Sleeping Over At Jeremy's

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Thanks to their friend Ryuusin, the Thomasini family have become vore fanatics. Adopted son Jeremy wants to invite some friends over to spend the night, and parents Ernesto and Adriana of course agree - provided they have free and unrestricted access to put their son's friends inside of themselves!

Ernesto Thomasini smiled as he came from work. The handsome, middle-aged feline pulled into the driveway of the family's suburban home and parked. Getting out, he sighed and loosened his tie, eager to unwind after a long day at work. He was pushing forty but still handsome, with ginger fur and a lean build.

"I'm home," he announced as he entered, feeling like a dad in a TV sitcom from long ago.

Adriana appeared from the kitchen, naked but for an apron. Ernesto grinned. This definitely wasn't something you'd see in an old sitcom! He felt his cock stiffen in his trousers. Setting his tie aside and pocketing his keys, he walked over to his nearly nude wife, quite attractive despite her own advancing middle age.

"How was work?" she asked seductively.

"Dull," Ernesto responded, slipping his arms around her waist and groping her ass. "All I could think of was getting home to you and Jeremy." He kissed her deeply and ground his tent against her through the apron. The Thomasinis had a very healthy sexual relationship and a very happy marriage, one that'd been spiced up since that one time they'd hired Ryuusin to babysit their son Jeremy for them. Ever since then, they'd been having sex more frequently, and often included Jeremy in the fun. Which Ernest wasn't quite prepared to say was normal, but what the heck? Fun was fun.

"The same!" said Adriana, who evidently had dressed in this manner in anticipation of her husband's arrival. "I want you inside me..." she whispered softly.

Ernesto guided her against the wall, and she fumbled with his pants, fishing his cock out. The apron was lifted, exposing her wet pussy, and with a mrrroowl from the both of them, Ernesto slid the pulsing thickness inside of her. He lifted her up as he thrust, her legs wrapping around him. She groaned as her body was repeatedly slammed against the wall by Ernesto's powerful thrusts.

"Dad...?" a timid voice asked.

Ernesto turned and regarded his son, Jeremy Thomasini. He wasn't their biological son, but this had never bothered him or Adriana. Neither did the fact the boy had just walked in on them having sex. As mentioned, Ernesto and Adriana had fucked in front of their boy before, and even taken turns sexing him up themselves. The boy was unfazed by seeing his parents mid-coitus, although Ernesto did detect a smallish tent in the shorts he wore.

"What is it, son?" asked Ernesto, who kept thrusting, his cock making slurping noises as it slid in and out of Adriana's pussy.

"Can some of my friends come over?" asked Jeremy.

"Hmm, what do you think?" Ernesto said, eying his wife as he kept fucking her.

"It's... ahhh... ohhh... okay with me," groaned Adriana.

"Then it's okay with me!" Ernesto hold his son. The boy was excited. "Now come here and help me fuck your mother!"

Jeremy grinned, and came over and kneeled down behind his father, tugging his pants and underwear down, bearing his dad's ass, and buried his muzzle in between Ernesto's taut asscheeks and started licking along his pucker, earning a growling purr from the older feline, whose pace quickened, much to his wife's delight as she squeezed her full tits tantalizingly and moaned. The boy wriggled his tongue up inside of his father's tight ass before with a cry Ernesto came inside of his wife as Adriana orgasmed around his cock.

Ernesto slid free of Adriana and she got down off of him and kissed him lovingly, as Jeremy sat back and beamed with pride that he'd gotten his father off. Smiling, Ernesto turned and ruffled the boy's hair in gratitude. He pulled his pants back up and the three went into the kitchen to eat dinner. They made small talk over Adriana's cooking, such as what they'd done that day and what they planned to do the next day. As it was the weekend, Ernesto said he wanted to get some yardwork done and Adriana intended to do some housework while of course Jeremy would be playing with his friends who'd be staying over.

Later that night, as the family got ready for bed, Ernesto had an interesting topic to discuss with his wife. "Adriana, do you remember how much fun we had with Ryu cockvoring us?" he asked.

"Oh, yes!" Adriana replied. "It was amazing!" She'd always been a very kinky woman.

The male cat nodded. "Well I was thinking..."

"Do you want to call him up?" Adriana asked.

"Not exactly," her husband replied. "I was thinking more of... trying it ourselves."

The female smirked and narrowed her eyes and began to purr. She slid over to her mate and stroked his chest. "Oh, Ernesto, I like how you think. Why don't you try it out on Jeremy?" she suggested.

Ernesto grinned and nodded, then, after kissing his wife and feeling up her breasts, he rose and went into Jeremy's bedroom with nothing on but his boxers. He found his son in his pajamas playing a video game. "Son?" he said, and started taking his underwear off. "Come and service Daddy."

Jeremy shut the game console off, and stood. He smiled at his naked father looming in the doorway and stripped hurriedly as Ernesto went and sat on the boy's bed. He beckoned, and the kitten went and got on his knees between his father's legs, and prepared to suck. Instead, the cock sucked him! As Jeremy bent forwards, Ernesto used his fingers to gently open his urethra, and the boy's muzzle went in, stretching the skin easily. As the erect cock began to grow it inched along Jeremy's face and swallowed his entire head! The boy gave an "Mmmph!" of surprise but otherwise showed no signs of distress.

He felt himself yanked forwards as the powerful, rolling gulping motions made by Ernesto's meaty shaft dragged him in. Within moments, his arms were pinned to his side and the hungry shaft was gobbling its way down his young body. Adriana appeared in the doorway wearing nothing but her bathrobe, which was open, and her black lacy bra and panties, and watched in erotic fascination as the boy was being eaten by her husband's cock. Ernesto's pre oozed out around him, flowing steadily down his bare back. Jeremy wiggled inside his tight new home, eager to deeper! His tail flicked around madly in the air. Digging in with the balls of his feet, toes splaying, he shoved, claws scrabbling on the floor as he tried to use his skinny legs to push himself deeper.

Ernesto seized his son's ankles and lifted him up, letting his straining length bounce up and gravity assist him in massaging and swallowing Jeremy down. In the doorway, Adriana slipped a hand inside of her panties and began fingering herself in delight. God bless Ryuusin for coming into their lives and showing them this wonder called cockvore. She'd never seen anything so wonderfully erotic in all her life! Jeremy, lurching upwards, felt himself descending faster. He didn't mind. Whatever got himself inside of his dad's balls faster was a welcome addition to him! His wiggling body began to descend into the cock opening, legs wiggling, little cock flopping around and flinging droplets of pre as he went. Soon his stomach had been swallowed, and that, his cock, hips and ass disappeared, leaving only his kicking legs which his father kept a tight grip on, panting and moaning as his balls swelled outward with their new addition. He started pushing down on Jeremy, and twisting, corkscrewing the boy's naked form deeper and harder down his pleasantly aching, ravenous dick.

As Jeremy's form began to empty into Ernesto's balls, the older cat released his hold on the boy's ankles, and sat back on the mattress and began bucking his hips upwards, thrusting his cock at the ceiling. Each upward lunge claimed more inches of Jeremy's legs. Entering the room fully, Adriana knelt and started rubbing and kissing her son through the stretched furry flesh of her husband's sac. A final groan and slurp and at last the boy's feet vanished, and the bulge of him traveled slowly down the cock shaft as it reverted to its original size, and lay across Adriana's muzzle. She took it into her mouth and began to suck Ernesto off as he moaned.

Jeremy wiggled and thrashed inside of his father's sac. He grabbed his tiny cock and jerked it furiously until he was wracked by a mind-blowing orgasm. His father followed suit, due to Adriana's expert administrations. As she slurped and licked her husband's cock, he gasped and came. There was a roiling noise and the form of Jeremy was pushed out of the sac, which contracted and reverted to its original size as the boy left it, and pushed up through the shaft. Along with a generous helping of cum, the young feline was promptly ejaculated right into his mother's waiting arms.


The next day, things went about the usual for the family. Ernesto went and did that yardwork he was wanting to do, while Jeremy played outside in the backyard. The first friend arrived sometime in the mid-afternoon. Adriana came outside onto the front stoop and watched as the van pulled up and disgorged a young rabbit boy fresh from soccer practice. She remembered his name was Barry. Barry the bunny. He was an adorably fit young thing and his soccer uniform hugged his taut little boy almost like a second skin.

Waving goodbye to his mother, Barry turned and ran towards the Thomasini home as the van drove off, pausing only to wave at his friend's mother. Adriana waved back as Barry rushed around the side of the house to go and greet his friend. Despite not expecting to find Jeremy there, the children always used the rear entrance of the house. Adriana smirked and pondered making Barry the bunny use her rear entrance tonight.

She walked around the side of the house and smiled as she watched Barry tackle her son to the ground, the two boys rolling around, giggling and play-fighting. Then she went inside, where she found her husband in the kitchen getting a can of soda from the fridge. He was sweaty and smelled wonderfully musky.

"Hi," he said with a grin. "Was that Martha I saw driving off?"

"Yes," Adriana replied, "the first of Jeremy's little pals has arrived. I've wanted to have that little bunny boy of Martha's all to myself for a while." She purred and rubbed her husband's chest through his somewhat sweaty shirt.

"Mmm," came the reply, "well, you're welcome to him."

"Good, 'cause I've hit on a lovely idea. I'm sucking him up my ass."

They embraced and kissed. The phone rang. Adriana was seconds from breaking away to go and get it when the sound of scrambling sneakers echoed through the house and the ringing stopped. Clearly, Jeremy had gotten it. They heard approaching footsteps a moment later and drew apart. Jeremy entered with Barry. The rabbit boy set the duffel bag containing his belongings in a chair at the kitchen table. Although Ernesto focused his attention on their son, Adriana only had eyes for his friend, and felt her hunger for him - or rather, her ass' - building immeasurably by the second. Barry, for his part, noticed the look she was giving him, and shuffled in his rubber-soled sneakers uneasily. He'd never been looked at that way before!

"Mom, Dad!" Jeremy gushed happily. "That was Stevie and Edward! They're gonna come over a little later."

"Good," said Ernesto, who, having noticed his wife's expression, smirked.

"Mrs. Thomasini?" Barry asked timidly, and, for a split second, Adriana was certain the boy was going to ask why she was staring at him like he was a deliicous snack! Instead, he just asked, "Can I use the restroom?" Such a polite boy!

"Of course, Barry," she replied. "Use the guest one down the hall."

He nodded and walked off. Jeremy went back outside.

Ernesto took a great gulp of his soda. "I guess we can count Barry out for dinner," he said, winking. "Well, I'm gonna go finish that yardwork."

Kissing his wife's cheek, he headed off. Grinning, Adriana went and closed the blinds of the kitchen. Then she turned and started undressing. Slowly, she unbuttoned her blouse and removed it, then wiggled free of her skirt. In nothing but lacy bra and matching thong panties, she turned and flounced down the hall leading to the guest bathroom just as she heard the toilet flushing. The door opened and Barry was in the process of emerging when he gasped at the sight of his best friend's mother approaching with a hungry gleam in her eyes and wearing nothing but the kind of slutty lingerie he saw in his older brother's nudie magazines! He stood frozen, openmouthed, in the bathroom door.

"Hello, Barry," Adriana said, her voice a seductive purr. She grabbed him by the shirt and forced him inside, slipping in after him, slamming and locking the door. "You can't leave just yet. You and I need to discuss some things. And by discuss I mean I have something to show you."

"Uh, b-but..." Barry stammered.

Adriana stuck a finger to his lips. "Sshhh," she said.

She gently shoved him backwards, so that he fell into a sitting position on the toilet seat. Standing fully erect, she reached behind herself and undid the snap of her bra, letting it drop off and fall to the bathroom floor, exposing her large breasts, unaffected by middle age in the slightest. Barry's eyes goggled and then he was seized by the back of the head as his friend's mother knelt down, and his young face was mushed between those furry globes, a breast on either side of his head, long ears sticking out of Adriana's cleavage. Adriana licked her lips and made sure to squish and mash the rabbit's head between her tits to get him excited as all hell. He pitched a massive tent in his shorts; well, as massive of a tent as a little boy was capable of pitching, anyway.

"Take my underwear off, please, Barry," she said softly.

Trembling hands grabbed the waistband of her panties and tugged them down, leaving Adriana Thomasini totally nude, her inviting pussy exposed, tail flicking eagerly. The rabbit was soon to join her. Clawed fingers deftly yanked off Barry's shirt, flinging it aside, and then she helped him remove his shorts and his jockstrap, his little dick standing eager and proud! Barry couldn't believe he was about to get lucky with his friend's mom! Sex had been the last thing on his young mind when he'd come here, but oh boy, was he not going to complain!

As he bent to tug off his shoes, however, Adriana did something he didn't expect - she turned and bent over forwards, so that her ass was hovering over him. He was confused. It was a nice ass, but what did she want? His young age meant that sex as a concept didn't yet include kinky things like rimming and so he had no clue what she could've possibly wanted.

"What're you doing?" he asked.

"I'm going to sit on you until you go up my hole," she purred.

"Wha--?!" cried Barry, and then that pert behind descended.

Adriana's ass, smelling of sweat, came down over Barry's head, pushing his ears down. He gasped and his hands flew up, to grasp and push at the firm globes, but to no avail. The older woman sat down on the toilet regardless of his best efforts. And for him, this meant he couldn't occupy the same space as her. Ordinarily this would've meant that her ass would simply knock him aside, but today, he went inside of it, her anus spreading open over his head and enveloping it, stifling his surprised cries.

She groaned as her stretched pucker slid down over him, claiming his shoulders and upper body, and then her asscheeks touched the toilet seat, with everything except Barry's lower body inside of her. She rubbed her belly and wiggled, clenching herself around him, moaning as she fingered her dripping wet pussy slowly. Standing, he dragged him with her, and, gritting her teeth, she clenched, and made him use her back door as her anal muscles slowly sucked the kicking bunny boy legs in bit by bit.

A gentle little fart rippled through her and she blushed. Barry's kicking legs and sneaker-clad feet slowly disappeared up her toned ass and she stood up straight, the powerful muscles closing after the toes of his shoes, sealing him inside completely. She farted a second time and giggled, thinking of it like a belch. She fingered herself in victory until she orgasmed, her whole body shaking, and then sat down again on the now vacant toilet to collect her wits, panting softly. Getting up once more, Adriana went and put her underthings back on, adjusting her hair, then collected Barry's shirt, shorts and jockstrap, and went to put them in the washer. Since it was now just her and her husband in the house, she didn't bother to get dressed again just yet, and did the laundry in nothing but her bra and panties.

Jeremy didn't seem to notice his missing friend. When she finished with the laundry, Adriana saw to it that it'd stay that way, distracting him with a suggestion he play more video games. She guessed her son just assumed his friend was still in the bathroom. She went about her chores, occasionally giggling and purring as she felt the trapped rabbit wriggling deep inside of her.

The day wore on into evening. As the sky began to grow dimmer, Ernesto came inside, tired and sweaty, and trudged into the kitchen. He saw his wife cooking in nothing but that sexy lingerie and grinned and crept up on her, and was able to embrace her when she spun like a ninja and planted one fingertip to his nose, making him stop dead in his tracks. "Not so fast, Mister," she said. "I smelled you from across the room. Before you do any of that hanky panky with me, you'll march upstairs and have a shower. And put some clothes on. The rest of Jeremy's friends will be here soon."

"Speak for yourself," Ernesto said, looking her up and down with a smirk as he took off his shirt. "What's it matter, anyway? Both of those boys are are gonna see us very, very naked anyway."

"I'm talking about their parents, Ernesto," his wife snapped. "If we show up to greet them at the door naked they're liable to take their boys right home, and that'd put a damper on our evening plans, now, wouldn't it? And besides, she don't want to overwhelm the boys with too much sex appeal right away." She paused to let that sink in, then, turning with a flick of her tail, she added over her shoulder, "And, yes, I'm going to get dressed too!"

Ernesto nodded, turned to go, and then noticed his wife shudder in sudden pleasure and a smallish hand emerge from underneath her tail. It seemed Barry was attempting to get out. "Ah, honey," he said, "you got a little..."

"Would you take care of him, please?" Adriana asked. "He's quite the squirmer!"

Nodding, Ernesto knelt behind his wife's perfect ass and promtply grabbed Barry's wrist and shoved it back inside, the wrinkled anus closing over his wrist. With a grunt, the feline pulled his hand free, inhaled deeply of his wife's scent, gave that butt a smack, and then turned and headed upstairs for that shower, taking his smelly, sweaty shirt with him. After finishing up in the kitchen finally, Adriana turned and went upstairs as well. Jeremy continued playing in the living room, none the wiser as to the fate of Barry, not, Adriana realized, that he'd be terribly upset if he did know.

Entering the master bedroom, Adriana paused. She heared the shower going. Good. That husband of hers was showering after all. Deciding she herself didn't need one, she simply elected to cover herself with a slinky black evening dress.

They came just as evening was sinking into darkness. A pickup truck and a van stopped at the curb and two little boys say goodbye to unseen parents. A young goat kid named Stevie and a slightly older alligator boy named Edward. Adriana smirked, watching the two vehicles immediately depart. So few parents these days were hands-on with their kids. Oh well, she thought, looks like I chided Ernesto for nothing. But she stood by the other thing she said about not wishing to overwhelm the boys with to much sexiness too soon.

She went downstairs and joined her husband and son in greeting the children. She eyed her son's other two playmates for the evening, as did Ernesto. After all, neither boy realized it, but they were to be their friend's parents' playmates as well. Stevie the goat was the taller of the two despite being younger, slim but fit. He had furtive, darting eyes and a nervous demeanor that brought out Ernesto and Adriana's more sexually predatory instincts. A pair of knobby little horns was just beginning to sprout from his head. The goat was already eagerly chatting with Jeremy.

Edward the alligator was shorter and a bit chubbier, but still slim for his species' standards. He was more laid back, calm and collected, and currently ignoring the adults, and, indeed, his two friends, as he lost himself to the tunes of some song or other blasting through a pair of headphones he was wearing. He glanced around, long-snouted head bobbing to the beat, when he happened to lock eyes with Ernesto Thomasini. The adult feline grinned toothily at him in a manner that he had to admit made him a little nervous, while Ernesto, jealous that his beloved wife had already had her boy, was beginning to wonder just how far their son's sleepover was going to even get before Stevie and Edward served their true purpose.

Nobody asked where Barry was. Not even Jeremy, who knew he'd already arrived earlier. Jeremy hadn't discussed the rabbit's absence with his parents, but considering their predilections, he had a good idea of where his friend had gotten to. As for Stevie and Edward, it wasn't that they didn't care about Barry. It was just that they assumed he was late in arriving and he'd get there when he got there.

Jeremy was in the midst of telling Stevie about some new game he was interested in when his mother interrupted him. "Hi, Stevie," she seductively purred, making the goat boy a little uncomfortable.

"H-Hi, Mrs. Thomasini," he managed to say back.

Adriana turned and looked at the head-bobbing gator. "Hi, Edward!" she practically yelled. He made no move to indicate he'd heard her. A grinning Ernesto pointed wordlessly at his wife, and Edward was in the midst of turning towards her when she lifted one of the earphones off of the boy's head and said directly into his earhole, softly, "I said, hi, Edward," making him jump.

"Oh!" he cried, turning his iPod off and removing the headphones. "Hi."

"Now, you three go and do... whatever while Mrs. Thomasini and I make ourselves a little more presentable for you."

Jeremy grinned, while his friends looked mildly confused. Both adults were fully dressed. How could they make themselves even more presentable? They shrugged. Grown-ups. Who could figure them out? With a sideways jerk of his head, Jeremy ran into the living room and Stevie and Edward rushed after him. The sounds of video games and giggling little boys began to flow from inside the room. Ernesto cuddled up to Adriana and slid an arm around her waist, and they walked upstairs together into the bedroom, where they began to undress. They'd let the boys have their fun. They owed them that before they sprung their little "surprise" on them.

But they wanted some fun of their own first!

Soon both felines were nude. Ernesto turned out the overhead light and then he was atop Adriana, pinning her to the bed, baring his teeth in a lusty growl. His pulsing cock was already erect, sliding along her bare thigh, and then he was inside of her, the female groaning as her beloved mate's thickness filled her so wonderfully, and Ernesto began pumping his hips powerfully, Adriana wrapping her strong legs 'round her husband's middle and squeezing the breath out of him, digging her heels into his back, spurring him on. Their lips met and they kissed as they fucked.

Inside of Adriana, Barry felt himself jostled and knocked around as he was inexorable massaged up through her digestive tract and into her waiting stomach. Although he was fully aware of what had happened to him, what was going on now was beyond his comprehension. His world was nothing but a jumble of flesh, wetness and muffled noises. He may as well have been in another dimension. He was so dumbfounded by what had happened to him that he hadn't really thought of putting up much of a struggle. Now, though, he wriggled, much to Adriana's delight as she giggled aloud.

Ernesto slowed in his thrusting. "Is something the matter?" he asked.

"I can feel him wiggling..." his wife responded, groaning.

Ernesto groped along Adriana's stomach and felt the bulge of Barry squirming underneath the taut furry surface of her skin. He grinned and resumed his manly thrusts, eager to finish. Eager to please his wife. Eager to have a boy of his very own squirming inside of him like that. Although the ceiling light was off, the lamp on the bedside table was still on, casting two huge shadows of the joined felines across the far wall, making them appear to be but one single being, a writhing mass of pure, unbridled passion and lust.

Jeremy, who'd left Stevie and Edward downstairs to play two player mode, came up both to get something from his room and to see what it was his parents were doing. Their bedroom door was open and, with the light off, he had a good idea of what it was they were up to. He went to the door, which was open a crack, and kneeled down, watching as his father fucked his mother like a wild beast in some nature film. Adriana saw him, but only grinned, and Jeremy grinned back. She winked, then gave Ernesto's waist another crushing squeeze with her thighs and, her bunny-filled tummy jiggling a little, jostling poor Barry further, she rolled over, turning a startled but not entirely displeased Ernesto over onto his back, taking the top role in the mating, eager to show their adopted son who was mistress and queen in the Thomasini bedroom.

Jeremy's eyes followed his mother's beautiful form as it moved up and down, unable to take his gaze off of the lovely curves of her shoulders, bare back and buttocks, as that incredibly delicious body pistoned up and down his father's by now lovingly tortured cock. Ernesto, from this position, noticed their peeping tom of a son just as his wife had, and grinned, giving a "shoo" motion with his hand. Jeremy giggled, jumped up, and ran back downstairs, the noises of his parents' lovemaking gradually being drowned out by laser fire and explosions and laughter as he walked in on Stevie and Edward still obliviously playing the game.

"When's Barry getting here?" asked Edward absently.

Jeremy hmmed. "I dunno, maybe he isn't coming," he suggested.

This seemed to make no nevermind to the other two for the time being as they kept attempting to kill as many aliens and mutants attacking their place in the game. Then Stevie glanced over and uttered a small cry, dropping his controller. Onscreen, his character was hit by enemy plasma fire, engulfed, and melted alive, causing Edward to angrily glance over at him.

"What's wrong?" he yelped. The second he took his eyes off of the screen, his character was hit and killed too. "Aw, now you got me killed too!" he grumbled.

"It's Jeremy!" cried Stevie.


They both looked over and Jeremy looked down to follow their gaze. Watching his mom and dad go at it had made him tent his pants. He blushed and the other boys began to laugh and good-naturedly taunt him. Eventually he overcame his embarrassment, and, attempting to emulate his more predatory parents, smirked, lidding his eyes a little, and walked between the two seated boys, hips swaying a little, and turned both television and console off. Their laughter turned to noises off annoyance.

"Why'd you do that?" asked Stevie, clearly pissed.

"Because I have a different game we can play!" Jeremy said, in an attempt to sound husky and seductive but which to his friends' ears sounded just plain gruff.

They looked at one another and smirked. Unlike the somewhat more sheltered Barry, they, especially Edward, were far more adventures boys, and at school, in the boys' bathroom, they'd often played such "games." Well, one game, anyway. The Sucking Game, they called it, wherein they'd take turns sucking each other off. They'd learned it after Edward had watched a porn film his father had carelessly left open on his laptop one day.

And so it was he who stood, discarding his controller, walking over and grasping the unresisting Jeremy's pants and starting to jerk them down, and a cough from Stevie made him pause. They glanced over and the goat said, "What about your parents, dude?" with some worry. "I mean, right here in the living room?"

"Okay, we'll go up to my room, but wait 'till I give you the signal to come up!" said Jeremy, dashing upstairs.

He heard his mother and father still going at it. Goodness! he thought, how much stamina did those two have?! He gently pulled the door shut, lest Stevie and Edward have to listen to Mr. and Mrs. Thomasini's howls and moans of gutteral pleasure, then, going to the top of the stairs, gestured with his hand, and his two friends ran up. The trio entered Jeremy's bedroom, and although Jeremy shut the door, he emphatically didn't lock it.

The three boys stripped naked hurriedly. Shirts flew through the air. Pants piled up. Sneakers were kicked off. Soon three very nude boys stood admiring one another's little boners. They then flopped onto the bed and began playing the Sucking Game. Jeremy went first, since it was his house and his sleepover, the cat boy lying sprawled on the bed as his friends took turns sucking his dick off and drinking down every load of cum he gave them. After he'd cum twice, he got up, and he and Stevie forced Edward down and tickled him, the alligator being very ticklish despite his rough, scaly skin. They soon had him squealing with laughter. Stevie suckled on his little reptilian cock until the gator boy popped off in his mouth and flooded his maw with thick, sticky cum, and then the goat moved aside for the cat, who gave the spent cock a good, thorough lickin' to get Edward's motor going again, and, when he was ready to go once more, Jeremy impressed his friends by promptly deepthroating the alligator.

Just as it was Stevie's turn to get sucked, though, the door opened. All three boys stopped in their tracks and Ernesto and Adriana Thomasini stood there framed in the doorway, smiling at the frozen tableau before them - Stevie lying half on, half off of the bed, legs spread, Edward in the midst of kneeling down to pleasure him, and Jeremy nearby. Stevie offered a nervous little wave. It actually took the boys, well, Stevie and Edward, anyway, a moment to notice that Jeremy's parents were naked. They gulped. The two adult felines entered and shut the door behind them.

"Hello, boys," purred Adriana.

"What're you doing?" asked Ernesto, his voice also a seductive purr like his wife's.

"Puh-Puh..." stammered Stevie.

"Playing the Sucking Game!" said Jeremy, eagerly explaining it.

"Oh?" ventured his father. "Sounds like fun! Let me have a go at it!"

Edward obligingly moved aside as the tall, handsome cat came forward, and knelt down, slurping little Stevie's cock into his mouth without so much as a how-do-you-do. Stevie groaned and bucked his hips. Edward stared and then felt gentle, massaging gropes along his shoulders, and a pair of breasts along his scaly head as Adriana knelt behind him, reaching down and stroking his young reptilian cock. He gasped and forgot how weird this was and just gave in to the pleasure. Jeremy for his part merely stood with crossed arms and smirked as he watched his mom and dad go to town on his friends.

Being so young, it didn't take long for the boys to blow their loads. Stevie's filled Ernesto's mouth and he swished it around happily before swallowing, while Edward's was sent to splut and splatter along the carpet and part of Ernesto's leg.

"Well," said Ernesto, "that was fun, but I think it's supper time, don't you, boys? All that fun makes me and Jeremy's mom awfully hungry."

"Wh-What're we having for dinner?" Stevie asked timidly. Edward was too busy panting to ask, himself.

"You..." came the husky, mrowling response.

"Me? Wha--?!" yelped the goat, then his eyes widened as Ernesto's mouth did the same, and Stevie beheld a dark cavern ringed in feline fangs rushing towards his face!

The skinny goat boy was engulfed quickly, his thin frame proving to be no match whatsoever for the ravenous older male. The others watched, Ernesto's wife and son in sheer delight, and Edward in captivated horror and fascination, as Ernesto hoisted Stevie up as he ingested him, taking long, slow, rolling gulps as he felt the stubby little horns along the roof of his mouth. Soon Stevie's head was inside of the throat. He was light as a feather, all long legs and smooth body, and was proving an efficient snack, much to the cat's delight as he rubbed his erect cock.

Ernesto feasted upon him, gulping ravenously past his chest, now, licking all over, swallowing past the hips, using his rough tongue to tease poor Stevie into another orgasm, making him spew forth his little load and add some flavor. Feeling the goat legs sticking outside, Ernesto did the right thing and swallowed them down, easily sucking the rest of Stevie into his body, the scrawny boy being overwhelmed by all the noises Ernesto's body filling his ears as he was massaged down the tight, hot, wet passage.

"Mmmm," intoned Ernesto, and belched, turning and lying on Jeremy's bed and stroking his fully tummy.

"Your turn, cutie," purred Adriana, continuing to stroke little Edward's cock. She becokoned her son over.

Jeremy came over, eager and excited, his hard little cock bouncing up and down. Adriana turned the confused but unresisting Edward 'round and Jeremy grabbed hold of the gator's tailtip and forcibly stuffed it into his urethra. Feeling a sudden tugging sensation, the alligator boy turned and watched as his friend's ravenous cock got bigger and bigger and started schlorping up the scaly tail like a big noodle! He gasped, but Adriana scooped him up, and took his cock between her breasts and squeezed them around the small engorged length, and started moving her full chest up and down it. Edward's eyes glazed over and he panted softly.

Ernesto watched with interest from the bed as his wife titfucked the alligator while their son's cockhead reached the pert boy butt and then expanded to take it in, yanking Edward away from Adriana just as he came, spewing his load all over her feline tits. She groaned and licked her lips, watching then as Jeremy gasped, groaned and stroked his aching, hungry cock as it slurped his squirming, moaning reptilian friend down bit by bit, taking him ass-first, forcing his legs up by his sides, oozing and splortching its way up his smoothly-scaled form until naught but head, arms and feet stuck free from the massively engorged cockhead, with both of Jeremy's parents in awe at how that dick was keeping aloft with the reptile weighing it down. Jeremy strained and bucked his hips, cock bobbing, but he seemed to be experiencing some difficulty in sucking Edward the rest of the way down, and so Adriana was obliged to grasp hold of Edward's head, making the gator gasp, and shove, pushing the unprotesting boy all the way inside, the slit closing after him and "burping" up a little glob of cum.

Then she stood back and watched the wriggling bulge travel down to fill out her son's balls, weighing them down to sag around his ankles. "Wow!" she cried. "You did it!"

"I did it!" cheered Jeremy.

"Good job, son!" purred Ernesto from the bed, as his wife slid over to be beside him. "Now come on over here and snuggle with mommy and daddy."

Jeremy waddled over as best as he could and it took both parents to haul him onto the mattress with them. Reaching over and flicking off the light, the entire Thomasini family drifted off into a gentle sleep together full of their prey. Inside them each, Jeremy's three friends, confused but comfortable, also slowly drifted off into a doze. It'd been one wild sleepover!

The End...?