The Real Myles: Boston Syndrome

Story by LucasMota on SoFurry

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This story will be sort of a spoof of the movie "Dog Day Afternoon", featuring James and Brian, Doug, French Brian and Peter, Will, Anna and Carla, Yuri and Victor. Contains gay orgy.


We were eating at McDonald's. I absolutely love junk food. Even though I can feel my veins getting more and more obstructed at every bite of my Bic Mac. Hey, we all gonna die someday, right? So let's enjoy the taste of heart attack while we can!

Carla and Anna were there with us. It seems like she was right about her being "the one". They looked extremely happy. I never saw Anna like that. They were smiling at each other, kissing, feeding each other french fries. It was really cute. As for Felicia, her relationship with her new girl was also doing great. My relationship with Brian was also amazing. And the best thing about it is that I was living close to four other gay guys that also have open relationships. I couldn't have asked for any better dorm to live. I feel like there are several orgies coming in the future. French Brian told me about the surprise the boys did to him. I ordered them the same treatment.

The day seemed to be just a regular Sunday morning. As Lou Reed would say, "It's just a restless feeling by my side." Rest in piece, my man. You were the best grumpy singer this world ever saw. And thanks for giving us Venus in Furs too. Great song to play while fucking.

We were there eating our burgers and french fries, just minding our business.

"So, have you finished Skyrim yet, James?" Doug asked.

"*munch* No."

"Why the fuck not?"

"Well, maybe because the game is a billion fucking hours long and I just can't focus on one quest at a time."

"I liked the character you designed, by the way." Brian said.

"Of course you do, it was based on your looks." He smiled at me as we kissed.

"Oh no!" Will said.


"...I lost my cellphone."

"Are you fucking... really?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah, he was in my pocket. I think I lost it on the streets."

"Well, if that's the case, someone probably found it already." Anna said. "I'm gonna call your cellphone."

"Why? It's not here with me."

"Ugggghh! That's the point, dumbass!" Doug said.

"We gonna call your cellphone so that the person who found it can return it to you." French Brian explained.

"Honestly, I hope that no one finds his cellphone." Peter said.

"Why?" Carla asked.

"...I was taking a look at some images he downloaded on his cellphone yesterday. There was some really hardcore shi..."

"OKAY! OKAY! That's too much information already." Doug interrupted.

"Seriously, there was one of a guy who have this disease on his dick that..."

"If you continue talking I'll give YOU a disease." Doug interrupted again.

"Okay okay guys, it's calling already." Anna said. There was silence for a bit.

"...Guys, my ass is vibrating." We all looked at Will. He took out his cellphone from his back pocket.


"......Hi Will." Anna answered as half of the table facepalmed.

"Did you found my cellphone?"

"*sigh* Yes..."

"Could you give it back, please?"

"....Sure, Will. Umm, Carla, could you please give this young man his cellphone?"

"Roger." She gave a huge slap on Will's face.

"OUCH!!" He looked at his cellphone at his own hand. "Holy shit Anna, it worked!"

"*sigh* Can I slap him again?"

"Hehehe, give him a rest, girl." Brian said.

For some reason, French Brian's face changed. He was looking down, quiet. Like something was worrying him. My Brian noticed.

"Umm, you okay little guy?"

"... I don't know, it's just... I have a feeling that something bad will happen today."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, it's just..."

"EEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" Will was showing Anna and Carla the pictures he have on his cellphone.

"My God, how did he stuffed that in his ass without dying?" Carla asked shocked.

"*sigh* Look little guy, it's just a feeling, okay? We all have these bad feelings sometimes. And most of the times they don't mean nothing." I said, trying to calm him down.

"Well, usually my bad feelings ended up being truth. I felt like this a few days before my grandpa died."

"Maybe he came back to say hello to you."


"What? It might be!"

"*sigh* Don't worry Brian, nothing's gonna happen, okay? We just gonna eat our junk food, feel a little bit more fat, feel miserable about ourselves for not having a healthy diet, and then we gonna get back to the Myles to have a nice, ordinary, boring Sunday."

"NOBODY MOVE, THIS IS A FUCKING ROBBERY!!!!" I spoke too soon. Three guys. Armed with pistols and covering their faces with balaclavas. And because of that I remembered that Vampire Weekend song that's still stuck in my head. In December drinking Horchaaaata I look psychotic in a balaclaaava.

We all raised our hands. "Fuck my life..." Yuri grumbled.

"T-told you..." French Brian said, trembling.

"EVERYBODY GET TO THE FUCKING GROUND!!!" We all jumped to the ground quickly. I still had the burger on my mouth. If I was going to die, it would be with my stomach filled. I tried to reach the coke with my hand. One of the robbers noticed.

"HEY!! WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU DOING????" He came towards me pointing his gun.

"HEY HEY HEY HEY!!! IT'S OKAY! I JUST WANT MY COKE!!" I got it and got back to the ground.

"...I got my eyes on you, pal!" He walked back to the other two.

"*sigh* What a great way to spend my Sunday... I should have stayed home playing Dark Souls..." Grumbled Doug.

"...Well, at least Victor is not here." Said Yuri.

"Hi guys." Victor was there at the ground too.

"...WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU CAME FROM???" Yuri screamed in a quiet voice so that the robbers can't hear us.

"I arrived a few seconds before them. Thanks for not inviting, by the way."

"You're welcome..." Doug said with his face on the ground.

"Now everybody listen up!" One of the robbers yelled. "I'm gonna take the money from the registers and my buddy over here will get the wallets and cellphones from you guys, and I DON'T wanna see any kind of resistance. If you guys all behave we gonna leave in a few minutes without hurting anyone. Do I make myself clear? Does anyone feel like being a hero?"

"I do!" Doug raised his hand, bored by the fact that Victor was there.

"SHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" We all said to him. The robber came to us, impatient.

"You know, I'm getting really tired of your bullshit, guys! If you want my fucking advice, don't fucking annoy a person with a gun!"

"I'm sorry mister, my friend over there just wanted to joke around to try to calm himself, you know? He gets pretty anxious when there's..."

"Shut up!" He interrupted Anna.

"Look, my friend..." Brian tried to use his smooth talk on the criminal. "Just put yourself in our situation, we are getting threaten by armed individuals, we are feeling really stressed right now, and people usually say stupid shit when they are nervous. I'm sorry if my friend offended you, but I'm sure he didn't meant it."

"Say, are you guys ninjas?" Will said.


"Because if you are, you're doing this all wrong! Ninjas are supposed to be sneaky!"

"*sigh* See what I mean?" Brian said.

"...Look, just stay calm and let us do our job and this will be over quick, alright?" He went to empty the cash registers. We saw the other robber collecting the wallets and cellphones.

"*sigh* This is fucking great! I bought my new cellphone after that robbery in the lesbian night last year, and there goes my new one!" Said Carla.

"...Who the fuck robs a gay night club?" Victor asked.

"Exactly. You're never expecting a robbery on a fucking gay night club, so it's a lot more easier to do that."

"*sigh* What I wasn't expecting was a fucking robbery in a McDonald's at fucking Sunday morning." French Brian said as Peter consoled him.

"Shhhhh, it's okay babe, this will be over soon, alright?"

There weren't many people there with us, just the workers and a group of four friends, all female, an orange cat, a snow leopard, a human and a black bear. The robber collected their belongings and then went for us. One by one, we tossed our cellphones and wallets into the bag. Then he returned to the other two.

Brian had something on his mind. "Alright, here's what were gonna do, we gonna call them over here to us, then I'm gonna jump in one of them. Peter, you jump on the other one and Doug jump on the third one. You guys wait for my sign." He whispered to us.

"...Are you out of your fucking mind???" I asked Brian.

"Babe, they are not that big, we can take them!"

"No, we can't! They have fucking guns, love! And I'm NOT gonna let my fucking boyfriend die on top of a bunch of french fries on McDonald's."

"Babe, please listen to me..."

"NO! You listen to me! If you die I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

"I... what??"

"Look, I know we are all upset because we're getting robbed, but it's not worth dying because of this shit! Let's just calm down and all this will be over soon..." We heard the police sirens outside.

"POLICE!!! WE GOT THIS PLACE SURROUNDED!! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" It turns out that a costumer saw the moment when they announced the robbery as he was about to get inside. He got out before getting noticed, calling the cops.

"....Are you fucking KIDDING ME???" I yelled. Well, I guess we were gonna be stuck there for a couple of hours.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT???? WHO THE FUCK WAS IT??" One of the robbers yelled pointing the gun at us.


"*sigh What the fuck do we do now?" The third one asked nervous.

"Okay, calm the fuck down! We're not getting out of here without the money! I have a plan." He approached us. "You, big guy, you gonna be my shield now. Get the fuck up!" He said to Brian.

"NO!!! Leave him alone!" I yelled, scared.

"What? Is he your fucking boyfriend or something?"


"...*sigh* I'm not killing your boy! I just need his help for a second."


One of the robbers asked me to get up. He was using me as a shield. I was scared. Not because I could have died, but because that could be the last time I saw James.

"C'mom big guy!"

I turned to James. "I love you, babe!"

"Love you too, tiger!"

"I'll be back in a second, okay?" He rushing with me to outside. I was feeling his gun on my back. My hands were reaching for the skies. We walked to the cops outside. The robber was hiding behind me.

"We have a hostage situation!" One of them yelled.

"You goddamn right we have a hostage situation! Now, you gonna do whatever the fuck we order you, and if you guys try ANYTHING funny there will be some fucking funerals in Boston this Monday, got that? We want the media here, and we also want an airplane so we can escape with the money. I want that in 24 hours!" We started walking back inside. I was trying to keep my cool, but I was way fucking scared inside. "Don't worry big guy, that funeral part was a bluff, we're not killing anybody." He whispered to me.

We got back inside. "Alright, go back to your boy!" He said to me. I ran to James and knelt down to him as we both hugged each other.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asked, trembling.

"No, it's okay... *sigh* They want to call..."

"Yeah, we heard that." Carla interrupted. "They wanna turn this into a media circus."

"*sigh* Yeah."

"So there will be clowns then?" Will asked.

"Yeah, us..." Doug grumbled.

"They... they said there were gonna kill us..." French Brian said ready to cry, as Peter embraced him from behind.

"Hey, don't worry little guy, he said to me that it's just a bluff."

"Just a bluff my ass..." Victor said.

"*sigh* Look Vic, that guy is telling the tru..."

"Okay, I'm down with your idea of taking them down. I can help! I know karate anyways."

"...Can your karate stop bullets?" James asked.



The robbers were pissed at his buddy's decision.



"Well... no I don't, but it's gonna be a lot more difficult to think on a better plan with the FUCKING CNN HELICOPTER ABOVE US!!!"

"*sigh* WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP?? The shit's already on the fan! Now we have to play along."

After a few minutes, back up showed up. Snipers, policemen with riot shields, anything you could expect in a situation like this. And then the media showed up too. Fucking vultures. I bet they were praying for a victim so that they could broadcast the funeral and the tributes so that they could get even more public to watch their shitty sensationalist news broadcast show. I was already imagining Fox News broadcast, blaming the robbery on some bullshit reason like violent video games or the homosexual agenda. There was a lot of crowd too. James' parents were there, and so were Carl, Simon, Zeke and Felicia with her new girl.


Me and Zeke were heading downtown to hang out. We saw a crowd gathered around a McDonald's. "What the hell is going on over there?" Zeke asked.

"I don't know, some robbery maybe?"

"Hey, Anna's ex is over there with her new girl." He said, pointing.

"And also Carl and James' parents." I added. We approached Felicia's new girl. Jennifer, a female shire horse.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Some guys are holding hostages inside the McDonald's."

"Oh... and of course the vultures are here..." Zeke said, pointing at the reporters.

"Heh, tell me about it...." Felicia said rolling her eyes.

"...Wait a minute! Peter told us he was going to the McDonald's with the boys today, didn't he?" I asked worried.

"What??" James' father said also worried.

"D-did James said he was going too?" His mother asked.


"Oh my god..."

"Well, it doesn't mean it's THIS McDonald's." Carl said, trying to calm things down. "Maybe they are on the one in the shopping mall. Or maybe they left before the robbery started. I'm gonna call them to see if they're okay."

Carl called every single one of them. No response. We later found out that the robbers turned off all of the cellphones. "*sigh* I got nothing." He said after trying to call French Brian, the last number he tried. "I guess they are inside there after all."

"Oh my god, James..." His mother covered her face, scared. The father hugged her, trying to calm her down.

"Shhhhh, don't worry honey, this will be over soon, okay? The boys will be fine, don't worry."

"...Hey is that the Fox News reporter?" Zeke asked.

"Uhhh, yeah, why?" I asked. He gave me an evil grin. "....What?"

The Fox News reporter was broadcasting behind the crowd. "We are live from Boston, Massachusetts, where hostages are being held on a fast-food restaurant. The police informed that three armed individuals..." As he was broadcasting, we got behind him and simulated a rough anal sex without being noticed by the reporter. Someone posted a video of it on Youtube. It's got more than 2 million views already.


I wish Batman was here to help us. Anyways, our situation had turned into a fucking reality show. Millions of people around the country watching us, waiting. Waiting for the police to gun down the robbers. Or us. We heard someone speak on the megaphone.

"Hello? I hope you guys are listening to me, if so, my name is Frank Santino. I am standing in front of the entrance, completely unarmed. I just want to talk, okay? I guarantee you that nothing bad will happen."

"*sigh* Great! What now?" One of the robbers asked.

"...I'm going out to talk to him. I'm taking the tiger with me again, you can take the panther."

"Wait, you can take WHO?" I asked. I wasn't scared at all. Not... one... bit... *looks down suspiciously*

"You heard him, Bagheera." He said grabbing me by the arm.

"Hey hey hey HEY! You can't do this to me! Me lawyer will hear about this!"

"Doug, can you STOP being yourself for a moment, please?" Brian asked me.

We got out to the guy with the megaphone. Frank. A german shepherd. "Alright, we're here, happy?" The guy holding Brian said.

"I'm happy to see that you at least didn't hurt anyone yet."

"Yes, you're right... yet!" The other guy said.

"*sigh* How many of you are there inside?"

"There's one of us inside with the hostages, and that's it." The guy behind me said.

"How many hostages?"

"Counting these two over here?"


"24." Among us costumers there were three guys on the cash register, five guys on the kitchen, the manager and a janitor.

We heard Zeke yelling at Brian. "BIG GUUUUUUUUYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!"


"Okay, why are you guys doing this?" The dog said.

"Can't you tell? It's 'cause I need the money!" The guy behind Brian said.

"Look, I understand that things must be tough to you..."


"Okay, first of all, I don't have a wife, I have a husband. His name is Michael. Here, I'll show guys a picture." He took off his wallet and showed us a picture of his husband. A raccoon. On the picture, Michael was kissing Frank on the cheek.

"Awwwwwww!" Brian said. I looked at him. "...What? It's cute."

"And second, I HATE my job, but you don't see me going around robbing McDonald's, do you?"

"So that's why you called us? To give us a fucking sermon?" The guy holding Brian asked angry.

"I just wanna ask you to rethink what you're doing, mister...."

"I'm not telling you my name."

"Please friend, it's just between you and me. I told you my name, and now..."

"I didn't asked for your fucking name to begin with."

"Look, just give me your first name, alright? I can't help you if you can't trust me!"

"....Anthony. The guy with the panther is Phil, and the guy inside is Fabien."

"Thanks Anthony. Now, can I give you an advise? Just turn yourself in. You haven't hurt anyone yet, and you haven't killed anyone yet. If it keeps like this, I PROMISE you that nothing bad will happen to you. Now, if you DO kill any of the hostages, you might spend the rest of your life behind the bars. And I don't want that to happen to you. You are a good man Anthony, you're just desperate."

"...L-look, I... I'm going back in. I'll come back outside to talk to you again. But meanwhile I want a fucking airplane and an armored car to take us there to the airport. You have 24 hours."

"Wait! WAIT! Think about what you're doing, Anthony!" We walked back inside.

After an hour, Stockholm Syndrome kicked in. We started to like these guys. At the point they felt comfortable showing their faces to us. Three dogs. A beagle (Phil), a golden retriever (Fabien) and a siberian husky (Anthony). We ate burgers together, talked, played games together...

"Hey James. A." I said.

"Movies or bands?"


"Animal Collective."


"Angra." Anthony was also playing.

"B. Black Sabbath."

"Black Blag."

"Beastie Boys."

"C. Camel."



"....What the fuck is Chumbawamba?" I asked.

"I get knocked out! Till I get up again..."

"OOOHHH, I remember now!"

Will showed them the pictures on his cellphone.

"WHAT THE FUCK? Is that a real pig head?" Fabien asked.

"I think so." Will replied.

Victor, of course being the horny fuck he is, was trying to make a move on the group of female friends that were being held hostage.


"Soooo, what's the name of that cute skunk friend of yours over there?" The snow leopard asked.

"Well, his name is Brian but... he's not really into girls."

"Awww, really? It's a real shame, he's so cute."

"His boyfriend is bi though, the gypsy hugging him. And they have an open relationship."

"Nah, I'm not really attracted to horses. But there is something I am REALLY attracted, which is cute human boys like you..." She said caressing me in the leg.

"Hey hey hey wait! I have a girlfriend you know? So, considering that we are in a media circus situation I don't really think it's a good idea to do it right now. I'll take you straight to my room after this is over."


"Yeah, I promise."


"What the fuck? GUYS, CHECK THIS OUT!!" Phil had the notebook he stole from one of the girls. He was watching the video of Simon and Zeke messing around in the Fox News broadcast. We all gathered around the table, watching as we laughed our asses off.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Oh my God, I fucking love you guys..." I said.

"You know them?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, they're our roommates."

"The zebra guy is hot."

"Yeah, he really is... wait, what?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I don't have any kind of limits concerning the people I love. Gender, sexuality, gender identity, species, body type. Anything goes."

"Are you dating someone right now?" Brian asked.

"....Yeah. And this person is the main reason why we're here."

"And why's that?"

"....The name is Jack. A transgender lion. He wants to undergo a sex change operation."

"But you can't afford it." I added.


"Does the money you got from the register alone cover everything up?" Carla asked.

"Not really, I'm still gonna need at least two cellphones."

"You can have mine if you want. I can afford another one, no problem." The orange cat said.

"Yeah, you can have mine too." Her human friend said.

"And my notebook." The black bear added.

"And my bow." "And my axe." James and Doug joked.

"Hehehehehe... Thanks guys, I appreciate it. As for the others, you guys can take your stuff from the bag." We rushed to pick our stuff from the bag. We looked like a horde of zombies.

After a couple of minutes, me and French Brian approached Anthony.

"Say ummm... are your friends as... let's say, 'flexible' as you?"

"Straight. Both of them. A real shame, Fabien is really hot."

"Heh, yeah no kidding..." My lover said.

"But you are flexible." I said grinning.

"Yes, I am."

"And we are horny." French Brian said.

He crossed his arms, grinning playfully. "...I'm listening."

"And over there's a bathroom." I said, pointing to the man's bathroom.

His grin went wider. "...Which one do I get to fuck?"


The McDonald's employees made a couple of more burgers for us. Me and Brian were about to take them to French Brian, Peter and Anthony.

"Say guys, do you want... some... bur... gers..." We saw them kissing intensely as the husky took them both inside the man's bathroom. "....I don't think they're hungry, baby."

"...And neither am I." He said grinning to me. I grinned back.

We went inside the bathroom. Peter and Anthony had already taken off their shirts. "Ahem!" They all looked as me and my lover crossed our arms, smiling lustfully.

"You guys wanted to have fun with that husky and didn't even invited us? My, my, what selfish bastards you guys are!" I joked.

"Heh, I think we have new players joining the game, folks." Anthony said.

"Oh I'm really sorry James, but we were so thrilled by the possibility of having a hot threesome with a siberian husky that we even forgot to call you guys." French Brian said with a playful smile on his face as he stroked the dog's chest.

"Do you think you can just say fix this by saying you're sorry? You committed a heinous crime against humanity, my little skunk, and there will be a severe punishment for that." My tiger lover said stroking little Brian's fur under his shirt.

"And what's our punishment?" Peter asked while I stroked both his and Anthony's hot bodies.

"You guys will be our bottom this time. We would be harsh with you guys, but since this is your first transgression we decided to go slow and easy." I said as I proceeded to suck the husky's neck.

"Hey hey, slow down buddy, this skunk's little soft ass is already mine." Anthony said.

"Well then, you'll take his place on the punishment. If you don't mind, of course." I said as I pressed my face against his, glaring at his beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh, I don't mind that one bit..." We started kissing. Brian and Peter kissed by our side, while French Brian alternated triple kisses between me and the husky and my lover and the gypsy. We took off our remaining clothes.

"Soooo, big guy, I hope you don't mind but I'll choose the doggy over here." I said while stroking Brian's chest and fingering the husky.

"Be kind with him, okay?" He smiled.

"Oh I will, don't worry."

French Brian and Peter bent over as Anthony went behind the skunk and Brian went behind the gypsy. And I got behind the husky.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

"We're ready."

"Okay, let's begin this." I pierced Anthony as he pierced French Brian. The skunk was down at Peter sucking his dick while Brian fucked him. As I promised, I started thrusting the doggy slowly and deeply, as he gave me pleasure moans. He was also being gentle with the little skunk. I held him by the hips with my left hand as I placed my right one on his back. He was holding little Brian tightly by the chest, with both of his arms, giving him a gentle bear hug. He helped him with the sucking on Peter.

Behind Peter was my lover, pounding the horsey's ass. He started holding him by the hips while kissing and sucking his ears and neck. Then he rested his head on his shoulder as he started caressing his way up Peter's body, stopping midway on the abs and stroking with only the tip of his fingers, which made him moan even harder. Then his hands finally found their way to Peter's chests. He gave a gentle kiss on his cheek. Then another one. Then Peter turned around and Brian kissed his lips. They glazed each other before they started kissing passionately.

After a couple of minutes, Brian asked French Brian and Anthony to let go of Peter's penis. He grabbed the horse and turned around with him. He wanted to be filled by the skunk. So the little guy lubricated his dick with his own saliva and pierced the big tiger.

We all fucked each other in a train. I grabbed the husky tightly and started to pound him fast. He felt that, as he also started to pound French Brian faster, and so on. We fucked as hard and fast as we could. After a couple of minutes, we all came on each other, as Peter came on the wall. We panted as he hugged each other.

"Phew! Well, that was fun guys! So, I'm gonna go back to my burgers now..."

"Not so fast, James." Peter said to me. "We all took in the ass here, except for you, and I don't think this is fair."

I grinned. "Well, let's fix this then." I said as I bent over to them. Peter was the first to fuck me. He wasn't gentle like me. He gave deep, hard and kind of quick thrusts. I loved it. The other ones just watched, waiting for their turn. The thrusts were a lot faster now, and my moans more intense. I felt him coming on me.

The next one was Brian. Same thing as Peter. Hard and deep. Holding me tight. Biting me in the shoulder, playfully. Then he came. The next one was French Brian. He could be small, but he knew how to fuck. And last, but not least, Anthony had a piece of my ass. Just like the other boys, hard and deep.

When they finished, a waterfall of cum ran down my legs, coming from inside my asshole. We cleaned each other and got dressed again. Some of us got out of the bathroom still zipping our pants. I looked at Doug and Yuri. They were looking at us with their eyebrows raised.

"....What?" I asked.

"You know, there's Stockholm Syndrome and then there's what you just did." Yuri said.

"*sigh* Yeah, like you wouldn't have done the same if it was a bunch of hot chicks."

"Hey Anthony, look!" Fabien yelled. "Jack is on the TV!"

"WHAT???" We ran to the TV screen. It was an interview on NBC that they had recorded an hour ago.

"...I REALLY wanna do this operation, I REALLY do. And Anthony wants me to do it too. He always said to me that he'll love me no matter what, as a lion or a lioness, as long as I was happy. But like I said, we don't have the money to do that. I told him not to worry I told him... *sniff* I told him not to do anything stupid! *sniff* He said that he had something planed for today, that he was gonna get the money and we would move to somewhere else. I tried to stop him... *sob* I tried to stop him, I swear I did! *sob*" He looks at the camera. "Baby, if you are watching this, please turn yourself in! Please don't hurt any of these people! I wouldn't forgive myself if you hurt anyone because of me! We will get the money somehow! I don't care how long it takes, I can wait as long as possible! Even if I have to do this surgery when I'm 80 years old! I'll live the last years of my life as a lioness just like I lived the rest of my life. Happy. Happy that you're here for me. I love you, Anthony."

"*sob* I love you too, Janet." He said as tears ran down his face. That's gonna be Jack's name after the procedure. He sobbed softly as he clenched his fists. "...Brian, you're coming outside with me. Fabien, take James with you."

All four of us went outside, to Frank.

"I'm waiting for our pick-up Frank!" Anthony said. He wasn't using a balaclava anymore. He didn't needed to. His identity was already known thanks to his lover.

"I'm working on it Anthony!"


I heard my mom yelling on the crowd. "JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMES!!!!!!!"










"EVERYONE, SHUT UP!!!" Frank screamed at the megaphone. Silence. "THANK YOU!! *sigh* Look Anthony, please turn yourself in! Do you guys have a TV in there?"

"I watched Jack's interview if that's what you're asking."

"Good! So you saw how sad he is, right? He's worried about you, Anthony! He loves you! He wants you to give yourself in!"

"I know! I know! It's just... I just want to see him happy! He's been really sad in the past few months. He lost his brother and his parents in a car accident. I just wanted to get the money to his operation so I could see him happy again!"

"Look son, I already told you this, but I'm gonna say it again. This is NOT the right way to handle your situation! Everyone goes through some shit in their lives sometimes, but this doesn't give you the right..."

"Do you know how it's like to lose someone you love? Uh? Do you?"

"...I had a boyfriend before Michael. Nick. He was a policeman. A white lion. One day, he and his partner got kidnapped by two crack addicts. After two days being held hostage, they took advantage of their distraction to try to call the police. But they found out anyways. They panicked, then one of the crack addicts shot Nick right between the eyes. Then he shot Nick's partner. The police got to the building where they were being held hostage. I got the worst phone call of my life that day. The funeral was a week later. I tried to kill myself. I thought of going to the prison, where the murder is still imprisoned, to kill him. I thought of a number of bad things. Until I found Michael. He helped me get up on my feet again. He helped me to find happiness again. He helped me to live again. We got married 2 years after Nick was killed. What I'm trying to say Anthony, is that bad thing happen in our life every time. But if we try our best to be the good guys, there will be a LOT of good things to compensate all the bad ones."

There was silence for a while. I heard Anthony's gun falling on the ground. "...Fabien, go release the hostages." It was finally over.

"You're doing the right thing, kid." Frank said, as Anthony smiled to him. A couple of policemen approached him.

"Get on the ground and put your hands in your head!" And he did that. While he was being cuffed, he turned to me.

"Hey, James!"


"If you see Jack, tell him I love him."

I looked to the crowd and saw a familiar face. "Why don't you tell him yourself?" As he was standing up, he looked at the crowd and saw his lover.





A couple of minutes after, the hostages were finally released. They ran away from the McDonald's. Something tells me we gonna eat on Burger King more often for now on. Fabien and Phil got out shortly after, surrendered and got handcuffed by the police.

We saw the police cars taking the trio away. Frank was there with me and Brian.

"*sigh* Poor Anthony... He's a really good guy, he was just desperate." Brian said.

"Yeah, I know." Frank said.

"I'm sure he's gonna get the money for the operation. Legally, I hope." I said.

"Hehe, I'm sure he's gonna behave for now on." The dog said.

"...Say umm, Mr. Santino, I'm sorry to ask you but, do you and your husband have an open relationship?" Brian asked, having darker plans for the shepherd.

"Nope, sorry."

"Aww, what a shame..."

"However, he's not in town today." He said, grinning to us. Me and Brian smiled to each other.

"...Who are you topping and who's topping you?" I asked Frank.

"Oh, no one's topping me, kid. Both of your asses are mine today." His evil grin went wider.

"Hehehe, as you wish master."


A few weeks later I visited Anthony in prison. And I brought a surprise to him.

He gave a huge smile when he saw me and his lover Jack through the bulletproof glass arriving to visit him.

"Good to see you again big guy. And you too Jack."

"Good to see you too babe." Jack said.

"Sooooo, we got a present for you, buddy." I said excited.

"And what's that?"

"Well... the day after the 'robbery', we threw a little... fundraiser party in the College, if you know what I mean."

"...Y-you... you serious?"

"We got the money for my operation, babe!"

His smile went wider. "HAHAHA, OH MY GOD, BABE, I'M... I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW!! Oh my God, I wish I could be on the other side of this glass to hug you!"

"Hehe, you can thank Brian for that, it was his idea."

"Thank you so much, big guy!"

"You're welcome man, you and Jack deserves this."


"Oh sorry, Janet." They both giggled. "Well, I'm gonna leave you guys alone now. I'll come visit you again someday, see ya!"

"See ya, big guy!" I walked off leaving the husky and soon-to-be lioness alone. I'm seeing a bright future ahead of these two. I just hope Anthony stay away from fast food restaurants for a while.


There you go guys, thanks for reading this! Thank you everybody for all the watches and favs from my other stories, and I'll see you guys on the next one! ;)

The Real Myles: Felicia

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