He paused, opening him maw wide as he held the long, smooth bullet train car above him, metal crumpling beneath his powerful fingers as he let the nose dip towards his maw.

For a moment, it appeared to the frightened, cowering crowd as if the mighty human was about to eat the train, watching as he lowered almost its entire length into his maw, a portion of it just entering his cavernous throat. Then, he pulled it back upwards, his full lips slurping across its smooth length, wetting the entire vehicle in warm, sticky drool. He made a bit of a face as he finished, booming to himself as droplets of his saliva dripped onto the crowds between his great thighs, "Bleh...they could stand to make these things taste better..."

The massive man turned back down to the puny throngs of anthros and humans, his playful smirk returning to his billboard-sized face as he lowered the train to the earth, "Now, I'll prove I'm only here for a little fun..." He leaned back, booming playfully to the trapped denizens within the railway station, his voice thundering for blocks around, "If you'll look out the front, please!"

Mark giggled as he laid back, his buttocks grinding chunks of asphalt to dust as he shifted his mighty tonnage. He spread those massive thighs even further, and those who followed the titan's instruction were greeted by the sight of the two-hundred-foot man's great, puckered anus. The orifice twitched and pulsed, eagerly awaiting the entry of the smooth, wetted-down bullet train held within those titanic, thick digits. Mark moaned with delight as he teased the outer edges of his sphincter with the tip of his new toy, grunting heavily as he began to push the train within himself.

The crowds of furs and scalies gasped and yelped as a great quake rocked the ravaged building, Mark's pleasure-filled spasm shaking the very earth. From beyond the glass windows, they watched as the train slid inside his rectum, His anus twitch and squelched as it eagerly accepted more and more of the girthy, metallic length, the occasional shriek of metal or the shattering of glass accompanying its convulsions. The giant's great, breathy gasps rolled through the air above, a deep giggle managing to boom forth as he laid down on the parking lot, groaning as the rest of the unsmashed cars were flattened beneath his bulk, "Oof...heh, now comes the good part..."

The titanic human male gripped his great, pulsing length in one hand, his other holding fast to the train lodged within his rectum. Slowly, steadily, he pulled the train out, pumping up and down his fleshy, heat-radiating length as he readied himself, a single bead of his precum sliding down his thick fingers. Then, with a grunt of pleasure, he rammed the smooth metal length back in, loosing a thunderous yelp as he plunged the toy deep inside himself, a great burst of pleasure and discomfort echoing through his rump as his sphincter squelched and metal groaned..

The crowd inside the station yelped as the titanic human began to shift and groan, the very earth trembling as he began thrusting the train inside his mighty rump, each time seeming more and more eagerly to plunge the vehicle deeper and deeper. Up above, his great, thick hand pumped away at his mighty shaft, the occasional drop of precum flying over the station walls to splash atop some unfortunate anthro. Up above, a great, powerful musk began wafting through the air, a scent that was not lost upon the playful, horny man's prisoners. Some backed to the rear of the station in terror...but an adventurous few stayed to the front, eyes glued to the windows as they watched their train become engulfed by the towering man outside, eyeing the pulsing pillar of flesh above with a strange, eager sense of wonder.

The massive quakes lasted a few minutes, the most lewd show the city had ever played host to bringing itself to a close as Mark managed to wedge the entire train firmly up his titanic ass. The gigantic man yowled with delight, his volume enough to rattle window as his anus closed about the rear of the bullet train like the maw of a hungry beast. His great hand pumped wildly at his massive shaft, a few final spurts of sticky, warm precum raining down upon the crowds as they were nearly sent to their feet by the enormous human's heavy rocking.

Suddenly, a deafening roar pierced the atmosphere, the great exclamation audible throughout the entire region as a final burst of pleasure slammed into the titanic man. His massive form fell back, that great tower of pale-fleshed man compressing the entire parking lot beneath his back. His fingers fell away from his cock as it spasmed and pulsed, and from within his hefty sack his balls churned away. Great, thick ropes of hot, sticky cum shot dozens of feet in the air, the fountain of seed blasting in all directions. Those in the station screamed as they were caught by a particularly heavy blast, a wave of milky, musky fluid raining down upon them, sending a swath of anthros to their knees as they were caught in the lewd rain. Those who remained watching found their jaws dropping as the mighty giant finished himself off, unable to turn their gazes from the largest orgasm they had ever- or would ever -witness.

Mark caught his breath as his stream finally petered out, his cock beginning to deflate just as the wondrous wave of pleasure. He laughed weakly as he pulled himself upright, grunting softly as he sat. He shifted his weight about, shaking the earth as he tried to push the bullet train lodged within his rectum into a more comfortable position. When the train lay comfortably engulfed within his mountainous form, the gigantic man ceased his earthshaking twitching, sitting up as he gazed inside the station.

From within the ruined, musk-scented building, dozens of eyes were pointed skywards as the sun was blotted out above them. They stared up as that towering human leaned over them, the image of his titanic form forever etching itself into their memories. The mountain of lean human loomed down closer, cum gently sliding down his chest and belly as he leaned above.

Mark smirked as he gazed down at the anthros he'd made witness to his titanic orgasm. Though he'd never considered it before, having an audience for such things had brought the human great pleasure...especially knowing that his audience was essentially at his mercy. And as he stared down through the tiny beings before him, he suspected that a few of them were no longer content with being mere viewers.

For a moment, the titanic man glanced back towards the suburbs, back towards the house he'd stumbled from that morning. It might have been a good idea to go and actually see if there was any way of reversing what had been done to him...but then he shook his head. Who cared whether or not it could be reversed? He wasn't in any trouble...and besides, he still had the rest of his day off to enjoy!

So, with a deep giggle, the human thundered down to his captives,

"Heh, I think you all get the idea! Now, for round two, I think I'm going to need a few volunteers..."

Under the Influence

He yawned as he stepped into the bathroom, rubbing his tuft of headfur in a daze, his jaws parting in a wide, low yawn as he flicked on the lights. A black, fuzzy tail swished away in his wake as he stretched, joints and ligaments creaking and popping...

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The Last Day

_Thoom._ An echo ricochets off the maze of walls, the deep booming unstoppable as it invaded every corner of the metropolis. The noise bounced from building to building, leaving a startled populace in its wake. Life in the city paused as the wave of...

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Love in Plain Sight

_Bzzt!-Bzzt!-Bzzt!-Bzzt!-Bzzt!-Bzzt!-Bzzt!-Bzzt!-Bzzt!-Bzzt!- **WHUMP!** _ _ _ The heavy slam of a great, meaty palm silenced the bleating alarm clock. Beneath the lumpy, hilled mass of sheets and comforters, a deep groan rumbled forth. The low...

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