Next Best Thing

Story by BrassOtter on SoFurry

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#15 of Commissions

There are many strange and unusual things in this world. Some people collect them, others destroy them, yet they all appreciate these oddities in one way or another. But what happens when you are one of these oddities, and someone has taken a special interest in 'collecting' you? Or, rather, collecting from you!

Commision for FA: SpontaneousFred

Kiba really didn't understand how he managed to get into situations like this. Maybe it was just bad luck? Maybe the universe was just hardwired to fuck with him? Maybe some god somewhere decided to say 'fuck you' to this mortal in particular, just for shits and giggles? Whatever the case was, Kiba most certainly didn't like his current predicament; The raccoon was currently on his back, arms folded against his chest, a sticky substance holding them and his legs in place. The substance they had sprayed over his arms to stick them like that was warm, radiating it, and the surface he lay on was incredibly plush... It was almost like they were trying to force him to relax. He was completely bare, his unusual 'equipment' hard as a rock between his legs, a bead of pre running down his equine erection.

Kiba had been gifted (or cursed, depending on your view) with a unicorn's cock and balls. How the magic worked, he really didn't know, but he was painfully aware that he was a conundrum, and that scientists everywhere were trying to get a hold of him to study. He was also painfully aware of the need throbbing through his loins, his cock at full mast and leaning a steady line of pre. He hadn't felt this needy and helpless at the same time since Argus had kidnapped him...

Argus labs definitely had him for the longest, milking and testing and... Gods above, just the thought of ever seeing that bastard Argus again made Kiba shiver... And his cock give an extra-strong twitch. But no, this didn't have Argus's calling card. Argus would have more finesse than pulling him into a back-alley and drugging him... And this definitely wasn't Argus's staff milling around him, taking notes on their clipboards and mumbling to each other. Kiba had tried getting their attention multiple times before, but the second he'd started speaking, two of the furs dressed like doctors had forced something down his throat, and now his airways felt gummy and clogged, and his vocal chords were completely useless.

"Uuuuggh..." He moaned at a doctor, unable to make anything above a low groan, ears pinned back to his head. He went completely ignored, just as he had before, and was left to sit and wait for whatever it was these bastards had planned for him. That might be a bit easier to do, if there was a giant, intimidating machine hanging right above him. It whirred and hummed softly, and while it was mostly nondescript, and he couldn't make out details with the lights to dim, but Kiba got the sinking feeling this was a large part of whatever these people wanted to do to him.

"Machine is done with start-up procedures, subject is sufficiently restrained, and he's already been given the serum... All clear recieved, start the test." Came the deep, soft voice of a nearby canine.

Kiba let out the softest of whimpers, not really able to do much else. Serum? That would explain why he was so needy... He strained against the iron bands holding him tight, but that only led to chafing and muscle fatigue. He sat in the padded chair and panted, ears now raised and on high-alert for whatever these bastards were getting ready to do.

The machine above Kiba let out a loud 'clunk', and the gentle whirring grew a little louder, things clearly being set in motion. Kiba struggled weakly in his bonds, and watched in fear as the machine began to rotate slowly, mechanical arms springing to live and the dull hiss of pneumatics filling the air. The machine was surprisingly quiet for being such a behemoth...

Kiba let out a soft gasp, hips twitching when something incredibly warm and moist was suddenly pressed against the twitching tip of his cock. His mind reeled in fear, but his body responded with a rough buck upward, sinking his flesh into more of the hot, incredibly tight milking device. His toes curled, and his hips strained, but eventually got himself back under control, lying back and trying not to thrust.

The machine wasted no time, starting hard and fast, pumping up and down his cock. Kiba knew only the quiet 'slurp' every time the sleeve pumped over his cock, and the pleasure rocketing through his loins. Pre practically shot from his tip, and the hungry machine eagerly slurped it all up. Kiba knew this was wrong, that he shouldn't be letting the intense stimulation get to him this much... But, damn, it felt amazing!

The milker was warm and wet, and squeezed tight around his cock, pumping up at down at an at a slow, leisurely, almost teasing pace. He writhed on the padded table, trying not to think about his impending orgasm... And failed that task miserably. He let out the loudest moan he could, barely above a whisper, and rolled his hips up as far as he could and came. Hard.

The quiet slurping grew a little louder while his potent, voluminous load was sucked up by the machine, pumping away through his orgasm and making the pleasure that much more intense. The poor 'coon just sat there and took it, bucking and thrusting. Finally, the torrent of cum began to slow, and with it the machine.

For a few seconds. Much to Kiba's horror, it picked right back up again after only the smallest of breaks, pumping hard and fast. Much to his surprise, however, he felt no pain or discomfort; only more intense, overwhelming pleasure. He groaned and tried to demand answers from the scientists milling about, but Kiba went completely ignored, as if he wasn't there at all.

"Subject is responding as expected to the chemicals, extraction of seed can continue indefinitely." He heard one scientist say to the other, sounding disinterested. Indefinitely?! They couldn't keep him here! Kiba tried to struggle again, but the intense pleasure shooting up his spine and the chemical cocktail clouding his thoughts made it hard to focus on escape. The machine kept slurping away until he hit his second release, and Kiba let out his little groans again, eyes rolling back in his head.

It could be a lot worse, he thought. At least he was comfortable, and getting mind-blowing orgasms one after another... No, this wasn't something he should be enjoying! He'd been kidnapped and drugged! But... Those drugs made this all the more intense. It made the pleasure shooting up his cock when the machine started up for a third time overwhelming, making thoughts impossible to take hold. The pleasure grew with each subsequent orgasm, as well as Kiba's need to reach his climax. He needed... Needed to... To... Fuck, he needed to cum!


By orgasm six, Kiba was gone. He knew nothing but the bliss that shot from the end of his cock every few seconds, and the rapturous pleasure that filled the time between his orgasms. His eyes were half-lidded and clouded over, and the only sounds in the room were the slurping and humming of the machine, and Kiba's quiet groans of pleasure. His hips burned from exertion, and finally gave out at around eleven. The machine happily took over though, tilting the table he lay on back a bit. His cock now pointed into the machine, the pleasure only rose, especially when it began to gently rock his lower body back and forth, keeping up the motions of thrusting.

At somewhere around orgasm eighteen, he heard voices. Somewhere in the back of his lust-addled mind he recognized that words were being spoken, but he didn't have the focus to know what was being said. He just let out a single little groan and kept thrusting. He didn't care about speaking, he wanted to cum!

Little did he know, he'd just been asked if he wished to stay in the facility. One moan for yes, two for no. His arousal had sealed his fate for him; Kiba was to stay right where he was. Comfortable, left alone, and enjoying endless, mind-melting orgasms. Argus occasionally popped in to check on his best producer, but for the most part he was ignored.

That was fine with him, though. It let him focus on how good it felt to cum.

Sslytha's birthday surprise

The day Raigan had been waiting for was just around the corner; Mistress Sslytha's birthday was near! The purple dragon had been planning her surprise for weeks now, setting things carefully so she wouldn't suspect something was happening, getting all...

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Gadgemy's Birthday Test

"Really, Carmen...? Thanks for the warning..." Gadgemy blushed heavily as he walked through the large halls of Argus labs, webbed paws covering his exposed groin. The lady at the reception counter had been very clear that he had to strip before he...

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Slick Space - Chapter Three

Eight hours. Any doctor would say that it was the perfect amount of deep, restful sleep needed to keep a dragon fit and healthy. But for Axus, curled comfortably in his nest aboard ship, it was eight solid hours of imeasurable torment. He didn't...

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