Lightning and water chapter one

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#1 of Lightning and water

Disclaimer: do not read further if you are under 18 or offended by Pokemon sexual relationships. Otherwise, enjoy to you hearts content.

Author's words: I was looking on the egg groups of which pokemon that can mate and I found Jolteon and Floatzel can mate. I might add to this story if requested.

Chapter 1: Opposites clash

I am a male Jolteon. I live in Full Moon Island with my female friend Floatzel. I used to live with a young girl and her name was Omi. She was seven years old and a fierce storm carried me from my home. The storm badly wounded me when I found myself on Full Moon Island. I then, well I should just tell you my story from the beginning.

The day started very sunny and I was playing with Omi in the garden. I was given to her as a baby shower present when she was born. Ever since, I have protected her with my life. Little did I know this beautiful sunny day would be the last time I saw her innocent face. She would throw my favorite rubber ball and I would eagerly run to it and return. I dropped the ball at her feet as the sky began to grey. I could here Omi's dad yell, "Omi, Mitsu get inside."

Mitsu was what they called me. They wanted me to feel like part of the family. We ran inside as we looked off into the distance. An enormous hurricane traveled over the land. We made it to the basement and closed the door. We sat in a corner as we all heard a pokemon yelling, "Float Floatzel Floa." (Help me, please someone help me.)

I did not think twice as I ran out of the basement and I heard Omi, "Please stop Mitsu."

I ignored her as I ran up the stairs. Floatzel had broken through a window to get in. She was hiding under a chair. I rushed to Floatzel and the roof ripped from the house as the hurricane took us with it. I could not see much but all I thought was, (Its all over, we are dead.)

Then I saw the Floatzel she made her way over to me by using water gun. She grabbed my fur as she yelled, "Don't worry everything will be ok."

I looked at the Floatzel and stared in bewilderment as I looked behind her. I saw a huge tree about to slam into us. I turned around to where my body was protecting Floatzel‘s body. I felt sharp pain as I felt my body hit the tree. I lost consciousness as we swirled in the hurricane.

I opened my eyes slowly and I felt the warmth of a fire. I was in a cave. It was comfortably cool in it and I saw a beach at the mouth of the cave. It was the middle of the day and questions passed through my mind, (I wonder where I am and is that Floatzel ok?)

I tried to stand but I fell back down as pain shot through my ribs. I screamed as I heard a female voice, "Please stay still your ribs are broken."

I looked at where the voice came from and the Floatzel came running. She laid some fish down next to me and she gently laid her hand on my side as she said, "I didn't think you would wake up."

I coughed as another pain shot through my body as I asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

She grabbed some sticks and stuck them through the fish as she placed them in the ground to where the fish was cooking over the flames. "Jolteon you were asleep for a week."

I tried to remember what had happened when the tree slamming into me came back into my memory. I sighed as I asked, "Where are we?"

She sighed as she answered, "We are on an island."

I freaked out, "How in the world did we get on an island, I mean we were in Floaroma town."

Floatzel smiled as she put some optimistic look on her face, "It's not that bad."

I frowned as I yelled, "How can it be any worse?"

Floatzel sat next to the fire as she said, "Jolteon you have that family to take care of you, and I have never had anyone."

I frowned as I looked at her sad face. She quickly smiled again as she grabbed one of the cooked fish and laid it in front of my face. I looked at her and said, "I am Mitsu by the way."

Floatzel smiled as she replied, "I never had a name but I guess I could get one."

I sniffed my fish as I started eating, "Mmm, this is good."

Floatzel smiled as she bit into her own fish. We were silent as we finished. She looked at me again as she asked, "I want a name, Can you give me one?"

I looked at her nervously, "I barely know you well enough to give you a name."

Floatzel just giggled as she said, "Try."

I sighed as I thought for a moment. I decided to say the first one that popped into my mind, "Sumi"

Floatzel looked confused and asked, "Why that name?"

I soon replied, "Well you were so calm in that hurricane and Sumi means clear or refined in Japanese."

Sumi smiled as she kissed me on the cheek and I blushed, "What was that for?"

Sumi grabbed another fish as she replied, "For giving me a name."

I sighed again as I laid my head down. I guess I was more tired than I thought because no sooner I fell asleep. I awoke and I must have been asleep for some time because it was dark. I felt something wrap around my waist. I looked and Floatzel was fast asleep and was snuggling her head against my chest. I looked at her sleeping form and thought, (She is just as beautiful when she is asleep.)

Sumi squirmed in her sleep as I heard her mumble, "Mitsu"

I licked her cheek once and laid my head down. I soon drifted off into sleep. The next morning I awoke to the scent of berries. I jumped as I opened my eyes and saw Floatzel's face staring at me. I growled, "Don't do that."

She smiled, "Good morning."

I noticed I was standing without pain and I said, "My ribs aren't broken anymore."

She smiled as she picked up an empty Ultra potion, "I found several of these washed up on shore."

I looked at my side and I had bandages wrapped around my chest. Floatzel stood up as she walked over to me. Then I asked, "What you doing?"

She grabbed the bandages and answered, "Hold still I'm going to remove your bandages."

She gently untied the bandages and I looked over her body. I began to get aroused at the beautiful Floatzel's magnificent body. I quickly lay down as I blushed. Sumi frowned as she yelled, "Hey I'm not done yet."

She growled as she asked, "Are you going to stand or do halve to force you?"

I nervously shook my head. Floatzel tackled me and pinned me to my side. I heard her laugh, "Mitsu you actually got aroused."

I blushed, as I got mad, "I think we have spent enough time together."

I started to walk off as my member went back into its sheath. Sumi grabbed my tail and I heard her plead, "Please Mitsu I didn't mean it, you're the only friend I have."

I looked at the ground, I pulled my tail from her grasp, and she started to cry. I turned around and gently said, "Sumi I will stay."

Sumi smiled as she hugged my neck. I looked outside and then asked, "You wanna look around?"

She stood up and wiped the tears from her face, "Sure"

We exited the cave and saw white sand with the blue ocean. We turned around and saw dense forest. I stepped into the forest and Sumi followed. I was sniffing around and Sumi was just enjoying the sights. Sumi then rushed ahead of me and she was yelling, "Look at these beautiful flowers."

I sat down and watched Sumi pick flowers. She returned to me and placed a flower behind my ear. She smiled and she laughed, "If I didn't know better I would say you were a female Jolteon."

I shook my head as the flower fell to the ground. I was about to yell at her but I heard a splash. We followed the sound as we saw a lake. There was a pokemon swimming. I stepped from the bushes and Floatzel whispered, "Don't, what if it attacks us?"

I ignored her and yelled to the pokemon, "Hello, I am Mitsu."

The pokemon looked my way as it swam to the waters edge from where I was standing, "Hello Mitsu, I am Cresselia."

Sumi eased her way from the bushes and stood next to me. Cresselia smiled at Floatzel and asked, "Are you two a couple?"

We blushed and Floatzel waved her hands, as we both yelled, "No, no we are just friends."

Cresselia frowned as it replied, "Oh sorry."

I went to the water and began to drink. Sumi then jumped into the water. The splash soaked my yellow fur. I sighed as Sumi came back up and yelled to me, "Mitsu come in, the water feels good."

I dipped my paw in as I shivered. I looked at her and answered, "No thank you."

Sumi frowned, "Party pooper."

She stepped out of the water and I shook my body of the water. I felt hands on my back when I stopped shaking and I fell into the water as Sumi pushed me. I came back to the top of the water gasping for air as I yelled, "It is fucking cold."

Sumi laughed as she jumped in after me. I watched her swim as I smiled and yelled, "I will make you pay."

I swam as best I could with my yellow paws. It was no use. Sumi being a Floatzel was way to fast as she swam laps around my body. She stopped and smile as she said, "I'm to fast for ya ain't I?"

I took this moment and wrapped my paws around her body as I laughed, "You put your guard down."

She smiled as we looked into each other's eyes. I blushed as I pulled away from her getting aroused again. Sumi was blushing too. She swam closer to me and I swam back saying, "You better not make fun of me again."

Sumi then kissed me as she embraced me. I blushed as she broke the kiss and asked, "Why would I make fun of someone that is attracted to me?"

My heart was pounding and it was not from the cold water. My member was throbbing from all the arousal. She kissed me again and Cresselia swam up to use and asked, "I thought you said you weren't a couple?"

I broke the kiss. Then we looked at Cresselia and I looked into Sumi's eyes. I looked back at Cresselia and answered, "I guess we are now."

Sumi smiled as she kissed my maw again. I then heard Sumi's stomach growl. She put her hand behind her head and blushed, "Guess I'm hungry."

My stomach then growled too and Sumi dove under to catch some fish. I had swam to the shore and waited for Sumi. Cresselia had left and I sat quietly. Sumi came back with several fish and said, "Let's get back."

I held a couple of fish by the tail in my maw. We made our way back and Sumi quickly started another fire in the cave. I laughed as I said, "For a water pokemon you sure are good at fire making."

Sumi smiled as she placed the fish on the fire with sticks. The smell of the fish almost drove me nuts. Sumi then caught my attention. She seemed to be in thought as she watched the fire. I had to ask, "What is wrong Sumi?"

Sumi glanced at me and asked, "Do you like me? I mean well why haven't you left me yet?"

I frowned as I replied, "Because I have feelings for you."

I could hear a soft sigh from Sumi. She was lost in thought again and I asked, "You really don't have anyone do you?"

A tear ran down Sumi's face as she answered, "Everyone has left me. I use to be a human's pokemon but she abandoned me."

I walked over to her and licked her cheek, "I won't leave you."

Sumi leaned forward and grabbed a fish. She handed one to me as she replied, "That's what she said."

I growled as I said, "Hey, I wont leave you because I love you damn it."

Sumi looked shocked as she looked into my eyes, "Really?"

I put a gentle smile on and laughed, "Yea I will never leave you."

She smiled as she took a bite from her fish, "Good"

I started eating and tasted the cooked meat on my tongue. I loved Sumi's cooking. We were finished, as I felt full. Sumi stood up and I watched her curiously, as she walked over to me and sat on her knees in front of me. She looked at me seductively, she leaned her mouth to my ear, and she whispered, "If you're never going to leave me then prove it."

She put her hand on the side of my face as she kissed me. I pulled away to the kiss and whispered back, "Ok"

I kissed her again as I slowly pushed her back to where I was standing over her body. I slowly pushed my tongue against her lips as she eagerly let me in. Our tongues fought as they swirled around in the others mouth. I was beginning to get extremely aroused. My member poked its way out of my sheath. My body shuddered with pleasure and I broke the kiss with a moan as Sumi grabbed my shaft. With the other hand, she pulled me back into a kiss. She ran her hand up and down my shaft. I felt Precum ooze out onto her hand. She let go as she broke the kiss and licked the liquid off her fingers. I panted as I licked her breasts. I found her nipple as I started to suck gently. She moaned, "Mitsu."

I slowly started to lick down her body. I ran my tongue over her entrance as she let out a frantic moan. At first, I just licked her outer lips of her pleasure. She was getting very moist and I pushed my tongue into her needy sex. I tasted her sweet juices as she kept giving more. I lapped at her entrance going as deep as I can. She forced my head into her sex with her hands as she came. Letting her juices onto my tongue as I swallowed all I could. I panted as she finally let go of my head. She rolled over onto all fours and she panted, "Mitsu please ride me."

I looked at her sweet sex as I mounted her. My rock hard member poked at her entrance as I slowly pushed in as she loudly moaned in intense pleasure. I felt an obstruction in my way. I pushed in and felt her hymen break. I have never before mated so I had not known what I done. She screamed out in pain and I saw a tear run down her face, "Sumi are you ok, we can stop?"

She panted as she rested her head on the ground and replied, "Please don't stop Mitsu."

I started slow as I thrusted deep into her. When I was finally all the way in I panted, "Your so tight, Sumi."

Sumi then begged, "Mitsu fuck me hard."

I started thrusting in and out, as I let out my own moan. I heard her yell, "Faster."

My member tingled as I thrusted with all my might with my nearing orgasm. The friction heating us up as we neared. I forced myself in one last time as I climaxed and out juices mixed as our juices mixed in her womb. I relaxed my body on her back savoring the feeling of being in her. She then collapsed on the ground as I pulled out. I lay down next to her and licked her cheek, "I love you Sumi."

Sumi smiled as she licked my nose, "I love you too, Mitsu."

We fell asleep as I looked out of the cave at the stars next to my new lover.

Lightning and water chapter two

Disclaimer: do not read further if you are under 18 or offended by Pokemon sexual relationships. Otherwise, enjoy to you hearts content. Author's notes: Many people find pokemon more appealing when the Mammal pokemon have babies instead of eggs...

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Spyro: The Colliding Worlds Chapter three

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter 3: Danger Around The Den ...

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Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter one

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon and if you recognize any characters then most likely they aren't mine. If you are under 18 or don't like this sort of content in stories then do not read further. Chapter one: Just a Buizel Experiment Just FYI...

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