Dragon Toys

Story by Elanna on SoFurry

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Another commission, this one is my first attempt at a macro story :>

Dragon Toys

by Anawyn

Terry sipped his drink. He was sitting at a table with his friend Jennifer, talking casually as they met for lunch. They were sitting outside a small deli, one neither had tried before. Terry was a fairly average man in his mid-twenties. A little on the short side, about 5'7", he had brown hair, light skin, and was dressed in casual business wear at the moment. He listened idly as his friend talked about her day.

"So then they got the report, but they said the font was wrong. Ugh, it's a weekly report, how wrong can the font be for something they'll only look at once? So we had to run it again. This whole week's really been frustrating," she growled, and took an angry bite of her sandwich.

Terry nodded, looking at her. Jennifer was an attractive woman with raven black hair and features whose ethnicity he could never quite place. She looked. . . foreign, he could say that much, though she said she'd been born here. She was slightly taller than him, with a slender body and a small chest. She generally dressed casually, a bit boyishly, and currently just wore jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes. She'd never shown any romantic interest in him, or in any guy for that matter, but she'd been a good friend for about a year now. He responded, "Well, at least it's over. Planning on doing anything this weekend?"

Jennifer thought about that, "I don't know. I've been sort of off recently. I guess we could catch a movie or something. It just feels like my life isn't going anywhere right now, more just waiting for something."

Terry smiled, "I'm sure that will pass. And we can find something fun to do. There's that new park downtown, it's supposed to have a really nice fountain. You can walk through the jets of. . ." He trailed off, noticing Jen was seeming strangely agitated.

She was scratching at the back of her hand, a distracted expression on her face. She glanced down, just as he did. Both stared at the small, metallic blue scales visibly growing there. Terry made a strangled noise.

Jen chuckled, "Oh, that's just great. They couldn't warn me about this? I guess we're going to do things the messy way then." She shook her head, smiling softly as the scales began to spread.

"M-messy? What do you mean, what's happening to your hand?"

She glanced up at him, then blushed. He could see more of the scales growing in across her forehead, "Well, there's something I've never told you, Terry. It's, hmm. Well, I'm an alien. A space alien, and my disguise is starting to war off." The scales grew along her arms now and down her cheeks. Other diners were starting to notice, peering over and whispering.

Terry blinked, then chuckled, "A space alien? Come on, this is weird, but not that weird." He tried to speak calmly, but there was a bit of uncertainty in his voice. This really did look strange. Her nails were beginning to sharpen, and he could see what looked like horns growing from the sides of her head.

Jen's shirt began to strain, and Terry realized he could see her nipples pressed tightly against it. She grinned, and leaned closer. She seemed to be looming over him a bit more, the scales growing across her full face and arms now, going from metallic blue to steel along her chin and neck, "Oh, it's not that weird. It happens more than you think, you know. The UFO theorists are right about us being interested in Earth, just not for the reasons they think." She was clearly growing, he could see now that she'd gained several inches on him, and her shirt was starting to tear at the seams.

Terry swallowed, trying not to panic. Something was obviously happening to her, something not normal. He looked around at the others sitting near them. Most were staring. A few were getting up, starting to move away. There was shock, horror. He looked back at Jen. He didn't feel horrified himself. He was surprised, and even scared, but he was sure this was still the girl he knew so well. She smiled at him. Her teeth looked sharp now, pointy. Well, mostly the same girl.

He spoke softly, mind not quite working at full power for the moment, "So. . . what are you going to do now?" He watched as her pretty face began to push out, elongating. There were a few snaps as her shirt started to give. Her chest in particular was straining, much of her growth seeming to concentrate in her breasts. He couldn't help staring at how large they'd gotten, and the way the fabric stretched so tightly over them.

She shook her head out a little. Her black hair was shifting too, retaining its color but flowing back more like a mane. Scales had grown in across all of her that he could see now, and her face was starting to look like a short snout, "Right now I'm going to. . . rrr, hold on." She held up a claw, then stood up.

Several patrons bolted at this, the tables around them clearing swiftly. The were right by a busy street though, and plenty of people were still watching from a safer distance. It all felt a bit dream-like to Terry, the very unreality of it one of the main things keeping him from panicking.

Jen was tall now, looming several feet over him. Her clothes were ripping apart from the size change. Three claws poked out from her shoes, which were starting to shred. She looked more muscular too, a certain power rippling beneath her scaled arms even beyond her expanding size. Seams tore wide open all along her shirt and she grabbed it, ripping it free with a happy sigh. Terry stared at her exposed, scaled breasts and blushed. They were round and firm, covered in steel gray scales with large blue nipples in the middle.

There was more screaming around him, but Terry just watched. He was certainly scared now, but fascinated too. And aroused.

Jen glanced over and smirked at him. She kicked off the remains of her shoes, revealing large, three-toed feet with thick claws. Her legs shifted stance as her jeans tore down the sides. There was a wriggling in the rear of her pants, and then a thick tail broke through, lashing out and finishing off the jeans, which fell apart and off. She stretched and crooned, flexing her shoulders and digging her thick toes into the ground, "Oh, that feels so much better, mmm." Her tail swayed slowly as she relaxed, and looked over at her friend as her snout pushed out to its proper length.

Terry's friend Jennifer was now an eight foot tall anthro dragon. Her body was covered in metallic blue scales with steel along her belly, chin, and undertail. Her head sported a thick, black mane that traveled down to the small of her back and began again along her tail. Her eyes looked much the same to him, aside from a new steel coloration and her slender snout was. . . attractive, he had to admit. Below her neck, a pair of firm, round breasts bulged, topped by thick blue nipples. His gaze kept straying there without meaning to, she'd always been so flat before and now. . . he wasn't even sure what size those were. They were huge. There was only the faintest hint of pink between her legs, that part of her modesty mostly kept by covering scales. Four-fingered hands and three-toed feet ended in sharp, steel claws, though they still looked quite graceful. Standing on digitigrade legs, her body was powerful, strong, and still growing. Terry gulped, "Jen?" He asked softly.

The dragoness stepped closer, tail swaying behind her and knocking over a table. She knelt down to be more at his height, then kissed his nose. Her lips were slightly cool, but nice, "Yes, I'm still Jen. Well, my name's actually Jendayi, but I'm the same person inside." She placed a large hand on his shoulder. Terry was trying to think. This was all happening so fast. She clearly wasn't lying, or things were at least as weird as she was claiming at any rate. And god, she was sexy, her massive chest thrust right in front of him as she kneeled there. It seemed wrong to be turned on by a big, scaly monster. . . but his body didn't seem to care. She appeared to notice this as well, and grinned, "Mmm, and you don't seem to mind much, do you?"

Terry could hear sirens approaching, but the noise around them had otherwise nearly ceased. People had cleared well out of the way, and were now just watching him and the dragon. She must have been nearly ten feet tall by now, her snout having to angle down a bit to look at him.

"No. . . I guess not. If this is who you are, that's okay. You still seem just as nice and. . . you're very pretty." He blushed and smiled a little, reaching up gingerly to stroke her snout, "Do you need to leave now? I think the police will be hear soon, I don't know what they'll do when they see you."

She smiled at him fondly, crooning at the touch, "Thank you, I knew you were a good friend. And no, I'm not leaving. Or rather, we're all leaving together." As she spoke, the sky darkened overhead. Police cars skidded to a halt, lights flashing. The police officers stepped out of their cars, joining in as everyone stared up at the sky.

The entire sky was taken up by a vast, glowing spaceship. Terry's mouth fell open. He couldn't even imagine how large it must be to block out the entire sky that way. Miles and miles. His mind had trouble even fully processing it.

A large door opened in the center of it and a soft blue light poured out, bathing the city. The screaming began again around him, people running for shelter. Terry looked at Jen, and she smiled reassuringly, then put her arm around him, pulling him up against her large chest, "Hold on, this can be a little bumpy. I was planning to do this a little more smoothly, but with the disguise wearing off, we'll just have to pull everything out now."

He was squished in against her bosom, and had a hard time responding as the heavy orbs rubbed against him. Pull everything out? He squeezed in tighter, gripping her body as hard as he could, trusting her own arm more than his. His feet suddenly left the ground, and he realized she'd stood up, still holding him easily. She was well over twelve feet tall now, and he knew he must look small against her.

The ground shook beneath her feet, Terry held firm in her powerful grip. He had a feeling he knew what was happening, and a glance up confirmed it. As the city shook and trembled, it was being lifted up into the sky, approaching that glowing, gaping hole.

He squirmed a little, pulling his head up from the cleavage, "Are you taking the whole city?" he gasped, shifting a bit more. He couldn't truly complain about the position, but it was a little awkward.

She was looking up, like everyone else, but glanced down as he spoke, "Yes, at least as much of it as we can. We normally announce it first, but when the disguise wears off, it's best to take care of things quickly. It's messy, but much less so than dealing with an angry government." Her body continued its growth, nearing fifteen feet now. She shifted her feet, knocking another table out of the way.

Terry watched as the entrance to the ship came ever closer. Only a few of the police were trying to calm people down, most were joining in the general panic, "What do you want us for though? Why were you in disguise?" he asked, trying not to let his own panic get to him.

"Oh, I just wanted a closer look, wanted to see what your people were like personally. We can always use more helpers, and your species seemed suitable. They do look a bit weird without fur or scales, admittedly, but that's easily fixable." She spoke casually. Her body had gained several more feet as they talked, getting close to twenty feet tall. Her chest was nearly as tall as he was. The city was almost there now, the details inside more visible. Strangely, it looked like there was another sky inside, "We can talk about that later if you care though." She grinned, "There are much more fun topics to worry about now. Like, how do you think I look?"

Terry was caught off guard by that question, and stammered, "Look? You look nice. Big, and scaly but, um, pretty." He blushed, "And, well, yeah. Sexy," he admitted, his whole body smooshed against her chest.

The city finally rose up into the ship. There was what he could only assume was an artificial sky up above. He thought he could make out the far walls where it ended, but it was hard to see that far. The size of all this struck him again. The shaking stopped as the city settled into place.

The twenty-five foot tall Jendayi grinned, and leaned against the roof of the small deli, "Mmm, I'm happy to hear that, hon. I've got something special planned then, something I think you'll like. We'll just need to get you ready." She glanced around, "They should be coming. . . ah, there."

The ground shook again. People were preying, or just whimpering at each other. Terry looked around too, then saw it. There was another dragoness, and this one dwarfed even Jendayi. She was a metallic green anthro dragon and unlike the one clutching him, she had large wings on her back. She was also far more modestly sized in the chest. She was more modest in general, really, since she actually wore clothing: a short darker green skirt and matching blouse. He couldn't quite decide her actual height at first, but as she stepped closer, he realized that this was just because his mind wasn't used to anything living being so large. Seeing her step over buildings, he decided she must be over five hundred feet tall.

The panic had begun anew around him as people spotted this new threat. Terry had begun to stop paying attention to his fellow humans and their screaming. He understood how they felt, but he was actually beginning to relax, despite the giant humanoid reptiles.

Jendayi glanced at him, "I'm going to hand you to Kifi here. She'll get you set up, and then we can meet up after for a little fun," she teased.

He blushed again as she reached up towards the larger dragon, her thirty foot form tiny compared to Kifi's. His mind wandered a bit towards what that fun might be, a bit unsure what he could even do for his large friend now. He was eager to try though. His face was still red as he answered, "I'll be looking forward to it."

Kifi reached down very carefully, holding out a massive fingertip. He stepped gingerly from Jendayi's grip to the enormous claw, then had to hold on tight as she lifted him high up into the air. A building-sized face smiled at him, "Just a short walk little one, hang on." He was more than happy to comply.

Kifi walked swiftly as he clung to her finger, and he finally got a good look around the interior of the ship. He realized that it held more than just his city. Cities with all sorts of strange, alien architecture spread out all around the small human city. Spired towers, glass domes, even hovering buildings were present. Disturbingly, most were in ruins, many looking smashed or crushed. The other thing he quickly noticed was there there were quite a few other dragons, both male and female, of Kifi's size converging on the human habitation. Like Kifi, they were all dressed as well.

She seemed to pick up some of his worry, "Your people will be cleared out, and treated well. The dwellings here are primitive compared to what we will offer, so they're left deserted," Kifi explained. He supposed he felt a bit better about that at least.

He had only a few minutes to experience the room of cities before Kifi approached the wall of it. He began to realize that there was a door there, sized for the five hundred foot tall reptile to fit through easily. It hissed open, the power involved in moving it immense, especially as it opened swiftly and smoothly, out of her way.

She stepped through, and Terry peered down to see what this new room was like. There was a wide path down the middle, sized just about right for someone of Kifi's size. To either side of that were rectangular boxes of varying sizes. Trying to estimate from his height, he figured the boxes must be reasonably sized buildings.

Suddenly, he found himself being lowered swiftly through the air, down towards one of the larger boxes. Kifi's hand reached the floor, and she tilted her claw down so he could slide off. He did so carefully, landing gently on his feet. A voice boomed, "Have fun!" from above him, before she stood up and walked off, the shaking slowly subsiding.

He turned away from her and looked at the box. There was a large, open door and two normal-sized, smiling aliens gesturing for him to come in. One was serpentine, with black scales and a purple pattern along her back. Like the other apparent reptiles here, she had an obvious chest, covered by a red top. A second red tube obscured where he could only assume her genitals would be, as her lower half was entirely that of a large snake. Next to her was an alien that looked like a canine of some sort. He thought fox, despite the purple fur, though he supposed she really wasn't actually any species he knew. She had on a small black dress. Both looked friendly, so he went in as directed.

The snake hissed and smiled, "Welcome, you must be Terry. We've been hearing a good deal about you." As they led him inside, the door slid shut behind him. It was rather like a hangar inside, mostly empty aside from a small table in the middle of the room with several jars and vials on it, "Just come over here, and we'll get started," she coaxed.

Terry walked along with the two alien girls, feeling very confused, "You're heard about me? And what are we getting started on? I haven't really been told anything about it." He peered at the table a little as they approached it.

The vixen, or at least the one he was thinking of that way, giggled, "Oh, we assumed you were told. Lady Jendayi had a special request put in for you. She wants you to be a dragon, as quickly as possible." She smiled warmly at this, clearly not expecting any protest.

Terry stopped walking, blinking in surprise, "A dragon? But I don't. . ." He paused. He was about to say that he didn't want to be a dragon. Was that true? He hadn't thought about it before, it wasn't exactly an option in the non-crazy alien world. It seemed he was going to be a part of this place now, and it did seem more appealing to be one of the giant dragons, rather than the tiny, human-sized aliens. Or just humans, in his case. And Jen had promised him some fun. . .

He blushed, and then grinned a little, "Um, sure, I can be a dragon then. How does that work exactly?" He glanced at the table again.

The two aliens walked and slithered, over, putting their hands on him. The snake spoke, "Mmm, well, first we get you out of those clothes. They're not going to be very comfortable pretty soon," she chrrred, pulling his shirt up while her companion tugged open his pants.

Terry blushed brighter, but nodded, seeing the logic in that. It was strange, but he really liked having them all over them. The strange, animalistic bodies weren't what he was used to, but they were sexy just the same, and he enjoyed it. They giggled and crooned happily as they stripped off his clothes, tossing them into a little heap out of the way.

This did of course reveal his stiffening erection. They noticed it, and the vixen stroked a paw over the warm, human length, "Ooh, that's cute."

Cute wasn't quite the word he was hoping for. He had a fairly average six inches, and it was far from flaccid, "Um, thank you?" he blushed, not used to being examined that way, "So, mmm, now what?" he asked, a bit distracted as she kept rubbing, his erection rising the rest of the way.

The snake slithered over to the table, picking up one of the vials. She also grabbed a large backpack from it, holding a pair of heavy canisters. It had a hose attached, currently still hooked to the pack itself. She hoisted this onto her back, then slithered over again.

Terry watched, though his attention kept shifting between her and the purple fox playing with his cock. She licked it now, her canine tongue strange, but nice on his sensitive skin, "Oooh, ah, mmm, why do you call them dragons, anyway? I thought that's just how I was thinking of them."

The serpent handed him the vial, "Drink this, hon. And it's just the translation, everything's being filtered into your language. I was sort of surprised you didn't ask what a dragon was, I guess you have a similar species on your world."

He took the vial, looking at it. It was a glowing, pink liquid, "Well, sort of. . . " He stared at the vial a bit longer, then shrugged and smiled, "Down the hatch." He took a deep breath, then gulped down the vial. It was actually fairly tasty, though it burned a little on the way down. The vixen kissed the top of his shaft and finally stood up, taking a step back.

Both aliens watched him. He stood there, feeling quite exposed as the girls stared at him. He assumed something was going to happen. His stomach was gurgling a little. He smiled self-consciously, and the aliens smiled back.

The feeling hit him then. A pulsing, throbbing power pounded through him. It was wonderful, he could feel it rippling through every inch of him. He let out a loud gasp.

The snake grinned, hissing in amusement, and unhooked her hose. She twisted the nozzle, and began spraying him. A gentle mist settled over him, shining on his bare skin. The vixen wagged her tail, and began rubbing her paws over him, kneading the liquid into his flesh as the other alien sprayed it on.

Terry looked down at himself. He was growing larger, his body bulging with muscle and power. He lifted a hand, flexing the fingers. His nails were sharpening, lengthening, hardening into claws.

His body glistened as the spraying was finished, and the snake woman slithered over to help rub it into his swelling form. He'd gained a foot already, and his shimmering was starting to take on an almost metallic look. The scaled and furred paws stroked over hardening skin, both girls crooning happily as they did.

He ran his tongue along his teeth. They were sharpening now, and his tongue felt a little longer too. He began to growl, a low, pleasant sound, "Mmm, wow, this feels great. Does everyone get this sort of treatment?" he asked. He'd gained another foot, and an equal level of bulk. Already he was having to look down at the aliens.

The fox shook her head. She was stroking down his thigh, now definitely glistening silver, "No, only a few are chosen to be dragons. And you are a special case even then, so we are here to make sure things go smoothly. And to keep you happy." She winked, and squeezed his cock. Her paw had trouble wrapping around it now.

Terry shivered happily. He could feel claws growing out from his toes now, and the scales beginning to harden all over his body. Verging on ten feet tall, his throbbing cock had doubled in size, approaching a foot and a half now. The flesh was taking on a shiny black and silver skin grew around the base, holding it snuggly. He moaned, then felt something flick behind him. He glanced back.

The serpent was stroking the tip of a tail as it formed, slowly stretching out, waving in her gentle grasp. It rubbed against her body and she hissed happily, pressing up against it as she coiled with with thick, new appendage.

Twelve feet now, and his body began to stoop. Terry frowned at this, face pushed out a little as he glanced down, "Mmm, something feels weird." He realized that was a bit of an understatement, considering what he body was doing, but he meant beyond that. He watched his five clawed toes thicken and merge into just four. His scales were thickening, especially along his belly, muscles tensing beneath them. Definitely an understatement.

The vixen moved reluctantly away from his stiff, black cock, "You should probably go down on all fours," she advised. Terry went down as advised, feeling significantly more comfortable. His hands too developed into four-clawed paws as they touched down. He rumbled a little, tail lashing. It felt so natural already, strong claws flexing. His new snout worked as he looked back at himself, "Rrrr, four legs?" he growled out as he settled into this stance. His cock was longer in relation to his body now, about five feet to his fifteen.

Even on four legs, he stood taller than his two helpers. The fox crawled under him, going back to stroking his dangling, black length. He arched up, loving the feel of the much longer, thicker, larger shaft. The snake slithered around, reaching up to stroke his growing snout. He leaned it down with a chrrr, neck stretching out as his tail swished, "It's what was requested. Your forepaws are still mostly prehensile. We don't normally do this, but mmm, I think it looks nice." The fox nodded, and giggled, kissing the big black cock.

Terry could feel the growth slowing as he approached twenty feet, with nearly as much for his tail. His body glimmered with smooth, silver scaled, while a sheathed cock and heavy balls dangled between his legs. He felt good, strong, and decided he didn't mind being on four legs if it felt like this, "Mmmm, well, I suppose it's okay." His voice was deep and rumbly. His face pushed out into a full, tapered snout, and his ears twitched as they stretched into earflaps. Terry shook his head, hair now formed into a thick mane. The bit of it he spotted seemed to now be white.

The fox kept up her stroking, a nice addition to the pleasant change. He felt a pair of twitches on his back, pushing up and out. He knew what to expect now, and crooned expectantly as the wings burst free from his back. The new dragon arched his neck around to watch in pleasure as the glittering silver wings spread wide, the membranes catching the light, "I do look handsome."

The snake alien hugged his thick neck, "Mmm, you do. Tabia, come out from under there, he needs to be saved for Lady Jendayi."

The vixen sighed, and gave her own hug, hers to his black cock, "Rrrr, hope you have fun out there," she said, and slid out.

Terry shivered and moaned happily at this last, tight squeeze, then watched as both aliens stood back. He'd come in, seeing them as beings of equal size, but now he had to stare down at them over his long snout. He smiled, then turned as he heard the door open.

Jendayi stood there, peering in. She'd grown since he last saw her, up to a hundred feet. He felt a bit small again, as he barely came up to her ankles. She'd also gotten dressed. She now wore a lovely, short white dress. Straps went up over her shoulders, the top clung to her enormous chest, and the skirt just barely stretched mid-way down her thighs. She grinned, looking at him, "Mmm, hey there cutie, come over here."

A bit uncertain what she planned now, he none-the-less swished his tail and began to pad over. There was an eep from behind him as the alien vixen dodged the large tail. He glanced back sheepishly, but she mostly looked amused, giggling. He waved a paw to his two assistants, then continued to Jendayi, cock bobbing under him, "I still don't understand what you plan to do with me, I'm so small compared to you."

As he came up to her, she reached down and easily scooped up the twenty-foot dragon, lifting him into her arms and holding him again against her warm chest, "Oh, you're still not quite ready, you are a bit small. I'm going to take you to meet my mate though, hon." She stroked his body tenderly, then turned him over, exposing his thick shaft.

Terry's earflaps lifted at that information. He glances up, "Mate?" he asked, feeling disappointed. Some of that went away as the dragoness reached down and stroked the back of her hand along his black length. He cooed warmly at her.

She nodded, and he began to realize that she was still growing. As she passed through the door to the city room, he could see that she must have grown dozens of feet since she'd picked him up. He did feel a bit smaller in her grip too, "Oh, she's a sweetie. And I have an idea that will let you play with us, once you're a bit bigger." She grinned, still rubbing his cock. Then, to his surprise and pleasure, she lifted him up to her face, her lips approaching his shiny tip.

He breathed a bit harder, staring at her large snout hovering there. She stuck out her tongue, and he saw a little, at least relatively little, capsule held there. She pushed it against the slit of his cock, where it managed to get wedged in. He groaned, "Rrrr, what is that?" he asked, but she merely bit down, very carefully, on the exposed end. The inner half ruptured, and he felt a flow of liquid trickle into his cock, spreading through it. It began to throb harder, and he moaned, "Mmmm, ooh, that felt great."

Jendayi just grinned and flicked her tongue along the shaft. At the soft, sensual touch, it began to grow, a sensitive swelling sensation from his tip to his balls and no where else.

His cock was around seven feet long at the moment, compared to his twenty foot body. It almost immediately gained a foot as she rubbed her tongue across it, then another. Her slender, agile tongue drooled across it, and his balls gurgled. His tip began a steady flow of pre as his shaft reached half his own length.

His balls ballooned out as well, growing heavier, weightier beneath his crotch. They dangled against Jendayi's breasts, big silver balls as large as his paws now. He groaned, "Rrrrr, mmm, what are you doing, that feels wonderful. . ."

The giant dragoness stepped out into the deserted alien streets, then kneeled down with him. His cock and balls kept growing at a rapid rate, each tender, eager lick giving him another foot. More than half his size, then beyond, fifteen feet, the tip was up to the base of his neck. He glanced down at it, the glans nearly as large as his face. He shivered eagerly and nuzzled it, smearing his scaled face with pre.

Her hands lowered as she set him down onto the broken street of a kidnapped alien city. She gave one last long, slow lick. His member shuddered and grew all through it, bulging passed his head to stretch to twenty-five feet long, thickening as well. It was over six feet wide, making it a little hard to move his legs, and his beachball-sized balls weighed wonderfully against his crotch. He breathed hard, looking up at the Jendayi.

She stood up a little, grinning down. She'd been growing as well, though not at quite the same relative rate. She was up to around two-hundred feet now, looming over what he thought were apartment buildings around her. Her tail swished and knocked over a large truck, smashing it into a streetlight. She didn't seem to pay much attention, "Mmm, I got some help for this part," she commented.

Terry's cock had slowed its growth, though it was still extending, at least another foot longer since she'd stopped. He glanced around and saw a hover vehicle pull up on the street. It pulled to a stop, and a dozen alien girls hopped out. Canines, felines, reptiles, and avians, they were all dressed in tight jumpsuits. They swarmed towards him, grinning and giggling. His cock throbbed more in anticipation, drooling pre over his head.

Jendayi leaned down and breathed out warm air over his balls. They surged out as his cock slid several feet further, passed thirty now and getting really heavy. It would be like having a nine foot shaft as a human, he realized, and it felt wonderful.

The assorted aliens climbed up onto the length, or just stood under it. They all began rubbing, stroking, and licking it. A dozen tiny paws and muzzles all worshiped the ever-growing member, which immediately gained another ten feet. It was really heavy now, even his draconic strength beginning to strain a little under his own anatomy.

"This was a little idea I had, Terry. Hmm, need to think up a new name. Anyway, I already have a lovely mate, but I thought this way you could still play with us." He'd stopped looking at her as the girls climbed on, but now that he looked up, he could see she was approaching three hundred feet now, her giant footpaws barely fitting in the street, claws digging into the cement.

The male's cock hit fifty feet. It was as wide as he was now, and he had to bend his neck to see around. The aliens were still rubbing insistently, tails swaying against his balls. One even felt like she was just walking across it now. He felt amazing, but was beginning to get crushed, "I like that, but rrrr, I need a little help. . ."

A large paw reached down and grabbed him. Her fingers could still wrap around his girth, but it was getting harder. The smooth, scaled hand stroked along it for a moment, then scooped under him and rolled him over. The smaller aliens leapt off nimbly as he was rolled onto his front, breathing a sigh of relief as the weight of his smaller body was transferred onto his massive cock.

He had to straddle the sixty foot dragon cock now, his paws barely able to reach the ground. Each testicle was about the size of one of the rusty vehicles that lined the street around him. His tip was oozing pre like a faucet now, beginning to make quite a pool under him. The aliens slipped a little in it as they returned to his aching black cock, rubbing their whole bodies against its growing sides.

Jendayi stepped over him, looking down. She licked her lips, "Mmmm, that's better. Mrrrr, you're getting nice and big, I think it's going to be time to give you a proper test soon." She was growing even faster, four hundred feet now, and as she shifted a foot it crashed right through a warehouse, while the other knocked over a large store. He could see giant drops of moisture dripping down her thighs, and he moaned eagerly, pushed out another twenty feet. His growth seemed to just keep accelerating, even now that his anatomy dwarfed his actual body. His paws finally left the ground, dangling uselessly.

There was a squawk behind him, and he felt a rapid wriggling under his truck-sized testicles. He gazed back, neck having to strain to catch a glimpse. A red-feathered bird girl had gotten trapped under his sac, currently flapping and wriggling, trying to get out as pre pooled around her. Two others moved in to help her out, tugging, claws slipping in the slippery fluid as they slowly managed to yank her free.

The other aliens were starting to have to pull away as pre gushed from him. It was amazing how much he had released already, the fluid rising up to their ankles. They had to sort of slosh through it now. His cock was taller than any of them now, and very needy. He groaned as it bumped against the large hover vehicle, making it rock back and forth.

Jendayi reached down to caress the tip. She was approaching Kifi's size finally, every swish of her tail toppling buildings as she gently scooped him up. Her warm, scaled hands felt good under him, supporting cock and massive balls. He looked along the length of his hundred foot cock, then up at the five-hundred foot dragoness. She crooned eagerly, "Mmm, time to play."

She lifted him up higher. Drops of pre splattered the girls down below, who fled to their transport. No longer needed, they flew off, neither dragon paying them much mind. Jendayi stepped through an apartment building, paws knocking it over as she raised Terry up. He throbbed, shivering in anticipation as she lifted him up under her skirt. His tip came first, brushing up under the short, white skirt. It was so warm, the cloth pressing all around his massive shaft. He could feel the fingers of her other hand wrap the cloth against him, stroking slowly as she angled him towards her panty-covered slit.

The light was dim as his full body slid beneath the skirt, but he could see that the panties were light pink and slightly frilly. He chuckled, finding that amusing in the strong, giant dragoness, but cute as well. He wanted to be in there so much, his need feeling like it had grown along with his anatomy.

Jendayi pushed him up against her underwear, making the fabric strain. His tip slowly forced it inward, and he could feel the shape of her smooth, scaled entrance. Her feminine musk filled the giant tent of her skirt, and the pink fabric started to dampen with thick fluid. It was warm against his growing tip, warm and so inviting. He couldn't see any references at the moment, but he could tell from his cock itself that they were both still growing, the dragoness apparently not stopping at just five hundred like the others. His shaft was at least twenty percent longer just from the wonderful, intimate touch as he scrunched her panties in tighter. Somewhere in his pleasure-hazed mind, it occurred to him that her clothing must be growing too. She moaned, squeezing him with her enormous paw. It was no longer able to fully hold him.

There was a crash down below, then another, and he felt her body moving. His cock was smeared against the gargantuan panties, then suddenly pulled away. He breathed hard, moaning with lust, watching as her other hand slipped under the skirt. Her claws scrabbled at the the top of her panties, then yanked them down hard. The airliner-sized underwear plummeted down her legs. He was dangling down now, and got a good look as the frilly panties smashed a factory beneath their weight.

She lifted him back up, and stared at her glistening sex. More globs of pre splattered down from his tip, forming ponds on the street below. The scales around her slit were smooth steel, but behind that he could see soft, pink folds. They winked at him as her thighs shifted, so inviting with their shimmering coating. He growled eagerly, tail swishing and making his enormous balls sway slightly. His shaft stretched out so far beyond him now, at least a hundred fifty feet. The gaping slit seemed so far away, even though he could feel his tip grinding against it.

It looked like a tight fit already as she forced him in. Her lips spread slowly around his enormous cock, the warm fluid so sensual, so perfect as it brushed across his length. More and more he grew, and his tail lashed with pleasure. He was sliding in, gasping, both dragons breathing hard as more and more of him was worked into her. Growing still, tighter, tighter. . . and then there was a booming crash, the shuddering of the ground beneath them.

"Mrrr, there you are sweetie, almost didn't see you down there. Where's this new toy you were promising me?" The new voice was deeper, more rumbling than Jendayi's, but obviously also feminine.

Terry felt Jendayi tremble with pleasure, her juices spilling out over him and running down his enormous cock. The world spun around him as he was yanked out from under the skirt, getting a look at everything around him once more.

Above them both loomed a much taller dragoness. It took several moments for Terry's mind to reprocess the scale involved. Looking at the tiny buildings below, Jendayi must have been about a thousand feet tall now. His own shaft was well over two-hundred then, even more than he'd thought. He felt so small on it, more cock than dragon now, and feeling so good. His gaze traveled upwards.

The new dragoness was a mile tall, towering even over the monstrous Jendayi. Her scales were polished white, with soft lavender as a secondary along her belly. Her chest was just as large, comparatively, as Jendayi's enormous mounds. Terry wasn't quite sure what they'd be called in bra size, he hadn't had to deal much beyond double D. In real size, they looked like they had over a thousand foot diameter each. A well-kept purple mane adorned her head and neck. She wore a pastel blue halter top and a similar mini-skirt, leaving her supple belly exposed. She looked down at the two smaller dragons with an amused grin.

Jendayi crooned, walking over to her and rubbing against her leg. She held Terry up, his balls swaying through the air under him, "Mmm, here he is, Nafrini." She crooned, her body still growing up larger as she pressed herself against the white dragon. She grinned at Terry, "Mmm, this is my lovely mate," she whispered to him.

He could only moan as he stared up at the sky-filling breasts above him. Nafrini reached down and lightly plucked him from Jendayi's grasp. To the blue dragoness he was large and heavy, to the white he was only a few easy inches. She leaned down, tail sweeping aside a few city blocks as she had a look at him. He rumbled, happily resting in her smooth paw. Even at this size, his aching balls filled much of her palm.

"Rrrr, what a nice little toy. Looks like he's enjoying himself too. A little small for me, but just about right for you, hmm?" She grinned, her teeth like skyscrapers as she lowered him down. She let his tip dangle, a waterfall of pre splashing down over Jendayi, who just giggled and opened her snout to take some in. Nafrini crooned and tugged a claw into the top of her mate's dress, opening it up and then dropping Terry down inside.

The white fabric stretched around the three hundred foot cock, pressing his shaft in against her scaled breasts. Jendayi gasped, then moaned softly, grabbing at her chest and pulling him in more tightly. His tip dripped non-stop down along her belly, and he wriggled excitedly. His balls were squished up beneath her neck as she began rubbing him up and down, forcing him through the tight cleft of her breasts.

Nafrini reached down with a deep rumble, using two fingers to grab the comparatively tiny Terry and start thrusting him harder between her lover's mounds. His cock swelled, balls ballooning out with each thrust. His mind was starting to lose its focus, everything swirling around in a haze of pleasure. Four hundred, five hundred, thrusting, grinding, Jendayi groaning and squirming, clutching him. Her body and dress were soon soaked with his pre, an apparently unlimited amount just flooding from his sac.

His body felt so tiny, almost unimportant now against the monolithic shaft. He had to strain to even see the tip, and his balls rested under him like hot air balloons. Jendayi gasped, and her body shuddered as he was yanked free from her cleavage. Strands of pre trailed from her chest to his tip as Nafrini pulled him up into the air.

Terry wriggled atop his cock, looking up at the mile-tall Nafrini. He squeaked, panting, but she just smiled, "You're coming along well, aren't you, cutie? Let's see how you do in my pretty mate." Jendayi was now up to Nafrini's waist, and the white dragoness used this to pull her lover up under her skirt. There was a happy giggle from the smaller one, and the sound of destruction down below. Jendayi wriggled her snout in under the blue skirt and Terry heard a loud, wet slurping sound.

Nafrini rumbled deeply, body beginning to shake and shift on her enormous paws. Her fingers brushed across Terry's length, stroking with a firmer and firmer touch. Her hand no longer held him easily, only partially curled around. The big dragoness shivered at her lover's attentions, "Mmm, good girl, I'll give you back your toy," she groaned, and handed the dripping, six hundred foot cock and balls down to Jendayi.

Jendayi was having to kneel down now as she grew, no longer able to simply stand and push her snout in. Terry blearily saw female juices dribbling down her metallic neck. She held him in both hands, fingers squeezing his throbbing cock as he was lowered down, down under her skirt. It had gotten bunched up a bit and now her thighs remained exposed, her drooling sex open and ready for him. He drooled from both mouths.

Jendayi pushed him in hard and his flared tip spread her again, forcing the tight entrance to stretch around him. Terry whimpered in pleasure, lubricating her with constantly leaking pre. He wanted to feel release now, but needed more forceful movements, everything else just kept teasing him, arousing him more and more. Eight hundred feet of throbbing, needy cock, topped by a twenty food dragon. His balls hung heavily below him and she had to just let them, so as she thrust her new toy in, they swung and slapped against her legs and his own length.

The blue dragoness kneeled down fully, her knees burrowing large gashes in the ground, which quickly filled with all the flooding fluids. Her thighs squeezed around him as she thrust him in again, groaning happily as she worked her tongue along Nafrini's slit. Her wet folds squeezed and rubbed around Terry as he was pushed in again, angled against her sensitive clit. He could barely think, it felt so good, sticky liquid spilling out down her legs, covering the ground below.

He was large even for her now, over a thousand feet long to her three thousand. Still, she stuffed him in, her lips stretching to take the thick, dripping maleness as she moaned into Nafrini's own. Up above, Nafrini gasped, and put her hands on Jendayi's head. She lifted her mate up to her feet, breathing hard and then pulling her snout right against her chest, "Mmmm, good girl. I love you, I love seeing you so eager and happy, it's been far too long." Jendayi simply crooned and licked her tongue across the white dragoness's enormous nipples.

Thrusting again and again, Terry had little control at all, just an over-sized toy for the kinky dragoness lovers, and loving every moment. His growth seemed to have reached its peak, with every thrust giving him at least fifty feet. It felt so good to be huge, to be in her tight sex, the fluids rushing around him with every needy push. His balls ached to release, so much pent up cum ready to explode out. He could think about little else, just thrusting, throbbing, and his massive size. A thousand five hundred now, and more. Soon, so soon. He roared with need, but neither dragoness noticed. Then a second roar, and finally release.

Jendayi had just reached four-thousand, enough to lift her snout up and tenderly kiss Nafrini. Just as the kiss began, Terry's enormous, zeppelin-sized balls released their load. It was a raging torrent of seed, and Jendayi's eyes widened as the thick, hot cum filled her womb. Terry's mind drifted off into mindless bliss as he unleashed in her, pumping out spurt after spurt of thick dragon cum. She gasped into Nafrini's lips and hugged her lover even tighter.

Terry pumped out, pouring in as he swelled up a hundred feet, two hundred. Jendayi's belly began to balloon out as the flood of seed overfilled her. Her own climax triggered in response, cunt tightening around his swelling shaft, urging him on further. She pushed him in deeper, his body sliding into the wet, sticky folds, leaving only his balls hanging out, pressed against the base of her entrance. She squeezed and kneaded at him as the flow continued, his shaft nearly up to two thousand feet.

He could feel her belly expanding, womb pressing against him as it filled and ballooned. Though everything was in darkness, he almost felt like he was a part of her for the moment, bliss-filled mind loving his new role, his intimacy with these wonderful females.

Slowly, he felt his growing begin to stop. He'd been feeling it for what felt like ages now, that constant, wonderful swelling, but finally that feeling left his spurting body. He missed it, but the cum still spraying from his tip made for a very good replacement. Someone grabbed his balls, and yanked him free.

Cum flew up into the air, spraying all across Jendayi's dress, even up to her face, and then plummeted down to smash cars and topple buildings. Jendayi had grown to match Nafrini now, both a mile tall while he rested at a large, throbbing two thousand feet. There was an obvious swell to her belly from all the seed he'd filled her with, and his distracted mind liked the look of it. She groaned and grinned, licking cum from her snout as he kept up his orgasm. He groaned weakly, amazed by how much his new balls could hold.

"Mmmm, and this is my present for you, dear," Jendayi whispered. Nafrini watched with an eager grin as Terry was turned towards her. Fountaining seed splattered over her clothes, drenching them and making her top stick tightly over her heaving chest.

Nafrini moaned, "Oooh, he's even better than I expected. . ." She shivered excitedly as her lover angled him under her skirt. His constant flow of cum already shot up into her pink passage, drawing loud gasps and groans from the white dragoness. Then, with a firm hand, Jendayi pushed him in.

He filled her immediately, and her paws moved down to clutch his balls in need. She whimpered at the wonderful filling, her body taking in the cum and then expanding with it. She rubbed him faster and faster, stroking, holding, and then she too orgasmed. He could feel both dragonesses press together in love, and only then did he feel himself finally coming down.

He was again extracted by trembling, scaled hands. Nafrini now shared her mate's bulging belly, and he knew it was equally filled with his copious cum. He was lifted up fondly to meet the two female snouts. Both dragonesses smiled at him and gave him soft kisses along his sticky length, then one each for his tiny body. Jendayi grinned and mrrred, stroking him fondly, "Mmmm, so, shall we keep you this way, Itennu?" she asked, winking a little as she peered down at his comparatively small face.

The empty city was a mess below them. Those buildings not knocked over by enormous paws and tails were covered completely with thick pre and cum. The dragons were all wonderful though, happy and spent, at least for the moment. The little dragon, named Itennu now as he left his human life behind, sighed happily and grinned back, "Mrrr, do you even need to ask?"