Decidedly Inappropriate (A1, B10, C3)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#3 of Twilight of the Gods Book10

And, remember when I said last chapter? Okay, here's a little violence and inappropriate behavior. Things are just starting to heat up.

Not because I'm a pervert per say! It's because that's just how things happened in the context of the story!


Chapter -3- Decidedly Inappropriate

October 31, 2049 - 5am District Coast, Virginia ...

Nichole hugged Laura. "You know where you're going, right?"

"Yeah. I'm worried how Kalen is doing."

Vincent frowned. "What do you mean?"

Laura relinquished the embrace with Nichole. "Someone attempted to behead him a while back. They did it very, very slowly, with a saw. Slowly enough he was able to heal the injury in the wake of the cutting. He has not yet come to terms with how it has affected him."

Nichole swallowed. "So it was done slowly, so as to seem like torture?"

"Yes. He constantly clears his throat, rubs at his neck, and he refuses to wear a tie, now. Also, he misses his girlfriend. He's had it difficult and I'd wondered how he has been since leaving San Francisco."

Vincent and Laura hugged. "Thanks for coming with us. Good luck."

Laura smiled. "I'm sure I'll see you again." She turned to Nichole. "Remember what we talked about on the train. Stay open-minded and things will be fine."

"I just hope I'm doing the right thing. If Dr. Falcon can't fix my eyes, or my healing, I'll be useless."

"No, you won't." Laura kissed Nichole's forehead. "You will adapt. Just remember who you are, and don't become who you were."

"No way. That's not who I am anymore." Nichole placed her hands on Laura's face. "Why are you crying?"

Laura frowned. "I've been alone for a long time. And now I'm going to be alone again. At least for a while. I'll miss you both."

Nichole leaned forward and brushed her lips against the corner of Laura's mouth. "You're a strong girl. You'll be okay. And just because you will be traveling on your own, it doesn't mean you're alone. You have friends, now. The Kincade family. Me. Vincent, of course. Sinopa."

Laura smiled against Nichole's hands. "I'm not used to crying. It's a new experience for me."

"Same here," Nichole murmured. "I'm not sure if I like it. It's especially uncomfortable now."

"I have high hopes you'll see me again," Laura said. "Stay positive."

Laura drew both of them into a hug. She stepped back and turned away. Laura drew out a GPS device and followed it towards a bus depot a few blocks back towards the local town.

Vincent took Nichole's hand and walked with her across a cold beach. They made their way up onto a long pier and headed out to the end.

Vincent drew out his phone. He thumbed the screen and brought it to his face. A moment later, he spoke into it. "We're at the meeting point in Virginia Beach. I have Nichole. She's ready to come home." A moment later, he said, "What? Are you serious? You're letting him?"

Vincent began pacing on the pier. "No, I'm really happy you're being so trusting. I have a lot to report. There's a lot I didn't tell you."

He leaned against a handrail on the side of the pier and shifted his phone to his other ear. "I was almost at ground zero when the second nuke detonated. Nichole stopped the first, but we didn't know there was a second one. That's why I was out of contact for so long. I'll give you a full debriefing when I get home."

Vincent used his free hand and rubbed his face. "Thank you, Dr. Falcon." He hung up the call and put the phone into his pocket.

"What did he say?" asked Nichole.

Vincent approached her and took her hands into his. "He let Fox pilot a sub to fetch us. You'll get to meet my husband. Dr. Falcon knows Fox will come back because Topaz is still in the city."

"I see. And you said these are the people who encouraged you to gain my trust, so I would help you?" She sighed and shook her head. "You do realize I nearly killed them once, right? I walked in on them while they were having sex, and I took the breath right out of their lungs. They nearly suffocated to death."

"They know you've changed. That's why they asked me to gain your trust. They know what a powerful asset you are."

"Not anymore. I can't see what the hell I'm doing."

Vincent took Nichole's hands and brought them to his face. "You will again. Soon. I promise. Do you still care for me?'

"I do."

"So we're good?"

Nichole rubbed the nape of her neck. "Yeah. I've psyched myself up so I won't get jealous. If you love them, who am I to pry you three apart? But, Vincent, what's going to keep you from throwing me aside? They can still see."

"Hey," Vincent said in a stern voice. "Don't be like that. Look, the fact you're so understanding about my relationship ... it means a lot to me."

"The stuff we had the night I couldn't sleep, do you think there will be anymore of that when we get back?"

Vincent reached into his bag. "You really developed a taste for straight bourbon huh?" Vincent withdrew a glass bottle and handed it to her. "The irony is, there's an old, fading sign here that says, 'no alcoholic beverages on the beach.'"

Nichole unscrewed the metal cap and drank straight from the bottle. She cringed at the intensity of the taste. Three swallows later, she put the cap back on and handed it to Vincent. "I can't believe I'm going back to New Atlantis. I swore I was done with that place."

"It's not forever. If we all earn Dr. Falcon's trust, we'll be more helpful to our friends in stopping him."

"Yeah." Nichole tilted her head. "That doesn't sound like the waves on the beach. What is that?"

Vincent looked around. A submarine broke surface out in the ocean. The small sub moved towards the pier's end. "I think that was the bilge system pumping water out of the submarine tanks. You heard the bubbling?"

"I don't know what it was. The sub is here? How many people?"

"It doesn't look all that big." Vincent took her hands and walked her to the end of the pier. They waited until the sub moved to the end of the pier. The hatch opened.

Fox climbed up and looked from Vincent to Nichole. "You guys are up here drinking in this cold?"

Vincent grinned. "Hey, Fox. So Falcon's letting you pick us up? Does that mean he's trusting you two?"

"It's complicated," said Fox. "He's been trying to put me to work. He wants to keep me busy so Topaz can rest. She's at that point where the morning sickness is really bad, but it should stop soon. Hopefully."

Vincent slid the glass bottle into his pack. "So how long has it been since you've seen the sky?"

"This will be my first sunrise in a long time, Vince. It was still winter when Paz and I left Conner with mom in New Orleans. I plan on sticking around to see it."

"I won't," Nichole said softly.

Fox tilted his head in confusion. "I know we got off to a bad start last time, Aunt Nicky, but..."

"I meant that I won't see the sunrise. The last thing I saw was a nuclear detonation a month ago. I haven't seen anything since. I can't heal anymore. I'm sorry I attacked you and Topaz. There's a few things I need to get off my chest, if you don't mind."

Fox was stunned to silence. He cleared his throat and said, "Give me a moment." He climbed back into the sub. A moment later, he returned with cables.

Fox tossed one end to Vincent. "Tie it to something sturdy."

The two worked together to secure the sub to the end of the pier. Fox climbed up onto the hatch, leapt off, and gracefully landed on the handrail around the pier. He dropped down onto the planks and approached Nichole.

She canted her head, listening to his approach.

Fox took her hands, gently, and brought them to his face. "I want you to know I'm not scowling at you or anything like that. I get it - Falcon ordered you to bring us in. We were hiding out down there. I want you to know something."

"What?" she asked.

"Topaz and I came to an agreement. We asked Vincent to say or do anything it took to try and talk you into helping us. We told him if you were violent or aggressive, that he should use radiation to take you down. But we, Topaz and I, agreed it would be better to have you as a friend. Aunt Nicky, you've got to understand that we grew up with you. You were more of a friend than our father's sister, because we were so close in age. I know you don't remember any of that, but we love you. We didn't want Vincent to hurt you. That was a last resort sort of thing."

Nichole pursed her lips together, feeling emotion well up in her chest. She didn't expect Fox to be as sweet and tender as Vincent. She swallowed and said, "I'm not your aunt. I never was. Your aunt was killed by someone, and I don't know if she exists anymore. Falcon saw a gene in your aunt that was dormant. It would have allowed her to have and handle multiple supernatural abilities, naturally. He cloned her and changed things. Genetically speaking, I'm a shadow of your aunt. I'm nothing like her."

"And you don't age," said Fox.

"I do now. Starting last month, apparently." Nichole shrugged. "Just as well. I look twenty-five, but really, I'm just a confused woman going through puberty. Vincent is the first boy to show me affection, and I fell for it."

"You're not going through puberty," said Fox. "Falcon engineered you to age past adolescence before waking up the first time. That's what he's done with several of his clones. If you're not some reprogramed version of my aunt, then you're like those other clones he's created. Jasper Cunningham, for example."

Nichole scoffed. "Jasper is a clone, too? I should have known." She felt her cheeks burning and lowered her hands from Fox's face. "I guess I'm just confused and alone, then. I don't want what I've experienced with Vincent to get in the way of what he's built with you and Topaz. I'm not a home-wrecker."

Fox frowned. He glanced at Vincent with a weak smile. After a moment to think about it, he drew Nichole into his arms. "Paz and I forgive you. We don't hold it against you. And you don't have to be confused. We encouraged Vincent to get close to you."

"But now I have to give him back," she said against Fox's shoulder, hands at her sides.

"No you don't," said Fox. "What you two do will not affect his relationship with Topaz or me. Unless he wants it to. He has had to share Topaz with me for twenty-five years. I don't believe in double standards, and neither does Paz. Vincent is free to do whatever he wants with you."

Vincent approached them from the right and said, "Nichole, we've started building something in the last few weeks. I care about you. I'm not going anywhere. Unless you decide you don't want to have a relationship with me, in which case, all I can do is accept your decision. But even if you did, I'm still here for you as a friend."

"No," she said, shaking her head against Fox's shoulder. "I want you as more than a friend. We have a thing, now, Vincent. I have feelings for you. You're my first everything, and I don't want it to stop. God, look at me - I've thrown people around rooms, taken their breath, and their lives. And now I'm a mess. All because I was lonely and let my guard down."

"I'm sorry," Vincent said. He moved closer and put one hand on Fox's hip and his other on Nichole's hip. "Are you upset at who you've become?"

"No!" she exclaimed. Nichole swallowed and cleared her throat. "I mean ... no. I'm not upset. I was alone for months. I decided, on my own, that I don't want to be Falcon's psycho puppet anymore. But I'm emotionally broken. And then I fell in love with the first boy to come along and kiss me." She bit her lower lip. "And, uhm, you're sweet too, Fox. Thank you for not being judgmental towards me. I was worried."

Fox glanced at Vincent and frowned.

Vincent frowned back. "I promise, Nichole, you will see another sunset again one day soon. I'll bring you up here to see it with Fox and Topaz. We'll be one big family."

Nichole put one arm around Fox and finally hugged him back. "So you don't hate me?"

"Nope. If Vincent loves you, then so do I."

"After attacking you and your sister?"

"That doesn't matter," Fox told her. "I mean it. You're a different person, now. And you don't have to be confused about your feelings. Vincent learned to share in his relationship with me. And we're both very open-minded guys. If anything, I thought you would judge, because it's not a normal relationship ... you seemed judgmental of me with Paz a few months ago."

"I was being a jealous bitch," Nichole said sourly. "I was told to wait until the two of you finished having sex, because Falcon wanted Topaz to be pregnant. So there I was, watching you two make love ... and you two said the sweetest things to one another. You said you loved each other. I never knew how that felt. All I knew was how alone I felt. I'm sorry I was mean to you, Fox."

"Nicky, don't apologize - you didn't do anything wrong."

"I just don't want to be alone again. I don't want to lose Vincent to your sister."

"You won't," said Vincent with a reassuring tone of voice. "I promise."

"You won't lose Vincent," said Fox. "The three of us will protect you until you get your sight back. We won't let anything happen to you, and we won't let you be alone ever again. But you have to understand one important thing."

"What's that?" she asked.

"We love Vincent, too. He's our husband. We don't mind sharing him with you. It's only fair, considering he has to share me with Topaz and vice-versa, but ... you have to promise me you won't break his heart and leave him for some quest to get more powers."

"I'm not that person anymore. My life was empty. It had no meaning. I was a puppet. I understand Vincent is your husband, Fox. I won't come between that. But I'm insecure and it took losing my eyes to come to terms with my humility. And that's on top of learning how much it hurts to be alone. I'm just scared he'll get bored with me."

Fox placed his hands on Nichole's face. He thumbed away the moisture gathering at the bottom of her eyelids. Her eyes appeared almost solid, a dark spot in the center, with lifeless white around it.

"I'm not going anywhere," Vincent said.

Fox kissed her forehead. "We will never take him from you. We encouraged him to be genuine and charm you with his personality. Anyone that takes a few minutes to get to know him will see what a great person he is. It's why we love him. Do you trust him?"

"I do," Nichole said. She cleared her throat. "I mean ... I trust him."

"I want you guys to be happy together," said Fox. "Just promise me, you won't steal him away from me. Maybe I'm a little insecure, too. Topaz and Vincent are my first real relationship, too. The only relationship I've ever had."

"Really?" she asked in a soft voice. "You're afraid I'd take him away? I could never do that. I just want him to be happy."

Fox hugged her again. "Then we both want the same thing. We want Vincent happy. And, let's face it, we all want ourselves to be happy, too."

"Yeah, but women are caddy and jealous. Topaz won't want to share her men with me."

Fox and Vincent looked at one another again.

Fox cleared his throat. "Actually, Topaz has always been preferential to women."

"Oh. Well, I mean, I don't know if I am. I don't know much about relationships at this point, except that I don't want to be alone anymore, and that you guys are being sweet to me."

Vincent took Nichole's hand. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. But Topaz has always treated women differently than men. She can't help it. She's always had a soft spot for a pretty face."

Fox chimed in. "And let's face it, you have a pretty face."

Nichole stepped away from Fox, moving close to Vincent. "Aren't we waiting for the sunrise? Or did I talk through it?"

"I'm helping you up into the sub, but we can watch it from the ocean," said Vincent. "The Coast Guard is patrolling much harder now that the bomb went off. We can't just sit here in a mini sub, you know? It'll attract unwanted attention."

Nichole sighed. "I'm nervous about going back so soon. I really didn't want to go back there. I wanted to be a different person."

Fox placed a hand on her shoulder, helping to walk her to the end of the pier. "You are. You give better hugs than the last time I saw you."

Nichole snorted with amusement. "Yeah. I guess I do, huh?" She placed her hands on the handrail. "Don't you boys let me fall. I'm trusting you."

Fox placed a hand on her knee and guided her foot up. "Do you want me to carry you over?"

She smirked. "Shouldn't Vincent carry me over?"

Vincent grinned. "Fox is the one with supernatural grace and dexterity."

She took a deep breath. "Okay. I'm going to trust you, because you're my boyfriend's husband. Don't drop me. Please."

"I won't." Fox reached down and lifted her up into his arms. He bent his knees and hopped up onto the handrail, standing on it for a moment. The wood grunted under their combined weight.

He stepped forward, onto the rope tied to the sub. Their weight caused the sub to move closer, until pressing up against the pier.

Fox stepped forward with his other foot, and walked four paces. He stepped off the rope, onto the sub, and gently eased her feet down. "Watch your step. The surface is wet." He placed his left hand on her hands, guiding them both to the hatch rim.

"I'll wait for you two," Vincent said. "You're doing good, babe."

"Thanks," said Fox and Nichole in unison.

She smirked. Fox grinned.

Fox placed his other hand on her hips and slowly guided her to step over the hatch lip. "There is a ladder, so keep your hands on the rim while you go down. Move your foot more to the left ... almost. Right there. You've got it."

Nichole eased down the ladder. She kept one hand on the rim and the other on Fox's wrist. In turn, he kept his hand on her forearm. "Which way, when I get down there?"

"I'll join you, and show you." He slid his hand back from her wrist and took her by the hand. "Two more rungs, Nicky. Almost there."

"I was so nervous that you would hate me, that I gulped that bourbon bottle you saw when you pulled up. I've got a fantastic buzz going on right about now."

"Well, you're a Parker," Fox said with a reassuring expression and tone. "You've got great dexterity and balance, even when drunk."

Nichole blushed from inebriation. "You have soft hands for a man who can do handstands on the tip of a spire." She eased her hand from his, put both of them on the second ladder rung, and stepped onto the deck panel. "Made it. Thank you. You've been a sweetheart. Both of you."

Fox grinned. "I guess Vincent has good taste in guys and girls. I'm always a sweetheart," he teased. "Okay. Now I want you to move around to the backside of the ladder. Just keep your hands on it and move around to the other side."

Nichole moved out of the way and Fox dropped down into the hatch, landing in a crouch. "C'mon, Vincent. Untie us. Leave the ropes; just pull our end from the mooring cleats. And, uh, don't forget the hatch." She grinned somewhat.

Vincent made his way over to the sub. He kicked the loops of rope off each cleat and eased into the hatch. He pulled it shut, turned the wheel on the inside of the hatch, and joined the others. "We're not going to dive just yet, are we? We have a sunrise to see."

"It's a little too overcast for a real sunrise," said Fox. "Let's just get out to sea. We don't have to rush back right yet. Falcon gave me orders to monitor the area to make sure the Coast Guard don't find the city. We're not going straight back."

"Oh," Vincent took Nichole's hand and guided her back behind the hatch. There was a memory foam bed on one side and a booth table on the other. Vincent guided her to sit down at the table. He sat across the small table from her. "He's right, it is too overcast for a good sunrise."

"I can tell he's being honest," she said softly. "There's a sincerity in his voice. You really love him, don't you?"


A wry smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. "Shame I won't be able to see you two kiss. Guess I'll just have to listen."

"Oh you're bad," Vincent said with a grin.

The sub began moving.

"So how long will we be up here?" she asked.

Fox shrugged.


"Oh, sorry. If I had to guess, Falcon would want us to monitor the Coast Guard patterns for thirty-six hours. Nicky, do you get seasick?"

"I don't think so, but I'm not entirely sure."

"I have Dramamine," Fox said. "Just incase. There's enough food for two days. You don't mind spending a night do you? The bed is a twin, and the booth you guys are sitting in, well, that becomes another twin. But if you turn the table sideways, the two mattresses become one big one."

No one spoke.

Fox brought his palm to his face. "I didn't mean to suggest whatever that just sounded like. I mean, the two twins can be brought side-to-side. I can sleep in the cockpit. The chair reclines and it's pretty darn soft, really."

Nichole sighed. "No, no, no. I'm not going to take you away from your husband, Fox. I already promised myself I wasn't going to do that. We'll share. It's wintertime, and we're surrounded by water. I hope you have enough blankets."

"Actually, the sub is pretty toasty. How do you guys think I got up here and picked you up so quick? I've been up here since you guys called Falcon from the train."

Vincent blinked in surprise. "Fox, that was when we were passing through Nevada. I called over twenty-four hours ago."

"Yup. And this was a long monitoring mission, guys." Fox tapped his fingers against the capacitive screen controls. "Several straight days of monitoring gives Falcon a better idea of what the Coast Guard's patterns look like." He trailed off and smiled. "The sub is heated. I only use sheets. It gets too hot in here for blankets. To be honest, the first night, and last night, I didn't wear anything."

"I don't mind," Vincent chuckled. "Nichole?"

She shrugged. "Not like I can see, boys. So how would I know if you're naked or not? And for the record. I am really starting to feel that bourbon. How much is left?"

"Plenty," Vincent said. "I have three bottles. I wanted to bring one home for me, for Fox and for Topaz, because they're from the Parker Mansion. It was, you know, bringing home a little piece of their home. We're only half-way through the first bottle."

"You're sweet," Fox said from up in the cockpit. "You're really thoughtful, babe. You know that?"

Vincent grinned. "Thanks."

Nichole chuckled. "You two really consider yourselves married?"

"Yup," said Fox.

"I'm legally married to Topaz," said Vincent, adding, "But Fox is my husband in spirit, so to speak."

"And you two didn't kiss each other hello? What kind of marriage is that?"

"She's got a point," Fox said.

"So get back here and kiss me," Vincent replied. "When you're done punching in the autopilot coordinates. Yeah, I know what you're doing up there."

Fox laughed and came back from the front of the sub. "Already done, actually." He sat down on the bed, facing the booth seats. "I missed you, Vince."

"I missed you too, Fox."

Nichole rubbed her feet together, under the table, feeling a bit giddy. "C'mon, kiss. I don't know why, but that would be hot."

Vincent shrugged and slid to the edge of his seat, so that his knees brushed against Fox's, due to the small size of the sub. Fox tilted his head.

They shared a soft kiss.

Nichole reached over and touched her fingers against their cheeks. She traced her fingertips to where their lips met. "God, I can just imagine it. Is that weird of me?"

After a moment, Fox broke the kiss and said, "Not at all. A lot of guys like to see girls kiss, and a lot of girls like to see guys kiss."

"Well, do it again," she said, using her touch to guide them back together. "It is official, I'm feeling pretty drunk."

Vincent grinned and pressed his tongue against Fox's lips, seeking entrance. If his new girlfriend wanted a show, he wanted to perform for her.



Meanwhile New Atlantis ...

Patience Balmoral stepped in front of her daughter in the doorway to her apartment. She narrowed her gaze, face to face with a man she'd not seen in twenty-six years.

But after all this time, the broad-shouldered goon didn't appear to have aged a single day. "I'm taking my daughter to school. What are you doing here?"

"You probably don't even remember my name," he said. "And this time, you don't have your little blonde bimbo here to help you."

"I will call Aris right now if you don't leave immediately."

"Funny, you're on a first name basis with the doc, huh? Fine, call him. You want to use my phone, Patty? Oh, and Haley is going to miss school today. Maybe tomorrow too. Depending on how today plays out, she might never go back."

Patience held her arms outward, protectively. "How the hell do you know my daughter's name?"

"For a goddamn scientist, you sure as hell act like a typical dumb nigger."

Patience tensed up. She narrowed her gaze sharply. "How dare you act like that in front of my daughter?"

"It's in your file, you dumb bitch. You know what else it says in your file? It says you created a diversion in the science laboratory so your goddamn geeky little husband could escape."

Patience grimaced. "Evan left us."

"Really?" The man stepped further into the door, coming face to face with Patience. "You're going to lie like that 'in front of your daughter,' huh?"

She stood up on her tiptoes, squaring off with him, almost nose to nose. "Jasper Cunningham. I remember your name. And I remember that you're a filthy man who tried to force himself on Karla. You disgust me."

"You know why we didn't arrest you sooner? Because you were busy with a project. But it's finished. The doc reviewed the work, and for what it's worth, you did a good job. But now your usefulness has run out. You're coming with me."

"Let me just get..."

"You don't get shit. You created a problem. Now someone knows where this city is, and they're up top right now. So, you're done. You're going to trial right now."

"My daughter..."

"Shut up," said Jasper. He tilted his head, speaking to the little girl behind Patience. "You're in trouble too, kid. 'Sins of the father' and all that."

"Don't you dare go near her."

Jasper took Patience by the bicep. He pulled her towards him, and then abruptly pushed her back.

Off balance, she toppled backwards against the wall. With a grunt, Patty spilled across the floor next to her daughter.

Patience rolled over, got to her feet, and reached for Haley.

Jasper brought his foot up and kicked out the back of Patty's knee. She crumbled before she could get away.

He smirked, high on a power trip. "The next kick will break bones. We can do this the boring way or the fun way. What's it going to be?"

"Nichole Parker is the enforcer in this city," Patience said, crawling away from him. "Run, baby. Go lock your door, go."

Haley darted down the hall. Seconds later, a bedroom door slammed.

"Nichole was a little soft on bitches," Jasper said. "She never roughed them up. But she had no problem throwing men around with her powers. That's a double-fucking-standard if I ever heard one."

"This is her job. I will tell her how you treated me in front of my daughter." Patience rolled over, backing away from him, scuttling like a crab.

She narrowed her gaze, trying to remember where the gun was. Her eyes lifted to a picture hanging on the hallway wall.

Jasper smirked. "You looking for that contraband firearm you keep behind the picture? Wilhelm Snipes - you remember that guy? He found it months ago when taking Evan home from his day prison gig. Surprise."

"Nichole is going to kick your ass for treating me like this."

"Nichole doesn't live here anymore. She left months ago. She did a job for the doc, and she never came back. Maybe she's fucking your dumb husband."

Patience narrowed her eyes again. "You just went from being scary to being childish." She got to her feet and balled her hands into fists. "Super soldier, huh? You're not so super."

"Now who is childish? That's the dumbest insult I've ever heard."

A masculine voice came from outside of the apartment, further down the hallway. "Yeah? That coming from a steroid-abusing needle dick like you?" The voice moved closer, coming up the hallway. "You treat women the way you do, because you need to overcompensate for your sad package, Jasper. Can I call you Jasper? Great. You can call me Charlie."

Jasper stepped out of the doorframe and turned to face an average built white man in his early 40's. "Go back to your apartment. This is official business for Dr. Aris Falcon. This woman is a traitor. Her husband, Evan Balmoral, escaped the city with her help."

"Evan, huh?" asked Charlie. "Great, I'm in the right place. I'm actually here to rescue his wife. Y'know, funny story - I got lost on my way here. They don't make a Satnav for this city." Charlie raised his voice, "Sorry, Patience, I meant to get here before that guy. Are you okay in there?"

Jasper glanced back at Patience. "If you answer him, I will take you by the neck and use your whole body to beat your daughter into..."

"Hey!" Charlie shouted. He rubbed his palms together. "That's no way to talk to a woman."

Jasper stepped out into the hall. He drew his fist back and launched it at Charlie's face. However, his knuckles struck a wall, leaving a hole in the plaster.

The hulking man drew his elbow back, trying to hit Charlie from another angle. His elbow struck the opposite wall, leaving another hole.

Jasper jerking his arm upwards, opening and closing his fist rapidly to get feeling back in his hand. "You little shit, I'm going to kill you and make her watch."

"I highly doubt it." Charlie tilted his head back, narrowly avoiding another jab. He hopped back, avoiding an uppercut.

Jasper came at him with a wild flailing punch.

Charlie ducked to the left and reached his hand up. He put his palm on the back of Jasper's head, guiding Jasper to follow-through right into the wall.

Jasper got to his feet. "You're a fast little shit, I'll give you that. What, are you related to Fox Parker or something?"

"Never met him," Charlie said casually. "You're not going to beat me. Not in CQC, and not in a small, enclosed area like this. Go call for backup."

Jasper clenched both of his fists. "You can't be an oracle, because the doc killed all of them with a brain aneurism. So I don't know how you know what attacks I'm going to do next, but it's starting to piss me off."

"Maybe I'm just fast. Maybe you're just slow. Maybe you're just predictable." Charlie reached his hands out, "No, I can't allow that." He put his thumb into one of Jasper's pressure points, and used his other hand to reach for the gun hidden in Jasper's belt.

Charlie pulled the weapon from Jasper's hand, just as the barrel cleared the belt. "You should consider that I might have seen that when I came up behind you."

Jasper's free hand pulled a second gun, pointed it at Charlie and fired it. Without warning, Jasper felt sensational pain in his head. He pivoted, dazed, and squinted at Patience. "Did you just hit me?"

She was to far from the apartment door to have reached him.

Jasper looked at her with confusion and turned around. Charlie's body wasn't on the ground, and there was no blood. Instead, there was a burn mark on the wall with a hole clear through the plaster.

"What, you thought you shot me?" Charlie said from behind Jasper. He pointed the other handgun at Jasper, barrel against the man's forehead. "I hit you, dumbass."

"I just shot you in the face," Jasper said, still dizzy from the strike to his temple. "I pulled the trigger right in your face."

"You missed, obviously. It's a shame you can't die. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing you again, though." Charlie pulled the trigger.

The energy weapon discharged.

Jasper collapsed to the floor. He had a burn mark around his mouth, his teeth were missing, and blood trickled out from the base of his skull, saturating the floor.

Charlie thumbed the safety and twirled the weapon on his index finger. It took three attempts before he caught the handle of the weapon in his palm.

He turned to the doorframe and tipped an imaginary hat. "Howdy, ma'am. I'm here to rescue you."

Patience swallowed, eyes wide. "You shot him?"

"Yup. It's a little graphic. I'd rather your daughter not see this. You have a sheet? We'll lay it over this guy. He won't stay dead, though. But with any luck, he'll take a while to regenerate from his wound."

Patience came out to the hallway and approached Jasper. She knelt down besides him. "From what I know about him from his daughter, Laura Báthory, he should heal within minutes."

"If I put a hole between his eyes, sure. But the Medulla Oblongata is a complicated part of the brain. Cellular regeneration requires that part of the brain to correct on autopilot. He's not going anywhere for a while."

"That's why you shot him in the mouth? So it would come out the back of his head in the right place," she deduced aloud. "I used to be so squeamish about gore."

"Doesn't bother you now, huh?"

She grimaced somewhat and shrugged. "Once you have kids, you've seen enough gross things that you build a tolerance to it. Thank you for this."

"I'm sorry it happened. I would've preferred to get here before him. But I had to wait until he was dispatched to find you. You finished your project a day early, and the whole timing thing was luck."

"Who ... are you?"

"Just a guy who was almost too late."

"Are you kidding? You're my hero. You just saved my daughter's life. Did you really come to save me? Who are you?"

"With all due respect, I came to save a few people. But imagine my surprise, Evan already escaped. My other target, well ... I can't get him out of cryogenic stasis. I thought everyone would be, like, in a jail or something. It wasn't until I got here that I realized I messed up. You, uh, you're the last person on my list, so to speak."

Patience looked at the body again. "I have a sheet. So you came to rescue my husband? Do you know him?"

"I feel like I do. I never met him in person. But, growing up, I heard a lot about him. How old is your little girl? Will we be able to keep her quiet?"

"She's not a crying baby, if that's what you mean."

Charlie tilted his head as if trying to listen to something far away. He relaxed his posture and offered awkward laughter. "No, right, of course. She's a young lady, now. This is going to be easy. Let's get this guy covered up."

Patience smiled nervously. "Who are you?"

"Call me Charlie. Look, I promise I will tell you everything when we get to the surface. You've got my word. We'll find your husband, and I'll get you guys reunited. I mean it. But right now, we've got to get out of here."

Patience gestured for Charlie to follow her into the apartment. "I just need a few things. There is a small blanket over the backrest of our sofa. It's in the living room."

"We'll need to hide overnight in a small, dark, confined area. Bring something to eat, something to drink, and a shawl or something you can use as a small blanket for your daughter..." Charlie paused, briefly, and then added, "Haley. You don't have a lot of time. Only the absolute essentials."

"I have files that I've stolen, which detail everything about this city and the dig site below. Is that essential enough?"

"You just became my new best friend, Mrs. Balmoral." He tilted his head. "Ubysh? Oh, wait, it is Balmoral right? Married name and all that?"

"How did you know my maiden name?" She opened her bedroom door and gathered her portable computer and a small jewelry box. "I was thinking about going back to it so I could lay low until..."

"Keep Balmoral. I doubt your husband is dead. I would have heard about it, if he were. He's just lying low. We'll find him."

She shouldered a bag. "How will we find him if you don't know him?"

"I promise I will tell you everything just as soon as we get to the surface. We have to go into hiding while we wait for our ride to show up. The good news is, since we're two people short, we won't be packed in like sardines."

He walked away, headed into the living room and grabbed the small blanket from the sofa.

Patience went to her daughter's bedroom door. "Haley, it's time to leave. Let's go, Booboo. That man is gone, and we don't have long before he comes back."

Haley opened her bedroom door, looking up at her mother with tears I her eyes. "I saw him push you down, Momma Bear. Are you okay?"

Patience felt her heart ache. She leaned over, to her daughter's height, and hugged her. "I'm okay. I'm a lot tougher than people think. Grab your sketchbook, and your flats. Nothing with heels. I mean it."

"Yes ma'am." Haley hurried to get her belongings together. "Are we coming back?"

"Probably not. Grab your diary, too. We have to go, I'm sorry. Let's get it and hit it, Booboo. We're in a hurry."

Charlie came up from behind her and said, "I know this is all confusing. I know it's a lot going on at once. But I promise things are going to get better real soon. I've got friends in high places. They sent me because I'm the one that can get you out of here. I promise."

Patience turned to Charlie and asked, "Why are you doing this? Helping me, I mean?"

"I was really close to someone who knew your husband. The people I work for have a select list of people with abilities. They have a plan in motion that will fix a lot of what's wrong with the world. But first thing's first, Aris Falcon and his friends are in the way."

"So why save me?"

"Because your husband is on my list. If you managed to help him to the surface, I have to bring you to him. You're the woman who wrote a paper on Specials, right?"

"That was ... another lifetime ago."

"Yeah, that's okay. I'm saving you for Evan. And if I bring you to Evan, he can help me spring the other guy I need. And with your information on this city on your computer, we have a great shot and making it happen."

"What's your last name?"

Charlie laughed and waved for her to follow him. "Let's get going. I'll answer your questions when we're safe, okay? For all we know, Aris Falcon might be listening. He might have bugged your apartment, knowing you have access to sensitive information. So, let's just get moving. I will tell you everything later. C'mon."

Patience nodded and said, "Let's go, Booboo! Get that butt in gear, young lady!"

Charlie offered a weak smile. "You're a strong woman, Patience. And a good mom."

"I ... thanks."

"I couldn't protect my mom," he said with a frown. "That was a long time ago, though. She stood up to people like Jasper. She was protective, you know? Maybe, by helping you, I'm psychologically making up for..." Charlie waved his hand and shook his head. "Never mind, sorry. Let's get moving."



October 31, 2049 - 10:40pm Atlantic Sea ...

Nichole took a swig from the nearly empty first bottle of whiskey. "What am I getting myself into? I went from a high school sweetheart relationship thing with Vincent, to my first college experience. Sitting here while two boys got it on; that was enjoyable, I admit. But you two took care of each other and I'm all keyed up and drinking again."

"I appreciate you being cool with this," Vincent told her. "I really was worried you wouldn't be comfortable. I was waiting for you to tell me to stop, or to get up and walk up to the front."

"I thought I was going to freak," Nichole told them. "But I didn't. I'm uncomfortably turned on, listening to you two fool around."

"We made out for you earlier," Fox said. "This morning, I mean."

Nichole laughed. "In all fairness, I passed out and slept most of the afternoon. It might have been awkward if something happened this morning. I think the reason I'm okay with this is because of sitting here talking to you two all evening. It was a nice dinner, we got to know each other, and there was no weirdness or judgmental awkwardness."

"And I was right about the heat, wasn't I?" Fox grinned. "It's either too cold or too warm in here. And I hate the cold."

Nichole nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I, uh, are you two really naked right now? Like fully, no clothing?"

"You put your hands on our hips," Vincent reminded her.

"I mean, no socks or anything?"

Fox glanced over at two pairs of socks on the deck panel up by the ladder. "No Fox-in-socks."

"I wish I could see." She pushed her hair back from her face. It clung to her forehead from the warmth of the heater.

Vincent reached for her hand and guided it to his ankle. "See?"

She slid her fingers down, over his foot, then back up his leg. "What about Fox?"

Vincent guided her hand over to Fox's knee. "Feel for yourself."

She bit her lower lip. Fox's leg was tone and muscular. It wasn't like Vincent's thigh and calf, it was solid and athletic.

Her hand went down to Fox's shin, past his ankles, and over his foot. She slid her fingers back up, over his knee, to the mid point of Parker's thigh.

"Sorry." She drew her hand back.

"It's okay," Vincent assured her. "I won't be jealous. I just want you to be comfortable."

"I'm comfortably drunk," she said, jokingly. "Okay, well, getting there." She licked her lips and added, "You have nice legs, Fox. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, though."

"It's okay," Fox told her, repeating what Vincent had already said. Fox reached for her hand and gently placed it on his upper thigh, just below his hip.

"You're sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be? You touched your fingers over us, earlier, when we were fooling around after we woke up from that mid-day nap."

"I ... yeah. I was kind of in the moment. I mean, you know, I was wrapped up in the act and all."

"It's really okay," Fox said. "I promise."

She rubbed her thumb and index fingers together, licked her lips again, and stroked Fox's tone thighs. "I lied earlier. And Vincent didn't correct me. He wasn't my 'first,' but he's the first one that counted."

"It's fine," Fox said. "I don't judge."

Vincent reached for her hand and gently guided it further inward on Fox's thighs. The backside of her fingers brushed against his warm semi-flaccid cock.


Vincent frowned. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have forced you."

"You didn't," she said. "I'm just ... oddly feeling a little shy."

"I'm the one who's naked," Fox said teasingly. "You're fully clothed, so you don't have to feel shy."

She drew in a deep breath to relax herself. And, then, she shifted her weight and she wrapped her fingers gently around Fox's manhood.

She reached, with her other hand, and found Vincent. Her fingers closed around his cock, and she mentally compared the differences and similarities. "So this isn't awkward for me. I thought it would be, but ... is it weird to either of you?"

"No," Vincent said. "But it's one hell of a turn on for me."

Fox leaned over and kissed Vincent's bottom lip. "That makes two of us."

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she said, gently stroking her thumb across the tip of each of them, their swelling girth nestled in each of her palms.

"You don't have to," Vincent replied.

"I want to," she said. "I can't blame Rufus for what happened all those months ago. It turns out I've got some sort of freak streak. And I'm really buzzing good right now. I just ... you guys are really sweet. I hope Topaz isn't nasty or territorial."

Fox chuckled. "She's pregnant. Her hormones are making her exceptionally ... friendly right now. And you're a pretty face, Nicky. If you have a freak-streak, she'll be delighted to see it."

"I might have to be drunk to try anything with another woman. More-so than I am right now." She licked her lips and said, "Let's not worry about that right now. Let's worry about how warm it is in here with that heater. You two aren't wearing anything, and I'm fully dressed."

Fox grinned. "You want some help with those clothes?"

"First," Vincent said to Fox, "I think you should see if she's okay with ... this." He cupped his hand against the back of Fox's head and guided his husband to his girlfriend's lips.

Nichole and Fox shared a kiss.

After a moment, Fox asked, "How was that, Nicky?"

She smiled. "Call me Nichole." She leaned forward and firmly pressed her lips against Parker's mouth. It was different than kissing Vincent. It was firmer. It was exciting. It was different.

She placed her hands on Fox's chest. His body was different. More tone. More athletic. She traced her hands up, to his collarbone, then down to his abdomen. "You kiss nicely," she murmured against Fox's lips.

"So my husband tells me," Fox replied with a confident grin. He placed his palms on Nichole and Vincent's faces and guided them to a kiss.

Nichole began to casually pump her hand up and down on each of them, surprised at how much she was turned on by all of this.

Her mind raced. First Rufus, then she rushed into a relationship with Vincent ... and now she was allowing herself to do these things with Fox Parker.

She couldn't understand what was wrong with her. Did she lack self-confidence? Was it because she had a hormone imbalance? Did she seek attention? Or was she just a young fool, plain and simple? Her worries and anxieties were pushed out of her mind, for now, by the alcohol and the flood of oxytocin in her bloodstream.

"Vincent, you're sure you want to share me?" she asked. "I don't think I could handle ruining something good between us."

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Vincent asked. "I promise I don't judge you. You've got your hand on me, you can tell I'm turned on."

Fox tilted his head down a bit and spoke softly against Nichole's neck. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. But you should know that you would be only the second woman I've been with."

She opened her mouth but the right words were difficult to find. And then it all just sort of tumbled over her tongue. "I want to have sex with you both. I really do. But I'm so insecure with myself; I hate myself for that. I slept with Rufus as a means to an end. I was supposed to use him for his trust. Some part of me wanted it, and by the time I realized what I was doing, I was on my back, questioning myself. What is wrong with me? Am I a freak or a whore? I want to hate myself for really enjoying this moment."

Vincent and Fox looked at each other with an expression of horror. They were used to the confidence and self-assurance of Topaz. Neither knew what to do or say to make Nichole feel better about this moment.

Tears ran down Nichole's cheeks. "You boys have been true to the same woman for over twenty years. I've slept with two men back-to-back. And I want to add a third, and maybe a woman afterwards? I feel like I'm broken."

Vincent swallowed. "Nichole, it feels natural to touch you. We haven't known each other all that long but I enjoy this with you. And my mates are open-minded, mature, and very sure of what they want in life. They won't judge you, afterwards, just as sure as they won't judge themselves."

Nichole released both men in her hands. She reached for the bottle of bourbon she'd been nursing. "I need this so I have something to blame my actions on later. I was addicted to having new powers. Now I'm becoming to addicted to being a drunk slut." She brought the bottle to her lips.

Vincent and Fox looked at one another with a frown.

"I'm sorry. I'm over my limit, so I'm getting insecure and emotional. I swear I'm not some crazy, over-emotional girl all the time." Nichole tilted her head back and finished the last of the brown liquid at the bottom of the bottle. She cringed at the taste and passed the empty container to whoever would take it from her. "Please don't think I'm crazy. You're both so sweet and I want to feel like I'm part of something, here."

Next chapter:

Ham & Eggs Fire (A1, B10, C2)

Chapter -2- Ham & Eggs Fire _Sunday, October 31, 2049 - 12:05am San Francisco, California_ ... **"Hey, get up** _ **.** _ **"** The voice was familiar. Reno opened his eyes. A light from the ceiling of the storage shelter caused him to squint. He...

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Folly of the Gods A1, B10, C1

Act 1: **TWILIGHT OF THE GODS** Series Book10: Folly Of The Gods Chapter -1- Wake of Catastrophe _Saturday, October 30, 2049 - noon Old Manhattan, New York City_ ... **Reno Nevada gazed** out over the island of Manhattan, once the biggest...

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Epilogue (END, Book9)

EPILOGUE: Zero Hour _Celestial Realm_... **Tamamo twirled the flaming sword in her right hand.** With her left hand outstretched, she created a flickering ball of flame. Tamae, nearly back-to-back with Tamamo, looked down at the pole of her...

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