Quick Write 2: Good Grades

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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A bit of practice attempting to write a shorter story with a good amount of detail. Not bad, but I think I like my next idea a bit better... ;)

Sasha flung the doors open to Zurn's room, turning the head of every student in class and subtly waking up those that were sleeping. She knew exactly what she could've been getting herself into when she told her instructor that she'd do whatever it took for a little 'help' with her grades and somehow she somehow managed to show confidence in her decision. At the sight of her standing at the door, Zurn flicked his long scaly tail before standing up at his full 9 foot and somethin' inch height and showering the walls with light reflecting off of his polished, deep blue scales.

"That'll be all for today." Zurn looked over his students before looking up to the clock. Class had literally just started, and just like that, it was over. He hadn't actually anticipated that Sasha would follow through with her word, but there she was.

The speed of the students trickling out of the classroom left much to be desired, but once they were gone and the door slammed behind them, Zurn pushed the idea of teaching anything out of his mind. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Sasha's mouth was moving, her soft, spongy wolf tongue intricately dancing about her mouth as she filled him in on the details of her desperation.

He didn't care very much that Sasha's younger sister's grades were far better and that Sasha simply wanted to be on top. In fact, he was far too excited on what he would be receiving out of the deal to note her intentions. Regardless, after she finished speaking, he showed her a smirk which only grew after hearing her speak 'I'll do whatever it takes' in person.

"Very well." Zurn looked around for a moment, first at the scribbled upon desktops, then to his desk. Coincidentally, a classroom was the perfect place to teach her a lesson. After a moment he turned away, and flipped off the classroom's lights before turning back to Sasha, looking over her short skirt and sizable breasts, her furry body and deep green eyes. She was fit and thick furred, just as about every werewolf around her age was, though a little taller, standing at roughly at 6'5 feet tall.

Sasha managed to brace herself as Zurn groped every bit of her body with his sight and barely managed to stand still as he reached forward, aggressively gripping her low-cut, button-up blouse. Only a moment later he ripped it apart, sending buttons bouncing across the floor and revealing her black, lacy bra. Her lips started to curl into a frown just before Zurn stepped forward, capitalizing on her near bare chest, grabbing her sizable breasts and pushing her backward. She gasped loud before staggering backward almost finding herself sitting on a desk at Zurn's mercy.

"A-Ah...! W-Wait...!" Sasha pushed Zurn hard, but he didn't budge a single inch. He gripped her breasts even tighter and looked down into her eyes with a narrowed gaze. "I don't have a change of clothes with me! I told you I'd do whatever it takes, but you can't tear off my clothes like that...!"

Sasha knew that she'd be in more kinds of trouble than she could imagine if she got caught, but Zurn didn't look the least bit worried even though the exact could be said for him. Eventually, his gaze returned to normal and he stepped backward, raking his claws through Sasha's dark, sandy colored fur and using his tail to grip her own. He released her blouse slowly, silently agreeing before looking over her body once more. "Fine, but you're going to have to give me a reason not to." He placed a hand on her shoulder and forced her down to her knees below him. "Call it...the _oral_portion of your test."

It didn't take long for Sasha to realize what he wanted, and at the sight of his member starting to peak from his sheath she took a deep breath. His crotch smelled, expectantly, of an older dragon's musk and the sheer size of his head almost promised that she'd need a break afterward. Despite it being so sudden, she quickly went to work, shutting her eyes and enveloping his sheath in her maw. He never mentioned exactly what he wanted for the change in her grades, but somehow she hoped that this would be it, that he would blow his load and say she could leave. The longer she began to suck, however, caressing his member with her tongue and slurping down his precum, the less she began to believe it.

Just as Zurn's member had fully revealed its true length, he sighed deeply, moving his hand from Sasha's head before pulling back. A thick line of his precum decorated her muzzle before drizzling down onto her skirt. "Now, stand up and bend over. I want time to enjoy this...and you're going to want time to get back to your dorm without being seen."

Sasha barely managed to catch the dark tone of Zurn's voice over her own coughs and a brief snort to clear her nose of his scent, but to no avail. In the process she slowly picked herself up, her tail caught between her legs as the sudden realization came that Zurn was getting the deal's worth out of her. Regardless, she couldn't help but do as he asked; being prideful and confident was simply part of being a werewolf, and while getting fucked desk-side was nothing to brag about, she never went back on her word.

Zurn assisted her as she turned around, spinning her by the shoulder and grabbing her shoulder, forcing her over the desk. She gasped at the sudden roughness before Zurn finished taking her shirt away from her body, and tossing it to the floor. He grabbed her skirt next, but instead of simply ripping it off, he pulled it up, revealing her black laced panties. A sudden sense of embarrassment coursed through her being as Zurn pulled her panties down and around her thighs before grabbing her tail, and raising it high to reveal her sex and tailhole.

Sasha sank her claws into the desk before her, attempting to pull her tail away before her resistance was met with Zurn's cock pressed firmly against her sex. He traced the opening with his pre, rumbling a growl of affirmation before roughly dragging his member up to her tailhole and pushing forward.

"N-No! Wait...!"

Zurn ignored what he only assumed would end up as a plea, interrupt it with his length, pushing deep into Sasha's ass. She muffled a scream by biting her tongue, scratching the surface of the desk before her before shutting her eyes tight. She sank her claws into the ground desperately attempting to brace herself as Zurn held nothing back, smacking his pelvis against her ass as hard as he could. All the while, Sasha pounded Zurn's chest with her tail, pain, and an awkward shock of pleasure rushing through each and all of her limbs as Zurn stretched her ass apart with no mercy.

They had only gone for a short while, but Sasha could feel herself starting to heat up, her sex sopping wet from the rough penetrating. She attempted to reject the feeling and found herself desperate to reject Zurn, but before she could, he pulled out, gripping the base of her tail with one hand and the base of his slippery cock with the other. Before she knew what was coming next, Zurn took a deep breath, sighing deeply as Sasha started to fall limp against the desk, filling her panties with one load after another of his hot, sticky seed and thinking nothing of her denied orgasm.

Sounds of Zurn's cum splattering against tile echoed about the room until there was silence aside from deep panting. Zurn smirked wide at the sight before him, Sasha's limp tail and panties filled with his seed, her trembling legs and rolled back eyes. He stepped backward before shaking about his member, spattering her skirt and rear with the remainder of his sticky orgasm before turning away.

"Ahh...you'd best yourself cleaned up." Sasha stood up as Zurn spoke, focusing on her trembling legs then her panties before gripping them with a flustered look. She looked back to him, to his dirty grin, before reaching down to grip her panties, one of her nipples slipping out of her bra.

"A-Are you...going to increase my grade now?" Sasha started to pull up her panties, clearly stalling. The last thing she wanted was to wear his scent around, but it seemed that she had no choice in the matter. Eventually, after a long while, she forced her panties up, her entire body trembling at the grotesque feel of Zurn's seed, his dominance, coating her sex. The idea of having to walk around in it almost made it feel even worse...

Zurn chuckled, stepping over to the door and unlocking it, but he kept the lights off. "It'll take far more than a single 'A+' to improve a grade like yours." He pointed to the clock with a short smirk.

Sasha couldn't help but gawk in disbelief, but a look to the clock later had her frowning and her tail between her legs. She looked away with a groan as she awkwardly swayed from side to side out of the room, feeling Zurn's seed drip down her leg. The worst part about it all...was knowing that she'd be back tomorrow...

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