Tucked into a Trucker

Story by adric listwajinn on SoFurry

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To begin with, this started out a while ago as a bit of a 'dare' A friend of mine challenged me to write a story with most of my same fetishes and kinks, but to do it for a straight audience. I think after a while it got a bit out of hand and I am willing to bet this is by far my most depraved and explicate story thus far.

As always spelling and grammar is an ongoing thing, so if you find something I missed, let me know.

One other thing, in selecting the tags for this story I was reminded myself of something that always bugged me. of all the tags here, there is no "Femdom" You would think given the wide-list of lurid fetishes we have "Female Domination" would be in them somewhere :P

And for the love of god, don't read if you under 18!


"Tucked into a Trucker"

Story by adric listwajinn

The life of a trucker was by and large a lonely one. Long hours across the open road usually occupied by large big males who would meet at the occasional pit stop. Bellanessa was a notable exception to this of course, one of the few Female truckers; she nonetheless was a big, very big girl, a cowgirl specifically of large Bovine qualities. Currently the large bovine's was hauling down the interstate in her oversized rig. The large semi behind her clanked nosily here and there as she scanned the road, always on the lookout for someone to share her cap with, someone to break up the loneliness. High on the crest of a hill, she spied a slender silhouette. She strained her eyes as she downshifted the bigrig, slowing it down as she pulled along the apparent Hitchhiker.

It was a Mink, a young one, thin, slender, young... Bellanessa licked her lips as she eyes him over from inside the cab. "He's Perfect."

Outside, the mink looked up at the rig, his heart beating a bit faster as it stopped next to him. His name was Tyrenth and he had been hitchhiking for the past few days leaving his small town him behind for dreams of finding excitement in the world. Looking at the window on the rig as it slowly lowered, he wondered what he might have found as he heard a heavy, husky voice from inside.

"Well hello there young cub, Your a long way from home it seems, what has you all the way out in the middle of no where?" Tyrenth looked up, clutching his small duffle bag of his belongings at he looked at the imposing lady.

"Ah, I was on my way to CentralCity I, had an interview with one of the talent scouts there, was going to get into acting" he said, his voice seemingly growing confident as he spoke of his anticipated work. The big cow smirked, as she looked him over.

"Well sweetie, your in luck, Im heading that way anyway and I'd love ta have ya abroad" She said as she popped open the door on the bigrig. Tyrenth gasped at the body he saw looking down on him, the Bovine was amazonesque in her statue and size, she seemed to be crammed into the cap of the rig, at least 7ft tall, perhaps 8.. Tyrenth swallowed nervously as she reached a hefty paw down to him.

"But just so you know, I don't let just anyone on board, if you ride with me, I expect certain services from my passengers" she said with as she clasped the minks delicate paw. The boy was about to inquire just what she had in mind, but a hefty yank from her arm pulled him inside before anything could be said.

He fell into the passengers seat with a thud as the door closed behind him. no sooner then it shut, he heard the doors lock, the moment after that, he became aware of the smell... He gasped as he began to breath deeply, he hadn't noticed it before, but the cab was infused with a deep Musky stench that made him light headed. The big bovine grinned as she watched a familiar look come over the boys face.

"So tell me, whats your name cub?"

"Ty-Tyrenth, madam" he said, not sure why he added the 'madam' as he looked up at her.

"Tyrenth? Nice name sweets, I'm Bellanessa, though you can just call me Besse for now" she said as she shifted gears, moving the huge Semi fully off of the road as she gathered the boy up in her hefty paws.

"You know Tyrenth, one of the things about being a Trucker, is you don't get to make many stops, so its been a while since ive had a good bath you know, however, I'm thinking part of your 'payment' for the ride can be in performing, certain duties." she said as she grabbed the boys duffle bag, tossing it in the back of the cab, she chuckled as she pulled the slender cub against her. the heavy musk of her body oder surrounded the mink like a cloud as she began to undo the heavy jacket she wore around herself as she stretched her legs, parting the immense denim dress she wore bellow.

"Now be a good boy and come to Momma Besse, Ive got such wonderful treats for you." she said as the Minks mind swooned. Just moments ago he was simply waiting to get moving to his destination. in an instant everything seemed to change, thoughts of sex with the husky female filled his mind as the scent of her body permeated the cabin. He was not new to sex, but so far his only experiences had been with the other youn minks in his town, Few had barely been as tall as he was, now, he found himself embraced in a giant of female as he began to give into the stirring in his loins, letting his face sink into the immense pillowy breasts that took up most of her upper chest.

"Just relax, don't worry about things my boy, Mommas going to make you feel so good, and you, are going to make momma feel ever better." She said as she pulled his face in between her basketball like breasts. As if acting on instinct he began to lap and suckle, pulling in her massive nipples into his muzzle as she moaned pleasantly. Already her loins ached, the burning in them growing steadily as she cursed.

The boy was so warm, so tender and young, she ached to enjoy him totally and fully, wondering how long she could hold off her more primal desires as she felt the boy suckle at her massive breast flesh.

She tightened her arms around him as she guided his face where she needed it. The boy moaned over and over as he lapped over her breasts, his face slowly moved along her chest and muscles..

His paws felt so wonderfully soft and delicate, his fingers sliding over her immense swollen breasts, dancing across the large orbs as Bella let him explore her... Once more the Mink was simply stunned by the situation he found himself. He had experienced women before, but never on such a scale... His muzzle licked hungrily across one breast, then the other, his face occasionally slipping into the tight crevice between the orbs as he breathed deeply. The huge Bovines sweat making his eyes water... he tried his best to ignore it as his lips clasped around one of her nipples. The taste was immediacy as Bella chuckled.

A thick creamy fluid flowed from deep inside her bosom, the mink couldn't imagine it was milk; indeed it tasted thicker, richer, almost tart. Yet he didn't care. He drank deeply as his eyes fluttered. Moving from one fat nipple then to the others as the Bovine watches his belly grow.

Eventually she pulled the mink away, thick fluids oozing down his face as she looked at him and his cream filled belly. "Ah, nice and full now, he's going to be divine."

"Theres a good boy, keep going, Mommas got a special surprise for you" She rumbled as he lifted up one of her immense arms, presses the mink's soft face into the dank underarm. The mink didn't know what hit him as the thick musk washed over him.. Bellanessa simply laughed as she lowered her arm, trapping the mink in a cloud of sweat and hairy pit musk... He passed out within seconds as the immense Bovine relaxed.

"Ah, that should keep you nice and docile, at least till we arrive at our destination..." She huffed as the Big-rig pulled out onto the road, lumbering along as the great Bovine watched the signposts. She was lucky to pick the boy up when she did. She was close to where she needed to go, the place she had taken so many others before this boy.

About an hour later she finally pulled off the main street onto a seldom-used dirt road. Another ten minutes later she came to a seemingly abandoned motel. But the parking lot was not quite empty.. Other big rigs were parked in the lot.. a few lights were on in the rooms as Bellanessa slowly slipped out of the large Truck, cradling the unconscious mink in her huge arms. She padded into the motel, no one in sight as she made her way down a hall.

"Found yourself another plaything eh Nessa?" A voice from a darkened room gruffed.. The bovine turned and smirked.

"Oh you could say that Grizz, and what about you, here for your usual?" She almost purred.

"Cute little thing, he's in the shower now. Found him at a rest stop and the boy just couldn't say no to me going to show him a world he never imagined..." The huge Ursine said, chewing on a fat cigar as Bella smiled and went into the next room.

The room was simple and run down, a huge bed dominated it, almost at the expense of any other furniture. It was not a normal bed, but one large enough for one of her size and bulk. The matters seemed stained with layers of past fluids, cum, piss and cunt cream. As the Bovine placed the Mink down she fell back into the bed, drinking in the smells and rumbling, it was like coming home for her.

It took a while for Tyrenth to regain consciousness as he was released from the prison of the Bovines armpit. As he came too, his eyes were filled with the sight of a fully naked Amazon like Bovine.

"Oh my boy, your awake, Mommas been waiting for you, been hungry for you." she said licking her lips as she lifted a hoofed foot, rubbing it into the minks crotch who looked down, finding himself just as nude.

"Oh! m-miss Bessa, ah 'momma' W-where are we?"

"Some place safe, just you and me. I have needs little mink, needs I can only get from someone else" she said pulling him forward as the boys head swam. There was no pretense of lovemaking or foreplay. She needed his cock in her and the mink was all too happy to comply.

He almost fell into her, her hands guiding his slender, but quite long Minkhood into her waiting depths. Wonderful wet warmth's seemed to envelope his whole crotch as he hilted inside her with ease. As he begun to push, he felt that it was no ordinary sex. Her cunt seemed to quickly swallow not just his cock, but his balls, and his crotch. He winced as it grew tighter and tighter around him, milking him. "No, can't be so big, impossible" he huffed to himself, even as felt the tightness grow. The Bovine grunted and huffed with enjoyment, her crotch swallowing much of the boys' crotch, yet squeezing tighter then a virgin's ass.

"Ooohhh! There's a good boy! Just keep it up! Give me everything you have!" the Big lady bull huffed as she ground back against him, her cunt squeezing his balls and cock together, it was only a matter of time before him whimpered and began to cum.

The mink's orgasm seemed to be the most powerful of his life, as though her cunt was forcibly pulling the oily mink cum from deep in his balls. His head was thrown back as he huffed, yipping over and over as his balls contracted. The force of his first orgasm pushing him, almost unwillingly, into another which crashed over his body. The bovine huffed in time to the mink as she felt him shivering in orgasm. The big burly bovine clenched tightly as she pushed herself into orgasm as well, a thick wave of cum washed over the mink from her Urethra as the boy slumped forward and passed out.

Bellanessa rumbled deeply as she basked in the warmth of afterglow, her cunt gurgled with the seed from Tyrenth as she slide her large fingers slowly open and down the huge petals of her sexflesh. The oozing sexlips still fluttering from her orgasm, as she looked down to the exhausted mink. Raising one of her large footpaws, she slowly rubbed it over his body examining him, sure she might have left some bruises around his hips from the amount of squeezing her sex had done.

"Ooohh. You pleased momma very very much little cub. I think you are going to make such a wonderful cub for me. Sadly my dear no rest for you, there is still so much more to do" she rumbled as she slowly moved to pick up the exhausted boy. Lifting him till he was face to face she licked him till he regained consciousness.

"Wake up my lovely mink, you made mama very happy, but you also made a terrible mess." Tyrenth whimpered soft, he felt sore all over, his sheath throbbed painfully as it retreated back into its home as he shivered slightly...

"S-sorry m-ama B-Besse.." he said, not sure why he was the one apologizing after the workout he had received from her...

"Now now it's ok, I know what a good boy you are, your going to clean Momma all up aren't you" She said with a sly look. Tyrenth submissively nodded his head as he felt himself slowly lowered back down. His slender form slid between her immense legs as he disappeared from view.

"There we go, good boy, start licking, Momma needs your tongue at work." She purred as the boy looked into her immense hirsute Vagina. He wasn't sure, but he could swear it seemed much large then before, almost as if dilated. he shook his head, dismissing it as he pressed against the cunt flesh. His mind too saturated with musks and sweat to refuse as he began to lick, tasting his own oily mink cum mixed with untold amounts of her own honey. Gasping for air He pulled back as the bovine huffed.

"Take some deep breaths baby because my wet pussy needs your face. It needs it So much little Tyrenth"

The mink sucked in as much air as he could as Bellas huge muscled legs clasped around his face, squeezing it up into her cunt. The wet cum soaked pussy was agape and dripping its juices over him as he licked quicker and quicker, feeling his muzzle slip into the wet petals. Bella felt she could do this all night, but her loins ached, begged for more, she needed him, needed him Now. She stopped hesitating as her full weight came down on his face. Tyrenth was suddenly plunged into tight wet darkness as her big vagina slipped down over him swallowing his entire face.

Bella howled with pleasure as he was pulled inside, it would be so easy to finish him, but not yet. She wanted to savor this for as long as possible. Her fleshy cuntlips continued to ripple and pulls around the minks face as she pulled him in and out, using his whole head like an immense dildo. Fortunately she would rise up enough that his nose and mouth would come out for an instant allowing him a breath as the thick rank musk filled his lungs. After a few minutes the Bovine could take no more and reached another strong climax, one Tyrenth could actually feel as her cunt spasamed against his face.

Bella sighed in pleasure as she felt her juices fully wash over the young mink, he was coated head to toe in her slickness, he was ready at last. The mink hung on the verge of consciousness as Bellanessa slowly moved him around... his face pulling out form her cunt with a lewd shurlop sound as he was repositioned. "Ah little cub, its time, oh at last its time, your all lubed up, mrmm so now my minky, my boy, my food... In you go!" She rumbled, her hands clasping his hips as she pulled him forward, his feet easily slipping up into her distended snatch as the mink let out a weakened but surprised yip.

"Wh-whats going on m-moma, miss. What are you doing!" Tyrenth whimpered, his mind clearing for the first time the whole night, shocked out of its lust induced haze as he watches his pawfeet easily swallowed up.

"Oh dear I am sorry but I have to do this, I've tried to let the cravings go, but, ohhhh mrmmm, there is simply nothing as enjoyable as having someone, fully inside me. Ah yes, you, are so perfect you know, just, ahh, just the right size. OH! And you taste sooo good!" The mink whimpered, trying to pull away as his ankles were pulled in... The strength of the Bovines cunt like a powerful vice as it pulled him inside... He had heard of such things, rumors, myths of "unbirthing" but nothing like this.

"P-please, I don't want this, let me go. Please I promise I wont tell anyone" Nessa looked down and sighed, her cunt contracted again as she slipped a large hoofed hand over his mouth.

"Shhh my boy, don't worry, you wont feel a thing, only pleasure, so much, much pleasure my little one. I'm going to take care of you, all you need to do is let go and give in." She said softly, almost lovingly to the mink as she pushed forward and slowly pulled his trembling body deeper and deeper into her hungry snatch. Tyrenth could feel himself sliding up into the Bovines huge cunt. He was helpless to do anything as he went deeper and deeper until his legs were up inside her

For Bella there was an immediate orgasm that continued and became more intense as she swallowed more and more of Tyrenth. The mink was amazed with the swiftness of the contractions that had swallowed him up to his loins. In just another few moments Bella sucked his cock, balls and ass into her immense depths. He could feel a tight ring on his knees, which was the gateway to her inner womb. With half of the mink inside of her there was just a little bulge beginning to form in Bellanessa's huge belly. Bellanessa looked down at this and fingered her clit as her orgasm continued and became more intense, wave after wave of thickening vaginal juices washing over the mink. Soon Tyrneth's chest was in and he looked at the soft flesh in fear and fascination. It was only a matter of time before his shoulders would be in and he would be gone up to his neck. Bellanessa sucked and climaxed intensely as the mink went in, now only his head sticking out of the ravenous cunt.

"There we go my boy, your almost there, relax, and just give in" she purred as he went in. The fleshy sex lips slipping over his mouth, quelling the last of his protests as he took one last quick breath. Bellanessa sucking him into her vulva and closed over him and he was encased in her soft wet insides.

Tyrenthy could feel the Bovine's wild spasmodic jerking as wave after wave of pleasure flooded her loins, Bellanessa becoming drunk from the pleasure of the fact that she had just eaten the mink alive. Tyrenth was helpless as she sucked him all the way inside her womb. A tentacle slipped out from a hidden pouch inside her womb, a strange reverse umbilical cord that quickly attached itself to his body. At first he felt no change, but slowly, gently, his body began to grow numb. He felt sleepy, so very sleepy as the cord exerted a dull gentle pressure... He wasn't sure how, but he knew it was feeding on him absorbing him, it felt so good, he never wanted it to end. His eyes fluttered, his body quivering in a final orgasm and then Tyrenth was no more.

Bella looked at the bulge in her belly as she lay down. She felt the last final squirms of the mink as she cooed gently, stroking her distended belly as she felt his essence begin to fade. A soft shudder slipped across her body as the mink slipped away, his life force, his energy and of course his flesh, all about to become a part of her.

"Oh my mink, my boy, your a part of me forever... You will always be with me, and I will always love you." she said, her cunt giving a final gurgled burp as she fell asleep.

As dawn broke Bellanessa stirred slowly, the bulge that had been Tyrenth was almost completely gone, his remains nearly fully liquidated and absorbed into her layers of pudge. She awoke, stretched and reveled in the sensations she could only get from a recent feeding. Her belly gurgled and sloshed with the remains of her meal. "Goodness, there is always some leftovers aren't there, guess we'll have to fix that" she huffed as he hoofed to the privy. Peeling apart her massive cunt lips once more, she gave a deep satisfying sigh as her urethra yawned open and poured out the liquidated remains of the mink.

A quick shower later Nessa had cleaned up and prepared to go. The sun was barely up as she made her way out, most of the rooms dark though noises and grunts could be faintly heard. On her way out she paused and looked in the room next to her.

"Well well Grizz, I see you have had as good a night as I have" she chuckled as she looked upon the massive Ursine, his testicles swollen to the floor, each one throbbing slowly, half way through their own digestion process.

"Ah Nessa, you could say that...ah, seems my little cub had a friend of his own who got a little too, oooh, curious. Decided to give both of them a nice good home" The ursine grunted as patted his immense gurgling balls. Shapes of bodies still somewhat discernable inside as the Bovine just chuckled and shock her head.

"And you call me the greedy one, well, you finish your meal up Grizz I'll see you and all the others at the next meeting. Till then, Ive got a lot of open road to cover..."

A few moments later the Bigrig started up and pulled away, one more passenger forever on-bored...

One Wrong Turn-II

\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* CHAPTER TWO\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* Adric blinked, his mind raced and he felt like he had just been run over by a cement truck. His whole body was racked with pain, he could feel his...

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One Wrong Turn-1

\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* PROLGUE \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* On the day that it happened, Adric seemed oblivious to the fact that today was his last day on Earth. It was dark, and near dawn as Adric Listin...

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The Submission of Ruco

For those that have followed Ruco's story, the following is a stand alone story devoted to a very dear frined of mine and our time together. In story, you could say the following takes place in an 'altenrate universe' from where Ruco's main story shal...

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