Dog In Wonder Sauna

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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Jerry finally gets to live his favorite fantasy, though the only hole featured in it its his!

Hey everyone!

This is, uhm, a story idea I liked to develop a while ago. It is kinda a first time for me, since I haven't put so many... parties involved into something, and it is quite kinky too, since it has lots of particularities. I hope you will enjoy it even if it is rather long ^^ And that this story of a young jock dog will be marked with lots of faves, votes and (more importantly since they give so much satisfaction to my ego) comments!

Thank you to my avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou because, even when he doesn't get to edit it, he always deserve that!

_ DISCLAMER: for the purpose of the story and its pace all sex featured here is without protection. I like to stretch, though, it is just a fantasy and fiction, and that in real life you always need to protect yourself, ESPECIALLY in a scenario like this one. _

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Jerry had parked for half a hour now, having found a nice spot for his old truck. The nervousness had stopped him from getting out, though, leaving him clenching the steering wheel with two meaty paws, his eyes fixed on a nearby lamppost. His whole body was tensed, the muscles gained thanks to wrestling standing out even more than usual under his varsity jacket.

It had taken a lot of courage to arrive here, to actually take the road to this place. The Neapolitan Mastiff had told to his roommate (a twinky Labrador) that he was going to practice, hoping that his dark gray fur would hide the blush of the liar that had settled on his cheeks. Because he wasn't going to get his usual work out today.

The dog had thought to come several times, since he had found such a place existed in this college town. It had been a surprise to find it advertised on the local paper, there, in one small angle that didn't hide the ad at all. Of course, when the canine had seen it he had quickly turned the page, almost losing the opportunity to laugh at his buddy's dirty joke.

But then, when he had been alone in his room... Jerry had retrieved it, noted down the addressed and thrashed the newspaper, and suffered a sleepless night thinking of that place. Took him a week to dare look it up online, and to find out that the ad wasn't a joke, and the place really existed; such a discovery had cost him the sleep of a night, and acting like a zombie around his buddies.

Luckily his teammates had thought he had a crush on some girl or something... It would have destroyed Jerry if they knew the truth. The dog had fallen in a sort of obsession, thinking of the place, day and night, studying the excuses to give for his absence during lessons, and what route to do to get there.

Gathering enough courage to come there... That had been a real problem. The dog had come close to steer is truck in that direction multiple times, always stopping at some point before even reaching the neighborhood. Once he had driven as near as a city block from the place... Only to just turn back to his dormitory.

Even if he had the guts to come so far... After dreaming to do it for so long... Jerry couldn't shake his nervousness and fear away. Those emotions were mixed in a mean cocktail in his stomach, mingling with desire and anticipation, making him lightly sweat. It was almost like before a wrestling match, when you were about to face someone much bigger than you and you felt all fired up in different ways and...

And he dove out of the car, making his mind at last. It was like with a match, there was no use to shy at the borders, the dog had just to act and do it. He couldn't go back to the dormitory with his tail between his les, not when he was just a few steps away to fulfill long coveted dream!

Walking gingerly and trying to keep a normal relaxed posture, the Neapolitan Mastiff approached the entrance of the place, nothing fancy advertizing it, nothing rainbow colored or anything, just a somewhat simple sign over the door that said "WONDER SAUNA" in broad letters. Jerry stared at the rather normal door for a few seconds before taking a big breath and opening, a soft chime ringing as he urged inside.

A medium sized room welcomed him, lined with a few sofas and tables like a waiting room. The far side was occupied by a counter guarding the door leading deeper in the complex. A fox wearing a white shirt with the logo of the sauna manned the place, a cheerful and welcoming smile on his red and black muzzle.

"Good afternoon and welcome to Wonder Sauna!" The vulpine exclaimed to the approaching dog. The smaller man looked as if he was about Jerry's age, which caused panic to rear his ugly head. What if he knew him, or frequented the same courses? It was hard to suppress the fear, but the mastiff managed to, somehow.

"G-good afternoon." Stuttered the dog wearing the varsity jacket, thrashing feet as he reached the counter, his voice devoid of his usual bravado.

"First visit, isn't it? I would have remembered a cutie like you." The fox winked at him, chuckling as he got a blush in response. Jerry was used to hear compliments like that from girls, but not from guys...

"Y-yes, but I looked your tariffs up in your site." The dog said in one long breath and not stopping in fear he would get interrupted. His blush reddened as he told what he wanted. "I would like Rabbit Hole subscription."

"That is a good choice! Seems like you will become a goo d client, eh?" The vulpine replied, his paws busy typing in the computer that occupied part of the counter.

"Eehhe I guess." Te Neapolitan mastiff laughed nervously, putting down the already prepared money. The attendant swiftly took them, putting them in the hidden casher that just appeared.

"Good! But I need your ID too... You know, for legal reasons. Though I can see you are a big boy..." The vulpine leered at him, admiring the muscles that where both hidden the jacket.

"Oh, r-right. Here it is." The gray canine hastily fished out his document, tossing it on the counter. The site had said that the age limit was 18, so he hoped that it wasn't a mistake... Though some part of him wished to be rejected; he wouldn't be a coward if they didn't allow him to get inside, no?

"Thanks!" The fox said as he grabbed the ID, proceeding to enter the data in his computer. "Gennaro Caserta... Did I say it right?"

"Yes, you did." He replied, his triangular ears flicking at hearing his real name uttered aloud in such a place.

"Italian.... Sexy!" The attendant stretched the last word as he gave back the ID, causing another bout of ear flicking.

"Yes." Jerry managed to say just a word as he tucked his ID in his wallet. He really didn't know how to reply to that, usually people made fun of his strange name...

"I always loved buff Italians!" The red and black canine kept flirting, as he finished working on his computer. "All done! I will give you your membership card once you get out."

"Well, ok..." The dog stuck to one words for this conversation, feeling tenser and tenser as the moment was drawing near.

"So, this is the key of your locker." The fox continued, handing over the object, the pointing too the door to his right. "You can find the locker room thought that door, following the corridor."

The Neapolitan Mastiff nodded, already moving in that direction, blurting a quick "Thank you" as he opened he door.

"Have a nice experience!" Jerry managed to hear before the door shut behind him, the fox boy already out of his mind. He barely looked at his surrounding, the blue walls passing without being remarked, his eyes fixed on the door at the end of the corridor, his long tail rigid with tension.

The dog didn't stop at the door; he was far beyond to procrastinate at this point, finding a locker room not unlike the one he frequented for wrestling. The smell was quite the same, of sweat and wetness, the musks of many furs hanging in the air; he couldn't see if there were showers here, but probably not considering what this place was.

Thankfully, the room was deserted at the moment, no fur in sight. Even considering that it was a gay sauna, Jerry was relieve by that; he wanted to have some time more to prepare himself, alone, before anything happened...

The assigned locker wasn't hard to find, and to open, revealing its contents to his curious eyes. Everything was there, as promise by the site, a big towel, a pair of sandals that might be a bit too small for him, and enough room and place to store his belonging. And, in a small compartment, there was a small bottle of lube and some condoms.

Blushing at the sight, the mastiff averted his eyes, deciding that he should undress before taking those items... Even if he was going to use only the lube, if it went as desired. His paws trembling a bit, he hooked his varsity jacket first, the sat on the bench running between the rows of lockers to take off his shoes and socks.

Jerry was in the middle of it when he heard the soft noise of a door opening, and the heavy steps of a big fur moving in the room. The dog raised his head just in time to a big tiger passing before him with the distinctive and rare combination of white and black stripes.

"Howdy." The big male saluted him as he settled a few lockers away from him. He was wearing jut a shirt and a pair of jeans, the clothes highlighting the powerful built of a middle aged feline at his prime.

"A-afternoon". The Neapolitan mastiff answered, still remaining sitting and watching the newcomer. He wasn't sure how he understood the other was middle aged, from what he saw he had a muscular mass similar to his, and a youthful appearance, and...

The unnamed tiger got ride of his shirt even before opening his locker, throwing it on the bench and strutting half naked. Jerry's eyes bulged at seeing such amazing and firm pecs, his cock beginning to stir in his sheath as he admired the other male.

Jumping on his footpaws, the dog tried to hide his bulge with the locker, hastily taking off his T-shirt and getting rid of his pants equally fast, remaining in the tight boxers he preferred and that, unfortunately, gave away his growing excitement. Glancing for a second at his side, he saw that the daddy tiger was regarding him, his eyes thoughtfully fixed on his ample rump.

His ears took a life of his own as he averted his gaze, looking firmly before him. Folding his clothes neatly over his shoes, the gray furred male grabbed the towel, so to readily wrap it around his ankles. Prepared, his pulled down his underwear, his fully engorged cock jumping out o his cage merrily, savoring freedom for a few seconds before being covered by a huge extend of white cloth.

Tugging in the towel so that it won't fall, he glanced again at the tiger, finding out that he was busy shuffling stuff in his locker. Relieved and a tiny bit disappointed, Jerry tossed his underwear inside, getting the bottle of lube out before closing the locker, the key swinging from a chain and resting between his pecs. The college student shuffled past the feline, who give him room to pass, his shoulder brushing against one striped pec.

The dog moved faster before embarrassing himself further, going past another door and inside the sauna. Or at least the beginning of, the first room was just a bar, with table and chairs and nothing sexy going on. His eyes wandered around, his ears flicking as he noticed what kind of pics where hanged on the walls, nude furs in various poses and state of arousal that kept his own boner going.

There were some furs here, of every time and age, chatting amiably but not engaging in a sexual activity, as far as he could see. The canine felt shy all of sudden, he never truly flirted with any male, the only experiences he had so far was with guys he had met online ad that had always been a straight forward "U want to fuck" usually...

Shaking away the memories, the gray male moved across the room, attracting the admiring gazed of almost every fur; he was one of the buffest there, after all, and new meat too. He swore he could actually feel those stares, on his butt and on his crotch in particular, and just added more red on his cheeks as he walked to anther door.

Jerry entered a long corridor, with several entrances on either side. There were just two furs here, both with their back turned to him, a coyote and a moose that were just engaged in a conversation. The moose was butt naked, his short tail covering it a bit, while the canine was still wearing his towel and...

The young wrestler had been wrong, there weren't just two men, but three. The third fur was kneeling before the antlered male, a small brown otter who was happily sucking on the big cock belonging to the moose, while his other paw was busy jerking the coyote through the cloth. He had failed to notice the wet sounds since they were covered by the friendly chatter of the other two, who were talking like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

The otter seemed totally lost in the blowjob, his short muzzle managing to get almost all of the enormous dick in it, moaning as he did that; his free paw was wrapped around the rest of that erection, moving up and down along with his muzzle, that thickness disappearing in the hungry mouth as a hint of a pink tongue appeared from time to time and...

The otter looked at him and winked. Being noticed leering was a shock for him, so much that he turned to go away, deciding that it was way too much but in turn almost crushing in a big mass of white and black stripes.

"I-I'm sorry." Jerry apologized after managing not to drop the lube, trying to get past the middle aged hunk and escaping the sauna, all of his courage evaporated. He would have succeeded if the tiger hadn't grabbed his shoulder in a fatherly and comforting way.

"Hey kiddo, easy there! You are new here, right?" The unnamed feline asked, receiving a curt nod as an answer. "Let's go somewhere more private, shall we?"

The Neapolitan Mastiff sighed, glancing once toward the fellating otter before following the other male, who lead them through one of the doors. His erection, which had wilted by the shock and fear, came back fully as his eyes landed on the bare and muscled butt of the older fur, who, apparently, hold his towel over his shoulder preferring to walk in the buff.

The room they entered was empty, luckily, which made the canine ease his nervousness a bit: even if the tiger was naked, he could handle it if they were alone. He looked his surroundings, noticing that the square room had showers running on three walls, with two doors leading to other rooms, and that its centre was occupied by a rectangular wooden bench.

"We should manage to be alone for a bit here." The unnamed fur said as he turned; Jerry tried hard not to cool at his crotch and stayed fixed on his face, but his eyes had time to register the state of immense excitement the tiger was in, which only fueled his boner more.

"Thanks. How do you know I am new?" The gray furred dog asked, trying not to show his obvious growing arousal. That the feline fitted his kinks well was just an understatement.

"First, I never saw you before." The striped male listed, continuing to idly talk as if he wasn't pointing his full loaded ass-buster to another man. "Second, you look way to nervous. Third, I always like to get my paws on new meat first. Especially if the guy is as buff and as cute as you."

The guy winked at him, triggering further blushing and ear flicking in the dog but no fleeing reaction, thankfully. "I-it's just I have always wanted to come her and... and..."

"Shhh kiddo, no need to explain yourself." The older man stopped him, stepping closer, so close that their cocks might be touching each other if Jerry's hadn't been still caged. "Are you a virgin?" He asked suavely, his big paws going to grope the bubble butt of the younger fur, who dropped the bottle of lube for the shock.

"I-I of course I am not!" The dog vehemently denied, completely enjoying the sensual caress his buttcheeks were enduring at the moment, his dick as stiff as rock. Those paws travelled up, grabbing the hem of his towel, as their owner's muzzle came closer to Jerry's, a huge grin splitting it.

"Good. That means you can take a good fucking." The middle aged tiger smiled, getting rid of the towel with one smooth move pressing his lips and his whole body against the firm and younger one of the dog before he could reply. Instincts kicked in, Jerry welcomed the kiss, opening his muzzle to accept the raspy tongue of the feline, brushing his knotted cock against the barbed one, eliciting moans from the both of them.

He hadn't expected kissing in a place like that, thinking there was room just for hard and fast sex in a gay sauna. But the tiger had surprised him, more so since he seemed to be quite the kisser, knowing how to suck on the long and wide tongue of the canine as their bodies rocked together, their paws being busy in exploring each other's backs. The feeling of good and full muscles against his own was incredible, something that he always longed in mansex.

The Neapolitan mastiff would have been content to keep the kiss going forever, as he was enjoying the battle of tongues quite a lot, but the striped fur had other ideas in mind, as he broke kiss, his muzzle still close to Jerry's.

"Well, kiddo, this kiss made me hunger for more. What about giving this old man a good blowjob?" The feline proposed, all the while groping the dog's ass roughly and smashing their hips together.

"Sure man!" Jerry answered between moans, his long tail wagging hard at the prospective. The tiger chuckled at such quick response, letting the other go and waling to the bench, his tail swishing behind him. The vision of that mouth-watering ass lasted briefly, as he sited his white and black figure on the wooden seat, legs wide open for easy access to his big and pre-dripping cock.

"I like eager boys..." The big cat purred as he admired the buff jock kneeling before him, his gray muzzle being at the same level as his thick tool. Jerry admired it for a few seconds, valuating it as reasonably sized, which, in his experience, meant that it would feel nice in either of his orifices. The thought of getting that tigerhood in his ass made his hole clench in anticipation and his cock throb, but it had to wait for later as he opened his muzzle and passed his wide tongue over that length, making sure to cover it all with its saliva.

"Oh fuck!" The daddy feline cursed as he felt his sensible barbs being stimulated by the pink ribbon of flesh. Jerry had been with a couple of cats before, so he knew how much they loved their barbs teased, and teasing he did, running his tongue up and done, making sure to gather all the tasty and musky pre on the way.

Also according from his experience this kind of thing shouldn't last long; on his up turn he stayed there, opening his mouth wide to accept the tip and a few inches of cock inside, making sure to suck hard as his muzzle went down on the tigerhood. The dog was quite satisfied of the moan resonating from the feline, which only intensified as he looked up to meet the icy eyes of the other man.

He kept the stare as his muzzle descended, taking the whole cock in his long muzzle, and even while bobbing up, his tongue warping around the thick length. Meanwhile his own cock was unattended, throbbing and jumping as he kept his paws firmly on his tights for better balance; knowing feline stamina, he could afford waiting for his own release.

As predicted, the Neapolitan mastiff was already picking up the telltale signs of male getting close to cum. It wasn't anything big... How in his muzzle throbbed more, how there was more pre coming... The intensification the moans, which made his triangular ears flicker in delight... The cat was really enjoying his oral skills, as he moved his muzzle up and down faster and faster, making sure to always stimulate the barbs.

"Fuck kiddo, your muzzle feels so good... I am about to cum!" The tiger growled as his pleasure was reaching the point of no return. Jerry kept the blowjob going, desperately wanting to savor the feline's cum, his wishes being granted as the older male grunted, his cock starting to shoot salty ropes of semen in his thirsty muzzle.

Jerry milked that juicy cock, liking that bittersweet taste; it was similar to all the other cums he had swallowed, yet different, as always, with something personal in it. Once he was sure that it had finished he popped it out, licking it clean completely before stopping to look at the unnamed tiger, his bone surely prominent in hardness as he was knelt.

The older fur, as the gentleman he was, took the cue. "How would you like me to... satisfy you, kiddo?" He asked, seating somewhat lazily as he passed through afterglow. The young dog hadn't to think about it long; after all he had come to Wonder Sauna to fulfill a specific need.

"Could you rim me while waiting to get your second wind?" The mastiff asked, trying to make his best sexy puppy eyes; he always enjoyed a good tongue work on his tailhole before getting stuffed, plus it had the advantage to keep both of them busy while the cat reloaded. Hopefully the white tiger wouldn't object to that...

"You sure broke through your nervousness, kiddo." The feline rumbled, slowly getting up and patting the rectangular bench. "Get on here on all fours, I can't bend too much."

Wagging madly, the gray furred male hoped on the wooden furniture facing one of the sides with showers, his paws and knees pressed on the surface as he wiggled his ample butt. He even put his tail aside, to show his winking hole to the horny daddy.

Two rough paws landed on his cheeks, coaxing some air out of his lungs as they started kneading the muscles there, a moist and hot breath washing over his sensible pucker. Jerry resisted the temptation to look behind him, he had been slutty enough for the moment, plus the lack of vision would only enhance the sensations.

"You're lucky I don't mind sticking my tongue in tailholes..." The deep baritone came from behind him, as the tiger admired what he had before him. "And you prepared yourself here, everything is spotless..."

"I like to keep everything clean down theEEERE!" He shouted as the raspy feeling of a feline tongue run over his leathery hole, sending shivers of pleasure down his spine. The big cat pressed his muzzle fully between his asscheeks, his tongue working up and down that hole, lathering it in saliva; his paws kept everything open, spreading his muscle so to accept a good tonguing.

Jerry moaned, his head hanging low as he got rimmed, his big cock jumping as the daddy tiger worked on his younger prey. It wasn't far from the best rimming he ever got, true, but the location and the general excitement made up with the lesser skills, as that tongue tried to worm itself in his ass, achieving to relax it little by little.

Skill or no skill, the mastiff found himself moaning throatily as his partner ready him for serious business, that tongue moving and spreading saliva with just a hint of teeth munching at his hole. Sure, that wouldn't be enough to get fucked comfortably, but he would need just a quick fingering after it; and fuck if he was getting ready to have that thick cock screwing him over and over again... He had to stop his long tail to hit the licking feline for the excitement.

Probably the white tiger knew how to read his thoughts, or maybe he was tired of licking the muscle butt of the mastiff, or maybe the big cat had regained his arousal... Whatever was the cause, Jerry felt his partner's muzzle departing from his asshole after spitting on it, the coldness of lube replacing the warm saliva as it was spread in good amounts.

"Oh yeah, prepare that ass!" A gruff remark echoed behind him, but from where the white and black furred was massaging his hole with a finger, nor in his voice. Turning his head so fast that it almost spun, his long cheeks batting hard, the dog looked to see who was talking and several pairs of eyes met his gaze.

His triangular ears flicked as he realized that a small crowd had gathered while he was getting ass-licked. There was an older Dobie with a muscle gut standing between a black horse and a bear, plus a panther and, he realized, the otter from before, who winked at him again. All of them were naked and very, very boned up, sporting an impressive range of boners that would water the mouth of any guy.

The unnamed tiger blocked his view before Jerry could say anything, his big body lying on top of his lightly. The gray canine almost expected to be mounted there and then, but the gentle pads were still there, slowly circling his hole but not yet entering him; the shorter muzzle of the other man leaned close, so that their gaze met, but this time there was no kiss.

"If you want we can get somewhere where I can fuck you without a public." The older cat proposed, his finger now pressing against the center of his pucker, entering it effortlessly. The college boy moaned as he felt it worm inside him, the familiar pressure of something solid in his ass restoring what hardness his cock had loosen from the shock.

"N-no I am okay with that." He replied between grunts, as the invading finger had started to move inside him. Fuck if the tiger was big everywhere!

"Good. Would you mind if some of them fuck you too? I doubt they could resist just watching." The feline continued, boldly adding another finger to further spread that hole. That, of course, stopped Jerry from answering right away, as the devilish feline kept preparing him and renewing his pleasure.

"I-I don't have a problem, I-I came here exactly for that." The wrestler finally confess his dirtiest fantasy; he hadn't expected it to come true on his first visit, but when luck struck you have to go along with it, no?

The striped fur chuckled, the rumbling of his laugh spreading on his short-haired back easily. "I wouldn't have thought you were a muscled slut... I like that." The tiger declared, jamming his fingers a couple of times more before straightening up, his digits leaving his tendered ass along with him, making him feel cold all of sudden.

"Well, guys, you came in the right place if you wanted to see a muscle head getting fucked!" The middle aged guy announced to the rest of the room, some laughs and lewd appreciation answering him back. Jerry's ears flattened a bit to that, but he couldn't deny that he was liking his predicament, and all logical and sensible thought fled his mind as he felt the point of a barbed cock pressing against his pucker.

Bracing himself, the dog waited, his head slouched a bit between his shoulders, determinate to stay in position no matter what. The tip went in fairly easily, but the rest had to struggle its way in as the cock got thicker, its barbs scrapping at his doughnut shaped muscle before ravaging his inside, his tunnel getting stuffed with the tigerhood bit by bit.

That, of course, didn't mean it was a painful experience. Jerry was quite proud of how he could take a cock, the result of long training with his collection of toys; so, after just a quick preparation what would have been excruciating for someone else was merely a bit shy of uncomfortable, the pleasure overriding that feeling quite quickly as the cock kept going forward.

Soon the Neapolitan mastiff felt the telltale pressure of a crotch pressed flush against his cheeks, the cat on top having hilting himself in completely. The dog could faintly hear the sounds of kisses and dicks being wacked behind him, but he was too taken at the moment to fully focus on details, that thick cock in his ass beckoning all of his attention.

He shifted on his knees, the tigerhood spreading ass good, firing every nerve he had there with pleasure. The fullness was sublime, the thick organ pressing his prostate in the way he liked, the addition of barbs just enhancing the feeling with that scraping that was most stimulating and...

The tiger began to thrust out of his ass, roughly at the same speed of before, his cock bring a pleasure that was opposite but equal to the one before as his ass re-adjusted to its natural size, the moving muscles bringing pleasure. But that happened briefly as the pole was shoved in immediately, and at a faster speed, to be taken out as soon as the owner's pubes touched the gray bubble butt, slowly building up a rhythm.

While rimming of the daddy cat skills weren't top notch, his topping skills were, those big paws grabbing the well-formed hips of the canine as he fucked him, sometimes even slapping his butt; the white feline was even keen not to hump him from the same angle, trying to vary so to make it fun for the bottom too.

Jerry was enjoying it fully, not ashamed to moan and grunt loudly with the wet sound of balls slapping against balls punctuating them, his own fully engorged doghood freely bouncing in the air, droplets of pre landing on the bench. He didn't move his paws to pleasure himself, not only because he wanted this to last but also for the very simple reason that he needed all the support he could get, fearing collapse if he changed the position.

Nonetheless, the mastiff could feel his own climax building, slowly but surely, his cum churning in his balls as his hole got stretched and used by the tiger. Maybe he would even manage to cum if the feline could keep it up, but his pace was growing faster and more frantic, which meant that...

"FUCK!" The tiger roared, ramming his cock in one last time, taken in the fits of orgasmic pleasure. His paws were still firmly on his hips as he shot his second load in him, though in another end; Jerry could feel that tigerhood throb in him, and his ass getting a bit fuller than before. Then, more abruptly than he would have liked, the older male was gone, his paws and cock leaving him, some cum trailing out before his hole closed.

But the mastiff ached for more, his cock still painfully hard, and his ass still ready to get more pounding. He turned his head, regarding his audience with a brow quirked up and his ears at a determinate angle. "Whose next?" the dog asked, cockiness replacing his early fear and nervousness now.

"He is one eager pup, isn't he?" The black stallion whinnied, his impressive cock fir for one of his species. "I will wait for the next round, don't want to break him."

"Damn arrogant as always, eh horsie?" The panther mewled, his paw wrapped around the manhood of the otter as the silent lutrine did the same to him.

"Fuck with that, you decide, I'm gonna take his muzzle." The Dobie snorted, his heavy footpaws padding loudly in the room. The younger canine followed him, their eyes locked together as the Doberman took position near his head, one paw angling down his sizeable doggy cock, the other caressing his musclegut.

Jerry didn't wait for any orders, he knew what the other male wanted, starting already to lick the offered dick, tracing it with his tongue, being extra careful to stimulate that knot of his. The darker dog wasn't bigger than him, and wouldn't pose any problem while sucked off; he was very glad he wanted a blowjob, if he had tied with him that would have ended all the fun...

"Yer a good boy, licking my bone... Keep doing that, don't want you to bite down as Sid takes your boypussy." The Dobie cussed at him in a way that made his triangular folded ears move; wasn't a complete turn off, but he preferred not to be call in such terms. He did as told, though, wide tongue running over the veiny organ as he felt another presence behind him.

Surely he didn't know who Sid was, but he used his deductive skills to figure out as a sizeable cock rubbed itself between his cheeks, his long tail dutifully laying on one side to give better entrance. His ribbon of flesh kept bathing the offered cock with saliva as he ruled out the horse and the barbs, thanks to the lack of typical features... That left only two other options and...

"I'm fucking going in." A rumbling voice said, one paw landing to slap his ass as the pointy tip of that cock was getting aimed to the center of his hole. So it was the bear who was named Sid, the dog couldn't really associated such a manly and deep voice to the otter... Nor the rough paw that was groping his back so eagerly.

"Just screw the boy Sid!" The Doberman barked, probably getting bored of just a tongue on his cock. His friend just grunted, pushing his body forward until the tailhole gave in, accepting it along with a few inches. The mastiff moaned at the sudden intrusion, only pleasure present now thanks to the previous buttfuck; his tunnel welcomed the new length without trouble, stretching his ass even more than the tigerhood thanks to its thickness, until it pressed his prostate.

The college boy moaned at that, his expression of pleasure being muffled as he got a muzzfull of cock shoved in his mouth, the Dobie taking the opportunity to start using him as he wanted. Double stuffed, the only thing he could do was being still as the two men started thrusting in his eager holes, his only movement being his wide cock wrapping around the knotted dick.

The room was full filled with the sounds of the spitroasting, as the canine was fucked soundly by the two older fur. There was no need for finesse or delicacy, they were all strong men, horny as the devil, rutting hard as only men could do. His ass was soon on fire again as the bearhood entered and exited it, his hard and neglected cock throbbing more and more as it slapped hard against his abs.

"Fuck, this boy fucking loves to be used!" The darker canine cursed as he facefucked him, getting all of his cock and his knot inside the eager and moist hole; luckily for Jerry, he had a muzzle long and wide enough for that, so he didn't end up gagging even once, just extending his maw as far as possible as he was used for the Dobie's pleasure.

The young dog thanked the hours and hours of hard training, without them he would have already collapsed under such a pounding; it was the bench who was complaining instead, as it got rocked by the powerful movements of both grunting furs. He just was enjoying the ride a lot, maybe too much, but he didn't dare to focus too much on that, on the risk of cumming too fast and then getting fucked roughly at his most sensible moment.

The wrestler looked up, past the sexy musclegut, wanting to see the pleasure on the Doberman's muzzle and to try to calculate how long before he cummed. "Fucking boytoy, such a sexy lo-AAAAAAH!" The Dobie mustn't have been that far if his climax was triggered by a mere look, but Jerry hardly had time to consider that as he was busy gulping down the thick seed been shoot in his muzzle, the taste a bit more bitter than the tiger's had been.

"M-mark him with your jizz!" The bear doing his ass said, his thrust growing stronger and stronger. His canine friend obliged with a bark, retrieving his still cumming cock out of the younger male's muzzle, his heavy seed landing all over Jerry's face, missing his eyes by just a hair. The feeling of such a musky and hot liquid was strange but not too much, the smell almost getting him over the edge...

He had been so concentrated on what was happening in the front that the mastiff just had missed the bear cumming in his ass, only realizing it when his cock left his ass, leaving him empty and, still, unsatisfied. He was left alone as the two spent fur went away, but he didn't have time to turn or say anything as hoofed fingers laid on his back, softly.

"Are you ready for me now?" The stallion neighed, as his flared head rested against his still gaping hole. Jerry just nodded, not trusting on his voice, slowly folding his arms so to rest his chin on them, getting in a more comfortable position. From there he managed to watch the two furs left -the otter and the panther- taking positions besides him, their erection towering over them as their owner started jerking themselves.

"Here it goes doggie!" The horse proclaimed, eliciting giggles from his companions. Not that it mattered to the mastiff, as his pucker was currently assaulted by a very big and fleshy tool, the flare having a bit of trouble to get inside. But constant and gentle pressure, along with the hole being accustomed to getting pierced by now, did miracles, as the cockhead got ground and penetrated inside the dog, stopping just when it got a hold.

The college canine grunted at the extreme stretching, his vocalization rising as the hung fur pushed his cock deeper and deeper, slowly enough to let him getting used to the overwhelming feeling of a horse dick worming its way inside his guts. He reconsidered owning big toys, because the sensation was amazing, his ass getting filled and filled like never before.

"G-GODAMNIT!" The curse left his lips naturally as that enormous head brushed against his prostate and kept going one and on, reaching areas rarely touched.

"I think you found his nut!" The panther joked, the pace of his wrist slowly down, probably not wanting to come so soon.

"Shut up and jerk your puny cock!" The horse shot the feline down, as his medial ring finally got inside, soon hilting himself completely. But the bottoming dog wasn't even listening, his mind being fogged by pleasure; positioning himself better, he looked past his arms and saw his red erection pointing at him, his gray furred jewels being touched by the huge tennis-ball sized balls of the stallion.

Jerry remained like that, watching mesmerized as those balls swung, their owner thrusting out of the jock's hole but not too much, just enough to have some movement, since the horsehood returned soon enough, pushing his prostate once more. He didn't curse this time, just moaned as the black stallion took him, gently as he had guessed him never being taken by horse before.

The dog was grateful for that, a much harder fuck would have been way too much; but the steady pace was just perfect, nerves being pressed along with his pleasure nut as he got fucked, his balls getting closer to his body in preparation of his orgasm, the familiar pressure in his ass building up.

Glances to his sides showed that the otter and the panther were really enjoying the show, their paws moving fast on their erections, their lusty eyes fixed on the dog being screwed by such a big horsehood. It wasn't something that you could see any given day, even in such a place, a big, very buff top dog used as a bitch, taken by several men, his ass becoming a cumdump and so stretched, manly fluids mixing on his fur...

Those were the thoughts floating in his head as Jerry neared his climax, his eyes back between his arms, watching the pink length of the horse appearing and disappearing in his ass again... and again... and again. Until that was too much, his over-excited brain sending the one command straight to his balls, travelling through nerves and reaching his goal.

The dog came barking, his shooting ropes of cum that actually hit him on his muzzle, mixing with the load from the Dobie. He could faintly hear comments like "Wow, he came paw-free!" being uttered around him, and the damp feeling of loads landing on his back as the thought was too much for the two jerking twinks at his sides.

He was just feeling drowsy as his ass clenching on the horsehood first, then on nothing as the stallion got himself out, the pucker taking several seconds to close and even not doing that completely, a trickle of cum getting out of it.

Summoning what little strength he had, Jerry straightened himself a bit to look behind him, catching the black horse furiously whacking his cock with both paws and letting out a powerful neigh as his load was coaxed out of him, going to join his brethren on the gray fur of the dog. The stallion panted as hard as the wrestler was, then, after a short nod, left, followed by all the other guys, leaving the canine covered in cum in the middle of the room.

One white figure stayed behind, padding close to the young canine, a gentle smile on his short muzzle. "Are you okay?" The daddy tiger asked as he helped his young friend to stand on his shaky footpaws.

"Y-yeah, I think. Sore all over." He slowly answered, still in the clutches of the powerful afterglow. "I-I think I need a shower."

The remark made the feline chuckle, but not in a mean spirited way, just a jovial laugh. "I think we are in the right room. Here, let me help you." The older fur offered as he walked him to a shower.

"Thanks." The wrestler said gratefully, then, having regained some of his senses, he presented himself. "I'm Jerry, by the way."

"Glad to attach a name to that hot body of yours! I'm Bijli, but call me Bil!" The now named tiger said as he turned on the water.

"Eeheh, my real name is actually Gennaro..." The young dog laughed as he put himself under the jet of water, enjoying the cleaning warmness of it.

"Oh? What a coincidence!" The tiger chuckled. "We should discuss that after the shower, say, at dinner? I know a nice restaurant close by."

Bovine Standoff - Collaboration with Minothebull

_Hey everyone!_ _Might not be the most followed series of mine, but here there is another chapter of Sgt. Horns ^^ There will be another chapter that will conclude this story, someday, but for now here it is ^^ Hope you will like it though._ _Thanks...

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Kissing Cousins

_Heyo guys!_ _After a bit of break, I am back! Probably will do something like that from now on, posting one stories per week for a month and then take a week off ^^ just so I can replenish my story stock XD Still, this is a silly idea that came to me...

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Meaningful Clues - Collaboration with Minothebull

_Hey everyone ^^_ _Thought I forgot about posting a story yesterday? Not true! It is a April Fool's prank! Maybe a bit mean-spirited ^^ Still, have been a while since I uploaded a chapter of this story, which is a small collaboration with...

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