Solitary Romance Chapter One: Her Sweet Prince

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#1 of Solitary Romance

Lydia is a woman who does not like to share her feelings with just anybody. Quiet, restrained, private. She does have needs however; wishes and fantasies just like anyone, and this story is about those fantasies.

This is not just a story about masturbation. It's a story of self-discovery through masturbation, and I'm rather proud of it.

Solitary Romance Chapter One: Her Sweet Prince

Lydia was the kind of woman that you either loved or you hated. To her friends she was the life and soul of any social occasion she attended, the wittiest and smartest of their group by far, and someone without which their lives would be notably altered for the worse. Her group of friends was small though, just six or seven close individuals with whom she shared her time and her opinions. The rest of the world meanwhile either tolerated her, or disliked her in a more active capacity. She was haughty, closed and cold hearted. She was arrogant and impersonal. She was, in all respects, a grade A, first class bitch.

Whatever was thought of Lydia in public circles though, it was when she was alone that the tigress blossomed. She was a fiercely independent person, and though she did cherish the few friendships she was able to maintain it was when she was in more solitary situations that the female felt more comfortable, more at ease with herself and the world. In the past thirty three years of her life, she had tried of course; she'd recognised that most people didn't think or feel the way that she seemed to, and had tried her very hardest to blend in. At school she'd attended social gatherings with mixed success, and in her later adolescent years she had even explored the realms of romance and sexuality.

The tigress had been nineteen years old when she lost her virginity, and the experience had been... fine. He was older, a PHD student that she was assisting on a lab project in her spare time. Whether she had truly felt something for him or not, Lydia could not say, but he was a nice person, a good person, and he felt something for her. Thus, on the night he kissed her, she hadn't stopped him. In fact they'd dated for a full semester before that night came, the night upon which Lydia took Carlos back to her dorm room, took off the blushing, geeky rabbit's thick rimmed glasses, and asked him if he'd be her first.

He lasted an admirable four minutes and thirty two seconds; longer than many of the virgins that Lydia had observed in movies and other pop culture references. Nevertheless, he hadn't been able to make her cum, and though before the act itself he'd promised to use his fingers or tongue if he finished too early, after the fact he was too shy and too tired to do anything but cuddle up with Lydia and fall asleep. They had sex twice more, and Lydia even climaxed on one occasion thanks to some subtle help from her own fingers, but it became rapidly clear to Carlos that he wasn't the kind of lover the tigress wanted, if not actively needed. He broke it off, and while Lydia knew she should have been disappointed, she wasn't.

That was the tigress' first and last serious relationship. She had sex with a few more guys during her college years, ranging from the immensely well endowed jocks to the feverishly over-sexed type of geek that Carlos had wished he could have been, but while some of them made her feel very, very good physically, their time together was far more about the bump and grind than any true feelings. By the time college was over and done with, Lydia had more or less experienced all she felt she needed to from men, and thus she moved on with her life content to be single.

Two more years passed, two years of enjoyable nights lying back in bed with her fingers between her legs, or laying back in the bathtub and running the shower head's powerful, focused stream against her treasure, before Lydia's next interaction with non-masturbatory sexuality. It wasn't planned or sought out in any respect, making it one of the most spontaneous actions that the tigress had ever willingly engaged in, but one day as she drove home from work Lydia had noticed a store out of the corner of her eye which she'd never been into before. She made it her business to know the local shops so that she could find the best deals on food and other household goods, so she pulled over nearby and got out to get a closer look. What she saw surprised her, and intrigued her.

It was a sex shop. Nothing too high end and mainstream that only sold romantic lingerie and a selection of intimately pleasant vibrators, but equally far from the type of dingy and illicit store which possessed booths in the back and that unsettlingly sticky feeling to the carpets in front of the most well constructed display stands. Lydia went inside, just to look around of course, and after a short while browsing found herself talking to the female clerk. They discussed the benefits of sex toys over living partners, and while the clerk did have a partner that she loved very much she made it all too obvious to Lydia that many of the products they stocked had been very well researched by she and her lover independent of one another. Sometimes they fucked, and when they did it was wonderful. But on other occasions, quite often really, they just played together side by side, taking care of their own needs and delighting in the fact that they knew for certain their lover was being satisfied too.

That was the day Lydia's life changed for the better. That was the day she finally gained independence and freedom from the thought of ever needing a relationship again. When the tigress returned home later that same evening with a bag filled with purchases and a broad smile upon her face, she felt so liberated that she very nearly wept with joyous anticipation. She unpackaged her toys, slipped batteries into those that required them, and laid them out upon her bedside table neatly in a row. She watched them, standing still and drinking in the sight of those sexual accessories for almost thirty minutes before reaching out and handling them, touching them one by one. Each item sent a shiver running down her spine, and brought a strange tightness to her throat, as though she was barely holding back a moan of desire.

Already she could feel their personalities awakening. Already the first twinges of life were beginning to make themselves known within those inanimate toys, free from the guilt and supposedly necessary worry that one would find in a partner, utterly devoid of the emotions, memories and complex histories that made it so hard for anyone to find a truly compatible partner in this world. They could feel what she wanted. They could say, do and be exactly what and who Lydia needed them to be with a single thought from the tigress.

Lydia did not sleep that night, except for those moments where her body was fatigued to the point of fevered unconsciousness. The next day she called into work, feigning sickness for the first time in her life, and continued her explorations till shortly before dusk.

When she returned to her job the next morning, many people whether they liked her or not found themselves commenting to their co-workers and indeed to Lydia herself how re-invigorated and fresh faced the tigress was looking. If they mentioned it to her, Lydia simply nodded or said that they were right, because she felt it too. She gave them no other clues to the source of her outward happiness than that, but though it went unconfirmed the same thought occurred to all those who observed the tigress in the days to come. Though she came into work alone at the start of every morning, and went home to her single bedroomed home alone every night just as she always had, Lydia looked and acted like a woman in love.


From that point in her life onward, Lydia slipped into the same wonderful routine at the end of each working day.

Upon finishing the last of her paperwork, the tigress would clock out, walk to her car and drive home. Once there she would proceed swiftly inside, taking off her shoes and slipping them neatly into the rack beneath the hallway coat hooks. She would put dinner on to cook, and change into some more comfortable attire, sometimes jeans and a t-shirt, sometimes a simple sun-dress in the warmer months of the year, and sometimes just her dressing gown with underwear beneath, before returning downstairs to tend to her food. She ate leisurely, watching a quiz show or cookery programme on television, before washing the dishes, doing whatever chores were required around the house, and settling down in the living room to read a book or watch an hour or so more of TV. Before her normal bed-time approached the tigress would clean her teeth and herself as was needed, then meander towards her bedroom, usually nude or dressed in her gown alone by this point.

She would stop soon afterwards, always in the exact same spot just outside the bedroom door. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Lydia would force herself to calm down slightly. Her heart was always pounding by this point in time, and though her inwardly channelled advice rarely made any substantial difference, she never failed to give it nonetheless. All which then remained was for her to reach out and open the bedroom door, turn the light on, walk in, and first close the door, then lock it behind her.

Lydia sighed happily.

Glancing over to the bedroom window, firmly closed and the thick red curtains drawn firmly across it, she made her way to the foot of the bed. On this occasion she was wearing her silky blue dressing gown, open at the front to expose her firm but ample breasts and neatly trimmed pussy to the eyes of the only person watching, her own reflection in the full length mirror at the far end of the room. She disrobed here, casting the gown aside and shivering, relishing her nudity in this private, peaceful atmosphere.

Climbing up onto her bed, a large single mattress atop a solid wooden frame with the most gorgeously thick duvets and feather pillows, the tigress crawled on all fours from its base to its top, falling happily onto her side with her head burying itself amid her pillows. She reached out, blind but knowing all too well what was before her, and fumbled momentarily with the top drawer of her bedside dresser. Her fingers flexed and quivered in anticipation as they readied themselves to delve into that treasure trove, and it was in that moment that Lydia spoke, usually the first words she'd uttered to any living soul, herself included, since leaving work.

"Who's coming to visit tonight?"

There was no real mystery to Lydia's supposed 'blind' picking of her toy for the night's upcoming fun. She had long ago learned the feel of each and every one of her sexual accessories, and given that none of them were particularly alike that was no true challenge. There was something undeniably fun about picking without seeing them though, about fumbling over one toy, then another and another, before finally feeling that little spark of electricity as you touched upon the toy that your body called out for.

Tonight in particular it took Lydia a little time to figure out who she was going to invite into her bed for some good, not so clean fun. She wasn't urgent in her actions by any means, touching each toy one at a time, running her fingertips over its more useful areas and considering the pluses and negatives of each. There was a definite spark of anticipation in the air though, and even as she lay upon the bed in her naked state the tigress could feel her body readying itself for the approaching onslaught of sensations. For a few seconds her hand froze, ceasing upon one toy, and Lydia let slip a soft whine of excitement.

Could this be the one?

But no, it was not to be. Not tonight, at least. Her hand drew back to the previously touched toy, and strong, confident fingers clutched around its small, cool surface.

She sighed, and smiled.

"My sweet prince. Come tend to your lady love..."

It was comments like this, and more importantly the thoughts behind them, which made Lydia's masturbation so unique and personally fulfilling to the tigress. One might have assumed, as did the small sub-set of her already small group of friends who knew about her toy collection, that Lydia must have been rather limited in her need for sexuality or romantic affection of any kind. After all, she never showed interest in dating regardless of the gender, attractiveness or personality type of the person in question, and when pressed stated that her toys were all she needed. To their minds this meant that she must not have needed to masturbate much at all, and thus when the occasional mood struck her a toy was all she needed to rid herself of what were probably seen as unnecessary, selfish physical feelings.

They would never know just how wrong they were.

In truth, Lydia had quite the libido, but thankfully her toy collection and the whirring network of neurons which formed the tigress' mind kept her satisfied not just physically, but emotionally too. Each toy had its own way of satisfying her of course, for there were no two toys in her drawer that were exactly alike in their construction or intended purpose. More so than that however was the personality which each toy had developed since Lydia purchased it. Not a soul or a life that the female perceived to truly be real, she was not insane or delusional, but a fantasy persona that was tailored specifically to Lydia's needs. In this way Lydia's lovers never let her down, or disappointed her with a poor performance or lack of judgement. They never said the wrong thing or pushed her when she wasn't in the mood. They, by being an extension of her, knew exactly what she needed and when she needed it the most. They never got jealous of one another either, and that was a very good thing indeed, because Lydia's needs rarely stayed the same from day to day, or even night to night on particularly steamy occasions.

Tonight though it was the turn of Lydia's sweet prince, and he alone would stride valiantly forth to satisfy his beloved woman. Indeed even now as Lydia rolled over onto her back, the small metal vibrator she had withdrawn from the drawer clutched in her hands, she could hear his footsteps ascending the stairs within her mind. Soon she could practically see through her closed, ceiling turned eyes the handle of the bedroom door turning, sealed to all but his fair hand. Then, finally, she could feel the gentle flexing of the mattress beneath her as he sat down at the foot of the bed, just watching as she lay there, trembling, legs sliding lewdly apart, wordlessly pleading for his touch.

Lydia turned on the vibrator's motor with a quick twist of its black rubber base, and as it hummed into life within her fingers, she heard the Prince speak to her.

"You angel. You beautiful, heaven sent goddess..."

The female's toes curled as she imagined feeling a hand coming to rest upon her ankle, lifting her left foot up into the air and kissing it oh so gently. Her trembling right hand, clutching the vibe tight within its grasp, began to inch its way down her body. She squeezed her eyes even tighter together, and through them saw the Prince lowering her foot and kissing her ankle where he had handled it, then about an inch further up, and another inch higher after that. His eyes drank in the sight of her nude body with regal reverence. In years to come he would be king of an entire land, yet he would have given it all up to be able to gaze upon this beauty whenever he so desired.

By the time the Prince's lips were nibbling at the back of her knee, making Lydia squirm and gasp breathlessly, she had parted her legs wide and bent them at the knee to allow him better access. There was a dull humming in her ears, a hum that one could have chalked up to the vibrator still sliding its way down her body, but which Lydia told herself was the blood rushing to her head, cheeks flushing, so overwhelmed at being tended to in this manner by royalty. She shivered hungrily, and raised her head ever so slightly from the pillows to stare blindly down at the smiling creature now nibbling at her lower left thigh. The Prince was a fox, young and dashing just like the kind she'd grown up watching in the movies. He must have been about college age, but with the bejewelled rings upon his fingers and the solid golden crown tilting jauntily upon his dark haired head, almost hanging off one ear, it was obvious that he was no student.

He saw her looking, and Lydia's head fell back against the pillows with a giggle and a whimper of excitement. In the split second before their gazes parted she'd seen that look in his eyes, that knowing, loving look of a fur who wanted nothing more than to see his partner writhing in pleasure. She opened her mouth to tell him no, to take his time, but deep down Lydia knew that she was only fooling herself. Of course she wanted him to do it now. She was so very ready for this.

With trembling hands, the left holding onto the right for support, Lydia lowered the buzzing toy between her legs and touched it against her warm, already oh so slightly moist pussy lips. The breath she was holding escaped her in a sharp rush, and from somewhere south of her stomach full of butterflies the tigress felt a pair of lips brush her slit, a wry tongue extending and initiating a tender kiss, lips to lips.

This was the way he worked, that sweet, sweet prince. He never took anything for himself. Never even disrobed, not that she could truly see what he was wearing from the neck down. He just slipped into her bedroom, slumped upon her bed and proceeded to taste the delectable flesh of his lover's nether regions. His tongue ran its rough surface over her innards briefly, testing for moisture, pressing at her vaginal opening and driving Lydia wild with anticipation before drawing back, leading the tigress to almost scream in dismay. She couldn't stay mad at him for long though, mere seconds at most, for deep down the female knew that his tongue's withdrawal was simply a precursor to something else, something far more exciting and stimulating.

"I come here to you time and time again, and in between I search the lands of this world in the vain hope of finding a jewel so beautiful and radiant to gaze upon in the times when I cannot be with you. Yet I know in my heart of hearts that no such gem exists, for your beautiful ruby is one of a kind."

With every word the Prince uttered Lydia swore she could feel his breath washing over her stiff, aching clitoris. It was only when he pressed his muzzle up against her crotch though, Lydia finally relenting and pushing the vibrator against that bare, exposed nub of super-sensitive flesh, that the tigress dared give voice to the pleasure and desire building within her. She snarled happily, arching her back and lifting herself off the bed by her shoulders and feet, tail whipping back and forth beneath her as pleasure tore through her body. In her own world Lydia could feel the male's rough canid tongue lashing her clit, his lips locked around that stiff bullet, suckling, even grazing it with his teeth every now and then. The pleasure was intense and immense, almost too much to handle. Yet handle it she did, tossing her head and crying out in delight over and over as that intense, constant pleasure overwrote all sanity and reason that she possessed.

Intense as the pleasure may have been though, Lydia did grow more and more accustomed to it as it continued to assault her senses. She forced herself into... well, not quite silence, she wasn't that restrained, but her moans and gasps quieted themselves to quite a degree. In turn the Prince too seemed to relent a little, and while Lydia stopped rubbing the vibrator back and forth over her clit, simply holding it gently against herself in one particular sweet spot, so too did the Prince begin to lap at her more gently and rhythmically, treating her with the care and devotion for which she loved him so dearly.

With her body at the mercy of the fox's tongue and her ears ringing with pleasure, long since deafening the buzzing that had filled them earlier, Lydia opened her eyes. She didn't look down, didn't dare spoil the illusion, but with her eyes wide open and staring up at the ceiling, it still made the fantasy feel all the more real to her. Her bottom lip trembled, not in sadness but rather in longing, and moments later she found herself calling out to the man lapping at her burning clit.

"My Prince. Oh... oh god..."

He acknowledged her reverence, her worship, and pressed his tongue against her clit more firmly. Now Lydia really could hear her heart pounding through her own ears, but alongside it once again she could also hear the deeper, ever more intense hum of her toy hard at work. She pitied the women who were too sensitive for direct clitoral stimulation of this kind, and of course those who had never known a lover like the Prince before. It was such intense, direct, one dimensional pleasure that some might have considered it a dull or lacklustre way to receive sexual stimulation, but Lydia would have simply laughed at such a comment had it been made in her presence. The very fact that this pleasure was so solely focused was what made it so unique, and on days when all that the tigress wanted was to feel herself being worked closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy by that same constant source of bliss, it was more than perfect to satisfy her needs.

Lydia closed her eyes once again soon after, sobbing happily as she threw herself headlong into her fantasy deeper still. She wiggled the toy back and forth once more, away from her clit only to have it drawn back by some internal magnetism, and in her mind listened to the sounds of moist, wet slurping as the Prince noticed her growing arousal. He set about dealing with it instantly, his licking growing more urgent, eager, and altogether more pleasurable. His hunger for Lydia's throbbing clitoris seemed infinite and unstoppable, so much so that Lydia could not have pulled her hands back from where they were driving the vibrator against herself if she'd wanted to. He licked and licked with the same unbearable tenderness and affection that made him such a sweet guy, more than just a rich guy with a talent for oral. He huffed and groaned against her treasure, no doubt intoxicated by her scent and taste, lost in a sea of enticing pheromones.

"Oh yes... oh yes... oh yes..."

Rocking her hips in time with her repeated murmurs of lustful delight, Lydia squirmed and writhed madly where she lay upon the bed as the pleasure building in her loins began to intensify in that perfect manner that could only mean one thing. Orgasm. It wasn't here yet, but it was coming, and if the Prince didn't back off at least a little before too long, it was going to come crashing down upon them both like a raging river bursting its banks.

That tongue kept on working, lapping constantly, incessantly at Lydia's clit. The stimulation had been going on for so long unbroken that as the tigress tried to remember what it was like not to feel pleasure, she couldn't. All she could comprehend was the throbbing of her body, the pounding of her heart, the humming of the vibrator against her fingers and clitoris, and the fantasy of the Prince giving his all to her, one stroke of his moist, warm tongue at a time. He loved her, craved her, and now little by little, drop by drop he was consuming her. Lydia arched her back, driving her head back against the pillows, and growled a savage, desperate sound of rapture. It was coming. It was so close now that she could feel her clit stiffening, her pussy convulsing and clutching around nothingness, every facet of her body locking itself down and preparing itself for the frantic barrage of sensations that was surely about to overwhelm it.

For one last perfect moment Lydia pictured the Prince with his face buried in her crotch, so content, so happy to be bringing his lover such joy. His ears were flushed pink with delightful embarrassment at the cries and whimpers she was letting loose, and the corners of his muzzle were turned up in a giddy smile as he felt her loins trembling, fighting not to clamp down around his head.

Lydia didn't scream as she came, but only because her muzzle was hanging wide open, fighting for the precious breath that had been snatched away by the sheer force of her orgasm. The vibrator pressed against her clitoris had been holding her at a knife's edge in terms of what the tigress' body could handle for some time now, and with the added sensation of orgasm stacking atop that which had already been driving Lydia wild, it was too much to bear. Thus in that first moment of orgasmic ecstasy, as that initial tidal surge of pleasure crashed over Lydia while she drove her toy hard against her throbbing love button, beautiful agony tore to pieces what little composure the female had held in reserve. She pulled the vibrator clear of her ruby red nub, pressing it further down, between her glistening labia and into the embrace of that clutching, quivering passage which led the way to her most intimate depths. The damage was done though, and Lydia was forced to ride out her climax in a state of such helpless pleasure, thrashing and gasping for air and sanity in equal parts, that her fantasy was lost, replaced instead by the overwhelming physical ecstasy of reality.

The orgasm swiftly reached its peak, and after one ragged, breathless cry of pleasure had been pulled kicking and screaming from Lydia's throat, she began the sweet free-fall back to the real world which she had left behind some unknown number of seconds ago. It wasn't a sudden descent, but rather a gentle decline in the intensity of the blissful waves that washed over Lydia's body and through her dazed mind. For that reason it took some time, perhaps another minute or two, before the tigress could truly catch her breath. She shuddered, drawing in a weary lungful of air, and sighed in sweet relief as her body slumped back against the bed, limp and utterly relaxed.

She lay there for some time, unmoving, staring up at the blank white painted ceiling, just smiling to herself. The tigress knew that masturbation was a good way to calm down and unwind, but the feeling which overtook her at times like this was more than that. She was so satisfied, so content with her lot in life, able to appreciate it and revel in it in a manner that normally would have seemed greedy or arrogant. For now at least those feelings were banished by the residual afterglow of her orgasmic release, and Lydia was able to admit to herself how glad she was to be lying here alone. She didn't have to worry about someone else's pleasure, or their feelings, or even whether they were going to cuddle up a bit too close to her after they were done. There was no-one here to spoil the moment, and thus Lydia was able to savour it for that much longer.

The tigress rolled over lazily onto her front, sprawling out in a star shape with arms, legs and her tail all stretching out across the bed. Closing her eyes once more, Lydia summoned the Prince back to her side for a brief moment longer. She giggled as he knelt down above her and kissed her again, not upon her sensitive, still gently throbbing nether regions, but upon one fluffy, plump cheek of her rear. A soft, satisfied, gracious growl escaped the back of the tigress' throat, and with that the Prince was gone once again. He left without a word of complaint or even affection, knowing that it wasn't required or wanted. He left satisfied with what he'd achieved, and knowing that he'd be all too willing and able to return next time she needed him; a time that was sure to be never too far away.

After lingering in her lazy, sprawled out state for a few more minutes, growing more and more sleepy as the warmth of her orgasmic afterglow faded into fatigue, Lydia pulled herself briefly free from the gravity of her bed and stumbled over to the bedroom light switch. She flipped it, and with equal haste returned to the darkened embrace of her soft, warm sheets. Crawling under the covers with a loud, shameless yawn, the tigress flung out her limbs and leisurely spread herself across the bed yet again. Lying upon her back, surrounded by warmth and with only her head showing above the duvet, she smiled and blushed softly when one of her paws lazily drifted back closer to her body, and settled between her still rather widely spread legs. She wasn't aroused any more, but being alone and still relishing her solitude Lydia always enjoyed being able to toy freely and unabashedly with her body. Thus she touched herself, testing the sensitivity of her worn, weary nether regions and feeling how wet she'd become down there.

It was so quiet and peaceful as Lydia finished fooling around that she heard the slight wet slipperiness of her fingers departing from her loins, purring warmly to herself in response. She then lay still and silent, relishing the space around her, the freedom that came from knowing that right now she was exactly where she wanted to be, not just in life as a whole, but within her very own home and bed.

Only then, as she drank in the intimacy of her own surroundings, did Lydia recognise something that had entirely escaped her until now. She was still holding her toy. The vibrator, small as it was, could easily be felt within her right palm, and yet somehow the tigress had entirely forgotten about its continued presence after she'd bid a fond farewell to her royal partner. For a short while at least fantasy and reality had become so blurred that when one departed, Lydia had simply assumed that the other had too.

She was too tired to move any further than she already had, and too content lying in bed as she was to bother herself with moving even if she had found strength enough to do so. It was for that reason Lydia simply opened her palm as she drew in a deep lungful of oxygen and began to think whatever thoughts helped a person drift into sleep on a pleasantly warm, sexy summer's evening. She smiled as the little vibrator rolled out of her palm and off the ends of her fingertips, but did nothing else. It would no doubt be quite unaffected to know that she had discarded it so carelessly, and would hold no grudge if it was not cleaned and replaced in its drawer before tomorrow morning.

With that final piece of business dealt with, Lydia soon fell into a peaceful slumber. She was satisfied both physically and emotionally, and thanks to that fact was relatively certain of a peaceful, pleasant night's sleep. Indeed there was only one question that weighed upon the female's mind as she slept, and that was the same thought she happily considered each night after her fantasy lover's successful visit had concluded.

Who was going to visit her next time?

By Jeeves