Lab Stories: A Lion's Hard Time

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The next stream story, for Taiko.

The Lion's Hard Time For Taiko By Draconicon

It had taken Nemean more than four months to get the location of this laboratory out of his contact. Worse, when he entered, he immediately felt the temptation to go back and find his contact and strangle him. The idiot had told him of the entrance, but not the scope of the complex. It must have spanned miles of underground space; finding anything within it had seemed impossible.

Yet, it turned out to be entirely possible. The organization seemed well put together, to the point that the lion almost envied their style. Admittedly, he would never put together a secret lab with signs pointing to where the different experiments were, but he had to admit that it was efficient, even if it did make breaking in a bit easier than he would have liked.

Even with them, however, it had taken the lion criminal nearly three hours to find the stuff he was looking for. Nemean paused outside the lab door, leaning against the wall and pressing the side of his head to it. There were no footsteps that he could discern, though that was no sign that this would be easy. The lion slowly slid closer to the door, pausing with his shoe against the edge of it.

Then he kicked it in.

The metal door exploded into the lab, and he jumped in after it. He looked around, his hands and legs ready to lash out and strike anyone that was ready to stop him, his eyes darting around the room for any security cameras.

There were no men, not scientists or security, nor security cameras. Nemean slowly lowered his hands, but not lowering his guard. The fact that there was nobody around only left him more concerned that he was being fooled.


"Time to get what I came for."

He walked over to the set of tables pulled out of the wall. A series of emitters were lined up on it, and the lion smirked as he glanced over them. They almost looked like the blade emitters from science fiction shows, but smaller, more specialized. Hooked up to different power supplies, they ranged in size from something that could fit over a fingernail to one almost the size of a fist.

"Hard light emitters. Closest thing to a magic ring that we're getting anytime soon...Let's see some of those heroes back home stand up to this."

"Let's see...fuck..."

Nemean whipped around, grabbing one of the smaller emitters as he did. The metal door that he'd kicked in had been lifted up, and under it was a dusty, but very annoyed looking polar bear. He had a black eye, and was glaring at him.

"Let's see if ya can take what ya dish out."

The bear threw the door at him, and he only barely ducked in time. The braids of his mane slapped against his back as he rolled forward, the steel door slamming down where he'd been standing. His eyes went wide at the sight. Such strength; he thought he'd left all those brutes behind in the city.

He'd barely turned around when he was bowled off of his feet. Slamming against the wall hard, Nemean found himself lifted off of his feet by the throat, held against the wall by a pressure that he could barely believe.

"So, masked man. Here for the goods, or here just to piss me off?"

"Let go, you fat lackey!"

"Lackey? Heh."

The hand around his neck squeezed tighter, nearly cutting off his air supply. Nemean growled, pulling on his power. The bear's fingers started to move, and the bear's eyes narrowed.

"Super, huh? Oh, you fucks...Just go to -"

With a press of his shoes to the wall, he unleashed a burst of energy. It launched him forward, but it - unfortunately - didn't break the bear's grip. The two of them sailed halfway across the room before the combined weight pulled them down. Worse, the stupid bear pulled him down first. The lion's costume was strong, but multiple hundred pounds of bear plus a steel floor did not make for an easy landing. Nor did landing head first.


Was the last thing he heard before he fell unconscious.

"So, Olag, did you have to destroy everything that Tatyana was working on for the past few months? I mean, not that I don't enjoy a little tussle now and then, but I think you went a bit overboard."

"Boss, ya saw the cameras. He kicked in a goddamn metal door. In. My. Face."

"In all fairness, you were hiding behind it. You should have been -"

"Fuck where I shoulda been. I just saved this stuff. I deserve a bonus for this."

"Yes, and that bonus is going to be not being the test subject for a change."


Nemean shook his head slightly as he started to wake up, the voices - one familiar and the other not - fading as he opened his eyes. He saw the bear from earlier, and a shorter, red-suited mouse nearby as well. They turned to him, the mouse wearing a mask that hid his face, but did nothing to disguise his chuckle.

"Well, well, you're finally awake. I was starting to think Olag had knocked your lights out permanently."

"What did you mean by - ugh - test subject?"

"Ah, yes, that."

The mouse turned to the wall, which suddenly lit up like a viewscreen. The sudden burst of light also - to the lion's shame - revealed his own nudity. They'd ripped off his costume and mask, at some point. On the screen, a white and black feline smiled at him.

"So, you break my door, try and steal my machine? Then make more of mess?"

She tssked, waving a finger.

"No. I think it time for you to learn your place."

"What are you talking about?"

"Hard-light projector. It time to test on person. You do well, I think."

She pressed a button out of sight, and to Nemean's great shock, he felt a vibration. A very strong, very quiet vibration.

A his ass.

"You did not..."

"Oh, no. No, Olag did."

"Don't try fighting me, idiot. I fight better."

"Well, while our guest is working out the kinks of our lady's newest invention, let's retire and enjoy the show."

The mouse and bear walked out as Nemean shouted at them, only somewhat shaken by the growing vibration inside of him. It was pressing deeper and deeper inside him, almost into his stomach, but there was something else pushing out of him. It almost felt like -


It felt like something slipped out of him, but there was no sound of something hitting the ground. Panting, Nemean looked down between his legs.

Rising from beneath his cock was a hard-light shape, looking almost exactly like his shaft, but two inches larger and one inch thicker in dimensions. Adding insult to injury, huh? he thought as it floated over him. There was no sign of anything stuck to it, and while his ass felt stretched, he couldn't feel anything actually pressing out of him to form the light-cock.

It darted upwards, slapping across his face. The impact was hard enough to startle him out of his shocked state, and he tried to bite it. His teeth caught the edge of the light-cock, but it immediately disappeared, his jaws clicking together painfully.

No sooner had he relaxed his face than another of the constructs pushed out, this one even bigger than the last. He almost roared as it pushed out of him, and he did as it started slamming back in. He squirmed from side to side, trying to get it out, trying to get away, but it just kept slamming in, each time forcing itself closer to its emitter.

The screen came on again.

"Oh, by way. Emitter set to not shut off until you calm down. Longer you stay mad, or horny, or anything, worse this gets. Have fun."

Her laugh as the screen shut off again was only drowned out by the sheer rage he felt. Which, in turn, only made the fucking dildo ram into him harder.

How was he going to get out of this?

The End

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