Opportunistic Zoophile

Story by LucasMota on SoFurry

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Gay bestiality story with human main character. Enjoy! ;)

It was going to be just an ordinary day at the farm. Until my parents came over to me, saying:

"Danny, we're going to the city for your auntie's birthday party. We would take you with us, but we don't want you to have a boring afternoon."

"Heh, thanks for being considerate, mom."

"We will probably be back only at midnight, probably even later. You know how your auntie likes to hold her guests hostage until the last minute." My dad joked.

"Hahahaha... Yeah, I know."

"So, will you be okay here alone all day?" My mom asked.

"Yeah mom, don't worry about me. I can cook all by myself, remember? So you don't have to worry about me dying of hunger."

"Heh, of course Dan. Sorry, sometimes I forget you're 18 already."

"Anyways, we will get going now son, we'll probably arrive very late, so it's most likely that you'll be sleeping when we get here, so see you tomorrow!" My dad said.

"See you guys too!" I said. I was cool outside, but inside I was extremely happy. Why? Let me explain you.

I live in a small city in Vermont called Hardwick. I'm a zoophile. I discovered it when I was 14, when looking at horse breeding videos of Youtube. I realized I really enjoy these type of videos. I started masturbating to them. Then I experimented with videos with other animals. Elephant mating videos, donkeys mating, lions mating, dogs mating, tigers mating, bulls, camels, gorillas, chimpanzees. But horses were always my favorite. And, luckily for me, there are thousands and thousands of horse mating videos on Youtube. I used to jerk off to these videos almost every day, and most of the times they were horse videos. Sometimes I vary up a bit with elephants, donkeys and camels, but most of the times they were horses. I put on the headphones, click play, and enjoy. Sometimes the video starts off with the action, but most of the times it shows the moments before the intercourse. The horse sniffing his mate's vagina, giving a loud, lustful neigh that makes my dick goes hard every time I hear it, and then his penis would start growing up. I would pause the video a couple of times to admire the horse's hard member. Then he would jump on the mare and start pounding the poor mare violently. It's crazy how harsh horses are in sex. It's both scary and exciting. Unfortunately the animals are not rational beings, which means they only fuck to reproduce, which means their playtime usually lasts only a couple of seconds. But that doesn't matter, I can just jump on the next video right away. It's funny how in these kind of videos there are sometimes a message saying that the video "is for educational purposes only." Yeah, right. As if half of the 10 million views weren't for libido purposes. It's crazy how these videos are popular on Youtube. I guess there are a lot of lonely zoophiles like me around the world, eh? I love seeing the comments in these videos. "How the fuck did I ended up here?" You tell me, horny bitch.

Like most of the people have their preferences on other people, you know, gender, body type, I have my preferences on horse videos too. I LOVE seeing draft horses mating. Clydesdales, ardennes, shires. The smaller horse breeds already have huge dicks, but the draft horses just take it to another level. They are practically a human arm, VERY long and VERY thick. I also love seeing gay horses doing it. It's very rare to see a video like that on Youtube, but I have the internet to help me with that. But I'll talk about that in a few lines. The other type of video that I absolutely LOVE seeing are the semen collection ones. I always dreamed of being one of those person who would guide the stud's penis into the artificial vagina and, well, help the horse masturbate. There's no other way to describe this, people who work with this kind of shit are professional horse mastubators. I mean, can't they just let the horses do it themselves? I don't need a horse to guide my penis into a vagina when I have sex, why would they need us? Anyways, I always dreamed of being those guys. That dream became reality once.

One day I came home from school and my father approached me.

"Hey Danny, uhh... listen, I understand if you say no, but... Joe won't be able to help me out with the collection of the mountain horse today, so... will you help me?"

"Umm... sure, why not." I wanted to give him a kiss and tell him how happy I was to be able to touch a horse penis for the first time in my life, but that would probably turn me into the shame of the family.

The stud was extremely horny, his dick rock solid. He was ready to jump the mare. "Alright son, you know what to do, right? Just grab the penis and help him go inside the AV. He's gonna thrust REALLY hard. Stay strong and don't let the penis go out. You gonna have to hold the penis with your right hand, 'cause you'll have to feel when the horse ejaculates. That way you'll know that the collection was a success." I already knew that from the hundreds of videos I watched.

"I got it, don't worry."

"Okay, here he goes!" The horse mounted the mare and I quickly grabbed his dick. The feeling was overwhelming. I finally had a horse penis in my hands after all these years dreaming. I helped him go inside the tube. The thrusts were so fucking violent. I held his dick waiting for him to cum. After a few seconds, I felt it.

"Okay dad, he's coming."

"Good! Thanks for the help, son."

"No problem." I got away from him quickly before he noticed my erection.

But animal mating videos weren't my only kink. For some reason, I have a weird obsession with animal attack videos. Seeing a lion mauling his tamer always gives me an erection. Big cats and grizzly attacks are my favorites. I watch the video, then jerk off thinking of the scenario where an adult grizzly bear would be on top of me, ready to give me a fatal bite on the head. I don't know why that's a thing. And I also have a kink for the thought of being buried alive, of getting beaten up and raped by homophobes, of getting squeezed to death by an anaconda, of falling into quick sand and slowly watch myself going down, helpless. I'm a weird person.

Anyways, back to the horses. I was getting off to horse mating videos on Youtube when I discovered something. The magical world of zoo porn. I don't remember how I discovered it, but I know that my first site only had videos of women doing it with animals. There was the horse videos, where they would get fucked by or suck the gigantic penises. That was the first time I had an idea of how big they were. There was also the dog videos. I never was really interested in the blowjob videos with dogs, I only like to watch them fucking someone. And it have to be a big breed. German shepherds, saint bernards and, my favorites, the great danes. It's my biggest dream to be fucked by a great dane. Then I discovered the gay zoo sites. Thousands of guys fucking mares, fucking horses, sucking horses, getting fucked by horses and dogs. It was a paradise. My desire for being those guys kept growing at each video.

Recently I found out about the deep web. In a zoo porn board website, a guy sent me a PM with some secret zoo sites around the deep web. Some of these included a site of a guy who would do whatever you asked him to do with his animals. I had a fun night with him one day. There was also a torture site involving bestiality. Showed guys around the world getting kidnapped and being forced to have sex with animals. I didn't cared if it was a rel person getting hurt on the video, I just wanted to release my seed.

I lived in a farm specialized in horse breeding, but there was always someone in the house, so I never had a chance to do anything. Until that day.

I watched my parents getting away in the car with a huge grin on my face. I was completely alone in a farm FILLED with horses. Among mountain saddle horses, there were gypsy vanners, shires, arabian horses and andalusian horses. I grabbed something to eat before going to the stables.

The arabian horses were my first victims.

"Hi there boys! Well, looks like I have the whole farm to myself today. It's my lucky day, and yours too! Hmm, let's see who will I pick... hmm, you!" I pointed to a white arabian stallion. "You will be the lucky guy." I approached his head. "I will give you the sucking of your lifetime, big guy. *smooch* I will be your little bitch today, hope you enjoy it. I'm not letting you penetrate me though. This is not exactly how I wanna die." I got inside the stable with him.

I started stroking his pelt and his mane. I placed my head on his neck. Then I gave him a passionate hug. My dick was already hard. "Hmmmm, you are so fucking hot, you know that? And so strong too. Damn, I got a hard on just by stroking you." I kissed him in his lips. "Alright stud, let's not waste anytime."

I moved to his side, stroking his body. He looked back at me. I think he was enjoying it. Well, he didn't tried to stop me. It wouldn't matter though. I was determined to fool around with those horses even if I had to rape them. I moved closer to his butt. With my left hand I started rubbing his belly, next to his sheath. With my right hand, I started massaging his butthole. He raised his tail, showing me that he liked the gesture. "Oooh, you like this, uh? Well, let's see if you enjoy this." I started to penetrate two fingers inside his asshole. I moved back and forth, fingering him. I took off my pants and started to jerk off. I started fingering faster. Then I positioned my hand better and just inserted my whole hand inside him. I pierced his ass until my whole forearm was inside him. I fisted. To him, it was like another stallion was having anal sex with him. And he was loving it. He was squeezing my arm so hard I thought it was going to break. I looked down and saw his hard penis. "Woah! Oh my, I guess someone here is ready."

I took off my arm from inside him and washed it. It was covered in shit. Then I knelt down next to him. There he was. The penis. It was probably 1'8 long. I was so filled with lust. I kept my cellphone with me all the time, in case my parents decide to call me or something like that.

I touched it. Massage it. From his head to his base, then fondling his balls. I grabbed the penis again and started jerking it off. I felt the giant penis on my face. Rubbed it against my face as I moaned with pleasure. I licked it. Licked the body, moving to the head, then back to the body. I licked the balls a little too. Then I moved back to the head again. I was ready to suck it.

I put the head inside my mouth. I wanted to put more, but it was just too big and thick for me. I closed my eyes in pleasure and bobbed my head back and forth, sucking the huge member while I stroked it with my hands. Eventually I used one of my hands to fondle his balls a bit. He was loving it. He started giving neighs of pleasure. I felt him thrusting me. I gagged a bit. I had to hold the base of his penis in case he decides to fuck me in the mouth. I didn't wanted my jaw to be destroyed.

Then he started thrusting. Thrusting and neighing. Now I really now how violent horses can be when they're horny. After a few seconds, he blew his load inside my mouth. And what a load. I didn't let a single drop fall. I drank everything. Every drop of his love juice. His flare almost broke my jaw by the way. I put on my clothes and stood up, heading to the front of the horse. I gave a kiss on his lips, then a hug. "Thank you so much for that stud, that was amazing! I'm now officially your faggot, okay? I'll come back and be a little bitch to you whenever I can. Goodbye babe, I love you.

I headed out to my next breed, the mountain ones. And I knew just who to play with. I took the mare we use to help the stallions to get aroused to where we do the semen collection. I went to the horse I helped my dad to collect once. The first penis I even touched. "Hey there stud, missed me? We gonna do a collection today, okay? Except this time I'm gonna collect your semen with my mouth. That's right, baby, I'm a huge cocksucking faggot who have the whole farm available for him today, and you will help me to have some pleasure, alright?"

I took him to the mare. He started to get aroused right away. It was our lucky day, the mare was in heat. "There she is buddy, beautiful pussy, isn't it? And it's winking at you. *loud neigh* Heh, yeah I know. But you won't be getting any of that, you gonna jizz inside my mouth this time." I placed myself next to the mare's butt. "Anytime now, stud." He mounted her. I grabbed his dick and put it in front of my face. "Yeah, that's right stud, thrust as hard as you can, thrust it you fucking stallion!" I opened up my mouth, waiting for the blow. And it came. Four big squirts all over my face and into the mouth.

"Hmmmm, you are sooo delicious, stud! Here, have a taste of yourself." I picked a little of his cum from my face with my fingers and gave to him. He licked it. Then he licked my face clean. "So you like the taste of jizz too, uh? How about you taste mine?" I took off my pants, showing him my hard dick. "Come on buddy, be a good boy and suck your master."

He reached my penis with his head, sniffing a bit. Then he opened up his mouth and started sucking it. I was really scared. He could have chomped my penis off if he wanted to. It wouldn't be fun to try to explain that to my parents. but he was pretty gentle with me. He was licking and sucking my penis like it was a mare's tits. I guess that's what he must have thought. "Ooooh, stud *moan* you are soooo great *moan*" I stroked his head while he was having fun with me. He sucked me for about 5 minutes. It felt amazing! "Okay *moan I'm close now buddy! *intense moan* Here it comes!" So I blew my load inside his mouth, except my load wasn't nothing compared to his. He licked his lips, tasting my seed. "Tasty, isn't it? Well, I'm gonna take you guys back now, it's been fun. Thanks." I said hugging my stallion.

Next breed: Andalusians. I choose a beautiful black horse that had a long mane covering his face. I didn't said anything to him, just hugged his neck, stroking him with passion. I glared him with a smile on my face and moved behind him. I had a stool and a condom with me that time. I had darker plans for him.

I got up on the stool and got my dick ready to fuck him. He didn't kicked me. Apparently he really had trust in me. I put on the condom and started penetrating him. I slowly thrust his warm hole. He didn't showed any reaction. Heh, he wasn't even feeling my dick, I imagine. I placed my hands on his huge ass as I fucked him. I grabbed his tail and gave it a bite, holding it by the mouth. I started pounding his ass faster. "Oh God! Oh God, your ass! It feels great!" I pounded as hard and fast as I could, until I came. My cock slid off his warm asshole. The condom was filled with his shit. I rested with my body on top of his ass. "*pant* *pant* Phew! Jesus Christ man, that was amazing. Thanks for that, you're a great fuck." i said tapping his butt. "Heh, must be weird to be fucked with a penis a quarter of your size. Oh my, speaking of penises..." His dick was hard.

I got down from the stool. I looked at his penis. "Hmmm... I have a plan. You keep your friend there hard, okay?" I went for the mountain saddle mare that was in heat. I penetrated my whole hand inside her pussy, getting her juice all over my hand. Then I went back to the andalusians. I choose another horse, a white one, and fisted him, getting the mare's juice inside and on the entrance of his ass. Then I took the horse I just fucked to him. He was still hard from our play time.

As soon as he smelled the juice, he started getting crazy. Neighing as loud as he could and jumping up. "Woah, easy there stud! You gonna get a piece of his ass, just be patient." I opened up the stable door and he wasted no time. Mounted the other stallion, which didn't protested, and tried to find his hole. I helped him out with that. "Yeah, good boy, show this fag who's boss." I said while still holding his penis. He gave deep and powerful thrusts. I don't know how the other horse didn't got hurt. He blew his load inside the submissive horse. The giant cock slid off his chamber, while the dominant one was still mounted. "That's it, good boy!" The horse got down from his fuck buddy. I went in front of the white horse. "It's an amazing feeling, isn't it? Being fucked like that by that fucking hot creature. *sigh* I just love being a faggot. I wish I could be a horse too. Because if I tried what you did as a human I would end up dead. Heh, you are really fucking hot too, you know? *smooch* I love you. Thanks for helping out our buddy back there. You won't be fucking anyone like he did though. I have other horses here on this farm that needs some special treatment from me. *smooch* But I'll be back for you whenever I can, and next time I will be YOUR faggot. Maybe, if I'm ready, I may let you fuck me, but I can't promise you anything."

So I moved on the next horses, the gypsies. I swear to God, the gypsy vanner is the most beautiful horse breed in the world. There was one in particular which I was madly in love, and it wasn't just lust like the other ones, it was true love. I didn't even cared about the other one's names, but I cared about his. Prince. A fitting name if you ask me. Black and white coat, the most abundant leg feathering you could ever see in a horse, and VERY long tail and mane.

I approached him and gave him a hug. He trusted me like no other. I always showed affection to him. I confessed my love for him several times before. He didn't understood my words, but he definitely understood my gestures. He placed his head on my shoulder as I hugged him. His mane was covering my whole upper body. "Oh my sweet Prince, if you could understand how much I love you. Stupid humans, would never understand what I feel for you. I love you Prince, like I never loved anyone in my whole life, human or animal. I wish I could marry you. I wish I could walk on the streets, side by side with you, and proudly show the people my mate. But of course, the conservative faggots think it's only sex between us. What the fuck do they know about love? Animals are not capable of verbalizing... do they need to? You can't say a single word to me, but I KNOW you love me. There's no need for words to show someone you love him or her. I love you Prince. I hope someday I can make this official." I looked him in his eyes. "I wanna have our first time, okay? I hope you'll enjoy it. I won't force anything, okay? Not with you."

I stroke his pelt with deep passion. You have no idea how much I love him. It's crazy. I slowly walked to his side, rubbing his belly. I moved my hand to his sheath. I stroked it. I stroked it until his dick started to show up. I knelt down as I slowly watched his dick grow up. It was even thicker than the others. I wouldn't be able to put it on my mouth, so I just sucked the very end of the tip. Sucked and licked the urethra hole as I stroked him with my hands. His dick stiffened, as his flare started to show up. He was really enjoying it. I could tell from his neighs. I started stroking harder, as he started thrusting. I hold his dick and opened my mouth, waiting for his milk. As he gave the last couple of thrusts, he emptied his load on my face and mouth. I rubbed his belly once more as I cleaned up the mess on my face. I stood up and walked to his face again, giving him another hug.

"Hmmmm, thank you so much for that, Prince. I dreamed about this moment since the first time I saw you. I'm not gonna fuck you, okay? You don't deserve it. You don't deserve to be treated like a bitch. You are a prince, and I am your bitch. I will NEVER make you go bottom, okay? I love you so much, baby. You're everything to me, okay? *smooch* I'll come back for you, okay? You're not just a fuck buddy to me. You're like the boyfriend I will never have. Because no human in the world could make me feel like you do. *smooch* I'll come back, okay? I promise."

And now, the last breed. I kept the best one for the end. The shire. The biggest horse breed in the world. I was so fucking excited. I went to the biggest one in the stable. His name is Thor. He is known for being the biggest shire in the whole world. 6'9 tall. A huge fucking beast. I never saw him hard. I was really fucking excited to see him erect. "Hello there big guy. Wow, you are so fucking tall." He could be big, but he was a sweetheart. He placed his mouth on my shoulder as I started to pet him. "*sigh* Jesus Christ, I just can't believe I'm gonna have the chance to have sex with a shire horse. I hope your dick is as big as you." I said, stroking his black coat. I went on to his side and knelt down. His sheath alone was the size of a black man's dick. I gently caressed his balls and sheath. He let go a playful neigh. Then the penis started to drop. My jaw dropped with it. It was more than 2 feet long. I almost fainted.

"Holy. Fucking. Shit. You're a really big boy, aren't you? I feel bad for any mare you will mate." I handled his dick. It was like I was holding a baseball bat. There was not way in hell I would be able to put that thing in my mouth. I decided I wanted to film myself doing him. It's not like anyone I know is a zoophile too. I grabbed my cellphone and clicked play on the video recorder. I filmed myself giving the horse a handjob. I stroked it for a good couple of minutes. I paused the video, then started to record me licking his penis. The body. The balls. Back to the body. The head. His urethra. Bestiality is not illegal in Vermont, but it is in most of the states. Even in Massachusetts, considered by many the most liberal state in the US. However, there is a legal loophole, the same loophole in the laws banning prostitution. In most of the states, having sex with animals it's illegal, but if you film your playtime, it counts as a zoo porn video, which is not illegal. I fucking love legal loopholes.

I gave him the same treatment as Prince. Sucked and licked his tip while masturbating him. He started thrusting. I wasn't ready for it, so the first thrust hit me hard in the face. "Ouch! Woah there, someone's getting excited here." I gripped his penis as he started thrusting harder. He gave me the loudest neigh I ever heard. It sounded like a fucking steam train. Then, he finally blew his load on me. I let his jizz flow down my body. My whole torso was covered in semen.

"Good boy. Now it's my turn." I picked up my trusty stool again and went behind me. But he was too tall. "Well, shit. I'm gonna need something bigger." I went inside the house and picked up a chair. Now my dick and his ass were on the same level. "Now we're talking!"

I started penetrating. Of course, he could barely feel me. But I could feel everything. Pleasure. Joy. His ass squeezing my penis. It was the best feeling ever. I could barely hold on for two minutes. I started stroking as hard as I could as I moaned and filmed the action with my cellphone. I blew my load on the condom after a while. "*pant* *pant* *pant* Phew! Well, that was AMAZING! Thank's Thor, you are the greatest fuck ever. Literally. I'm very proud to now that I turned the biggest horse in the world into my little faggy bitch. Don't worry though, I'll give you something that you'll love."

I went back for the mare in heat again. She was gonna get fucked for real for the first time. I took her to the shire stables. They all smelled her scent and started neighing with pleasure. The sound was deafening.

I put a condom in Thor. I didn't wanted the mountain saddle mare to be inexplicably impregnated. I took him to her. His dick was hard as a diamond. He smelled her pussy and gave a huge neigh. He sounded like a fucking bear roaring. Then he mounted her. Poor thing, she was a lot smaller than him. I helped him find the way to her pussy. He gave one big, deep thrust. She felt it, as she started giving painful neighs. He was hurting her. But I didn't cared. I went to her ear. "Is this hurting you? Well, too fucking bad. You are here so ME and HIM can have pleasure. I don't give a fuck if it's hurting you." He gave a few other thrusts, as he blew his load inside the condom. "Yeah Thor, show the bitch who's boss!" He got off from her, as I took off the condom. It had so much cum inside. I drank it all. Salty and delicious. "Well, I guess that's all I have for you Thor, thanks big guy. As for you, you fucking bitch, you better pray for mom and dad not to leave the farm all for me, because the next time, every single one of these shires will get a chance on you."

On the next hours, I experimented with all of the horses and mares I could. I lost count of how many it were. All I can remember is that it was amazing. I cleaned up everything afterwards, of course. And I also filmed everything. Every single time after Thor. I still haven't uploaded everything.

That night I slept soundly. My parents arrived on my bedroom, unsuspecting of the great day I had.

"Yeah, he's sleeping honey." My mom said.

"Good. Do you think his day was as boring as ours?"

"Heh, I doubt it."

"Soooo... he's sleeping."

"Yes, he is."

"And we're not."

"No we're not."

"....Wanna wake Prince up and have some fun with him?"

"Hehehe... I would love that. *kiss*"

"What do you think our son would do if he found out we do this kind of stuff?"

"Heh, he would probably run away from us."

"Yeah... let's keep this dirty little secret between us, okay?"

"Of course baby, of course."


So yeah, that's it for this story. The human character was partially based on me. Except for all the fun part. I never had a chance to have sex with a horse. I can only wish. >.<

Thank you for all the support and I'll see you on the next story! ;)

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