AbortUS strikes back 4

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#5 of AbortUS strikes back

THE ENEMY (chapter/writing) FINALLY! So here is the chapter you were promised brothers. Im sooooo sorry I didnt work more on it, I had sooo much sh!t in real life these last 2 months and I dont want to burden you with slavic things (ill burden my vodka bottle instead). Also I promise to write the next chapter ASAP (50% done already!!!) and to make it EVEN more up, I have a little surprise for you!.

ofc many thanks to my story editor Mirnehviir.

PS if ANYONE here knows a girl like Selene from underworld in real life and introduces me to her, Ill be eternally indebted to him/her.

"Oh Malion, you don't need to explain anything... I mean, my eyes worked properly the last time I checked", Lillian made a joke as Malion laid down on his belly to cover his penis.

"Well princess, I take it you know that dragons posses psychic powers, as such I took the liberty of... informing myself about the two human guests that I sensed were coming", Elision said as he licked his lips and played with his penis demonstratively. This caused the aroused Marion to moan as she was dripping her sex juices from the mere sight of Elision and the fact that his hormones hit her didn't help either. "As far as I understand, this demonspawn wants, or better yet, needs a good fucking!", he drooled as he slashed open Marians dress, leaving a lot of her torso open, whereupon she moaned.

"Demonspawn?", Lillian cocked an eyebrow as she crossed her arms.

"It... it all started with my grandfather dabbling in demonology and summoning a demoness who offered him riches beyond measure, from their union my mother was born, but now, please fuck me!", Marian said as she fell to her knees and as she started stroking Elisions penis.

"Oh don't worry, I will do that!", Elision said as his penis twitched and throbbed in the human womans hands, he turned her around with his big hands and she rose her ass in the air, presenting herself to him as he took off what remained of her dress from her ass. "You don't mind if I help this poor woman out, do you brother?", he jokingly asked Malion.

"No...", Malion answered as he blushed in shame.

With that, Elision inserted himself - all of his 15 inches (32,5 cm) - slowly in her. She shook like a leaf on the wind and made a 'uhh' sound like she just fell on ice. He moaned and commented: "Just how wet are you, oh I am going to enjoy this", he said as he took a step, doing her in doggy style.

Lillian noticed how Malion was peaking at them, embarrassed, she approached him and knelt, he didn't lift his head from the floor as she gently removed his hands, which were covering his eyes.

"Now are you sure those books about dragons you gave me are correct? They said that dragons were some of the wildest lovers and most kinkiest of creatures. So far your brother has proved this to be true, but you on the other hand are like a shy child, why is that?", she asked him tenderly.

He looked at her as his eyes widened in surprise. "But... but Lillian, you're a human and a princess no less, how is it that you are not disgusted? How is it, that you don't run away in shame and puke at all this?", he asked her.

She sighed. "Malion... I am a princess, but I'm not the type that was born and raised under a bell... my father wanted to marry me off many times, I was taught of sex at a young age and I know and have heard of a lot of noble men and noble women who are just as... naughty", she giggled, "and besides, sex is enjoyable isn't it, so why should I be disgusted by it?", she asked him.

Malion was not aware how his penis and balls were hurting under the pressure of his body. "So this... doesn't bother you?", he asked, refusing to point to Elision who was happily humping Marian.

"No it doesn't", she answered with a smile and he smiled back.

Elision moaned, but he had heard what the two were speaking and mentally told Malion: 'Brother, now is the time to confess everything, tell her how you feel and about your kinks, trust me, now is the best time!'.

"So tell me Malion, I see that you are interested in talking about it, feel free to say anything on your mind", Lillian told him and so he mustered up the courage to speak freely, he gulped as he slowly got up, shaking from the nervousness.

"You.... you don't mind....", He asked as he got up and sat on his butt, covering his erect penis with his hands.

"No I don't, show it to me", she told him and reached for his hands, she gently moved them out of the way and smiled.

"It's so cute, I take it, you are shy because it's... not as big as the ones other dragons have?", she asked him as gently as she could.

"A little...", he shook even more, trying not to cry.

"Well, I don't mind, it's a pretty decent size for a human and after all, I had it in my mouth and it tastes rather nice!", she comforted him and grabbed his hand with hers, he exhaled.

"I thought that was just a dream", he said, causing Elision to laugh hysterically, he even slowed down his pace as the exhausted Marian stopped, it seemed like she came along the way, or maybe she was cumming all the time he fucked her, it was hard to tell with demonspawn.

"I'm done.... Thank you, I feel much better...", she managed to say between gasping for air.

"But I'm not!", Elision said, he didn't pull out of her, he leaned in and brushed her hair out of the way. "Tell me, do you want to... ride the dragon?", he asked her slyly.

"What do you-", she asked as he started whispering into her ear, causing her to giggle. "Yes of course I do", she told him with enthusiasm. Quickly they changed positions, he laid down on his back and she impaled herself - quite happily - on his draconic shaft.

Lillian and Malion were watching this, quite aroused themselves.

"Well, I can assure you it wasn't... but I only gave it to you because I was afraid you might die and I didn't want to waste the possibly last chance I get", she told him, never stopping to smile or hold his hand.

"Thank you", he whispered to her. "It was the best feeling of my life, it has no comparison... it was... it was... beyond description... do you, want to... feel it yourself?", he asked her, still shaking.

"What do you mean?", she asked him puzzled.

'Just show it to her', Elision mentally told Malion in between moans.

Unsurely Malion reached out and placed his hand on her forehead, sending her a portion of the feelings he had the night she kissed his dragonhood. She jolted and made a whimper.

"Well, that was... intense. I couldn't imagine that it could feel sooo good, I'm happy I made you happy", she smiled as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Malion was starting to leak pre, just from the kiss.

"Thank you", he said in return, blushing.

"Now may I ask about another thing?", she asked him.

"Anything", he smiled at her.

"Why is your penis different than that of Elision", she asked him, rubbing her chin.

"Because mine is now a sensation penis and his is a mating penis", Elision answered with a smile as he played with Marians breasts.

Malion looked at Lillian and saw her with a perplexed look on her face. "I.. I remember reading about it from the book you gave me... a dragons penis extends when he meets his mate.... and dragons have many lovers, but only one mate", she looked at Malion, shocked.

"Y-yes... you are my mate", he told her with upmost embarrassment. "N-not that you are, it's just that... my body and soul is telling me you are. I know that that's probably not what you want right now and I know humans don't function that way", he tried to form the words.

"I... I understand Malion", she responded, comforting him. "We have known each other for more than half a year now and in that short period of time, we have had... a lot of events", she semi laughed at her own statement. "And just to think, that I had such a radically different view on dragons before I met you, is surprising", she told him, holding his hand. "Now, I DO feel emotionally attached to you and I don't mind about your dragon-ness", she smiled cocking her head towards Elision and then looking at his penis. "Seriously, don't let me being human stop you from you being dragon. I sort of feel bad, now that I've realized that all this time you tried to restrain yourself, not wanting me to feel uncomfortable."

"Well... it's true", he said looking downward.

"Now, is there anything else you wanted to tell me? If there is, say it freely, don't be afraid", she told him as he calmed down.

"Well...", he said, touching his hands playfully, "can we please... have sex like them... if you want that is", he told her, relaxed for the first time and looked at Elision.

She smiled and rolled her eyes. "I figured as much, I take it, you find me... arousing?"

"Gorgeous even!", he added.

"Well, I would have sex with you Malion, but you see, each time a princess gets married in my nation, a woman looks at her vagina for... injuries, as in she checks to see if she's a virgin", she told him. "So... if you ever want to marry me, to become my mate that is, we can't have sex beforehand, anal or vaginal. I can however give you a blowjob if you want", she told him as she knelt in front of him, looking at his throbbing and erect penis.

"Well, you gave me one last time and I don't want you to feel no pleasure. Sooo... can I eat you?", he asked her.

"Eat me!?!?!", she responded surprised, but then she realized what he meant. "Oh...", she giggled, "yes, I would find that likeable", she told him. And he smiled, genuinely happy he could service her.

'Tell her!', Elision angrily told Malion via telepathy.

"Oh right. Um Lillian, I have one last thing to admit", he stuttered.

"Oh, yeah?", she said as she slowly undressed. "Feel free to say anything you want, as I said, don't be afraid, I won't judge you".

"Um, well... I take it you know what the word fetish means...", he told her, nervous once again.

"Yes I do! And I take it you have one! Naughty dragon!", she told him as she got her upper body undressed, her boobs completely naked.

"Well, I sort of... want... to be your... slave", he told her as he was sweating (even if dragons were mostly cold blooded, they had a limited ability to sweat).

'YES!', Elision mentally yelled.

"Oh my!", she laughed as she got out of her panties, now completely free of any form of clothing. "Well, I don't think ANY less of you, slave!", she smiled and kissed him. "In that case, you should be thankful that you have a small penis".

"Thank you", he hugged her naked form and closed his eyes.

"Well, tell me, what exactly do you want me to do to you, to make you feel like a slave", she asked him.

"I... I don't know, honestly. I don't have much experience at sex, since I'm a virgin (it only counts if it's vaginal penetration!!!), but I do have this internal desire to submit to a more dominant partner", he told her.

"That! I can help", Elision said as he took hold of Marian and took her off his wet penis, she was still reveling in pure bliss. "I can tell you a number of ways to make him... spill his milk, hard", he told the princess with a snicker as he moved Marian into a more doggy style position, she didn't protest.

"J-just don't take it too far... please", Malion told her.

"Don't worry, you will always be Malion first and a slave second", she teased him.

"Thank you", he whispered as she sat down, leaned against a rock and spread her legs, tempting him. He wasted no time and approached her, lowering his head to sniff her pussy. "Sooo good", he said and began leaking pre once again. Slowly he inserted his tongue inside her, rubbing her clitoris along the way.

"Ohhhh", she moaned as she grabbed his horns with her hands. "Deeper!", she told him. He obeyed and pushed his thick, slithery draconic tongue deeper inside, going past the small hole beside her hymen, avoiding breaking it. He continued to grind his tongue against her clitoris as he penetrated her. "OH MY!", Lillian yelled.

"Congratulations on your newfound talent brother!", Elision said as he rammed Marian hard. She moaned loudly, as if she was in another dimension, lifting her ass even higher, offering herself to her dragon lover. He needed no other invitation and continued to pound her.

Malion took his tongue out and kissed the princesses clitoris. "That feels good", she told him.

"And it tastes better than I ever expected!", he told her. It tasted like a mixture of the sweetest meat and the sweetest honey to him and he closed his eyes as he entered an altered state of mind, his tongue dancing all over her vagina walls.

"Well, don't stop!", she told him and he re-inserted himself.

'How does it feel brother? I take it you see now why am oh so 'obsessed' with sex', Elision asked Malion telepathically.

'It's sooo good! I never would have thought it would be like this! It's as if a great burden had fallen from my soul! Thank you so much, brother!', Malion said in genuine affection.

'My pleasure...', Elision purred, both mentally and physically as he humped Marian, 'and how could I not help? You were a dragon who forgot how to be a dragon!!!', he told him.

'Tell me, how is it that you can contain yourself? I can barely hold my mind and I'm already very close to climax and you have been breeding her for a long while', Malion asked him as he sucked and "eated" Lillian's pussy, making loud slurping noises.

'Simply after you do it for a while, it gets numb, dumb and boring. Basically, the more sex you have, the more AND less you crave it, think of mother and father, they have sex all the time, but they find it less pleasurable and find it harder to orgasm', Elision explained.

Suddenly Lillian reached out with her legs and grabbed Malions head with them, hugging him tightly and nearly injuring herself on his horns.

"I'M!", she said, but failed to finish the sentence as her vagina walls contracted around Malions tongue in an attempt to milk it. Her muscles contracted and she moaned as she spasmed her sexual love fluids all around Malions mouth. He gently pulled out of her as she moaned. "...that was... amazing!", she told him as she hugged his head and kissed him on the snout.

"I'm glad you liked it!", he told her.

"Well, I'm happy you two love birds are having fun", Elision semi sung the words out. "How about a little position change", he suggested as he pulled out of Marion and picked her up.

"Ummm... I agree and Malion here has yet to have his fair share", Lillian said as she broke the hug. "Lie down on your back!", she told Malion, which he did. She then proceeded to lay on his belly, her head facing his cock.

"I like where this is going!", Malion said with eagerness and flicked his tongue, getting ready to continue his assault on Lillians vagina.

"Well, care if we move in?", Elision asked as he placed Marian near Malions head. "Care to lick her pussy clean while she blows me? You can work on your oral skills, you would need them in the future!", He said, pointing to the fact that Malion wouldn't have vaginal sex with the princess.

"But.... she is full of your seed!", Malion was quick to point out in protest.

"That shouldn't be a problem for a dragon!", Lillian teased him.

"A-alright then", Malion agreed and Marian sat on his snout, her gaping pussy dripping his brothers seed into his maw as he proceeded to lick her clean. She tasted differently than the princess, more mature, more seasoned and the salty taste of his brothers cum was ever present. Still Malion didn't mind, he even liked it.

"Soooo eager", Elision said as he rose to his hind legs and pushed his large penis down Marians throat, she was clearly not prepared and it took her a lot to adjust to his large size.

"I hope you enjoy this!", the princess said as she gently placed her hand on Malions penis, it immediately responded to her touch, throbbing and contracting, as well as sending another jet of pre. "Oh!", Lillian exclaimed as she pulled her hand away. "Its so soft! And you're so excited!", she told him. She gently bent down and placed a single kiss at its tip, causing his penis to send pre out at a constant stream. "Tasty... I see you will... cum... soon, so I'll try to make it as pleasurable as I can!", she said as she squeezed her breasts around his penis, engulfing it and leaving the tip sticking out from them, then she bent down and kissed it, slowly taking it in her mouth and at the same time, she used her hands to play with his balls.

Malion tried to roar, but couldn't do that because he had a mouth full of pussy. "Can't... take... much...", he managed to screech in between the oral action he was dealing, carefully evading biting Marian with his teeth.

"Good, in that case, feel free to receive a proper orgasm brother", Elision told him as he shoved his penis down Marians throat pushing her head all the way until his balls grinded against her chin and then he moaned as he came, sending a jet of his seed down into the human woman's belly, she took it as best as she could. After the last drop was spend, she gasped for air and coughed up bits of cum, then she practically fell off Malion and onto the floor, in what looked like sleep.

"ARGHHHH!", Malion was finally free to roar as his overly sensitive penis erupted. His balls may have been smaller than that of Elision, but they were blue from the pent up cum he had been storing. He let loose all he could and wanted, and Lillian took it in her mouth elegantly. She drank it in waves, before gasping for air herself.

"That was... fun", Elision snickered.

"Lillian I... that was the single best feeling I have ever had in my life... and I'm not lying", he told her with eyes wide open.

"Ahhaha... I best clean her and take her to sleep", Elision said as he held Marian's naked body, his penis now limp. "See you tomorrow", and with that he went to the other end of the cave.

"Well it's good that your hormones work well, otherwise that whole situation might have been awkward", the princess told him as she got up. "Though the sex WAS amazing", she stretched as she said that. For some reason she felt much lighter, maybe it was because she released a lot of pent up stress, or maybe it was the fact that sex burned calories, who knew?

"Wait, you knew that?", Malion struggled to form a question.

"Yes, I knew that male dragons make special hormones that make females horny! That explained a lot. I did read the book you gave me", she told him as she examined herself. "Do you know of a way to clean myself", she asked him.

"Well... it's too late to go outside to the river, but there is a small pond in the back of the cave, here, let me lead you", Malion offered his hand to the princess.


"I know who you are, what you are and I know that you are here, so please... appear", Liura said as she swung her sword about, then reinserted it in its sheath. She was alone in an abandoned watchtower with no apparent light source and the darkness of the night engulfed the semi ruined object, with only pale moonlight lighting it up.

Suddenly there was a flash of pure white light behind her and Zmaj the sustina god appeared. "Awwww", he said with a voice deeper than the one he normally used. "And here I was... thinking that I was the only... observer in this matter", he said, but she only heard him whisper and echo. He looked around the guard tower, it was next to the kings road, but it laid abandoned for many years, still some resemblance of everyday life remained, a table with the report book on it, covered in cobweb, the god approached it to examine it.

"Observing? Do you call sending a lighting of sustina to a mortal in a middle of the fight against slina observing?", she turned and faced him, raising one of her long eyebrows, not that it showed under her mask.

"And do you call charging in the enemy which you know can't be killed that easily smart?", he asked her in return as he studied the report book, his whispers and echoes hitting against the cold stone walls.

"I know much... and more than you think, god", she told him, still keeping her military baring.

"Oh? Do tell", he ignored her as he flicked the pages of the book, reading the meaningless details of a past age.

"For instance, I know you are a god of sustina and I know that I see you as a dark elf, because I am a dark elf. Each non elevated being will see you as a member of their own race and yet you will be dressed the same and behave the same towards them as you would to anyone else", she told him.

He sat down at the cobweb covered chair and continued reading. "Go on", he said, somewhat dismissingly, his voice echoing in her head.

"I also know that immortal creatures such as myself can only hear whispers of your voice, because we are not blinded by slina, mortals can't hear you and the champions you chose can only 'read the words you speak from their minds.'", she quoted.

"Very good, very good", he said as he got up and closed the book, sending a cloud of dust in the air. "Anything else?", he asked her.

"A lot! But that's not the point. I know that you are omnipotent but limited by yourself at the same time, you have omnipotent power but can only use it in a proportion your own sustina allows", she told him. "And I want to know your purpose here", she told him, crossing her arms.

"Well... aside from me aiding you in battle... has anyone ever told you... how perfect you are and how the world is a better place because of the fact that you exist?", he asked her.

"Knock. It. Off", she told him.

"Seriously, if you ever want to become a sustina prince, or in your case, princess, you only need to say my name, you already are enlightened", he approached her and gently stroked her cheek. "That's one of the reasons why immortals can't be blinded by slina, they have an eternity to find their essence, while mortals think that by conforming, they will achieve happiness... still, should an immortal choose to embrace slina willingly... he will suffer more than any known mortal", he gave her a lecture.

"I don't know if I should be happy for the fact that you offered me such a position, or if I should be angry that I can't cut off your hand. Because I know that normal weapons can't hurt you", she told him, full of what seemed sadistic spite.

"You are... a VERY... interesting character. As for an actual answer to your question, the boy... I want him, to mold him, to guide him, to show him the light of sustina... and don't worry, slina will be fought... and defeated, I will make sure of it, but that doesn't worry you at all, does it?", he said to her as he pulled away.

"In that case, I'll leave it to your capable hands... and since I assume that you know all about what'd happened, then you know I'll ask you for help in achieving my goal", she said stone cold.

"And you know that I will ask... why? You are quite capable of doing... many things.... yourself", he asked her.

"...Brakne 'Brakei' Barnave sends her regards", the elfin smiled for the first time during their conversation.

He looked at her straight for a few moments, before finally responding: "Clever girl... to outsmart a god... you knew that I would be tooo... focused on you that I wouldn't want to know that - in fact - you are friends with one of my many... mortal... children, how is she?"

"I haven't seen her in the last 30 years, but last time I checked, she was missing her father, perhaps you can change that, allow me to visit her once I finish this mission", she told the god.

"Such strength of character... such desire for coldness, evilness... yet still so very... very... human like.... You want to be evil, cold and uncaring, but can't suppress your other emotions... I can see... within you... a desire to ask me to purge you of anything that is good, but you actually don't want that", he said in retort.

"Thanks for the lesson... Now answer. Me", she hissed.

"Yes... I will help you and you will... well... let's just say mark history", he said and tossed her the book, which she caught with great agility and precision. "Write down what happened since the begging of this whole affair and continue to write on it, I'll collect it as a... memento in the end... oh trust me, you will know", he told her and turned around. He made a few steps forward before disappearing into the white light of sustina.